POV Holder: | Victoria | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 26th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Cody | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Jocasta/Amber | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 24/July 25 |
Original Nominations: | Brittany/Victoria(Cody) |
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach |
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8:40pm Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Hayden and Donny are out in the backyard. Hayden is in the hot tub and Donny’s beside in a chair. Donny says that he slept in the fire room because the others kept giggling and carrying on and I got upset. Donny says I slept well in that room. Donny says I would like 2 minutes with Cody because I don’t have a good feeling about today. Hayden says that Zach did some campaigning yesterday but he doesn’t always come across in the best way. Donny says I had a good speech planned but I think I will just keep it simple. Donny says I might not get that opportunity they’re too comfortable. Frankie has a final four with Derrick, Caleb and Amber. That’s why they’re not cutting them loose. They’re pretending like they are but they aren’t. If they wanted to get rid of Amber the time before why did they put me beside her. They could have put Victoria beside her. Donny says they could have put Victoria beside me but I dont think they ever wanted to get rid of her. Hayden says I think they really want her gone. Donny says they come and talk junk about her to us because they want us to think they want her gone so we target her. She’s their fall guy. Brittany comes out and joins them. Donny heads inside after lowering the awnings. Hayden asks what was going on last night for Donny not to be able to sleep. Brittany says they were just chit chatting he got upset so I told him to sleep in the fire room.
9:30am In the bathroom – Nicole asks Victoria if she already went to the diary room. Victoria says no, I have a lot going on this morning with the veto ceremony and want to look good. I don’t like it when I have to rush my make-up.
9:15am – 9:30am Donny comes back out to join Hayden. Hayden says all I know is that if you go up I will not send you home and I think a lot of others won’t either. Donny says I would appreciate that. Donny says I would love to win HOH and put Derrick and Frankie up there and if one of them wins veto I would throw Amber up there. There is a lot of people that haven’t felt what it’s like up on the block. Hayden says that would be awesome. Donny says it would draw some lines right there. It would be good tv. Right now no one would nominate them. And people like Derrick wouldn’t go up on the block because he stays so close to everyone but he talks so much crap about Victoria. Hayden says that he likes Victoria. Donny says she is almost child like isn’t she. Hayden says she is so easily convinced what to do. Donny heads over to get on the elliptical. Hayden and Donny start studying the events of the house. Hayden says if you go up, you’re safe. It would definitely make sense for Caleb to go up but I don’t think he will. Donny brings up again how they were giggling and laughing so much that he couldn’t sleep. They were just going on and on about the same thing.. They Brittany touched my foot and said to sleep in her bed. Hayden says Caleb and Amber make me so mad. Donny says but they’re not the brains. They’re the brian’s target when the opposition wins head of household. Donny asks if you were HOH who would you put up if it was just one HOH. Hayden says I would love to see Amber out of the house.
9:50am – 10:25am In the HOH bathroom – Frankie asks Cody did Zach tell you he wanted to go up on the block? Cody says yeah, stupid idea. Frankie says horrible. Frankie leaves the HOH room. Brittany comes into the HOH to talk to Cody. She asks are you nervous? Cody says yes. Brittany asks I just wanted to ask who you would put up? Cody says the person I was thinking about, there would be a lot of push back. Brittany asks Donny? Cody says no Caleb but a lot of people wouldn’t want to vote him out. Brittany says I think the only person I would have a shot against would be Nicole. Cody says I don’t know because this situation sucks bad. I don’t know what to do. Brittany says I know I have Donny, Jocasta, Amber, Caleb, Derrick. You would be the tie breaker. Brittany says I just think that Christine or Nicole but Christine needs the money more than Nicole. Cody says that he can’t put up Nicole because she helped him yesterday. Brittany says I can’t push for Donny to go up. Cody says it’s just frustrating because if people would have just helped with the veto then you and Victoria would still be up and it would be a lot easier. Brittany talks about the 2400 goals it seems pointless to do it but I’m glad I did it. Cody says everything about this game kind of sucks. If feel like next week I could go up because I feel like my name has been used so much and that its been wrecked. Brittany says I think people are trying to get out the people that aren’t doing anything. Cody says hurting people’s feelings and making them upset is the worst thing about this game. You being up set and Victoria crying to my face were probably the worst things that have happened to me. Brittany bring up how Donny came in last night to wake her up and tell her that they heard people yelling her name. Brittany says maybe it was my family… Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds come back – Donny heads up and asks for an appointment next. Cody says he will come grab him. The conversation turns to talking about their punishments. Brittany asks what do you think the activity bracelet is for? Cody says I wish I knew. Brittany says because yesterday I had 5’s all day. Cody says some times I will be running and working out and I will be at a 3 and others will be higher than me. Brittany says yeah like Zach whos sleeping. Cody tells Brittany I am really sorry you’re in this situation. Cody and Brittany head downstairs.

10:20am In the fire room – Frankie talks to Nicole and tells her how Donny was talking to him and said that whatever happens today will make lines drawn in the sand. Frankie says he told him I don’t think so. They talk about how Brittany stayed up all night. Nicole leaves Frankie to sleep. Nicole heads outside. Donny asks Nicole the day you nominated we were working together… are we still working together? Nicole says yes! Donny says okay enough said. Donny says that week when I was nominated with Amber .. who was the target? Nicole says Devin.. there were 4 pawns that week. Donny asks did Derrick know you were nominating me? Nicole says no, it was my decision.
10:30am – 10:40am In the bathroom – Victoria tells Brittany that she feels bad that taking herself off the block gets more blood on his hands. I feel bad but I have to. Brittany tells her that Cody wanted us to win the battle of the block so we wouldn’t be up there. Victoria leaves. Brittany tells Christine I wasn’t even planning on getting ready for this thing and then Victoria comes out all dressed up. Out in the backyard – Victoria tells Hayden and Nicole that Brittany knows she’s going because she said she doesn’t stand a chance against anyone.
Up in the HOH bathroom – Frankie and Christine are talking. Christine says that she heard Victoria in bed with Hayden and she asked where his face was. Why would she ask where his face is? Frankie says use your hands rose! They wonder if Victoria and Hayden made out last night. Christine says Nicole and Hayden were making out earlier. Frankie says Hayden will get it from whoever he can. Christine says that Nicole was fast asleep when Victoria was asking for Hayden’s face. Cody and Donny come up and Frankie/Christine leaves.
Cody calls Donny up to the HOH room to talk. Donny says that he came up with a great speech ..But I’m not going to give you that one. This is a very pivotal week .. its where you draw a line in the sand. I don’t want you to base decisions off other peoples game. I want you to base it off of what’s best for your game. OUr families are all watching. You need to do what’s best for your game for what best for you. Donny says that’s it. Cody says you need to talk more Donny. Cody says I was thinking Caleb but others don’t think it would be a good decision. Donny says because its not good for their game. Cody says I want to have a frank conversation with you. Donny says okay but I am afraid to throw names out. Cody says Zach is super tight with me but he is throwing me under the bus. Frankie is always up here butting into conversations and I have had to send him out a number of times. I am worried about putting Caleb on the block and him not going home. Donny says I can’t promise you five, four, three or two votes… But I can promise you the honest way. Donny says if you are sitting in the end, you have my vote. Nicole too. And if you’re both there then you would have my vote. Cody says if you were up on the block I know it would be a landslide with none against you. Donny says I would put up people that you cant trust. Cody says you’re right f**k that! Cody says Caleb scares me as much as a puppy dog does. He can flex his muscles as much as he wants. He’s been saying he is going to win everything since the beginning but hasn’t shown it. Cody says I don’t know if you are working with Brittany and Jocasta or not. Donny says if you want me to vote out Brittany I will. Donny says I would have saved anyone that was sick, it doesn’t mean we’re working together. Cody says if I put up Caleb how do I know that I won’t go next week. Donny says none of us know that and you can’t base his week on next. Cody says I look you in the face and I trust you. Donny says I trust you too even if you put me up. Donny says I won’t hold it against you. Doing this will show you who your true friends are. Look what I’ve done to then and look at what they’re doing to me. Cody says I know what I need to do. I am not putting you on the block. They hug and leave the room.
Noooo donny! Alighn yourself with amber. I noticed that nicole is number 2 on the poll! Why? She hasnt done anything but lay on her saggy but cheeks
I think she’s been #2 since the beginning.
If you’ve been reading the recaps, Donny is one of Amber’s targets, hence, Amber is Donny’s.
Derrick and Frankie on the block would be so great!
How long do you think it’ll be til Derrick gets a wind of Donny’s plan.
Donny is Amber’s target because she heard that he wanted her and Christine on the block.That is the only reason. Donny is reading the situation wrong he thinks she is a lot more influential in the group then she actually is. I think that had to do a lot with Devin poisoning the group about her. (Caleb’s rabid obsession doesn’t help matters)
Derrick’s fake ass self doesn’t get passed Donny. FEAR THE BEARD.
Donny needs to tell Cody about this FInal 4.. Maybe Cody would believe him.
I wish Hayden would go up. Because Caleb wants Brittany ti stay, maybe Caleb, Amber, Brittany,Jocasta, Donny could team up.
Hayden is clueless, stupid kid
no way donny would nominate his 2 team america members that would be pretty stupid of him but totally badass
Praise The Lord!
Derrick and Frankie on the block if Donny
wins HOH?
God Bless Donny!!
Brittany, don’t leave!!!!
She gone.
Brit will leave, but she’ll feel better being on the block next to a beast. She’ll go out 9-1.
I like Donny’s thinking. Put up Derrick and Frankie. Frankie wold be gone then.
He is talking crap with Hayden.
He wouldn’t put up others from team america.
why not? All he is saying about Derrick is true.
Maybe Donny realizes that does not mean American wants these 3 to work together only because they were voted. Better get ride of them now, until it gets exposed. Im sure if anybody find out about Team America, Donny, Frankie and Derrick would be gone right away
there is a bigger picture than team america
A test of loyalty between Donny and Hayden… Now the question: Will Hayden squeal to Derrick and/or Frankie about Donny’s ideas? My guess is yes since he seems to fall into step with everyone else drinking Derrick’s koolaid, but I’m hoping he surprises me with keeping his mouth shut. I won’t hold my breath…
Yep, another mistake by Donny. And this one could be fatal.
If he’s the renom AND Hayden spills the beans to Derrick and Frankie, they’ll cut a deal with Brittany and send Donny packing.
Amber, Caleb and Zach already don’t want Brit to go home, leaving Donny very little wiggle room to maneuver if that info ever leaks.
I’m not so sure it will,, though. Hayden seems to be taking it all in and hasn’t really used info from a conversation to sell out another HG…..
There`s 10 people I want to go before Donny. But if this helps Brittany to stay. I hope Hayden does tell Derrick and Cody all that. And Donny goes home.
Agreed! Love Donny, but I’m team Derrick, Frankie, Zach, and Cody (and Nicole and Hayden jeez) so I would love to see Hayden go to Cody/Derrick with this info. That would be the nail in the coffin for Donny and new life for Brittany. Donny is a dark horse, nothing gets by him! These people should be more concerned with him, but he’s got them all fooled. He knows what’s up in this house.
I sure hope Donny didn’t just blow up his game by telling Hayden that info. Lately, Hayden has been acting like a douche when he’s around Cody, Zach and Derrick so I’ve lost a bit of respect for him, hopefully he can redeem himself by keeping his mouth shut.
Cody doesn’t have the balls to do anything other than put Donny on the block and try to get out the big threat of Brittany (what a joke).
Yeah Donny! go after the rats frankie and derrick! Donny better win HOH
Donny for HoH! I wonder if the next HoH will be the knockout question one. They usually do that early in the season.
This is turning into last season minus the sheeple, whereas last season everyone was sheeping for Amanda, and this season they’re just too scared to make a smart move…. Devin was a terrible move to take him out, when they could’ve used him being a huge target to their advantage… Taking out Caleb, 1 half of a possible Power couple in him and Amber(minus the sex) is a huge threat, if they decide to work together… Not much of an eventful season, but still, it’s better than last season…
If I were Donny I wouldn’t tell nobody what my plans are especially if its a possibly that he can still be put up. I wish the two HOHS stop talking to each other about who they gonna put up. Hopefully this week the HOHS will be from opposite sides of the house. Donny and everyone gunning for that huge alliance needs to stop telling ppl stuff cause everything is getting leaked. Don’t talk, just do It. A few of these hgs have the ugliest noses! (Christine, Nicole, and derrick)
In order for me to stomach Derrick whenever I see him, I try to figure out what I would like to shove up his nostrils more – french fries or knitting needles. Still debating.
Yesssss draw those lines in the sand Donny, create bloodshed and backstabbing and fights, big brother fans love this
Cody’s replacement nominee will determine whether or not he will win the game. If he puts up Donny, he LOSES. If he puts up Caleb, he WINS.
As far as the votes. If Caleb is on the block, There will be AT LEAST 5 votes to Evict (Donny, Jocasta, Zach, Hayden, and Amber, who is more close with Britney than Caleb). Then Cody would have the tie-breaking vote. He will then know IF HE HAS TO CAST THE TIE BREAKING VOTE, then Derrick and Frankie are “not his allies” and “went against HIS target”. Cody would then fly under the radar the rest of the season, build a stronger bond with Amber (who will never target him), Donny (who will never target him), and Jacosta (who will never target him). Christine and Nicole are too infatuated with him to target him, and Hayden and Zach have a “man-crush” on him too (so they won’t target him). His only concern would be Derrick (who has a sort of final 2 deal with him, so he wouldn’t turn on him, right away). Besides, if Cody did put up Caleb, then Derrick would have no choice but to save face and vote Caleb out, so that Cody wouldn’t “question” his loyalty.
If he puts Donny on the block, then he will be a casulty of war between “the outside 8” when the teams eventually split up and have to pick off each other.
Agreed, this is the time to get rid of Caleb. I am not sure he serves any purpose to the new alliance (the Detonators). Also, Donny has the alliances mixed up. Derrick and Frankie do not not have a true alliance with Amber and Caleb other than one of convenience. We will see what happens, but I do agree Frankie is not playing the best game. He needs to keep HOHs if he wants to survive. He does not seem to understand the alliances that he is in they he will easily be sacrificed sooner than later.
darn it….Donny needs to be careful talking to Hayden. I would like a Donny/Hayden alliance, but only if it was a real alliance. Sadly, I don’t think it would be real on Hayden’s part.
Dear Donny,
Trust no one.
– Deep Throat (The X Files)
Wasnt there a season when the evicted houseguest went to walk out the door and it was locked. Bells and whistles went off and they were told they were staying?
Now that would be a twisted twist of all twist.
Season 9?
The first few weeks 2 people were getting evicted.
Ryan and Allison were evicted. Then Julie told them only one of them would leave.
I wish Donny would not have said anything, until after the POV ceremony, or even after he wins HOH. If Hayden blabs, Donny will likely be going home. He also might have blown his chance at an alliance with Zack, because he is so close to Frankie.
I don’t even like Donny, but if I have to root for him to win HOH so that gross looking Derrick has to go home to his fatty of a wife… go Donny!!
Anytime people make alliances the first week without knowing the people they are dealing with i think is the dumbest thing….isnt that what cbs forced on America with this TA BS…..put em up Donnie please!!!! Kill TA!!!
Team Donny! I cant stand Victoria she looks like a busted drag queen
Donnie and Jocasta for the next HOH win! I would love to see how quickly these guys turn on each other, not that they haven’t all stabbed each other in the back already. It is exactly what this house needs to break up a season that is turning boring and predictable. It’s just too bad Britt will have to be gone already. I am betting she would make an excellent sh@t stirring if this were to happen. Plus it will be great to see Derrick thinking he can run Donnie’s HOH and be put in his place for once! Don-Jo FTW! Who do you guys think would team up if this happened and that rats were forced to pick sides?
We don’t get to see everything, even on the feeds. Could be that Donnie is trying to throw off any suspecions anyone might have about America’s team
I thought about that with Derrick, as well. Frankie is of course only loyal to Frankie.
On the other hand, Donnie coulda just made the worst mistake of his time on big brothe.
The feeds seem up cut out a lot more this year. It’s annoying!
That’s the reason I refuse to pay for the feeds anymore (I have in previous seasons). The fact that they advertise “24/7 live feeds” and the it’s SO FAR from that, I won’t waste my money. I’d rather give it to Simon and Dawg.
BTW, I’ve bought several things lately through the Amazon link, hopefully it helps. It isn’t a ton of money, but maybe it will add up to a nice little something for you guys.
Thank you we appreciate it 😉
Looks like this week just got interesting if Cody truly does put up Caleb.
Yes Caleb needs to go home but Derrick is SO RIGHT! Why put him up now and risk Caleb go home???? Donny and Hayden are closer than you know and guess who will follow Hayden?? NICOLE! Then you’re going to get Christine to flip. Then Amber, Jocasta, Victoria, Nicole, Hayden. Brittany, Donny are all banding and they have to numbers… Frankie will join suit and weasel his way into that group therefore all is lost for you CODY, ZACH, DERRICK. Good for you Cody, you’re personal vendetta has costed you 500 grand idiot.
I hope Cody stays true to his word and puts Caleb up. Of course Frankie ran right to Derrick to run interference.,
Frankie is a little beotch. I cant stand his stupid face anymore
Because Frankie is the biggest back stabbing rat in the house. He has not one single person he is actually loyal to. I hope. It blows up in his face sooner than later so we don’t have a Andy repeat this year.
At this point Frankie is way worse than Andy. I felt like Andy at least had one person who he was true to. Frankie is a little punk ass who tattles on everyone and everything.
You are right about that, Andy did have some loyalties and as far as I can tell Frankie has ran and tattled every piece of info he has came across. Christine has too for that matter. I am just waiting for him to blow up TA. I am sure he will the moment he thinks throwing Derrick and Donnie under the bus benefits him. I am sure he will act like he was just playing along and really wanted nothing to do with it. I can’t stand him! I wish Cody would put him up for going straight to Derrick to ” tell on him”.
Donny should convince Cody to put up Caleb. Just last week Cody was considering taking the opportunity of Caleb being on the block to get him out, now he has the perfect opportunity to backdoor Caleb in what will be the best power plays of the season. Caleb won’t even see it coming, unlike the Devin backdoor which he saw coming from a week away. They will get rid of someone they think is a physical threat, even though he’s only won one comp, and keep Brittany who Cody can cut a deal with and gain something from. Keeping Caleb around doesn’t have any benefit to Cody’s game cause Caleb will do what they want anyways since he still thinks the bomb squad exists.
Not only that, but last week’s wasn’t a complete backdoor since Devin was able to play in POV. This week, if Cody nominates Caleb and he’s evicted, will be an actual backdoor and blindside since Caleb feels so safe.
Donny made a good point to Cody about finding out who is true friends are. Donny said if you put ne up I want be mad do what best for your game. As much as Cody thinks zach is throwing him under the bus, Zach said put me on the block so you don’t have to put Donny. Not one of the others want to go up. That should say something to him. So I hope he keeps uh sword to Donny that he is not putting him up
Good for Cody! I have a whole new level of respect for him if he sticks to his guns and puts Caleb up over Donny. About time people stopped being sheep in this house!
Cody is so stupid for listening to Derrick
I notice that Derrick is basically trying to control Cody on what to do and stuff. In my opinion I feel like Derrick is like the next Devin trying to boss his “alliance” and what they should do. I don’t understand why Derrick is dying to get Brittany out. Just like a week ago or two he wanted Brittany to stay and he was trying everything to help her stay. Now he 100% wants brittany to go home. I think maybe he thinks brittany made a deal with Devin and is working with Jocasta and Donny. And brittany still thinks he has her back which makes me a little aggravated. I honestly hope brittany stays because she showed us how much a competitor she is and that she’s not afraid to make a bold move. I think if people don’t start realizing that Derrick is trying to “control their HOH” they might as well just hand Derrick half million dollars.
If Cody does put up Caleb I say that would have to be the biggest blindside of the season and I would like that. Cody just needs to realize what’s best for his game first then what’s best for his alliance and stuff. I’m hoping Caleb goes home because it would be dumb to send Brittany home. If brittany does goes home it’s a waste of Cody HOH because she wasn’t even targeting him. She targeting Nicole and Christine. I hate Christine so much because she has “the detonators” in one pocket and “Nicole” In the other.
It’s funny how they were all talking shit about Zach for bringing Caleb’s name up, now Cody wants to put Caleb up. Zachs actually smart for speaking up and others are just playing derricks game.
Actually, if you think about it, they are playing Devin’s game. What’s Derrick doing that’s so different from Devin? He has alliance, sub alliance Blah blah. Devin influence on the game is bigger even though he’s gone. That’s some Obi Wan Kenobi shit right there.
Frankie is such a little rascal! More and more each day he acts like last year’s rat Andy. He is sooo annoying. I’m sorry I don’t care if he is ariana grande’s brother, I still do not like jim at all.
Donny your Team America task for this week is to……..dismantle Team America!
Donny didn’t have a choice. He had to go in hard because he knows he’s running out of time. He’s got the best read on that house and knows what Derrick Is all about. Derrick knows it and knows he can’t push Cody too hard or it comes back and bites him. But now you have Zach getting stirred up. Basically, Derrick is screwed, he needs to concentrate on damage control. Pull this off Donny, get Caleb out, and change the structure.
If you watched Donny talk to Cody in the HOH on the feeds it was actually quite masterful by Donny. He was pushing all the right buttons w/ Cody. There is one thing for sure, (I am huge Donny fan so I might be biased) Donny is a legit BB player. He was outcasted from the start & has Frankie & Derrick wanting him out b/c they cant control him. Plus in my opnion Christine & Derrick being superfans know that Donny will be America’s Favorite so they want him gone before jury. Donny knows who is targeting him & secretly trying to chip away at the alliance & reel in Zach, Hayden & cody & possibly Nicole. Donny might just flip the house here this week if Cody stays true to Donny from that convo. Donny is a player that is for sure.
Not masterful enough. Obviously, Derrick exerts much more control by being subtle with Cody.
Donny has shown me enough to count him equal to Derrick at this game. Derrick has had more opportunity to show his BB skills, that’s all. I said it on an earlier post, but I wish Derrick and Donny would just agree they’re playing for 1st and 2nd place and protect each other to F2. But they won’t, because neither wants to be F2 with the other.
Well – Donny’s up. Caleb is a p*ssy after all and Derrick pretty much sealed his F2 in this game.
So is it true that Hayden and Victoria have made out or just Hayden’s version of “over the pants elbow thing”? I hope Caleb leaves. I can’t stand Frankie now. Too much of a rat. I thought he was going to be a smarter player.
Even Cody knows he is a P@ssy. Oh so he had to think that his brother was telling him to men up and put Caleb up?..
He has lived his whole life like this, someone always having to tell him what to do.
Frankie, why can`t you act like a 31 years old? Watching the show gives us the impression he is the “baby” of the house.
I Hope Amber votes Caleb out,
And the house really turns on Caleb.
I wish Hayden was going home, maybe next week.’
And Brittany did a job trowing Nicole`s name, this makes Cody not to think she will be going after the guys.
Sadly, Donny is up so Amber won’t be voting out Caleb. No clue who goes home this week, but I’m guessing it will be Brittany. That just sux.
So Donny and Brittany are on the block!
CODY NOMINATED DONNY!! I hate to see brittany leaving. It’s going to be sad watching this on Wednesday because both Donny and brittany had tears in their eye!! And Cody is now in the HOH room crying.
If Hayden does spill the beans to Derrick or Frankie about what Donny said (or tells Nicole and she tells them) then at the very least Donny can point out to Derrick and Frankie how untrustworthy Hayden and/or Nicole really are but in any case it would mean Donny walking out the door Thursday night.
This don’t look good folks
The house would be very smart to evict Donny.
Beast game play move right now
Donny poses a greater threat than Britt, period.
Cody put up Donny. Count on Cody to not have the balls to make a move. Now go cry about it Cody. #teamdonny
Nice job Cody. Way to play it smart and be a man. See ya Britt.
Caleb will not put up Cody next week.
He will when he finds out that Cody was really close to putting him up!!
I hope Donny gets voted out to piss off every watching and all the whiners in here.
Since this season is just as long as last season I wonder if evicted houseguest will get to compete to come back in the house. But they wouldn’t start that until jury probably.
It really sucks that Cody couldn’t think for himself and let derrick/frankie make his decision for him. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope Caleb & Amber win HOH next week!! I’d love to see frankie, christine, & nicole sweat up on the block!!
The reasons that keep being thrown around about getting Caleb out of the house has no merits. He hasn’t shown to me that he’s a problem. What I don’t like is how Hayden tripped out over the fact that Caleb said that he was the richest man in the house. What was wrong with saying that? If the money is on the table why not take it. I’ll bet that any of them would have taken it and thought it was fine to do so. And Cody is more of B-it-ch than any female dog with his whining paranoia that Caleb is coming after him over Amber. He’s a B-it-ch because he said that he wouldn’t step on another man’s territory and that was a BALD FACE LIE. I thought “BROs” helped out their “BROs” to get the girl, not lay around and stroke her knowing that someone else was interested. What a B-it-ch! Then say that Caleb needs to go home, because he really wants Amber to himself. He chicken-s-hi-t out from putting Caleb up because Caleb hasn’t done anything but talk to him man-to-man about his intentions and he just B.S.ed Caleb to his face. I hope Caleb finds out at some point how much his name has been BASHED by Cody and Hayden shut both their B-it-ch-asses down.