3:40am – 4:20am James sits down by Audrey and she asks him if she can talk to him in private. Audrey and James head up to the HOH room. Audrey says I don’t know if you do know this or you don’t know this but I am bring it to you before anyone else. You said you heard information about the all girls alliance from Jace. What time did you hear it? Did it really come from Jace or someone else? Audrey says it was Vanessa. Audrey says I learned something about Vanessa.. she cannot be trusted. James says she didn’t say anything to me. Audrey says every little bit of information I gave to Vanessa she ran and gave it to Austin. I know for an empirical fact that she feels she can’t trust me. Jason joins them. Audrey says I like Jackie but she has been defending Becky. I think Jackie has been with them the whole time. I think its Liz, Austin… I think Vanessa is working on this group. And it sucks because you can’t put up any of them because they’re all safe. I wondered if Jeff knows. He’s been distancing himself from Clay. Austin has been talking sh*t about Jeff. I know for a fact that Vanessa is working with Austin. And the she is working Jackie. Vanessa’s been coming to me saying I trust you. Jason says I’ve had suspicions that she is America’s Player and that this girls alliance is a task.. getting us to all run around like chickens with our heads cut off. Audrey says I want to put up Vanessa and Steve. I am honestly worried about giving Vanessa 2 opportunities to compete. Audrey says I need your (Jason) help with Day. I honestly trust Clay because he was the one that came to me about Vanessa. I think we can trust Shelli and Clay. Audrey says we don’t know that Jeff and Austin’s tension is real or not. People have faked fights in the past. Jason says and Austin is a superfan. Jason breaks out the skittles and starts counting votes. He then says even if they all flipped they don’t have the votes. Audrey says I want to call Vanessa’s a$$ out so bad. Vanessa has been personable with everyone in the house. If we absolutely have to we could all lie out of our a$$holes. James asks what if we tell Jace his people wanted him backdoored. Jason says I think we would have more pull with Jace but get him out. James says I just think we have too many damn people in our group that know too much information. James says now that I think about it Jeff doesn’t really give any information. Audrey wonders if its better to put up Jeff next to Jackie and take him out? Audrey wants to go get Clay and Shelli. Audrey goes to get them.

4:25am Audrey comes back with Shelli. She says there was an elaborate plan to get rid of Jace this week. Audrey says she doesn’t trust Jeff. Audrey then says it would help us if you would work with us. Audrey says that Vanessa is the root cause of it all. Audrey asks how do we figure out if Jeff’s tension with Austin is real or not? The only way to get him to squeal is if he knows he’s going up. Audrey then wants to get Jeff and put him in the pressure cooker. There are 4 judges here to tell if he’s lying.
4:30am – 5:30am Audrey goes to get Jeff. Audrey says there has been a revelation today. Is there anything you want to come forward about? Can we elaborate? Because this is bullsh*t! Jeff says so you’re talking about the kid that has been talking sh*t about me and you’ve been coming to me that Austin has been saying this and this. Why if I was working with him.. why would my name be thrown in the mix. One thing that I don’t appreciate is that we’re talking about somebody that is so ridiculous. If you really think I am working with Austin then you are a complete psychopath. I wasn’t asked to be in the group, I was brought into it. If you didn’t think I was trustworthy, you wouldn’t have brought me into it. Audrey asks what conversations have you had with Vanessa? Jeff says I haven’t had any game conversations with her.
Jeff says I am kind of upset that I am being brought up with Austin who is trying to sabotage me. Audrey says I am sorry for approaching you this way. I don’t know how much Big Brother you’ve watched but people have staged tension before. Jeff asks why are you putting so much stock into Vanessa? She’s basically given up and isn’t playing the game. She’s disgusted with the way people are playing this game. Audrey says I am 1 million percent sure she is the one this all started with. Jeff says you guys can interrogate me but at the end of the day you guys invited me into it. I’m not here to play it dirty. I’m here to fight with you guys. The thing with Austin is bullsh*t. It’s not fake. Jeff asks what are we trying to accomplish? James says stick with the original plan. Jeff brings up how he really trusts Clay and thinks he’s one of the most trustworthy people in here. Jeff says I have friendships in this house that are stronger than mine and Jackie’s friendship. The only thing about Jackie is that I know her outside of the house and I think she wouldn’t stab me in the back at least early on in the game. Jeff says he came up to Jackie today and asked her about the girls alliance and she got defensive and closed up about it. One thing about Jackie is that she is a closed book outside of the house, its not a game strategy. Jeff says even if we have to kick Jackie out I am okay with that. She isn’t going to help me get the money or help pay my student loans. Audrey brings up walking in on Jackie and Becky talking and they stopped talking. They might as well have kept talking game. Audrey says people think Austin is controlling Jace. Jeff says of course he is Jace is an idiot! Audrey keeps harping on Vanessa being the mastermind. Jeff asks Vanessa, you really think she is the mastermind!?! I just don’t see it! Jeff says I want you guys to look at me and Jackie separately. Jeff again pushes for Clay as someone whos trustworthy. Audrey asks should we catch up Clay and Meg on all of this. Jason says this conversations gone on so long I don’t even know what I would catch her up on.
5:35am Backyard – Jeff says its not that I don’t trust this person… Jeff asks Jason why is all the drama circled around one person. When I said can we do this tomorrow .. she said unless you want to be on the block. I was like okay. Jason says she is pushing her own agenda right now. I think she is trying to save Jace. Probably because she thinks she can run Jace. Jeff asks promise me you won’t say anything. Jason says I know she isn’t going to be loyal to me or anyone else. Jeff says she is playing everyone like a f**king puppet. Any time there is any drama she is in the middle of it ..its like a smoke screen. Jason says you know who know this too .. DaVonne. Jason says I know for a fact James wouldn’t listen to these girls and backdoor me. Audrey joins them. Jeff asks is Shelli a part of the group because that was awkward. Audrey comes out and says I’m about to go catch up Clay and Meg. Jason says no. Audrey apologizes to Jeff about the way they came at him. Audrey runs inside to get Meg and Clay. Jason says Audrey is playing like we’re crowning a winner tomorrow. Jeff tells Jason we should start strategizing more. Jason says people are underestimating Meg. Jason says he’s not afraid to go after Audrey because she’s transgender like most people in the house are. Audrey is the one running and manipulating people. Jeff says everyone knows the person with the most elaborate story is the one lying. Jason says this is big brother you don’t confront people, you out strategize them.
5:40am – 6am Audrey goes to wake up Clay and Meg. She gets them to go up to the HOH room. Audrey then fills Clay and Meg in on what’s been going on. Audrey says we’ve been comparing notes and this group needs to be consistent group because next week the line is going to be drawn. Clay says just spit it out why are we up here. Audrey says I don’t know how to say it. I’m tired. She tries to pass it off on to Shelli. Shelli says I don’t know what to say… I’m new to this. Audrey starts going into it about Vanessa again. Clay says well we need to solidify something. Who do we have? Audrey says You, James, me, Jason, Jeff, Meg, Shelli and Da. That’s half of the cast.
6:10am Audrey goes to get Jason and Jeff again. UP in the HOH room – Jeff, Jason, Audrey, Shelli, Clay, James and Meg. Audrey starts talking about how we all need to work together. Audrey points out that Da is the one that isn’t getting along. Clay says Da has to stop the second guessing. Jason says that Da will be on board with this.
8:45am VAnessa is up Everyone else appears to be sleeping
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Well that title was miss leading I thought Day finally figured out someone (clay and Austin) is planning on backfiring her lol
Has anyone else notice a trend of black people getting treated like they are a master mind when in fact try didn’t do anything! This year they are saying davonne is running shit. Last year everybody was accusing Amber of being the fake at person
It’s just an excuse they use to get them out of the house. I don’t know why black people even sign up because the odds are waaaaay against them. They only put one or two every year and they’re usually one of the first to go with no legitimate reason.
It all started from everyone thinking Libra is a mastermind/bitch in BB10, and continued all the way down to Da’Vonne now. It is tiring.
Man, that’s not good (for them) if Liz and Julia have markedly different personalities. They need to get on the same page pronto. Too bubbly or not too bubbly, that is the question.
Has anyone else noticed a trend of black people getting blamed! This year it’s davonne “running the house”. Last year everybody thought Amber was the fakery person ever. Bb 15 the literally thought Howard was the master mind behind everything and all he did was read the bible and looking fresh praying to Jesus. And then everyone blamed Candice for EVERYTHING! What is wrong with some people!
Please do not start playing that card here. Knock it off please.
Why not, it’s the truth.
Its true though. I notice this too and I’m white so its not the “race card.”
I don’t think is 100% about them being black… I believe it’s due to the polarization that usually occurs in a group setting (especially when in isolation)
The fact is- these people will look for any excuse to have the herd attack an individual if they stand out.
It’s easier to attack the person that doesn’t blend in as well, and in this case it so happens to be the majorities. (With the exception of BB15 of course. Half of the cast were just vile and uneducated)
Damn, Austin is so far up Clay’s ass and Clay is so far up in Audrey’s. Tomorrow will be “Vanessa’s should be the next one to go day” by Audrey. Hopefully people in opposing groups starts comparing notes on her, she is definitely my Derrick (aka the player that is playing well but I don’t root for because he/she is making the game predictable) this season.
lol you think audrey is playing a good game? Are you stupid?
This was posted before she destroyed her game and called half the house into a house meeting. :))))
Derrick was an extremely better player than Audrey!
4:37 BBT and Audrey is still going at it and waking up other houseguests hahahaha i swear to god,she is nuts.
#Devin2.0 but wayyyyyy worst !
Audrey is definitely touched..but feeds gold! I hope she can stay safe for awhile.
Audrey just woke up Jeff to talk to him in the HOH room and Jeff called her a psycho in front of everybody hahaaha
I have to take back my earlier comments, it not “Tomorrow will be “Vanessa’s should be the next one to go day” by Audrey” it was 30 mins later. :))))) Seriously, Audrey’s paranoia is through the roof! She is giving Sarah not smoking a weed for 60 days for the most out of control housemate a run for the money. Everytime someone mentions her name she will automatically target that person. :)))))
Jeff and Audrey get on my nerves. I wish they would vote Jeff out first. He is the most annoying person in the house. Audrey is just setting herself up. It’s too early for her to be running her mouth to everybody in the house.
I really didn’t respect Jeff at first, but he is growing on me. He is close to figuring out Audrey and her constant chatter about others.
This last two hours Jason and Jeff goes up in my ladder. And as crazy Audrey is, she should definitely reach the jury, she is someone you’ll love to hate yet at the same time is too funny to hate. And here i am thinking that saturday was so boring for the lack of game talk. :)))))
Audrey needs to go. I don’t think I can listen to her all season. She will likely vote against her alliance so she can blame someone else. So predictable.
This may be horrible, but I think people are aware of Audrey, but are afraid of doing anything because of her transgenderism, and it would make them look bad.
I long for the day when people can surgically remove their tools or add a tool and not expect to be lauded as a hero or feel the need to shout it from the rooftops. Just get it done and go on. There I said it. Now go ahead and fire away at me.
What you should long for is a day where transgender or gay kids can be themselves and not be bullied and not disowned by they religious or closed minded parents, and they would no longer hate themselves and have to commit suicide because of how bad society thinks of them.
I agree with you. It’s a life choice…big woop. Changing your sex doesn’t make you a hero, fighting for this country and our freedoms does; fighting against social and economic disparities does; saving lives does. People are so shallow.
Lol I love that every other picture of Johnny Mac is of him flossing
He is a public service announcement!! lol
Audrey is no puppet master… the puppet master sends other people running around the house. She is also too transparent to fast. James is aiming for the wrong person… take aim at Audrey, she is the one you can’t trust. She has targeted Jace, Austin, Jeff, Vanessa, Da’Vonne, Liz, Becky, Jackie and Meg… do the math dude after you HoH what makes you think she won’t turn on you if she is not the HoH…. worse thing for Audreys game is being HoH.
Who knows maybe Audrey will be the one to go up at the PoV Ceremony she is playing really hard really fast and if she doesn’t I give it 5 minutes before she stabs James in the back because he can’t be HoH and has to sit it out. His power will be over. She will also campaign to get Jackie out…. hard. James is the one that wants Jace out… Audrey’s hit list is different.
I want to say to EVERYONE, “I’m more comfortable with my legs open” and no one say back “really?, really?” I want that to be a thing.
Audrey is playing hard too fast. I like her but at this rate she will be gone by the 3rd week
I love that she’s playing the game 100% of the time and probably more than anyone there, but it is going to bite her on the ass at some point. She needs to calm it down for sure.
Someone in another post called Audrey a floater. Please. She’s the opposite of a floater. Shelli’s a floater. I like Shelli a lot.. just saying she’s just kinda hanging out, same with Becky.
Let the best “Andy” win BB17. The seasons shaping up as the battle of the tattle tails. So and so said this….. they become the target. It was happening all evening I get so sick of 6th grade mentality in adults. Shut the F up and don’t become a target. Such a disappointing day game wise. Thursday’s vote a lot will become clearer short term. Or maybe we get a unanimous vote Thursday. Oh by the way Thursday is a long way off and will be for a lot of weeks I figure
PS I already want a double eviction! 😛
And another thing. That house has more silicone and collagen and botox than a plastic surgeon’s office. I’d love to see less eye candy and more villains. Throw another Hance in there. Ugly as sin but exciting to watch!
Deja Vu? I’ve got the game figured out!! DaVonne just threw out 2 “at the end of the days” in one conversation…she is really beast mode cowboy playing the game again in disguise!!
This season is absolutely bonkers! I have to give casting credit this year around because they brought in a lot of big personalities that clash all the time. The feeds have been absolutely gold so far. I hope the trend continues. I can’t wait to see how this is all edited for the show. CBS should have even higher ratings this season.
I agree. I for one appreciate that the season started off strong. The back and forth is hard to keep up with, but that’s mostly because I don’t know who the players by names just yet.
I like that there are people thinking (rightly or wrongly) for themselves and trying to out maneuver the rest of the cast, even if its too soon for ‘masterminds’. Better than the blob alliance of last year where everybody sat and voted with the house and worried about being famous after they left.
Da is really going to have to hustle next week, probably by going to the head of the snake (Audrey) and placating her if she wants to stay in the house. The fact that some HGs are calling Da the puppetmaster while trusting Audrey only reveals how out of whack they really are in playing this game.The psych-out in this group is strong.