
Danielle wants to write a note for Wil to give it to Trey Gorman

POV Holder: Frank Next POV: Aug 18 (Saturday)
POV Used NO POV Ceremony Aug 20 (Monday)
HOH Winner: Frank Next HOH: Aug 16 (Thursday)
Original Nominations: Wil / Joe
Current Nominations: Wil / Joe
Have Nots Cod fish/Candy Canes Joe, Shane, Danielle, Britney
Last Evicted Houseguest Janelle


9:35am – 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds come back, Wil and Frank are in the kitchen making breakfast. Joe Jenn and Mike join them. Danielle is in the bathroom studying the events of the house, competitions and evictions. Frank goes to shake the hot sauce and the top wasn’t on it and it goes everywhere. Boogie says that it might have been him, what happened? Frank says yeah I know it was you. I always give it a shake before I squirt it out and the cap came off. Joe goes back to bed.


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10am – 10:30am Wil joins Danielle in the bathroom and tells Wil that he doesn’t want to give Frank the satisfaction of sending him home. Danielle thinks it doesn’t look good and she thinks it will be a tie vote. Wil says that he doesn’t want to give Frank the satisfaction of sending him out the door. Danielle says that she doesn’t want Wil to leave. Wil says its okay I don’t want to be here if people don’t want me here. It’s only three more weeks anyways. Wil asks what the name of the guy she likes is, Trey? Danielle says yeah trey Gorman. Wil says lets write it down with nail polish. Danielle says yeah let’s make him something. They grab a box and go back to the bathroom. Big Brother cuts the live feeds. (They are getting in trouble for writing something) When they come back, Danielle heads to the kicks bedroom and puts a piece of card board in a big brother bag. She leaves and Big Brother tells her to center her mic. Wil says they’re after you today. Danielle says yeah it’s Thursday’s crew, I didn’t even say anything.

10:40am – 10:55am Frank brings his things down from the HOH room. Jenn getting pissed in the kitchen saying she isn’t washing anyone’s fu*cking dishes today, fu*k it! Danielle, Dan, Ashley, Frank and Wil head up to the HOH bedroom to get a good spot before the lock down. Dan asks Frank when the lock down is over if he can listen to track 2 again. Frank says yeah we can listen to it together. Dan says two guys one headphone. Danielle says Dan!


Boogie starts asking Dan if his cd is going to be horrible if he wins HOH. Dan starts listing off cds he might get. Danielle asks Boogie if her cd was bad. Boogie says no, yours was probably the best. I would not mind you winning again… just don’t put me up.

11am Big Brother tells the house guests to report to the HOH room for a lock down. Shane, Ian and Britney join them. They ask Ian how his arm pits are feeling. He says better, that it feels like a sun burn now.


11:10am Jenn is bleaching Boogie’s hair in the HOH bathroom while Britney puts on a facial mask.

11:30am – 12:05pm Big Brother switches the live feeds to TRIVIA..

12:30pm Still TRIVIA..

1pm – 1:20pm The live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Joe and Ashley are in the arcade room. Joe comments on how he thinks the votes will go his way. Joe says I think loyalty turned out to be in my favour because when I got to them they were like… Big Brother cuts the feeds back to TRIVIA. Joe says that I think if we do this we need to knock out someone big. If we don’t win HOH, they still have to live up to their deal. It is more likely that they will win HOH and when it comes down to it the voting is behind closed doors. Joe says that he will go talk to them. Ashley says maybe we should wait until we find out what happens tonight because we don’t want them to say Joe is making deals. Joe agrees. Ashley says that she trusts Britney but that she thinks it’s better to wait. Joe says that Boogie and Frank told me if I win they wanted me to put up you and Jenn. Joe says that he will keep his mouth shut until after the HOH and we will have to decide because we need protection. If we don’t win HOH then we don’t need to make a deal. If they win they are going to try and take out Boogie or Frank. They have a deal but it is getting ready to blow up! Ashley tells Joe congratulations. Joe says it’s not for sure yet. Janelle was promised votes too and she walked out the door. Ashley says yeah but no one is promising Wil votes, that’s the difference. Ashley says that Wil is fine and wanting to go. Joe says that it benefits him that Janelle is gone because he can play his own game. Joe tells Ashley that they need to stick together and to get protection because we can get picked off any second. They say she (Not sure who they are talking about) might get pissed off and want to rebel against them but right now we can’t tell her sh*t. Joe and Ashley both leave the room.


1:25pm Dan, Ian and Boogie are in the kitchen. Ian is talking to Dan says that he had a funny conversation, they asked him about Big Brother 16 and who he thought would be asked back for it. I said you and Shane. Ashley and Shane join them. Frank is in the living room trying to fix the vacuum with Danielle.

1:30pm – 1:55pm Britney and Dan are talking in the bathroom. Britney says that Joe told them that he would put up Frank and Boogie but Ian told her this morning that Joe told Frank and Boogie that he wants to work with them. Britney says that Danielle wants to put up Frank and Boogie and wants Dan too as well. Dan says who are we voting out. Britney says Wil. This is just if there is a double eviction tonight. Britney says that Shane is a liability, if you had been in the room you would have been crapping your pants, Shane told Joe way too much information. Shane told Joe to put up Frank and Boogie and that he would basically throw it to give it to him. Britney says luckily, Joe’s word is dirt and we will deny, deny, deny but Shane doesn’t realize that if this comes out then he has no chance. Britney says that we all just need to know what to do if there is a double eviction. Shane says that he is worried about who they would put up. Britney tells him that he should be, you told Joe way too much. Shane says no I didn’t I let him do the talking. Dan asks Britney if she told Joe that he has her vote. Britney says yes, for a week of safety. Dan says he needs to tell Joe that then. Britney says that she didn’t just come out and offer their vote.
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2:15pm – 2:30pm Frank and Boogie are in the arcade room talking about if there is a double eviction tonight. Boogie says if I win, I would put up Joe and Ashley, win Power of Veto and then put up Britney and vote her out. Boogie says if we get her a$$ out of here, there will be less coffee cups at the sink. They both laugh. Frank says if my name got drawn and I win the veto should I use it. They talk about trying to get Shane to work with them. Frank says that he thinks the only person to have to get on board will be Shane because they think Dan and Danielle would be on board already. Boogie says that Dan is more leaning towards getting Shane out. Boogie says that he thinks it’s too early for that and that Shane can help them. Frank says that if we scumbag Britney she will be a negative force in the jury. Boogie says that’s why I don’t want her in there, unless we don’t scumbag her. Boogie says that he is nervous about telling people about it right now. Boogie says that he wonders if he should tell Joe ahead of time about nominating him so that he knows there’s more to the plan. Frank says no because if we don’t win veto, we can get rid of Joe. Frank says that he thinks that they should tell Dan because he needs to do some work. Boogie says that Dan is a pu$$y and won’t because he feels safe. Frank says that Dan keeps talking about wanting to see a picture in the HOH. Boogie says he thinks he’s lying because he feels safe. Boogie says that it needs to be a backdoor just in case it doesn’t work because it’s the best time to do it now during a Fast Forward so there is not 3 days of hell. They both agree that Britney could rally for votes better than Janelle if she had the time. Boogie laughs at the thought of Julie Chen having to navigate Ashley through a live eviction fast forward. Britney joins them.


2:40pm Boogie says that Joe dodged a big bullet and he might still go home tonight. Boogie asks if there has been any more late night rub outs. Britney says there might have been another one last night but that she isn’t sure. Frank didn’t hear about Britney tells him. They talk about Joe changing in the have-not room and showing his junk in the mirror when he forgot cameras were on him. Britney comments on how there should be a luxury competition soon, it usually happens week 4 or 5. Dan Joins them. Dan talks about how he was trying to take a pair of shoes off the kicks room wall. He says the camera zoomed in on him so he ran out of the room. Boogie talks about his ear saying that he thought the doctor said it would get better in a few days but he miss heard him. He says that doctor said the bad ear would take 10 days to get better and the other ear 3 days..

2:47pm Britney and Dan try and break into the carnival game. Big Brother says Dan, Britney knock it off! Britney and Dan keep working on the lock. Big Brother switches the live feeds to TRIVIA..

2:50pm – 3pm In the kicks room, Boogie tells Dan that he would personally like to back door Britney. Dan says because you think we can get Shane in. Boogie says yeah and that we would only do it if it was a double eviction because she could get the votes if she had time. Dan says that he would definitely be open to it. Danielle joins them. Boogie asks Danielle if she is prepared to make moves if it is a double eviction. Danielle says of course I am. Who are you thinking? Boogie says he is just throwing out food for thought. Dan says he doesn’t think two people will go tonight; it will either be a beast of a competition or a short week. Dan comments on how their stipend doesn’t really change, he says it adds one more week. Boogie says that he ripped that hard the morning after. Big Brother cuts the feeds. They continue to talk about what they think the HOH competition will be like.

3:30pm Trivia for the past 20minutes
3:57pm Trivia
4:46pm Trivia

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168 thoughts to “Danielle wants to write a note for Wil to give it to Trey Gorman”

  1. OMG, poor Trey. He is the one who needs the restraining order! He has said on his FB that they NEVER dated and he has had a gf for over a year and has no contact with Danielle since before that. At first he thought she was joking, now he is a bit worried about it. RUN TREY RUN!

    1. For BB to keep allowing his full name to be said and used Trey would have had to sign a release form or else they would not be allowed to mention him and they would be cut out so obviously this Trey knows Danielle well enough to be willing to have signed a release …So yes she may be a clingy girl but I also think she is just very insecure. Which is why she has had issues with anorexia and other things. She is very smart girl just needs some self esteem boosts to work on!

      1. Everyone seems to forget how very young Danielle is….and what a very protected life she had lead ….since high school all she has done is go to school & work a little…she is not worldly & has not been exposed to things outside of the Southeast! therefore she is very immature!

            1. Oh believe me, I am experienced. I have had my salad tossed. I have had 7 guys all up in this. and I have my eye on #8, hint hint Shane!!!

              Hey Trey, don’t worry baby, you were #7 and it was like heaven. XOXOXO

        1. That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Because she was raised in the southeast she is not worldly? Generalize much? The girl is plain ole bat-shit crazy. Does not matter if she is from.

            1. Anyone think that maybe Trey is saying that because he had Danielle on the side and his GF? It happens a lot.

          1. LMAO. CBS should do one of those back home fillers and interview Trey, so America can see how much of a crazy she is. Lmao. This whole topic/situation is so funny, scary for Trey, funny for me.

      2. Actually she got in trouble for it already. If you watch the feeds, Boogie, Ian, and Frank all spoke about people and said first and last names and got in trouble. Of course, this never stops them, feeds cut and then when they come back on the only refer to them by first name only. Trey has said he knows her and were friends and would run into each other at parties but never dated. He doesn’t deny knowing her. And yes she is young, but there is clearly something wrong with her. She is mean, insecure and delusional. I am obviously not a Danielle fan, but I do like her more than others in the house. I was commenting on this particular blog and sincerely think this girl has issues.

    2. Trey’s lying. He is madly in love with me. I’m not crazy…he is my soulmate. He can’t get away from me, we are destined to be together.

    3. Really? What day was this said because I don’t see it. Yes I got accepted as a friend of his on FB and I don’t see it on his wall. Not trying to be rude but I’d like to at least see the post myself.

    4. I don’t understand one thing. Her mom sends her a letter reminding her to be modest. And what do we get from Danielle. She says that 7 guys got to bang her already. That she had her ass eaten out in the shower. And how she lets guys cum inside her. Not saying I’m a saint or that any of that stuff is necessarily bad, but a girl probably shouldn’t go on TV/Internet and talk about it where everybody in the world can hear it. And I think it is Danielle who initiates that kind of talk. Britney is a lot more bashful in that regard.

    5. Anyone who looks at thier private facebook,and taking the time to search out this specific individual,is just sick.

    6. Ugh.I watch the live feeds.And you can totally see how Shane watches Danielle like a hawk,how they MUTUALLY flirt,and the stuff he says to her(like how they had “special moments”).Then,when I watched the episode last night,he makes it out that Danielle is way more “involved” than he is,and then the stupid Zingbot comment(way below the belt btw)…it makes me sick!! I want to reach in thier and smack him!! Then guess who will be in the HOH room until 4am if Danielle wins?SHANE! So…unless you actually watch the feeds yourself,and see that he is being all clingy too,then quit making her out to be a stalker.The only reason he’s not all over her,is there is nowhere to do it!

    7. Danielle is a freaking Psycho! She reminds me of Jamie from Bachelor Pad ( in case anyone is watching that trainwreck… ) Shane is obviously not interested in her, yet she makes up excuses why he won’t kiss her (cause it’s in public and Shane is so modest, or some sh*t like that, yeah right…) If she really had a somewhat serious thing going on with Trey then he would most likely be watching the feeds and get all the info he needs to dump her a$$, no need for her to get Wil involved in getting a message to him! It’s baffling that she doesn’t seem to realize that everything in the BB house is broadcast and that everything gets back to him. I can just imagine Trey and his friends watching the feeds together and laughing their a$$es off while getting drunk. I can’t stand her!! How could such a narcissistic b*tch possibly be a nurse??

  2. I don’t care who wins HoH, I just don’t want Britney to have the satisfaction of winning it…She’s just a “man leech” in this game…

  3. Wil goes home, he should have fought to stay. There are three things he could have done.

    A) promised Boogie and Frank at least two votes, now two votes are worthless, but in coming weeks two votes are the difference between staying and going.

    B) Pointed out to the other House guests, Shane Brittney, Danielle and Jenn, How bad it was of Joe, to pick Ashley to compete. a girl in excruciating pain as Players Choice, because he could beat her do to her condition, was beyond low, even cruel. This will have no effect on Danielle, but would sway Shane maybe Britt. He should have also point it out to Frank and Boogie. Yet again little to no effect on Boogie, but Frank, he may gain a tie vote save.

    C) Point out that, anything that is said to Frank, will be broadcasted around the house GUARANTEED, even if it did not come from Frank and Boogie… perhaps Ian, Shane or Danielle.

    Get Jens posterior out there and talk to Ian, Frank, Danielle and Boogie.

    He could have turned this all around.

    1. Typo Alert, Sorry.
      B) Pointed out to the other House guests, Shane Brittney, Danielle and Jenn, How bad it was of Joe, to pick Ashley to compete. a girl in excruciating pain as Players Choice, because he could beat her DUE to her condition, was beyond low, even cruel. This will have no effect on Danielle, but would sway Shane maybe Britt. He should have also POINTED out to Frank and Boogie, yet again little to no effect on Boogie, but Frank, he may gain a tie vote save.

      C) Point out that, anything that is said to JOE, will be broadcasted around the house GUARANTEED, even if it did not come from Frank and Boogie… perhaps Ian, Shane or Danielle.

    2. Man, I cannot believe you are such an a$$ to suggest that Danielle and Boogie would not be moved by Ashley’s predicament. Boogie would not care from a game stand point. But I am sure that Danielle was appalled. They are both human.

      1. I do not think Danielle would be appalled, she may fake appalled, for Shane and Brittney. When Boogie and Dan where helping Ashley, Danielle looked over from the couch, the look on her face was contempt not compassion.

        Boogie is in game mode, outside of the house, yes it might affect him. Inside of the house, not in the least.

        1. I wouldn’t be appalled. Honestly, if it doesn’t affect me, I can’t really relate to it. And Ashley sometimes looks at Shane, and I can’t be helping someone that is trying to get in between me and Shane. Ashley can suffer for all I care. That’ll teach her for looking at and talking to Shane.

          Speaking of Shane, where is he now. I swear, can’t take my eyes off him for one second.

  4. If Shane,Mike Boogie,Dan,Danielle, Ian or Britney wins HoH! Put up either Wil/Joe & Ashley or Jenn & Ashley.

  5. Ok so I was watching the BBAD episode where Brittany was describing to Dan and Danielle how she had to listen to Joe masturbate and I was laughing soooooo hard because she is so dramatic and over the top!! Best moment for me so far this season! She should be on SNL or something I think she is that funny!!

    1. I know a lot of people think that Brittany is mean but I think she is a natural commedianne ….she has that ascerbic wit and edginess of a female comic.. I dont know if you saw it on the feeds sometime in the last couple of days where she did a shout out to Julie Chen to invite her on the Talk because she has a lot to talk about…her delivery was perfect…I was laughing so hard.

      1. I don’t think Brit is mean either. I think she’s super funny and at least gives the otherwise boring house some life. If she leaves it will be SO boring. I love witty Britney.

        1. I completely agree. Brit is NOT mean. She is just real and says what everyone else just thinks. She is very mature and highly comedic for her age. She keeps me watching BBAD every night. It would be boring without her. I also think she really has a good heart–especially after seeing her react to Janelle’s leavingm even though she new she had to do it. Just my thoughts.

      2. I agree – Brit is a very funny girl. The feeds would be SUPER boring without her there!

        On another note, I can’t believe people aren’t complaining about Danielle yet. Do they feel too bad to complain about her constant ‘me me me ME’ attitude? I mean they’re all narcissistic, but damn she’s reached new levels.

    2. I agree. Britney is the most entertaining houseguest on the show. Feed would be excruciatingly boring without her. The best is when she and Ian have their secret talks. The other night she and Ian were talking serious game for about 10 minutes when she stops and says, “Can I change the topic for a second to ask you something.” Ian, goes “uh, ok, what?” Britney says. “Will you let me put mascara on you? Just once.” feed switches to another camera before he answers. Her impersonations are great too, and she knows way too much about reality shows, She would actually be great as a host on a talk show.

    3. I seriously think she should find her way onto some comedy sitcome. As a witty, sarcastic, yet vulnerable, character. You could probably build a show around her.

  6. Trey needs to run.
    Didn’t she say they were almost going to get married?
    Now he’s “just a boy she likes”.
    Shes confusing me. Someone needs to tell her to pick a story.
    Its honestly beginning to get extremely creepy.

    I hope he has plans on filing a restraining order.

    And how comes she says that she likes Trey/they were going to get married & she professes her love for Trey, but then proceeds to straddle Shane, who is obviously not that into her.

      1. You’re a mean girl. I’m not creepy, your creepy. Shane wants me. Why else was he in my bed all the time. Kara, like every other pretty girl has been sent packing. My insecurities and jealousy wouldn’t allow them bitches to stay in the house. Don’t want them trying to get in between me and Shane. Nothing will get in between me and Shane, NOTHING!!!

        PS Trey I love you!!!

  7. Danielle has probably played the best game of anyone, socially and strategic play. She was the one who put Frank up, and made Boogie and Frank bow down to her to get Janelle out. AND she wanted Janelle out, brilliant. She gained them, as well as getting the person she hated out. She has created positive relationships with almost everyone, except for maybe Mike. Frank likes her, EVEN THOUGH SHE PUT HIM UP. Brilliant. She has kept Dan as her protector. Who is the bigger target? Dan. Brilliant. She has Brittany around her all the time. Who do the HG see as a bigger threat, especially Mike and Frank? Brittany. Brilliant. She has Shane as her “partner”. Who is the bigger target? Shane. She is running the house. So personal attack all you want, she is better than any of you would ever have a chance of being in this game.

    1. I agree with most of this post, except manipulating Frank and Boogie. Their goals coincided and they were able to cooperate.

      All Danielle haters/Boogie lovers will say that her craziness was played by Boogie, ignoring the fact that she practically begged Dan to agree to put up Janelle in the first place.

      1. ww
        she originally wanted to put up Frank & Boogie and when Dan put a stop to that then she targeted Janelle probably cause she saw Shane on the spy screen talking to Janelle and for the fact that Brit said it was Janelle that said she had fat legs when in all reality it was Jojo & jojo has confirmed on Twitter in fact Flash Back on feed to July 15 cam 3 at 4:15PM jojo & Janelle convo. Janelles mistake was telling Brit about the conversation she had with jojo. Boogie used to his advantage to throw Janelles name out there as he heard Danis dislike for Janelle cause she was & is very vocal about her evil hate on Janelle.

        1. No, Danielle talked to Dan in the HN room before her HOH room was even ready. She was talking about getting out Janelle. Why is it so hard for you people to keep up?

    2. @ Brian, Logical analysis does not play well here. You are quite right on every count. However, when the field gets trimmed Danielle will get eaten up by the power players unless the general consensus is that she can’t win if up against any of the remaining players.

  8. Wow, just WOW!!! She drops his full name again, so how long now till she’s dry humping Shane again? What a mess…

    1. Once? Don’t lie Trey darling, you get down and dirty on me all the time. We are practically married. And all this stuff with Shane, that’s just game. yeah, that’s it, game. Pfft, you know restraining orders aren’t gonna work on me, that’s just you playing hard to get. I see right through you…

    1. I CAN wait too. I could go the rest of my life and would be just fine if I never had to see that worthless prick again.

      1. How does it feel to live your life with nothing but hate? I cannot remember a post where you don’t say something pissy and negative about someone. It is usually about Danielle, but it is also directed at Jeff and Jordan. Can you say “Jealous much”?

        1. Pot meet kettle. Your hatred of Janelle is your primary motivation behind your posts. And then when you aren’t hating on her, you will take shots at other posters on here for having a different opinion than you do. Get off your high horse. You express as much hate in here as anyone else. I don’t really hate anyone on this show, that would mean that I had to care about them to hate them. And none of the HG’s or yourself mean enough for me to hate them. I find you to be a complete hypocrite, nothing more.

          1. Actually most of my posts are about game play and defending people. Yes, I dislike Janelle but it is not the singular reason for my posts. So kettle, you must be lookin in a mirror.

          2. BTW:

            Learn what your words mean:

            hyp·o·crite? ?[hip-uh-krit]

            1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

            2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

            Again, I have gotten a lot people mad at me for defending Danielle (including you) and disliking Janelle (including you). So how does that make me a Hypocrite. I don’t hate you, I actually feel sorry for you living in a world were you cannot see the positive in anybody.

            In fact on this very web site I have stated that Janelle has been a good competitor (finding the good in someone I dislike). Can you say the same? Can you point to one positive thing about Danielle or any of the HG? You must be pissed off all the time.

            If you do not care about the players of the game, why watch? What modivates you to spew such bile all the time?

            1. Actually definition #1 is fitting. You act like you are above hating, yet you do as much of it as anyone here. So yeah, you chastising others about hating on a HG that you like, while it’s fine for you to hate on a HG that you don’t like. So yes, you are pretending to be someone your not. 90% of your posts are negative in nature, whether it be directed towards a poster who has a different opinion than yours or at a HG that you hate.

              Perhaps you should learn to be more tolerant of other opinions and what I say wouldn’t get your panties in a bunch. The fact that what I say bothers you so much actually makes me laugh. To think that some anonymous poster can get to you so easily is absolutely hysterical.

              1. Wow!! All this because of another CaptainWedgie typo. TFF.

                P.S. I love you both, now chill the f*ck out 🙂

              2. You know what. I was about to post a long reply to your post and decided, you are just not worth it. Have a long hateful life.

                Just remember:

                In order to insult me, I must value your opinion. Nice try though.

                1. Oh wow, how will I ever go on with my life now that some clown that goes by WW doesn’t value my opinion? All is dark, there is no reason to live now in my hatefilled life. Ok, enough sarcasm. So in reading between the lines, what you are saying. You were going to try and prove me wrong, then realized that you couldn’t so you spin it that I didn’t matter enough. Cool, I’m with ya. So in the future when I post something, you don’t need to reply then either because you are incapable of changing my opinion and I couldn’t care less what you think about me, so you will accomplish nothing. We can agree to disagree and be done with it.

            2. Positive about Danelle huh, ok I am posituve she has issues and I am positive she has cellulite! There is said something positive about Danelle I feel better already!

              1. Ohhh, you are just so mean. Again with the fat. Why ya got be so mean?

                Hmmh, I kind of like that song.

          3. @MU TIGERS What are you talking about? She always be a manipulator and I don’t like her. However, Jeff is always be the American sweetheart.

            1. I’m sorry, I watched the feeds at the time and while Danielle liked the idea, it was Boogie that sold her on it. He found something that interested her and he pushed it hard. Then he won Dan over and then Dan convinced Britney and Shane to go along. Danielle was HOH at the time, but she was not the manipulator for all of this.

              Jeff will always be Americas sweetheart? Yeah, not nearly as much as he was before S13. He lost alot of fans that season, despite CBS’s best efforts to ram him down our throats. I was a fan of his from S11, but much like Janelle this year, he rubbed alot of his fans the wrong way in S13. A truer statement would be, he will always be CBS’s sweetheart. As I bet it’d be an alarming number of Americans who have never heard of him. Sure we love BB, but not everybody watches this show or even knows who these HG’s are.

              1. I don’t get the feeds as I would never pay to watch that crap. But———–on TV, Danielle wanted to put up Janelle BEFORE Mike and the other vets had their meeting. Dan initially talked Danielle out of putting up Janelle so basically Mike got Dan on board, not Danielle.

                Given how BB tries to promote the vets, I doubt they would present that sequence of events that way were it not the actual way it happened.

        2. Nobody is jealous of Production’s Sweethearts … ppl just don’t like ignoring the fact that Production designed these two and crammed them in out TV’s, portraying them as Sweethearts when they’re not, at least Douche Bag Jeff anyway, but Jordan has a temper too so a notch below sweetheart for her..

          It was so obvious last season they wanted one of those two to win… THANK god Dani and the Clown Shoe saved us from that bullshit…. Rachel deserved it more anyway

      2. Count me in! Any guy who calls his woman “stupid” is the lowest of the low, surpassed only by those who get a tingle between their legs every time they see him or even hear his name..

        1. i completely agree and what about that big ego of his, like for instance the fact that last year during the entire time he was in the house he always referred to himself as Big Jeff really!!! i mean come on the only people that put the word big in front of their name are people that are compensating for something if u know what i mean he should be referred to as Lil’ Jeffy the crybaby who lost because he threw out his clown shoe i still lmfao everytime i think about it ahhh good times!!

          1. I agree with all of you I hate all of them, with their hateful hating hater ways.

            Shane, Brittney and Danielle walk into a bar. The bartender asks what can I get you?
            Brittney says a “tossed salad”,Danielle says “This is a bar they do not serve “Tossed Salad”
            Shane looks confused “…but you said you got your salad tossed at the bar, last time you here.”

        2. I agree with you, but if a women calls a man stupid, she’s usually RIGHT, we do some pretty stupid shit, like ” it’s broke?, I can fix it, because im a MAN” LOL

  9. Trey probably cheated on his current Girlfriend with Danielle and his denys are just to prvent him from being dumped. Danielle does have issues, but she didn’t create Trey out of thin air and as we have seen with Shane’s actions it is not like she’s 100% responsible. She’s attracted to douche’s who will lead her on and fool around with her even if they have no intention of following through with a relationship.

    No sympathy for Trey.

    Wil needs to go home purely because he has refused to play this game at all and is not even entertaining to watch. A shame because he seems to be one of the few perceptive people in the house (not sure how much is editing) and could have easily used that to his advantage. He refused to play the physical game (doesn’t even look like he tried in any comps), he refused to play the social game, and I even question his loyalty since the only reason I think he is working with Jenn/Ashley is they have nobody else (evne throwing Janelle under the bus). Wil could have campaigned to save janelle and actually dividing the house between two powers.

    As for Joe picking Ashley? There was no other choice for him. I could care less if she was in “pain”. There was no guarantee the comp was going to be physical (could have been skill, mental or luck via buzzers). And if you are in serious enough pain that you can’t take part in one competion then you should probably be the one going home. The fact she’s in the house means she doesn’t think its serious enough to warrant medical attention so I have no sympathy for her condition either. I’m sure she is in some discomort and she is smart enough (and apparently with some acting aspirations) to play it up for sympathy and comforts from the guys.

    Next eviction after Wil is going to be interesting. Will Dan+ turn on Frank and Boogie? Risky because the one left standing could join with the outcasts giving them a fighting chance…will an outcast win HoH (one of them is bound to win something eventually)? Will Boogie win and be convinced to take out Shane?

  10. Didn’t she say she never went on a one on one date with him? she only went on group dates! But they were going to get married? what?

    1. Yep, we have a special connection. and now he’s madly in love with me and is sitting by waiting for me to get off this show. I hear wedding bells.

      PS Why isn’t Shane paying attention to me right now?

        1. OMG, you are so right. Ashley has to go. She’s just so mean. Did you know that she called me fat?

        1. Restraining orders are just Trey’s way of playing hard to get. I know his game.

    2. Danielle told Brittney and Dan that Trey and her did not date, they used to go out with a group of mutual friedns, then one day went to lunch maybe? But she said it wasn’t really a date. She made it clear they were not dating. Obviously, she likes him, and would like to have a relationship with him. She’s hoping he likes her too. The fact that Trey gave permission for his name to be used on the show, makes it clear that he’s lying about not having talked to her for more than a year. He’s denying what she’s saying because he has a girlfriend now. Not so hard to understand.

      As far as her saying that they almost married, that is a misunderstanding. She did tell Dan that she almost married someone, but she didn’t say or implied it that the guy was Trey.

      I’m not her biggest fan, but I think people in here are exaggerating about her lies.

        1. Thank You!!!!! Wtf is the deal he has to sign off on his name being passed along on a reality show? Just think about it, it’s ludicrous!!! Next thing you’ll tell me is Wil’s dog is suing BB because Janelle made him swear on it’s life that she had his vote, and he didn’t put a paw print on a paper letting them use his name. Common sense is a cool thing, try it sometime….SMH

          1. First of all OH MY since when did you need permission to use a name a million people share! He had a tweet on here awhile ago to which he responded (laughingly) he kinew of her but was in a relationship! And those of you who find reasons to defend this girls lies, may have some deep rooted issues of your own you can maybe relate to her with! When Jell comes into the house tonight, and she tells everyone how he was checking her out and secretly wants her over Jordan cause Jordan was mean and called her FAT are yall gonna defend her then too! I mean lets be honest if you are female. and breathing she is going to find something wrong with you! Man what I would not due for five minutes in that house with that chick. the things I would say to her!!!!! At least then she would have legitimate reason to slam on me!

            1. Well that was harsh. Did everyone see that? Caren called me fat. She’s picking on me.

              PS I wonder what Shane’s penis looks like?

              1. LMAOOOOOO Calling you fat is the least of your worries! I am gonna go over here amd get me a little some some from that beast of a man Shane, you are welcome to warch if you like! lmfaooooooo

  11. Danielle & Shane = Chatty Natty & Matt 2.0

    I wonder if Shane will get arrested after the show. & I wonder if Danielle will give Shane a bj. LMAO!

      1. For crimes of passion with me of course, duh.

        Hey Trey, miss ya baby. Wait for me, K?

      2. Because in season 9 Chatty Natty was obsessed with Matt, but he didn’t like her, but after the show he got arrested, and I’m saying that Dani and Shane’s relationship is a lot alike the one of Chatty Natty and Matt.

      3. for closing, his eyes tight, wishin it was Kara’s lips, after production wanted him to play off the showmance for the ratings….BAD Shane

  12. I just hope that in the end we all find out that Ian has been conning everyone throughout this game and taking the punishments and have-nots so that no one puts him up. If he takes all that then another person won’t. Just look at his game, it’s very much like the original chilltown but with a team of 1 and bouncing between his quack pack and Boogie/frank… Ian’s playing one hell of a game, if it’s intentional.

  13. It’s a shame Wil is leaving tonight I wish he actually at least campaigned to stay but hey he wants to see his family can you blame him? This season is already getting boring and to the two funniest people this season have been Brit and Wil (Wil’s impersonation of Eagle Eye was classic) so now with Wil leaving I suppose there will not be as many lighthearted funny moments anymore. I wish you would have played a little harder Wil you could have gone a bit farther! You’ll be missed man!

    1. He won’t do that, we are connected by love. If he was to run, that would because he was only playing hard to get. I know how guys are. They all like to play hard to get, but I see the truth, even if others can’t.

      Hmmh, where’s Shane at now? He’d better not be talking to Ashley.

  14. boogie better wake up fast and realize that they aren’t so safe like he thinks. britney and danielle would both put him up and he seems lost that ian is playing both sides, that being the silent 6 and quack pack. boogie, cmon bro wake up before u get played back to geisha house.

  15. Im sorry but the parody accounts on here are too funny.

    Danielle’s Cellulite? LMAOO

    This site always gives me a good laugh.

    1. Thank you. I have changed my name to this one, as it more accurately reflects my posts. As long as she provides me the material, I will do my best to keep it coming.

  16. dEaR TRey, rEMemBEr ME fRom kInDeRgaRteN? i ReMeMBer yOu, YOu LuCky gUy!!! I’M ThE StAr oF bIG BroTHeR iN caSe YoU DiDn’T KnoW! WEll, Y’All’s nAMe CaMe TO mInD in mY wHolE KiNderGArTen tHeMEd LiEs AnD I THiNk yOu SMilLeD At mE oNce AfTeR Nap tiMe. WeLL, noW EveRYoNe BeLiEveS We wERe ENgAgED Or mArRiEd oR sOmEtHing. If yOU couLD JUst PlaY ALonG, MaYBe I WoN’T lOOk So CRazY. sOrrY aBouT ThIS noTe, hOPe yOU CaN REad IT oK. hAd to RiP LeTTerS oUt Of ThE PokER DeCk We’D maDe frOM ouR Bb HouSe quEsTion CaRDs. THey DoN’T leT uS WriTe ANyThiNg, AnD I CaN’T HavE SciSSoRs Or ANy gLue BuT ThaNkS to jOe, i WaS ABLe To PaSTe ThiS toGeTHeR WiTH SoMeThiNg hE HAd haNDy thiS moRNinG. COvER My BuTT, doN’T Hit ON WiL wHeN hE GiveS ThiS tO yOu, AnD I’LL mAke iT WorTh ya’LLs wHiLe aS sOOn As I’M ouT oF heRe. LovE, dANieLLe

    1. And in that class, the first lesson should be, Wash your hands before you handle food. That’s just wrong…

      1. I agree! I can’t believe that the producers have allowed him to constantly violate the Health Code. Not only is he not washing his hands, but he’s also served them undercooked pork and chicken! They are putting the other houseguests health in danger with no apparent concern. Do they not realize an outbreak of e coli or salmonella could shut them down?

        1. I can’t believe the players keep eating his food.. What he did yesterday was Disgusting especially for a “Chef” .

          When Britney and Danielle started chatting about the Mayo incident I thought they were talking about Frank

        2. Biggest lie running rampet through the Big Brother House–Eagle Eye Coli! Wonder if their stipends would continue during hospitalization!

  17. joe and danielle are a match made in hell. every time either of them opens their mouths lies start flying out. joe is such a slimey, annoying, pervert and if i recall he’s the one who told ian that if he won hoh he would nominate jenn and ashley.

  18. Bye Bye Wil an example of today’s generation who want everything handed to them . His comment about not wanting to be here anymore is a insult to all the people who have tried out for Big Brother .

  19. gotta admit I am pulling for Danielle to win. Yes, she is a train wreck and has some major issues, but its a game and it would a major victory for psychos everywhere if she won. By the way talking about psychos, who the f#ck looks up cast members friends facebook pages and twitter accounts?? Now THATS messed up. Talk bout restraining order. GO DANIELLE!! CAN UUUUUUUUUUU DIG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I like Danielle too.

      And Danielle if you ever see this just remember if someone calls you a crazy freak, thank them. Nothing throws people off more than a proud, polite, crazy freak.

    2. Awww, you are rooting for me. Thank you sweetie. Hey, since you like me and you seem like a nice guy, when I get out of the house, want to get a drink or bite to eat sometime?

      No, Shane and Trey, this don’t change how I feel about you two. There’s enough of me to go around. Think of me as a doorknob, you can each get a turn. 😉 XOXOXO

  20. Something that hasn’t been discussed much is Dan’s naivety to Danielle’s scary behavior. I thought Dan was a bit more discerning than how he has been acting. I think Danielle lives in a bit of a fantasy world. I honestly cannot take how self-absorbed she is. Everytime Brit, Shane, Frank, etc. try to talk about something else, she continues to take the conversation back to her.

    Can’t wait to see Jeff tonight–One of the only true class acts on the show.

    1. Dan’s game plan is to make nice with everyone and manipulate others to do his dirty work thereby staying under everyone’s radar,

      As for Jeff being “One of the only true class acts on the show”, surely that must be your loins talking.

  21. i wish all u people who try to defend danielle would come to your senses….im not goin to give anybody any twitter names…but the person that is known as danielles fiance/bf….has stated numerous times on his twitter account that danielle is not his girlfriend and he has a girlfriend …every single one of danielles former friends have stated that nothing but lies have come out of her mouth…come to your senses she is a compulsive liar

  22. Jeff comes back to enter house tonight. Can’t believe they leaked it. I love Jeff. Jeff FTW

    Brit cracks me up this year, too!

    1. Im assuming this is a joke, but knowing how production caters to vets, wouldn’t put this idea passed them, how else are they going to save bb ratings, by bringin janelle back? she helped keep ratings low this season as with the rest of the hg, “technotronics” can save the whole season, he may say something controversial again like he did his 2 seasons bein his douchy self, but no matter Production’s Sweethearts keep the ratings up

      1. Jeff is only coming on to talk to Julie…kinda lIke Dr. Will did. Some are thinking he might be there to host HOH..but he said no. Others are specualting he might announce the next cast for BB All Stars. We’ll have to wait and see.

  23. I wonder how they’re going to make Janelle come back.. any ideas? I don’t think they will do the same thing they did for Brendon last year, but they will probably do something knowing their fixed asses.

  24. maybe tonight it’ll be the clown shoe comp with jeff hosting for hoh,and if britney leaves in a double eviction i’m done with the season,inless ian flips the house.

    1. That’s actually a good assumption, maybe Jeff will host that competition, as it was the competition he lost in last years Double Eviction.

  25. Boogie really has an issue with women in the house doesn’t he? I mean Britney is a talker but she’s not really a threat to win anything so why bother with her over Dan? I like Frank but he has to crawl out of Boogies ass and start thinking for himself. I do not want to see Boogie win this game, he seems like such a scumbag and deserves to get booted out the door and disrespected the same way he disrespects the other houseguests. I don’t have a favourite to win this year, maybe Ian or Britney, even Ashley, but these cocky jocky guys need to go (Boogie/Dan/Frank/Shane).

  26. I have to work late, and I do not want to wait to see it on my DVR later…..can someone please tell me where you can watch the Live show online tonight? Thanks

      1. I voted for Dawg! I am not really rooting for anyone this year, only against people like the narcissistic, woman-bashing Boogie. Other than that, this year is a yawn. Please, BB, don’t cast people who didn’t want to be on the show. The dating show rejects talk about nothing but dating, which has nothing to do with BB. I would like people in the house who know what the game is and how it is played, not deadbeats like the weird rocker girl people are talking about. If they have no game, CBS has no game either and it might spell the end for BB if it isn’t fixed in a hurry. Also, they need to stop all the manipulation and let it play out naturally.

        I long for the earlier days when the competitions were tougher, the competitors who want to compete and win, the strategists, the backstabbers, etc. It used to be FUN. Now, we are all waiting around to see who production chooses to win and how they will manipulate it into happening. I didn’t start watching the show to watch PRODUCTION play the game.

    1. 1-100? Is this some metric system rating? I’ll go with 63, maybe 71 depending on the next HOH.

      Simon, I’m hearing rumors that the mysterious rocker chick might still be in the house. I’m not sure how valid it is, but you might keep a look out, just in case.

      1. LOL ya metric 🙂 .. I’m giving it a 67 right now.

        I don’t know what to think about this rocker chick.. she’s one the feeds for one minute and then gone for a week. I asked Dawg and he said she’s been on it since day one.. WTF? Oh well maybe she’ll magically appear on finale night and get 2nd place.

  27. Wow I am always surprised by these polls. I didn’t like Jeff and Jordan last year and can hardly tolerate britney this year. I really can’t believe she is the favourite houseguest. What honestly do people see in her?

      1. She’s the fav this week on the SuperPass poll too. I like her..she complains but she’s also funny. When she leaves..depending on if Ian, Dan and Danielle are still around..I’ll end my subscription and just use this site and BBAD. No point in watching a bunch of ball sacs like Frank and Boogie run the game.

  28. Hey Simon;

    I read where you said Boogie pitched the idea to Dan about getting Britney out if double eviction tonight. I checked the feeds to see Dan’s actual reaction and he started to say something like ‘I would be open to that but maybe’…then Danielle walked into the room so he never finished. Did you happen to catch any follow up convo between Dan and Boogie about that? I wanted to see what Dan would say since he is in the quack-pack alliance.

    My sense is that Dan wants Boogie to stay but wouldn’t be upset if Frank was voted out without any blood on Dan’s hands. Wish Boogie would get off Britney but I can see it’s between her and Shane as first to go in Boogie/Frank’s mind. Dan has mentioned Danielle specifically as being protected as long as possible.

    1. I really don’t know where Dan’s head is at right now.. he’s in hands down one of the best positions in the game.
      I think you are totally right Dan wants Boogie to stay and Frank to go.

      + I haven’t caught anymore conversations with Dan and Boogie.. the feeds have been on trivia for the past 90 minute s

      1. i m a little confused here also….if i have to chose to trust frank and boogie or danielle, shane and brit I would go with quak pack hands down.

        looks like dan keeps the door open in case boogie wins HOH. but if one the quak pack wins it i fully expect a move to get frank out.

        1. Your right Dan’s got all his doors open.. the only thing he’s not prepared for is if Wil/Joe win HOH because if that happens Dan goes up. Of course Wil goes home this week and Joe will never win the HOH.

      2. Dan’s is probably covering himself
        If Boogie wins HoH, He is after Brittney

        IF Shane Brittney Ian or Danielle win
        Quack Pack all the way, “Boogie told me, He and Frank would backdoor you Brittney.”

      1. @Simon.“ I hope it’s that by Sunday 2 players are gone and a HOH/POV have all been played.” That’s what Boogie said.Lol.Well,if it is double eviction tonight,Dan needs to get on board with Britney about getting Frank out.Double eviction shouldn’t be wasted on weak players,that are easy to get out(Joe,Jenn&Ashley).

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