POV Holder: | ? | POV Used | ? |
HOH Winner | Caleb | Nominations: | ? and ? |
12:30am Up in the HOH room – Caleb is talking about his Dad to Frankie and Cody. Caleb says his Dad is a bad dude. He lived it rough for a while and has some tattoos he’s not proud of. Caleb talks about his brothers and how his brother Damon has a different Dad but that his Dad was there when he was born and is basically his Dad. Caleb says his Dad is a smart as Einstein and he didn’t even finish high school. Victoria joins them. Derrick joins them not long after. Derrick looks at Caleb’s photo and says this doesn’t even look like him. Furthest thing from a cowboy right here. Cody says oh yeah, he dresses like me at home. Derrick says rocking the pea coat.

12:55am Derrick and Frankie head outside to play a game of pool. Frankie says the good thing is whoever is up against her is even safer than they were last week. Derrick asks why what happened? Frankie says she is just up in everyone’s grill now that she doesn’t talk to you any more. It’s been 3 hours and everyone is already rolling her eyes at her. Derrick says so be it. I told you earlier she was flirting hard with Caleb. Frankie says he asked Caleb if he was concerned about the nominations and Caleb said no because whoever it is I know they’re not the target. Frankie says oh god you’re so naive. You’re so naive because every action has meaning. Derrick says so you’re saying I should be pissed if he puts me on the block? Frankie says every move has repercussions. Whoever he puts on the block if they decide who will go to final 2 they will take that into consideration. Derrick asks where’s your head at in this game? Frankie says I am really happy where you and I are in this game. Caleb and Cody I am a little worried about but it could be just a friend ship. I am extremely, extremely, extremely pleased that we succeeded at a mission. That’s what tonight was, we’re going to show them that they succeeded. Frankie says you know what would be sweet if they throw us another mission this week because it is a rewind. Frankie says or the same mission. Derrick says oh yeah.. and it ain’t going to be hard because Caleb is fixated on that mouse. Frankie says I think you and I are good. if you hear anything about me please let me know so I can squash it. I think we are good because I get to play in this HOH and next HOH. That’s why I was so happy about the rewind. For one of us to go home two have to get together. Frankie says I don’t think I could magic Cody on the block. Derrick says Caleb is definitely going to put up who he wants to put up. I will be Victoria and one of us but regardless of who goes up it will be fine. Frankie says you or me need to win the veto and I will even use it on you if I see something going sour. Derrick says at this point you have to trust in what you’ve had this entire time. What I did for you week 5 was genuine. If you screw me you look like the schmuck. Frankie says you and Caleb have an odd, odd relationship .. you’ve tried to get him out and he’s tried to get you out but you’re both super tight. Frankie says I would love for you, me and Caleb would be in the final 3 but same with Cody. Derrick says if I don’t take you to the final two I look like a douche bag. I just took money out of the schools in Africa. I think you’ve built a legendary resume in this game and you’ve guaranteed yourself a spot on All-stars. Frankie says well I accept. Derrick says she (Victoria) ain’t going to vote for me unless I save a baby. Its a blessing she isn’t going to jury and that I have another week with her before she ruins me with the jury. Derrick says we deserve to be there in the final two but this years jury is going to be bitter.

In the kitchen – Victoria and Cody are studying the memory wall faces for the morph POV competition. Victoria says the fact that they are going to wake us up in the middle of the night to do this I don’t know why?! Cody says yeah no idea. Cody says Brittany has beautiful eyes. Victoria laughs. Cody says so you do you. Victoria thinks this week will be extremely accelerated. Victoria and Cody study the memory wall for a long time and then Victoria goes to lay down. Cody says to himself I am going to smoke everyone in this comp.
1:50am Frankie heads inside and Caleb plays Derrick in a game of pool. Derrick says I had a long talk with Frankie tonight and I said I’m not going to lie Caleb is probably going to throw me and you (Frankie) up on the block and we said we won’t throw each other under the bus. Whoever he puts up, regardless we are going to the final 4. Caleb says I don’t think I could put up Cody again, he’s had enough stress this week. Derrick says if he (Frankie) gets hinky.. if he wins the veto we’re boned. One of us is going home. And it ain’t you .. it would be me or Cody. Bottom line even if he wins the veto he can’t send one of us home.. he wouldn’t have the votes. Derrick says its just too much of a risk, if Frankie doesn’t go up he could ruin one of our games. He physically is in able to do it, the only one that could ruin our games is Caleb and that’s it. And I have more trust in you than anyone, so if you’re good! I’m good! With him able to control who goes home, its scary. Because you don’t have the power this week. If he isn’t on the block he now has the power if he wins the veto. IF Frankie wins the veto and takes Victoria off .. then one of us are going home and there’s nothing you can do about it. And all it takes is for him to think you and I are getting close and its a wrap! Caleb says yeah. I’m going to be honest.. especially with this win .. he knows he ain’t beating me in the end. Derrick says you have to think mathematically if he is on the block he can’t ruin your game. All I would say is let him talk to you. Derrick says Frankie’s one regret was that he didn’t get to play in this next HOH because if he wins it he is guaranteed final 3 and now he can play in it. Frankie joins them.
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2:10am – 3:50am Frankie, Derrick, Caleb and Cody head up to the HOH room. They talk about how the game is still going to end the same time. Pushing the rewind only changed the course of the game. If we hadn’t pressed it Victoria would have gone home. Derrick talks about his disconnect with Victoria and how she feels I betrayed her. Caleb says she won’t win the POV. Frankie says no way. Caleb talks about a story of a King with girls everywhere and slavery and says him and his brothers remind him of that. Cody asks they sold you to slavery? Caleb says everything but that. Honestly when I was little, they would have if they could have. Seriously. I was Caleb before I was Caleb. Seriously. I was supposed to be born a girl. Everyone thought I was a girl. My mom thought I was a girl for the full 9 months. My name was Kayla. And then I popped out and they were like wow! My dad said his name is Caleb. For my fist Halloween my mom dressed me up as a girl. My brothers wanted me to be a man and toughened me up. Caleb starts telling his hog hunting stories. He says his girlfriend at the time went hog hunting with him and beat him to the hog. She had blood all over her .. on her face and all up her arms and she looked up at me and said we should just have s*x right now. Frankie asks so did you!? Caleb says no. He said is body was literally 6 degrees from swimming the freezing river so there was no way it was happening. They finish the hunting stories and talk about how tonight went down with the rewind. Caleb says but we send her home this week and then we can congratulate on the final 4. They speculate on when the season will end. (They have no idea the finale isn’t until September 24th.) Caleb says to me I think you (Cody) being put up there is a lot of stress and I don’t want to have to do it again. Cody says I don’t want to go up again either. Caleb says I don’t want to put any of you up. Caleb says as long as Victoria doesn’t win the veto she is going home. I know how it is being on the block on Thursday, you have to give a speech and your butt hole is this big. I get it. Us being in the final 4 means everything to me and that’s not changing. Caleb says if I was sitting up there next to Victoria I would hope you would want to keep me because if you didn’t you would get boo’d when you walked out. Caleb says at noms she is going to know she only has one more chance to save herself. Frankie and Cody head down to get ready for bed.
3:55am – 4:05am Derrick stays to talk to Caleb about trying to get Frankie up on the block. Derrick says if Frankie isn’t up and wins the veto and thinks you, me are getting too close he could take Victoria off the block. Then you have to put me up and maybe I am naive but I think you would keep me over Cody because he’s got a lot of love in the jury house and more importantly we’ve been true to each other. But I still don’t want you to have to make that decision. Caleb says yup, me neither. Derrick says and frankly if he (Frankie) does pull himself off I will volunteer to go up on the block and you’ll keep me. But instead of having only me play against him next week for HOH, you’re going to have Cody too. So not only are you keeping us safe you’re protecting yourself for the following week because you can’t play. Would you rather me and Victoria go against Frankie or me and Cody?! Caleb says yeah that’s better. I wouldn’t even mention to him that he might take Victoria off because that shows a lack of trust on your part. Caleb says I definitely wouldn’t say that. Derrick says if Frankie goes home this week then you’re the top dog. You’ve got more wins than anyone at that point. Caleb says I don’t want to go to jury with Frankie because I don’t know that I would get America’s Fave then. Derrick says I think you’re closer with Donny than him. He’s not that well liked in jury. If its going to be me and you in the final 2, Frankie can’t be there and you don’t want to give him a shot at final 3. Frankie comes up and breaks up their conversation. Frankie asks to talk to Caleb. Derrick leaves.
Derrick heads to the bathroom and tells Cody about how Frankie just interrupted Caleb and I talking and asked me to leave so he could talk to Caleb. Cody says wow!
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Morning fruit loop dinguses.
Good Afternoon Zane – you crazy fooligan!
Sure would love to see Derrick put on the block just to see him sweat. The rewind button should have been a fast foward button to speed this snail race the hell up. I loved seeing the jury and Donny talking smack to Chrustine. That b*tch had it coming to her. I hope Flakie joins her soon. Donny’s funnier than most comedians and I hope he’s got some more jabs for the future jury members. TEAM BEARD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Derrick should work for the FBI
You say Derrick should work for the FBI, meaning the Federal Bureau of Idiots!
Sorry, just couldn’t resist…
If caleb does not put up derrick, he is as dunb as we thought, and no better than victoria
Caleb is playing this game with loyalty and his eyes closed.
Too bad the DR doesn’t give him hints the way they do Derrick and Frankie. They should remind him what his brother’s letter said. “You have enough friends and put your man pants on”. Ironically Nicole and Victoria understood what his brother was saying, it went right over Caleb’s head.
Caleb liked Zach, {I think even Donnie}, and they both warned him about the other alliances, and that he is not in them. He is basically on his own. I think down deep he knows this, but he does not want to believe it. If he was smart , he would put up Derrick, and Victoria, if he wins, put up Cody, he needs to break up those 2. I actually think he is safe for the moment with Frankie, Frankie would get rid of Derrick, he knows that Derrick is dangerous and I don’t think he is fully taken in by the scam.
If Derrick thinks that the DR is only telling him things, he is sadly mistaken. Frankie is their fair hair child,
and they are not going to let him go without a fight.
Caleb has a better chance at winning the lottery than he does at winning America’s favorite. And Frankie has a better chance at growing wings than he does at winning America’s favorite.
Please start a petition to ask BB never to invite Frankie back as a HG..
Will enjoy the expressions on ALL HG faces when they find out that Derrick is a cop! It will make complete sense to them how he manipulated them all. I say get Victoria out this week cause seriously she’s annoying! Then the gloves are off & its dog eats dog comps! Although still be predictable with whoever wins comps at that point anyways. Derrick deserves to win in my opinion. Don’t really like any of them including Derrick that are left.
If they don’t get Frankie out this week you.might as well give him the check today….it imperative to get Frankie out that house….then get princess Vicki out and the.final three boys left standing…I would want to see derricks and.Cody final two…
Well seems like mostly everybody is rooting on Derrick to win and he can immediately go in their top 5 greatest bb players in history list even the people on this website comments section because of his “great” gameplay. But im not. Cant stand him and dont think hes playing so great. Watch him panic the last 12 hours about not being put up even tho every single person left in the house is in his personal alliance. But oh no you better not put him up once in 67 weeks.
I wouldve respected derrick and his game IF:
1. When he felt any kind of pressure (nichole calling him the dan of this season, donny not falling for his mist etc.) he didnt talk so much shit about the people that put a tiny bit of pressure on him. But he did talk lots of shit about lots of decent ppl.
2. Dont do things like chat with the live feeders to the camera or make it so obvious that you want to be liked by throwing the hoh comp for Frankies grandfather pic. A nice gesture yes but the way you asked him 15 times Do you want to see your grandfather very loudly was obvious pandering. Talking to the live feeders every night is annoying to. Most of us dont like you just shutup and play or sleep for the next 21 hours like usual.
3. He did some things strategically that i respected and admired but its not good enough with this horribly DUMB cast. Not his fault but he has been very cocky with his strategy not thinking wow what a bunch of idiots.
4. Admit the lies you tell in the diary room, laugh about them and america will love you. Simple and true
5. Cody and christine were horrible around each other but the vanessa derrick relationship is almost as bad yet no one cares bc of chris cody getting all the attention. Your married dude have a little respect for your wife and yourself. Cuddling is not gameplay!
Sorry for long post i hate long posts but Derrick kind of sucks. Extremely overrated already.
You forgot his cringe worthy “Don’t take the food out of my daughter’s mouth” like the other house guests would personally responsible if his daughter got malnourishment or starved. Don’t forget people trashed Devin for saying he was playing for his daughter’s future. People are giving Derrick a pass for basically the same thing except Devin never told people his kid would go without food if he didn’t win like Derrick is doing. Is this perhaps the reason no one will put him on the block, because he uses his kid to shame and guilt others into not nominating him? Then people have the nerve to pick on Frankie for talking about his sister!
EXACTLY. You hit it right on the head, I’m surprised you go some thumb downs.
I agree with almost everything. Not so much about the Victory stuff since I feel he avoids taking it to the touchy level and he is just clearly keeping her in pocket. But Derrick hasn’t earned it at all. He’s played a really good game but because of the things you list and because he was put in such a safe spot from the beginning of the game, he’s had waayyy too easy of a ride. Even Andy’s game play last year blows Derricks away. I feel like Derrick over sells everything and if he would have been screwed if he hadn’t been put into such a comfortable spot.
The Bob this year forced there to be a big alliance. People like to say Derrick not getting on the block is impressive since the BoB made there more noms this year than ever, but the BoB forced people to put up the same noms each week. HoHs couldn’t really put up who they wanted. They had to put up people who wouldn’t win the BoB just to protect themselves, so right away all the crappy comp players were forced to the bottom of the house. This forced the alliance Caleb and Frankie set up to stick together since they made an alliance with all the best competition players that Derrick was lucky to be thrown into. And the BoB kept them from splitting up the first half of the game. And if you consider how ignorant of the real game the alliance members were, Derrick’s has had this thing locked down from the beginning just because of Caleb and Frankie’s alliance. Not to mention TA. So as much as I think he’s played the best this year and deserves the win, he’s no where near that good of an all time BB player.
And even if he deserves the win, I don’t want him to win just because I have lost respect for the guy. People complained about Frankie using his dead grandfather but Derrick is really the one who did that. He kept using the bond of dead grandfathers with Frankie the first couple of weeks after the incident even though he tried to get Frankie out a couple of times. And the fact he thinks he can control the audience like he does his house guests. He’s just had it way too easy and has become very full of himself. As much as I want to see Frankie get evicted and booed at, I just as equally want to see Derrick get evicted. Really don’t want him to win because on top of everything else, he is the main reason this season was so boring.
steve im not a big derrick fan but it kinda common sense derrick talking to the camera is letting America know what going through his head and hes not as clueless as the rest of them read into how you like seemed simple to me
Yep. Totally agree. And this shit annoys the crap out of me “Derrick heads up to the HOH room to find out what Frankie said to him.” Christ Derrick, just tone it the fuck down. I have to FF because I can’t stand watching him or listening to his bs anymore. Now I can’t even stand reading the shit he says. If production interferes, can they please start getting everyone suspicious of Derdick? I’m soooooo sick of him. He’s even making me almost like Frankie again.
SLB: awwww, poor little you!
Couldn’t agree more!!! Only down side is at this point it looks like it’s between Rhode Islands finest and a delusional pink turdlet. So out of the 2 idiots I would have to say Cop over the turd. In a perfect world it would be anyone but those 2 but this is bb and it just don’t work that way. If Frankie goes I hope it’s this week so he can hear the boo’s
Who is Vanessa? Did you mean Victoria? -__-
The fact that we had to suffer a season of Frankie and his performances he should be paying us . Derrick played the game , he used whatever he had to manipulate the game his way. That’s playing the game . BB control a lot more of the competitions and outcomes than they should have by making sure they favored one player or another. The weak players helped make Frankie and Derrick the best players but in no way should Cody or Caleb win. They did little to control outcomes except doing what Frankie and Derrick told them. People should play their own games and stop being such babies and afraid to make a move. Caleb will do as he is told!
Sorry, I won’t be one of the sycophantic Derrick haters that have already agreed with you (because I think, like Dan, that Derrick is playing a fantastic game). I will respond to each of your points, but I know it will do no good. You have an irrational hatred of Derrick and I will never change your mind (or any of the sycophantic Derrick haters) but here it goes:
I wouldve respected derrick and his game IF:
No you wouldn’t have,
1) What is he supposed to do? Let all these people ruin his game? Expose his strategy? As for talking sh!t about people (yes, even decent people like my man Donny), what game do you think you are watching? This is Big Brother! You are supposed to talk sh!t about other players.
2. I have seen this done by many players over the years. It is not unique to Derrick. If Donny were still in the house and talking to the cameras I bet you would think it was great and that Donny just loves his fans so much. I could be wrong about that, but I don’t think so.
3. I think one of the best things about his strategy was to get out those who might have caught on to his game first, leaving the idiots in the house that he could control.
4. Ummm…. I think he already did that.
5. Cody and Christine had a much more intimate relationship than Derrick and Van.. umm… Verronica… opps… whoever she is. Their constant touching and stroking, fiddling and petting made watching them sickening. I don’t get the live feeds so I haven’t seen how Derrick and whats-her-name interact. As for “Cuddling is not gameplay!”, are you sure you are watching BB? Cuddling has been a time honored strategy since BB2 (Boogie and Krista). Think of All-Stars. The reason that Janelle, Erika, Dr. Will and Boogie made it to the F4 together was that they were cuddling. Although they were all singles.
Derrick is playing a great game. Dan said so, and he should know. Dan is one of the truly greats at this game. Derrick has not played up to Dan’s level, but has come close.
I hope Derrick goes on the block, and Frankie wins veto. As much as many of us despise Frankie, this season has already been boring and predictable. With Frankie gone it’s going to get worse, because the remaining 4 are boring and they’re no more big moves to be made. It would be interesting to see the 4 of them battle for their lives. Victoria should have been gone, and doesn’t deserve to be there anymore. She’s been a pawn long enough. It would serve the guys just right if keeping Vic for a pawn, and she wins another HOH or Veto. If Production has it’s way it will be Derrick and Frankie in the end because of TA.
I’d prefer that they just cancel the rest of the season and use the 550,000 in prize money to remodel the house for next year.
Hey Michael! Don’t you mean take the 500K and fumigate the place!
I will be impressed if Derrick manages to get Frankie on the block. I don’t see it happening. I’m pretty sure Frankie will win the veto comp due to speed. I want Frankie to go home next so bad I can’t stand it. Caleb or Derrick final 2 and FTW. (Someone has to win)
Why would you impressed? Caleb is a loyal moron, of course he’s going to nominate Frankie.
Sure would love to see Derrick put on the block just to see him sweat. The rewind button should have been a fast foward button to speed this snail race the hell up. I loved seeing the jury and Donny talking smack to Chrustine. That b*tch had it coming to her. I hope Flakie joins her soon. Donny’s funnier than most comedians and I hope he’s got some more jabs for the future jury members. TEAM BEARD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m pretty sure that America hates Frankie. He needs to go immediately! However, production will rig the times for the Veto again and Frankie will win. It’s so annoying to have someone who is playing for a charity against people who are playing for their lives. Not fair at all!
Does anyone else think that Frankie threw the HOH deliberately so that he can compete in next week’s HOH? He still has a shot at the POV, which I am thinking will also be a repeat of last week’s guess the face comp. What is the official count on Frankie’s wins? Do we count all past HOH & POV wins including his HOH wins when he got dethroned and last week’s combined HOH & POV wins which may have been erased after the reset went into effect? I am not counting the BOB win that he won by himself. I am thinking that it is 5 HOH wins not taking into account the 2 when he was dethroned and the reset week, that leaves 3 POV wins also not including the reset week. Janelle from BB7 All Stars is still the top player of all time when it comes to comp wins with 5 HOH & 4 POV wins.. Do you think that Frankie can tie Janelle’s record or beat it if he stays in the game?
From what I have read it sounds like Skankie saw Breast-milk cowpie was in 2nd place and knowing or assuming his cowpie would keep him safe he threw the comp so he could play in the next HOH. Pretty stupid to have a rewind with so few players and expect any big changes but it may get Vic-boria (how thick can she get that lipstick?) actually closer to F-3 If the dipsticks were smart (but they are not) they would break up the twosomes of Skankie/Cowpie, Der-prick/ Cotex
Can Der-prick really convince Cowpie getting Skankie out is best for his game? I don’t think so. Besides Cowpie thinks Skankie is his best shot at fame so I do not see him backstabbing him.
Caleb will NEVER…..NEVER put Frankie on the block! Not gonna happen so Derrick save your smooth talking.
One can hope,right? I think Derrick has played a game. However, it bugs me when people try to take over someone else’s HOH. I hope Caleb puts up the person he wants and NOT who Derrick wants. Tired of seeing people playing Derrick’s game.
Well there is one way Caleb would HAVE to put Frankie up. Of course everything would have to go “perfectly”.
For fun lets just say Cody and Victoria go back up on the block.
Derrick then wins Veto.
Derrick uses Veto on Cody bringing him down and leaving Frankie as the only replacement since Derrick cannot go up.
Derrick and Cody then vote 2-0 (another house vote) to get rid of Frankie thereby eliminating Caleb’s attempt to try and save Frankie.
Yup, Caleb too concerned with sucking up to Frankie to become a background dancer for Ariana which will catapult him into a country star ala JLo.
I did see Caleb dancing in the HOH room with Frankie and singing on top of their lungs!
You’re right!
Just wondering why you wouldn’t count the BOB he won? He’s not my favorite by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems like the win should count.
I thought some wouldn’t count the BOB comps simply for the fact that it is a new comp this year, and judging from the negative response of players and the viewers is one that production won’t repeat again, this is what has lead to the boring results where there have been unanimous evictions in my opinion. Plus I think it’s fair to only compare past comps that all seasons have played such as HOH and POV. Maybe an asterisk next to this seasons BOB comps and the reset week will be what the official tally will be when this season is completed and people look back on the comp wins?
Absolutely Frankie threw the HOH! As for Derrick…..I keep thinking he is throwing competitions but is he OR how can a cop be so lacking athletically?
Derrick for being nominated..hoping he goes to the jury. He talked Cody & Caleb into keeping Frankie safe. He had the opportunities but worked hard to keep Frankie.
So over hearing how great he is. With his referring to his child as the “f..g kid”, talking about punching a woman, & his exploitation of Victoria makes me lean towards being fearful of him in a uniform with a gun & absolute control.
Not endearing qualities!
September 11, 2014 at 5:56 am
Well seems like mostly everybody is rooting on Derrick to win and he can immediately go in their top 5 greatest bb players in history list even the people on this website comments section because of his “great” gameplay. But im not. Cant stand him and dont think hes playing so great. Watch him panic the last 12 hours about not being put up even tho every single person left in the house is in his personal alliance. But oh no you better not put him up once in 67 weeks.
I wouldve respected derrick and his game IF:
1. When he felt any kind of pressure (nichole calling him the dan of this season, donny not falling for his mist etc.) he didnt talk so much shit about the people that put a tiny bit of pressure on him. But he did talk lots of shit about lots of decent ppl.
2. Dont do things like chat with the live feeders to the camera or make it so obvious that you want to be liked by throwing the hoh comp for Frankies grandfather pic. A nice gesture yes but the way you asked him 15 times Do you want to see your grandfather very loudly was obvious pandering. Talking to the live feeders every night is annoying to. Most of us dont like you just shutup and play or sleep for the next 21 hours like usual.
3. He did some things strategically that i respected and admired but its not good enough with this horribly DUMB cast. Not his fault but he has been very cocky with his strategy not thinking wow what a bunch of idiots.
4. Admit the lies you tell in the diary room, laugh about them and america will love you. Simple and true
5. Cody and christine were horrible around each other but the vanessa derrick relationship is almost as bad yet no one cares bc of chris cody getting all the attention. Your married dude have a little respect for your wife and yourself. Cuddling is not gameplay!
Sorry for long post i hate long posts but Derrick kind of sucks. Extremely overrated already.
I wonder as well how many of Derrick’s cheerleaders who want to see him win are just fine with him using his daughter as a ploy to gain sympathy from the other house guests, thus he has never been on the block once. I am referring to his rather infamous rant “taking the food out of my daughter’s mouth” which he has done on many occasions. Devin got raked over the coals for saying he was playing for his kid, so why does Derrick get a pass? In my opinion that is obvious guilt shaming of other house guests. It’s fine that a parent wants to win money for their children’s future. But does Derrick really need to practically imply that his daughter will go hungry and that others will be responsible for taking the food out of her mouth if he is put on the block and sent to the jury house? That’s pretty low shaming in my opinion.
Don’t forget Brittany did as well. And she’s got 3!
Most of the cops I’ve seen on the news were grossly overweight. That’s why they shoot at suspects because they’re too out of condition to chase them.
As much as I hate Frank the skank I think Breast milk cowpie’s best game decision would be to put up Der-prick with Cotex. If one of those two win POV and come down put up Vic-boria. The hitman not on the block will vote out the putty faced “batman”, Skankie votes out the hitman on the block and Caleb send home one of the hitmen. Skankie is more loyal to Breast-milk then Der-prick and Cotex are. The chances of Vic-boria winning the next HOH are probably in the negative numbers percentage wise and the chances of Skankie beating the remaining hitman should be pretty high.
I watched the first two episodes of BBAU and they have had more interesting twists in those two episodes then the entire BB16 season! Better cast, better DR (they ask questions about gameplay, game choices and their feelings about other HG’s and decisions and not just the HG’s acting out what is clearly scripted for them) not that it takes much but the “token” gay guy is much more normal and likeable. I am sure he is a better rep for the GBLT community then the perverted fame whore that is Skankie.
BBUS better take a hard look and revamping the casting and gameplay or just put us out of our misery and cancel the series. BBAU is going to be GREAT!
So in other words the “token” gay player on Big Brother has to be acceptable to you and conform to your standards? Is that how you think real life really works?
Not sure WTF you are even talking about! I don’t ask or require anyone to conform to anything. To each their own. I just don’t think skankie is an accurate example of the gay community. He is over the top and clearly “gays” it up for the cameras and live shows. I don’t see him acting 1/2 as much on the live feeds as he does come showtime. As I clearly stated I think the guy on BBAU is just a normal guy who doesn’t gay it up for the cameras. I think most people understood what I meant and not that I expect anyone to live up to certain standards. But hey opinions are like assholes, we all have one
I want Victoria gone. So sad if she makes it to the end.
But she is such a competition queen…….
So what is Caleb going to do? I don’t have the feeds and it is hard to tell if Caleb is buying what Derrick is selling him or what Frankie is selling him reading these great updates. What is Caleb’s body language like? Wouldn’t be surprised if he falls for Derrick’s bullshit. Not that I wouldn’t be happy to see Frankie walk out the door but the best thing for Caleb would be to get either Derrick or Cody out this week.
As much as I hate Frank the skank I think Breast milk cowpie’s best game decision would be to put up Der-prick with Cotex. If one of those two win POV and come down put up Vic-boria. The hitman not on the block will vote out the putty faced “batman”, Skankie votes out the hitman on the block and Caleb send home one of the hitmen. Skankie is more loyal to Breast-milk then Der-prick and Cotex are. The chances of Vic-boria winning the next HOH are probably in the negative numbers percentage wise and the chances of Skankie beating the remaining hitman should be pretty high.
I watched the first two episodes of BBAU and they have had more interesting twists in those two episodes then the entire BB16 season! Better cast, better DR (they ask questions about gameplay, game choices and their feelings about other HG’s and decisions and not just the HG’s acting out what is clearly scripted for them) not that it takes much but the “token” gay guy is much more normal and likeable. I am sure he is a better rep for the GBLT community then the perverted fame whore that is Skankie.
BBUS better take a hard look and revamping the casting and gameplay or just put us out of our misery and cancel the series. BBAU is going to be GREAT!
Hey Xerox, don’t copy and paste my comments. If you agree or disagree give it a thumb or reply but we do not need to see the same comments repeated and xeroxed!
13 DAYS LEFT !!!
AKA eventful meaning we’re happy it’s finally over.
Countdown to the Eventful End of BB16—– are these posts the highlight of your day? Sure sign of a froot loop doofus!
I really don’t care who wins this season. They all suck! I rather watch The jury house .. It looks more fun and interesting than what’s going on in the BB house. I would love to see and hear how many more zings Donny gave crustine. Mind you the lawyer zing was pretty darn good and funny. Can’t stop laughing.
I also loved the lawyer comment, I couldn’t believe he said that, but soooo glad he did!
haha poor Caleb so delusional. Zach or Donny are winning AFP
Caleb really is delusional. He was talking about wanting Mila Kunis last night. He must not have gotten the memo that she is with Ashton Kutcher and PREGNANT – do any day now… His best chance of getting close to Mila Kunis is a picture of her on his wall.
Caleb I know this is a hard concept for you but GROW A PAIR and get a brain! WTF stop letting that bully Derek ruin your HOH. Oh and Derick please STFU having his panties in a twist b/c Frankie DARED to ask to speak to Caleb ALONE! But it was okay for Derek to ORDER everyone to ostracize Nicole when she came back into the house.
Another thing that pisses me the hell off…lol is all this talk about “poor Cody” he can’t possible go through sitting on the block again b/c he’s so “stressed out” Gee you didn’t give two f’s about Donny sitting on the block SUFFERING week after week then making Nicole’s life a living hell for 2 1/2 weeks. Another thing this is utter crap is how Derek isn’t even a consideration to go on the block. HELLO IDIOTS he has never been on the block for that reason alone his ass shoot be taking a seat in the Orange Chair.
I would argue that its not his lack of BALLS that is keeping him from making a big move, but his insane sense of loyalty. He made some pretty good arguments for or against voting out a person that the other members of the bomb squad wanted out, and sometimes they listened. When he turned against someone, it was because he was told, true or not, that someone had been disloyal to him. Yeah he isn’t the sharpest tool, but I think his loyalty was a small factor in keeping the bombsquad members together as long as they did. Blind Loyalty — YES, but no balls — I wouldn’t say that.
God forbid, if Derelict wins I will not listen to any of his post interviews because I’ve heard enough of his BS to last a lifetime! In fact, I hope that each Press person just passes him by because they’ve heard enough too!
Will enjoy the expressions on ALL HG faces when they find out that Derrick is a cop! It will make complete sense to them how he manipulated them all. I say get Victoria out this week cause seriously she’s annoying! Then the gloves are off & its dog eats dog comps! Although still be predictable with whoever wins comps at that point anyways. Derrick deserves to win in my opinion. Don’t really like any of them including Derrick that are left.
The only problem with that is, what if he is one of the last 2. They can’t reveal any secrets about him until after the jury votes and usually there is very little time between when they vote and when they reveal who the winner is. The best I think you could hope for in that situation is to see the backyard interviews online afterward. On that note, where is the best place to watch these backyard interviews. I always have a hard time finding them.
LMAO I want Victoria to win POV. Please make it happen =(
cleab will make a mastake if he put Frankie on the block cause he will win pov
please put up derrick why whould you come on a show in let him do what he want
in at the end give him the money I know they family is shaken they heads
how about learning the English language , ya know a period or camas or a question mark in your sentences, you a friggin idiot!!!!
Before you criticize another person’s punctuation and spelling, make sure yours is right first. COMMA!!!
Perhaps English is not this individuals first language yet he has taken the time to learn. I assume you are multi-linguistic and have no problems when conversing in a foreign language. Before criticising this individual however, you should look at your incorrect use of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Are you kidding me?!! This is a game , is it not. How can you hate a guy that is playing the game. What season has anyone gone through to the end without lying or manipulating other players? Not one that I know of. I would like to see Victoria and Derrick in the end. Derrick to win and Victoria for the 50k. Derrick was smart dragging her along and convincing the others to do so as well. She deserves the 50k just for the rug burns alone. Derrick is very smooth, he knows how to talk the others into a plan without alarming them and by keeping a cool head all through this game. He is slick and always thinking ahead……..go Derrick!…….
Derrick sucks because he doesn’t have the stones to own his game. Simple things like saying “Donny’s on to me. He’s got to go.” would make me respect him more. Instead he tries to act like he’s always being nice while trying to masterminding us for no reason. I love when players play the game which means you got to lie and backstab. There can only be one winner. But I don’t respect Derrick because he doesn’t own up to it when it comes time, like his DR sessions or his cheesy comments to the camera. Helen owned it last year when she fake cried. Wasn’t ashamed to admit using it to get her kids to do what she needed. Same with Andy. And past greats weren’t ashamed of their game. Derrick fake cries and does other things but tries to pass it off as genuine to the viewers. He also tries to over sell throwing comps. He def threw the dynamite one, but there have been others he hasn’t thrown yet he plays like he does. He’s just not as smart as he thinks, hence the dice POV where he sat there doing the robot while trying to get Devin out. Fans respect players. What they don’t respect is some one trying to play them like they’re playing the other idiots in the house.
Derrick DID say in the DR that he knew Donny was on to him and that’s why he had to go. Said the same thing about Nicole’s after her comment of his game being like Dan’s.
So slick inside and I’m sure outside of the house that I would not want to be married to him for 5 minutes.
I have disliked Frankie for most if not all of this season. I can’t believe that someone who A) admits to having money “media mogul” (I don’t think these dummies know the definition of mogul) B) Is the half brother of a “superstar” (never heard of her til now) pop star C) comes from money and D) is going to give the money to charity (that’s how little he needs the cash, could be lying who knows) Is STILL IN THE GAME!!!! Any other season he would have been shown the door-no offense to great organizations who do charity work ANYWHERE. But come on people! Are they so afraid of being seen as homophobic racists? I have blown my Frankie disgust fuse and now I want the person who allowed this troll to continue with his one man “Torture BB Fans” show to get what he deserves for not squashing him when he had the chance TWICE! Evict Derrick. Frankie, Cody, Caleb final three (No to Victoria, she IS the worst) and an F2 Caleb and Cody.
CBS, Nickelodeon, MTV, and Ariana’s record label are owned by the same group, the owner of which is an actual media mogul. Frankie is on the show to push sales of his sister’s CD, her MTV performance at the VMA’s all of which happened after the battle of the block when he outed himself as her brother. If you notice the show hasn’t really mentioned the sister since the VMA’s.
Other things to look at are the BoB Frankie played, which was the only BoB where it was preferable to play alone, the fact he has been close to being back-doored several times, and his overall behavior.
About half the BoB’s would be impossible to complete without a partner and the others, except for the Frankie one, were easier to complete with a partner so playing alone would be a disadvantage.
On several occasions when there was a possibility of a big move, Frankie’s name came up and was almost on the block, but at the last minute nothing happened on the Frankie front even when the players mention it would be real hard to get him later. Why wouldn’t anyone move against him? Production persuaded the HoH not to put him up.
His behavior is also suspect because even if the other HG’s were ok with the constant pawing and sexual remarks, he has a sense of entitlement in that he usually sleeps in the HoH room even when he’s not the HoH. He doesn’t care about making a mess, although that does seem to reflect the whole Frat house vibe that seems to permeate through the season.
Overall I think Frankie has been shielded this season although at this point CBS has gotten all the air they needed for the sister so he may hopefully be used up.
Seriously Caleb, instead of thinking about your game moves you are more worried about how your game moves will affect if you get AF. 10,000$ or 500,000..what an idiot!
Theory or just wishful thinking—knowing that the week was in rewind, CBS gave TA the easiest mission, knowing it would be thrown out (no one can understand how that one got the most votes), and this week the actual harder mission would be the one that counted and hopefully not succeed. Like I said just a theory and just wishful thinking—they certainly did not deserve that easy mission, or any other missions.
I wonder about that too! Don’t you think that since this game was reset that they forfeit the past TA money and will have to redo it over again? Everything except for Christine’s eviction has been erased, so it makes sense that the TA mission will be erased along with the prize money, and either redone with the same mission or a new mission will be given to Team America.
I used to think that Wiki-toria was an idiot- which she is…..but she’s so entertaining. She has noooooo clue what’s going on, “Miss Warrior Princess- last female standing.”
Wiki-toria is actually soooooo bad I kinda like laughing at her each week.
This is stupid. WTF.
These people are plain stupid…and you can’t fix stupid.
Congratulations Mr. Pig Snout on your $500K Summer.
It is like watching Dumb vs. Dumber vs. Dumbest vs. Cluesess!!!
please get pig snout out of this game,so damn sick of looking and listening to him complains about frankie which i dislike just as much,but derrick just makes me want to throw up.
I actually think Derrick has played the ultimate scumbaggiest game ever (not an admirable one).
He immediately saw his ticket; the girl who is most annoying, most despised, most inept, and most likely to do everything she is told because no one else is helping her at any point.
The plan has been all along to hitch to her, knowing she is playing so personal that she will not trust anyone else or even try to play a social game strategically to further herself. He is the one and only hope she has ever had.
She is the one and only thing (he thinks) ensuring his $500K.
All he has had to do is keep talking while all the boys are in the room like he’s in a high school change room to impress them and never come off as threatening.
In my opinion, he chose the most cowardly game I have ever seen.
I don’t feel any sympathy for Victoria one bit – she went in and still does portray herself as a true competitor who is so full of delusional visions of her skills and looks that it is astounding to watch.
Derrick is not the gameplayer to be reckoned with because it wouldn’t work again if he were brought back. He doesn’t have that ‘something’ that will work it’s magic if it were repeated.
Ultimate scumbaggiest player ever. Ultimate coward ever.
I gave you a thumbs down because of all the scumbag comments, but I agree that Derrick or any former house guest would have a hard time playing again, after their game play has been revealed. But I think he is the kind of guy that would come up with a whole new strategy if he was asked to play again. The problem I have with attaching a label like “one of the best bb players of all time” to any bb house guest, is that often times, the style of game they use is totally dependent on how much or how little the other house guests buy into it. If there was an Amanda, or a Russell in the house, all his little side alliances and close door scheming would have had the light shone on them a long time ago. There wasn’t any really huge personalities in the season that would openly call someones game out in front of everyone else. When the seasons with those kinds of people aired, I always cringed because I am not a confrontational person and I always felt bad for the people. But it made it more exciting in the long run. It didn’t allow for people like Andy (not that i am comparing Derrick to Andy) to play so many sides and get away with it. I think they cast to many people that have artificial big personalities and don’t back up the big talk with how they play the game.
Sorry, but I respectfully don’t agree. I think it’s brilliant that Derrick brought Victoria along because no one will vote for her at the end. That has not been easy because she is so completely clueless about everything in this game. But the best part is he has managed to convince these fools to bring her along too. Haven’t they all said how embarrassing it would be to be voted out BEFORE Victoria. I can’t wait to see their faces when it’s Derrick and Victoria in the F2.
Love that name, it’s genius! (Evictoria)
Last night he made me laugh out loud for the first time in a long time this season…
Mocking her laugh just as she walks in the door then quickly pretending he wasn’t and pointing at her, awkwardly hilarious!!
Everyone not even looking at her or talking to her when she came in, awkwardly hilarious!!
The “do you have a lawyer” one liner following Hayden’s dino comment, super hilarious (esp. her face after)
But my FAVOURITE moment was when he raised his arms in triumph after Christine said she got booed. Everyone sat there looking quietly pleased, but Donster threw his arms up like a CHAMP! Funniest thing I’ve seen all season!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA
Donny for AFP!!!!!!
Maybe it is the conspiracy theorist in me….
But with Tuesdays episode being a special non-live eviction episode… paired with the fact that it looks like Frankie is going home if he doesn’t win veto..to me it seems awfully suspicious that the only eviction Frankie will likely go home won’t be live! This keeps him sheltered from the deafening chorus of BOOOOOS he had coming his way because the audience will be filled with stooges and he will quietly be whisked away to Jury!
And chances are if he doesn’t win this veto he will win one of the comps next week to keep himself safe… This is really the only time he will likely be at risk of not making finals and they are going to do the first non-live eviction episode ever?!?! Frankie Boo’s was all I had left to look forward to this season (besides Jury updates)
I was under the impression that both eviction nights were live. Plus we get a bonus Friday show which I am thinking will be about the jury house and updates from the BB house. Thus we have Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday shows next week. As for Frankie I think most people have come to the realization by now that his close ally and friend Caleb won’t put him on the block, plus no doubt Frankie will win the POV to ensure he stays. So what makes you think Frankie will be evicted under Caleb’s HOH come Tuesday?
Just get Frankie out so we can hear the boos and see the hate from the jury house when he arrives.
Caleb should put up Derrick and Victoria. Then Frankie would win the POV. No matter what happens after that would be interesting. Finally some game!!
I think Caleb could do anything at this point. Frankie is a major weasel he’s trying to use his sister to get to Caleb telling him he will give him his number after the show I mean the next thing he will probably offer is to have him hang out with his sister, he is doing anything he can not to go on the block. But to be fair so is Derrick. I think at this point it could go either way but either way the veto is the most important this week because when it is over i think either Derrick or Frankie will be sent to the jury house!
I think Caleb’s ex sounds like Sissy Spacek in Carrie, with all that hog blood on her.
I hope Caleb has a clue. When Caleb won HOH on DE, Derrick told him, that if Christine wins veto, Frankie goes. That should let him know that Derrick is planning on evicting Frankie. He is a damn fool if he listens to Derrick.
Caleb won’t put Frankie on the block. Ever. Poor delusional Caleb is thinking that Frankie being so “famous” will just open doors for his singing/acting/whatever career and he will be a superstar in no time.
The day after the Big Brother finale it will be Frankie saying “Caleb, who? I don’t know anyone named Caleb.”
Frankie has NO intention of maintaining any sort of friendship with a single person from this game. Did you read his HOH blog this week? Total lies and BS and threw them ALL under the bus.
Julie said Jury members are returning to house ….betcha that it is part of POV comp!
The twist was a big let down. Same old shit…just another day. This will be the last BB I will be watching. All the sites for this season and all the viewers expressing their objection about Frankie and his comments and actions and CBS still fails to acknowledge it nor do anything about it. ….The show is most definitely staged. We watch hoping for some type of excitement. ..but we get the same old one sided stuff. FRANKIE is a vile and discusting creature….we see it…The houseguests, because of the money factor, put up with it. I wonder what they’ll say afterwards. Will they finally have the balls to say enough is enough? Will they share their true feelings about this ugly troll? How sad that money has made these men allow a pervert to have his way with them…has allowed this creep to spew hateful things out of his mouth. Good luck boys when you explain to your macho friends why you let sissy boy do this for over two months. Of course…..you are to blame partly. ..If you complained maybe production would’ve done something. Of course you don’t say no then sleep with them that night!
Wouldn’t it be great if anyone of these last few guys was sitting next to Victoria in the end, just to piss people off and maybe affect how future seasons are played, if they voted for her to win the $500,000. I mean yes she has done absolutely nothing, and her personality and voice is grating on your soul, but wouldn’t that be the ultimate twist. One could argue, if it was actually her game and not just her uselessness, that she played it right by being useless and gullible and easily manipulated. Jocasta was similar and she is gone, in fact you could say she had more of a non-game and was more terrible at the comps.
Caleb I know this is a hard concept for you but GROW A PAIR and get a brain! WTF stop letting that bully Derek ruin your HOH. Oh and Derick please STFU having his panties in a twist b/c Frankie DARED to ask to speak to Caleb ALONE! But it was okay for Derek to ORDER everyone to ostracize Nicole when she came back into the house.
Another thing that pisses me the hell off…lol is all this talk about “poor Cody” he can’t possible go through sitting on the block again b/c he’s so “stressed out” Gee you didn’t give two f’s about Donny sitting on the block SUFFERING week after week then making Nicole’s life a living hell for 2 1/2 weeks. Another thing this is utter crap is how Derek isn’t even a consideration to go on the block. HELLO IDIOTS he has never been on the block for that reason alone his ass shoot be taking a seat in the Orange Chair.
Will The Rube put his gf Frankie up on the block or not?! That’s the fundamental question this week.
My preferred scenario would be Veronica and Frankie on the block, then Derrick wins POV, keeps the nomination as such and then Cody & Derrick send Frankie home. BUT that ain’t gonna happen: Crayeb won’t put Frankie up (nor take shower this week) 🙂
” Caleb says his Dad is smart as Einstein and he didn’t even finish high school. ”
I know some of us don’t like Franklin. I frankly don’t feel like going on and on about him at this point. It’s about over. Especially looking at the other people in the house. But as a game move I don’t see how it’s more beneficial for Caleb’s game not putting him up and keeping Frankie off the block. Trust is a risk in the game so he should weigh it carefully and think about his own family instead of being meathead. He didn’t even weigh anything Zach was trying to tell him because he’s like the dumbass in the mob crew taking orders and doing the dirty work for the Don so he can feel like he’s part of a dominating group of men. So if he goes along with the plan for them to have him get Frankie than I hope they get him out next week for not using some basic logic.. He can go to the jury and than go home and see how they really felt about him and how he was used and kept around because they felt like he was simple-minded and easier to manipulate all while being used as a shield and warm body to win for them.
out of them 5 losers i will have to root for caleb only because he served our country 🙂
How about a substitution button? Could be PLEASE exchange Frankie and Derrick for Hayden and Zach? PLEASE . . . . . PLEASE . . . . . . PLEASE
Derrick has F2 alliances with all the remaining Hg’s and has never once been on the block. How is it possible that these idiots have never compared notes about that or done anything about it? The moment Derrick feels any sort of panic he starts to turn into a bully–confronting people with all that suppressed anger . “Do it my way or else”. Derrick is not a legendary player, he is just a master control freak in a house of wanna be TV personalities.
If Caleb puts up Frankie he will go home next week. Frankie would have taken him to the F2. Once Frankie leaves, Caleb is now the low man on the totem pole. As much as I cant stand Frankie at least he is able to see past his own ego enough to play the game. It will serve Caleb right to be sent home over Victoria. Calling himself Beat Mode Cowboy will be a tough sale after loosing to her.
True, he just looks like a Jedi Master, when compared to the other HGs, his game would be spotted and exposed by ANY past HGs, especially the legends.
Derrick is where he is because he has built positive personal relationships with every single houseguest. He uses people to advance himself but doesn’t leave them upset about it, and he has convinced numerous people to vote out their own best ally.
He’s never played with emotion or lost his cool. He has shown incredible patience in dealing with very dfficult personalities.
People who think it’s all because the other houseguests are dumb just having been paying attention to how much work he has put in.
The real game is being played in the jury house. They are voting not us. We are seeing a lot more of what is happening. If the six had to vote today I see:
Cody v Derrick 4-2 CODY
Cody v Caleb 2-4 CALEB
Cody v Frankie 3-3
Derrick v Caleb 2- 4 Caleb
Derrick v Frankie 3-3
Caleb v Frankie 4-2 CALEB
*Victoria is not playing the game- therefore excluded.
OK now let me have it !!!!!
Derdick would beat any of them — and that by a HUGE margin. People might be pissed but they all recognize he’s been playing a superb game. The only other person –among those who remained in the house– who played a good game is Frankie but he’s so mean, fake and evil that I don’t see people voting for him… unless, unless he wins all competitions to the end and then the jury members would try to be objective and give him a big prize.
Derdick definitely deserves it. The others were just too dumb or too weak for this game. STILL, it’s too early to call… he might fly out next Wednesday…
The jury house interviews shown on the broadcast last night confirmed that Derrick is beating anyone in the final 2.
They all know he masterminded the season and they aren’t even mad about it.
I think Caleb will win against Derrick. Specially if he sends home Frankie.
Caleb has no chance to win the game against Derrick.
Derrick would have Nicole, Victoria, Cody, Hayden, Christine and Zach. Caleb, at best, gets Frankie, Donny and Jocasta. And if Caleb sends Frankie home he won’t even get him.
Nancy, I think you’re right, after seeing and hearing what the Jury House had to say, Caleb would win over Derrick.
Bitter juries do not always vote for the “best” player. And I saw some hard feelings in the jury house.
I definitely do not see it like that.
If Derrick makes F2, he appears to have Nicole, Hayden and Zach. He would rather have Victoria in jury because she’d be a fourth.
So what do you have left?
Jocasta — wild card, but none of the others ever spent any time with her, and Derrick’s praying might earn him the vote.
Donny — Will vote for anyone against Derrick. He just doesn’t like him.
Christine — I think she’ll vote for which one she believes played the best game. And, right now, she thinks that’s Derrick. She could vote Cody if he goes F2, but I don’t think she’d vote Frankie or Caleb against Derrick.
If Cody goes jury, that’s a vote for Derrick.
Under this scenario, it wouldn’t matter what Frankie or Caleb did.
But I do think that Derrick is probably better off going against Caleb or Frankie in the finals, as long as he’s the one who didn’t cut Cody or Victoria.
He could lock up five votes having Cody and Victoria in the jury with Hayden, Nicole and Zach already there.
Just my 2 cents.
I disagree. Of the five people remaining, Cody and Victoria both playing for 2nd Place. The only way Cody can win is IF and ONLY IF he brings Victoria.
The only way Caleb can win is if he brings Frankie and even then it would be a very close margin of victory (5-4). The only reason he would have the edge is that he was both “loyal” and mostly eveyone in the jury knows he has been playing the game “alone” even though he thinks he is in an “alliance” (which used him to ride to the final 6). Side note, if it was not for Frankie winning and Derrick being afraid to make big moves while Cody and Nicole were HoH, Caleb would not be in the position he is now). Caleb has a slight edge over Frankie b/c he did not come into the game with “followers” and Donny/Derrick would possibly not vote for Frankie b/c of the Team America advantage Frankie had.
This game will be a slam dunk win for Frankie or Derrick as long as they don’t take one another to final 2. If they do happen to make it to Final 2 together, Frankie would win (by a narrow margin).
Please show the jury again Donny is the best throwing that shade at Chris I was dying. Good to know Zach is still obsessed with Vic, he so has crush on her
FYI to you all caps posters: I can only speak for myself but I don’t read your comments. And to those who still don’t know the players names (Veronica/Cleab/Franklin) the same. (I have to admit the ones getting Victoria’s name wrong made me laugh for awhile because she is such a non presence).
OMG….. derrick stop running up to the HOH leave the guy alone. I hope Caleb puts derrick up enough of derrick trying to dictate the game in him winning. time for derrick to feel the heat.
caleb’s best move is to put derrick up
frankie is his ticket to F2!!!!
If anyone out there knows Zach’s Mom, please let her know that everyone really likes and misses her son in the house. I didn’t always agree with him, but I did enjoy his Tom Foolery!
You can be proud of him, America fell in love with him.
What a little shit head. “I cant wait to put you in my phone”….He really knows how to play on Caleb star dust doesn’t he. Why didn’t Derrick say “In a minute” when nosey Frankie came in. I knew he wouldn’t let them talk for long. I cant believe Frankie thinks its okay if Cody goes up for a 3rd week, wow.
Big juicy Pawn………Ick!
Didn’t Frankie say that Derrick, not Cody should go up?? Can you believe Derrick thinks it’s okay for Frankie to go up, when Derrick hasn’t been up at all?? And Frankie/Caleb have no intention of backstabbing Cody/Derrick. So, PLEASE!!! STOP!!!
I agree Derrick’s game is not as flawless as everyone thinks. I believe he and Frankie were not chosen by the public but were chosen by Production for Team America to protect each other. Not sure who their golden boy is Derrick or Frankie. One of them will be in the final two. I will be shocked if that does not happen!!!!
Frankie and Derrick are bullshitting each other (and know it). Frankie is bullshitting Caleb.Derrick is bullshitting Caleb.Derrick and Victoria are bullshitting everybody but , maybe, Cody.Caleb is not bullshitting anybody , but is bullshitted by everybody.That’s rad indeed!