POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 21st |
HOH Winner 1: | Frankie | HOH Winner 2: | Cody |
Battle of the Block Winner | ?/? | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 24/July 18 |
Original Nominations: | ? | ||
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | ? |
8:26pm Christine, Jocasta and Caleb
Christine is saying how much better the house is with Devin gone, She can walk around the house and not feel awkward. Caleb can’t wait to hang out with Devin outside the house. CHristine – “Really?”
Jocasta starts bringing up all the stories from Devin that were changing this week. He told her things about his mother saying they were close but the other day he was saying they never talked. .
Caleb thinks Devin went through all his stories and was retelling them to make people feel bad for him he was trying to get votes.
Caleb says as long as his shirt was open and showing his abs I was happy, “TRying to look good for 9 million people.,. I work for it I flaunt it”
Caleb goes over his speech and talks about the parts he forgot to say..
Caleb “I’m not a beast I’m Beauty and a Beast.. I don’t want you to wake up with a sore back because theres a knife in it.. I just hope I did my momma and brothers proud”
Caleb is surprised he didn’t get one vote against he thought someone was going to try and be funny.
Jocasta mentions Devin was asking for single vote he didn’t want to go out that way. Christine – Did he say that.. Gross.. never”
Amber , Zach joins them
Caleb says next HOH is endurance and he’s going “Beast Mode” on it he’ll won the hOH “You can put your stipend that”

8:36pm Derick, Zach and Caleb
Zach asks them who should the nominees be, Victoria, Jocasta, Brittany and Nicole or ????
Derrick says the first three are definites , “Could be Donny”
Caleb says the only people he was worried about was Jocasta and Brittany winning and they almost did.
Derrick – “I know I was sh1tting bricks”
Caleb l doesn’t understand how Frankie and Cody used just one hand. Derrick explains… again.
8:46 Frankie sneaks in a kiss on Caleb
8:45pm Rock Room Zach and Derrick
Derrick – Jocasta and Brittany on either side those are our targets.. if they are on the same team they will take themselves off”
Derrick – “If they had won HOH you’re going up”
Zach – “Really”
Derick – “Ya me and you.. she (Jocasta) didn’t vote for you right”
Derick adds Brittany will put them up to also so they are lucky they didn’t win HOH.
Zach – Amber, Jocasta Victoria and Brittany
Zach says how about Amber and Brittany vs Jocasta and Victoria
Derrick claims he is fine with this mentions how Amber and Brittany will probably win the Battle on the block
Derrick – “No noms no renoms.. we made it half way.. 45 days”
Frankie jumps in “Who wants to see my p$n1s”
Derrick- I f** love this kid if I wasn’t straight you’d get it.. you’d get it..
They tell Frankie about possible nominees. Derrick thinks it should be Jocasta and Amber vs Brittany and Victoria.
Zach wants Brittany and Amber together.
Frankie – They are going to win
Derrick – Brittany and Jocasta have to go home this week cause they are working with DOnny.
Derrick keeps fighting for Brittany and Victoria Frankie wants Jocasta and Victoria.
They go back and forth… Derrick “I personally think Calzone should put up Brittany but not Amber because he’s working on Amber”
(Calzone = Cody)
9:02pm BEEHIVE Brittany and Donny
Brittany asks him how he feels. Donny never feels safe. Britany whispers she doesn’t feel safe
Donny asks her why she made a heart
She wanted to make him a package so he made a heart to she would get excited about it
Donny thinks Devin is going to think it means something
Brittany isn’t worried say Devin has no way to find her.
Brittany is certain she’s going to be nominated again.
Donny – I hope not.. I hope I aight either.
Brittnay is uncomfortable after someone wins HOH how everyone pretends.
She feels they will just get picked off one by one.
Donny says eventually they are going have to put them up against some of their own, “But I guess they would have the votes anyways.. but you never know”
Brittany starts to cry.. Donny tells her to think happy thoughts.
Donny – “you know what it’s done to me it’s taken my emotions out.. you come into this house and its other emotions its new people..
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9:07pm Have nots Cody and Frankie
Cody is worried that there will be a twist the HOH that loses at the battle of the block goes up.
Frankie tells him to stop being silly.. Both talking super fast.. Frankie says they will talk to Derrick he has a NEW NEw idea.
9:27pm Jocasta and Brittany
Jocasta blames herself for breaking so many eggs in the beginning. She thinks if it wasn’t for that they would have won. Jocasta starts to cry. Brittany tells her everyone broke eggs. Jocasta knew they needed to win that HOH.
9:30pm FIREROOM chit chat
Caleb wants to play a game with Frankie slap each other as hard as they can on their butts. Frankie says NO he’ll die and Caleb will enjoy it.
10:01pm Bunch of Hosueguests in the FIREROOM trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements. Lots of confusion. Zach tells Frankie “F**k you” Frankie says yes he’s been waiting for him to. Zach tells to come over there he’s ready. Zach jumps on him and Zach slaps his b*tt
10:07pm Zach and Cody
Cody says he cannot put up Amber and Brittany he’ll be the HOH that puts up Victoria and JOcasta. Cody is trying to work with Amber and if he puts her up he’s screwed.
Zach says no matter what one of Jocasta, Donny or Brittany have to go.
Zach – “Frankie hates Brittany.. You put up JOcasta.and Victoria”
Zach mentions if for some reason Jocasta wins the POV , “I dunno.. God helps her win it .. put DOnny up there send him home”
Cody says once Donny is gone Jocasta and Brittany will be scrambled.
Zach – “Dude we’re going to the final 5 ..we’re back on the cruise control… I’m sleeping all f*** week hanging out with you in the HOH”
Zach tells him this is a great HOH to win because they are throwing up pawns. Cody is so glad it’s going to be an easy week, “Can you imagine if Brittany had won”
Zach says they are guaranteed to make it to the end the detonators cannot be stopped.
Zach says he felt like he was at the dentist when he was talking to Caleb yesterday.
Amber joins them says she’s glad Frankie and COdy won HOH because she knows she would be a target if Brittnay/JOcasta had won. Amber brings up Donny and Brittany talking game in the BEEHIVE. Zach catches them in there all the time.
10:45pm everyone but Derrick and Brittany in the living room chit chat
Zach starts the First ever Big Brother Talent show.
Zach “They call himself the twerk king “ he starts his twerk (See image) everyone cheers.
Zach – Thanks you thank you thank you
Zach – The second contested is christine the contortionist”
Christine says her stomach hurts. Zach wants to hear a joke.
Christine says her favorite joke they won’t find funn. Zach doesn’t care.. “ grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says hey I have a drink named after you the grasshopper says you have a drinks named bill.”
Victoria tells the crow story about when she was a little girl at the beach a crow grabbed her dug the talons into her and carried her away. “I have a phobia for birds now”
Caleb says a bald eagle can pick up a baby and a goat, “A crow cannot pick up those glasses over there.. Crows don’t hang out at the beast it was a bald eagle..a vulture “
Zach – “If you had to be any animal what would you be”
Victoria – “A unicorn “
Donny – “A Dolphin””
Nicole – “chipmunk”
Jocasta -” whale
Zach asks If you had to eat either chipotle or panera bread what would you pick
Nicole and Amber picks panera the rest chipotle.
11:00pm Frankie and Derrick FIREROOM
Frankie – “We have a new mission we have to put a physical threat up on the block” Frankie explains they have to get them up during the original nominations sor as ren nom.
Frankie – “it up to use to pick the threat and all three of us have to come to agreement”
Zach – “We just need Donny to Agree Amber is the physical threat”
Derrick says they have two more weeks guaranteed to complete missions.
Derrick says Amber is without a doubt the strongest female competitor in the house.
Frankie agrees says now they just need to convince Donny that.
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Girls get smart hopefully these pathetic nominations will wake them up and see they can’t trust the boys
Amber will finally realize there is no more Bomb Squad and use Caleb to her advantage as well as Donny
I get its a gam, I COMPLETELY get that BUT for cody to but up Jocasta, thats a new low..they are fvking STUPID because if britt or donny win veto, OBVIOUSLY they will remove jocasta from the block..
And I hate how they right off the back think Jocasta & Victoria are weak n will lose BOTB,, Victoria at least won BITB week one, while Christine & zach did what????
I honestly dnt think niether Jocasta or Victoria are WEAK players…this upcoming BOTB should be interesting….
This dumb ass twist & houseguests make wish that this season would have been a ALL-STAR season..these DUDES are so afraid to make a move…
Although last season was the worst, at least the dudes actually would make a move and vote out a power player when they had a chance…
What will voting out Jocasta, Victoria or britt do to the house??? Its just sad.im highly disappointed & ready forthis shit load of a twist to END!
They just evicted the biggest power player, Devin…
What the hell are you talking about?
Gestapo Cop Derrick is the biggest power player….power resides on the player who can control the votes and guide the nomination…Devin was just a competition beast…right now Gestapo Cop and Cornball Cody are the power player and Hayden, Naive Amber, and somewhat Cowboy Caleb due to his physical appearance are competition beast…..and Frankie is the new Helen(bb15)…he’s just going to continue to eliminate potential allies making it easier for Derrick to get rid of him later…
I was thinking the same thing about Frankie.He’s going to make it easier to get rid of potential allies. Maybe he thinks it’s too soon or is avoiding getting “blood on his hands” too soon . But if he has balls this would possibly be a good time to make a play for himself on some level not necessary coming agressively in the front. Letting Amber know she’s actually Cody and that side’s alliance possibly after she’s put up possibly. I don’t see where he’s not disposable to the guys esp. someone like Derrick..It seemed like he was getting wind of that but now I can’t tell what he’s doing and if the Team America sutff is influencing his so called game play drastically. Or if she’s just waiting it out. I don’t get where his head is at.
Frankie seriously is so cringe worthy!
None of them have a spine.
Zach, Derrick, Frankie’s arrogance is very pleasant to watch.
I hope a twist makes them hit a snafu and sends one or two of them
home. And of course Frankie wants to put up weak players.
How dare anyone try to dethrone her fake majesty?
OOPS I meant Zach, Derrick, Frankie’s arrogance is very UN-pleasant to watch.
I agree hopefully some kind of twist or another random HOH comp will put somebody from the other side in power. Would love to see Frankie and Derrick on the block to see how much squirming they would do.
The twist this week is the bracelets that will figure out havenots next week. They won’t do two twist in one week, plus americas alliance task.
Frankie is very cringy, even more now that he’s HOH for a day. He’s suddenly so super h0rny, jumping on all the guys. *barf* Amber is so naive. I was rooting for her the first two weeks, but now I find her desperate and thirsty for “calzone”. I can see her now, living in that HOH room this week when Frankie’s noms lose the BOB.
I thought for sure that Caleb would be the target with the new TA twist (glad he’s not). But Zach/Frankie see Amber as a physical threat? Really? How so? I’m sure that’s not what the voters were thinking. I’m pretty sure they were thinking one of the guys should be up there. I hope that whatever Cody and Frankie decide to do this week,backfires.
So you’re a Caleb fan and homophobic *barf* …makes sense.
Just because someone doesnt wanna watch Frankie humping on the guys in the house doesnt mean they are homophobic and just because some one doesnt wanna see a predictable move like putting Caleb on the block doesnt mean theyre a Caleb fan
Lol at Frankie only letting Zach slap his butt and not Caleb. And please Donny win the veto!!!
One last word on Devil. He always played the “I have a daughter” card when in reality he had not seen the girl for 3 months before the show as he moved 3 hours away 3 months ago to take a “mediocre” job at a motorcycle sales shop. (I guess that’s too far to drive to see his daughter who he supposedly loves so much on his off days)? The daughter tears were so fake. He saw her for 5 minutes before going to the airport to come on the show and that was the first time he saw her in 3 months. If you love your daughter so much why move 3 hours away for a job you can get anywhere (not like he took a job with NASA or the government, for crying out loud)! His baby momma has custody and most likely the kid thinks of her BF as her daddy especially since Devil is an absentee father!! So, there it is, I am calling bullshit on Devil!! Goodbye and good riddance to bad trash!
You passing that kind of judgement on a man you dont know based off the imformation you got from him being on a tv show for a few weeks is devilish. You have no idea what could be going on in that mans life. But since we cant put a microscope on your perfect life how about you shut up with the ignorant bs. Im sure if we all got the chance to look in your closet we could pull out a few skeletons. Youre the worst kind of person trying to cast stones from behind a keyboard at people who dont live up to your imaginary standards. You sir or maam are the kind of person the “Devil” works through. Im sure he or she thumbed up your post as well.
Very eloquently put, I was never a Devon fan, but I simply cannot believe the bs that man has had to deal with and the fact that people in here have decided to jump on the bandwagon and slander him a little more without any of us knowing the actual truth, blows my mind! These hgs should be very ashamed at their behaviour in the house! I am fully aware that this is a game, and things are blown up for ratings, but how the heck can they fit so many super egos under one roof? Egomaniacs is putting it mildly! I personally cannot wait for Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Caleb and Zack to get their walking papers, their arrogance makes watching both the show and the live feeds completely unbearable! (again just one fans opinion)
these people are cowards, the edit was how they wanted caleb out, but none of them had a backbone to do anything, christine is just a weasel, i hope she told nicole about her new alliance sinceit was bugging her that she couldnt tell her about the bomb squad, and caleb is just a real douche….
What were Brit and Nicole arguing about earlier?
About the sleeping situation. I guess no one wants to sleep with Victoria.
REALLY!?!? Team America see Amber as a ‘Physical Threat’!?!? Man Frankie & Derrick are not only Weak, but Buffoons!!! These idiots DO NOT represent my team, that’s fer sure…UGH!!!
They probably don’t see her as a physical threat, but they want to put up who they want to put up, and still collect the 5k. So they talk like they believe she is a threat. That’s how people justify their bs.
Will the Team America mission make Donny exempt from going up? Derrick will not let 5k pass him by. He will be up Frankie’s butt to nominate someone they view as a physical threat. Who will it be? My guess is the breasty Beast Mode Cowboy (even tho he has sucked in competitions after his only win).
It is going to be Amber.
I guess I was wrong. Amber is the physical threat. BAAAhhhhAAAAA! What a bunch of yellow bellys. If Donny hears how much trash Amber has been talking about him, I hope he agrees and puts her up!
I don’t want to be a Debby Downer but I feel like this week won’t be too exciting! Amber, Victoria, Jocosta, and Brittany as noms? That’s pretty weak to me but I guess it’s what the “house wants”. I would LOVE to see Caleb go home this week but I doubt it. UGH.
Also, what’s up with people not liking Amber? I get that she’s sometimes easily swayed or “weak minded” but what has she really done wrong besides “aligning” with an alliance that she wanted no part of? I’m not the biggest fan of Amber but I just don’t understand why people dislike her? *shrugs*
Trying to figure out who the biggest pu$$y is Derrick or Frankie. Putting Amber up as the biggest physical threat for their team america mission REALLY!!! Somehow I don’t think that’s who america had in mind when they voted for that. Makes Derrick and Frankie look like a couple of chicken sh!t pu$$ies!!! I hope Donny doesn’t agree to it because he knows Derrick and them are working together which if he doesn’t agree they would have to put Caleb, Hayden or Zach up and he probably wouldn’t agree to Hayden either.
Let’s hope so…
God I love BB lol, can’t wait for the power to shift, it does every year to the underdogs at some point. I for one am enjoying all the cast this year.
No Shift to weakest last year, just a bunch of foul mouth bullies. This cast entertaining? Not so much. Kinda lily livered.
Derrick is your typical a##hole cop. He’s getting up there with caleb as far as annoying and being such a douchebag. Looks like another BORING week in the house. This crew really knows how to make the moves and stir sh&t up.
This 2 HOH twist has really made a mess of BB this year. I don’t like floaters, but I don’t care for the arrogance of the men in the house.
this team america twist is bullshit, just let them play the game jeez
The jokes on us America!!! Two of the people in our so called alliance are complete tools…every time they speak into the camera i want to punch my screen
Right on brother!!!
Those girls are stupid why it is so difficult to have a girl alliance? The game is starting to get to easy for those boys please let me in the bob house 🙂
This is the number 1 reason why I don’t feel sorry for these girls, they had a chance at being a force against these so called males from the very beginning with Joey and what do they do nothing. I am a female and these girls make me embarrass for my gender….
Americas player is weird. What exactly defines a physical threat? I mean does BB pick certain players they can only nom. Seems kinda sketchy.
Makes sense to put up Amber. She is the most physical girl in the house.
Agreed. Seems like Team America could say, “Well, Jocasta’s a physical threat because she almost won this last Head of Household competition.” If all that has to has is Derrick, Donny & Frankie agree on the player, it could be any house guest. Stupid.
This season is complete opposite of last season, where last year all the strong players left early.
Um Devin just left….
Umm that guy was softer than a bag of marshmellows.
Seeing Amber & Cody together makes my stomach sick. They’re very into themselves & looks. I really hope this doesn’t turn into a showmance.
Agreed!…….Cornball Cody does not bath…he’s always scratching himself in the private area….and Amber is headed toward clueless territory….she’s not a person to these guys…she just a Vagina… Cornball Cody and Naive Amber being an item is Gross…
I really hope Amber doesn’t sleep in the Head of Household room with Cody because I can’t take seeing them two together.
Amber is on summer vacation
AT requirements sure put a wrench into Derranki’s optimistic plan to put up all the girls in the house as nominees. I don’t believe there is any way AT means that ‘physical threat’ is supposed to be Amber. I don’t want them to figure out that Hayden is probably number 1 since Cody is out of the running, but it doesn’t mean that Caleb can’t go up. you’d never get Cody to agree to that tho, they are all so focused on getting out the females it’s pathetic. And Christine and Amber are cheering them on, oh, that’;s ok guys, we know you got our backs. Until the last other female is gone, then A and C are on their way out the door. chances are they’ll keep Hayden over A or C.
I love Brittany & I have sympathy for her being a single mother, but she’s playing a TERRIBLE game, wearing her emotions on her sleeve. She needs to get in good with Cody & Derrick. They might have carried her to final four at least & not find herself on the block this week.
Yeah, she’s a single mother who has an actor boyfriend that she can’t name for privacy reasons, was in a rap video, has visited the playboy mansion on numerous occasions, is an alcholic, and had never even heard of Big Brother before she was recruited. Yet all these viewers are hosed into thinking that she’s some soccer mom who really has it tough being newly divorced with three kids.
Give me a break and get this LA chick out of the house along with the rest of the recruits. Let the actual fans of the show have a shot at the game.
You googled the wrong Brittany, A$$hole!
Too late for Brittany to get in with Derrick and Cody. Their plans already include picking off her and the rest of the ladies. Brittany’s (and the other girls’) last best hope was to save Devin and form an alliance consisting of Devin, Brittany, Donny, Jacosta, Victoria, Hayden and Amber (she could have easily been convinced to take out Caleb). Now, the only chance they have is for some unexpected game wrinkle to save them.
Zach sucks he has know gameplay or strategy at all he does is sleep all day and when he is woke all he talks about to the others is how he slice tons of chicks which NONE of us believe while playing slap ass and cuddling with Frankie but swears he’s not gay. and he talks about Devin being the worst player ever all Devin did was play to hard to fast just like Ronnie from season 11 or 12 I think Zach might be the worst BB player ever I don’t find him funny at all at least when Enzio played he might have sucked at comps but he was always funny on the feeds and DR’S
I totally agree with you 100%. Zack sucks and does nothing except sleep, make disgusting sounds when he eats and every ten minutes he thinks of something else to say about Devin.
Zach is such an in the closet homosexual!!
Cody’s such a player. My first impression of him walking in was that he was going to be a sweet boy, raised with good morals, but seeing how he interacts with Brittany & Amber, them being interchangeable to him, is gross. He’s just upset because Brittany wasn’t all over him, so he decided to “jump ship” into Amber, who will be with anyone to get Caleb off her back. Derrick & Zach are no better either, encouraging Cody to ditch Brittany & start getting in with Amber. Derrick should know better not to treat women like that, having a daughter & wife. I know it’s a game, but have some morals people. The women need to rise up, or Brittany & Caleb should team up to take out Amber, Cody, Derrick & Zach.
Devin might have not been the most likeable person in the house but they are gone overboard cheering like they’re at a football game but at least he had they ass runing for cover.
Am I the only one that CAN’T STAND Amber’s “accent/voice” when she’s voting to evict on the live show? The way Amber says, “Hi, Julie!” is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. It sounds SO FAKE.
The girls controlled all of last season. What’s wrong with boys doing the same this year?
Exactly! If the girls are weak players and don’t have the sense to align together (and with Donny who isn’t in a bromance with anyone) to take out the major threats, then they deserve to go home! And I’m a girl saying this! It’s like every single one of them came in like they had no plan other than to lay low. I thought Amber was going to be a real competitor but nope, she just attaches to the boys and does nothing. They looked at Joey like she was crazy for even suggesting an all girls alliance, but looking back that might have been their only shot.
Devin is gone but they are still bashing him…Thats a bit too sad
Christine being of afraid of Devin has to do with the way Devin looks…..Devin has done nothing to that woman.. She said Devin reminds of her of the bullies that pick on her in high school…Yea Right !! a big black guy picking on a little white girl in high school…Christine is full of sh*t……she just see’s the worst in people that are different form her….and her next target is Donny….Her and Nicole calling Donny a creep and insinuating that he’s a pervert….i could see why Christine, Nicole and Victoria are friends..all they do is exaggerate sh*t and they are always negative…
Christine is completely full of shit. She is just mean. Those 3 girls are completely insecure to say the least. These girls being friends tho? I don’t think so, seeing how both Christine and Nicole both find Victoria annoying. Victoria, being as useless as she is, does not have a choice but to bitch. What else is she going to do? Play the game? *chuckles*
Christine was actually my favorite at the beginning of the show and every week I continue to like her less & less. Devin did more things wrong to Brittany and Donny than they did to Christine and they haven’t said anything bad about him in quite awhile, and Donny didn’t really ever. This isn’t high school. you’re a grown woman, you shouldn’t be scared of bullies anymore.
Team America was picked way too early the only one likeable is Donny
I can’t stand Frankie and Derrick they don’t have Donny’s back
They both are scared to get blood on their hands
Sometimes (A.Player)or A.T will ruin the game of the players in it. If its a risky move for the player, that’s it, they will be totally screwed if its something their “alliance” doesn’t like. Eric ring a bell BB8.
Wow everyone is whining complaining about the show and hating on all the HGs. Why is it a bad thing if Brittany, Jocasta, Amber or Victoria go home his week? I would rather see these boring ppl gone sooner as opposed to watching them toward the end of the season.
Amber, Jocasta or Victoria can go home this week. Any of those three because they’re boring & add nothing to the game, just go along with it. I would like to see Brittany stay because she seems to be like the only one that’s willing to go against the power in the house & flip a switch. I think she would have won this past Head of Household competition if it wasn’t a partner thing.
Simon and Dawg, if you could make an all-star cast for next season from season 7 and beyond( basically after the first all stars) who would it be. Dan and everybody that has been on more than once is in play( except boogie and Janelle of course). I’m just wondering. 8 boys 8 girls of course. Please answer.
Hey zach, thats a tough Question.. I’ll give you two for starters. Enzo and Renny
I love Frankie when BB is over me and Frankie are going to cancun for lots of gay sex
If Victoria, Jocasta, or birttany goes this week. I will be happy
Anyone else watch BBAD and get angry at all the stupid Twitter comments. Um, hello people, Frankie isn’t dumb enough to let them send a picture of his sister where she would be recognizable.
I swear Zach must be rubbing off on me. People are idiots.
Got to say, enjoying the whiners in here. Oh no, the season isn’t going your way.
Seriously. I’m loving this season. There’s several people I’m rooting for, and I’m seeing a lot of intelligent game play. WAY better than last season. I’ll admit I complained a lot last year…there was a lot to complain about! Amanda was the strongest player in the house! Elissa was voted America’s favorite! ANDY WON! Give me this cast over last year’s any day!
youre whining because people dont agree with you just because youre easy to please dont complain about the people who expect better from BB
Boo hoo
Brigade 2.0
Everyone just chill. After this “easy week”, it will be the last week before jury. Something will happen. The boys will wish they’d utilize this week better if Hayden or Nicole or god willing Donny win HoH. I don’t think any of them would hesitate to take out a true threat to their end game.
I am so glad frankie won!!! He and donny are the most entertaining in the house!
I wish someone would talk to vic about how uncomfy it is to sleep with her already!!
I like cody but dang he sorta a sleezeball flirting with all the girls in there and now ambers crawling all over him when she complains about caleb being into himself and does not want a showmance?! Wtf?!?! And super annoyed with cody first being into brittany and wanting to carry her now he is wanting to carry amber? No wonder brittanys mad all the time.
If Victoria tells that damn lie about the crow ONE MORE TIME! A crow CAN NOT PICK UP A BABY! She annoys the crap out of me when she continually tells this lie! Lol.
shame on me for thinking this weeks team America twist to put up a physical threat would actually evoke some gameplay. Amber is NOT a physical threat to anyone on team America. that’s such a cowards way out. “she’s a physical threat to the girls…” they are not girls!!
cowardice, cowardice, cowardice.
I wanted amber on the block but she is not a physical threat to Derrick, Donny or Frankie.
Justin Vs Hardy….(are they included and what is it I am playing :).
Zach…..chill out!! Devin gone!!!!