KATO nominated: Dina & Tamar
KATO plans to backdoor: Ryan
7:10pm Tamar and Dina in the bedroom. Tamar – you have to know that you weren’t the target and I wasn’t the target. You don’t mention my son. You don’t know my struggle. Don’t you dare in your life tell me to go home and be with my son. Because I don’t want to fight with another black woman on national television?! Are you crazy!? I cook for everyone. Dina – and I clean. Tamar – that’s what we do. Dina – somebody cooks, somebody cleans. That was just weird. Tamar – it was low. It was low to ever mention my son. Dina – you don’t touch somebody.. Tamar – before you stab them in the back! Ah DUMMY! Tamar – then I heard he had an attitude that I didn’t come to his room last night because I was sleeping.
7:18pm Kitchen – Dina and Kandi. Dina – I would be pissed if I was Kato’s girlfriend. And then he got the letter .. it was just a lot. I was rooting for everyone. That was BS! And he knows that I was pretty upset that he wasn’t honest the day before about what was going on (with the votes). And that was projection. He has to find a reason and he did. Kandi – it is what it is. Dina – and I didn’t cry in there (diary room). So Kato doesn’t get to vote right? Kandi – you mean if its tied? Oh no, he doesn’t get to vote. Dina – so he doesn’t vote and whoever wins the veto can take themselves off. Kandi – right. Dina – and someone else gets put up? Kandi – right.
7:30pm Workout room. Lolo to Ricky – do you trust Kato and Tom? Ricky – yes I do. But to trust them I feel like I have to keep checking in on them. You know?! Lolo – are you going to try and win the veto. Ricky – If I’m in it I will just because it gives us leverage. Are you going to try and win it. Lolo – absolutely! And HOH. Just because I don’t want to experience what we did the other day. Ricky – yeah. That was not a good feeling. Lolo – I want a win. The athlete in me wants to win. Ricky – winning is great but its a battle and this is a war. If somehow Ryan does get backdoored. Joey is going to quit. Lolo – you think?! Ricky – yeah. Lolo – stop it! Ricky – I don’t mean really physically quit. I mean he isn’t going to want to be here anymore.
8:10pm Kato teaching Ricky cards..

10:20pm Bedroom. Joey and Ryan. Joey – she (kandi) is to intense for me. I don’t have any energy after she leaves a room. Ryan laughs. Joey – shows how she sucks all the energy out of him.
10:45pm – 11:30pm Kato and Ryan playing miniature corn hole.
(KATO talking about backdooring Ryan)
11:34pm – 12:05am Backyard. Kato, Natalie and Tom. Kato – I just wanted to let you guys know that when I .. I guess you call it backdoor Ryan.. I am going to be the biggest hated person. Natalie – no you’re not. Kato – in America. ..I mean I’m doing it. I mean we’re doing it.. I just .. he understands that I think. Natalie – he does. Lolo joins them. Kato – I just want to make sure he understands its a game. Natalie – he does. Lolo – what’s going on? Tom – not tomorrow right? Natalie – Monday. Kato – I am doing it no matter what. I am just thinking America is going to be like f**king Kato Kaelin got rid of this really great guy. Natalie – no they won’t .. they’ll be like good for you! They’ll respect you more. Kato – Ok, its set! The perfect story would be Ryan and Dina both up. It would be like Dina you’re ok now. And Ryan would understand. Natalie – he was like .. he is cool. He said he is okay to go and that he missed his wife and kids. Tom – outside of us who is the most like to win this season? Natalie – Ryan. He is hella likable. He is super athletic. Lolo – he isn’t shabby on the memorization either. They agree that if Ricky wins HOH he wouldn’t put any of them up. Lolo – he isn’t against you guys. Tom – I think he is smartest strategically right now. And he knows that we’re together .. the smartest strategic thinker in the house knowing about us … is dangerous. He is going to analyze the game and realize that the only way he can win is if he breaks this up. Lolo – you have to remember that last year the most strategic person did not win. Ross did not win. You guys are overlooking this. Tom – I was even surprised when you put Dina and Tamar on the block today. They agree that everyone was surprised.
12:20am Ryan to Joey – We need an alliance. Me, you, Dina, Kandi and Ricky. Joey – lets do it. Lets talk to Kandi. Ryan – no have Dina talk to Kandi. Joey – then go talk to Dina. Ryan – I already did. Joey – what did she say? Ryan – we need to do this now. Joey – then lets do it. Ryan comments on how he told Kato he thought he was going to backdoor him. Joey – I don’t want to be here if you’re not… that would be a nightmare dude.
2:30am Another bird takes flight…
What’s the word…anyone know who is on the block? I hope one of them is Taymar. She lives her life in pantomime! I don’t know how much more of her I can take.
Tamar and Dina
Tamar and Dina on the block. The 4 person alliance: Tom, Kato, Lolo and Natalie plan to backdoor Ryan.
If they can hold it together they will rule the game!
I had a nervous giggle. Joey micro managing the changing of the sheets. The turning of pillows. The special way of moving the comforter. Joey throwing in complaints. He only got ONE pillow case back from Laundry.
And so on. Geeze. And all this time..all these years..I just strip the bed and toss the sheets and cases in the machine. Who Knew !
In the backyard…Natalie gung ho on getting rid of Ryan.
I see Ricky getting far..they are underestimating him.
I really enjoyed Eva’s chat with Ricky last night. She basically gave him her whole career story. Impressive! She is one of my favorites this season. Tom is so real and someone I could talk with for hours. Love his personality. (how the hell did he get my cane?)
I really wish Dina would stop telling Tamar everything. That will not help Dina at all.
Joey is beyond annoying. He is completely micromanaging (you nailed it capealadin) everything, even trying to orchestrate his DR sessions. (Simon, insert W H O A ! here) He’s going to get worse when Ryan leaves. It was hilarious when Ricky told Lolo that Joey wouldn’t need to be back-doored, “you can frontdoor Joey!” LOL
Love how the crew made the visiting bird in the backyard their pet.
I like Kandi. She seems genuine to me, and I like how she takes the high road with Tamar. As a game player, though, Meh!
Tamar is, as she said herself, “the plague”. She thinks everyone is avoiding her because she’s on the block. No, TayTay…it’s not just that. Ironic that someone who says they are self-aware, absolutely is NOT. She is the type of person who could really grow from this social experiment. It’s sad that she likely won’t change much, though.
Tom tries to tell us the morning wake-up routine and BB cuts to feeds to warn him. Tom apologizes for his flub then continues to give a guided tour. LOL
It’s good to see Tamar and Lolo are back in calm waters. I almost drowned just watching the face-offs before feeds cut. I do wish Lolo would have taken Tamar’s offer to comb out her hair since it was so matted. Yet, I kinda understand that Lolo probably figured Tamar may just pull it all out then claim “OOPS” or “I told you don’t move!”
Game play ranks for me:
1. Kato (he KNOWS this game and made the best moves so far)
2. Tom (I had flashbacks to Castaway when Tom was talking to the cameras around 2AM “Wilson”) Love him!
3. Eva (I suppose I should call her ” Natalie Marie” given she’s so authentic)
4. Ryan (get over your splinter already…it won’t kill you) On suspension for B12…hilarious.
5. Ricky (wish he would shave that beard off)
6. Lolo (keep it cool Lolo)
7. Dina
8. Kandi
9. Tamar (BLUK)
10. Joey (it bugs me how he walks on the balls of his feet….if his shoes hurt his feet he should just take them off)
Great summary Granny 🙂
Thanks, Simon. I just call it how I see it.
This season is going well. I’m really enjoying these people (most of them). LOL
I’m having fun too which surprises me because I generally not interested in “celebrities” .. I just wish I could watch more feeds like the summer editions.
Definetly #TeamTomato
Most of these celebrities haven’t even watched Big Brother so I didn’t expect them to have any game play but they seem to be catching on pretty well.
The person who surprises me the most is Joey. I thought he’d be more down to earth but he complains a lot.
I agree with the comment about Ricky’s beard! lol. I’d actually rather him go than Ryan.
Tamar has been so calm, I’m wondering if she had a therapist talk her down during the hiatus yesterday, or at least an adjustment to her meds? (Not that I’m missing the raving lunatic version.)
I’m hoping Ryan wins POV, takes Dina off the block, then Kato has to replace her, and hopefully Tamar will be voted off.
Thanks. AND…production must have gritted their teeth, with Joey throwbacks my out the comment “ with all the money thus show makes, they could at least buy new mattresses “
He has been quite rude with production, IMHO! (Do it, SImon) LOL
whoa …
Joey is a person that was got a 5 year high paying job at 14. It also happened to be syndicated giving him monthly royalties. His life is one of luxury. No Salad, one pillow those are his struggles.
I do respect the fact as a young star he’s not a complete monster like so many end up.
I agree. He’s not a bad guy, just too much for me. He has managed his career with a great level of respectability, for sure. That’s a huge accomplishment, and Joey is good at hosting his own kudo-fest.
He thinks he’s humble, but truly humble people don’t have to announce they are humble.
I just don’t think this show is a good platform for him. Still, he seems to be a really good person.
If my life had the same path I would have been a disaster.
I hear ya! I’d likely be dead.
Joey started earlier than 14 yrs old. He was in Gimme a Break.
Yeah but he wasn’t a major draw in that series though. Blossom was when his hair became a teen heart throb.
Joey just annoys me…he seems self-entitled and for no reason. Kato, on the other hand has far out-mazed me and I kind of want to see what he can do!
For those interested in Tom’s antics, he starts his one-man show on camera 3 around 1:51AM BBTime and it lasts until about 2:30 AM with the CB Osprey flight being the finale. (no worries, Tom. It’s our secret)
Excellent entertainment!
What do you go to to be able to watch this? I have the live feed just didn’t think you could go back on them
There should be a replay/rewind/rewatch option not sure if you’ve disabled the control bar somehow but it should be there if you have the live feeds.
Hmm… is right. Hit that flashback feature (adjust for your time zone) or go to that play bar at the bottom of the screen and swipe that baby pretty much all the way to the left (about an inch from the start should get you to his monologue)
Huh I don’t see that feature would it matter what type of council you’re watching it on? I watch it on the download app on my Xbox or phone. I’m root for Tom Green lol
It’s so crazy when the season started. Already loved Eva Marie. Knew I would be rooting for her. But Dina Tom and Kato. Of all people. I was completely prepared to not like Dina at all. But she compliments Tom and Kato well. Wish she was actually with them. Definitely not a game player. Just surprised that I actually like her. And Ryan as well. He seems like a good guy despite his past issues. And agreeing with granny. Tamar has zero self awareness. Talking about how she hates negativity and just doesn’t understand how certain things happen. No ownership of her own behavior at all. Hoping noms stay the same and they vote her out. Never in a million years did I think I would be rooting for Kato. But there it is. Eva Marie / Kato / Tom.
Gotta love purple tomatoes!
Lol. Yep.
I like Natalie, Kato & Tom; hoping they go far. I’ve always liked Kandi but she’s not exactly playing the game. Ironic that Joey feels Kandi sucks all the air from the room; I think HE’S projecting. Of course Tay-Tay is the biggest air sucker. Natalie said the other night (before the blow up) that she and Lo Lo haven’t slept well because they are kept up all night listening to Tay go on and on and on. Could have been wearing on Lo Lo.
Everyone in my office pool had Natalie Eva-Marie as #1 or 2. She’s sexy and still down to earth. After her faux-paux with the whole “final two name” she’s upped her game and I think she’s doing great!
Totally agree with Granny.
There are 10 people left in the house and Ryan wants to set up a 7 person alliance.
He’s a people pleaser. 🙂
I like the guy, but he’s the one who first mentioned he would be backdoored. Like, why put that idea in people’s heads? *DUH
yet look hoe drek won the game!
going be another weak monday for i bet 3rd for yhem kato bbeing being nothat syrong should tamar!
English please
Biggest Surprise – Kato (did not expect him to play so well, but loving it)
Most Entertaining – Tom (putting the fun in Team Fun)
Most Annoying – Joey (need I say more?)
Biggest Disappointment – Lolo (I know that Cray-mar is way more extra, but Lolo’s short fuse is a big turn-off)
Biggest Non-Threat – Ryan (they all way to backdoor him, and I know he’s an athlete, but the dude isn’t too savvy)
Most Likable – Natalie Eva Marie (calm in the middle of the Cray-mar/Lolo storm, and a good competitor)
Most Likely to “curb stomp” Someone – Cray-mar (right after she calls for a ladder to get down from the next comp)
Kandi, Ricky, and Dina are all easy enough to like, in my opinion, and any of them could get through a few more evictions just by playing nice. Great season!
Am I the only one irked by these celebrities getting complete laundry service 3 days a week? (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday according to Evlo)
They are perfectly capable of washing their own dirty underwear.
Well, at least these beauties appreciate it immensely! Love them!
My new nickname for Ricky is Papa Moon. He’s an empath.
Kato keeps flirting with DIna. He definitely digs her a lot.
My daughter is the same about the extras they get that the regular houseguests don’t. Like really drives her crazy She wants them to have the same rules. But she also gets irritated watching football when the trainers squirt water or Gatorade in the players mouths. She says they are millionaires who hit people and catch balls for a living and they can’t even hold their own bottles. Lol.
The player’s have a very hard time with the pads, gloves and sheer size to handle the bottle in a timely manner as it’s usually during a time out this happens. Also multiple people will get a shot from the same bottle so they want to minimize slobber and other stuff on the bottle. So people with clean hands, handle the bottles. If you see the games live you can see that while they are on the sidelines they will get their own drinks usually.
I’m not sure why I felt I needed to explain why high paid athletes get a squirt of drink in their mouths like baby birds.
The reason they get laundry service is the hot tub they put in so ryan can train is so big it takes up the room they had for the washer and dryer they have limited space since they dont get the full yard like the summer version