POV Holder: | Donny | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 14th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Derrick | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Donny/Amber | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 17/July 18 |
Original Nominations: | Derrick’s Noms (Caleb & Jocasta) |
Final Nominations: | Caleb & Devin | ||
Have Nots | Caleb, Amber, Devin, Hayden | ||
POV Players | Derrick, |
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12:50pm Devin tells Donny that he really wishes him the best of luck. And when you realize who you can trust make sure you take care of Jocasta. Devin asks what do you think Pow’s tactic was about saying stuff when she was leaving? Was it to stir stuff up? Donny says I don’t know, like what? Devin says like telling people that Zach’s cousin is Amanda Zuckerman. Devin asks do you think I handled this week pretty well? Donny says yes. They head inside. In the kitchen – Jocasta, Devin, Amber, Victoria and Brittany. Jocasta pretends she’s in church and starts preaching. Jocasta says that Amber isn’t dressed appropriately for church. Devin tells Amber that she doesn’t need to run the streets any more. Amber didn’t like what Devin was insinuating. Amber says there’s nothing wrong with a bathing suit. Devin says don’t take it too seriously. Caleb heads up to the HOH room and knocks but Derrick doesn’t answer.
1:15pm In the bathroom – Devin talks to Caleb about Amber. She’s been acting weird lately. I can’t figure it out she’s just.. She just won’t stop. Caleb says yeah. Devin talks about the battle of the block competition when Jocasta was sick and he asked everyone to quite down and Amber got mad to him saying she was just trying to help. Fuck dude she just bothers me. She doesn’t know what to shut up! Devin says you just can’t win with her. She wants to Caleb says yeah. She just always wants to put people on blast in front of people. Like dude stop! Caleb heads to the kitchen. Devin heads to the living room. Devin asks if he thinks its ever been this dirty in past season. Caleb says well 14 people living in a house with 1 bathroom its bound to happen. Devin says I feel like if I walk in that kitchen I will get hepatitis. I am done eating in there I’m fasting today and tomorrow.
1:25pm – 1:55pm Out in the backyard – Brittany and Amber are laying out on the lounger suntanning. Brittany comments oh how thinking about the next few evictions its going to get harder and harder. Brittany talks about Devin campaigning yesterday. Amber says that he didn’t even come to her. Brittany says I feel bad, it’s not like I dislike the person I just feel bad that .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Brittany says that if Devin had just been the way he’s been this week he people would have liked him. Brittany comments on how Caleb has been so quiet lately. Amber says that we haven’t talked in two days. Brittany says I think Caleb started to realize that Devin wasn’t the best decision so he started to confide in you. Amber says there are good people here in the house. Brittany agrees. I don’t even want to think about next week, it will be the hardest.
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2pm In the bathroom – Christine comments on how she left her heart at the door and will pick it up when she leaves. Nicole says outside the house I cry about everything. I cried when my brother poured hot sauce on my ice cream. Nicole says it’s getting boring in here. Christine says yeah no one is voting they way they should. Nicole says I definitely need to start thinking about my game. Nicole asks are you going to try for HOH? Christine says yes I am. Because I do not trust .. If Donny and Jocasta go up I am definitely going up. If it’s Hayden, and Derrick and Cody are up there then I will drop. Nicole says its a lot of responsibility .. its fun though to get some blood on your hands. It was suck an adrenaline rush. Christine tells Nicole that she can trust Derrick. She explains how Derrick wouldn’t give the name of the person that came up to the HOH to tell her about what Donny said. Thank you Derrick I trust you more. Nicole says I want Hayden and Cody to win it. I really hope Amber and Brittany don’t win it. Nicole says people are going to start to showmance Hayden and I. We are not going to kiss in this house. Obviously Hayden is a great player but just be careful when you say that he is the most underestimated player. Christine says oh no I regretted that.. Hayden & Donny join them.
2:10pm – 2:20pm Out in the backyard – Amber gets up to take off her clothing and when she tries to take off her Mic her bathing suit top pops off. Oh my god do you think people saw my boob!? Jocasta says yeah. Amber says I am so mad! I change in front of everyone when I model I guess its not that bad. Christine says she doesn’t think the camera’s caught it. Jocasta says that Joey had her boobs out and that’s probably still people’s screensaver.

2:20pm – Hayden and Cabel head out to the backyard. Caleb asks him who his next target would be? Hayden says theres a few people. Who do you think? Caleb says Victoria. She hasn’t been on the block yet. Hayden says I think she could also go any time. Hayden says if I won HOH I would maybe put up Jocasta, Victoria, Brittany.. who do you think? Caleb says those three definitely. Caleb says I have just been doing a lot of thinking.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Hayden says you have put a lot of trust and feeling with Amber but she isn’t looking after you back. Caleb says if she is up on the block I wouldn’t have a problem voting her out. Caleb says its still going to look like ..I mean I am going to do me. I don’t trust Cody, Zach .. thats when the time comes .. I do now because I have to but when the time comes its game over for them. When it comes done to it I trust Derrick, you.. and it was Amber.. We are going to be the people winning the majority of the stuff. Now with Amber spending lots of time with Cody in the hammock I don’t like it. I put myself up on the block for her and for my alliance. When the time comes it will be the biggest backdoor in big brother history (backdooring Amber). Hayden says I trust Donny, Nicole and obviously you. You are loyal. If any of the four – Brittany, Jocasta, Amber and Victoria went home this next week I don’t think anyone would care. Caleb says me personally I can’t put Amber up because people will think that its because she doesn’t like me. But as far as another alliance member doing it I am okay with it and I will vote her out. Caleb says I think if we have a target we shouldn’t put them up right away. If it is Amber and Jocasta it would be better to put them up on different sides so that at least one of them goes home.
2:30pm – 2:48pm Caleb heads up to the HOH room to talk to Derrick. Caleb says a lot on my mind. I’m just trying to think about how to regroup and think about who I can trust. Derrick says good that’s what I’ve been telling you. Caleb says right now I am think that Amber is bad for my game. Amber is all over the place and is going to be where ever she is safest. One minute her and Brittany are bumping heads and then next minute they’re hanging out. She uses certain people for safety. Derrick says well she uses you that’s for sure. Caleb says not right now but soon we need to put Amber and Frankie on the block together. Derrick says I am done brotha. Caleb says Hayden and I have a lot of trust with each other. Derrick asks what if you win HOH this week? Caleb says One HOH would put up Amber and Victoria and I would probably put up Brittany and Jocasta. Derrick says Jocasta is a straight up floater. Damn man how the game changes. Caleb says I won’t be the one to put Amber up but I won’t be the one to save her either. Who do you think will be the next target? Derrick says Jocasta. We can vote Victoria out any week.. but the best thing is that she isn’t stirring up drama. She thinks she’s at summer camp. Caleb says I don’t think she should be in jury. There are only 2 more before jury .. I think it should be Victoria and Jocasta. Derrick questions that and says if Brittany gets wind of our alliance she will blow it up. Caleb agrees and says that next should be Brittany and Jocasta. Derrick says Amber might win HOH and if she does you’ll need to work with her. Derrick tells Caleb that it will be his call when he wants Amber out. Caleb says yeah I just feel like she will flip flop. Like she did in the first week and how she started to say I had to go. Caleb says at the same point I can’t be the one to put her up because it will look like I’m doing it because she won’t date me. Me personally I don’t think I will go up with the two chances .. when its just the pov I think I will go up. Caleb says that Hayden trusts Donny. Derrick says just because Hayden trusts him doesn’t mean I won’t put him up. There are definitely pawns that can go up this week and no one will care…
Alliances (Some of these only a few of the members actually think the alliance is real the bombsquad is done but some people still think it’s real)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Feed watchers = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
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Dang that’s a lot of alliances!! Amber wants to hook up with Cody I think
Amber wants to hook up with whomever will keep her safe.
Yeah she’s the only one in the house that wants that, Duh! I wish people would leave that girl alone. Silly Nicole and Christine are wearing big stupid glasses so people think they are smart and not trying to use their blond hair and blue eyes to get further in the game. No matter how awkward, silly, nasty and mean those two critters behave, the votes will go to them
I wish I could like your comment another 100 times
yea after a nite of loving caleb will mount her head on the wall as a keepsake
and he will post it on YouTube
Props to OBB for always providing the eyecandy and relevant screens 🙂 Salute!
Amber is in the worst position in this house which is weird cuz she literally does nothing lol
Yes she’s in a terrible position if Caleb turns on her then she has no alliance, since the bomb squad is done. If he turns on her then she’s toast because the other side of the house (Nicole and friends) don’t care that much for her.
out of the long list of alliances, is a single one legit? i’ve looked up and down the list, and i don’t see one, but i could be wrong.
I think the only true one is Nicole and Hayden and possibly Derrick and Cody but who really knows these days? I hope some diary sessions tonight and tomorrow will clear some of this up.
Devin, you better watch how you talk about Caleb’s Queen. He may just bring “Beast Mode” out on you. I’m still waiting to see this so called beast he keeps talking about.
Why Nicole is so stupid?
She is going to trust Derrick and Cody? The 2 that had a alliance on her back?
And she does not want Britanny to win HOH? … why not try to talk with her at least once and try to work something out?
I can`t believe how stupid the girls are this season
Not only the “ladies” … we had to keep in mind last year – HOWEVER – you must admit we had a buzz last year – this year will get interesting once the DR is allowed to do its job…
Remember Ginamarie………….that “stupid” girl made it to the end.
We’re darn good…..
Nicole is annoying. I laughed when she told christine its fun to get blood on your hands when you’re HOH. That little girl was sh!tting her pants when she won HOH (competition was a crap shoot, she would have thrown the comp if she could have). She was so scared she wanted to self evict. Derrick took all the heat off of her by getting caleb to agree to throw the bob n have nicole dethrowned. I cant wait till she takes that stupid frog suit off she looks stupid with that suit n glasses.
Amber’s swin top pops off…….shocker!! NOT
OK, so i counted 15 alliances and only 14 people in the house. The frog and Nicole must count as 2 people, and all 5 of Devin’s personalities must count. It’s going to be good when these alliances all crumble cause everybody will lose trust in everybody.
1/2 of them are defunct right now but might come back depending on the HOH winner. Heck even the bomb squad is still thought of as a thing in Caleb and Amber’s mind
Shut up derrick your starting to be annoying can’t wait for his HOH to be over!
Starting to be? D’Bag’Rick has sucked for a week. He is sleezey like Christine. They might have something going outside the house.
he has a pig nose, talks to fast and doesn’t help around the house
Caleb flipped that quickly. I kinda took up for him when most viewers’ view of him was “STALKER STATUS”. You can’t change a person’s opinion of you; all you can do is try to make them see you for you. Caleb should have gone to Amber like any sane person, and set things straight. She was straightforward telling him that she wanted friendship. I honestly thought that he valued their friendship but from his conversation with Hayden I know otherwise. Oh Caleb…….
She’s always been straight up with him. He only just now started listening.
I am glad he is on board with the idea of getting Frankie out. He may have been in a love crush daze for a week or two, but it seems like he’s waking up. I like him better this way.
Amber said to someone that her original intention from day one was to go with the guys. It shouldn’t be a surprise she is not attempting to work or game with any of the girls at all.
Joey’s plan for an all girl alliance was genius just pitched too early. It’s time that these girls realize that the boys are picking them off one by one.
i think they know it, but still think they are the exception. Any female who gets closer to the end should start calling themselves ‘Britney” and expect to be cut at F4
So true! It annoys me so much how Christine thinks she’s so good with the guys and says things like ”I love Nicole, but you know I would have no problem turning on her” Like, Nicole is probably the ONLY person who would go to bat for you, dummy! Do you honestly think any of those guys give a crap about you? Any girl with a guy’s alliance is the bottom of the totem pole. Unfortunately, guys are always so much more loyal to each other than girls are. It’s a shame.
The Bomb Squad Alliance wasn’t pitched too early, Joey’s all girl alliance pitch wasn’t too soon either. The blank faces, as the camera panned, told the tail of distrust among the women. That, plus Christine and Amber weren’t smart enough to figure out they could be in 2 alliances at once to their benefit. I think Fabio had it right about the lack of smartness in the female ranks.
It is about time Caleb gets over Amber.
Agree – but what is there to talk about – they need some booze – and they must sage the house to get Helen out of it….
LMAO!!!!!!! I couldn’t stand Helen!
Hahahahahahaha. Stop you’re killing me.
I think its funny how Caleb is all “I cant put her up (Amber) because she will think its because she wont date me. Well….isn’t it because of that? 2 friggin seconds ago you wanted to take her home to meet momma!!
So now Caleb wants to vote Amber out because he’s jealous of her “friendship” with Cody??? Dude she told you from jumpstreet that she wasn’t interested and now your going to ruin her game because you are only now realizing that she meant it. So she’s only supposed to talk to Caleb while she’s in the house she’s not aloud to form any other bond, relationships or allies except him…what a douche and classic stalker. She’s only a loud to talk to those he approves of or are gay. And I’m sick of all these guys saying she’s using him when she is clearly worried to talk to anyone else in fear of him doing exactly what he is doing right now with Hayden and Derrick. I’m sick of him and he needs to go.
Amber did tell him he didn’t have to go on the block or throw the game for her. He made the decision to do it anyway because he was hoping she would be his date to the finale if he made a grand gesture. Women like Amber don’t appreciate good guys…lucky for Caleb Devin is the Target this week so he didn’t completely ruin his game….but he will need to win HOH or POV to stay in the house next week because the only person loyal to him is leaving this week.
Uh you do realize its because it isn’t coming from a genuine place!him Any nice thing Caleb does for Amber he does it with an expectation that she’ll do something for him in return—you can’t appreciate that sort of “kindness”–because its a enslaving sort of thing. It’s “I’ll do this for you, if only you do this for me,” that’s no nice guy mentality, that’s a user and abuser mentality.
And Caleb’s making himself come across as a delusional, schizophrenic, bipolar, controlling nut.
I can see Brittany wining HOH and putting up Donny cause shes Big Brother dumb and listens to much to what Derrick says.And to be honest when are we going to get some strong girls on big brother that will stand to the guys and try to take them out not rely on him cause they weak we need more Daniele Donato’s Rachel Reilly’s, more Danielle Reyes, and Janelle’s that come to play the game with the guys and not just sit around the house and get picked off like these girls are doing now girls that actually know the game and want to play not these fake model types that don’t know nothing about it and are recruited and just watched last season dvd why they was in they hotel waiting hell to these ppl Amanda and Mcrae are the greatest to ever play lol.
anyways just me venting
My hopes are that Jocosta and Donny win HOH. They seems to be the only ones that are aware that the BS member are STILL be working together. Jocasta is quiet but she has a clue to what’s really going on and that showed during that convo she had with Donny(think it was yesterday morning). Those two becoming HOH would shake this house completely up.
donny all the way
poor Amber she is hated because Caleb wants her and the other guys are using his obsession to mess up his game and her game, and the eyeglass twins are jealous of her and the weirdo Victoria and Brittney are jealous also. WHAT’S WRONG LADIES this is a game to win 500k. This is not high school grow up and get your heads in the game. The girl is pretty, give her a break……..
I am glad that Devin and Hayden were straight up with Caleb about Amber. He is starting to see her for the flip flopping floater that she is. Maybe now he will become the “beast” that he keeps talking about.
i think it would be awesome if they back door Caleb and kept Devin. Devin is better TV, Caleb does nothing in the house and scary to watch on BBAD.
Amber is not going direct to Caleb and letting him know that She valúes his friendship and dating is not of option!!! She is using him for Game
Simon/Dawg – I read somewhere that Christine and Nicole “pinky swore to vote Caleb out and blame Donny & Jocasta” – since I never read that on here I’m wondering if it’s true. Did either of you hear that?
its here http://www.onlinebigbrother.com/zach-attack-i-want-frankie-gone-sooner-than-later-he-has-control-of-people/2/
Thank you so much….guess that’s what I get for trying to read the updates on my phone. I miss stuff.
Ugh – I dislike them even MORE now! What is their damn obsession with disliking Donny?!? They suck.
I don’t have the feeds and hope you guys can help…is Christine the “game player” that she thinks she is?
Thx Simon and Dawg. The only BB Blog I follow (& actively push your site on fellow BB fans). You guys are the best!
Thanks! Christine is doing al right in the game. Does she think she’s a mastermind in the Diary Room?
I think she’s playing a decent game from what I’ve seen but what I read here it seems like the other players placate her, use her and but behind her back they will easily cut her. With the exception of Nicole & Hayden. I feel she believes a lot of the other players and thinks she is “playing” the game instead of getting played. I don’t know, maybe I am reading more into it. I just hope Christine, Nicole and Hayden make it far.
How many ways can she tell him that she’s not interested. She is not a floater she can win comps her downfall in the game is she is too nice and she can’t read people. Devin and Caleb messed up her game from the start. Devin because of his jealousy of Caleb liking her and Caleb because he’s a stalker.
I really hope Donny and Hayden can win this next HOH. The house needs to be rattled. I laughed when I saw what the two choice will be for the TA. I select strongest player. This why Hayden really needs to win the HOH. Frankie and Derrick might be safe but if Donny does a undercover move and convince Hayden to put them up, it will shake the house up. LOL…I would love to see how Derrick could squeal himself out of being a target.
So Nicole hates Amber, and now wants Brittany out….
I think it’s safe to say she’s jealous of Amber and Brittany because of their looks, because let’s face without make up on Nicole ain’t no looker.
If Nicole were a TRUE BBfan she’d no the best game is to not be associated with any type of romance on the game, if she were smart she’d let Amber and Brittany continue with the pretty girl card because it keeps her off the radar.
But now she’s flirting with Hayden…
Nicole distrusts Amber because Amber lied to everyone when she put up Nicole and Hayden. Amber said she knew nothing about the plan of Powpow throwing the BotB comp, when she was in the room when Devin told Nicole and Hayden about it.
I love Hayden so much.
Devin’s comment about Amber not knowing when to shut up rubbed me the wrong way.
Devin’s leaving, the show is getting super boring, I haven’t even bothered to watch the latest episode.
This season and that stupid team america nonsense are a total flop
Caleb reminds me of the “nice guy” at the bar who buys you a drink and then expects you to be his best buddy all night, even though you didn’t want to accept the drink but you did to be nice.