POV Holder: | Devin | Next POV | July 12th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 7th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Devin | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Hayden & Nicole | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 10/July 11 |
Original Nominations: | Devin’s Noms (Pow Pow & Brittany) |
Final Nominations: | POW POW & ZACH | ||
Have Nots | Victoria Brittany, Zach and Derrick | ||
POV Players | Host Donny, Players Devin, Brittany, POWPOW, Derrick, Zach, Amber |
8:38pm Nicole and Cody
Nicole tells him they have the votes to keep Zach. Brittany is locked vote for Zach to stay. Nicole wants the vote to be 7-5 so they can fool the other side. Cody wants it to be 9-3
Nicole thinks Jocasta and Amber talk game. Cody doesn’t think anyone talks game to jocasta but he had a good talk the other day about the power in the house.
Nicole – “I want to make a big mover so bad”
Cody just wants Caleb and Devin to know they don’t have all the power they think they do.
Nicole says Caleb and Devin will be talking so much crap during the HOH. Cody isn’t worried says Hayden is a BEAST and Cody is not going to let Caleb beat him. Caleb walks by ‘You guys talking game” Cody – ‘Who us.. a bit “ Cody invites him to join them says they are mostly just bullshitting.
8:46pm Cody and Zach
Cody tells Zach they have the votes to keep him. “If the vote comes out 9-3 they will sh1t their pants.. Victoria is a key vote”
Cody says ‘They” (Devin and Caleb) are pushing everyone in the house saying they have the votes to get rid of Zach but they don’t have sh!t.
Zach counts his votes says the only people that are not voting for him are Jocasta, Amber and Caleb. That is why right before the HOH. Cody is going to work Jocasta and tell her she’s voting against the house. Cody is going to throw his name out there. Zach – “you need to scare the F*** out of Amber tell her everyone is voting to keep Zach”
Cody “Hayden is a f****g beast I’m a Beast F***, F**** what they think they can do in a competition”
Cody says Victoria is really weak Devin was strong arming her she’s legitimately scared.
Zach says they need the vote to be 9-3 or 10-2 Cody doesn’t see them getting 10 votes.
Derrick rolls in says he thinks he’s got Victoria, Cody is going to put his name on the line to try and get her vote. Derick is going to keep pushing Victoria telling her is Zach leaves she’s the biggest target.
Zach – “I already have 7 locked up”
Derrick – “You need more”
Derrick says someone is Bullsh1itting them they should get 9 votes then at least if two are Bullsh1itting they still have the 7 votes.
Derrick says Donny scares him but Hayden is a lock.
Zach says he’s got Frankie’s vote, Cody doesn’t thinks so, Frankie has him really worried. Derrick says Frankie has been super cool with him lately but still he warns them to watch what they saw to him.
8:56pm ROCKROOM Victoria, Cody, Nicole, Zach, Christine
talking about the vote Zach tells them he wants the vote to be 9-3. Zach is pissed that Devin/caleb are going around tellign everyone the house is voting him out. Victoria says she’s scared of Devin coming after her and torturing her. Zach tells her not to worry says he’s going after Devin if he stays in the house, “If i’m in the HOH room i’m putting Caleb, Devin, Amber and Jocasta on slop”. Cody hates the way Devin makes Victoria feel. Zach tells vIctoria he’s the biggest target in the house Devin/Caleb are coming after him there’s nothing to worry about if he stays either they win HOH or Caleb wins and puts Zach up.
Victoria just hopes it’s going to work. Cody says there’s no chance in hell he’s voting to keep Zach. Nicole says they have 7 votes.
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9:22pm FIREROOM Team America
Planning their votes Donny and Frankie are voting out Zach Derrick is voting to evict POW. they want the vote to be a 7-5 split so they can maximise the confusion in the house. They don’t want either side to know where the votes went.
Derrick – I think we can all come to the consensus that the tide have turned on POW
Frankie agrees says keeping POW is the best plan for them.
Frankie – “we have to throw these girls under the Nicole, Jocasta, Amber”
Donny leaves, Derrick says they should go to Caleb tell him Zach is staying they can either vote with the house or vote against him.
Amber rolls in they strongly hint that they don’t know where the vote is and Nicole has said she’ voting out POW.
9:33pm FIREROOM Frankie and Derrick
Frankie says Zach’s rant resulted in Cody not trusting him and if Cody wins HOH he’s going to end up on the block.

9:56pm Caleb and Derrick BEEHIVE
Derrick says it seems like something is going on. Caleb – “If you are true to what is going on we’re going to have 6 votes.”
Caleb counts his votes to evict Zach = Amber, Caleb, Christine , jocasta, Donny, Frankie
Derrick tells him he better hope they got those vote if they lose those two votes they are in the minority and if that happens they will be fighting for their lives the rest of the game.
Derrick – we got to play it safe
Caleb – What is playing it safe
Derrick – ‘Well you and me we’re safe”
Derick says Zach doesn’t mind Caleb “He was not talking sh1t about you.. he wants Devin.. I don’t think he can get Devin out”
Derick says if Zach stay and they don’t show their cards it’s a joey week.
Caleb says he can’t trust Cody, “He told Devin straight up that alliance has his vote.. he’s saying two different things to two different people”
Caleb doesn’t think they have Hayden or Cody. Derick warns if Jocasta and Donny flip their vote they are in trouble. Caleb doesn’t think Jocasta will flip he’s certain it will be 6-6.
Derrick explains that they knew the eviction on Joey week because they control the vote if they keep Zach they know what is happening again because they control the vote. Derrick adds Just like last week we will
know who goes home.
Caleb – “Devin”
Derrick – “Who”
caleb – ‘what”
Derrick points out that Zach will go after Devin and the girls, He’s not a fan of Victoria and Brittany. Derrick says there will be no blood on their hands if they vote out POW, if they vote out Zach they got enemies. Derrick suggest Caleb talk to Zach and if he thinks he’s being played they roll the dice but if they keep Zach theres five 5 people that will get taken out before them.
Caleb – ‘I’m not going out before jury”
Caleb – “Our best case scenario for us next week is for Zach to stay”
Derrick – :His problem is Devin and only if he gets HOH is Devin in trouble”
Derrick says if Jocasta eisn HOH she’s not putting Caleb up she’s putting Zach up. Derrick explains they use Zach as their target, ‘If we’re on the block with him he’s going home.. safe bet or the risk”
10:04pm Nicole to Zach “I’m excited for this upset”
10:21pm Derrick to Zach
Derrick – “You’re boy came through for you your 100% Staying.. I’ve convinced Caleb to keep you he’s in the BEEHIVE room waiting for you”
Zach goes to talk to Caleb.
Cody says this means if he wins HOH he can’t put up Calen. Derrick explains to him they do not want to go to battle right now. Derrick says now Caleb is going to get his people to vote to keep Zach.
Derrick – “we’re getting POW out That’s one of their people”
Derrick is doing work. Zach owes Derrick big time
WOW!!!! I give Caleb a lot of respect for that conversation with Zach. Caleb is real loyal, and that conversation showed a lot of strength in his character. great highlight this season.
Oh Please. Caleb got played like a fiddle. Derrick totally set him up and got Caleb to believe it was his idea. Derrick is showing himself to be the master manipulator.
Go, Derrick! Go, Derrick!
Wow…Derrick just showed his Jedi skills!!!
I love that within the bomb squad no one respects Devin’s opinion. First he wanted Brit gone, and everyone said we’re not going along with that, then he says he wants Zach gone, and now they’re blowing that up!!
So now they have an alliance of 9?
The weaker, non-alliance, players are clueless. They have a strong player on the block (Zack) and it looks like they’re going to vote out harmless Pow Pow. What do they think is going to happen a couple weeks from now. Who are Zack and friends going to go after?
This cast is amateur hour.
Zach is a moron. His big mouth put him in his present situation, but because the entire house can’t tell Devin to sit down and shut up, he some kind of hero. If he survives this week, and it looks like he will, the house made a huge mistake. He’s as crazy as a shithouse rat, just like Devin.
I see it kind of differently. Derrick (and Zack and Frankie) didn’t know when to stop talking/campaigning. They overplayed it. Derrick was obsessed with getting 9 then 10 then 11 or 12 votes to keep Zack and blew it sky high. They quietly had 7, maybe 8 votes to keep Zach and cause a surprise upset but Derrick could not leave it alone. What a dumb-ass. Spilling everything out to Caleb!!! How counter-productive. What a dumb-ass!!!
does derrick suspect Frankie, pushing to vote out PowPow and then telling him something about Cody he knows isn’t true
ok, nevermind, read the rest. Is Devin seriously saying that Cody was Britney’s only vote, when the entire house wanted her taken off the block lol.
Damn. I know Caleb isn’t exactly smart. But Derrick walking Caleb through that was masterful. I’m starting to appreciate how good his game is b
woooow caleb got totally mind f@*ked. You go boy!!! Derricks da Man!!! Play on PLAYA!!!!
Well damn Derrick, you are starting to become my favorite in the house.
Derrick’s awesome at this
He really is, kinda reminds me of Dan.
With this early game play, so far this is shaping up to be one of the better entertaining seasons. It will be interesting to see what editing does to what has been happening. TVGUIDE ONLINE did a short article on Big Brother which made me laugh with one line; when they mention Devin they say “Seriously dude, chill out!”.
He is truly a cop. They will rip you apart and you will confess to a crime you did not commit. LOL. He is good. WOW.
I’m hating and loving him at the same time, I’m amazed by how he was able to change the minds of Caleb and Amber though I’m hating him for that. I wanted a house divided, that’s when things gets interesting and exciting, the way I’m seeing it, Zach is staying and reuniting with the bombsquad? Ugh. Hopefully Caleb gets blindsided next week. Apart from Nicole, Britanny and Hayden people don’t seem to want to shake things up in the house.
he needs to change their minds, i think he knows what frankie is up to, because to me there is no good reason for all Team America to not vote out PowPow, or that it should be 2 vote her out, 1 keep her, the numbers they know about will still indicate he voted out Zach to the Devleb’s
If Caleb actually votes to keep zach then I’ve got to give mad props to Derrick. He’s good
At this point I can see Frankie’s game being busted (yay!), if anyone believes any of his lies then they are as stupid as Adam Poch. I can’t wait for thursday, hopefully everything stays the same. And hooray for Jocasta, at least she’s part of the show now. :))))
I have seen a few houseguests adopt his style of play. It is funny to see a handful of players tell each other what they think the person wants to hear. The only one who is doing a Master’s class in it is Derrick; I swear he could lead people into a highly dangerous area and they would not even notice.
Derrick and Frankie and Christine are freaking me out!!!! I don’t understand if they want Zach to stay of go. They sound like they want him to stay but then when Derrick or Frankie goes to talk to Devin/Caleb it always sounds like they’re throwing Zach under the bus. I’m very worried that they’re going to mess up the vote situation and Zach is going to end up going home….
Derrick is definitely the smartest and most level headed in the house. He wasn’t my first pick but he is one of my favorites now. He knows what to say st all times and he’s very convincing
Yep Derrick is a good talker! Games on now!!
Derrick is playing a top tier game right now. HA if Caleb is switching his vote to keep Zach, Amber will probably follow through as well. It would be hilarious if Frankie ends up being the only one who votes to keep PowPow.
Unfortunately, I still don’t see Frankie going soon. For some reason, Zach still loves him, and super eloquent Derrick is going to protect him for Team America. The only people who see through Frankie are Cody and Brittany (and to a lesser extent Nicole and Hayden), but Zach and Derrick will talk them down.
Supercop. Derrick really makes a great undercover cop.
They ALWAYS stick together
I’m not here to make friends.
Of Coz Derrick knows how to talk – He survives from being a undercover cop
I’m really curious how Derrick is going to return to me after going on T.V stating that he is an undercover cop… Can you really be undercover when people know who you are now?
I don’t think he does undercover work anymore just a cop
Derrick doesn’t do undercover work anymore (he did it for 10 years tho and claims he was never caught while undercover). He’s actually a police sergeant now and has a master’s degree in business management.
Based on Derricks master manipulation of Caleb, I would think he probably has had some courses in psychology. Would love to see him in F3.
The undercover cop and *undercover military man* (Donny) for final two!!!
Who thinks Zach will wait 2 weeks?!? LMAO! This game is about to get real!
Ahhhh, it would be so much better if it was split but fine work by Derrick. Im not convinced this roller coster is over yet though. I Caleb is all over the place and I dont like the 2 week no touching Devin thing. Also, I am completely confused on how the bomb squad is intact… strangest alliance ever.
“Devin wants to make sure nobody is trying to strong arm Hayden into doing something he doesn’t want to do.”
ROTFL. I just peed my pants laughing.
These girls are stupid. Take a chance to get out the threat! U r going to let them send another girl home. And leave a strong play player in the game. This guy has proven when his back is against the wall he will rat u out. He will tell all your secrets. I don’t knew why girls can get together on this show.
In case you haven’t noticed, women are always stupid,. always being influenced and manipulated by men, Do you ever see men being stupid, like women. NO!! I’m glad I’m one of the very few non dumbass women.
I officially hate Amber not because she is keeping Zach which I’m happy he is staying. I just find her so fake. She is blaming Devin for putting up Hayden and Nicole when it was her idea. She is only using Caleb and everyone in the house can see she she likes cody.
Actually on Sunday’s episode Amber did not suggest putting Nicole and Hayden up. Derrick told her that Nicole did not talk game and she was a threat.
Can not get together. Sorry tying to fast. Smh
it’s refreshing to see a season where all the floaters get evicted first. it makes for better TV when we get down to jury and there’s only tough competitors competing. I don’t know if I could stand another season of a final 3 floater alliance like BB15.. what was their whole deal again? something about exterminating rodents..? sigh
I hate Amber. She needs to be next to go.
My God sh*t changes so fast in the BB house!
With Zach and Caleb calling a truce it now looks like Zach is 100% staying and it could be 10-2 or 11-1 (Jocasta being the only vote for Pow to stay)!
So much for 7-5 or a 6-6 tie where Zach is then evicted when Devin breaks the tie!
I am going to LMFAO if Zach wins HOH this week and immediately plans to backdoor Devin. If it happens so much for his ‘truce’ with Caleb!
I won’t get my hopes up too much because we still have ALL of Wednesday and a lot of Thursday before the vote.
As quickly as this changed it could flip the other way with Pow staying 7-5 or even 11-1 lol…
God I hope it doesn’t though!
*rolls eyes* These people can’t keep anything a secret. Why couldn’t they just let the vote be a surprise and go after Devin, Caleb, and Amber. I hope Zach is lying about not going after them.
Oh yea Devin, you’re taking everyone to jury with you because that’s how big brother works. What a complete moron.
Its crazy how zach and cody think that one of them are going to win hoh automatically.
1st- even if they do win hoh it would be stupid to put Devin up with the ghost(who we don’t know is actually good at comps et) with the opportunity to take themselves off with the BoB
2nd- For some odd reason I want Devin and Caleb to stay even though they show they are dumb time and time again. Did he seriously just say he should have put up Caleb?? Boo son you should have left the nominations the same dummy.
3rd- Amber is a tool and is hiding behind Caleb and blaming Devin for her decision. She needs to go next just for her so transparent lies.
HAHA! Derrick pulled a fast one there (granted it was on Caleb). Anyone who is anyone knows, “Whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting, he’s the traitor. Don’t forget that.”
Devin is mad about the votes so now he’s spilling the beans to Brittany and she’s seemingly believing Devin! LOL!
OMG…right!?!? Hopefully Brittany is playing Devin & still on to his game (like she said b4)
Tonight has truly been INSANE.
I think this is going to be the year of the cops between survivor and bb…
why is Brittany listening to Devin? Has she not learned he will say anything?
I think its funny ,all of them agree “ya we’re going to jury”. Are these idiots dumb? Yes I know it is an oxym but my gosh I hope one if not all of them have said in the DR they are here to win, not just make jury. Yes of course if theres no chance of you winning you want to make jury but jeez man as if he has that kind of power to take anyone anywhere at this point.(Devin)
It would be better to keep Zach because you know he will go after these people. Hes clearly not shy to say whats on his mind lols and could actually win HOH. If Pow stays, then someone else wins HOH (cuz we know it wont be her) her contribution will be a puppet vote for them? I mean really, I do like her but shes just brutal so far and isn’t really gaming. Or is just sucking at it big time which is still sad.
I have always liked Derrick and thought people were a little hard on him at first. Good for him, stay informed and in the know, put your 2 cents in but don’t be overbearing with it. BANG, you will be in the final 7 before you know it.
I still like Frankie and if he was telling people “lie, don’t tell the truth ect” and they were going a long with him, whos the ding dong here.
Brittany is growing on me and I am still not feeling Amber. I am starting to feel sorry for Caleb. ( I know, I am a sap!!)
Yes I just spelt my name wrong, I am tired but I had to catch up with all the reading LOOLS.
Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! 🙂
And hopefully GOOD BYE.
Has the task for America’s team been assigned yet? If so, when?
This whole process is going to happen every week with a NINE person alliance, is there even enough people outside of that nine to nominate for eviction? Then POV if it’s used. Someone from that alliance will ALWAYS be up (pawn or not) so them being mad about ‘not nominating an alliance member ever’ is just beginning.
First off. I think Caleb was leaning toward keeping Zach the whole time. He said things to that effect, it is just everyone grouped the kid with Devin and stopped talking game with him until Derrick told him. Let’s face that whole team had been cleaning up Devin’s mess since day one. That is why Joey was nominated and evicted. Day one: PowPow and Joey talked about an all girls alliance… remember El Quatro till the end.
Day two: Devin announces an all boys alliance in the fire room
Joey talks to the girls about the all boys alliance, in front of Amber
In the mean time, Devin decided that Donny was a huge threat, because he wore camouflage pants. The only people in the South that apparently wear camouflage pants are Ex-Millitary special forces… I thought they were Duck Hunters or Had a Military Fetish… but oh well.
Donny wins PoV and then the Tele Novella tears and true confessions blah blah blah
He then pushes for Joey to be the replacement. stupid… because he shot off his mouth about a large alliance in the house to the girls…. She’s a threat… what did she do wear yoga pants so she is really a secret Ninja…. Nope she told him the truth over a chess board… He must lie a lot because the only people that are afraid of honest, is liars. The best move at that moment is to get her to work for you not evict, but no he pushed for eviction. The rest of the BS followed because they did not really know her and it kept Devin and Caleb happy, best move was to evict PowPow…. told them so
Caleb stuck between a rock and hard head nominated Joey and they evicted her
Brittany had to go because she thought his waterworks was bullshit.
then she is the poor wounded mother… and he decided to stalk her until they get out of the house and he can keep her in his basement forever and ever.
So Zach had to go because he was sleep deprived… who knew sleeping on a block of ice in a cooler would make it hard to sleep and he started to rant. So now the bS has hit the fan and Zach is staying and PowPow goes home.
Now Devin is out of the BS… Ironically he was the BS in that alliance
He must now Strong arm his way to the finale
It is just him, his intended hostage and Jocasta against the world…. WooHoo guns a blazing
God I hope he goes home next week.