Starting Tomorrow there will be exclusive Big Brother 14 House content for live feed subscribers. This includes tours of the house and interviews with crew. We’ve seen what the BB14 House looks like from the pictures leaked on Friday night but these videos will give us a closer look of the house. They will show the outside and the upstairs two critical parts that are missing. One major rumor that has been going around is that the 2nd floor of the house has undergone some major changes.
Interview with Julie Chen is also going to be released at midnight.
Superpass will scalp us is we post the videos on this site so the only way to see them is with a live feed subscription. Sign up now and take advantage of the early Bird Special. Get the entire season of BB14 for $29.99, this offers ends July 12th after that the price goes up to $39.99.
Yay! Can’t wait. I hope this season is good and not thrown together.