“fight like hell for the veto, if you leave Shannon, the boys are going to pick us off so easily”

9:55am Omarosa and Shannon
Shannon says she was fighting for Omarosa to stay the whole time
Omarosa – game aside I worry about you…

Feeds flip to Ross and Marissa…

When we’re back Shannon is crying…
Omarosa – Can we just start fresh?
Shannon- Yes
Omarosa- They want you out.. I’ve been saying this since day 1 I don’t want a boy to win
Omarosa – I want you to win the veto and stay.. promise me that you will win the veto and stay.. they are teaming up with James
Omarosa – lets start new let’s think women let’s come together
Shannon – he’s got the boys
Omarossa – he’s got Ross and Marissa, they cut a deal already

Omarossa – Let’s start fresh, think strategically, and not let them pick us off.
Omarossa bring sup how the other girls are saying Shannon shannon “The men are going to take over and we are going to be at home kicking ourselves. Can we just squash everything”

Shannon – If I don’t win there’s not enough votes to keep me anyways
Omarossa – yes there is.. you really gotta talk to Ari and Brandi they are pissed at ross
Omarossa – there’s a small opening for you

10:15am Brandi and Shannon
Brandi says something isn’t making sense because they (Ross/Marissa) are fighting to get rid of Shannon so hard right now.
Brandi says James is much stronger physical target.
Shannon says that Omarossa thinks Ross and Marissa have a deal with James.

Brandi says James is getting cocky again he can’t hide it.
Brandi – Ross has a deal with every single person in here
Shannon – yes

Shannon says if she stays and wins HOH she will put up who they want. She suggests they put Ross/Mark up if she wins the veto.
Shannon brings up James telling her that he’s after Ari and Brandi but wants Brandi out because she’s pulling the strings

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Omarossa – You can win it. This is yours to win… just so you know they want you out.. As mad as we got at each other, I am still fighting for a woman to win. and if you leave Shannon, the boys are going to pick us off so easily.. please fight for veto..
Omarossa – Marissa and Ross have already teamed up with Mark and James.. they made a deal
Omarossa – fight like hell for the veto .. because Ross and Marissa have made it very clear..

Shannon asks if her and James stay on the vote.
Shannon – would Metta vote with the guys
Omarosa – he’ll vote with me Ari and Brandi

Omarosa says Metta came to her and said get James out.
Omarosa – you got me Ari and Brandi..

They hope it’s OTEV today..
Omarossa was the one that wanted to backdoor Shannon

10:27am James, MArissa, Ross, Omarossa
Shannon is listening in on the conversation where Omarossa is calling James out for twisting what she said. (hard to hear cause all the cameras are on Shannon)
You can hear James saying he didn’t twist anything..
James tells them they can watch all the tapes after he never lied.
James explains what happens ” I don’t need to have anymore conversations about this that is what happened” (Something about Keshia)

James walks out “done with it” he walks to the kitchen where Mark and Metta are “trying to throw you’re boy under the bus it’s not happening”
James says he loves Omarossa but she was just freaking out on him.
James – Omarossa came and started stiring stuff up “Dropping bombs that weren’t true.. saying I’m the target the whole house is against me again
James went to speak to Ross and ask if that was true and they said it’s not.

they hug it out.. “start new”

1:20pm Brandi and Ari
Brandi – it’s really frustrating we have to vote for James even though he wants us gone
Ari – it is.. I cannot believe.. we have to win the veto
Ari says it’s not like Ross is saying they have to win it.
Brandi – even if we win it we have to keep Shannon, right?
Ari – she’ll go after us too
Brandi – she knows Ross is running sh1t, he’s trying to convince her it’s me
Ari – why is he doing that
Brandi – we’re the only ones loyal to our group
Brandi about Ross – he’s making sure he’s friends with everyone and he has an alliance with Mark, Marissa, he’s got our four.
Brandi – he’s got a final 2 with Metta even though it’s a joke he still does

Brandi says Ross wants James to win the veto.

2:00pm James, Ross, Marissa, Ari and Brandi

Brandi – we’re going to save you obviously if one of us get the veto.. we don’t want you to go we want Shannon to go
Marissa – we want Shannon to go
Brandi says she wanted Shannon gone the night Keshia was here.

They agree if Omarossa wins she’s saving Shannon and she’s now talking shit about James.
“She’s looking for an ally.. she knows we want her out next”
Ross – that is what this conversation is about… after Shannon goes

James says he’s here to play the game and if that means he has to work with them he will. James is excited to play with them and if they have 2 or 3 people to get rid of before him “I’m onboard with whatever that means”
Brandi says if James wins HOH he could put of them up but if they win HOH they want Omarossa out.
Ross – she’s spreading LIES ..
James calls Omarossa a pathological liar
They agree Omarossa is slipping up and making mistakes.

James mentions if SHannon wins the veto or Omarossa and Shannon comes off are they willing to put someone else up and have them leave in place of him.
Brandi – we could put Omarossa up but we would have to make a bigger deal than.
James – it would be Omarossa and me on the block that goes back to the original plan so what kinda deal do you want to make
Brandi – I don’t know I haven’t thought of that

James wants Final 5.

Brandi says their plan was to have Shannon backdoored and put Omarossa up, “it just all feel to sh1t because Keshia left”
Brandi – Keshia and I had a deal
James – I will play a long

Ross – James once we found out between you and me that she’s been playing this game with Omarossa the whole time..
Ross – you were never the target

They start going on and on about how dangerous Shannon is in this game because she knows it so well.
Ross says all Omarossa does is muddy the waters. they all agree
Ross impersonates how Omarossa changes the topics when you confront her.

James gets up to leave..

On his way out Ross recommends James and Brandi still keep their fight going.
James – Done

After James goes they talk about who they want out more Mark or Metta
Brandi – if Shannon wins tonight James is going home
They laugh..
They agree not to use the veto on James if they win it. They will just tell James “hey we won’t use it you are safe”

2:55pm Drinking Brandi, Ari and Marissa
Brandi says James is more trustworthy than Shannon

2:56pm Omarossa and Metta
Metta say he thought James and Shannon had an alliance but they don’t
Metta – it’s so funny I’m trying to get out but I’m in the game
Omarossa – oh you’re in it .. you’re in the game.
Metta – I just learnt about the backdoor situation
Omarossa – they could still backdoor me or you, nobody is safe
Metta – hell no

4:45pm Feeds have been on Pound Kitties for Veto

8:16pm feeds still down
10:17pm Still not back yet..

10:56pm Still on the dog pound…

11 thoughts to ““fight like hell for the veto, if you leave Shannon, the boys are going to pick us off so easily””

  1. Love love love Metta! He cracks me up mega times! Just watching him adds a smile ?. He’s kinda like an innocent rabbit, an airhead.

    I’ve stopped watching big brother after they fixed that bloody Nicole to win.

    But, I must add I love the drama and hilarious moments from celebrity big brother, I love they show the real results (they tend to fix this in many other veto competitions before) … so amused am I, I subscribed to big brother access?????

    I sure hope Metta wins. He’s not funnay AND amusing for words ???

  2. It is becoming clear that cbs wants omarossa in the house to bash Trump. They will not get rid of her.

    Shannon is HOTT

    that is all I have to say.

    okay well maybe i will add Marissa is butt f’n UGLY with make up on or off

  3. Omarosa is really trying to get someone on her side now that she knows she can be out next week it’s kinda sad at this point she should’ve done some work in the house prior to this week not this actual week and now she is in trouble next week and I don’t feel bad about it .

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