POV Holder: | Steve | Next POV | July 3rd |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | June 28th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | James | HOH Winner Team 2: | Jason |
Nominations 1 : | Steve, Jackie | Nominations 2: | Becky, Johnny mac |
Battle of the Block Winner | Becky and Johnny Mac | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 2nd / ? |
Original Nominations: | Becky, Johnny, Steve, Jackie | ||
Current Nominations: | Jace, Jackie | ||
Have Nots | Austin, Da’Vonne, Liz, Vanessa |
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Big Brother 17 Alliance break down
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1:25pm In the havenot room – Audrey confronts DaVonne for not standing up for her last night. DaVonne says it didn’t have anything to do with me and I’ve already had my name dragged through the mud. I am keeping my mouth shut because you guys were worried I would erupt. Audrey says I don’t understand why everyone is giving Jace power. Day says I think you need to talk to those you think are giving him power. Day says I told him (Jace) you don’t have my vote. I don’t trust you. Audrey says if I am HOH and you have a problem .. I don’t want to hear it when I’m in a position of power. Day says I will tell you whatever I want when I want .. it doesn’t matter if you’re in power or not. Audrey says okay that’s good to hear. Audrey says she’s never said anything negative about you. Vanessa joins them and confronts Audrey about the lie that had been told about her. Vanessa says that Audrey told her Day came to her about a rumor of all girls alliance she was in. Day says wait you just finished saying you’ve never said anything negative about me. Did you or did you not say that. Audrey admits she said it. Day gets up and says game on! Day looks at Vanessa and says you came in here at the right time because she just finished saying shes never said anything negative about me. Day leaves. Vanessa says Day just said she head it from you and you say it came from her. Someone is lying. Audrey says I will put my hand the bible and say that I never said that? Day says I will put my hand on anything. Audrey says okay go get it. Vanessa looks at Day and asks did you say it, its okay if you did? Day says I never said it. Audrey says at least we don’t have to pretend not to be friends any more. Day says okay lets rally the troops!!
Day brings everyone into the havenot room and asks them if Audrey said Vanessa was the mastermind. They all confirm that Audrey was the one that started the rumor that Vanessa was the mastermind.
Vanessa calls Audrey two faced! Jason tells Audrey she is the person that’s caused all the mistrust between everyone! Audrey asks give me examples!! Jason says all the lies and rumors you’ve spread about everyone. The mistrust between everyone!!! Day says I am sorry I brought all you in here but I needed to confront her in front of everyone. Jason says you’re making up these things ..telling one person and then saying it came out of their mouths. Audrey says I guess time will. Day says I am going to leave because it’s going to be two seconds before I crack her in her face!! Day leaves. Audrey says she is full of lies!!
1:50pm Everyone leaves but Audrey, Vanessa and Shelli. They continue to talk about all the lies. Audrey starts crying. Shelli tells Audrey that she should have come and talked to Vanessa before you rallied the troops. Shelli tells Vanessa I don’t think anyone ever believed the all girls alliance rumor. Vanessa says good. Vanessa says I’ve only ever said good things about you to the fairies (Diary room). Clay joins and says he has too. Clay explains how all the rumors and coming back to her. He tells her that he and Shelli were only brought in on all this last night at 1am. They kept us out of the loop for 3 days. Shelli agrees with Clay. Clay tells Audrey she has over a week to let this cool down. Lay low and then start integrating back into the group. Audrey says people give way too much credit to what is coming out of someone’s mouth. I look at their actions. Shelli asks Audrey about when she said she thought there was a twin named Mathew in the house. Audrey says that got cleared up later .. Mathew is one of the producers and I was asked about a conversation with him by another one of the fairies and I got confused. I was told not to bring it up again.
2:10pm In the cabana room – James fills Jackie in on all the drama and that she is still good. Jace is going. James says Audrey might as well pack her suit case because she’s going next.
Jason says they picked her up at elimination boot camp. I don’t know where they got that bit*h! Liz says I love when Jason gets like this. Jason says she asked me why I didn’t defend her.. If I get into a fight with you .. you are going to want to run away. Jeff says I thought she was going to hit the exit button. Jason says no she would be the one pushing us all out. Jason says she not going to get into 5th or 6th place like Amanda Zuckerman did. Jason says I will fight with her in every room in this house for the next 7 days. I don’t care. Vanessa brings up to Clay that Audrey wanted Shelli to lie to you so that you wouldn’t trust Jeff.

2:20pm In the backyard. Vanessa talks to Austin. Austin says she doubted the fact that we are humans and will connect and share stories. Vanessa tells Austin that she is really trustworthy. Austin tells Vanessa that he trusts her. Vanessa tells him about how Audrey tried to get Shelli to lied to Clay to get him to not trust Jeff but Shelli wouldn’t do it. She also said I was the mastermind of the all girls alliance… which you know isn’t true. Austin and Vanessa laugh about it. Vanessa wonders if all the lies are because Audrey is america’s player. Austin and Vanessa agree its way too much to do in just one week. Clay and Vanessa compare notes about all the lies Audrey has spread. Vanessa says I am so hurt dude! Vanessa heads over to DaVonne and hugs her and says she has nothing against her. I believe you 100%! I’m not a moron and when I have a 1000 people telling me something I know what to believe. Steve comments on how the house is kind of united now.
In the havenot room – Shelli continues to talk to Audrey. Audrey says my position is completely in defensible now. Shelli says every time I have a question now I am going to come to you and talk to you. Same with Clay. You have every single right to validate your side. Audrey says I don’t have anyone to validate anything like she (DaVonne) does. Yesterday I told you I had a feeling that they were going to do this because they’re opportunists. Shelli asks but where did that feeling come from. Audrey says I observed people and their behavioural problems… patterns. Vanessa comes in and tells Shelli that Clay needed to talk to her when she’s done. Shelli says we probably should end our conversation right now. You should probably stop saying the same thing to several people. Its going to get back around. All you can do is lay low right now. Just do nothing and not talk to anyone. Tomorrow will be a new day and you can find who you can trust. Shelli gives her all hug.
2:30pm By the pool. Jace sings his eviction speech to Austin. “First day of Big Brother, let there be Clay. On the 15th day Jace said please let me stay. So Momma Day I’m sorry for spilling that water…
2:35pm Backyard – DaVonne is talking to Jeff and Austin. Jeff says that 99% of people would have crack in that situation. It just proved how much of a socio-path she is. Day asks Shelli if she is okay. Shelli says yeah. Clay says just went and pulled her out of there. Jeff tells Day we have your back.
In the bathroom – Shelli and Vanessa continue to compare notes about all of Audrey’s lies. Vanessa tells Shelli that Audrey is a pathological liar. Vanessa says she thinks Audrey planted the seeds about me because she is a woman as well and wanted to make me a bigger target than her later down the road. That’s the only thing I can think of as to why she did it.
Jace is talking to Liz by the pool. Liz asks do you still have something for tomorrow? Jace says of course I do. Liz says it sucks because if you were on the block with Steve .. you would be saved. Jace says he’s mad that he didn’t even get a chance to fight in the veto. Austin comes by and warns Jace and Liz to spread thin. (Not be seen talking) Jace tells Liz I miss you. Liz says that’s the hardest thing about all this.
2:50pm Vanessa tells Jace that her (Audrey) lie about us is super f**ked up. If not for you being you.. everyone might not have know. Jace agrees. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Austin, Johnny Mac and Liz are hanging out on the couches.
In the havenot room – DaVonne tells Vanessa that when you walked in, your timing was perfect. I really hope we can all come together to get her out and then go back to our own agendas. I don’t care if I go up on the block after that, she just has to go. I understand that this game is going to get dirty and nasty… but its too early. You know what everything happens for a reason. The proof is in the pudding. Rally the troops! So I went and got all her friends … and they were here.
3:15pm Backyard – Austin, Liz, Jason are on the backyard couch talking about random things. Jason comments on how everyone is talking to anyone and no one even cares. DaVonne says I didn’t notice that .. we’re all just literally chillin. Meanwhile by the pool – Steve, Jace, Vanessa and Becky. UP in the HOH room – Meg is listening to James’s music and James is napping.
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Audrey is so fucked hahahaha
Audrey is a liar and deserves everything she’s getting. But the funny part is that she couldn’t be more correct about Vanessa being a mastermind.
Agreed George. While Day will get all of the credit, if you think about it Vanessa made one calculated move with her question that set off this chain of reaction.
Not only that if Vanessa is observant enough – which I think she is, Day just outted their entire alliance by who she brought into the HN room. Which shows exactly who Day and Jason are working with (Jeff, Meg, Clay, Shelli, and James). Thanks for showing your hand to Vanessa, Day… hope Vanessa runs with it!
What was that question? I missed that. I hope Vanessa goes far, I really like her.
Audrey is one messed up cry baby. You don’t going spreading lies about some sister unless you wanna fight. Go DAYYYYYYY!!!
I knew there was a reason Day is my fav this season , I hope no one falls for the water works
I am so glad that Da called Audrey out in front of everyone.
Simon, how would you rank this week against the 1st week of the other seasons?
solid week 1 not as crazy as Willies weeks 1 but very good compared to other seasons.
Willie’s week one is going to be hard to beat for week 1 entertainment!
Davone & audry coldwar just beca me real
holy shit. this is house has gone through the motions in one week.
Boo hoo….why do they want to trap poor Audrey in front of everyone and accuse her this way? LMAO!
Audrey is INSANE! Literally everyone was telling her we’ve hear from the whole house about your lies and she continues to say it was Day. She just blew up her game and trying to take Day with her.
LOL Audrey is screwed! Da’Vonne just took her game and served it for dinner! Its open season for Audrey after this week. She better pop some adderall like Aaryn and give every ounce of her being to win the next HoH.
After what Day did in the HN room she deserves to be the production pet. This is one of the best arguments in BB history!
davonne full BS
This was feeds gold!
So far, Audrey is 0 for 2 and in less than 24 hours.
Maybe now the houseguests will see that voting “with the house” concerning Jace means doing what Audrey wants.
I know I keep beating the same horse, but 2 arguments and a house flip in the first week after YEARS of sheep would make this the best season ever!
As soon as they vote Audrey out, the season gonna suck
It’s going to suck anyway. She’s been neutralized, and will probably death sleep. The only way to liven things up is if she wins HOH.
I disagree. There are some strong personalities this year who already show ability to strategize and think things through. I think we can find some excitement for a while as the power shifts.
Annnnnnnnnd boom goes the dynamite! That happened quicker than I imagined lmao! No sympathy for Audrey, she was playing WAY too hard WAY too fast…clearly she didn’t watch Devin’s debacle last season LOL
audrey all the way
Great season so far. I’m actually excited for ?the first time in 4 seasons!
Holy moly! I would just hang back and let the drama thrive for the next few weeks. These people are going to destroy their own games.
So did davonne really start the rumour Simon/dawg? I heard someone say she did start it. Lol now I’m playing the game!!
Which rumor? Not the Vanessa rumor. Audrey started that one. There were many, many going around about 3 days ago.
To be truthful I can’t stand the way Audrey plays, but I still want her to stick around to see what kind of batshit crazy she might come up with.
I wish they would stop the voting with the house It is stupid and not good for their games down the line. Remember when they didn’t vote with the house and before Jokers/Facebook? We had to wait to see how everyone voted on the live show. Now its I am HoH and we will all decide who to vote out. Make it so they have to vote individual to really make this an exciting game. CBS make so we want to watch the love eviction as it happens. As it is now, i record it, and most of the time don’t watch it because I know what is going to happen. When you DVR shows Neilson ratings do not pick it up and CBS doesn’t get credit. Unless they have changed it in the past year.
Yes every single time I hear “vote with the house”, I cringe. Blah, please don’t let that crap start again!
Audrey is done…but being this Big Brother I am sure she will win HOH next week for more drama or at least Veto or battle of the block. She really has 3 chances to not be on the block unless they backdoor her. As for the rest of them not another season of I’ll vote with the house. That drove me crazy last year! I dislike sheep and that’s basically what I’m voting with the house means….I hope there is some real players this season!
I’m a nurse, and I just have to say this. Hormone treatments have made Audrey go cray cray. Just sayin.
Claire, I suspect Audrey had serious issues prior to the introduction of hormones. I thinks she has got a genuine character flaw on top of her serious personality disorder. What a train wreck!
I knew Audrey was gonna be a cry baby and trouble maker. I still think she is a plant…I give her till next week….she will be bye bye baby!
Audrey needs to shut her pie hole, and kick rocks. She is just as annoying as Frankie. Ugh…
I dont get why everyone here hates Audrey. Yeah shes a villain but this entire first week of feeds has been gold because of her. I really hope something happens to keep Audrey around.
I think the house should just unite and get Audrey out and just have a start over.
I can understand why Jace still has to leave. Its only fair to Jackie. She was the pawn and took it like a trooper and I am impressed with her game that she is not frecking out and talking to everyone about their votes and going crazy thinking the house is going to flip on her.
However…. what a dream week if the first weeks vote would be 100% flip and Jace could stay. Can you imagine the epicness of the 2nd week to have Jace there to torture Audrey not to mention his strengths could help his alliance. I’m not saying I like him a great deal. After all he did get under a few people skin in how he was acting. I just don’t want Audrey yo win in anyway.
This show can be fun with a few villains but when the villain plays a game like Audrey’s I just want to see her go home and have more honest people have a chance that deserve it
This season is identical to the season Rodney was in it. Remember he was spreading a bunch of lies about people and playing two sides of the house and got caught red handed and was voted out the very next week. Needs to happen again to Audrey