Hey everybody! First and foremost I’d like to thank onlinebigbrother.com for the opportunity to attend the Big Brother 13 wrap party!! I’ve been living out of the country and the party happened to perfectly coincide with my travel plans back to the states! I was really excited when Simon informed me that I had won. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a wrap party but as Big Brother goes, expect the unexpected. I got to Tru Hollywood at about 5:50, the party was set to begin at 6. Of course everyone in line was talking about the show and who their favorite people were. I was surprised to see so many Rachel fans. Sorry in advance to those of you who are Rachel fans but she didn’t win me over this season or in person but it’s okay we can still be friends. Unfortunately they were running behind letting people in but luckily we were able to see some of the cast members arrive in their shuttle bus limo. Jeff, Jordan, Dominic, Adam, Keith, Kalia, Lawan and Shelly all came out of the bus and immediately greeted fans. Shelly was the first to greet everyone going halfway down the line shaking people’s hands. Keith, Dominic, Kalia and Adam quickly followed and greeted fans and posed for pictures. Being America’s favorite couple, Jordan and Jeff stayed closer to the front of the line because everyone wanted to talk to them!
I finally got in around 6:45 (yes they were running quite late) and did a quick walk around. Vienna and Casey from the Bachelor/ette/Bachelor Pad were there (briefly) and it seemed the houseguests had staked out different spots in the club to talk to fans. I wasn’t sure how crowded it would be so I thought I better get a picture with Jeff while I can. Kevin (BB) was interviewing Jeff (and the other houseguests throughout the night) so after he finished his interview I went in for my picture with Jeff. I told him how I had been watching the show from overseas and when I told him my husband was in the military he wanted made sure to let me know how much he appreciated the Marines and to tell them they’re doing a good job. I thought it was really nice! I had to hug him because as much as I love Jeff, I have friends who love him even more! So when I asked Jeff responded “yeah let’s hug it out”….umm when he said it to the people after me I jokingly let him know it was not okay to use the same line on me with everyone else! Jeff was just very nice and personable in person. He’s just a likeable guy.
Next I was going to take a picture with Jordan who was nearby but I had to run outside to get my friend. When we came back in I saw that Porshe had arrived so I had to go say hello. Now Porshe wasn’t my favorite player, however I thought she really stepped up her game the second half of the show. The first 4 weeks she really couldn’t play so I couldn’t judge her based on that time. Anyways she was very kind. I told her I was mad that Shelly voted for Rachel and she just responded to the extent of “I know you have to tell her she’s over there” and pointed to where Shelly was. As many fans were trying to talk to all the houseguests and former houseguests I didn’t have much time to speak with each houseguest. Afterwards we saw Lawan just standing around so we went over to talk to him. He had this fabulous bowtie necklace on that I thought was awesome so I had to take a picture with it. Apparently a fan had sent it to him!
Next up, #3, Adam!! Adam was just lively all night. Shelly and Adam were definitely the most fan friendly, really getting to know people. When I mentioned I was at the party because I won a ticket from onlinebigbrother.com Adam got really excited. He said how much he loved the site and how awesome it was! I was even able to get him to say a little something on video! Don’t you just love his martini…I had to hold myself back from taking a sip in the picture, I thought it may be a little inappropriate and fanatical!
While waiting to talk to Kalia, I saw Janelle standing around. When I asked her how she has been since the show she said she got married and is now pregnant! So congratulations to Janelle. She looked radiant! Porshe came over to talk to Janelle later and it was interesting because it seemed as though they had known each other already. The newbies seemed to know a lot of the past houseguests, which surprised me because I thought they had been under sequester up until Wednesday night. Just something that I had been wondering.
Again while waiting for Kalia, Keith ran into us! He came right up to my friend and gave her a hug. I asked him if he had any issues with people giving him a hard time for being the first person out and he said he didn’t. I commented that had the newbies followed their plan from the beginning to get the veterans out, someone else could’ve won!! His response “EXACTLY! THANK YOU!”
Next up Kalia!! Not to say Kalia did not look good on tv, but the tv didn’t do her justice, she is gorgeous and confident (in a good way not a conceited way). My friend and I were asking her how it was like to be the only African American woman in the house, how she got on the show and how much we appreciated seeing a real woman that wasn’t a size 0 on the show. She was fantastic and really engaged us in the conversation. To briefly answer the previous questions she said it was hard, she said she believes having confidence and being herself got her on the show and that a lot of people had been telling her they liked seeing a regular woman on the show. It was also nice to see how Kalia and Dani are real friends outside of the house.
Many of the houseguests were behind us doing interviews for Superpass. Dominic was dancing around with Keith and Lawan so I asked if I could take a picture with him. Being originally from the Bay Area Peninsula I had wanted Dominic to go further. He was very nice. He reminded me of how people from the Bay are! I asked if he watched the show after he was evicted and he said no because he was so bitter!! I’m sure he’s been filled in by the season.
After talking to Dominic I noticed that Brendon and Rachel had arrived. In previous wrap parties I had seen that they introduced the houseguests and winner, but there was no stopping the party to introduce anyone. I was surprised there wasn’t a grander entrance for Rachel.
As we were making our way upstairs to the smoking room where Shelly was I saw that Dani had just got in. I went over quickly because I was afraid I wouldn’t get a chance later. I personally really like Dani so it was really fun to meet her. She was very kind. Afterwards we went up to talk to Shelly. She was in the middle of a conversation and I hate interrupting people’s conversations so we hung back for a few minutes to overlook the party. When the conversation began to die down we made our way over. Shelly was very nice. Greeting us right away, asking how we were. It was hard to be mad at her for her vote (again sorry Rachel fans) because she was so nice. So of course I had to ask her why she voted for Rachel. She said she based it on game play and how she won more challenges than Porshe. I commented on Rachel’s personality and how she treated people in the house, especially seeing as how Shelly had brought it up in the jury house and Shelly said it’s true she was a mean person but she decided to vote based on game play. It was brought up that Porshe had won the $5,000 from Pandora’s box and I mentioned that Kalia had also won $5,000 from Pandora’s box. Shelly had no idea what I was talking about! She had no idea Kalia had won money as well. She was not too pleased by it. We started heading down and I found it funny that Porshe had come up and Shelly and her nice husband were over there talking to her. Obviously it’s a game and they’re going to be over it, but still funny.
Jordan is by far my favorite houseguest of all time. She’s just so sweet.
On my way to the bar I ran into the vivacious Renni! She really keeps the party going!!
At the bar we found Jeff’s demise!
Former houseguest Kevin was around our area taking a break from his hosting duties so I took a moment to chat with him. He is a cutie, nice and funny.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Cassi was as likeable in person as she was on the show! Though some of the girls tried to give her a bad name by calling her cat-ty, Cassi was sweet and gorgeous in person!
I headed over to the section where most of the current and former houseguests were and found Brendon talking to fans. I started talking to him and was pleasantly surprised. He had moments on the show that were very demeaning so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk to him. He was very, very nice and relatable. So that was a pleasant surprise. He was talking about how The Talk had given Rachel and him a trip to Aruba for their honeymoon. As I was talking to Brendon I felt someone running their hands along my silhouette…as a married woman I was pretty surprised…until I turned around to see who was doing it, previous houseguest James.
We then moved from BB9 Crazy James to BB6 James Rhine. Again he was in conversation so we waited a few moments. I was just happy that my memory was working and I remembered their names!
Rachel and Brendon were walking around together so before they were whisked away I jumped in for a quick picture and even congratulated Rachel on her win. It was hard to do, but I did it. She said thanks. Still am not sold on her though, sorry. Most of the houseguests I spoke with said that Brendon and Rachel apart are much easier to deal with but Brendon and Rachel together are destructive…I’m not sure how well that bodes for their pending nuptials, but will wish them the best!
As the night was coming to an end and the Big Brother alumni were figuring out where they would be taking the party next I caught Dani one last time for a better picture and thanked Spicy because she had been running around ensuring the party was running smoothly!
I would like to thank onlinebigbrother.com again for giving me the opportunity to attend the wrap party. It was a lot of fun and I want to do it all over again! If any fans are debating about going in the future I would recommend it. You really do get a few minutes of one-on-one time with the houseguests and you get to see past houseguests as well! Hopefully this gave you some insight into the wrap party.
Thanks Melissa for representing OBB and bringing back all this great material for us all to share. Anyone out there wants to get onto Big Brother 2012? now your chance to read up on the Big Brother 14 Eligibility Requirements and application form
More Wrap party images from meanseasonbb.
I can’t believe you met Jeff. Can wait till next BB14? I’m looking forward to watch it. BTW, Simon I may probably add something with Eviction votes, survival eviction, Eviction nomination on stats as well.
I thought you are friends with Jeff
I am but I saw that picture and I don’t know who she is but I realize that it’s jen from BB8!!!!!!!!
:O I remember him saying that tooo! LIAR
If captainretard isn’t posting endless useless facts then he is usually lying or just retyping what others are saying
i don’t know if you counted Rachel’s part one of the Head of Household win as a HOH win.
Really Simon, you didn’t annouce any contests to go to the wrap party.
yes Captain im sure you wanted to meet Jeff. i wasn’t quite sure by what she meant by ” at the bar we found Jeff’s demise!”
Jeff’s demise = clown shoe LOL
Obviously she was not a Rachel fan. I do think they are different outside the house, I mean no one is trying to evict you in the real world and how nice Brendon was at the party is proof of that. he was not a jerk like Jeff was in the jury house, but everyone forgets that. And if you listen to any interviews of Rachel she never says that she disliked Dani or that they will never be friends unlike Jeff. There have bigger assholes on BB and everyone loves them!!!
Hi Melissa, can you please post more videos from the party. I would love to see your interviews and conversations with each of the BB players.
sooooooooooooooo jealous. I want to go next year. Who do I have to show my boobs to so I get picked? Congrats Melissa.
I was there too! It was a lot of fun. You might have seen me (I’m 6’7″ tall and have red hair). I thought Rachel was really nice when I talked to her. And you are so right about Kaliah. She looks beautiful in person!
Being A Huge Brenchel fan i think your reporting of them was really off the mark alot of these former Houseguests really need to be questioned more about some of the stuff they said.Shelly and others saying Rachel was mean you should have asked them to give you examples?? Rachel said like one word to Cassie and it was only after other houseguests had been bashing her 24/7 that you never mentioned that she started saying stuff about shelly But Rachel was not the one being mean in the house that would be Kalia,dani,porhse and shelly who were the mean girls to Rachel.I know everyone has their faves but you should report accuracy and not just repeat what jealous hgs are saying and report it to be true!!And another thing is Rachel and Brendon are great together people who have hated them last season and met them in person loved them so maybe if you spend more then 2min with them together you would see that they are perfect together and the nicest to their fans more then some of the other ex BBhgs.Congrats to BB for finally having the best competetor actually win the show for a change.
I agree with you 100%.
BTW, I love Rachel. Think she deserved to win and she wasn’t nearly as mean as Dani. Porsche. Kalia and Shelly. Congrats Rachel. I hope you and Brendon have an awesome life together.
yes she was!!
No she wasn’t !!!
Dani, Kalia and Shelly were predominately mean behind peoples (mostly Brendon and Rach) back and Rach was mean right in front of peoples faces. However, I find it hypocritical that fans of DKS and fans of BRJJ both decide to take the higher ground and portray their respective players as almost saintlike and nice people. The only person who comes the closest to fitting this role is Jordan but even she had her negative moments.
Jordan did nothing, talked to no one, didn’t try most of the time, and didn’t want to be there. Basically, she doesn’t count at all this season. Rachel talked crap about others only to Brendon and whomever was HOH. She had no other friends in the house. What DKPS did was treat it as a war. In war, you dehumanize the enemy in order to kill them without conscience. I loved their gameplay, I loved that they pissed the cat-ladies off, and I love that they pulled it off. KPS would have evicted all the vets, but unfortunately, production intervened. I loved that DKPS were mean. This isn’t a Disney channel program, it’s a cut-throat scramble for $500,000. Cat-ladies are the only ones trying to take the moral high road, and with JJBR, that road is paved with very loose gravel.
I agree =)
who cares!
Sorry, but I don’t agree she missed the mark. The gal reported what she saw, experienced, and felt, and I appreciate how much time she took to sit down and share it all with us!;)
She won a contest. She wasn’t hired to do interviews, she won a CONTEST. Who cares if she didn’t have the feeds, who cares if she didn’t even watch, she won a contest. We all have favorites. Even those who watch the feeds which is quite evident here, people still like Jeff and Jordon and will fight to the death for them even knowing that Jordon is a loser and Jeff is a homophobe.
She won the contest we held here at OBB and was nice enough to do a write up about it. I think she did a incredible job hopefully we’ll see more of her in the new year. I don’t care if JJ was her favorite if it wasn’t for her we would have had ZERO pictures and ZERO write up. I’m very grateful for what she did.
If I would of gone It would of been me hanging out with Dani, Adam and Shelly smoking and drinking talking MAD shit about everyone.. I would of ended up getting drunk, kicked out with my camera stolen and no memory of the night resulting in ZERO post.
Even though Rachel was been victim to some nasty things she has also shown us some of the nastiest behavior I have ever seen on the feeds. She isn’t as bad as everyone says and she isn’t as good.. she a regular person when thrown into the BB house becomes.. well she becomes something else.
I don’t drink but if I was there I would be smoking and drinking with Shelly & Adam because they actually seem like more fun. I would try and trip Jeff and would probably start a fight with him and spread around a rumor. I would have lost my camera, I would be on TMZ because I chest bumped Jordon and payed her back for ruining my summer and I would probably try and do something sexual with Brenden. That’s me, that is how I roll.
I am not a fan of any HG this year, that being said Rachel wasn’t any victim, she spews hateful, vulgar things out of her mouth on an hourly basis during the show.
Squabble, you are completely right. Rachel also had such an overwhelming need and tendency to seek attention from what we saw on BB, that she was often unable to hide her genuine lack of interest in comments by, and conversations with other HGs, if they didn’t revolve around her and/or her interests. She also took a disturbing pleasure in inflicting pain on certain HGs, especially when they were already feeling down. Her own “fiancé” even stated that she needed to get counseling when she got out of the house. While other HGs had their less than flattering moments on BB13, they paled in comparison to Rachel’s over-the-top behaviour during a good portion of this season, which some seem to have conveniently chosen to either overlook or rationalize. While I hope she gets the counseling she needs, I find it odd to hear comments that say she “deserved to win because she won more competitions”. As far as I know, there was no rule book that stipulated that that was “THE” criteria for determining who should win. If BB is looked at as a social experiment, a microcosm of society, in what world would one’s behaviour be overlooked in favour of one’s successes, the competitions they won?!
DR, I could not agree with you more. Absolutely well said!
Cheers! I will add that I think Shelly is also delusional for a few reasons: 1) for voting for Rachel to win, saying that Rachel played a better game (she too based it primarily on comps won) and, 2) in her post-game interviews, she talked as though she thought she played a good game however, by her definition of what constitutes a good game player (primarily winning comps, which is why she said she voted for Rachel), she was the worst game player this season. She has a need to rationalize everything she did in the game, and truely seems to believe that her take on the game, and her fellow HGs, is the definitive point of view. She seems incapable of seeing herself as anything but morally upright and almost superior to others, and that her game flaws were just game moves she had to make to further herself along. She’s a mass of contradictions, and I think she should see about getting a counseling session or two in as well.
Jen Johnston was on Two and a Half Men and How I Met Your Mother – new seasons tonight http://twitter.com/#!/JenJohnson777
you mean yesterday on 2 1/2 yesterday.
It would have been nice picking a fan that was actually For the Winner, not against her! As for Shelly not knowing about Porshe and Kalia winning the 5,000 dollars, what would be the big surprise? Puppets share..Porshe also helped Rachel Win by opening that box too.Adam is so full of himself!
I totally agreed with you…….I getting quite annoyed with her comment “sorry Rachel fans” . perhaps you should have picked someone that was more impartial. I guess she seemed to have forgotten all of the mean and catty things the other girls did and said to Rachel. but wait that must have been acceptable since it was against Rachel.
good thing ladies like you didn’t get picked…we would have had a miserable review
Melissa won the contest well before Rachel won Big Brother.
Thanks for sharing your wrap party experience. I’m so glad you complimented Kalia! The blogs were not kind to her, especially concerning her weight. I hope she doesn’t read any of it. She appears to be very confident, but cruel comments are hurtful.
thanks for sharing your experiences and giving us your opinion on the wrap party is great to read considering so few of us got to go.
Completely second that!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with all of us:) I think you did an excellent job!
cosign babes wow i agree with everything u said
when i meet people i will form my own opinion of them not what soemone else tells me unless this is follow the leader (the house guest) we judge people on everything they do say but what we need to do is be unbias we need to form our own opinion not just a 2 min interaction like anonymous stated ..
be back later
Hello Online wrap party winner,
I just have to say if you didn’t watch the feeds you have no idea who is mean. Watching it on television only shows the competitions but very little about how the hgs interact with each other, CBS has to protect themselves. Dani, Kalia, Porsche, Shelly and Adam all badmouthed Rachel so bad it was embarrassing to watch, especially if I was a friend, co-worker or boss of theirs. Rachel has no idea what they said about her, it was cruel and demeaning. What was even uglier, when they had nothing to talk about they would start all over badmouthing Rachel like high school girls. If their friends didn’t know them that way, they definitely got an eye & earful! If you watched the feeds and still feel that way, well I don’t know what you were watching. Rachel clearly deserved to win and it’s too bad Adam went back on his word and used that SILLY excuse about the conversation he had with Rachel the night before about what he gave up over the summer vs her. He just knew, and will never admit it, that Rachel wasn’t taking him to the final 2 and he was trying to get Porsche to take him. Too bad Adam. Porsche changed in the end but still did not deserve to win, nor did she deserve to be taken with Rachel because of the way she talked about Rachel but Rachel had to take 1 of the 2 and she didn’t know any better. Anyway, I know Rachel has a lot of growing up to do, but she does have a BIG heart and she doesn’t wish anyone bad! SO HAPPY RACHEL WON!!!
100% agree. Very well said!
hey simon Rachel is returning back to The Bold and Beautiful for halloween episodes i think she’s going to play the waitress character lol i’m not obsessed with rachel i just like her 🙂
I just want to see more videos that do not include Adam. Adam is a total waste of space in both BB and on this site.
I saw the feeds, give me a break ,things said behind rachel’s back about punching her to make her lose a baby etc…..did rachel stoop that low? NO, is she catty? yes! but its insane to make it out like rachel was the only one outside shelly bad mouthing. Yeah right kalia, porsche, DANI….
btw, Dani, I dont get it. I really dont. I liked her early on, then couldnt stand her, ,then…it got to the point where she makes me sick, she is by far the fakest person in that house. Dani refuses to look at the game through anything but what would have helped danielle, she is happy she took down vet alliance instead of saying she made a darn mistake, she then claims she choose the losers to hang out with(wrong)…
and porsche losing respect for shelly because of her vote saying she thought she knew her better than that. EARTH TO PORSCHE. YOU WERE NOT DESERVING AS THE WINNER. it kills me that because rachel cries a lot and is uber annoying, it overrides her being a BEAST in challenges. nominated FIVE times, I mean cmon
How “mean” and “treat people horrible” Rachel’s game is it? How intimidated people felt? Rachel won comps that other hgs couldn’t beat. She called out hg’s lies when they tried to flow. She was also loyal but stayed. You see, Adam respected Rachel until R told A she fought with her life to be back to BB, then played an honest game by herself, not as what the newbies claimed “just a call”. Rachel hurted their ego cuz she played a better and more honest game than everybody. That is what “mean” means – totally brutal to them! Tell me who can play a game like that?
Hey Simon, I read a comments can you remind Squabble about calling people retarded including me:
squabble says:
September 20, 2011 at 1:50 pm
If captainretard isn’t posting endless useless facts then he is usually lying or just retyping what others are saying
Because as right now, I feel more offended?
Yes I agree lets lay off calling people retard.
In fact, I’m a college graduate and got my Bachelor degree and everyone is talking about you. I support there opinions about you!!!!! You need to stop being a self-center SOB!!!!! I agreed with everyone that you are not that funny!!!!! Go around and make people really angry but you!!!!!! You started of everything with people. They have express their opinion and so am I. I don’t trash opinion!!! You do, So grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
College graduate bull sh*t, you can’t even put together a complete coherent sentence, graduating preschool would be a stretch for you. I’m sure your parents are proud, err I mean sad.
Squabble and Capt’n.. What should I do to stop the fighting that is fair for everyone?
Simon, I suggest that either of us respond to the other with a rude comment or a lot of !!!!!!!!!! that they be banned from posting here. Obviously I didn’t like the twists (rigging) this year and my Today on Rigged Brother posts were meant to be funny while letting me express my frustration with this season.
I really liked your rigged brother posts and I’m cool with capt’ns stats.. just getting complaints from people about the back and forth fighting.
It’s very hard for me to gauge what is going on and what I should allow through or not.
I know because of every HG’s competes on HOH’s competition, POV competition, surviving the evictions and etc. I want to see how many former HG’s competes to win Big Brother and also new HG’s wins competiton. Such as Rachel wins 4 HOHs means 6 HOH’s overall. And Janelle’s hold the record for most POV’s but Brendon is really close of tying POV. I’m looking forward of number evictions based on nominations. Simon, I know it’s been waiting for a while of number of HG’s compete’s and chance of winning BB but also evicted most HG’s of wins. In other hand, Squabble’s Rigged Brother does not met anything because people are really not happy about making fun of someone who is not intelligent or how the competition works. I watch behind of scene and there is no fixed or any rigged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My stats deals with number of HG’s who survive the competition or win HOH.
No problem for me, I will ignore him. People like to talk some serious smack on your site, and some people take it too far (I have and sometimes regretted it) I love the social experiment they call Big Brother kind of a microcosm of our society. I just wish people were this passionate about our government and used half their energy to vote or get involved. Once again thanks for your site and long live BB and BB online.
So true…. I really noticed a HUGE divide this year between all the different “fans” maybe it was the increase of readers we had or maybe it’s just the way the culture is.
You should see some of the stuff I do catch and not show on the site it’s insane man… Next year i’m thinking about having a rating system so all comments are visible and the community can moderate them by voting which ones they like.
I had a system like that implemented early in the year but I found it was very CPU costly and had to remove it or the servers would die. This coming year i’m increasing our hardware by 3 so hopefully we can add more community involvement.
I check my OBB email a few times a day so if theres anything you need just send it that way.
Oh yes, I realized that running this site, especially this season, was a colossal task. Actually, I can’t believe that you got though it with some measure of sanity left. You do a great job, and provide the best live feed updates available. Thank you.
Thanks! I almost lost it mid August.. LOL but that sanity is slowing coming back.
I agree with RS that it would be better served by filtering certain words instead of community moderated. Those of us that weren’t on the JJBR band wagon this year would of had no voice. If you do use a word filter please don’t tag the words cat, meow or anything to do with felines. Thanks
Hey squabble, you were definately one of the highlights of this board. I would take pride in being shot down by cat-ladies. The problem is posts like …
– Thumbs up if you love Rachel.
– Like if you love Jeff.
… every single day, and they wouldn’t even be in the house. Those are the ridiculous posts, that I would have an issue with.
But, whatever decision simon makes, I will accept. I would rather see him provide content than moderate comments. There is just no time to do both.
Not a problem Simon, Beside I will not pay no attention to him. Big Brother suppose to be serious and fairplay. There’s no Rigged or anything. Just behind the scene. Squabble in other hand. He just care about rigged this rigged that. I’m not buying that stupid Rigged Brother story. It’s just a game. BB is suppose to be have fun and have competition. Squabble is really taking too far including call people names. How disrespect everyone opinions? Even he disrespect me. Because I’m a suffer from Autism doesn’t mean that everyone knows about my language like another country. That’s why people should know that “I’M NOT A FOREIGNER, I’M WAS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Squabble, I absolutely loved, and appreciated your “Today on Rigged Brother” posts. I found them to be exceedingly hilarious, and all in good fun. However, what do I know, as I’m just someone with a Ph.D. in Education. Cheers!
Thanks so much, I really didn’t put much thought in it, just was having fun with it. The cat people’s responses were funnier than my posts, hopefully next season the twists (rigging) will be more subtle and there will be no need for Rigged Brother.
Yeah! However, how would be funny if it no rigged involved. We don’t see any rigged or anything. It’s just behind of scene. There’s no reason for Squabble to be make fun of Rigged brother. I would refer I will update the stats of BB1-13. Also, Squabble wrote Porsche & Kalia Failure Big Brother. Now that’s funny, I laugh so hard about how Porsche & Kalia making out each other and assume that they were fell in love each other. In addition, He wrote of how Kalia went to McDonald’s Now that funny.
Simon, please make this guy stop. I agreed to leave him alone and he said basically the same thing. I would like to be able to post a comment on your site with out some one trolling my every comment. His last one seems to be trying to illicit another war of words, all I was saying was thanks for your support to DR and there he goes again. I’m tired of it as I’m sure you are, I would like it stopped before neither of us are allowed to post here. I said I will leave him alone and I have and will, just want the same in return, Thanks
Will do .. thanks for the heads up
You want to be rude!!!! Okay that fine!!! Your the one who has Coherent Sentence as well. What’s your IQ? Oh wait!!! NOT A PHD student told me that you need to speak English and especially you are (Bleep) loser. So Shut the (BLEEP) up and grow up!!! Everyone Hates you!!!! Especially me!!!!!! Everyone don’t want you here!!!!!! Everybody can’t stand you!!!!!!! You not even funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody pretends they like you but the truth is that. You are so rude to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Shut the (Bleep) up and don’t come back till never!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay Squabble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beside everybody hates you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don’t want you here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah Not a PHD student told me that “I DON’T LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!” If you been nice to everyone especially me. We will been cool and hangout sometimes but since you been rude to everyone. Grow up and get a life. Okay Squabble!!!!!!
Squabble and Capt’n.. What should I do to stop the fighting that is fair for everyone?
Well Simon, I will stop fighting and bashing HG’s including Dani or Porsche unless Squabble agrees to stop bashing about my life and my favorite HG’s Jeff (Which I went to High School with him)!!!! We know we bashing HG’s just for the strategy play but Squabble talks about me and my favorite HG’s Jeff!!!!!!!!! Every time I wrote comments about how Jeff came back to win BB 13 but Squabble continue making fun of my English. Which I’m born in US. He needs to stop making fun of my Language. Beside I’m suffer from Autism. And that’s a truth. I’m also learning disabilities. I’m telling a truth and Squabble doesn’t even believe me. That why he needs to stop and I will stop as well.
Stop judging from what abilites including learning abilities and autism instead of what country or people’s lives.
Well done Melissa! Good job! While I still say Rachel is nasty, self-absorbed, and unbalanced, I also say that Shelly was an idiot to vote for her. However, the game is over and, c’est la vie. Melissa, I too was/am impressed with Dani! She was my gal and favourite this season, which wasn’t the case in her first season on BB. Love her dark hair! However, we’ll have to agree to disagree with regards to your comment on Jordon being “so sweet.” She had her moments, yes, but she isn’t as sweet as she once was; the bloom is definitely off the rose as far as JJ are concerned. I think Cassi is also classy and I was impressed with her on BB (despite her early eviction). I agree with your comment to Keith that if the newbies had just stuck together (and avoided eye contact with the vets ….. the spell was cast as soon as they entered the house, for Keith, Shelly & Kahlia at least), the newbies could have had a fighting chance of beating the vets. Again, c’est la vie!
Congrats on your win and reporting Melissa! Ya done good! 😉
Correction: meant Adam, Shelly & Kahlia (not “Keith, Shelly & Kahlia).
I’d be glad to share my experience or show photos too if anyone’s interested?
For sure send me a email [email protected]
Thanks, Melissa, for your report and photos.
Well done!
I think its so pathetic how obsessed A LOT of Jeff/Jordan fans are; calling Shelly’s family just because she played a game and back stabbed him. It’s ok for him to do it but not her? How does that make sense. It’s very disturbing how many followers are out there.
It’s very sad, maybe the obsessive fans should live together in a village and have a statue of Jeff and Jordan and worship them since pretty much that’s what you people are doing. Pathetic.
You guys have an allure to some guy who yells at people, calls his girlfriend stupid and hates gays. Thumbs up worshipers.
I think its so pathetic how obsessed A LOT of Jeff/Jordan fans are; calling Shelly’s family just because she played a game and back stabbed him.
And by “A LOT” you mean TWO, since only two people called Shelly’s family according to news reports.
Melissa, thanks so much for the detailed write up and great pics! Kudos on being so fair about everyone. I couldn’t have done it. It looks like you had a great time and you’re a cutie!
If you didn’t get the feeds then you missed Porsche saying that she and Janelle are friends, so yes, they do know one another.
Thanks and many blessings to your husband for serving our country.
In case you haven’t noticed, Simon and Dawg merely transcribe events and conversations which happened on the Live Feeds to this blog. They cannot destroy anyone’s reputation only that person can. Simon and Dawg act as eyewitnesses or reporters for the rest of us and that’s all. They do not fabricate stories.
I am sorry, I just think the whole idea of keeping stats on BB is just funny as hell.We can have a rotiseire league for BB. You know how you can tell BB is rigged? If it was for real they would have a line on it in Vegas…not kidding.
Hmm, maybe, but you can bet on Dancing with the Stars. Chaz Bono is 15-1, and Nancy Grace is at 50-1, LOL. Hope Solo and J.R. Martinez are co-favorites at 3-1(I don’t know who they are). It’s too late to check for Big Brother though.
Um twisted and blowing things out of proportion pretty much describes Brenchel.
Uhm … this is just a normal girl having fun at a party. She’s hardly capable of destroying the Brenchel reputation, but that was a really funny statement.
Forget the BB stuff who’s that bird who did the report?? Hello 🙂
Hi guys! I am an italian boy, a huge fan of the show (BB USA is better than italian version, trust me)…
and I really like onlinebigbrother.com!! =D
I have a question for you Simon:
Can an italian guy partecipate at the BB14 Wrap Party Contest, next year? ^^
I’d love to partecipate at the next season… but I know that I can’t.
Is there any twist like “american Houseguests VS foreign Houseguests” ? Maybe… something like that? please, give me an hope xD