“Everyone can know how much I hate that girl [Lisa]! If she wins HOH, I would like voluntarily leave! Like she is that annoying!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney, Matt
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: Lisa used the veto on herself
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo

DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie

7:25pm Backyard – Tucker and Makensy
Tucker – I think everybody knows why I’m here. Everyone wants to win and I want to just play with the best competitors and may the best man or woman man win.. and like just have a good time I mean it just exactly how you said it like it’s just the fact that we’re even here is crazy. I just really hope Kenny and Matt stay. You can just tell he is grateful regardless. Makensy – Yeah. Tucker – And like, I don’t know if he has it in his mind that, like, he can’t win this thing. It’s just the fact that he’s here is already a win, as everybody should see it was just emotional because he’s probably like, it was emotional when you’re saying it, cuz he’s like, it’s real. First time he was like, actually, it still feels fake when I’m waiting. No, it really fucking does. I’m like, this morning, I thought that I was, it’s crazy.
I’m like, I’m really here right now, and I’m gonna be here for another week now, another week and a half at least. Maybe that’s because I like Kenny. I don’t know if Kenny has been campaigning. I really like Kenny. I mean, it’s too hard to even think because they got to compete first. Makensy – I know, right? Tucker – And it will just naturally happen and whatever it is, it can’t be the worst is obvious. If it’s Matt again. Kenny, that’s obviously the worst I don’t think that could happen. I think its all going to work out. Its just high anxiety. I mean, the Angela moment that will go down in big brother history. I felt so awkward.
Makensy – I don’t want to cut it short(time in the house). Tucker – I think we have a long time. We have at least another week and 1/2. Makensy – Yeah, I think we’re all we’re all good. Tucker – I think we’re great. Everyone’s on the same page and got to just put the blinders on. Next week’s gonna be a big one. We’re just all figuring out where everyone’s at you know what I’m saying.

7:35pm Backyard – Leah, Joseph, Cam, Quinn, and Cedric.
Leah talk about how she was in a relationship before coming on big brother but it ended. She talks about how it ended unexpectedly. She says she went from partying in Mykonos with friends to getting a job doing bottle service and waiting on the same friends. She said it was a really humbling experience. I used to stroke his ego so hard .. and I meant it.

7:50pm Kitchen – Kimo and Kenny.
Kenny – I think you’re a good dude. With me and Matt, I know you said that you wanted to keep me, but I really love Matt. If it does come down to me and Matt and I think he has a really good chance to do well in the game. And I don’t want you to honor that. But I appreciate that. You know what I mean? Yeah, I don’t want to be up against Matt. Like, he’s a good kid. And I just think he went through some stuff. Angela really laid into me today and it kind of bothered me. He’s not your son. You need to fight. You need to get him off. And I’m like, it’s not how I feel right now. So it might change. I’ve been saying to people like you’ll know in my speech if I want to stay or if I want to try and beat him or beat you or whoever so keep that in mind. You guys have all been awesome.

7:55pm – 8:05pm Havenot Room – Tucker and Kimo
Tucker – I would never vote against you my G. Kenny knows this game through and through. I am sure he is playing like someone else has played .. and it is not going to work up in here. I’m just praying that it’s f**king Matt. I’m praying it’s like a puzzle thing or something like I’m just praying something that you beast it.. you know?! I’m hoping! That’s what I’m hoping and I think regardless of what it is bro like the fact that you even endurance thing bro you got your brother looking out for you and he’s going to help you out bro and you were on slop and you still crush that bro! You have it bro and if it’s those two up against each other there do they are scared right now. Kimo – I talked to Brooklyn because she is one of the people that wants Matt out. She wants Matt out. Tucker – my original thing was to not bust out.. At least until we needed to get fuckers out that shouldn’t be in here. The dangerous, like, backstabbing, scheming fucks, you know? And normally it takes more than a couple weeks with those back stabbing scheme fucks to show their true colours. Matt and Lisa for sure. And now Kenny! Kenny! Kenny’s go to go! Kenny’s so good at this game, bro. And he knows he can’t beat me in a one-on-one. He literally said like, bro, if it comes down to endurance, he’s like, you always want to do that. He’s shouldn’t have said this, bro, but he tried to say it in a compliment.

And same with Lisa. But like, bro, I’ve made it known. I don’t give a fuck. Everyone can know how much I hate that girl, but I’m still trying to hold together. Yeah, but like, she knows. She keeps asking me if I’ve heard anything from you. And of course, I just say if you say anything, it’s nice stuff. So okay cool. It’s unrealistic for you to not say anything. And it is like, bro, the one thing I can really, really, really truthfully say is like I’m fired up for her cooking. Kimo – No, that’s what I say. Tucker – If she wasn’t a good cook, bro! If she wins HOH, I would like voluntarily leave this place! Like she is that annoying!

Tucker – and Matt also sworn on God to me about something which I know
isn’t true and I’m just like bro good luck going back to your job if
that’s really your job!

8:20pm Havenot room – Tucker and Kimo continued..
Tucker – Makensy is such a bad game talker saying the shit that like yeah we are a thing but I had to fucking tell him like we’re not gonna be a thing (Makensy & Matt). And its like, do you understand that that’s what he got so mad about right? What the why are you guys mad that and then you don’t even try to hide it! What the fuck are you doing you guys chilling the bathroom every night! People get up in the middle every fucking night. I’ve gotten up bro at 5:00.. whatever last night they were still there both on the couch like cuddling each other or not cuddling but like laying this way and this way! Like no I caught them. It was like that’s what you got so mad about?! I am going to get this f**king guy out of here! Kimo – I think we should at some point make something official especially because as we as we spread out
I think that that gives us all security no matter where we end up.
Tucker – Those two are snakes in the grass and they just had a Kenny baby yo!

Kimo – I think you, me, Cam and Quinn should make something official. Tucker – Maybe like the The Trauma boys or Trauma Team or or like or
we could just be we could be we could be like. Mr Anderson. Kimo – what? Tucker – The Matrix. Or The Mr. Andersons.

8:36pm Kitchen – Tucker to Kenny
Tucker – So I want you to stay and I think I got him. Believe and I wouldn’t vote for you or Matt. But again, I want the biggest competitor in this fucking house, too. Kenny – So I would just say listen to my speech if it sounds like I want to stay. Doesn’t sound like I want to stay, cool. I’m good going out. You know what I mean? I have to be like that. Struggling with some stuff right now. Tucker – Yeah, and I appreciate you. Yeah, whatever. I’ll listen all ears. Kenny – Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Listen to my speech. Tucker – Yeah, I can’t
wait. I can’t wait.

8:38pm Backyard – The house guests are sitting around chatting about random things.

8:48pm Matt went to the storage room and noticed that BB gave back some of the house guests clothes. Leah – I am so happy right now! Its literally Christmas!

9pm Storage Room – Brooklyn, Cam, Cedric, Makensy, Matt, Chelsie, Leah, Robina.
Matt – We can call ourselves BS for short, for all the BS that was thrown at me a couple days ago. They all put their hands in for their alliance “The barbershop”.

10:05pm Bedroom – Chelsie, Tkor and Joseph.
Tkor – Another thing that Matt told me was that Angela was his target but that he would put you (Joseph) up next to her. Joseph – understandable. I am okay with going up because I feel like I would have the votes to stay if I did go up. This week if its Kimo and Kenny, I think we could get people to vote out Kenny because he already has one foot out the door. They talk about how people are scared of Matt. They’re telling him (Matt) what he wants to hear just to keep him. They’re scared of him. They’re scared that if he’s still here next week he’ll do some shit. If you want to be scared.. I’m not scared whatever put me up! I don’t give a f**k. Let’s go! We’re here to play!

10:30pm Bedroom – Tkor and Cedric
Tkor – How are you doing? Cedric – It’s stressful. It’s crazy. Tkor – Yeah. Cedric – I’m doing good. I’m just trying to make sure, like, wherever we go, we’re going good, you know what I mean? Tkor – Yeah.
So, well, I’m rocking with you. Cedric – I’m working with you.
10:46pm The house guests are hanging out in the bumper pool room.

10:58pm Kitchen – Matt and Makensy
Makensy – I am not gonna lie.. I’m super nervous about the alliance we made. I’m like, that’s a lot of people. I’m very nervous. A lot of us sort of thing. That’s a lot of people. Matt – Ok, Well then don’t trust them.

11pm The house guests play hide and seek and Warewolf (reverse hide and seek). 

12am The havenots finally get to eat food again.

25 thoughts to ““Everyone can know how much I hate that girl [Lisa]! If she wins HOH, I would like voluntarily leave! Like she is that annoying!””

  1. This is quite Late… and everything is still very fluid, but this is where the groupings seem to sit as of midnight eastern time on Monday.

    1. blows my mind how safe everyone let the mascots get. other seasons no vote would make you a pariah. definitely wouldn’t be surprised if one of the two of them wins this season.

      1. They seem to either be super compassionate types like TKor and Leah, or of the ‘I only want to win legit against the best’ school of thought which leads them to feel that the mascots are too easy pickings.

    2. So, Tucker, Lisa, Kenny and Angela are NOT in any of the 3 main power alliances, and thus could be considered to be in the weakest positions in the house, even though Angela is HOH! It says a lot when you’re HOH and you’re excluded from the power alliances during their formation in the first week.

      It also says a lot that Tucker is dumb enough to want to be a “floater”, and even dumber to proclaim it for the entire house to hear.

      When Matt and Lisa were talking, I think it was two days ago, and he told her he wanted to work with her, she basically put him on hold, saying “I want to see how things shake out.” or something to that effect. Isn’t it BB101 that you NEVER turn down an offer of working with someone, even if it’s a bald faced lie when you accept, simply so you can get intel from them and use it with the group you ARE working with? That just seemed like not a good move by Lisa to me.

      In fact, I haven’t seen any of them who are really playing good games up to this point. Angela blowing up her whole game and going off on Matt was bad. Matt playing way too hard, way too soon, and talking way too much. Quinn telling at least 2 people about his DeepFake HOH power is just stupid. Lisa getting burned by Angela and put OTB, and then seemingly turning around and becoming her #1 advisor – she’s either a much better person than I am or incredibly naive and dumb. Peter seems willing to just walk out the door if he’s up against Matt on eviction day, which is the dumbest move of all – so I’m with those that say he can just go.

      Some of the others may be doing okay, in that they are laying low, staying out of the line of fire, and have seemed to form at least some type of alliances (remains to be seen how “real” they are or are not), but they don’t seem to get the screen time showing them planning and scheming as much as the players previously mentioned. Angela with 5 final 2’s though (in the first week) is very likely to get burned badly by those, assuming she survives week 2.

  2. When I left feeds it looked like Angela was begging to be let into the have not room alliance.
    She begged Quinn and swore she wouldn’t tell them about his power.
    She begged Cam and then went on about how Cam was part of the plot to get poor T’Kor on the block, and wouldn’t believe him when he didn’t know what she was talking about.
    This whole “I know what happened” fanfiction of hers…. seek help.
    T’Kor joins and Angela raves for a few minutes while they are both staring dumbfounded and blinking.
    When she joins up with Tucker they have a hatefest about…. Matt. Kimo is now the third wheel on the crazytrain.

    Seeims Angela is back to hating on Lisa. She decided that Lisa was telling Matt all about her superpower and the two were plotting to save him or some delusional shit.
    The whackjob not only dreams up full conversations that never happened…. but refuses to beleive anyone in the room that can set her straight when they tell her her feverdreams didn’t happen.

    Y’know what…. enough. I’m noping her. Angela is my free nope. The one that I just can’t deal with anymore. I didn’t choose a preseason nope, so she’s the one. In terms of game I want nothing good for her and will cheer when she’s evicted.
    This whole mental illness as strategy thing……… nope.

      1. when i turned off feeds… they hadn’t started that yet. I:m afraid to ask.
        What Post-Menopausal version of Nicole Franzel nightmare scenario is truly going on.

    1. I have to agree with about Angela. Don’t they screen these people before they are cast? She is a total wacko IMO. She has some serious issues, delusional being the least of them. She’s the person that I want out the most. Too bad she got HOH and is safe this week.
      It would be hilarious if Quinn used his deep fake HOH on her. He had to tell he got it and by now the whole house probably knows about it. Seems like nobody can keep a secret.

      I don’t know how I feel about the A.I. and new games and changes yet. So far, not impressed.

    2. The thing with Angela is she is going to after the men first it was Matt, Kenney next it will be cam and she does this because she knows in front of the camera they can not do anything. She lies and says things that didn’t happen and the other houseguests all stand there with there gapping mouths open saying we we were not in that room we don’t know what was said. Wait till it’s your turn and you need backup none of you deserve it.

  3. I’ve been trying to figure out Tucker’s little hate ons.
    Lisa is pretty obvious. She interrupted his moment. She took his “I’m going to feed you” role away in part. She’s annohying. The essence is: she challenged him.
    Matt. I’m pretty sure he is out to get Matt more because he’s a challenge to Tucker’s idea of comp beast that will win the big game idea. Get rid of his rival in the comps Tucker will be good at. PLUS… Matt for all of his moronic weirdness did exhibit a likeable charisma at the beginning. Seeing how Tucker seems to want to pied piper….. it’s threat recognition and everything else is window dressing.
    Proof of this: why he dislikes Kenney. He dislikes Kennery because he liked Matt more than Tucker. He said it himself “Kenney liked Matt more than me.”
    MJ. Tucker wants the full experience. That would include a showmance i think. He probably was attracted to her and resented she was attracted to Matt. That’s why he’s made up lies about the conversation they had on the balcony, and started slut shaming her with Angela earlier today.

    I’m really thinking that this is how Tucker’s strategic hate is manifesting itself.

    Nope Angela now believes the have not men, with Tucker at the helm as leader, think she is dispensible because they’ve talked to other women in the house. Whackjob.
    Quinn and Kimo saying Lisa was in Quinn’s entry group, so the rumor she’s spread throughout the house that Lisa has the upgrade couldn’t possibly be real has NOT sunk in I don’t think. It’s GOT to be real because alone in a room looking at the TV and seeing who spoke to who and imagining the content of the conversation word for word…… NEVER WRONG. BTW…. wants a woman to win the game types that join all male alliances for protection…. are full of shit.

    1. Taran Armstrong mentioned the rumor in a way that I wholeheartedly agree. If people talked about who was in which competition then people would realize Lisa could not possibly have an upgrade power since she played in the Downgrade competition

      1. Lisa said that to Matt yesterday. She voted no to Ainsley joining because she didn’t want another houseguest.
        All of this STARTED with Angela. That’s never a good sign. She couldn’t comprehend why Matt and Lisa would have a conversation, or why Lisa saying she has fight and wants to stay would make Matt want to keep her.
        The fact that she’s earwormed and broken telephoned Lisa being upgraded through the house is on the house for believing the deluded ramblings of a whackjob.
        She’s slept and eaten since her big blowup. So now all of her crazy is just that, not excusable by sleep deprivation. She’s just a nut.

  4. Do yall think Mackensy is a B cup? She’s tall so maybe a little bigger than they look. She looks tan for sure. May have a tanned beaver too.

    1. First, two personal opinions. 1. Mack is beautiful. 2. “B” is my favorite size.

      Now, your comments about her bra size and wondering if she has a tan line are out of order. I’m sure you’d be happier leaving this site and going to one of the many porn sites where you can see breasts from flat to blimp sized. In other words, get lost!

    2. Comments like this is why we need the Thumbs Down. Maybe someone thinks this is funny but all of us Thumb Down clickers just hope you get a clue…

  5. Feeds went down for a while.
    Came back to kitchen full of houseguests discussing Angela’s mental health and her newest blowup.
    No idea the content or who she whackjobbed at this time.

    1. This implies that production is well aware that she is crack’d and has no plans to do anything about it, instead blocking it from public view when she has another whackjob moment so that they can protect the integrity of the big brother season plan. Not the “i know what happened” cam talks… but the open crazyshout AT people stuff.
      Big Brother Season plan: don’t let anyone quit week one. Don’t remove a houseguest whose mental deterioration is causing the rest of the house to eggshell walk just hide it.

  6. Added casting research:
    Tucker: was on cbs the good wife for an episode with a bachelor style theme paired with survivor 22, 34 contestant Andrea. not a main character in episode.
    Brooklin: was on cbs dr. phil with her husband discussing their home smart appliances being hacked.

    dear applicant,
    we are sorry that we cannot cast you on big brother, but you have not appeared on another cbs series. blink. blink.

  7. Not sure if this was mentioned. Sorry if I’m repeating. Tucker? Does he remind you in every way of Zach Rance?

  8. Angela: “Everyone can know how much I hate that girl [Lisa]! If she wins HOH, I would like voluntarily leave!”
    Promises, Promises!
    I don’t like Lisa either but Angela is worse.

    I still want “Ice-Cream-Man” Matt to go 1st then Angela then Tucker, etc.

    1. She’s not going anywhere she’s BB good tv, they think we are all going to stick around and watch this wacko one more out burst and I’m gone, by my other posts I don’t like bullying I lost a family member to suicide because of bullying and this is upsetting.

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