Fes “So House Meeting guys! I wanted to let y’all know..”

POV: Brett Next POV: Aug 18th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 20th
HOH: FES Next HOH: Aug 23th
Noms: Brett & Scottie Have Nots

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12pm Backyard. Angela and Scottie. Angela – I am going to play this game to what benefits me and not what benefits everyone else. Something happens and people forget. They’re not even going to remember that you had their back. When it comes down to it all we have is our word. I’ve just tried to always keep my word to the people that I am loyal to. Scottie – did you eat sh*t (fall down) in that comp? Angela – no. Scottie – damn! Angela – I heard you poured vegetable oil on the floor. That’s f**ked up but its hilarious. Scottie – yeah, if there was a liquid I could get my hands on I poured it all over the floor. I also broke the glass.

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12:27pm Backyard. Scottie – literally the last two weeks she’s (Haleigh) spent all her time with me and then the second he wins HOH she’s been up there almost every second. Tyler – you guys had a long talk before the veto right? Do you think she knew what was going to happen (Scottie getting nominated). Scottie – he (Fes) claims and she claims that she didn’t but I think that she did. Tyler – I figured you guys had hashed it out because that’s why you picked her for the veto. Scottie – one because I knew I could beat her and two I’m still in the middle of extract my revenge plan. I don’t ever want to think about any comp I came in second. I think they’re still upset about what I said to you about the hacker thing when you got pulled off the block. They asked me what I would do if I won the veto and I said I was f**king pulling Tyler off. They didn’t like that. They don’t like my relationship with Tyler.

12:40pm Fes calls everyone to the living room. Fes – so house meeting guys! I wanted to let y’all know.. just kidding! Fes – as head of house hold I must name 3 house guests to be havenots for the week. I choose .. JC.. Sam – not Scottie! Don’t pick Scottie. I’ll do it. Fes – Sam, and … Tyler. They were like who are you going to choose? I’m like JC for sure .. well you cop’d out last time. Scottie to Tyler – welcome to the three time club.

12:50pm Backyard. Tyler, Sam, Scottie and Fes. Tyler – I wish I would have eaten breakfast though. F**K! Fes – well we didn’t know. We had that two week break. Tyler – I thought you were joking. I thought there was a new twist.

1:10pm Brett and Angela in the backyard. Brett – I just totally expected it to be me.. I was like oh here it comes. It sucks but it shows his cards. Angela – oh I know. 100%! Brett – I am honestly shocked right now. I was just waiting for him to say my name. How many times has she done it? Angela – 2. There was no way it hell I was going to be like pick me. Brett – yeah.

1:50pm Pool suntanning.. Fes joins Brett by the pool. They talk about how only 3 votes are needed. Fes – then I do whatever I want (break the tie). Fes – so you swear you voted to keep Rockstar? Brett – yeah. Fes – and its not even, I don’t care. For the most part I haven’t voted with you, which isn’t a problem for me. If you wanted to keep the other person on the block more than that person. Whatever. It when you’re saying you’re voting a way and then you don’t vote that way .. that’s what I have a problem with. Brett – I know. When the Bayleigh thing happened I told you which way I was voting. Then the Rockstar thing we made amends and voting for Rockstar was my leap of faith with you. Fes – when both of you raised your hands I didn’t know what to do.

2:25pm HOH room. Brett and Fes. Brett – I could only hear every third word out there. And I didn’t want to do that out there in front of everyone. I didn’t understand what your plan was. Fes – my plan was .. Scottie’s been turning everyone in the house against everyone. With the votes and whatever else. My plan originally was to put you up with a pawn. So that way it seemed like I thought you were lying. Now whoever I put up goes home. Brett – the only person I can think who is close to him is Sam. Fes – and Sam has been acting weird. Who do you think is my best bet. Brett – I don’t, I don’t think it matters. When I put you up you walked away like whatever and he started explaining things and throwing people under the bus. Brett – every time I get close to Scottie .. I get f**ked. In the beginning we were close and then he threw Winston and I on the block.

2:30pm – 2:55pm Bathroom. Tyler and Haleigh. Haleigh – I need to talk to Angela but I don’t want her to feel like I’m coming at her.. Tyler – I already talked to her. And her and I are on the same page with that. Haleigh – okay good. I didn’t want her to think I was coming at her with bullsh*t. People are coming up to Fes and I saying you’re going after Tyler and Angela right. ..like literally point plank. Like not even a second thought. The good thing is when Fes says something he does it. No one is going to think Angela and I would work together. And once Scottie is gone… we’ve won the majority of all the comps. I am definitely on board. (final 4 deal: Fes, Haleigh, Angela and Tyler) I want her (Angela) to hear it from my mouth.

2:40pm Tyler, Kaycee and Angela. Kaycee – Scottie said that he’s going to say some crazy speech tomorrow. Scottie said that there is pretty much one person that is behind all this… that’s pretty much all I heard. Tyler – I don’t say anything about Haleigh .. because this could just be his plan to get one of us thrown up on the block. Kaycee – I just don’t trust the kid. Tyler – you know its justified when even Fes doesn’t trust him. He is just sketchy. Kaycee – who do you think he will put up as a pawn? Any idea? Tyler – no.

3pm HOH room. Kaycee and Fes. Fes – which ever one of you three go up, you have the other two for sure over Scottie. Do you believe that? Kaycee – yes. Fes – you 100% have JC over Scottie. He doesn’t trust him. Haleigh will respect what I want. That’s four. And we only need three and I break the tie. Kaycee – but Haleigh put me up and her and Scottie are like this. Fes – Scottie just threw Haleigh under the bus to me. Kaycee – Scottie just told me he is going to have a crazy speech tomorrow. Fes – tomorrow.. oh sh*t! He threw her under the bus today so when I tell her that she will for sure vote him out. If I put Sam up she might go home. Kaycee – what no. Fes – Sam has been acting crazy too. There is no way he stays this week. You need three for a tie.. I am telling you which ever one of you I put up I am not voting out. Sam might vote for him to stay. (That’s exactly why she should go up!) Kaycee – I have your back 100% getting Scottie out. Fes – and I’ve always been cool with you. Maybe someone volunteers? Kaycee – you mean we hash it out? Fes – if you want to bring it up to them?

3:27pm Lounge room. Kaycee and Angela. Kaycee – its going to be one of us there and he said it can’t be Sam because she will go crazy. He pretty much said if we can hash it out. Angela – so he’s putting it back on us? Kaycee – no, just to bring it up. Angela – I just don’t know where Sam’s head is at or Haleigh’s. He said Sam is pretty much voting to keep Scottie but that the others are solid.


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72 thoughts to “Fes “So House Meeting guys! I wanted to let y’all know..””

  1. I know it would not of been possible without Wile E. Coyote Fessi as a clueless HOH, I mean who puts up one third of their alliance on the block, but Brett deserves huge props for his claiming of the Rocks vote that caused Mr, Mensa to put both Brett & Scottie on the block. Just when you thought The Hive couldn’t get any dumber.

    1. Honestly, Fes put up Brett & Scottie because of all the time they spent with Hay in her HOH last week. Not some lame reason of who voted for Rocks to stay last week. He is ruled by his jealousy. And holy moley….why wouldn’t you put up 2 people who voted her out?????

      Sam pitching putting up Hay is hysterical!!! Fes will never do that! I’ll bet all she accomplished is getting herself put up as the replacement nominee. She just gave credibility to everything Hay has been telling Fes. He was set on KC before their little talk.

      Tyler going into DE with his cloud app! He’s really playing the best game. Hope he understands that going into F2 (hope he makes it!), he needs to be sitting next to someone that the Hive hates more than him & not anyone from the hive (JC included) or a floater (hi Sam). I’d go with Angela. They all hate her.

      Yea, it’s slow this week but once Hay & Fes go…..games gonna get good again.

      Best season….love it!

      1. I think you’re right Fez wanted both Brett and Scottie out because he is jealous but to risk someone who you know is on your side when you only have three people is not a good decision in my eyes unless he values Hayleigh over winning which he just might.

        I also agree that that Sam pitch is a pipe dream and this is a great season.

      2. Agree. The girls are ALL eat up with jealousy towards Angela. Girl Power be dam#ed, they would never give it to her. Including Sam. Sam’s dream is to be alone in the house with all the guys. Find forget, JC spent hours unraveling to Fez that Scottie is in love with Ha & wants Fez out. It’s basically the opposite. But Fez wanted those guys out anyway to keep them away from “his girl”. Haleigh IS smart, she’s just going and lacks wisdom & intuition. Fez… Is so Fezzy.

      3. I agree. Angela totally floated for several weeks until she won HOH and woke up from hibernation. Meanwhile, Tyler already established himself with several others and was actively playing the game. Hands-down he would beat her if he took her to final 2. She sure burns bridges- not sure who would vote for her.

    1. Of course she does…she’s gonna quit smokin for him. What more could u ask for in a heated, survival of the fittest, reality game show?

    2. In a normal season, I would agree that this is a ludicrous prospect. But in BB20, I wouldn’t rule anything out, including Fez nominating himself!

  2. Sam is speaking up for Scottie to Fes? Maybe he won’t like that and change his mind about putting her up. Scottie vs Sam on the block would be a suspenseful week.

    1. Fez thinks Brett is telling the truth that he voted for Rocks to stay. At least he is consistent, consistently wrong.

  3. I think Scottie’s only shot to survive this week is if Sam self evicts or if she is the replacement nom and tell everyone to vote her out. I think she is a nice girl but her elevator is missing some parts.

    1. The best…after wounded bird lamb. Brett’s def building his portfolio to help make up for his lack of comp wins so far

  4. Getting to the final 2 is part skill and part luck, but if you get there you want to be prepared. If Sam is sitting in the final 2 she has secured Bay’s vote, RS’s vote and she’s working hard on Scottie’s vote.

    1. Stranger things have happened, but I think L6 (& JC) will get rid of Sam. And Haleigh wants her gone too.

    2. If I recall correctly, the only game strategy she has ever voiced was to get close to the people who are up on the block. Since jury started, that is exactly what she has done. Suddenly she was BFF with Bay and is willing to sacrifice herself to save her. Then she hangs out with RS 24/7 and claims only RS was her friend. At the same time continues her, “I have your back” convos with Kaycee. And then Brett goes OTB and suddenly she is confessing her undying love for him and starts this fake marriage crap. Now that Everyone knows Scottie is on his way out, she is teaming up with him to try and save him, most likely knowing there is no way Fes is going to go after Hayleigh. I am telling you, at times I think a lot of her behavior might be her strategy. How can she cry and beg to leave one minute and then ask Fes to not put her OTB? If she really wanted out, why wouldn’t she tell Fes to put her up and then ask everyone to vote her out (thus saving Scottie from eviction). And remember, this wasn’t the first time she acted out in the same way. When she was a robot she had a melt down, yelled, and cried about how she didn’t want to be there but then suddenly changed her mind and the other HG’s forgot. Everyone feels bad for her and is scared to target her for fear that she will lose it. And remember how Dr Will lied about everything in his season and won it? When BB 20 is over, Sam should either win an Oscar or a straight jacket! I am sure we won’t know the real Sam until the winner is announced!

  5. Sam is legitimately trying to get Fessy to put up Haleigh as the replacement nominee…..Lmao, it just keeps getting better….YET, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did it.

  6. I’m dying to know how hard Haleigh pushes for Sam to go up when Fes tells her Sam wants her backdoored Lol what was she thinking?!? He’s dumb but not that dumb… these ppl do not disappoint this year!

  7. Let’s see, Foutte aka The Hive has won FIVE HOH’s. L6 has only won TWO (three if you count Sam, who is working with L6). But the numbers don’t add up. If Foutte/Hive has won FIVE HOH’s then you would think that the L6 side has lost FIVE of their members. And since L6 & friends have only won THREE HOH’s out of EIGHT, then it would appear that Foutte/Hive would have only lost THREE of their members. But that’s not the case this year.
    Foutte/Hive have won 5 HOH’s and lost 6 members/friends.
    L6 has won only 3 HOH’s (out of eight) but have only lost 2 members/friends.
    I have never seen this happen before. Does Foutte/Hive understand that the point of the game is to KEEP THEIR MEMBERS, not send them out. Maybe Fez saw Swaggy go home on Kaitlyn’s HOH, then Rockstar went home on Hayleigh’s HOH so he is thinking, “I’m going to keep up the good work that my alliance has been doing and I’ll send an alliance member out too”. Fez is thinking, wow, I’ll be a legend in the Big Brother game”. Poor Fez. I still like him though, he’s adorable.

    Note: Fez hasn’t sent his alliance member home yet, but I’m pretty sure it will happen and that will make it 6 members/friends that they have lost. Also, does Sam truly think she can get Fez to put Hayleigh up as re-nom. She told Tyler she is working on something and he will be so proud of her. (Fez may not be bright but he WILL NOT put his obsession up as the re-nom) Maybe Sam should be playing on the Hive’s side.

    1. I thought Sam WAS playing with Hive while Bayleigh & RS were there. RS had her turned against Tyler with RS’s Angela Hate in her ear 24/7. And somehow she was on Bayleigh’s side when she blew a gasket on Tyler (Bay was the one telling conflicting lies during her HOH). But with those two gone, and a couple of talks and long hugs, she’s now behind…. Tyler, Brett, Scottie AND Fez!!??!? She wants an all guys and Sammy Sandwich in the house.

    2. I have said that a few times, Sam plays as smart as they all do, so, honorary member..LOL. How she would think fessieboy would fall for this really shows she is as clueless as they are. She has to know that if she told tyler what she was doing he would tell her thats the dumbest thing she could ever do, would only put a target on her. At this point, I hope fessieboy does put Sam up, mainly to show she isn’t this mastermind that she thinks she is and I would also love to see her lose what is left of her mind being on the block.LOL. Sam is another one that Tyler has to get out before she ruins his game like kaitlyn would have if she stayed any longer. My order of who should go, haileigh, fessieboy and then sam. I want to see L6/5/4 rip into each-other, that will be interesting to see how low they will go..lol

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  9. I literally can’t stand Sam now. Who does she think she is trying to get Fessie to pinky promise to put up Hayleigh, the only one that has been honest with him and played with him so far. I don’t get why she has such hatred for Hayleigh now. For someone that claims to be all about women empowerment she’s doing a shitty job at it. She has been saying sooo many mean things about Hayleigh when Hayleigh hasn’t even done anything to her. She comes off as so jealous of the younger, pretty girls. I wish someone would put her in her place for once, it’s like everyone is afraid to say anything to her.

    Dawg and Simon… I few posts ago after the OTEV veto comp I left a comment but I didn’t see it posted so I’ll ask again here. Since you guys post so many pictures of the ladies in bikinis that the men can enjoy maybe you can post something for us ladies lol. Like some of the guys shirtless and sweaty lol. What would be real nice is a meme of Tyler during the OTEV comp of when he fell in the water and as he came up he flipped his wet hair back, that would make my day :).

    1. Your original comment did get posted as I remember reading it and Simon answered that he’d try to get something like that going for you.

  10. What is up with Hayleigh? Sometimes she looks really good and other days she looks like a hobbit.

    When will we get to see some jury house footage?

    1. Ouch…and the other night she was drunk, trying to be provocative and “shaving her feet”.

  11. Being a have not is best for Tylers game. All the cuddling will cause problems. Next week Hay and fes on the Block and Brett starts paying too much attention to Hay. Fes gets evicted and goes crazy with jealousy in the jury house

  12. I think its amazing that when Hay was hoh Fes wanted her to do what he wanted to benefit “both” theyre game but with him he tells her hes going to benefit his own game hes a joke and if Scottie stays I hope he puts them up watch Hay be all over him again.

  13. The best thing that could happen for brett and Tyler is that fes put up Sam in the replacement spot for Brett. Level 6 vote out sam. Scottie stays and gets fes out. That will be the least amount of blood on Tyler and Brett hands because the longer this game goes the harder it will be to get her out and not mess up Tyler and Brett jury vote because she is bat $hit crazy. Tyler knows it will be hard to not show his alliance to sam when there is only 5 left.

    1. I understand this but Scottie is too good at comps to leave in the game because he could flip back just by Hayleigh batting her eyes at him.

  14. If Fessy TRULY wants to make big moves.
    If he actually wants to be remembered,

    Then take Sam’s deal!!!!

    I guarantee you Fessy, you would be the single most talked about player in BB history…. WORLDWIDE!!!!
    Your legendary status would be permanently set in stone.
    Please someone in the DR convince this guy that making this move will make him one of the most talked players ever. And every season when comparisons are being made, that his name will ALWAYS come up.
    I think this argument, coming from a speaker on a wall, might actually work on him.

  15. Probably not a popular opinion:
    remember when Sam as HOH clocked Haleigh’s flirt game in her nom speech? what was her reaction? cry and play victim.
    now when scottie is calling her kaitlyn 2.0 what is her reaction? cry and play victim.
    this is her go to ‘i’m just a nice girl’ bs that she pulls out every time somebody calls it like it is.

  16. The next update will be a doozy; Fessie letting replacements pick themselves, Hayleigh bawling to Angela (Kaycee and Tyler), Sam stalking Fessie, Brett insisting he voted to keep RS…all sprinkled with some of that special magic called Hive strategy.

  17. Fez is George Costanza. Whatever instinct you have , do the opposite! Instead of tuna on toast, get the chicken salad on rye bro.

  18. I am officially done watching Big Brother…may occasionally check OBB for updates but I am removing from BB frommy PVR and will not be watching live either…this is beyond ridiculous…I’ve never seen such a stupid bunch of people…like really FES? I just can’t…DONE AND DONE…rather spend my time making money…signing off

  19. A 26 yr old 6’4″ 240 lb athlete is jealous of a pimply faced nerd???????????????????????

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