Derrick “once Zach goes we cripple Frankie.. We got to keep chipping away at both side”

POV Holder: Chrsitne Next POV Aug 2nd
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 4th
HOH Winner 1: Donny HOH Winner 2: Nicole
Battle of the Block Winner  Caleb/Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB Aug 7/Aug 8
Original Nominations: Donny’s Noms (Victoria & Caleb) Nicole’s Noms (Zach & Jocasta)
Final Nominations: ?
Have Nots Frankie, Cody and Hayden
POV Players Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, ZachAttack, Caleb, Victoria,

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6:58pm Cam 3-4 hammock Nicole and Cody
Nicole says Frankie her his him his target’s are Derrick and Cody and Christine told her that Zach is targeting Hayden.. “Frankie is trying everything to convince me to keep him”
Nicole – She told me she’s going to convince the guys to vote Zach out..
Cody – she feels on the outs.
Nicole mentions that Christine is going to talk Frankie into letting Zach go this week. Cody doesn’t see that happening it’s too risky for Christine.

Nicole tells him CHristine told her if she did use the veto Nicole would have to put up Derrick or Cody to make sure they have the votes to evict Zach.
Nicole knows why CHristine isn’t using the veto it’s because she told CHristine she didn’t trust Frankie.”Christine’s worried I might throw him up”
Nicole to Cody – You are Frankie’s target 100% so be careful
Cody – Christine’s been saying that Zach is saying sh1t to Frankie.
Nicole mentions she played dumb when talking to Christine and Frankie.

Nicole brings up Frankie calling Hayden, Nicole, Frankie and Christine as a group but Frankie doesn’t call it an alliance. “I don’t believe that for a second he will put up anyone but Christine if he needs to”
Cody – Well apparently I’m his next target.
Nicole – unless he gets pissed at me you and Derrick will be targets
Nicole saying that Frankie has divided the house up he told her it’s frankie christine Hayden, Caleb against Cody, Derrick, Victoria, and Zach with Jocasta in the middle.
Nicole brings up Christine being a “mean friend” telling her that Victoria and HAyden were making out. Nicole knows that isn’t true and doesn’t care if it is just the fact that she would say that upsets her.
Nicole – She’s really manipulative.. she’s acting like she’s doing me a favour by not using the veto.. saying that the only way to ensure Zach goes is to put up COdy or Derrick
Nicole warns him everything they tell CHristine will go to Frankie.
Cody knows Frankie sways the sh1t out of Christine, Zach and and has influence with Caleb.
Nicole – He thinks he can persuade me but he doesn’t
Hayden joins them brings up that Christine told him Zach is targeting Victoria not him.

Nicole mentions Christine thinks it’s her plan to send Zach out. THey all think it’s suspicious that Christine is so quick to flip on him. Nicole “I’m so caught off guard how she flipped in one day”
Hayden warns that Christine tells Frankie everything.
Derrick joins them.
Hayden say Christine is trying to flip the house to get Zach out which is what they wanted all along.
Derrick says Christine is “so manipulative”
Derrick – guaranteed under five minutes frankie comes over here
Hayden – Frankie want Zack here 100%..
Hayden is worried more with Frankie than Christine “Christine is good with words and good at planning seeds but Frankie can actually get things done in the house”
Cody says CHristine is easily swayed but because of Frankie shes harder to deal with
NIcole – Now she wants to get rid of Caleb next week
Nicole says Christine is easily swayed. .
Hayden – I think she’s smarter than that I think she pretends to be easily swayed.
Derrick – SHe’s pretty f** good if she does
Derrick want to say something about Nicole in a negative way to see what Christine will tell Nicole.
Derrick thinks with all these stories back and forth Christine saying Zach is targeting Hayden and Frankie saying he’s after Victoria the truth is Zach isn’t saying anything it’s all fabrications.

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7:38pm Adam and Eve remove their chains.

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8:00pm Pool table Zach and Caleb
Zach asks him on a scale of 1 to 10 what was it like being attached to Victoria for 48 hours.
Caleb gives being chained with Victoria a 7 out of 10, Mentions the worst part was hearing her poop.

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8:18pm Christine and Nicole Hammock
Christine says Frankie told her Nicole is ok with i’m voting zach to stay
Christine asks if the guys were talking about Getting out Zach.
Nicole didn’t hear it mentioned
Christine – We gotta get to work.. “
Nicole wonders what Frankie’s plan in the game is
Christine says his plan is to make sure people that would put him up are removed from the game.
Christine says Frankie is very good at the game
Christine says she can’t keep looking over there at cody it’s distracting.. “He’s so attractive”
Hayden comes by and starts staring at Nicole…

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8:30pm Poolside Derrick and Cody
Derrick agrees what Zach has to go home but he isn’t completely sold on who is trying to burn then Christine/Frankie or Nicole/Hayden.
Derrick thinks boths sides are stringing them along.
Cody – I Don’t think Hayden is..
Cody adds Frankie told Nicole it’s Frankie,CHristine, Hayden, Nicole and Donny against Derrick, Cody, Victoria, Zach and Caleb.
Derrick i’m just being straight up with you don’t get twisted with Nicole because if she’s working with DOnny. Cody knows he’s not throwing the game away for anything stupid.
He mentions that Nicole was defending Donny on the hammock.
Derick – that is bad.. I know in my heart.. I catch Donny and Hayden talking all the time.. I catch Nicole and Donny chatting all the time.
Derrick warns Hayden and Nicole want Zach gone this week followed by Frankie and Christine “that’s all the detonators”
Cody is going after DOnny next week. “Everyone that has their twos has gotta go.. Donny has Jocasta”
Derrick says once Zach goes they cripple Frankie.
Derrick – We got to keep chipping away at both side
COdy we don’t need to commit to one side..
Derrick – I don’t believe anything people are saying
COdy – not a chance
Derrick – we’re the swing vote.
Derrick thinks Donny is letting Nicole and Hayden to all the work for them.

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8:44pm POOL Beast mode and Zach
Caleb says Jocasta think she’s staying


8:43pm Christine falls off her seat

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8:49pm LIving Room Caleb and Zach
Zach – So you Jocasta really thinks she’s staying
Caleb says of course se thinks she’s staying why hasn’t Zach noticed that.
Zach – I think it’s going to be 8 to zero

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8:51pm Cody and Victoria
Cody tells her there’s people in the house that are playing everyone and he doesn’t like that. Victoria has noticed a lot of people be really sketchy and lie these past two weeks.
Cody says Christine and NIcole are super tight so people are getting paranoid they might use the veto.
Victoria doesn’t think that will happen
Cody – I really don’t think the veto is going to be used.. I really don’t .. this thursday will be a double a eviction.

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9:06pm Living room Frankie, Caleb and Zach
Mostly chit chat about how horny Frankie and Zach are.
Zach – You try and turn me gay every single day and I feel like you get closer and closer every time”
Frankie -Ya I know
Zach – You can still try I like it when you try
Frankie – I know you do

Where the Vote is.. 

Zach going home.. (it’s very confusing right now lots of person X playing person Y playing person X etc etc.. At the end of the day… Zach doesn’t have the votes right now)


Quad Squad = Nicole, Derrick, Hayden and Cody
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
bottomfeeders = Derrick and Nicole

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86 thoughts to “Derrick “once Zach goes we cripple Frankie.. We got to keep chipping away at both side””

  1. I think Cody is catching on to Derrick: Derrick said they shouldn’t vote Frankie out because it would be bad to lose another number, yet he now says it’s OK to vote Zach out, that they can afford to lose a number. HELLO?!?
    Seriously, Derrick isn’t very convincing to me in his attempts of persuading people to do what he wants. But then again, I had the same feelings about Dan and thought he sounded like a used car salesman, so obviously there’s something I’m not getting.

    1. derrick is smart.. he knows cody has become very paranoid of zach recently.. cody gets worked up whenever he hears anybody mention his name.. so zach is an OK sacrifice to cody.. derrick is still trusted by cody.. cody is not smart enough to figure out derrick.

      1. as much as Caleb comes off as a weird stalker dude who’s completely full of himself, Christine to me comes off as even more sick demented than Caleb.I have noticed from the start of this season that Christine had the hots for Cody. Christine is a married woman and she allows herself to have her hair and body stroked by Cody. she lies around in bed with him and even touches Cody’s body like she’s ready to give it up to him. I know this is BB, but there’s limits and restrictions if your married playing this game. I know I wouldn’t want my wife laying around with some dude, and talking to other HG’s expressing how she can’t take her eyes off some guy on the live feeds. Christine’s husband should be serving Christine divorce papers at the finale.

        1. Hi, thanks for your concern and I agree 100%. After the sex change everything just changed between us. I hope he/she is happy with Cody.

    2. Damn these people are giving me WHIPLASH !!!!!
      I agree with you, Cody has been a little more stern with Derrick
      lately and giving him the look like “Are you nuts?”
      Sooner or later THE HITMEN are going to crumble, I just wonder
      if Cody will grow a set of balls in time to make the first kill!

      1. Don’t agree with that at all. From watching the feeds, I get the feeling the trust each other very much. They literally share everything they hear from others. They are the only two that go deeply into every possible scenario that could happen.

  2. For a so called undercover cop who can tell people who are lying , derrick is kind of dumb. Zach and even Frankie aren’t even coming after you till final five

    1. The thing is both Christine/Frankie and Nicole/Hayden are not telling completely lies.
      Christine and Frankie are both saying to Nicole that they wanted to get rid of Cody and Derick to protect themselves and also Zach who is a member of the detonators. The problem here is that as much as they are loyal to the detonators they are throwing the hitmen under the bus and their actions are causing the doubts on Derick and Cody. I think Christine and Frankie underestimated Nicole and didn’t think that she will be capable of talking game with Derick and cody.

      Frankie, Christine and Derick, Cody are both playing floater game strategy which is why it is hard to see where their loyalties lie, it’s very dependent on the whim of the HOH. I hope Zach leaves this week (which would be a huge blunder for Derick’s game) and Donny wins the next HOH and send Frankie or Caleb next.

      1. I agree all these half lies are whats making it confusing and interesting its really derrick trying to gauge which lies are true and which are not and cody making it a lot harder for him with his constant panicking. Also the christine frankie stuff completely true they really are in with the detonators it seems but covering their asses is making derrick and cody scramble thinking they are after them. I do not really know why cody takes everything nicole says at face value either considering derrick has told him he has caught her in lies multiple times. I can see cody is definitely the weak link here he gets paranoid from a breeze at this point i wonder how he will act when he goes on the block.
        TLDR:Nicole is working cody and derrick and that will be the reason if zach gets evicted.

    2. derrick sort of flows like water.. whatever conversation he is in he agrees or tells the person he’s with what they want to hear.. i wouldnt read into any of his so called paranoias.. he’s in every alliance in the house.

  3. As much as i dislike wussy cody and pigface derrick i would be thrilled if they can get out the 35 year old boy humping middle school girl frankie

    1. *pigface*

      You see the pig snout too? It wouldn’t be so obvious if the lazy (Julie Chen’s words, not mine) a$$ didn’t just hold the couch down and shove in his face all day long, the dude doesn’t move except to hug his wife…. (my bad) Victoria ever time she whines!


  4. Oh man these next few days will determine the entertainment factor for the rest of the season…. #ZachNeedsAMiracle

    If Zach goes i hope he knocks the sh**out of Cody and rips Derrick a new asshole.

    #ZachAttack #WILDCARD #FU**daPolice and #hisBi***

    This is the first time since last seasons racism Ive gotten heated but that is because Derrick and Cody a couple pu***** and hopefully one of them leave during Double Eviction

    1. You know what is funny. People like you are going to have to suffer, because Cody and Derrick have alliances with the strongest people in the house. They aren’t going anywhere for weeks.

      Have fun with the rest of the season…sour puss.

    2. They are a couple of wussies. Especially Cody. But the rest of the HG are all too scared to make any sort of move because “it’s just not time yet”. The double eviction with probably send home Jocasta and Victoria at this rate. -YAWN-

  5. People in the house are very sketchy. People in the house lie.
    Every time I read an update it’s Cody flirting with the girls, and Victoria sharing her genius perceptions. Those two are the constants.
    In other news; this is confusing as hell and from what I gather, it’s not just me. Even Simon and Dawg are stumped.
    I do love the way things change so rapidly though.
    Derrick thinks that getting rid of Zach will cripple Frankie but I believe the opposite to be true.

    1. Derrick doesn’t really believe that getting rid of Zach would cripple Frankie.
      That’s just the spin he’s trying to put on Cody to justify not needing to get rid of Frankie right after.
      It was blatantly obvious that he was trying to make sure his Team America buddy doesn’t get targetted next.
      So obvious that I hope Cody has caught on to him.

  6. They be changing their mind 24/7 but I hope they send zack or Christine uses the damn veto so Frankie can be backdoored! Someone just do something.

  7. Anyone who’s sharing the size of another houseguest’s ‘droppings’ is really perverted. Then again, Cody keeps inhaling his snot ‘on the reg’. This guy is really creepy and gross.

  8. I offend get frustrated by the players in this game who want people out for lying, playing both sides, talking to other people, or stirring up $h1t. This is Big Brother; that is what this game is about.

  9. I don’t know if this true but I heard derrick say hes on team America if he did hes got to go I hope he goes on double eviction I really do

  10. Derrick will control this week, he has so much sway on key votes that whatever he decides will determine if Zach goes or not…..

  11. If I were Nicole, I’d pull Victoria aside and plan a mega soap opera plan: stage a discussion in which one calls the other one a bitch because of Hayden’s attention. Then Nicole, in tears, drags Christine to the room and cries her eyes out begging Christine to take Jocasta off the block after all she heard that people are keeping Zach. Once Christine removes Jocasta to be replaced by Victoria, Nicole tells Frankie to take the seat and there they have it: Frankie gets the boot! — Nicole would just have to fake tears… desperate times call for desperate measures.

    1. Entertaining idea to be sure. I don’t get the feeds to know just where Victoria’s mind is. I’d like to see Nicole/Hayden/Donny approach Victoria. Nicole just doesn’t seem to want to risk getting too much blood on her hands though.

  12. Zach is very overrated right now. He’s not that funny or entertaining. He talks major shit. That’s it. All he wants to do is have his first real backdoor on national tv.

    1. Uh, no, Donny’s overrated. Talk about f**king boring! Him, Jocasta, Victoria – once those 3 leave, the house will finally get interesting, as it will all be players that will bring the drama.

    2. His backdoor with Frankie? Absolutely.

      Zach is very overrated. I do not see how he is funny, likable, or an enjoyable a$$. He has literally been carried by his alliance, and HE and HIS ACTIONS ALONE are the reason why his name is always on everyone’s mouths for a target in the house. I do not blame anyone for not feeding into his pathetic antics.

      1. At least Zack brings some sort of drama. Everyone else is boring and predictable. With Zack, you never know what you’ll get.

  13. And BeastMode fades right into the background. Notice how no one is really talking about him as a threat. I know people love “Zankie” but I think Frankie’s true love is BeastMode.
    I can see Frankie turning on Zach faster than BeastMode too.

    Oh, and it looks like Cody’s still on his period. Damn Cody, go change your tampon and take a nap, you’re bitchy as hell.

  14. Zach going home.. (it’s very confusing right now lots of person X playing person Y playing person X etc etc.. At the end of the day… Zach doesn’t have the votes right now)

    Jocasta will be going out next 8-0 or maybe 7-1 (if KING Derrick and his henchmen will allow Donny to throw her a vote without threats) because this house has no cojones to make a BIG move! AND, why does Derrick’s nose look like a pigs snout? Baaaaaacon!

  15. Tonny that would be a good idea but since Victoria won bob she can’t be nominated and I don’t think Nicole could act that good. though I do like her

  16. Since Zach didn’t win the veto, I haven’t watched the live feeds, just catching up on here. I am NOT team Frankie/Christine. But I want Zach to stay because he’s so entertaining…. which will help save the rest of the season gold. If Zach could stay, and they get Frankie/Christine out, I think we’d see a whole new game. An intense one. Derrick is totally pulling strings- but if the rats go, he truly will have to pick a side! I’m just bummed that it seems like the only entertaining soul in the house will be gone on Thursday. I’m a teacher and go back to school in a week…..really wanted to enjoy my last week of watching the feeds- I hope for a miracle like a DPOV to shake things up. Sending Zach home isn’t going to do crap for that. So tired of seeing Frankie and Christine kiss butt. If Zach does leave, they better be the next ones out the door! I hate that Zach is being tied to that sinking ship. P.S. Derrick, I liked you at the beginning of the game, but you are getting WAY too intense for your own good. Quit the paranoia and chill. But you probably won’t so it’ll be hard to watch you fall into the Devin abyss of which you seem to consume yourself. #havefunclimbingoutoftherabbithole

  17. Honestly I don’t care who leaves anymore. This is the end of BB for me. It gets worse and worse every year.

    1. could not have said it any better. BB is losing it. They bring in the worst kind of players and same mistake is made every year. I am sick and tired of how this show has turned out and most likely will not watch any more big brother ever again.

  18. God damn Derrick is smart. And like him or not Cody is not tooooo horribly dumb (still lost without Derrick though).

    Christine finally called some attention to him though. Nicole knows no one talks about Derrick. She has a timid personality and that sucks but she’s not dumb. She pays attention. Why do you think she isn’t outright showmancing anyone yet.

    Love house the whole house finally cracked today. Gotta love big brother, even if you don’t love the houseguests xD

    1. Search for “zach’s antics” on yt. Watch the kind of stuff they won’t have to deal with in the future once Zach is gone. Very entertaining.
      Zach is very entertaining for us viewers, but he’s kryptonite for his allies.

      1. Zach is NOT entertaining! if treating people like dirt is entertaining to you than you need to look harder at your life. All he does is practice and practice his stupid speeches trying to make himself look tough, but he just comes off as 10 year old having a temper tantrum, he needs a time out..and with any luck that is exactly what he will get Thursday

        1. Zack is hands down the most entertaining guest on this show. The rest of the hg treat people like dirt by constantly talking personal crap behind their backs. The difference is Zack will actually say it to them. Aside from Nicole, Donny and Jocasta every single hg talks personal crap about other hg, which makes them no different than Zack.

  19. I absolutely love Zach and do not want to see him go and i have begun to HATE Nicole, Derrick, Cody, and Christine. Nicole is just a stupid girl who gets jealous of Hayden talking to Victoria and then goes to cuddle and hold hands with Cody. Then Derrick, Cody, and Christine are all idiots because they are so overly confident with themselves they feel like they can get rid of Zach. If Zach gets eliminated I hope he blows up Derricks and codys game.

  20. Please Zach, you’ve been cuddling and kissing Frankie all summer long. He doesn’t have to try to turn you gay, you already have the hots for him.

  21. I personally do not see how Zach is entertaining. His arrogance only makes things more grating, predictable, and to be honest……boring.

    Everyone is flip flopping at the moment., but I do think that Jocasta will end up going home. She really is the worst player of the season, but she seems like a cool person to be around.

    If it was not for Devin, this season would have been completely different, since he established the people that are allies in this game to be allies, since he formed the bomb squad.

    It is getting overly boring and predictable. I think Jocasta will go this week, and Donny and Caleb/Nicole/Hayden/Christine will be gone in the double eviction. The editing from the feeds and how they look on the show is overly irritating.

    1. Devin is this season’s Nick, his bold ambition and impatience defined the way the season is pacing.
      Zach has pushed all buttons and gotten people PO’ed, he has 50/50 odds of surviving the phases
      of the Thursday double eviction. The house could flip and be totally unpredictable after the HoH win!

    1. I agree 100% Frankie is behaving like asexual deviant. Thumbs down if your a teenybopper hipster but he has shown a lack if class that it quite embarrassing.

      I’m sure Amanda’s family felt the same way last year

      1. I hear that after he wins BB Caleb is going straight to the Middle East to hammer out a new peace accord between the Israelis and Palestinians. #PeaceModeCowboy

  22. Derrick and Cody are beyond stupid. Cody and Victoria are the worst though. I don’t know if I’ve seen people so easily manipulated in awhile. Without Zach this season is going downhill fast. I mean we’re stuck with Victoria another week. Ugh. Derrick knows he caught Nicole in 3 lies and is still letting her and Hayden play him? Sticking with the detanators buys both these chumps what? 5 more weeks? Idiots. They try to “chip away” at two separate alliances and those alliances are going to chip them away first. I don’t want either of them close to the final 2. My final 3 personally would be Zach, Donny, and despite a lot of people’s dislike of him… Frankie. Simply because his game was nice till everyone caught on to him talking to everyone. But at least Frankie isn’t Derrick who’s literally making deals with everyone.

  23. Zach is a homosexual

    Zach is boring

    Zach needs to go!!

    Zach will never ever get laid from a woman after this evah!!

    1. I bet Zach is going to get way more play than you are capable of.

      I’ll say it, he’s the hottest guy in the house .

      1. Still shots, Cody is hotter. But his personality drops him to repulsive. Zach on the other hand… Personality makes him even hotter than he started…

  24. How can the house not know that Derrick is the real person controlling the house? He’s playing everyone like a fiddle I hope the house backdoor his @zz next week during the double evection.

  25. If zach goes this week then I hope caleb or donny wins HOH and put christine/cody on the block together so one of those 2 is right behind him!!! As usual cody is all talk!!!

  26. Derrick was my pick to win it all from the beginning and it’s looking more likely by the minute!! He’s a poor mans Dan right now the way he is manipulating the whole house!!

  27. Hayden NEEDS to win a HOH!! that would be so awesome with Donny as the other HOH in the coming double eviction

    1. I can’t think of even ONE good thing about Hayden. Why should he win?

      Plus I think this will be a one HOH thing starting Thursday (no time for BOB).

  28. I won’t win this game because I sleep when all the real game play is being talked.

  29. well it looks the pink weasel escapes, but with any luck they will get the loud mouth out. I am again not going to get my hopes up, last time it didn’t work out, they chickened out, but I really hope they see they need to get the loud mouth out now..while they can. and maybe just maybe the weasel will soon follow..fingers crossed

  30. Caleb – ” Jocasta thinks she’s staying” – uh, that’s because she is.. All of these cocky guys need a shock, 8-0 vote.. Someone will be surprised..

  31. To Derrick wife, i hope u have hand. The way he carry on with Victoria I hope you are feed. TOTALLY DISRESPECTFUL

    1. Derrick need not worry, I’m keeping his side of the bed warm while he’s playing with Victoria.

  32. i thought it was very funny when Zach, Frankie, and caleb were talking about sex and zach mentions “concatreptives” and caleb gives him a BLANK stare obviously bc he had no clue what that is – until zach said “condoms birth control” lol. But caleb is right about one thing, people do get pregnant using condoms and birth control every day. as for precome and pulling out, my baby girl is proof that will get you pregnant too lol. not one night stand though I am married and in my 30s…best thing to ever happen to me. but still, he was right and people probably don’t think about it.

  33. Team Snore Fest ~ Victoria, Jocasta, Caleb, Christine
    Team Clueless but fun to watch~ Nicole, Hayden,
    Team Shady scramblers ~ Derrick, Cody,
    Team Two Face/double talker~ Frankie
    Team Favorites~ Donny and Zach (I need a miracle) Attack

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