Donny says Final 2 It will be impossible to beat Frankie/Derrick.. everyone else beatable

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10:28pm BEEHIVE Caleb and Hayden
Caleb campaigning for Amber to stay “At the end of the day… Quite Frankly.. she’s a number for us.. she’s not coming after you… “
Caleb says if Jocasta stays and wins HOH she’s putting up two dudes..
(We’ve heard what Caleb is going to say before and Hayden is giving him the standard response.. i’ll vote with the house)

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10:35pm HOH Cody, Frankie, Christine and zach
They are going to be pissed off if the BOB twist is still going on. Zach says what should they do if it’s BOB next week “Caleb Jocasta Victoria and Donny “ Everyone says that is the plan.
They ask zach if he’s been in the “Jack shack” he says Ear muff to Christine once she covers her ears he says he has shows them how was doing it on the toilet. (see image)
Zach – “Sometimes you just gotta pull the trigger”
Nicole comes up and starts compealing about Victopria lieking Hayden. (Victoria and Nicole have been talking about this all day)

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10:59pm Caleb, Derrick, Donny and Christine
Caleb saying he went two years into west point.
Derrick calls him out for it says the years don’t add up there is no way we went to west point. Caleb says he dropped out. Derrick – Then you would have been able to deploy. Caleb smiles and laughs.
Caleb leaves Hayden and Cody come in Derrick tells them Caleb was trying to tell them he went to west point. Derick called him out “Hes not smart enough to go to West point”
Derrick – If he went to west point he wouldn’t be here he would be making 6 figures somewhere.

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11:12pm Pool table Nicole accuses Donny of being a pool shark.

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11:15pm Cody and Derick hammock
Cody says he talked to Donny and he said his nominations would be are Caleb and Victoria.
Cody adds that Donny doesn’t trust Zach anymore because stuff is getting back to him through Christine.
Derrick – dude she’s the biggest gossiper in the house she scare me .. she tells you a lot but she tells other people a lot too.
Cody – she can’t keep her mouth shut
Derrick every time you hear about something being said it came from Christine
Derrick warns DOnny and Hayden are close now mentions they were on the hammock for a long time and they were talking game

Derrick mentions they may be making a mistake with taking amber out. they originally were going to take out the none alliance players
Cody says caleb might blow up hard when the vote comes out 8 to 1 .

Caleb joins them “at the end of the day it is what it is” Caleb tells them everyone in the alliance is keeping Amber.
Zach attack joins them

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11:32pm Leg wrestling

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11:40pm BEEHIVE Caleb and Frankie
At the end of the day Caleb is the male version of Ginamarie.. He campaigns for Amber goes through his conversation with her and says by the end of the day about 30 times.
He goes on and on defending Amber and generally campaigning to keep Amber. He says Amber is going to target Zach and Jocasta. Caleb says that Amber thinks he’s Genuine and perfect but she’s’ guarded and doesn’t want any of there to show. Caleb adds that Amber didn’t come on the show for a showmance. Amber didn’t mean it the way it came across about her date with Caleb there was so many people around she felt like she had no choice in the matter. She didn’t want to be seen spending too much time with Caleb. At the end of the day none of the alliance wants to see her go home.
Caleb mentions that Amber never blew up the bomb squad she only told Nicole about sticking with the girls alliance because that is what her job was in the bombsquad she was supposed to stay close with reh girls.
Caleb says he promises on the bible he Zach is the first person in the alliance that goes home.
Caleb says he’s not going to be the odd man out but he thinks Amber asha the vote
At the end of the day we will do what we were supposed to do
Caleb says the alliance made a jab that was unnecessary
Caleb says the vote is going to be 6 and 3 if the alliance is true. Frankie will do whatever the group decides. they HUG Frankie tells him he loves her.

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12:10AM Victoria and Hayden
Vciotira is freaking out that she changed in front of Donny. She never knew he was in the room. She thought when theres things going on in the house the camera don’t go on in the bedrooms so she changes. (Wearing a bra and thong)

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12:35AM Hammock Victoria and Derrick
She going on about changing in front of the camera thinking they weren’t on.
Victoria says Amber is trying to be so nice to her it’s not even funny. Derrick says Brittany did the same thing to him. Derrick talks about his family and how he met his wife.

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12:46Am Hayden Nicole, Caleb, Jocasta and Amber
Hayden is playing like theres a little man trapped in his mouth called “Larry” the little man talks but AHyeden can’t open his mouth
Hayden – That was a full conversation”
Hayden had forgotten about the little man in the mouth routing he hasn’t done that in years.

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12:55AM Frankie and Zach HOH
Frankie says Caleb thinks they have the votes to keep Amber but he always finishes with “I’ll vote her out if that’s what the house wants”
They look at the memory wall..Frankie calls Zach his young padawan Frankie’s boot list is Amber, Caleb, Jocasta, Victoria, Nicole, hayden, Donny, Cody, Derrick, Christine.
Zach say if they can get to final 5 one of them will win.
Zach – WE’re walking out with 50K”
Frankie asks if everyone is board for the double blind side he feels that Derrick might not.
Frankie says he likes how Zach is beloved even though he’s a monster. Zach thinks it’s because the people in the house don’t want to give him the satisfaction of hating him.
Zach plans on getting as much as he can out of Amber before she is sent home, Food, LAundry etc

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Zankie = Frankie/Zach
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole

(Defunct or unknown status)
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)

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Amber is sooooooo god damn delusional.

All she keeps talking about is how much she has had to do, and how she has had everyone’s back and blah blah blah blah. This girl has done absolutely nothing in the house except cook and clean and win HOH for like 2 hours and let Devin completely control her.

She is one of those people that nothing is ever her fault and everyone’s shit stink except hers.


Amber should know from firsthand how the whole house alliance works. She saw how they got rid of Joey, Pow Pow, Devin and Brittnay. She was also part of their eviction and also voted the sheep way. Guess what Amber? You will fall victim with the same results. I don’t understand how Amber can listen to Frankie’s BS excuses on why he placed her on the block. Frankie sounds like a moron trying to justify his HOH. Amber needs to blast every single one of them and fck up everybody’s game at this point. if I was in her position I will automatically know I was a goner by the history of evictions this season. These idiots are no different compared in how Devin handled the alliance. This BOMB SQUAD/DETONATORS alliance should be called DERRICK’S KEYSTONE COPS. The whole house is an alliance of bumbling idiots. Didn’t they listen to Devin when he told them about the who’s and what’s of the alliance. This season gameplay is beyond awful and embarrassing. These idiots for some reason think you need to share game secrets to the whole house. This season had potential of being great. It had promising HG’s who actually showed some great moments in the beginning of the season, but now it’s just a lackluster repetitive bore fest. I get headaches listening to these HG’s talk gameplay with each other. Julie said this summer will be the “most twisted” summer ever. This season has become the most predictable summer ever.


But Devin had the biggest mouth of them all!! Who has an EIGHT person alliance, that is just stupid and careless…


I can’t see how she don’t know this…If they use the POV and replace her then duh!!! you are being BD and going home!!!


that is official now, I want Cody out more than any HG in history of BB. you little weenie. I would love to see him say that to Zach’s face, Cody would wet himself. people who talk about “smoking” guys have absolutely zero history with street fighting.


I agree. Cody is a huuuuuuuuuge bitch. One of the biggest in the history of show.

Earlier he was talking about kicking Zach’s ass outside the house hahahahahahahaha. This kid is all talk. A huge whiney biiiitch

cody fantasize about zac efron

He smokes guys on the week end like perez hilton is smoking them .


Did anyone else notice Cody wearing a thong under his basketball shorts when he was in the backyard running last night?


Seriously, Cody is the biggest pussy. He’s literally all talk. When Zach and Cody were talking shit about Devin, Cody cowered like a wimp and Zach told Devin straight to his face that he talked shit about him. Cody was too scared to nominate Caleb last week and now he’s saying he’s the only one with the balls to nominate Caleb. Ugh, I hate Cody.

And Derrick saying he had to apologize in the DR for not sticking up for Brittany is garbage. He told Zach to go act like a dick to Brittany. Again, just all talk.


At the end of the day……


…well, basically…quite frankly…honestly…you know…basically…


…Amber……well, basically Amber…quite frankly Amber…honestly Amber…you know Amber…basically Amber…The song remains the same.

anonymous too

At the end of the day, quite frankly, you know….

Thor's Sister


anonymous too

Essentially it is what it is. Cody says “essentially” in every sentence. OMG that is really getting on my nerves.


Put him/her on blast
We are golden
You’re a competition beast
Are you kidding me?
That is so hilarious
Im going to crush that
Ya, Ya, Ya

Cadet Douche

he went two years into west point…and dropped out…it is what it is

anonymous too

can jaco ever complete a sentence that she’s not reading from the Bible? “you know, okaaaaaay, you know, uh huh”


I miss Devin….:(


Hayden cook your own food you peice of shît


BB better give frankie pandoras box and unlock the mvp twist, but i doubt it. 🙁


I’d love to see Donny and Hayden convince Nicole and Christine to turn the house on its head next week.


1st…Christine would run & tell HER alliance then Nicole would need approval from borh Frankie & Christine


I don’t see it coming, Christine is one hell of a scared sheep but if she does turn her back on the detonators she’ll be back on my graces. I’m hoping Caleb wins next week and realizes he’s been played by Frankie, Zach and Derick. Seeing one of Frankie or Derick be the first member of jury would be really satisfying.


Don’t count on Ratine or KnowNothing Nic to do anything except trash the other women and whine about everything. If getting thrown on the block didn’t teach them where their place is nothing will.


“Donny jokes mentions that once Amber is gone Victoria will look better.”

C’mon Donny! Don’t let these stupid kids rub off on you and turn you into a dick!


Uh yeah – but he speaks the truth. Victoria isn’t exactly easy on the eyes.


Um…have you seen Christine?

Amanda Zuckerman

All of these girls make me want to stab myself in the eye.

Oh, and Caleb…at the end of the day you’re a little bitch. Be glad you aren’t in the house with me. I would destroy you in 2.5 seconds and leave you crying on the floor rubbing your swollen tit.


Lol lol his swollen tit. Lol lol I’m on the floor. Lol.

Caleb be like blah blah blah amber blah blah.


Why do girls always have to be attacked by the way they look by men and women?
You wonder why so many girls are so insecure 🙁


Can we please get rid of these 2 HoH crap.

Go zach

Cody and Derrick want to beat up zach ? Wow I thought Derrick was a cop ? By them hating on zach makes me wanna love zach even more.

cops like to

Beat up anyone that stand in their ways or don’t think like them.
They’re the deadliest gamg bangers in the world. The boys on blue terrorizing the streets since forever. I smell another idiots losing his job on bb.when will peeps learn

Derrick for the win

Sounds like you have had problems with the law before, maybe if you keep your ass out of trouble and live a straight life you wouldn’t feel that way. Hope you never have to call 911 for any reason one of those bad ass LEO’s may have to help you out. How about putting your life on the line everyday to help strangers that feels just like you.

Derrick for the win

Sounds like you have had problems with the law before, maybe if you keep your ass out of trouble and live a straight life you wouldn’t feel that way. Hope you never have to call 911 for any reason one of those bad ass LEO’s may have to help you out. How about putting your life on the line everyday to help strangers that feels just like you do Get a life and stop judging others, Hope your out look changes soon or you may be seeing a lot of those bad asses you’re referring to.


There are good cops and bad cops. Seems like more bad cops are out there nowadays. You must wear a badge or have family member who does. I have a problem with their abuse of authority. Yes they do put their life on the line daily,but that’s their choice. They knew that going in. Only color a cop cares about is blue. Most are racist,prejudice, and corrupt. I didn’t say all were like that just the majority.

Zach Attack Baby

Zach embodies everything that a super-fan-turned-player should be. Sure he is “playing the game,” but his raison d’être is to amuse viewers with his wit, humour and utter gall. This quality set players like Dan and Will apart. For them playing the game was only satisfying if it was done dramatically and with total awareness that they were also making a television show.

Almost everyone in the house is playing a one dimensional game with no regard for the cameras or fans at home. Zach on the other hand takes nothing about the experience seriously, not even himself. To him they are all a cast trying to put on a good show, rather than players trying to win a game. Pretty much every conversation Zach has seems like it could end with him winking knowingly at the camera. What neither Cody nor Derrick seem to understand is that for Zach winning the money doesn’t mean as much as being able to ask the studio audience “Were you not entertained?” and have their answer be a resounding yes.

I don’t know how long Zach will last, but he has already made this season for me. I just wish that they had cast 10 more like him! Compare him to another “superfan” like Christine. Not only will she never win the money, she will also be completely forgotten before she has even opened the door to the jury house.


Why is Derrick top 3 on the poll?
Cody and Derrick are annoying.


what? caleb told amber his plan just minutes after the veto ceremony, and has been constantly running his mouth to everyone in the house ever since? he won’t shut up until he’s evicted? who could have ever seen this coming… ::eyeroll::

good news for zach, with caleb and amber freaking out, almost everyone’s forgotten about his nasty rant. 🙂


Cody wants to “smoke” zach haha Cody didn’t even have the guts to nominate Caleb and he’s talkin abt “smoking” someone smh ,I would love to see Cody go home please


Cody all talk, no action. He talks a big game to make himself seem tougher then he is, but when it comes down it he would go run and hide before ever confronting anyone…I mean how many times have we heard him say “if Zach says this or that I am going to go off on him” big talk from a little boy, but that is all it


Cody would get “smoked” by Zach’s little brother before he could even get to Zach. Even though Zach’s brother is a little kid, it would still be a fair fight because Cody only fights sitting down.


man I want the pink haired little weasel out, yes Caleb is a pure idiot, but Frankie he just stinks of slime.


If there is America’s vote for nominees and they chose Cody and Christine, I would die laughing watching them.cry and see if Cody is as tough as he
think he is


Zach is in love with Victoria hahaha


True dat !!


Fakie and his little man syndrome plus why is he always humping the guys ewww your 31 act your age


Why is ‘making it to jury’ like a milestone? Is it the money they get or some kind of badge of honor? I don’t get what difference it makes if Amber (or whoever) goes before jury or not. Why do they say they ‘deserve’ to be in jury? Can someone please elaborate the basics for a newbie? Thank you.


1. They still get teheir weekly stipend in jury for doing nothing but hang out.

2. They get to vote for who wins in the end

3. They think it will help them get famous (yes, sad, but true)

Biff Tannen

Guaranteed stipend for the rest of the summer. BB, while we all love it, is not typically a game played by the gainfully employed. I mean, how could you be, right? Unless you’re a teacher–or just really expendable–how many jobs out there would just let you blow off a whole summer?


Basically people want to make it to jury for two reasons, money & voting in a winner. Each week that someone is in the big brother house, they get $1000, so they longer they stay in, the more money that they get. The only way that they don’t get the money each week is if they make it to the final two. They don’t get the weekly money & the final price. They get the $50,000 or the $500,000. Most people want to get to jury because it is basically a paid vacation. It’s different from the house because they don’t have to worry about the cameras following them 24/7 and they don’t have to wear their mics 24/7. They only have to worry about doing interviews and then tape things for when a new jury member enters the house. Also a lot of the houseguest want to make it to jury so that they have the chance to vote for the winner. Some people want to vote for their friends, others want to get revenge. Making it to jury is basically a milestone in the game.


Caleb wants to be in the jury house with Amber because he thinks without all the cameras around she’ll finally feel comfortable enough to tell him how much she loves him, and much snuggling will follow. But at the end of the day…


I want Cody to go home as much as anyone, but not before Frankie and Christine. I can not stand watching Frankie anymore, and I hope the power finally shifts next week so one of those morons (except Zach, he can stay lol), goes home. And if I had $1 for every time I heard “blood on my hands”, I would be filthy rich by now…..

Biff Tannen

Are you talking about a CHEVROLET POWERSHIFT?


If I had a dollar for every time Cody talked about what he is “going to do”, I would be the winner of the $500,000 prize! The boy wouldn’t bust a grape in a food fight!


have a suggestion. you have a tally for everything.. HOH…POV.. how about one for Team America, so we know how many tasks they have had, and how many they have completed or failed? just a thought.

thank you for all the hard work you put into this site, you are amazing!


Cody is seriously annoying. He’s a little bitch that would never ever tell anything to Zach’s face.He just talks behind his back.


Hope zach finds out about Cody and Derrick talkin bad about him. So zach can back door them hopefully before it’s too late


Derrick is a trip. It’s okay for him to talk to someone a long period of time but if anyone else does, it’s a problem. He wants to be the top ring leader. Donny is pretty smart. He just gave Hayden a hint that they need to get out Derrick & Frankie. Without actually saying it. LOL

BB16 sucks

Right now Caleb is recounting his convo with Amber to Frankie and he says that Amber said “You [Caleb] are so sweet and a perfect man for me…” LMAO #delusional #fool


Well basically at the end of the day Caleb just wants to get Ambers telephone number. He was hoping he could get her in jury along, but now he knows basically it is what it is.

Now I hope they all continue to tell him she is safe please guys. That way when she is voted out had will look like a fool.

Guys it just came to my mind that Caleb is acting like he made a side bet that he would have a showmance. And it not happening like he want it to.

Somebody take a pin and prick Caleb skin and let the air out of him.


I placed 2 orders today equaling over $400 – hopefully this helps you guys.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work.

Roisen Dubh

I think we need to see Zach win HOH this week. He knows now after his little reign that nobody will ride with this kid. I know he’s got the house figured out. I just hope he makes some surgical strikes and really shake the house to it’s core. Amber is just dumb, she needs to put people on blast. She’s got the goods, and if she’s not smart enough that she’s getting gamed the same way Devin and Britt got it, then by all means send her dumbass home. It just sucks that Caleb just smothered her game.

Christine's crazy eye

At the end of the day, it is literally sooo great to see two such respectful and chivalrous gentleman, as Derrick and Cody. It’s soo enriching to hear Derrick and Cody promising to help enlighten Zach. So that he might to come to the realization that women are in fact glorious creations, deserving of respect and dignity.

Christine's crazy eye

Oh, and I also have a bridge over San Francisco Bay, I am selling cheap. All it will take to be yours is a couple of magic beans. And maybe that crow that can pick up toddlers.


I Love Amber and want her to stay but she needs to start campaigning hard and not just casually. She needs to be having a real heart to heart with each one of her alliance members and break out the tears. Tell them she allowed the alliance to control her noms the first time she was HOH, and would do it again until jury. She needs to beg them to keep her one more week till jury. Get on your knees girl, start pleading.


Ratstine has adam poch disease. THE FANS LOVE ME

Michael LB

Donny is right by saying Derrick is probably unbeatable (Frankie, not so much). But let’s be very, very clear in that Derrick’s game is not on par with the most deserving winners (Dan, Will, Jun) but, instead, Derrick has the fortune of being paired with a supremely weak cast.
Can you imagine how much harder he’d have to work if he had any smart/strong females to compete with, like Danielle, Janelle or even Rachel? And the rest of this year’s guys are all mindless sheep, following along without making any decisions on their own, just plain poor. Oh well, luck of the draw, I guess.


Don’t forget Derprick is a government trained narc. He spent 10 years making friends and setting them up to send them to jail. He’s just doing what the government spend thousands training him to do. And as far as these stupid superfans go Donny’s the only one who understands BB 101. Find out who everyone trusts (Derprick and Fakie) and get them out fast because they are controlling the game.

Not thinking ahead

Off subject a bit, but just curious…..after Amber goes, who is going to do the cooking and cleaning? Hayden jokes about it but seriously – Have any of the guys lifted a finger to clean the house? It’s going to get pretty stinky pretty quickly. CBS better have a cleaning crew on standby because I’m pretty sure Princess Victoria is not down with domestic chores. Just sayin’…


To quote BB production “You’re the reason we can’t have nice things” They’ve trashed 2 microwaves already…

anonymous too

frankie does a lot of cooking and washing dishes along with hayden and zach. jaco only cooks for herself but doesn’t hesitate to try out stuff others have cooked. victoria and christine have helped with washing/drying the dishes. haven’t really seen derrick, donny, nicole, beastmode or cody do much.


if Frankie wins, this will be the last season I watch!

Thor's Sister

Derrick and Cody saying they want to smack Zach in the head is because of the way he was talking to everyone especially the women. You know just being a total obnoxious Ahole . The kind of guy who is annoying at a party and you cant wait till he leaves or passes out in the coat room. I don’t think Cody is a punk either.
I still have hope for Zach but I think his days are numbered now.
I hope Amber doesn’t leave because right now it is a stupid move. Sorry to say but Jocasta adds nothing at all. To blame the loss of the comp on Victoria was a huge Fail!! The foam pieces were leaning like the Tower of Pisa already so it didn’t matter if Victoria changed the one stupid foam thing to where Jocasta was yelling at her to move it to. It was already too late.
If Amber leaves, lets see how Caleb is really going to handle it. Im thinking big boy will go BOOM!


I really hope Donny and Zach win HOH next week. I fear of Zach doesnt get HOH he is going home and BOOM im done with this season


Kinda a big Zach fan so here are the scenarios from my perspective. Assume the BOTB twist ends Nicole, Christine, Cody, Caleb, Hayden, Victoria and Derrick are all coming after Zach? am i missing something


I am so tired of BB house members that play just to make it to jury. If they aren’t playing TO WIN then they shouldn’t be cast. Speaking of casting, surely there must be normal, decent looking (if that’s a requirement), non-fame seeking, no recruitment, or superfans (what makes one a superfan? I’ve watched every season til the end-even with the awful friendship alliance.Am I a superfan?) Just tired of hearing about the stipend and jury. Boy,am I glad I got that off my chest. Thanks fellow OBBs for listening.



Butters Mom

Simon, did you get the feeling from the way Caleb backed down to Derrick about going to West Point, that Caleb was making that up or do you think he really did go there and drop out? If he dropped out, he wouldnt be making 6 figures and you are given the option to drop out after 2 years…. Just curious if he really went there or if Derrick caught him in a lie.


Wake me up when Christine (parrot) or Nicole (Wendy Lou Who) are on the block, so they can actually play and see how it feels to be the one headed out the door… Super fans? They don’t come even close, to knowing this game… Had they watched in the past, they wouldn’t be the pawns they have become! What idiots.


amber keeps throwing zach under the bus. idiottttt


Frankie needs to go he is a lying weasel, always running around telling stories I am surprise these people can not put 1+1 together. Derrick needs to go too he thinks he is Kingpin of the house. I hope the power changes soon cause this is so boring watch this alliance that running the show.

Ima P. Onyou

If anybody takes Donny to the final two they all know he’s gonna win. they should still do it though. ;p