
Frank tells Ian that Dan and Danielle are going up on the block; its a lock!

POV Holder: ? Next POV: Aug 25 (Saturday)
POV Used POV Ceremony Aug 27 (Monday)
HOH Winner: Frank Next HOH: Aug 30 (Thursday)
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Have Nots Dan
Last Evicted Houseguest Boogie and Ashley


1:30am Britney and Frank continue to talk in the HOH room. Frank says he doesn’t blame Ian. Frank says that Ian is just a kid and that he blames her people for talking him into doing their dirty work. Frank wonders how he can even trust Britney, and trust that she won’t scumbag him next week. Britney tells Frank that if he makes it to the final two there is no way he won’t win. She says that he had the hardest road to the end. Britney tells Frank that she would be okay with voting out Dan. Britney says that Danielle will never go against Dan. Britney says that Danielle will vote to keep Danielle to stay, even though she doesn’t want to be the one to send him home. Britney says that it is a good strategic move for her game. Britney says that Dan is a good social player, but that he has probably scum bagged her already too. Britney asks if they get rid of Dan this week, would Frank be willing to work with Britney, Shane, and Danielle? Frank tells Britney that he trusts her and wants to work with her. Frank says that he wants Dan out. Frank tells Britney that its possible she could be the replacement nominee if Shane were to in the power of veto and use it. Britney tells Frank that she will roll with him. She says that she would be happy with $50,000. Britney says that she thinks he will win this game. Frank starts talking about Dan and his game play again. Frank says that he doesn’t like Dan’s game and says that he thinks Dan is a coward for getting people to do his dirty work. Frank says that people thinks its cunning, but I think its cowardly. Frank says that if he gets Dan out, then he can rest a little easier. Britney says yeah for a minute. Frank agrees. Dan comes up to the HOH room. Dan tells them that he is going to bed and then tells Frank that he wants at least a couple minutes with him to talk tomorrow. Frank says sure.

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2am – 2:45am Frank and Britney continue to talk about Dan. Frank talks about all the shady things Dan did, he says number one he wanted to vote me out week 3, number two he made a final three deal with Boogie. Ian comes up to the HOH to talk to Frank. Britney lets them talk alone as she heads back down stairs. Ian tells Frank that he wants to bring Britney to the final four with them. Ian says that he is scared to let Shane get to close. Frank ask Ian if he will vote Dan out? Ian says that he hates to but that he will have to vote him out. Ian says that he thinks it’s a smart play and that he thinks a new person should win the game. Ian tells Frank that nominating Joe alongside Dan is too risky that that it would be better to put up Danielle with Dan. Ian tells Frank that a line in his HOH letter from his parents that really resonated with him was the one telling him to stay true to himself. Ian says that he did not do that tonight. Ian starts talking about how he likes Britney a lot, he says she is funny and cracks jokes. Ian refers to Britney as his mom and Boogie as his dad. Frank tells Ian that Dan and Danielle are going up on the block; its a lock. Frank says that he isn’t the type of person to say one thing and do another like how the others do.
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3am Frank is talking to Danielle up in the HOH room. Danielle is crying. She tells Frank that she knows that Frank and Dan have beef but that she just doesn’t know where they stand. Danielle says that she knows he is probably putting Dan and Danielle up. Frank tells Danielle that he is going to be nominating her and Dan for eviction. Frank says that he wants Dan out and says that he has to do it. Frank says that if Danielle wins the power of veto she would probably take Dan down. Frank says that he would have to send Danielle home if Dan comes down. Danielle tells Frank that she has loyalty to Dan. Frank says she expressed to him that she was riding with Dan no matter what. Danielle says that it’s because no one has asked for her word. Danielle says that no one has asked for her word except Dan. Danielle asks Frank to swear not to repeat anything she tells him. Danielle says that it was not all people saying stuff to him. Danielle starts throwing Ian under the bus. Frank asks so some of the decisions were made on his own? Danielle says that she is not saying anything, do you hear what I am saying. Danielle says that she thinks Dan would use POV to save her if he won it. Danielle says that she would be bat sh*t mad if he did but that she thinks he will. Frank says that it would change his opinion of Dan a little bit if he did. Danielle says that if Dan goes home, you will see that I wouldn’t have anyone. She says that Britney and Shane have each other. Danielle says that she hasn’t given her word to anyone else. Danielle says that she doesn’t go back on her word. Danielle says that she isn’t scared to take Frank to the finals.

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3:30am Danielle says that she isn’t scared even if he is a strong competitor. She says that she isn’t scared to go to the final two with him even though a girl hasn’t one against a guy in the end. Frank says that he is just glad that even though he is trying to get Dan out that she is still open to work him. Danielle says why wouldn’t she be willing to work with him. She says that she can’t hold a grudge against him for not liking her friend. Danielle say that she is not going to bullsh*t him and tell him she isn’t going to use the veto, that would be a bald faced lie. Danielle says that Dan is not going to. Frank tells Danielle that she has to make the right moves for her in this game. Danielle says that she doesn’t have anyone and would be loyal if she stays in the game. Danielle says that she isn’t playing for third place and that she wants to make a deal with one person. She says that she can work with a group but that she wants to be with one person. Danielle starts talking about being a teacher and how she has a lot of people rooting for her. Danielle and Frank end the conversation and she heads down stairs.

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4am – 5:25am Danielle heads to the bathroom and sits on the bathroom couch. She talks to Jenn about how Frank is going to nominate her and Dan. Danielle tells Jenn that if Dan wins the power of veto and takes himself off the block, that Frank will want me to go home. Jenn asks Danielle if she would out Ian. Danielle says that it’s not her style and that Frank probably wouldn’t believe her anyways. Danielle heads to the bedroom. She goes to talk to Dan in the have-not room. They talk about whether or not to throw Ian under the bus to Frank. Dan and Danielle head to bed. All the house guests are now sleeping.


123 thoughts to “Frank tells Ian that Dan and Danielle are going up on the block; its a lock!”

  1. what an idiot! who’s he gonna put up? Dan and Danielle?
    if you want Dan out put him up against Shane.
    and if Dan wins POV, he’s sending Danielle home? and leave Shane and Dan in the game?

    1. If he puts up Shane against Dan, Dan stays. Danielle and Britney would vote for Dan to stay over Shane, as would Ian. But let’s ignore that.

  2. God, I hate to say this, but something I saw Joe say on BBAD last week seems to ring more true than anything else for me right now, which is that the alliance between him and DDBS may lose one next week (which is now), but that they’ll recover. God Bless Frank and his passion (DRINK!), but I just don’t think he’s going to pull another week off after this one. I’ve heard him compared to Rachel and Brendan here lately, but I tend to think he’s more like Crazy James.


      He totally is

      He needs constantly to be in power or else he’s joining Ashley in JuryHouse

      1. i cringe to think of the house guests some of you people prefer to Frank. After all the hate he gets on this siste, and watching with my own 2 eyes seeing him be the one guy that actually makes deals and carries them out with actions while everyone else tries to get him out… Seriously who do you people like in this house? Such an unlikable bunch outside of frank that’s left

  3. Everyone out there that dislikes Frank you have to realize he knows the game, plays hard and wins competitions. I hope Joe, Jenn and Ian crawl back to him and join forces with him and take down Dan, Danielle, Shane and Brittany. We will see….and another week Frank survives.

    Just sucks Boogie and Ashley had to take two for the team.

    —Always on your team and looking forward to seeing what happens this week! Go Team Frank!!!

  4. Watching the quack pack come apart at the seems is just awesome. :). I like that Frank at this point knows he can’t win the game, but if he can do one thing before he goes, then he is a happy guy. Smart nominations also and if the right person wins Veto, its all golden.

    1. Do you think he’ll really be happy going out pretty soon, which is likely to happen? He’s said regularly that he’s one of the greatest players to play this game… ever. The greatest players ever don’t become that by being the third person in jury, which is what his future looks like.

  5. I’m not a Frank fan or hater really, but if he gets Dan out this week, I hope he yells out “THIS FOR YOU, OLLIE!” It would just be a really weird, random, superfan shoutout. It’s my dream that he says this if given the chance (which I hope he doesn’t. Go Dan!

    1. this is for OLLIE? i dont think ollie even cares… he was just in the house to from the showmance .. why else would he hook up with april….. and out of all BB houseguess they were the most sexuallyu active… i bet they dont even talk anymore

      1. The intent of my post went completely over your head. Don’t know why you even bothered to respond, especially in that tone. It would be a shoutout to all his fellow BB Superfans, much moreso than Ollie.

        1. Then why would he give a shout out to Ollie? that aspect is what confused me…. he would more than likely give a shout out to jerry,memphis/or brian i think if any of those 3 it would be jerry he would since dan kept him around until the final 3 because he knew that jerry was not going to be an issue …Ollie would not watch it anymore… jerry still would

    2. This is HILARIOUS! I wish he would do that but people who haven’t watched the show before like Joe and that weird girl who just popped up and got nominated last week would think that it was weird…but seeing as BOTH of Joe’s eviction “speeches” were ridiculous, I don’t think he has room to talk!

  6. Why kiss Franks a&* he will be out of power next week. Send him packing like he should of been before production saved him with the reset.

    1. see that’s it… why are they kissing franks ass…they don’t ha e to….they will lose one person this week and then frank can’t play hoh next thurs…it’s making it hard to watch them play into his dark power and not stand up for themselves.

      1. Maybe they’re just finally starting to realize that the Quack Pack doesn’t benefit anyone but Dan. Frank is a better player to align with anyway because he actually wins competitions.

        1. exactly, you’ll see that the numbers will shift and so will the alliances, and I think people are preparing for that…it’s not a bad idea to team up with frank who can more than likely save you if you get put on the block (or save himself) which keeps numbers in any alliance he has – and right now he has no one which makes it extra easy to negotiate with him (except for Dan)

          i don’t know, i try not to get too much into personal traits, but in terms of game play, frank has for the most part been honest for better or worse, even if that means saying and doing unpopular things in the house, i think he and dan are both playing well even if you dont agree with their politics – they are just playing it too different ways, which i appreciate as a viewer, but as a houseguest, i trust dan far less…

          and i think frank will have the rachel effect, where people liked her more when she was away from brendon, i think people will like frank more now that he is away from boogie and they get to know other sides of him which can really help his game (esp social game, the one area he is weak in), i never thought he was really that bad though, to me, it’s boogie who is more outspoken and arrogant, but again, even with boogie, i try to forgive these personal traits and look at gameplay

        2. 100% agree!!!! Nice to see some other ‘Team Frank’ folks!!!!! Too bad Boogie’s gone…….Hopefully Frank will keep things lively 😉

    2. Production didn’t save Frank. Britney, Janelle, and Dan saved Frank by voting to enter the game. Nobody forced them to push the button, and they knew the rules going in. Also, people forget that Joe’s ass was saved too by the eviction being canceled.

      1. The funniest thing about this is, Boogie Franks closest and best ally did not push the button thus not saving Frank. Even if only Britneys button mashing mattered, Janey and Dan pressed it too saving Frank. I know Boogie thought Frank was safe regardless but still it’s just funny that the other 3 coaches saved Frank and Boogie unknowingly didn’t save him.

      2. Frank’s A$$ WAS SAVED during reset. Production, if they had NOT wanted to save him could’ve easily waited another week to allow the coaches to come into play and they knew for a FACT that he was going home that particular week, the votes were all locked. He was going home, he was saved by production.
        Gosh, I thought Danielle had it bad for drinking too much of her own kool-aid. You are worse.

    3. Could not agree more. I’m rooting for Danielle or Brittney, but I’m good with any of the rest winning (though Jenn and Joe haven’t done squat). Anyone BUT Frank! I don’t care for his attitude or personality. I don’t care how many things he wins. Everyone else in the house would not stand a chance against him in final two, so no one should take him.

      1. ahhh yes danielle and britney. 2 very SPARKLING personalities…. lol..

        Annoying southern girl from the sticks that thinks saying she is a nurse might make her sound too smart. Or the girl that is managing to ride coat tails pretty far in now 2 seasons of big brother somehow

  7. Ugh. I just don’t get what AG sees in this idiot. He’s a stupid, dirty, racist hick who has absolutely no social game at all. He runs around the house bullying everyone, and yet she’s rigging the entire game for him to win. It’s disgusting and I’m sorry, I cannot and will not watch as they continue to edit this guy as some kind of likable underdog when it’s been obvious from day one that he’s a production pet and the game is being rigged in his favor. He was on his way out the door week one, when all of a sudden Ashley gets called to the DR and suddenly her vote was to evict Kara. She cried about it the next week because she said she was bullied into voting Kara out. He was on his way out the door again week three and he was saved by production when they canceled an eviction for him. He was once again on his way out the door week four, and then all of a sudden this plan to backdoor Janelle came into play. He’s like a cockroach…filthy and will not die. I call him Frankroach. What the hell is so special about this guy? I don’t get it. Last week, he cheated not only once, but twice on the PoV draw and then the PoV competition and production still keeps shoving him down our throats. Sorry, but this is definitely where I cancel my feeds and stop watching the broadcast show entirely because it’s so damn obvious that he’s going to win this game that there really isn’t any point of watching anymore. Congratulations, AG, you have your racist little hillbilly favorite, but you’ve lost my viewership and from the sound of it a lot more where that came from.

    1. i absolutely agree on this
      but you know what let’s see,
      if Frank’s HOH have a Pandora’s box with a I don’t know… a Diamond POV, or a hundred Diamond POVS, the Coup D’etat,
      then it’s absolutely rigged for him
      there’s no point of watching
      GRODNER should just put the $500000 check in that Pandora’s box and get this show over with

      1. Grow UP! The hint of Pandora’s box presented itself when frank and boogie were on the block. why so surprised frank is so strong? he has been consistent from the beginning. there have been very few players of his calibur. aren’t you sick of the hit and miss winners? great year! team Frank all the way……..

    2. Oh NO!!! Please don’t stop watching the show… That is the funniest thing i’ve read all morning… You take this show and game like it affects your real life and has a bearing on it. I could care less about what happens in that house I just enjoy watching it to see what happens. BTW you will be back next week with a comment of how someone else was screwed and how you will not watch anymore…

        1. I know what you mean screwing up that expression drives me nuts…and so does “bald faced lie” it is “bold faced lie”….like standing there with a bold face lying, not standing there with a hairless face lying.

    3. What did he do that was racist? Also, I am not sure what you are talking about in regards to cheating in the POV draw? Not saying you are wrong, just have not seen him do anything that would be considered racist.

    4. love, love, frank!!!!! phenomenal competitor, great social game with manners, he is the ONE this year i want to see win. no one holds a candle to him. dan never depends upon himself to further his game. he hides behind skirts, gymn shorts and every excuse he can think of while in his whiny voice toots his own horn. dan has absolutely do social skills and this is not strategy but an emotionally stunted guy!!! go home dan, you bore me to illness. do not respect you as a person not to mention as a man! poor wiffy!!!

    5. Nana must be running out of money to support his lazy a$$ if he can’t even get a decent haircut to GET a real job, he has to come on Big Brother to make easy money to live off of. She must’ve gave him an ultimatum, “Go make money or we’ll both be out on the street, I can’t support the both of us any longer!” LOL

      Go Team NANA. Get the bum off the couch to make some money.

      1. I think you must all be dan’s friends from the “real world”. such bitterness, false acquasations regarding frank’s comments and nature. he sure does make most of the other players look childish, and weak! hope frank continues to kick A..!

        1. Wrong!! If Frank’s “fans” are allowed to express their “hugely biased opinions” then it shouldn’t have to be a “big deal” for fans of Dan to do the same.

    6. 1. The numbers were against Kara staying and Ashley would have been dumb to go against the numbers. If she felt bullied by it, so be it.

      2. Why do you and everyone else just conveniently forget that Britney, Janelle, and Dan knew Frank was out the door but all voted themselves back into the game and essentially saved him? It’s like you people forget that the coaches have free will and THEY made the decision to allow Frank to stay in the game.

      3. Do you know how ridiculous it sounds when you say that production would rather save Frank than Janelle? Hell, production leaked a DR about Janelle getting backdoored.

      4. In order for him to “cheat” during the POV draw, he would have had to draw the Houseguest’s Choice chip to begin with, right? You can complain about him palming the chip during the redraw all you want to but he had to have drawn the chip fairly in the first place to have his hand on it.

      5. A lot of people said the same crap about Rachel last season and they still watched.

    7. what did he say that was racist? i missed it…..

      i definitely do not agree with any kind of racist comments, but jordan used to make them all the time and nobody made a big deal about it….and boogie was racist comments this season too

  8. aww poor babies.. throwing ian under the bus because you gone up and not even within 12 hours of frank winning his HOH…. way to go danielle…… hope dan stays and you get evicted…you obviously have no game …..

  9. Frank is such an idiot not to listen to boogie who told him that Ian is not to be trusted. Everything that frank blames on Dan is Ians doing and now Dan is prob going home. My hat is off to Ian though he’s a newbie playing this game better than any veteran has thus far. But when frank finally leaves and watches this back he is going to feel like a moron for trusting Ian.

      1. I don’t think he trusts Ian at all, but at the same time he is alone, he has no one, and doesn’t know who to trust. It all depends on how the week goes, people will have to prove trust to Frank now because its obvious, you have to backdoor Frank for him to exit the game and people are all scared to do it.

    1. I hope Dan “reminds” Shane and Ian how much heat he took for Ian’s actions last week. Brit won’t care, she is smart enough to know Dan out helps her game. But if Dan can sway Shane and Ian on a level they are foolish enough to buy, he only needs to mist Jenn or Joe to stay.

      1. I think Dan can get Ian and Shane–Joe will be the swing vote again and I have no idea what TP4L will pull out of his a$$ for reasoning and do this time around. Dan will have to do some major work if it stays as Dan V Danielle to stick around, but I kinda want to see Frank and Dan go after each other for a few more weeks.

      2. let’s be real about dan! ian was another outer shield, one more layer of insulation. dan wants to throw ian under the bus as of last night. he has no respect for anyone at any time. people are just pawns to get him further. it is odd how emotionally unattached he is as a person. dan doesn’t know how to have a truthful or enjoyable conversation with anyone, and he cares about no one! yes this is a game, but dan’s pathology runs DEEP! the season dan won, he did not really have a true alliance with memphis. if memphis lost any of the competitions manipulated by dan, he had the other three as his puppets. he absolutely kills the expression Dan the Man!

  10. I’ve found the last week or so of comments here particularly fascinating, even moreso than catching up on Simon and Dawg’s hard work, I have to admit. From a couple of regular posters here who are so in defense of Frank, they almost seem personally hurt that most folks don’t like him, to the Britney haters, the Dan must die people, to those still upset about Willie’s departure, the total absence of Jenn and Ashley fans, etc. etc. All of you and your opinions I honestly really enjoy reading, so thank you!:) Doesn’t matter if I agree with you or not… this is good stuff:)

    1. You forgot about Janelle’s fans!! How dare you?!

      and who cares about Boogers after today. 😉 ok. 😀

    2. hi Eripaul! like your take. it doesn’t matter what team anyone is on as long as we are enjoying BB14. i have commented on behaviors etc… but never a hater of anyone!!! you roc 🙂

  11. LOL! Hopefully Frank wins POV, too. I’d love to see either Crazy Dani or neutered Dan go home. Enough of this Quack Pack shit.

  12. Frank, don’t trust Quack Pack alliance. Put up Shane & Dan on the block. They screwed you. Better win your PoV and keep the nomination a same. Start focus on the game. Whole entire Fans counting on you.

    1. I honestly think the idea of Dan and Danielle is better. If Shane wins POV, he is safe and he will save Danielle. Then Frank just puts Brit up and sees who can get the social vote win. Ian will vote Dan out over Brit and Danielle will vote Dan out over Brit and Shane will follow suit, voting Dan out. Its smart. If Danielle wins POV, then she removes herself and then Frank has Shane or Brit as an option. If Brit wins, she will not use it all, knowing that Dan will be gone. If Ian wins POV, he wont use it to prove something to Frank. Its a great idea and it gives you options if the POV is used on getting one strong player out.

      1. @RSC, Don’t be so sure. Frank is smart enough to know that he can’t trust Quack Pack or Head Hunter Alliance. Frank will make sure he will win his 4th PoV! Beside, he not a fool. He too smart & he will keep steamroll Quack Pack.

    2. Wedge can you tell me why you love/like Frank so much?
      I really want to know because I just don’t get it at all.

      I am at the point in the season where I literally press mute when he is on the screen, I can not stand hearing his voice anymore, not to mention his pumped up “How great am I” talks. He thinks people will respect him for honesty, but honesty doesn’t make up for being a self-centered jackass.
      Gonna be a long week of watching him and his water bottle swish around the house, my mute button is gonna take one hell of a beating =(

      1. I agree!! I am still pe’od that Frank was saved with the reset. It wasn’t like they needed an extra person in the game. I will be SO bummed if Frank makes it to final 3, F2, etc.

      2. To Noname,

        i don’t understand the attitude towards Frank. although i am team frank to win, my confussion is based on what you write. he is the best competitor in the house, conducts himself so well in a climate of constant adversity, doesn’t complain and plays the game so well. why the animosity? if you are for any other player to win, i’m not trying to change your mind. however, your personal attack regarding frank reads to a point of absurdity! lighten up…. this is not a theraphy session, and the high school outlook is a little bit of a turn off! sorry, just saying…..

  13. Frank hasn’t won anything that either production gave to him or he cheated and production allowed it. I canceled my live feeds after yesterday. No point in watching productions patsy win it all.

    1. Give it a rest. It’s old. He palmed a HG choice chip he already drew and all the comps he’s won are because production strapped anvils to the other HG’s ankles and production used Jedi mindtricks for them to forget answers during quizzes.

  14. First time commenting but I’d just like to say frank is a piece of shit. He hates Dan so much for what ever reason that if freaking Joe went and pissed on his HoH bed that he would immediately come up with an exuse as to why it’s all Dan’s fault and how he’s out to get him. He claims to be such a huge fan but takes it so personal when someone wants him out ofthe game. If you were such a fan you would realize it’s just a game and just because you get nominated doesn’t mean you should throw a hissy fit because shits not being handed to you. Fucking punk ass bitch is all he is.

  15. Another week of Frank, ugh! That POV seemed so rigged, his box of balls was in the same spot as Jeffs was last year (at the end), it went so quick, did any of the other HG even find their second shamrock? Frank is doing great and will deserve the money if he makes it to the end, but geez, it would be nice to have somebody other than Shane and Frank win a HOH, it’s like watching the same show every other week.
    Brits goodbye message for Boogie was the best, I’m sure the DR had a lot to do with it but she pulled it off perfectly.

    1. Ian threw the POV to frank… ian was the first one and then he did a half assed job “looking” for that second shamrock to give frank enough time to catch up

      and shane also got his second sharock as he was running back to drop it off as ffrank was placing the veto hitting the button)

    2. yea I am huge Boogie fan, but that goodbye message by Brit was just classic. Boogie has a drink waiting for her at his restaurant for sure after that one LOL. And as far as the POV comp, Joe…of all people…Joe actually found his second shamrock and was on his way to put it down when Frank one. How odd is it in that comp that it was Joe who came up second? POWERHOUSE…LOL.

    3. Actually yes, both Joe and Shane had their second shamrock in their hands when Frank won so your rigged theory doesn’t hold any water.

      1. The “conspiracy theory” is still alive because production wants it that way.Several other players had their 2nd shamrock,but conveniently AFter Frank was on his way to push the button…….

  16. If he is not able to get ride of Dan then Shane should go, i am also hella tired of Jenn, Danielle and Joe – exit stage left please

  17. As if there was any doubt, Janelle CANNOT see the future. Janelle’s final 4 vison (Joe, Shane, Ashley and Danielle) was shot with Smashley’s eloquent departure.

    1. Got an error message, trying again…. That’s brilliant!!! I’d totally forgotten about Janelle’s psychic powers, LOL!!!!!!

  18. So i noticed that Frank has taken a huge leap in the poll for favorite, and I can’t say it isn’t well deserved.

    As for people hating on him saying he is a mean bully, he really isnt any different from any other houseguest in that aspect on the scale of mean things said. Most of the houseguests have talked just as much crap and they havent been on the block the majority of the game.

    Take Brit and Danielle for instance they over exagerate everything and if they had been on the block for the same amount of time as Frank and been lied to and shapshifted nearly as much as frank they would be messes.

    Brit has so much anguish over the brigrade stumping her yet has never been straight forward herself.

    Im for Shane or Frank winnign due to having the most blood on thier hands and I really don’t want someone to win who has had other people do the dirty work. I prefer frank because he has made bb more interesting to watch

  19. Either Frank is good or everybody else sucks!!!!
    make the game little easier please so everyone can play….

  20. I am definitely ready to see Dan leave NOW.
    (And Britney right behind Dan.)

    Time for the newbies to be on their own.

    1. If the remaining coaches left next in order, leaving only newbies… Do you think they would revert to team Boogie vs The Rest?

      Original Boogie Team
      Jenn (who?)

      And The Rest

  21. I would be very happy if they outed Ian. That would definately break up the Quack Pack (well at least Ian will leave). Then Frank would threaten and scare the shit out of Ian causing Ian to (trustfully) ally himself with Frank to prove his loyalty. I really wish Frank would put the scare into Shane and put him up with Dan.

  22. Dan and Danielle should TOTALLY THROW IAN UNDER THE BUS! That idiot is throwing Dan under the bus and telling Frank that he shouldn’t put up Joe when the alliance agreed that they were going to try to convince Frank to put up Joe alongside Dan. Dan took all the heat for Ian last week so the very least he can do is try to give Dan a shot to stay. I went from being annoyed at Ian to loving him to grrr hating him (lol).

    1. It doesnt matter what Dan or Dani says. Frank’s mind is already made up and his target is Dan. The only way for Dan to stay is to win Veto because he does not have the votes.

    but you know what let’s see,
    if Frank’s HOH have a Pandora’s box with a I don’t know… a Diamond POV, or a hundred Diamond POVS, the Coup D’etat,
    then it’s absolutely rigged for him
    there’s no point of watching
    GRODNER should just put the $500000 check in that Pandora’s box and get this show over with

  24. i love how britney apparently hated ashley and wanted her gone because she was “sick of all her lies.” britney is a loser playing for fourth place again this year and she’s such a hypocrite…i mean did she even watch her season, where basically everything she said was a lie (and she still got played by the brigade LMAO), not to mention this season, how many lies have you told britney? mrs.pot, meet mr.kettle. and i hate how she constantly mentions boogie as being the person that sent janelle packing, yeah boogie came up with the plan but i’m sorry britney did you or did you not lie to jani’s face and then vote her out, i don’t remember boogie holding a gun to her head in the DR as she placed her vote. britney’s super catty and a coward who likes to play bb mastermind behind closed doors but when someone calls her on her s*** she likes to sit back and pretend to be an innocent girl whose played nothing but a clean game and was forced into getting rid of her bestfriend/someone who wasn’t even coming after her.

  25. Frank will get Pandoras box this week and it will protect him in some way next week (DPOV or CDT)

  26. It is no wonder Frank has hemorrhoids, he has been screwed by every person in the house.


  27. You gotta respect Frank (even if you don’t like him) for winning all these comps when he had to and another thing I respect him for is being straight up with Danielle and telling her she’s going up with Dan and if he wins the POV she might be the one going home! He’s being honest and I like that. That’s something none of those pussies did when they put Janelle, Frank and Boogie up! They lied and lied and lied, it was pathetic!

  28. @ TeamFrank : Thank you! About time someone else finally looks at it from a clearer point of view and not a conspiracy one. Because Britney, Dan and Jannelle all wanted to play this game again, they prevented Frank from leaving and flipped the house around. If those 3 never would’ve hit the reset button, Frank would be sitting home a long time ago.

    @Thedilsnick : Frank isn’t an idiot. Yes, he told Ian about his choices for nominations, which he also told to Britney and Danielle. Why wouldn’t he? They pretty much knew it was gonna be Dan and another one or their alliance. Frank wants to be as straight up as he can try to be, which I think he is genuinely doing the past few hours of the night. Why would he waste an HOH on Ian, the kid is scared of Frank now. Gameplay wise, it’s better for Frank to get rid of either Shane or Dan this week, cause a rift in the Quack Pack and possibly make himself an ally or 2 heading further into this game. Obviously he can’t make it to the end on his own.

    @Deb : Why are some of you people so hooked this season on production conspiracies? At first it was funny but now it’s getting sad and pathetic. Yes, I’m sure they must have tweaked things in past seasons, maybe once in this season as well but why does Frank’s every win since the twist have to be immediately flagged and labelled BB rigged? I think your hate for Frank has brought your mind to sudden and alarming level of delusional and should require you see therapist or anger management class because it’s just a show on television of people you have really no relation to what so ever except either spying on them 24/7 or seeing them on TV 3 hours/week.

    I’m obviously rooting for Frank now, but I’m not totally blinded by it to overlook everything. Some of you haters just bring it to a whole new ridiculous level.

    1. Love it! Especially the part about everyone being hung up on all Frank’s wins being rigged! I can’t believe people can be so stupid as to actually believe that!

    2. being someone who agrees with the production rigged argument.. I wilkl agree that he has been insane in the competitions… even though ian threw the last POV to him he has played a good game… and the reason why everyone wants him out is because of the fact that he is a strong competitor. and everyone knows that if he goes tot he final 2 he will be declared the winner so they have to get him out

      Give him some time in the Jury house

  29. I said it before, and I’ll say it again…they handed Frank the $$$ when they evicted Janelle. Not going to waste time and space explaining the whole process, but it should be blatantly obvious to everyone by now. Even with only himself vs. the rest of the house, he has everyone kissing his ass and worried (apart from maybe Dan). Dan isn’t scared, he’s far too logical (same could’ve been said for Boogs and Janie too). This crowd though can’t even suck up the fact that one of them goes home this week without breaking down. IDK, maybe it’s the time spent in the house that does this to folks and details begin to blur (i.e. Boogie not being able to remember the only person he told about Brittany/Shane suggestion was Ian). At any rate, their only chance to get Frank out is to put up two pawns, hope like hell he doesn’t win POV (get more power and control on who goes home the next week), and backdoor the guy once and for all. That’s it. It is no more complicated than that. If they can’t pull together and do it, then they lost, and imho they’ve already lost because you could tell from weeks ago that this group needed strong adhesive to withstand a true storm (Dan NEEDED Janelle to stay and help hold it together and compete in comps).

    Still say that both Frank and Shane are missing a golden opportunity to coast to final two by not joining forces, but hey…whatev, not my $$$.

    This isn’t a rant for or against anyone in the house. Just seems like the cards that BB dealt, and what we are almost inevitably stuck with at this point. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong…we’ll all see in the next couple of weeks.

  30. I don’t feel sorry for Ashley, the floater. She did win the kissing competition. And to say that she’s with the guys just to pass time was hilarious because she showed her true immoral colors. Just too bad it bothered Ian. The quack pack should have listened to Ian about who he wanted to nominate. Ian should have voted to keep boogie, and not tell Boggie anything when he walked out the door. And he should have thrown the HOH when Brit was still up. He would be looking better now. I still want him in final two with anyone.

    1. Yeah, totally agree he should have thrown the HOH competition and let someone else try to pick off Frank. I would have denied the hell out of not voting for Boogie or voted and blamed on someone else…like Joe turning his back. Ian is pretty good….but I think he will be out sooner than later. My 10yr old is rooting for Ian.

  31. BRITNEY has been the problem all along and Now, she is spilling her guts to Frank.. Selling Dan out Big Time, and blaming what SHE did on Dan!!! .. She is a loud, sneaky and boistrous Witch! .. But Danielle went and discussed it with Dan last igh, as I knewshe would!! – Dan has a plan.. If he can get to talk with Frank!

    1. Frank better wear a tinfoil when he talks to Dan because Dan has the superpower of making people believe his BS.
      If Dan comes to you and suggests anything, it is to promote Dan’s best interests and you should do the opposite.
      This is true almost 100% of the time.

  32. I would like for frank to nominate dan and shane, but I like how he mentions to britney to her face, that she will be the replacement if either dan or danielle wins POV. frank is not falling for Ian’s BS either, frank knows Ian sold him out. Ian nominated frank for eviction less than 24 hrs ago, and frank knows Ian played a part in getting boogie evicted. the QP quickly crumbling in front of our eyes.

    1. He basically said the same thing to Danielle…”if Dan comes down, you’re going home”.

  33. I totally agree that Britney is as much of a sneaky con
    artist as Dan. The only difference is that Britney does
    more talking during her conning, and Dan does more hugging
    and reading the Bible.

    1. whenever Dan is reading the bible, you know he just screwed someone over.
      I am surprised Boogie, an experienced poker player, didn’t pick up on the other people’s tells.

      Britney is obvious when she is lying – she has exaggerated facial expressions and looks away a lot.
      Ian is visibly nervous; you can see it all over his face, plus he rocks and also looks away.
      Dan is good at lying, but you can tell he lied after the fact because he becomes quiet and avoids the person he just lied to, or if he has just screwed you, the bible comes out.

  34. Frank eventually is going to have team up with someone…He’s going to turn into a lone wolf like Powerhouse is, and he can’t keep winning POV’s for forever…

  35. Now that Boogie is gone….rooting for brit. Got to give Frank props on winning and dodging another eviction, but you know why couldn’t someone else win…something. I have been saying since week 2 your going to have to back door Frank to get him out…..why give him the option to play for veto’s…dumb asses he will win. Hoping Danielle goes home b/c her voice just irritates me and they way she is throwing her self at Shane….damn girl, I wish they would bring Cassie back and see how much attention she gets then from Dan and Shane…

      1. Either one would be way too hot for any of the guys in there to think straight.

        Now there’s an idea for the next BB season…6 of the hottest women vs. 6 of the hottest dudes. Mix in copious amounts of alcohol and AG’s baby would be sittin on top of the world again. Better do it quick though, between getting older, getting married, and/or getting knocked up…that particular past pool of HG’s is getting smaller and smaller.

    1. Nobody else wins anything because they don’t have to.
      Did you see Ian’s face when he won HOH?
      He was not happy. He tried to throw it so he wouldn’t have to get blood on his hands but he got outsmarted by Danielle who threw it even worse.

  36. I have a feeling Jenn or Joe are going to float to the final 2 if people aren’t careful…Team Powerhouse!!!

  37. I’m finally posting for the first time ever – I have to speak up about the reset and about the “cheating event”. Clearly the reset was done by production to save Frank – for those of you saying if the coaches hadn’t reset Frank would go home, I remind you that the instruction was that if they reset, everyone stayed in the game, but if the DIDN’T reset, an evicted houseguest would return (of course that would be Frank, he would compete against jojo and kara to return)

    Think about it – that’s exactly opposite of what should happen. You are adding 4 players to the game and instead of offsetting that huge influx with the eviction of a current houseguest, you go ahead and keep the houseguest that is going to be evicted too to create a situation where you have so many people no one can even figure out how enough houseguests will be evicted in time for the season to end on time.

    Re: the “cheating event” – the palming of the chip isn’t the issue in my mind. The fact that there were two houseguest’s choice chips in the bag (which we’ve never seen as far as I can remember), and Boogie was allowed to give Frank instructions on fold or stay, are what make that pov suspicious to me.

    Anyway, I am obsessed with this site, have read it for a few years and enjoy absolutely everyone’s input (with the exception of nutcase wedgie)…going to donate right now. Thanks Simon and Dawg!!!

  38. Has anyone ever noticed that Joe never washes his hands after using the toilet? And then he proceeds to go right out to the kitchen and handle food. GROSS.

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