Derrick says Victoria will make the perfect housewife ” she cooks, she cleans, she does laundry”

Victoria campaigns to Cody and Derrick in front of them both.,

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Cody and Derrick complaining about Victoria campaigning. They agree taking Victoria to the end would mean giving her the win. They believe the jury will be bitter because they brought Victoria a player that didn’t do much in the game.
Derrick can’t understand why she doesn’t know everyone will vote for her. Cody says it would be messed up if they tell her she doesn’t deserve to be in the final 2. The Jury all think she’s the biggest floater in the game, THey are all pissed at her for lasting longer than them and winning more money. Derrick mentions how the Jury won’t give her the win because they thought she played well they will give her the win o FU** over one of them.
Derrick says Victoria has no idea how intricate the game they played, Day 12 when people were learning names Derrick and Cody were making plans.
Derrick says Victoria is a good person she’s never maliciously attacked anybody. Derrick doesn’t think they will be friends after the show if he sends her out.

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11:46pm Victoria and Derrick Hammock
Cody is sleeping
Victoria – you enjoying these days
Derrick – Not really iā€™m trying to take it all in what I havenā€™t took in these last 94 days.. every blade of grass you know.. kinda sad to know we have no more compos Victoria agrees points out he still has one comp left.
Victoria – you are going to win.. I know that
Derrick asks her what’s the percentage if heā€™s going against Cody
Victoria – 99%
Victoria says the one vote against Derrick will be Jocasta.
Derrick says Meeting Victoria was ā€œDefinitely Cool.. he didnā€™t think he would meet someone that heā€™ll be friends with outside the houseā€
Victoria feels the same way says a real friendship is harder to find than romance.
Derrick thinks it might be true romance.
Derrick teases her about her lust for a boyfriend says maybe there will be a spin off show like the bachelor but they are all jewish late 20 early 30ā€™s .
Victoria thinks 15 guys fighting for a date with her is weird
Derrick says sheā€™s lying she would love it
Victoria laughs agrees.
Victoria says she hopes her business booms from being on the show.
Derrick thinks it will big time.

They talk about Frankie Derrick mentions how Frankie told them all he’s a millionaire before he left. Derrick doesn’t think Frankie will talk to them much after the show.
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12:48AM Backyard Cody and Derrick
Derrick talking about getting a propane generator, it wasn’t cheap but they needed it for heat in the even that the power goes out. This year he plans on getting a snow blower. Production tells them sleeping only allowed in the bedroom (It;s direct to Victoria who is on the hammock) Victoria heads inside.
Derrick says the conversation he had with Victoria was so f****g bland.
Cody talks about entering the real world again from being on Big Brother all summer.
Cody talks about working for Total Entertainment ( says he’s a MC, hoist and a dancer. People hire him
“You call my company total entertainment you get everything.. you are getting me you get a MC, DJ, 4 or 5 dancers.
Derrick – dancers girls guys?
Cody – both
Cody says they party with the adult but with kids they teach them how to dance.

Cody says he started working for the company wanting to host but everyone has to start as a dancer.
Cody says he’s the dancer and he interacts with the people. He says the MC;s make the most money. MC’s make 800 a night plus tip, “One MC got a $800 tip”
The lead MC brought Cody in and said “Dude you remind me of me” Cody has been working towards being a MC.
Cody – Dancers starts off at 200 dollars to party..

Derrick says he’ll make Bank in the entertainment business now that he’s been on Big Brother.
Cody doesn’t think so because they can’t use Big Brother in promoting themselves (as per the contract they signed before entering the house)
Cody – I don’t know the party we do are like hedge fund owners..

Cody says he got tired of how much of a$$holes the husbands are. “They’re all rich d1cks and their wive’s are smoking hot”

Cody – one guy came up to me to said hey get away from my wife. I was like get out of my way or i’ll knock your teeth down your throat. (Just like when he called Donny out this season all the times he said he would)
Derrick doesn’t understand why he would come up to him
Cody says he was dancing around in a group near his wife. “All of us talk about it cause the other guys aI work with are super good looking”
Derrick says the last thing he wants to do is “Crack:” a guy that has a lot of money. Cody know says he would never do that he would be DONE.
Cody says these mean are the biggest losers he’s ever seen “The good looking guys are the coolest on.. the loser ones the wives are just with them because they have money”
Cody loves the job though hates not having weekends though.
Derrick – It’s Monday officially have one more down day to go after this one.
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1:10AM Derrick goes inside for a moment gives Victoria a hug says he’s going to bed soon.

Derrick goes back to the backyard with Cody they talk about the hitmen’s game for about a hour. 1:10-2:10am.

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3:06AM Derrick and Victoria
Victoria asking if she was funny to watch. Derrick says she was mentions how
Derrick – All you have to know regardless of what happens I care about you and you will be my friend for a long time.. forever.
They are both happy/sad that the summer is coming to an end.
Victoria – I never thought I would have met someone like you it’s so weird.
Victoria – Derrick thanks for being there for me
Derrick says they have to enjoy these last 2 days because they will never be in this house again together.
Victoria agrees “No more game talk”
They start talking about this skiing trip they have planned.
Victoria – Derrick we’ve been together since day one..
Derrick – yup and you said you never thought you would be here..

They hug and go to sleep..
6:14Am everyone still sleeping

7:28AM ZZZZzzzz
10:43AM ZZZZzzzz
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198 thoughts to “Derrick says Victoria will make the perfect housewife ” she cooks, she cleans, she does laundry””

      1. If someone could…. can you tell me why the house guests are still wearing those black bracelets? I know week 5 on live TV Julie called out four house guests for being lazy according to the bracelets (Chistine, Nicole, Caleb and Derrick) Derrick not surprising!…. there has been nothing else mentioned sense! If this OBSOLETE season couldn’t get any confusing!

        Please Please Please not that I care about any of the 3 remaining slugs….. but Please Please Please Cody beats Derrick and he takes Victoria!Just for Ā§hĀ”tĀ§ n giggles!

        1. When Rudy & Stanley kept going back & forth it was the same thing! They would count the minutes then just start jumping!!

          1. Derrick knows he can beat Cody in votecount, but Cody knows he cannot beat Derrick. Cody Will pull a Powerhouse move, take Victoria to the final 2, and win 500K. Derrick wins irregardless of who sits next to him.

      2. It’s true but you don’;t have to like it. Derrick is so obsessed with money he has pretty much thrown everything away to win the money in BB. Given that Derrick has trashed so many houseguests and has basically reduced Victoria to a sniveling excuse for a person, i find it interesting that you come to his defense when someone makes a comment about him being greedy and disrespecting his family. Anyone that referes to his child as “his fu&king kid” does not elicit any sympathy for me and anyone that would reduce someone like Nicole to tears and continue to abuse her emotionally in a conversation, gets no pass from me. Sad that you find that yoiu have to defend someone that is just a bully to women.

        1. I think you’re taking things a little too seriously. He’s just playing a game. Chill. People like you get on my nerves.

      3. Sure gonna miss coming to this site for all the updates. Did not have to watch the show. Thank goodness! Thin I would have barfed.

    1. Derrick is so good at manipulation that he’s been on a one-man mission to give Victoria the image of being a good girl. Derrick saying Victoria never maliciously attacked anyone, pft! She has spewed venom and ugliness about many houseguests but Derrick only sees her as a good girl. Okay. Whatever. Gotta wonder about Derrick.

      1. Derrick uses cop talk interrogation methods on the houseguests. Puts an idea in a persons head and makes it look like it was that persons idea. Also his continuous talking and dominating a conversation with weak people, saying several things and waiting for a response and putting that response to something he said that makes the other person look bad or makes the other person look like he is agreeing with him. Total cop talk. Watch youtube videos of cops interacting with public and you will see what I mean.

        1. are you saying this “cop talk” is not working? what’s wrong with his methods? is he harming anyone? is he talking shit? is he hurting anyone? did he defame or get personal? that’s his strategy and it’s working! he’s been a shoulder to lean on for most of them and we can all see that no one has a bad thing to say about him even if he sent them packing. it takes a lot for someone to get everyone evicted and have them all still think he’s a great guy. not one person said derrick was awful, they all complimented him for being so smart and likable.

    2. Derrick drives a convertible with the top down in the rain. Josh & Melody walk to the shopping mall in Shoes like the rest of the BB HG’s

    3. Um, Derrick is trying to win BB FOR his wife and daughter lol

      The fact is, we are all assholes sometimes, and the people who are on Big Brother open themselves up to having everyone see the asshole side of them sometimes. Derrick played far and away the best game, doing what he needed to do to get to the $500K. Is he as dynamic a personality as Dan or Dr. Will? No. But he’s still one of the best players to ever play the game.

      1. Remember when Dan was playing? Everyone on here called him a scum bag and for his girlfriend to watch out because of what a liar he is. Now Dan is remembered as a Big brother God. Same thing with Will. Give it a year and Derek will be right there.

    4. I’m thinking even with his sister’s fans that Fakie still won’t beat Donny for America’s Favorite Player. Who did everyone vote for?

      1. Didn’t you here? CBS has wiped out BB15 and 16 from it’s books and now are restarting it back from 14 and doing things back to the ways things were.

  1. Not sure who will walk away with first or second (and really donā€™t care all that much) but I guarantee that the finale will be dominated by that disgusting attention whore, with the blessing of CBS.

    I am sure that CBS will try to make Mr Grande look like some class act, which anyone that ever watched the feeds knows is anything but the truth.

    1. Hey Ariana I guess you have to know that your sleazy brother can’t win fan favorite on his own right? I hope your “followers” aren’t so absent minded as to follow what you actually say! Cheap cheap shot getting votes for your brother that he hasn’t earned!

      1. So my lil sis is a Ariana fan and she follows her on Twitter. She showed me a tweet that Ariana sent out this morning saying something to the effect of how she loves Frankie, Zach, and Donnie, but to vote for Zach.

        Wow! Like Frankie was ever in the running for AFP! It was always between Donnie and Zach with Nicole at a distance 3rd. So with only a few hours left of voting, Ariana wants to take credit just in case Zach wins AFP? Saying that Frankie didn’t want to win but wanted Zach to win?

        Why the heck did she not include Nicole? Although I like Zach and Donnie, Nicole should win AFP!

    2. The most powerful proof that cbs cares nothing about its viewers is found in cbs giving Frankengrande unfair advantages over the other contestants. That the unfair advantages are so blatant shows that cbs thinks its viewers are idiots and scum of the earth.

    3. And CBS won’t feel one bit guilty about doing it. I am sure that Frankie got special treatment in his contract to be on the show. Limited “have not” days, fish for dinner every night, special food in the DR when he was a have not, non-enforcement of game rule breaking, no endurance comps after week 1 until he was eliminated, making it to final 6 at minimum, soft-ball interview with Julie.

      1. Is this ever the truth, CBS didn’t even attempt to disguise the favoritism and the special treatment for Frankie.

        Meanwhile many of the things that he said and the actions that he took were disgusting. He knew he could push the envelope with his act, and he would have been screaming bloody murder that the HG’s were homophobic if any of them told him to clean up his act.

  2. Derrick/Cody Final 2. Derrick wins BB #15 $500k & Cody gets $50k That will be all she wrote for this season folks!

    1. And why not.. Victoria keeps telling derrick he will win if he takes Cody.. I keep trying to give this season a last shot at excitement , but sadly , to no avail…. Twist it up and don’t give nobody the money … Heheheheh

    2. You are about to be disappointed when Cody wins Final HOH and takes Victoria to the end and he wins 500,000. Be prepared to cry and whine when Derrick is denied and goes down in BB history as a LOSER!

      1. already Sheila knows Robert is not about to take any crap off of Derrick. They will be surprised in the end for sure.

      2. Now that’s good t.v!!!. .. Cop drags loser to the end of game to get third place cause of his own plan… ..

        Big boy pants time ……Do it cody… Its all about winning $$$$$…

      3. I don’t think Cody is smart enough to do that. It would be a good move though because Victoria would be a vote for Derrick.

        Even if I was Derrick I would take Vitoria because giving up her vote would be worth winning everyone else’s.

    1. it’s ok you can’t count, Derrick would love you like he loves Jamie and Steven. Remember when they all were in the Fire room talking about going to the board walk for schnapps and ice cream!

  3. What a joke of a season. I will be so glad after Wednesday so I can finally kiss CBS and Big Brother Goodbye. I will never watch this show again. This season was so predictable and disappointing that I can go through another year.

    I stopped watching the show on CBS and just started reading the blog here because I could get the truth and not what CBS wanted you to get. Thank you site owners for being honest and reporting the truth about this show.

    1. No idea why producers are dragging this on. Ratings must be down. It can’t just be NFL or new programming – they could easily tweak BB16 viewing days or times. Does production film in the Jury house? If yes, maybe jurors are more entertaining or plotting a finale twist. The J house may be more interesting. Not that we want to see anymore Zachie – ugh.

      1. They’re dragging it along because they did the last show on Friday of all things, now we are inching our way thru 5 days of nothing. I have no idea why they did that Friday show, when they should have just had it on Sunday as usual, it was a waste of eye time watching recaps. We should instead have seen the completion of the first HOH to see the winner, and maybe the start up of the 2nd comp between Derrick and Victoria. Instead we can already guess (even without the feeds) that the first comp was going to be won easily by Cody. It was designed exactly for someone like him to win.

        even if we did a recap friday, do the Sunday show and give us all the jury info, like when Frankie came in, and after that Caleb. I’d much rather see what is happening after those guys show up, i don’t think it is necessary to wait for the finale night to see their reactions, better to do it sooner on the 2nd to last show so the viewers can process all that.

        In short, the finale night should be all about the finale, the results of the 2nd comp, and the 3rd comp shown ‘live’, and then the questions, votes, and so on.

        well, it’s taken several days, but i think even Victoria has caught on that Derrick isn’t planning to take her to the final. It is better this way, he still needs to make sure she votes for him. Even tho she’s his biggest fan, she is probably right when she says he is easily going to win over Cody. I think he is confident to go up against Cody in any way, and the best thing for him to ensure that is to win the final comp, and be the one to send Victoria out. If anyone was on the fence about him, that is a stronger move.

    2. I couldn’t care less if anyone agrees with me, but I’d rather have last season’s drama than this predictable crap. I mean, it’s all rigged anyway so might as well make it entertaining. Bring on the controversy and fights….that’s what brought BB the ratings last year. All BB gave us this year was some nauseating brother of a tween idol. meh


    3. All these people that say they ONLY read the updates and DONT watch the show are liars. I don’t believe any of them for one second. Enough of that silly talk…

    1. Sup Zane! Remember when Sam and Joanne were on the hammock talking about their big plans to get out Arthur that was a good day.

  4. Ah Geez! One more time to correct here……Dawg & Simon for BB #17 contestants! There I said it right!! Finally!

  5. i figured out why ive lost interest in BBUS….the players are hard to relate to. BBAUS, they have an entire episode where all they do is talk about life…. thats it (no comps or anything). wonderful personal stuff. its so easy to get invested in the players. BBUS feels like caricatures. hyper real version of themselves. Simon and Dawg, I love your blog to death!!!! I dont visit the sit anymore because I am not interested in the players, but thank you for all of your hard work. Thank you for giving us all our fix for the summer!! XOXOXO

    1. Of course, you’re right. I have not been able to relate to people the last two seasons. Bad casting and bad show format. Seems it keeps getting worse in that regard.

  6. Thank you for this site! We can always count on you guys and this place is more entertaining than the actual episodes šŸ˜€

  7. Victoria whining and begging is just beyond listening to. She is pathetic. Won NO competitions on her own..her social game was zero… game play at all. And now..she feels ENTITLED!!! She nauseates me.

      1. Susan, my thoughts are that Victoria lives in a small world and has friends and family who understand and love her. In 20 years, she will same as now, but married with kids, and she will still have friends and family who love her. she’s not going to change and she won’t be miserable. she really likes herself.
        i worried about her with the reports of her crying non-stop. I watched a BBAD from a couple of days ago and she was laughing and fooling around with Cody. Last night she gave out her web site: It’s wedding pictures. very staged, posed images. It tells a lot. Derrick advertising for a husband for her was a riot!!! She’s laughing. I’m not going to worry about Victoria anymore. Moving on. šŸ™‚

        1. Victoria only likes herself with her hair extensions on. If she truly liked herself, she wouldn’t wear hair extensions when her scalp is bleeding.

        2. is not victoria’s site. look under the contact info section, which shows the studio is located in michigan.

    1. Are you kidding? Victoria is a competition beast and the best female player since Rachel and Janelle. She has dominated this season since week one. Unicorns are real.

  8. You forgot to add having an epic amount of patience and access to horse tranquilizers to that list of boyfriend requirements, Derrick.

  9. Been a great season of reading recaps thanks to Simon & Dawg. Please consider donating for all their hard work every season! It’s like a reading a good book! I can’t wait to hit refresh to see what happened next. Thank you guys so much!!!!!!!

  10. Some people feel Derrick and Cody deserve the awkwardness of Victoria being there considering how they used her. For the record I don’t think Victoria was used, she knew exactly what she was doing . She’s just mad Derrick beat her at her own game. This girl is a complete mess and I cant wait to see the last of her. Her weave deserves to win over her; its put in a lot more work than she has.

    1. “victorias just mad at Derrick because he beat her at her own game.”

      Umm. Spoiler alert…

      1. Victoria thought she had Derrick wrapped around her little finger just like she had Hayden wrapped around her little finger. You’ll recall Hayden used the veto on her. She also tried aligning herself with Frankie in the early days of the game, but he was more focused on Zack. In her mind she really thought she thought she was playing a great social game by aligning herself with strong players and keeping quiet. The problem was that once she aligned herself with someone, she expected them to do ALL the work while she focused on her weave and wardrobe. That’s why Derrick is constantly telling her they were never an alliance and didn’t need an alliance name. He did all the work to bring her to the F3 and owes her nothing at this point. Victoria has a warped sense of what gamesmanship is, but it’s still game.

      2. No need to be nasty. People are entitled to their opinions whether or not so called experts on the game like yourself agree. I’ve noticed the majority of your responses to others comments feature a little extra zing. It’s not necessary .

  11. Damn just like ever other night on bbad we are subjected to dipthoria smacking her food. I will be so glad when wednesday rolls around and we won’t have to hear her any more. Why didn’t her family teach her to chew without smacking. Then there is Cody snorting his dessert!!! What a couple they make. That’s it, they should hookup, the snorter n the smacker!!! Did you catch her whispering to Cody. I guess she has decided derrick is not gonna budge, so she is gonna try to sway Cody. Wow she made some busciuts after sitting on her ass all this time. I am so impressed!!!! Not!!!!!

      1. Omg!! I didn’t know telling the truth constituted making fun of some one. Actually I feel sorry for her making such a ass out of her self on national t.v. I guess you can call me a worm, but let it be know, this worm has manners , thank you very much!

  12. Derrick deserve to all the whinning from Victoria. He didn’t mind the whinning before they got to F3 and when she was fixing his food,folding his clothes,pertending to be mad with each other,so they would take him to the F2 and she was his snitch.

  13. Think Derrick may have lost the game the moment Caleb was evicted. Unless he wins the final HOH I can’t imagine either of these guys actually taking each other over V. If she would’ve went last week, Caleb or Cody probably would’ve taken him to the end.

  14. Frankie for Americas Favorite!!! He is most deserving guys!!!! Ariana says so, everyone vote as much as possible!!!

  15. thanks for the updates throughout the summer Simon and Dawg, I check the site everyday since the season started. U guys CRUSHED it.

      1. I second to ‘beast mode Mogul’! Simon and Dawg CRUSHED it! My third year enjoying this great site and thanks to you guys for all your insight and hidden scoop on the house guests! Kudos!

  16. Honestly, I hope Derrick wins, because I think he’s played the best game…but I’m kinda scare for him because I think Cody blew up his game when Caleb was evicted by showing their cards with ‘The Hitmen.’ I know Cody was trying to explain himself, but I think it was a little too much – but hey, maybe that was HIS strategy. Who knows.
    I’m really sad the season is coming to a close because I am really getting into it, but I am really anxious to see who wins. (This is the first true season I have gotten in to – I think I watched an episode her and there when I was young, but never watched religiously by any means.)
    I started watching when they started forming the jury (I believe the week Jocasta was evicted), when my parents got me into watching it, oddly enough. Had I known I was really going to become the super fan I am, I would have invested in the live feed. I must say, though, these spoiler updates on the website have been great, I’ve been able to get my fix throughout the day whenever it’s not on. Thank you to Simon and Dawg for doing this!

  17. Frankie said he was on the show to help his sister to be more famous but it actually made her loose fans since we met him on bb. I was her fan but I dislike her because of Frankie now ugh!

  18. Did Frankie ever talk about his bio dad or step dad (Arianaā€™s biodad) on the feeds? His step dad doesnā€™t seem to mention Frankie at all on Twitter, but he does mention Ariana. Yet Frankie must have known the step dad since Frankie was @ 9 years old.

    1. I think he mentioned his bio dad is a doctor that lives in NYC. Other than mentioning his mother was married 3x’s I never heard him mention much else about the step dads.

  19. it’d be really cool if simon, dawg or any obb user got on big brother and gave a shout out to this site during an eviction speech or saying it to a camera in a random room.
    You’ll never kno, it could happen.

  20. GIve me a B, give me an O, and an R… nah… it’s just too BORING! zzzzz….

    Why did they make the rewind thing, and why did they make this the longest season ever?!

  21. Derrick has no intention of taking Cody to the final two. Victoria wouldn’t be there unless he was taking her. I just hope Cody wises up and takes Victoria after winning HOH.

    1. Cody heard from Victoria that Hayden doesn’t like him. Cody will take Victoria to the final two. I guaranteed it. And he will lose to Victoria because no one in the jury likes or respects him.

  22. Frankie is a JOKE
    I am so glad he is gone and after Wednesday we never have to see him again!!!!If he is on the allstars BB I WILL NOT BE WATCHING
    I can’t believe the things he did and said and he never got in trouble for it.
    But Ayran last year got called out.
    I guess it shows that production is Bias

  23. So this is the real Victoria. All the houseguests gone and her nauseating, entitled, money grubbing (without doing anything for it), personality coming out. Let everyone see it so they can boo her when she walks out. Fingers crossed. She’s a little brat.

  24. Derrick basically lied to everyone and used them. I believe that he won’t win regardless of who he takes to the f2. The jury is bitter so they will give the money to Vic or Cody as payback for all the dirt derrick has done. Vic is not dumb. Her game was to play stupid. Stupid people are not a threat and easily controlled. Vic had one of the the best game in the house. Acting clueless took her all the way to final 3

    1. ā€œVic had one of the the best game in the house. Acting clueless took her all the way to final 3?

      Let me clue you inā€¦Victoria wasnā€™t acting clueless and she certainly had no strategy. She is/was clueless and certainly doesnā€™t deserve any money.

    2. You are right! Cody wants the big money here and he actually will win big if he takes Vic to final 2. If it is Derrick and Cody in final 2, Cody will win by 1 vote. Derrick fans are going to be real surprised at how bitter this jury is. Just Frankie and Donny alone will not give Derrick and extra 50K in winning BB. Since they are both TA, they can discuss that with each other and they won’t give it to him. Not a chance.

    3. Based on the limited jury scenes that have been shown, it seems like there are at least a few (Nicole, Donny, etc.) that are fully aware that Derrick is the best player in the game. There are enough hardcore BB fans in the jury that they should be smart enough to vote for the most deserving person to win. Hell, if Dan could get the votes in BB10 after the major fiasco with evicting Jessie and the riot that caused, Derrick will easily win this.

      1. You must have missed season 14: Ian won 6-1 with a bitter jury. The jury voted against Dan and this jury will vote against Derrick.

    4. Any other season, derrick would of been gone long ago for making deals with almost everyone , . So would of Victoria, for being a floater…but in this ,the most twisted season ever(hahhha).. You need to expect that everyone in the jury house will talk about their own deal with derrick or how “sleezy” derrick treated them and how Victoria has no reason to be there … Too little to late… Cody played the game also and didn’t piss off a lot of people either. Don’t think it’s a landslide for derrick… Maybe production gets in there so Frankie takes home a little extra dough…
      Take Victoria for the win Cody !!!

  25. What was Derrick referring to when he told Victoria to go look in the rule book about something she was nagging him about around 10 pm? Anyone know?

    1. Probably the rule that they are not supposed to tell the other two who they will bring to the final two. Victoria had been nagging him for hours, and finally he couldn’t take it anymore. He went to the diary room to complain about her (there was a leak, reported earlier), and later emerged, was again cornered by Victoria , whereupon he mentioned this rule.

      I have little sympathy for him. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it.

        1. NO NO PLEASE GOD NO!!! I don’t ever want to see lame Derrick again. He ruined this season for me. Let him go back to being a cop and a “fuc5ing father to his fuc5ing kid”

    2. That he is not allowed to say whom he would take to final 2. ( production told him not to tell..and he re-iterated that to Vextoria when she kept going on..and on..and on……and that it was against the in the booklet they have. ( On a side note…..The whiner ..who the whole time was going to self evict if Derrick money wasn’t the most important thing….how she just wanted him to win……NOW shows her true colors…..she screams out..* BUT IT’S A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!*………Somehow…she now feels that she’s worked SO hard to get to final 3….that she deserves it. And..rather than * self evict* if Derrick had to leave..she’s as mad as hell that he beat her. She says she nailed the last comp.…if she had..she would have won it. There’s something very , very wrong with her. The look in her eyes is a clue. Her total denial is another. Her illusion of being a *princess* is laughable. I’m trying very hard to feel empathetic…….but failing to be so.

  26. Does Frankie really have an advantage with Ariana asking via twitter for votes? I checked out Ariana’s dad’s twitter and there’s nothing. Lots of stuff about Ariana though. What about all of Donny and Zachs family and friends — are they supporting them on twitter? I’m voting Zach for sheer entertainment value. Donny relied too much on Team America, Derrick, and Frankie, to carry him. He turned his back on Nicole and had a chance to get rid of Derrick earlier, but instead made some wimpy moves just because he thought Team America would save him.

  27. Thanks again Simon and Dawg for another season finish! I donated through Paypal. Over all I liked this season better than last season, but found it rather boring when the house always voted together. There were no surprises. Next year I would like to see more players like Derrick who play the game. Cody followed what Derrick told him to do. If they have a guy like Donny, put more than one older constant in the show. Donny was set up to fail because of his age and looks. Young people had a hard time relating to him, which hurt his game. Frankie just is fake and we saw his true self when he didn’t get his way. He is a mean character.

  28. “Vic had one of the the best game in the house. Acting clueless took her all the way to final 3”

    Let me clue you in…Victoria wasn’t acting clueless and she certainly had no strategy. She is/was clueless and certainly doesn’t deserve any money.

  29. Anyone notice that they didn’t film Frankie walking into the jury house? Instead they gave us a 1 hour look back that featured him! We didn’t get the boos when he left (only non live eviction this year – packed the audience with CBS staffers) & I’m sure he was shunned worse than Christine in the jury house! I wonder if he even had to stay in the jury house……………

    Thanks CBS…for the worst season of BB ever!

    Here’s to the media demise of the entire Grande family!!! Your 15 minutes were up 15 minutes ago……….

    1. They usually do jury house entries 2 or 3 at a time on the show, so I’m sure we’ll still get some kind of reaction footage for Frankie and Caleb each showing up.

  30. Ugh Derprick & his bitch make me sick. “Look here Victoria just be a good little wench and not complain about not winning any $ or even DARE to campaign to get to the final 2” BASTARDS! This is the same m/o they used with the other evicted house guests especially Nicole. LIke they did them some FAVOR letting them know 6 days in advance they were going and don’t even bother to try and save your own ass.

    Just sit there and be sweet and nice so WE don’t feel uncomfortable. I thought Andy winning last year was the lowest of the low but its sickening to think of either of these two boring pricks winning another red cent!

    1. Victoria is behaving like one of them has already won the 3rd HOH. She is not campaigning, she is throwing a major tantrum. Cody was freaked out in the kitchen when she showed him a knife while cutting an apple. He called her – crazy eyes. BB should have called her into the DR and warned her about her behavior. CBS should do more thorough psychological tests on the applicants before choosing them for BB. The days the HG’s are on the show also needs to be decreased. It is just too long for someone like Victoria who is not sure where she is or what is going on around her. Thank goodness for the mirrors. At least she has one person who thinks she is wonderful/beautiful in the house.

    2. Just want to say thanks lili for your posts this year. I always agree!
      And thanks Simon and Dawg for your hard work during this eventful season for you. Just made a donation through PP šŸ™‚

      1. aw…thanks Krikey that was so nice of you to say. Obviously I’m very fired up over this awful season…lol

        Friday’s show was an utter waste they could have made it interesting and showed the jury house that is where the action is. I would have loved to see everyones reactions to Frankie then Caleb entering the house instead of that staged rip off of the Survivor “let’s reminisce” walk down memory lane bit.

  31. To Evictoria – I think it’s with reference to not saying who the winner will take to the final two. His lame excuse!

  32. I was watching BBAD last night/early this morning, and the camera followed Verna throughout the house. Every single mirror she walked by, she stopped to look at herself, like she half-expected her image to change from what she looked at 3 seconds earlier. It is a toss up whether she is ridiculously vain or pathologically insecure, but either way, its going to take a really special guy to put up with that.
    I don’t think Cody was kidding when he said he’s a little freaked out by her. Hide the knives, guys!

  33. He was blowing her off because she keeps nagging him over and over and he ran out of excuses. She wants to know if he is taking her so now he’s saying it’s against the “rules”, hoping it will stop her from nagging about it. It won’t.

  34. Well well well, the True Bitch finally reared those Bushy Eyebrows last nite! You realized that my husband is not taking your ass to F2, and NOW you decide to wake up and start playing the game VICTORIA? You finally gotcha moxy huh? “I’m not voting for either of you because I need to be sitting in one of those chairs.” What happened to “I want you to win Brother”? Unh Hun , so I guess you was playing the game girlfriend, lol. But guess what Bitch? Too little too late! The Jig is up! Idios, arriveredic(sp?), Bye Felicia. You will be evicted ! Cody, cody, cody.. I love you Cody???? thank you for your Blind Loyalty to my husband. You lay there on that couch last nite, while bravely taking on Vicky’s notorious Death Stare while she does her woe is me, delusional pov winning, coming in finally decent one time only Hoh comp second place, no having social game(except the game she put on my husband) needing her ego/looks stroked, self entitled, not knowing how to eat an apple without smacking self. You laid there Cody, the whole time knowing in the back of that cowardly little mind of yours, that she is right. You Cody, would indeed win over Victoria, where as my dear hubby wouldn’t . You would give the jury want they want which is: to see my husband evicted. Yea sure it took you to take Vicky in order to do it, but, I think they would forgive you on that one. But of course , and again, I’m glad your not that smart and you will stay loyal to my husband and me and Tenley are gonna live the good life ! Whoo Hoo????

  35. Did Derrick convince Victoria to beg him and Cody to take her for strategy? It would be the perfect plan to have her continually pester both of them so that Cody won’t even think about taking her to the final 2, but if Derrick wins the final HOH, he can take her.

  36. Franke L. Grande will accept offer from CBS to take Andy’s place on big brother as press and social media correspondent. Also has offer on table for fashion police social media adviser and red carpet reporter.CBS will confirm after show ends.#expecttheunexpected

    1. oh please. joan rivers has more personality today than Frankie has had in his entire life. and she’s been dead for weeks.
      let’s be serious. Frankie will go the way of most of the other losers of their respective seasons. and no, calling him a loser isn’t a personal attack, its a fact: he didn’t win, ergo, loser. its a satisfying coincidence that he can be called a loser now, based in fact.

    2. I hate to say this, but, Frankie would be an interesting choice on Fashion Police,
      … now that our beloved Joan Rivers is not. … sniffle.

  37. And as for you Hubby, I am sick and tired of you constantly kissing her ass. For what Derek ? You won ok! Stop being up in her face. Like I told your miss priss , the Jig is up. I’m watching your ass at night too mister. LEAVE HER ALONE!!! You have manipulated her ( so u thought) to the point of no return. She is getting on your nerves now, begging, screaming, crying, trying to out-wit(roflmao on that one ) , because she can’t believe that you lied to her. She doesn’t understand that this is a game Derek. You know that you are a good liar and evidence manipulator honey . I mean come on, it’s what you make a living at . And thanks to you being the same snake in there that you are in your every day life, me and Tenley are gonna be well taken care of. Oh and P.S. Hell to the No that Heffa is Not going with us the Greece! Keep it up and YOU won’t be going either!
    Oh and xoxo

      1. FTW..if your post is to me, thank you for your support darling. I need some kind of platform to voice my frustrations. No one will ever understand my frustrations with having to watch your spouse day after day and night after night being emotionally molested. Well except for Tim , now there’s a man that can relate to what I’m feeling . Wait a minute, Christine didn’t emotionally molest Cody, she just touched him an awful lot.

  38. i dont get why some of you hate derrick and say he talks shit, i don’t really recall derrick really smack talking anyone the way the other houseguests have… i mean he has expressed annoyance, irritation and dislike but not in an attacking way. i agree it has been a bit boring that no one has really gone against him and given him any competition, but you gotta give it to him, that guy had shit laid out before the houseguests could even blink! i don’t think he’s “using” victoria in a malicious way… it’s her own fault for being so blind and willing! all he’s telling her is what she wants to hear. lane did it to brittany. it’s part of the game! he deserves to win 100%. he comes off being a bit strong but that’s skill in this game!! no one had a bad thing to say about him, other than not being put on the block… but that’s a compliment. he wasnt boring with his tactics, but he was boring in that there was no drama, which is what we love to see. i hate seeing people say that he doesnt deserve it because he lied and schemed… THATS THE POINT OF BIG BROTHER!!! i think this season was better than last year, but here’s to hoping next year will show us a little drama, competition and mystery

    1. Listen! You’ve shredded Derrick’s behavior and his remarks numerous times on this BB site. In particular, you’ve ranted on about him when Frankie made his sick comments about “taking all of Victoria’s virginities” when most of the BB male HGS were together laughing at his “dark humor” at Victoria’s expense. Derrick didn’t come to her defense; he acted like it was OK to go along with Frankie’s vile crap. You were outraged (understandably so) by him for his lack of character (moral compass) in this situation as well as so many other instances (such as referring to Tenley as his “f—ing kid” frequently.) Are you suffering from “senior moments” or are you just trying to provoke other BB fans to react to your constant posts? (Yeah, of course, you have the right to say whatever you want, whenever you want here, That’s the purpose of this forum.)

    2. Just wondering Are there 2 people using Anonymous ? If not strange there seems to be a lot of flip flopping comments

    3. Are there 2 people using Anonymous ? If not strange there seems to be a lot of flip flopping of opinions especially regarding Derrick

  39. What is up with Derrick and Cody finding it so annoying that Victoria would ask them to keep her? She has every right to campaign. Whether she earned her spot or it was given to her doesn’t matter. She’s there and can say whatever she wants. They want their final day to be care free. So what! I think their discomfort comes from the fact that they both know one could flip and take her to the final.

  40. Victoria’s behavior the past few days has to be unnerving for Derrick and Cody. They have not even played the 3rd HOH and Princess Clueless has decided they are not taking her, so she is making the final days as miserable as possible for everyone in the house. Probably production is also fed up with her childish tantrums. She has been whining, crying, screaming, and begging both of them to take her to F2. It’s not game play. Derrick, Cody and the production crew are witnessing an adult who appears to have the mental capacity of a preteen who is not getting her way. Last night on BBAD, she was telling some embarrassing family secrets to the surprise of both Derrick (who is probably really happy he did not share he is a cop with Victoria) and Cody. Her sister must be furious with Victoria’s comments about her relationship with her husband on national TV. When BB is over, Victoria is going to get a huge wake up call regarding her bratty behavior on the show.

  41. Anonymous – everyone is in it for the money – whether you like it or not, Derrick is playing an excellent game – the best of everyone…..sorry you hate cops! Would love to see YOU play the game and NOT want the money!

  42. For all the ” boring”…. Or ” can’t wait for the show to end” comments…No one is forcing you to watch it! If I remember right, people complained last year as well. When I don’t like a show, I stop watching it. Easy fix. And thank you Simon and Dawg for all your hard work this season!

  43. If Derrick does not keep Victoria I wonder if she will be bitter and vote for Cody. Or still be mind controlled and still vote for Derrick. I’m curious at how she will handle being betrayed by him. Cody was smart to announce their Hit Man alliance this shows her that Derrick had no intention of taking her to final two and that he played her. First time he gets blood on his hands.

  44. Is it true Team America (Donny) can’t win fav house guest?

    I hope so. I want to see Zach win it. then I will have something to smile about this season.

    1. That doesn’t seem right because Derrick can win an extra $50,000 if he wins or is in the Final2. Why were Frankie and Donny on the list of people to vote for if they can’t win? Frankie’s family is just saying that because he is not going to win AFHG.

  45. I know I will get a lot of crap for this but everyone that is leaving a comment only see to hate the show they hate CBS and they hate everyone still on the show. If that’s the case y r u on this site. I have really enjoyed this season. Not sure who will win but I know who I don’t want to. But we will see! Ok I’m ready blast me I dare you

  46. Is Osama oh I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I mean Victoria get voted out yet? This is the most disgusting season ever!!!!!!

  47. There were a few people this season that I rooted against (eg. Christine and Frankie), but all of the personal attacks on the three remaining contestants show that those making them are sad. These are three people who were offered a chance to win money (along with a stipend) in exchange for enertaining us. If they really did that poor of a job or if you are really that bored then why are you still curious to see how it plays out? If you are not then you would not be on this forum. Best of luck to all three.

  48. The Grande’s see the writing on the wall, and are now exhorting their twitter followers to vote for Zach.

    Paraphrase: ‘Because that’s what Frankie would want, since he and Donny already won money because of Team America. And Zach needs the money more!’

    Do you buy it? I don’t. It’s called trying to save face at the last minute ;-0

  49. I think if Derrick and Cody are in the Final 2, Cody will win. Cody will get Christine, Donny, Jacosta, Hayden, Zach, and Caleb’s Vote. Derrick will get Victoria, Frankie (and this is not a guarantee), and Nicole. Donny and Hayden already talked about giving Cody their vote if he was in the finals. Caleb is bitter because he thought he had a true friendship with Derrick so he will give his vote to Cody who was more upfront with him. Christine is in love with Cody so he will get her vote. Zach doesn’t really know what happen so I think he will probably vote with the majority and Jacosta hate Derrick so there is no way he is getting her vote.

    1. Don’t you think Hayden and Nicole would vote the same way? Also didn’t Zach think Cody was trying hard to get him out, but that Derrick tried to ‘keep him’? Derrick had no blood on his hands?

      1. I don’t think they will vote the same. They have their own brain and they played their own game even though they liked each other.

    2. You obviously aren’t. There are several super fans of this show that will vote on the best game play. Hayden, Nicole, Donny, Frankie, Zach and Victoria all vote Derrick. I think Jocasta does as well. Caleb is a follower and votes with everyone as well. Christine is Cody’s only sure vote, but some perspective in the house may make her vote derrick to save face with her husband.

  50. why do we hate Derrick so much? just look at that face. The whole Team America thing that made him think we actually like him and his constant talking to the cameras. OMG STFU!! I hope Cody wins (pretty sad I know lol) but it would be so funny.

    1. You must be really starved for attention if you enjoyed Derricks pandering to the feeds. Seriously, it would be more bearable to listen to an emergency broadcast signal and stare at a blank screen than to endure his DR sessions or mugging to the cameras. I am now worried about you Ricky and hope you leave your parents basement soon. The sun is shining outside today. Go out. It will be an adventure!

  51. Why does franke the fondler have his picture with Julie, Rachel, Ian at the top of the page? It says cast?there is no way I could watch the show if he is prancing around throwing sparkles while he interviews houseguests!

  52. Your campaigning/begging scene last nite was the most enjoyable 20mins I’ve seen on BBAD since Frankie and Caleb left.

  53. Google bb16 it also says cbs is nominated for best reality show, no way ! the prancing peacock will be claiming its all bcuz he was gag reflex won’t stop, I’m out…

  54. I have an idea for you. I would love to see once in awhile a special edition of BB where the season consist of different cast members that are in there 40’s only or 50’s only. Just curious to see if all the HG’s are in the same age group, how would it play out as far as Comps, social skills, etc. . To have everyone basically on an even playing field. It would be interesting .

  55. I constantly see people complaining about how Zach shouldn’t have gotten the attention that he has received, and that he was simply an annoyance.

    The reason that Zach was so important this season was because so the extreme lack of entertainment. This year the game was completely predictable, and nobody made any big moves to get the big players out besides Derrick. The reason Zach is so well liked is because of the drama and the excitement that occurs when Zach is around. He oozes personality and shows qualities of an entertainer. Without him, this show would have been as exciting as a piece of chalk.

    1. I don’t like him and I think he was a real ahole to the girls but you are right about the only action all season revolved around him.

  56. If Cody wins any kind of money, I want my fair share. According to my calculations, I have given him at least 102 back massages and about 87 scalp rubbs.

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