9:20pm Backyard Derrick, Caleb, Christine and Frankie
They tell Frankie Derrick will tell Nicole later tonight she’s going home.
Derrick leaves to tell Nicole she’s going home he promises Christine he won’t make it sound like there was hope for a 3/3 vote and Christine won’t keep Nicole . He’s going to say it was a house choice.
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9:28pm Nicole and Donny playing Jenga
9:46pm Cody Christine and Derrick
(Derrick hasn’t told nicole yet)
Cody and Christine want Donny out next week. Cody says Donny is a schemer he’s been scheming ever since Devin left. Cody stresses that Zach is close to Donny. Christine will be pissed if Zach makes it too final 2. Cody doesn’t think he’ll make it.
Nicole joins them drinking a coffee.
10:12pm Nicole and Cody
Nicole says Donny is coming after Christine and Cody “He thinks that he doesn’t trust you and he loves Zach and Caleb”
NIcole – basically it’s Caleb, Frankie and Zach playing against their three If they keep Nicole the HOH competition this thursday they’ll have 4 against Frankie’s 3.
Nicole says it’s stupid getting her out of the house when she’s helping them and working with them and keep someone that has verbally said they are targeting cody.
Nicole – Before Hayden went home Donny said he was going to get Caleb.. The other day he told me to make up a lie about you so you would go up..
Nicole says to be truthful DOnny never said he wanted Cody nominated but the way he’s been talking about COyd and making up lies. .
Cody – I don’t think its there i makes me very frustrated.
Nicole – From a big broher perpsecgfice I can’t fathom getting someone out of the house that i helping you”
Nicole says she really likes DOnny he’s a great person and if she goes home she hopes Donny makes it far.
Cody calls DOnny a f*** d1ck for suggesting NIcole makes up a lie about Cody.
Cody – you and HAyden took the downfall because of donny he’s a schemer.
Nicole says she can get out Zach and Frankie, “She said the boys think i know too much”
Nicole – I don’t need frankie, Caleb and Zach’s vote I need hers
Nicole says Donny has Zach’s back..
Cody is frustrated at how long DOnny has stayed in the game. Nicole says if Christine thinks she was going to back door her she can go to her and tell her that I got backed into saying that, and that I’m on her side
Nicole – I’m all about myself..
Cody – You don’t have me?
Nicole says he’s the only person that can convince her.
Cody – I will try my hardest
Cody didn’t want this week to go this way. Nicole says her Big Brother Life rests with Derrick and Cody, “Wouldn’t it be nice to shock them once.. I mean this entire game has gone their way”
Nicole says she went with the plan of the house and she got screwed. She wanted to put up Victoria and Caleb. Is she did that she would have been HOH sending Frankie home.
Cody – I knew you weren’t going to put up Christine
Nicole – I wouldn’t have done it to her I wouldn’t have put her up.. I had to say OK in that circumstance.
Nicole – If I Was going to back door her I deserve this but I wasn’t you guys knew that.
Nicole – I’m committed to you guys.. I will never come after you..
10:36pm Storage room Frankie and Zach
Christine says they have to get Donny out next week. Frankie agrees. Christine things that Zach will require some convincing. Frankie doesn’t think so.
11:01pm Hot tub Donny, Caleb, Derrick, Christine, Zach Frankie
Chit chat about Selfies, Instagram, ZachAttack, Beast mode Cowboy
Frankie claims he get “Carded” all the time when buying drinks.
11:14pm Official Nicole says Victoria is sick
11:31pm Kitchen Zach, Frankie, Cody Zach talking about golf..
Zach tells them if you start playing golf as a kid you go pro “Golf isn’t very competitive..” Mentions living in Florida is ideal for Golf unless theres a hurricane you can be outside golfing.
Zach says 150 players have their tour cards.. explains if you are in the top 50% you get 40K for 4 days work.
Zach says he’s been pushing his brother all his life to play golf. Zach says he’s been working with his brother building up his gold skills. Cody mentions how he heard golfers don’t make a lot of money unless they are really good because of all the travelling.
Zach – Every single week there is a tournament.. If you win a tournament you are exempt from losing your card.
Zach rattles off gold tid bits about gold.. Tiger woods is Jacked, Jake Nickolas has 5 green jackets, Tiger woods has won 71 tournaments. Zach adds that where he lives is a mecca for playing golf, there’s 4 gold courses. It’s where the Honda Classic is the headquarters of PGA NATIONALS, “the best golfers in the country live where I live.. ”
12:19AM Frankie Derrick
Frankie says Victoria is such a mess right now.
Derick -they are going to want Donny out next week that’s going to be a problem for us.. He’s going on the block..
Derrick says they are fine if Donny wins the HOH he won’t put them up. Frankie says Caleb won’t either.
Derrick tells him he’s got America’s favorite in the bag.
Christine comes back they chat about twitter, Christine is certain she’ll get in twitter fights.
Christine – there’s some BB fans that are heartless
12:45AM Chit chat..
12:48AM Derrick and Nicole Storage room
Nicole says she talked to Cody.. Feeds cut in the middle of this conversation .. Derrick says he doesn’t get the impression that Christine wants Nicole to stay. Nicole says Frankie, Zach and Caleb are not budging. Derrick – So it comes down to Christine.
Nicole – Cody truly wants me to stay’
Derrick – I do to
Nicole – he says I got screwed I took the fall for the entire house.
Nicole adds that CHristine is blaming her going home on the boys.
Nicole – I’m better for you and cody’s game
Derrick – Agreed..
Derrick says her best chance of persuading Christne is with Cody.
Derrick ads he’s been wanting the people that deserve to stay in the game to be in the game.
Nicole says DOnny has been feeding her information and she doesn’t think DOnny is going to work with Derrick.
Derrick – I don’t want to work with him
Derrick thinks she’s making some very good points, “You never know keep your heads up.. This is what i’m telling you before she put you up she knew she had three votes.. who’s those three votes are I don’t know but I can tell you it’s not me”
Derrick – Keep your head up OK i don’t want you moping around this house.. I’ll talk to Cody”
12:56AM COdy and Christine
Christine says Nicole is not coming after her and Cody but if Nicole stays Caleb, Frankie and Zach will be pissed.
Cody – I’m telling you this right now Zach will flip on us for Donny.. If Zach wins HOH he won’t saned hom Donny.. he’ll say F** whats good for you guys I’m going to do what’s good of me.”
Cody tells her Nicole was very much pro getting Frankie out
Cody – She wanted Frankie out BAD
Christine – Really
Cody – so bad
Cody’s says they’ve been sending people home that are not targeting them. Cody doesn’t trust Nicole says she makes up stories .
Cody is worried about Zach and Donny have a deal..
Christine thinks there’s a good chance Nicole is manipulating them, “She flips her story”
Cody says they’re taking a bigger gamble keeping Nicole over Donny.
1:15am late night shift begins playing with the Jenga..
Where the vote stands.. Nicole is going to jury
The new bomb squad – Caleb, Zach, Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Christine
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
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Cody talking about Donny skating by on BBAD…I’m sorry but what has Cody done other than follow Derrick like a puppy dog and flirt with a married woman…?!
Oh Cody I think you need a snickers cause you’re moody again lol. Why are u shocked to know Donny wants you out. When you were HOH and had to put a replacement nominee you picked Donny, even though you told him he wasn’t going up! Then you went up to the HOH room and cried like a girl cause you couldn’t do a zach attack move and put Caleb up instead of Donny lol. Maybe that’s y you hate Zach cause he has the balls to call out people unlike you do lol
Donny Thompson is a legend. 42 years old and having to deal with these twats must be hard on him. Love it when he totally slayed hoed Christine by saying he never saw a married woman touching guys like that. YAAAS BOW DOWN TO DONNY THE QUEEN OF SHAAAADE SLAYN HOES LEFT AND RIIIGHT!!
Yes, Donny is a floater and skated by … by winning the veto three times, twice while he was on the block! That’s some skating he’s doing.
OH and don’t forget Arby he also won hoh once. What a floater. Biggest floater of all time. Wink wink. YAH!
What the hell have Derrick and Cody won?
What’s going to happen is the person that comes back in the house from jury will be a HOH and someone from in the house will be the other HOH what do you guys think of that? BOOM lol
I miss Joey
HA! This season has become that mundane huh?
More from Frankie J. Grande SMM :
“people are like, is it hard just being Ariana Grande’s brother and I’m like, No, it’s a wonderful thing. I’m happy that now I’m Ariana Grande’s brother, FRANKIE.”
“people come up to me now and want to meet me … People now know ME.”
“It’s in everybody’s best interest for me to get 1st or 2nd so somebody else can have the 25K”
“I can’t say Ariana is better than Mariah and Whitney, but she is on the same level.”
“that’s right, my last name’s Grande, so whose my sister? Saaaaaay it.”
“I already came in here with a fanbase”
Frankie wondering when CBS will show the “big reveal” – thinks it may be a “cliff hanger”
“This (in BB house)is very much a side of me that THE WORLD(caps mine) does not know, beacause my sister was on Nickelodeon and I had an obligation to be appropriate….”
“I desperatly want to have my own TV show..”
(about Nicole and Zach plotting against him) “that was probably one of the most traumatic days of my life to date. Because, like, no one doesn’t like me.”
“I hate when people don’t like me…it’s the worst thing for me. When people don’t like me, it drives me nuts.”
I HATE him!!! He seriously needs someone to tell him to shut the hell up and put him in his place. So delusional. But then again so is Justin Beiber and so many of the other pop stars and people like Kim K. I look forward to the day when nobody gives a rip about any of them.
Imagine all the cases and tickets kicked out of court when pig nose returns to his job as a cop
All the defendants will need to do is reference all the lying he did on BB 16
Do you live in reality?
Why did they cast Nicole and Victoria. They two of the dumbiest players to have been on BB. Painful to watch.
The irony of calling someone dumb and then spelling the word wrong. Props on that one.
“dumbiest” lol. Classic.
Anyway, on another note. Hopefully Nicole or Hayden come back into the game. I’d hate to see Jocasta come back because she was the most boring player in the game. At least Nicole and Hayden tried to make moves. It also is too bad that they won’t be able to come back to the game together once Nicole is voted out. So even if they do come back, they’ll be easy to pick off and send back out the door.
Agreed, the more Nicole speaks the more we realize that she is as dumb if not dumber than Victoria
I hate everybody except Donny and Zach. Caleb is growing on me. Its funny how no one notices what Derrick is doing he is playing them like a fiddle. Christine is a hoe. Nuff said. Cody sit down when he pees. Nuff said. I have no words for Victoria, she is clueless. Frankie is throwing around his sisters name like somebody gives A Fuck. Also Nicole is cool and wouldn’t it be crazy if they brought back two jurors..
For give my typos. But they are dumb, Nicole, Christine does not give a F about you. Derek knows your gullible.
I am so sick of the horny toad Frankie, who thinks everyone wants him… Ugh.. can’t they get him out next!!!
I mean when Frankie was in the HOH room, Zach went up to see him and he was hugging and all over Frankie. I think he (Zach) likes it IMO.
These people kill me. Derrick has shown his cards too many times, but these people are completely oblivious. Everyone in the conversation should have been jockeying to inform Nicole that she shouldn’t bother campaigning, but Derrick is the one who is gets to inform Nicole – casting himself as charitable. If I were Christine, I would vie for that opportunity and potentially win some points when Nicole heads to jury.
Derrick’s game seems obvious; he utilizes his family, and portrays himself as someone with an incredibly heavy burden to carry with regards to his family (specifically daughter). People should see through comments like gratefulness for $50K as he sows seeds that will make people more apt to vote for him as someone who is appreciative of anything.
I was bullish about Nicole earlier, but the fact she believes Cody is the mastermind is beyond belief. A shake up needs to happen soon! Knowing how things play out, JoCasta will end up returning to the house. o_O
True to everything u said..but absolutely no to the Jocasta coming back part. If we have to decide the chances of who’s returning it will be 70% Nicole, according to wins.
I would love jocasta to come back and knowing production she will they want to keep the dentonaters and i’m cheering for them to get to the end
God, Please get Nicole out of that house. She is now going to destroy Donny’s game and possibly Hayden’s. Just go home already!
Christine is a btch and so are you.
Nicole, go out like a lady, I think you’re a nice person but you screwed up your game – don’t mess up Donny’s final chances. You heard “Godfather Derrick” you outta here.
Zack needs to win HOH! Imagine the paranoia around the house, it will be AMAZING!
He is the only reason why this season has been entertaining! Zach would probably put up Christine and Frankie but the best play would be Derrick and Cody. Let those two feel the heat!
This game has been very predictable. I’m not about bashing liars who lie & playing dirty & whatever. BB is about deception. This isn’t about stealing food outta child’s mouths. Or African schools or beasts in Tennessee. The TA alliance has kept Donny around and basically derrick off the radar. Frankie went all nutty w/ Zach’s deception. Zach got caught, frankie got caught. Caleb seems to know nothing yet is smart enough to throw two comps and be safe. Victoria is like the “Easy A”, in the back pocket and used until Donny is gone or Donny is made safe. Nicole….:::sigh:::. Cody is not a puss or a bitch to derrick. People will certainly know that derrick has the absolute best possibility to win this crazy game. He will NEED to win another HOH (minus the thrown one to frankie) and a POV. Lines will be drawn very soon. The frankie haters will bitch. The derrick haters will bitch. The Christine, well, why bring HER up? To finish, it has been quite predictable. But soon, & I mean SOON, its gonna be good. But, to ask Simon or Dawg, I wanna know, who you think @ this point, deserves the title. Or a final 2. Answer or don’t. I’d LOVE to know what you two princes of Maine, kings of new england think.
Really only bright spots left will be the freaking reactions to those being put on the block every week regardless who it is at this point.
We all have a favorites that we want to see running scared, disappointed, shattered saying, they cant do this to me!!!! How the remaining house guests will revel in there seeing there demise. Your going down dumbass and the crowd goes wild!!!!!
I agree CT Nicole needs to go before she ruins the little hope that Donny has or whoever comes back in the house. Please someone wake me up when the final two are crowned. This season is so predictable and boring it really has made me sick.
I guess everyone is star struck because of Frankie’s sister who I am still trying to understand who she is. As soon as he leaves the game I am sure he wont be hanging around any of them except maybe Zack who I think he is in love with.
Yawn, Yawn Boring!!!!!
I have an idea…
Nicole, Christine, and Victoria should just not talk the rest of the BB season. Girls you’re being played by men as in real life, just shut up and go to jury cause that’s as far as you’re making it.
I wish at least one of these comments could come from the Zingbot.
With the exception of Joey all the women this season are a waste of estrogen. Joey went home first because the guys knew she was on to them from the beginning and couldn’t be controlled. Her Alex character was annoying but spot on. She said it–you have to have a pen!s to win this season.
This has been the MOST STUPID group of females on BB…except Joey who tried to form an ALL GIRL ALLIANCE!!!!!
damn does cody need Viagra to ge hard? this not the first convo I have heard about cody not getting hard around the girls in the house. I really believe his gay….
I don’t think Cody is gay, it’s just the fact that Christine is taking advantage of him.
Ummm, I hate to be a realist, but have you looked at who is trying to get him hard? It’s no wonder…
He cuddles with Frankie, did you know I am Ariana Grande’s brother, and doesn’t get hard. That’s his strategy, give them what they want. He is
just pretending to like it to get further in the game. He has had many conversations where he admitted to getting things and being offered things in exchange for his, umm, services. He is a whore-boy. Christink is just a transaction. Problem for her, she doesn’t know it.
I didn’t watch the feeds at all today. I just can’t stomach the thought of even looking at these bozos. I think I’ll just continue getting my updates from this site for a while. Thanks, Simon and Dawg…
It’s getting crazier everyday, but 101% Nicole will be on Jury house.
I dont know who annoys me the most Christine, Cody, or Frankie. It seems to change for me every single minute. Tbh I won’t he surprised if those 3 cry to their moms from all the hate they see once they get out of the house
My God, I hate these people! Watching BBAD, thank God I can fast forward it. Derrick (Mr. I don’t ever lie, you can watch it on TV) is so annoying! Why do these mindless twits flock to that fool? Frankie (who’s he hugging now? If you can’t find him, just check for him in the HOH bed) is absolutely pathetic. Victoria (before I respond, let me ask from Derrick first) is clueless and can’t think for herself, unless she’s on a shopping spree. Cody, does he really even have a clue? Zach is likable because he’s nuts, but he always falls in line behind those douche bags. Christine (I’m ugly and don’t have any self confidence. Where’s Cody, so I can rub up next to him like a stray cat for attention) will be happy to finish in fifth or sixth place and hopefully she ruined her marriage for being such a pathetic loser! Caleb, just keep working out and shut up. You add nothing to the game and no one cares about your stupid hunting trips. I like Donny and it really wish he would win. I had hopes for Nicole too supposedly being such a “Super Fan”, but that didn’t happen. Lastly, the BOB and the America’s Players are completely stupid. What a waste of a season!!!
Is Christine being the insecure person she truly is and talking bad about Donny for no reason or did I miss something?
The only thing I can think of is Donny probably looks at her kinda funny because she’s always touching Cody in some un-becoming way. He’ knows she’s married and does not approve and she sees him looking at her.
Christine and Cody touching and cuddling all the time makes me want to self evict and I’m not in that house, I’m glad they are going to tell Nicole she is going out Thursday, but back to certain people in the house (Cody Christine Frankie) just a few, is winning the money more important than ruinining a marriage? Money will run out then what are you left with? Frankie just needs to go, Derrick is a mastermind but acting the way they do is the money worth it? I know it’s a game but you can play with some amount of dignity and I don’t see but a few houseguests that will leave the game with any at all.
Any money Ratine wins her husband would get half in a divorce.
I’m watching bbad and they keep showing commercials for Arianna grandes album. Really… I don’t think she’s that good…..
Who knows, for all we know, maybe Ariana paid BB to babysit her brother so she can breathe and launch her “child star to adult, take me serious” album…
I agree Kat! This season has turned into the Ariana and Frankie Grande Show. CBS has used this platform to market their new star. Sadly, it has turned quite a few people off. Including me. I choose to read this post and not to watch the show. So disappointing.
LOL Be thankful there not showing Beef Jerky Mode Cowboy’s Home on the Range cd/dvd box set. For the 1st 100000 to call right now will quadruple the offer just to clear the storage locker. With a bonus stand up cut out of Beefs favorite pose ( Glows in the dark as well)
Nicole they are all working together u big dummy…. did u not listen to Donny this morning..
No she didn’t. Donny never said the name Derrick but hinted over and over and she never picked up on it. That’s why she’s KnowNothingNic.
Maybe instead of “hinting to her” he should have used actual words. Fucking hate Donny and I hope they change their minds and send his dirty rotten beard home.
I don’t hate any of them… Frankie kind of repulses me…. but I don’t hate him
I think Nicole made her own bed when she did not make a big move with Donny that week. They should have gone balls to the wall and nominated Cody/ Zach Frankie/ Christine save Derrick for the PoV they would have blown up their own games…. but they didn’t do it
This week Christine should have put up Derrick up and asked everybody if they wanted to hand Derrick $500,000.00 or do they want to win $500,000.00…. but she didn’t
So next week unless Donny win HoH and if he does not get first draw so he can put up Christine/ Victoria the other one would have to put up one of the other guys and if they can’t throw the BoB… because two of them would be on the block then Donny just has to win the PoV and take off Victoria and put up Derrick, Cody or Frankie and watch them twitch and get paranoid as they campaign. It would probably still be Christine, unless Zach and Frankie woke up and decided it is better for them to get Derrick out.
Now if Donnie’s team won because they wanted the HoH Donny would have to win the PoV so they couldn’t nominate him Christine and Victoria would be safe… then save the person like Caleb or Zach that the other guys would consider disposable. So they other HoH would have to put up one of his boys and the chaos would ensue. At least that is what I would hope would happen. Unless next week Hayden comes back and gets the HoH just like Judd did last year. Then it is even better.
BTW I don’t know what they are waiting for just tell her now and get it over with. “Nicole you are going to the jury.” I think Nicole will not do what they think I think she will torture all of them so bad Zach will look like a cuddly teddy bear in comparison. She will start calling Christine a Disgusting slut, Derrick a liar that they are handing $500,000.00, Zach and idiot, Frankie a looser that leeches off his sister… It might actually make them want to keep her for two reasons A) She will make herself a huge target and B) You don’t want a wrathful girl in the jury. Hey the girl is a live feeder… We’re vicious….. LOL
I “hate” most of them.
I liked Amber, Britt, Donny, and maybe even Devin when he wasn’t going cuckoo. Actually started to like Zack a little bit recently, though I’m not surprised a guy punched him so hard he broke his orbital bone one time. I think that’s it.
The rest have ruined a season of BB for me. Casting remains as big a problem as the AG stuff.
Nicole the detonators is a real alliance..
Shhhhhhhhhhh! What ya trying to do? Blow up my game?
Please take two steps forward and breathe in deeply the mist. Thank you for your cooperation. You may now pass go and rub up on Ratine ….. Oops….meant Christine.
It would be amazing if America was the HOH this week or the two returned jurors (Nicole and hayden) and they put up derrick, Cody to battle the block with Frankie and Christine. Now this would be epic tv.
Derrick needs to be a have not and on the block. He’s too comfortable being king and misting everyone.
Wow! I have seen so much water wasted, what a shame!
I hated Derrick, Cody, and Christine before but with all of the stupid little comments about hating Zach and how he is dumb and how he won’t make it to the final 2 make me want to bash in her bird nose and stuff it up Cody’s vagina. Their hatred is thinly veiled fear. Let’s be honest people: if Zach were as dumb or as simple-minded as they think, don’t you think he would’ve gone home by now? They know that Zach is playing a game that only he can see (and possibly Frankie, Caleb, and Donny with him but I don’t know) and he WANTS people to underestimate him so they don’t perceive him as too much of a threat but Derrick always gets close to Zach’s game but misses by a millimeter every time. Maybe I’m projecting onto Zach what I hope he’s actually doing but I hope he has a plan in motion or soon to be in motion. As long as Christine, Cody, and Derrick leave (and are booed by the crowd) I will be happy.
Bash in Christine’s bird nose and stuff it up Cody’s vagina? LMFBO about Cody’s balls literally being gone!
& not just Christine’s bird nose stuffed in there, yer gonna bash it in first! I gotta be one sick puppy, I love this too much! Help me, now I’m fkn crying just thinking about where her tongue’s at! Perfection!!!
And the guys are wondering why Cody never gets hard with all the rubbing – excuse me, I haven’t seen any grocery bags laying around the BB house! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA…
Also quick little thought I just had: what if this week Julie has the HGs cast their votes but instead of someone leaving their votes inadvertently bring back a jury member i.e. Donny evicted could equal Jocasta and Nicole/Hayden. That would be a HUGE twist and Nicole and Hayden could eff up Sargent Piggie’s game, but if they try and mess with Zach they gotta go. Maybe Jocasta coming back would benefit Zach better… Nah because Hayden could just as easily throw Derprick under the bus and get him or one of his cronies hitting the bricks
Most predictable season ever, dumbest players ever = Derrick winning. I can’t stand him but he has no blood on his hands, never been on the block and has everybody kissing his a$$. Nicole is the definition of a dumb blonde she said the graduated at the top of her class, what was she the only one enrolled. I mean seriously if she’s that smart why can’t she see what’s smacking her in the face everyday then and Cody is the biggest joke ever talking about Donny the only thing Cody has done is have his head up Derrick’s a$$ the entire game. At the finale I hope there’s a doctor in the house because he will have to surgically remove it. Maybe that doctor can go ahead and give Cody a sex change too while he’s at it since he is already the biggest pu$$y in BB history he might as well have one too!!
You guys are fkn brutal! One thousand thumbs up! (Cody’s vagina)
For those of you who LOVE to defend scumb*g Derrick, please read his words about Nicole: “let her enjoy it here.. Feed the fish play some pool” – So, when y’all love to say “oh, BB is played this way, you gotta lie”… Okay, lie as much as you want but have some dignity. His quote is just one more example of how condescending he is. Can’t he just be upfront with her and say: “yes, you’re leaving”? I mean.. come on… he’s disgusting. Let her feed some fish? What about letting her feed some pig, Derrick? Just get a plate of something you guys have in that filthy house (it could be slob for all we care), and let Nicole spoon feed it to you! It’s gonna be the first time EVER that we’re gonna see a pig eating from a spoon!
He doesn’t need to do this sugarcoating in excess, pretending to like everyone he has stuck knives on their backs just in order to get votes in the jury house… I truly wish he get bombarded ASAP. He’s disgusting.
Lol, oh yeah, I can’t with Derrick and if he wins he wins but I’m definitely not a fan. I think he and Christine are kindred spirits but it shows up differently. A couple of things that really turned me off about Derrick is some things he said about Brittany. And when they were starting that Amber campaign when he said something to the effect of Caleb’s family is probably saying get that b*tch out of there but he was joking wink wink.
U mad? You sound mad.
and you sound like an *sshole! But what can we expect from someone that signs “anonymous”?
You sound more upset then mad. Does someone need a hug?
Nicole might be good at competitions but she has absolutely no social game. I dunno how she ever trust Christine after the Hayden incident. After being dethroned I would have not relied on someone that lied to her before. As soon as I see Frankie and Zach cool again I would have drop casual hints against Derrick and Cody almost trying to eliminate both of them the week b4. Say something about being glad seeing them being cool again after Derrick and Cody tried to break them apart so they could be only strong pair. I dunno find a way to plant the seed that Derrick and Cody tried to put them at odds against each other for their own gain.
Cody is a Rachel Reilly type floater in my books, he only won one competition and it was shared and yet he calls Donny one? This boy is delusional. Also if it wasnt for derrick helping him, Cody would probably be even more clueless than Victoria cuz he would be cuddling Christine the whole damn time
How was Rachel a floater?
I believe he or she meant Rachel’s DEFINITION of a floater…
“Cody says Donny is a schemer he’s been scheming ever since Devin left.”
DESPICABLE ball-less MFer!!! Who was evicted so far as a result of Donny’s scheming? And who was viciously backstabbed as a result of your gangbanging? Disgusting little POS!!!
I wonder if Cody is actually disgusted. I mean if he is, he must be really dense. Who isn’t a schemer in the house? Victoria?
He may as well have said “I can’t believe Donny is playing the game, disgusting.” Whatever you say buddy..
You can say the same thing about Derrick. He is playing the game and for some reason, people don’t like it. I would love to know who some of these commenters favourite players are. Cody is not a floater either. People usually don’t come to a floater and ask what they think. People will tell them what to think.
the only game derrick got is bringing up his daughter everyday no doubt to guilt people into votes, even tho he is as bigger of a liar than frankie
cody is such a jealous bitch… cody stop being a pussy….
If Donny doesn’t put up one of the bro ho’s he deserves to go maybe production can persuade him to do so to salvage the rest of the sorry game
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On the Poll, who is Dawg? Did I miss someone in the house?
He’s one of the authors. It’s an inside joke on this site.
We LOVE you Dawg!!
Thank you!
Thanks. I honestly didn’t know!
Great campaigning strategy Nicole. Tell everyone you’re trustworthy, then throw at least 4 people under the bus.
He runs this blog along with Simon. His name is on the poll for fun as the “Please there be another option other than these HGs” choice.
I truly hope Christine’s husband is waiting at the finale with the divorce papers and knocks Cody on his ass! They make me puke! Then they all sit around and talk about Nicole playing a Sleazy game…NEVER…she is sweet and honest, to her detriment! Funny how the worst backstabbers reflect all their faults on everyone else! I guess you learn that in the Police Academy.
Isnt Nicole so sweet. All those sweet things she was saying about Amber and Victoria the whole time. I am glad she is crying and miserable.
Rooting for Derrick to win at this point, i hope tough he has a difficult road to the win.
The only other 2 people i would like to see win are
Donny, but he needs to start talking game to people now, otherwise he’s just a likeable guy, but even if he never really plays hard, he’s won coms so if he’s sitting in the final, he would be a good winner.. won’t happen tough.
Zach. But only if he pulls a fast one on Derrick at some point and final 3 doesn’t count. that would show he is no one’s puppet, even tough he has already shown it.. kind of
Hate Frankie, he is saying he has a certified twitter account bcz people make fake accounts of him.. what?! who knows this guy apart from BB? lol, poor man, he really wants to be famous like his sister, and lives in a world created in his head where he is a celebrity.
Caleb or Victoria winning would be awul, for obvious reasons.
Christine is unlikeable, but i can see her winning, she has the tools, hopefully someone takes her out before that happens.
Cody has runner up written all over him. As he said it himself, he’s too much of a puss#.
I don’t like the returning juror thing, I’m not interested in Nicole, Hayden or Jocasta coming back,and decreasing my favorite’s chances of advancing..
WHY is Victoria even still in the house? She has never won anything, her social game sucks and she’s completely useless! Why do they keep her? She’s an embarrassment. Christine is DISGUSTING. Nothing about her is appealing. Her behavior is VILE. Frankie is a fake, backstabbing, narcissistic fame-whore. I can’t believe that Frankie – the self-proclaimed BB “super fan” – had no idea who Dan Gheesling is! Say what you want about Derrick. BUT, in BB, players’ strategies often include lying, deception and playing with people’s emotions. Derrick has a Dan Gheesling style of gameplay. It’s actually a smart approach. I predict that he’ll get pretty far; maybe second place. He might win the whole thing. Derrick may use the “family man” persona to gain sympathy/votes, but at least he isn’t publicly shaming his wife or making a mockery of his marriage (a la Christine). He’s just lying and scheming. That’s what they do. Honestly, I have been a huge Donny fan since day one. IMO, he’s only HG who has played the game with any integrity. I’m so proud of him for his stamina, and making it this far in the game with all the “youngsters”. I’d love for him to win, but sadly, I don’t see it happening.
I don’t understand why Nicole still refuses to believe that the entire house is against her and Donny… Donny already explained this to her this morning… I guess when you are desperate to stay in the house you will refuse to see the obvious.. Nicole really needs to talk to hayden in juryhouse.. Nicole Christine is part of the house, you and Donny are not its really that simple…. the bomb squad is still kinda working together.. Nicole the detonators is also a real alliance… Zach is telling the truth about that you fruit loop dingus… also derrick is the one running the house not Frankie..
Nicole is like a wounded dog. Derrick please, just put her down.
The boys and Christine are getting too cocky, arrogant and full of themselves. Time to knock them down a notch. Hoping against all odds that Nicole finds a Golden Power of Veto and goes after them.
And sorry, Christine, but lusting over Cody is not a “strategy.” No one with intelligence is ever going to buy into that. Sadly for you, Cody is only using you for strategy, but you’re more than happy to go along with it and sacrifice yourself. You reap what you sow!
Big Brother Canada is so much better than this version. After BBC success they tried changing this version to improve and update. But, it backfired big time. No unexpected to expect this season. It has been boring and predictable.It’s been like watching a bunch of lemmings follow each other over the cliff.
I want Nicole to saty. She is so entertaining and a strong player. So was Hayden. Cody needs to fucking come to terms with reality. What has he won? nothing. He’s swimming past the game by cuddling and following around Derrick. This game is pissing me off right now.
Ironical. They say “expect the unexpected” and yet the game is so predictable!
Omg Nicole, Donny already told you this morning… god derrick does not want you in the house….
I watched the video of Haiden’s exit interview with Jeff. Haiden has Derrick and Cody’s number. He also isn’t happy with Christine and Frankie. He said they keep Caleb around because he is easily manipulated and will end up in the final 3 if they aren’t careful. He knows what’s going on. Said he had to hold his tongue and smile instead of blowing up games like he wanted to because Julie had mentioned they could come back. Our best hope to be shake things up is Haiden. We need him to come back, BEFORE Donnie is gone.
Please someone, anyone, for the love of little green onions, please someone, anyone CLEAN THAT HOUSE! I feel like I need a tetanus shot just looking at it.
Just you wait a few more weeks when all the lazy people who never cleaned anything are left. It’s going to rival a Third World garbage dump.
Answer: CBS catering to stupid tweens. They are manipulating things so that Frankie stays and they keep the little girls watching. Nicole may be book-smart but she has no common sense. I would tell Derrick to stick his advice up his a$$.
Cody Is gonna be bitter when he finds out that Donny is loved and he and derrick are hated by the fans….
What’s going to happen is the jury member that comes back in will be a HOH and someone from the house will be the other HOH. What do u guys think of that? BOOM lol
I’m really liking this season. The cast is a lot of “Wanna Be’s”
Frankie- wanna be Peter Pan
Caleb- wanna be Rhinestone Cowboy
Derrick- wanna be Kindergarten Cop
Nicole- wanna be Clueless
Zach-wanna be Tiger Woods
Christine-wanna be Pretty Woman
Cody- wanna be an American Gigolo
Victoria-wanna be The Queen of Sheba
Donny- wanna be The Lone Rider
It is sad, but true, that unless Hayden comes back before Donny is voted out, the player that is on top of the fan favorite list(NOT just on this site! ) has nobody in that house to work with. The only consolation, for me is going to be the looks on their faces when Donny wins that 25k check. And, quite honestly, it will mean the WORLD to him. If Hayden, Donny, and Zach could make final 3, I would be thrilled with whoever won.
Dear Allison Grodner, If I were a house guest this year I would really be pissed. The stupid and I mean STUPID twists have really compromised a lot of people’s chances in this game. Because of America’s Team, they are keeping Derrick, Frankie and Donny safe. Because of the double HOH’s, the weakest players stayed on the block. If you would have had the HOH depended upon the winners of the BOB this would have been a much more exciting summer. Then you would have seen the competition to stay alive, instead of Victoria, Donny, Amber, Jocasta over and over and over again….I do believe that the comps are “custom made” at times to keep someone’s favorite. I realize that reality TV is somewhat scripted or swayed by production for entertainment and ratings, but sometimes it is so obvious. Have a year of straight up Big Brother. No past guests (unless it’s All Stars), no bull$h1t twists, just 1 HOH. Let them all have a fighting chance at the half mill. It’s just not fair to let give up an entire summer and then a few have so much advantage over the others. This has been the most predictable, boring season everrrrrrrr !!!!!! ZZZZZZ…I hate to spoil the ending, but it is going to be Derrick and Victoria in the end. Nobody is smart enough to see that he is chomping at the bit to keep her and take her to final two and take home the grand prize. I can’t blame him, he has had the best cast to do this with. Bunch of dummies…Now Allison, if you’d like to prove me wrong, let a couple of the Jury members back in the fold and keep it fair, or as close to it as possible given their hurdles.
“Christine – I have donny so much he pisses me off I don’t even like being near him he irritates me
Victoria – his comments.. alot of times he so rude”
I’m so confused by these comments. WTF – why is Victoria saying Donny is rude and why does Christine “hate” him???
There’s ZERO way we (as fans) are wrong about how much we like him. Every single person who has left the house has commented on how much they LOVE Donny. They LOVE him – not like, love. They think he’s great.
I mean, it’s one thing to say you want him out – fine; but how can these two idiots speak so negatively about him?
Zack for the win, Donny for the All Stars season.
Wow you really have some issues. He wants to tell her so he can come off as sympathetic and work on a jury vote, not be some sort of misogynistic monster you’re trying to make him out to be.
It’s all strategy. Get a clue. You’re witnessing one of the best played games In a LONG while.