Dani “Memphis literally thinks that he is a mastermind.. like a big brother god.”

Head of Household Winner – Memphis
Have nots – Cody, Christmas
Power of Veto Players are
POV Host:
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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9:12pm Bedroom. David, Enzo, Kevin.
David – there is no justice in this game. Emotions are high. Emotions are low. Couldn’t win HOH. Tried! It is what it is! Enzo – YO I sucked at it too! F**k me! Yo he demoralized me winning the way that he did! Kevin – me too! I was like am I that terrible of a person! Enzo – he is going to win the whole season. Enzo – I am demoralized right now .. it is going to take like two days to get over that. David – got me yelling. I never yell in this house. Enzo – yeah I didn’t know what you were saying. I didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t know what the f**k was going on. Kevin – there was a lot of tension. Enzo – I don’t want you to feel like that. Kevin – why do you think Christmas was mad too? Just because of being havenot? Enzo – just because of being a havenot. And I think there is tension between her and her. David – I thought Christmas would expect that. Enzo – I thought all week she was saying she was going to pick you. They talk about how Ian was threatening to not give people his jury vote if they didn’t vote to keep him but changed his mind about it. Enzo – two HOH’s right now .. that’s big!

Bedroom Cody and Dani.
Cody – picking Enzo again would have been almost perfect. You were a havenot and then Enzo was the next one he would pick. That would have been easy .. and Enzo is Enzo. Dani – did he say anything to you. Cody – he tried to say something to me but I walked right past him. It was a minute and a half after he picked me and I was like YO I don’t want to talk to you right now. Dani – Christmas is furious. Cody – I was like can you just calm down and not do any of that. Like just don’t do it. Please don’t do it. Dani – she is painting such a big target on herself lately. She is f**king annoying everybody. Cody – whatever! Dani – me included. Cody – Memphis is winning comps. Am I still the one doing everything. Dani – what were you guys talking about. Cody – all I want is for Memphis to not target David this week. It would be such a waste of a week. Dani – I think he will put up Kevin and David. Think about it there aren’t that many people outside of the committee. Cody – if they’re sitting next to each other ..there is no way I am sending David home. Dani – if it comes Thursday I think Kevin needs to go. Dani – 100%. Cody – if he has a relationship with Day .. I would understand but why wouldn’t he put up Day and Kevin. Dani – but David has been actively coming after Memphis. Cody – on a million different scales David is the wrong person to go home. Dani – Memphis literally thinks that he is a mastermind.. the best player all around ..like a big brother god. Cody – he is a really dangerous competitor. Cody – out of 7 HOH’s we’ve gotten 6! That’s insane! I want to talk to David .. like what caused that yelling.

9:57pm Bedroom. Cody and Nicole.
Cody – I don’t think Enzo would want to send David home this week. That would be such a f**king waste. DaVonne or Kevin have to go home. Nicole – who do you want? Cody – Day or Kevin. Day preferably over Kevin but like one of them two have to go. I am just tired of the constant.. like Kevin is spiraling. And Day is the one that pin points and gets different things. Nicole – she is smart. Cody – and she knows all the sh*t. Nicole – David went up to Memphis like three days ago and said can we keep up this charade of you and me not liking each other. Cody – oh sh*t that’s a good thing. I want to keep him off the block. I am just going to drive home all the points of if .. David going home is not the play. Kevin and Day are super tight .. why would we not split them up. Nicole talks about lying to Ian and how her mom is going to kill her. Lying is hard to do. Sometimes it better to not know what the hell is going on. BB16 was more fun.

10pm – 10:20pm Bedroom. Kevin, Christmas and Memphis.
Memphis is talking about the night club and restaurant business..

10:22pm -10:50pm Lounge room. Cody and David.
They talk about havenots. David – I see myself working with you. Cody – yeah bro! You keep dogging me! What the f**k! David – no one would ever see that I’m working with you. Cody – yo! F**K that! We’re past that now! David – you think so? Cody – yeah. You keep dogging me bro! David – I dogged you once! Cody – I’m a havenot! Yo, I didn’t know what was going on last week. Like you were all over the place. Like about this vote and sh*t. Like I was hearing different conversations.. where is he at?! I wanted to come grab you and be like what is going on here? David – when you’re on an island people keep pulling you. Cody – you’re only on an island because you choose to keep yourself on an island. You need to go to people that you feel comfortable with.. and I thought I was one of those people. David – I don’t know what Memphis is going to do. Whatever happens happens. Cody – I think you should play up the whole thing to him about like people are going to think that we’re after each other.. He cannot f**king target you. He put you up in the second week.. and didn’t win HOH for another 5 weeks. There could have been something that you mended. That’s what I would always tell you.. go and mend relationships. Putting on a face.. so f**king put on a face. David – I don’t know what is going to happen.. I’ll just talk to him and whatever happens happens.

11:14pm – 11:20pm Bedroom. David, Christmas and Nicole.
David apologizes for yelling and stuff. The chat about random things and then David leaves. Nicole – I want him to stay. I want one of the others ones to go (Kevin or Day). Christmas – I don’t think he is his target anymore. I think its between Day and Kevin. Nicole – good. Kevin. Christmas – yeah, I mean obviously its one of those three (Kevin, Day, David). Nicole – yeah. Christmas – I am going to talk to him (Memphis) tonight once he gets his HOH. They’re (Kevin and Day) are.. Nicole – too close. Christmas agrees. They need to be split up no matter what. Nicole agrees. Christmas – and Memphis sees it. Nicole – he listens to you. Just tell him. Please tell him that they’re really close. Christmas – I know .. he’ll see it. Nicole – I want Kevin gone but if one of them wins the veto then we’ll get the other one out. Right!? Christmas – got you. I think he would pick Kevin. Nicole – I think so too. I need to get a win so I can feel confident.

11:42pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for Memphis HOH reveal…

12:06am The live feeds return.. Memphis is in his HOH room reading his letter. Tyler brings up his HOH basket food / alcohol. Tyler – you’re jumping with 4 tall boys.. you better not show Enzo that! Your HOH letter gets me every time! Congrats brother!

Meanwhile in the bathroom – the other house guests sing Kevin Happy Birthday.

12:23am Bedroom. Enzo and Cody.
Cody – DaVonne or Kevin have to go. I would prefer DaVonne but one of them have to go. One of them has to go but Kevin is saying so much about me. I was talking with Dani and she said she wanted Kevin out. I’m like no Day. The four girls (Day, Dani, Nicole, Christmas) have an alliance. Christmas doesn’t give a f**k about us. Enzo – if Day is on the block .. you, me and Tyler .. (3 votes) she is gone! Cody – I was telling David to mend his relationship with Memphis .. then we can use David to target Memphis. Even if David is on the block next to one of them.. they’re going! Enzo – yeah. I want Day out YO! I think Dani is going to get in his f**king head YO! Cody – I’m going to be in.. I’m going to be all over that. Enzo – Memphis wants to work with me and you. Cody – 100%! Memphis said he wanted to make a final 3 .. so watch sometime he is going to try to seal in a final 3.

12:35pm Bedroom. Tyler and Day.
Day – first of all congratulations. Tyler – I thought I was done! Day – So who do you think were your votes? Tyler – you, Kevin, Dave, Enzo and I think Cody. Day – are you sure David voted for you? Tyler – I don’t know why people think he didn’t. I think there is something weird with him and Memphis. Day – he told me that there was a plan to split the votes so that Dani would have to break the tie. He was like I have 3 .. I need you to be the fourth. Tyler – to vote me out? Day nods. I asked to vote out Tyler to be clear and he said yes. I asked who are the other two votes and he said he couldn’t say. Something about this vendetta he has with Dani. He was like I want Dani to get blood on her hands. Since that thing between me and you his word doesn’t mean sh*t to me. After when we were in the kitchen and you were high fiving him … then I said don’t be giving him credit for my vote. Tyler – I need to ask around to find out who the other votes were. Day – just be careful with that one. Don’t tell him.. because I don’t need that drama.

2am The house guests chat about random things in while lying in bed…

2:25 am Nicole and Dani
Nicole saying she doesn’t want to feel like this again. Adds she doesn’t think there was a way to prepare for this.
Nicole – I’m just trying to figure out how to avoid it.. what to do that way we can live with ourselves
Dani – it’s hard to say it’s just a game its more than that. trust me I feel all of it. It’s killing me.. killing me.
Nicole goes on about not wanting to Hurt people’s feelings “I don’t want to do that”
Coins – I’m trying to be over cautious of as many things as I can I get blindsided so many times by things that I feel.. I feel .. I’m trying to think of the words I’m thinking of. I feel defeated because I want to.. I want to be myself in this game and like I haven’t been able to.
Dani – we have to be ourselves as much as possible but you can’t be yourself in here because we’re not freaking liars and deceivers in our real life. It’s so weird for me I’ll sit around the day time like today and i’m ready my bible and just feel like.. it’s so weird to me and like praying at night to keep my strong give me wisdom in this game.
Dani – I’m literally praying for god to help me be a liar . it’s so weird.. so weird..
Dani – it’s really hard for me to separate game from personal. it’s really hard.
They agree this will be a good week.
Nicole whines that her family saying they are proud of her but they aren’t she knows it’s a lie
Nicole – Da’Vonne is in here, My mom was so grateful because she voted for me to win she said don’t you ever cross her
Coin slot cries…
Dani – Yes we set her up to an extent also at the same time who were we trying to get out.. Kevin then David. we’re not trying to get her out make her feel guilty
Dani – i’m trying to save my butt with her, with Ian with everyone else at the same time i’m literally not trying to destroy her game. I was begging her four days ago to not use the veto to help her save her game she wanted to use it because she thought it was better everyone was like that’s the worst game move hwo she put a huge target blah blah blah
Dani – I’ve literally done everything I can to try and help her like this last week.. (ZOMG)
Nicole – that’s true
Dani – there’s only so much you can do ? (You made another fake alliance with day and tried to convince her not to use the veto so you can send her number 1 ally out the door. Sure it was Kevin but it’s all she’s got.)
Coin slot – it’s true
Dani – I don’t want her on the block and I don’t want her to go neither
Coin slot – I don’t want her to go neither BUT if she catches wind about that.. she so smart we’re doomed..
Dani – she won’t OK
They laugh that people think they are doing things to help themselves but they are really helping them.. (them trying to convince Day/Kevin.David to vote out Ian)
Coin slot – people are so clueless

7:32 am sleeping yo

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139 thoughts to “Dani “Memphis literally thinks that he is a mastermind.. like a big brother god.””

    1. We’ll see..
      She is working other angles beside the commitee .. he isn’t trying much .
      I think cody will take him out if he could, after he proved himself as a comp beast.

  1. Since the BB House is going to be a Memphis HOH, then I think I’d rather get feeds from the next door neighbor house. I’m betting that the “legend” is Ian, and he’s moving in next door because they are keeping the jury on the CBS lot this year. And yes, I’d rather watch Ian eat, sleep, and pontificate than watch a week of Memphis HOH.

    P.S. – My favorite line from this recap is Cody saying that Memphis is winning, but he (Cody) is doing everything. W.T.actual.F. has Cody done this entire season other than rely on Derrick to set-up his pregame alliance?

      1. You’re right, we should have more compassion towards Cody and his case of non-stop ego-maniacal dictatorship of brain misting oral diarrhea coached by Derrick.

        “Stop being salty.” Hows about some hot pepper sauce ya bossy lil whippersnapper?

      1. But if the executive producers are aware of, and build storyline around a pregame alliance, they can manipulate things. They’ve manipulated comps for people in the past (a veto comp and an HOH last season as examples).

          1. The first HOH comp was rigged. Cody was second, could see what steps not to step on cause they were still vibrating from Memphis. They then staggered the starts so that no one else got that advantage.

            1. I don’t think they intentionally rigged it. I think after his run, Julie realized the blunder, producers didn’t have a clue what they could do to level the field and said screw it. If they had made him run again, he’d still have a good idea of where to step and it would have made little difference. Letting everyone get the advantage would make the challenge look silly as everyone would get really low times. Except Memphis…he would be the only one screwed by that.

        1. Us feed watchers have seen these manipulations for years. In these cases I always expect the expected from TPTB. Their show, their money, their rules.

          I’ve often wondered if they give hush money bonuses to HG’s along the way on the down low to placate them.

      2. I agree. Maybe pregame has something to do with it but you still have to WIN. And most of the pregame alliance would have happened organically… Nicole and Cody and Dani/Nicole are friends in real life?… tired of hearing about that. Enzo has grown on me and if they aren’t careful he’ll win it all. Ready for the committee to turn on each other! Memphis out #1. The girls better wake up soon or they are all done.

    1. Kind of makes sense. It would explain why the goodbye message edit allowed talk about the Comity to a jury member. Yes, he would possibly have found out in jury, but Nicole outed the whole alliance. Typically, that type of info would only be outed by someone evicted, not to someone evicted. My guess, the jury is next door and they will be able to see live feeds…or over the fence.

      1. Tyler said the names of the alliance during his goodbye speech, Nicole only said she was working with a group of people. Don’t let your hatred for her distort the facts to improve your narrative.

        1. Not hate. Misremembered. Funny thing is, NOTHING I said was hate toward anyone. Point is still the same. It was ODD that production let Ian know that type of information going into jury.

          1. No, it’s just because most people aren’t a fan of ratcole. They are simply assuming you are in the majority lol

        2. I give you the benefit of the doubt. You may be confusing me with someone on here that is spewing hate about the players. I’ve not been commenting in here much this season at all, and certainly not in the last few weeks.

  2. Dani had the most amazing outfit/hair/makeup that I have ever seen in the history of big brother.

    Did production got her ready in the DR? Unbelievable she did that own her own.

    1. Her dress looked like raw bacon.
      her lip shade needed to be far less severe. like maybe one hue darker than the midtone on her bacon dress.
      Hair looked good though.

  3. I can’t believe Memphis is the new HOH on the same day Ian got evicted.

    Today was such a great day for Memphis. Too bad it will be his only good day.

    Cody, Dani, Nicole, Enzo, David,Da’vonne, Kevin and even Tyler all plan to go after him next week.

    Seriously!!!!! On October 1 we all will say good bye to Memphis.

    1. she’s kinda at the mercy of what cody/enzo and xmas/tyler want to do. i think the two pairs are gonna try to get to five and then fight over who’s that remaining fifth player in the house to break the tie. that player could be nicole and then she could ride that to the end depending on how comps break and then be able to exploit a bitter jury for the win, but i feel there are way better pawns than nicole for such a plan.

    2. Hahaha Houka. Good one. Nicole’s double winner hopes are done. None of the others will ever let that happen.

  4. David: I came out of the room screaming, I was like oh shit.
    Tyer: What were you screamin?
    David: I just got into a little….
    Enzo: But what is that, that’s a derogatory term, is that what that is?
    David: It’s… cam change
    Memphis closing fridge door.

    Now they’re just trolling us.
    Public statement release is only about 5 hours old and they’re trolling us because we didn’t hear the possibly derogatory term or who said it. This is baiting.

    Warning: expect excessive feed cuts when this gets discussed this week. I mean more than when anyone said Ian’s name for a couple of days. yeah. more stars. I find it helps if you’ve named them and given them back stories.

    1. Yeah I saw that too. David in the bedroom talking to Enzo, and Enzo asking is that a derogatory word& feeds cut. When everyone seems to talk about it, the feeds cut. House guest say David was yelling.

      1. Indications are it was David and Da’vonne arguing and cursing each other out.
        She thinks he was the flipped vote.
        He thinks she was the flipped vote?

        1. Classic. Neither of them suspect Nicole, the one who’s been working with the huge alliance all season long of not following through or maybe continuing to work with the huge alliance? Rather than think about it and reason it out, they attack each other?

          1. Da and David have a variation of the season 17 Becky / Steve relationship going. Reasons: Da’vonne, from what I recall, was post eviciton friends with Kemi. So she was already skeptical of him. Add the week 2 oddness of him saying his priority was this men’s alliance he was getting into but he’d watch out for Da/Bay(naming Cody and Tyler) and then David being told Da’vonne was trying to flip the vote against him… these two are never going to trust each other 100%.

      2. With tears even. I’m not sure what to believe with that guy. He just apologized “for yelling and stuff.” I think this experience is WAY more than he anticipated and I feel like he has unexpected rage brewing. Everyone else knows/expects the rage. That’s why it’s not cool putting this poor newbie in the asylum with vets.

        There’s way more to this and I won’t speculate. But, I will keep my ears perked for nuggets o’ info.

        1. Nah. David is just weird period. No one said houseguests need to be likeable and normal. He also still has the ache of last season when he was on BB and sometimes plays from the have not room like he is in camp BB! (He has it all figured out with alliances and his only move is to tell people about what’s going on. ie. Told Ian his group was voting against him and Ian didnt want to believe it. Even getting mad at David at one point but realized later David was potentially honest so instead of respecting the info, Ian turns it to “well I’d rather leave on a game play than a shifty lie or mistake” Um yeah Ian…you whole alliance LIED just like David said)

          Both Day and David are mad about voting against their own interests early in the game and deep down trying to hold on as still blame the other for each of their own less than stellar game plays.

          I find David’s unpredictability refreshing! No script for him and I am loving it!!! Who knows what he will say or do! THAT is why the house had issues with him. He can’t be controlled to do what others want, Day or the committee. And it pisses people off (including Day) and I love love love it! I could care less if it’s bad game play for him, Its hella interesting and now they wanna keep him….???? Wait?? Lol

          Probably has to do with some more shit Memphis or someone said. We will get the cut version

          Now Mr little hints of truth David aka the yeller lol is an asset to go after Memphis? …only in BB over produced protecting bad image from ish getting out world

          Can’t wait to see that story spin made up tv moment.

          This should be good! Go David! (Not really but yeah really lmao)

          1. A fitting end to this season would be a David win. I really could get behind that because there’s really no one else to pull for except Day and I would be fine with her winning too.

    2. Why are they telling them this stuff? They seem to be willing to help cover for them. They have never done that in the past.

      1. They’ve told Cody to shut his mouth about Covid misinformation.
        They’ve told Nicf about the mocking Ian situation and her sponsors (look at that episode edit. come onnn).
        They have helped houseguests in the past. Season 20 multiple production house meetings in week one through three about press scrutiny and bias awareness. Further look at the week they gave Jackson in the have not room without a cam for much of the time so that they could help him mend his image a little. Look at season 19, d/r calling Josh in, and giving him game advice and goodbye message advice in the final 3 weeks. He came out of mutliple d/r calls with sudden thoughts he’d been told in d/r. Look at how they helped cover for Frank in 18 concerning slapping Da’vonne on the ass. Multiple complaints and he gets a d/r of good ol boy didn’t mean nothin by it hyuck.

        1. I have been watching since season 1.
          Although I didn’t follow the feeds until the last 5 or 6 seasons. I had no clue of all the production interference! I don’t like it one bit. I would love to see a season (of newbies) with zero help from production. Come on! We want a fair game to watch. All this pregaming & help from production just ruins the game.

    3. If David was thinking right, he should’ve told Tyler, and the Committee, that Nicole and Dani had a plan to get Tyler out and he ultimately didn’t go with it which made the vote 5-3. It’d at least stir things up.

  5. Memphis screwed up, he should’ve laid low for a couple of more weeks. He better get rid of Dani, cuz he’s on her radar big time now.

    1. Guess:
      No. He wants Kevin to go. He won’t put up Committee. He entered into a partnership with Enzo last week. Once he finds out how hard Cody is pushing for Da’vonne, he’ll put up David hoping to remove the temptation.
      Remember his last HOH? He thinks his deal from week 2 is still active with Da’vonne. And he thinks she’s useless in comps.

      1. Cody confirmed he’d prefer Day or Kevin go. Surprisingly Day is his preference. I think if Memphis pushes for David to go it’ll cause issues between him & Cody. Plus by the sounds of it Memphis won this comp pretty easy which had all the big dogs sit up & take notice of how hard he’ll be to beat. We’ll have to see who ends up on the block post POV and whether there is a power struggle over who gets evicted.

        Considering he’s now won three different types of comps that’s also a red flag. He took the memory comp HOH, the balance physical POV and this puzzle comp. If the hamsters only knew how he threw the Safety Suite comp and likely the Wall comp they might be even more concerned.

        1. Memphis already told Christmas that Kevin is the target.
          Which is why I say if Cody or Christmas head of steam it that Da’vonne has to go, he’ll do what he did on his last HOH and say nope, it’s Kevin and David.
          It’s no surprise Cody wants Da’vonne out. None at all. He thinks Dani might form a side number with Da. He just spent a week trying to get Nicf and Dani against each other, then subtly pushing for Ian to be nom. Cody doesn’t want anyone else to have an alternative. He wants four or five for himself, and just Cody for all of the others.

            1. They are aren’t they??
              First they chopped those girl numbers down.

              Par for the course with most women cast on BB. Get in a big protective alliance which makes you feel safe while convincing them to feel like anyone they are side aligned with is a threat!

              Get with a group that gets all other options out then when it’s down to the boys pit women against each other or just use them dump em like a Brittney.

              Right in line they go!!

      1. Because the POC cast in this season have no skills. Kevin and David were the final two in the pov comp though….but that was half the house….

  6. I knew Memphis’ “Grandpa” act was just that. Back’s fine. He’s been watchin’ and taking notes for a while now. Hope he’s not a super snoozefest.

    Who’s conspiring in here bitches?!

      1. How has it sucked to this point? He was the one that created the Committee, he’s been on nobody’s radar to this point, and now he’s won 2 HOH competitions. Just because you don’t like him as a person doesn’t mean he’s not playing a good game.

        1. he had next to nothing to do with creating the committee but other than his bout of hohitis he’s been doing a decent job lying low (i think he could’ve been in trouble had tyler not won the following week). power will go to his head again this week, but unless someone not working with him wins hoh, it won’t matter.

      2. He’s won three different competitions – one was memory, one was balance/strength & this one was speed/puzzle.

        He waited for the 3rd person to fall off the wall so he didn’t have to be a Have Not and he laid down in the Safety Suite to let time pass & not draw attention to winning another comp.

        All this while he sits at the counter each morning watching the house & interactions & since the jury was announced he’s upped his conversations with Christmas, Enzo, Cody, Dani and Tyler. He’s noting the issues with Dani/Nic being self motivated with their agendas.

        He did make me laugh this week when Nicole was whining about sending out Ian trying to switch his & Cody’s minds to vote out Tyler instead. His response of “well if you’re that worried we can send you to jury next” did make me laugh out loud.

        That said, there are no excuses for his insensitivity and mocking of Ian.

        But, to underestimate him would be a big mistake. If he reaches F2 he will get credit for making the big alliance that ran the house. And that’s why I believe there is NO WAY Cody allows him to get deep in the game and could see him being the first Committee player targeted potentially in DE depending on who wins HOH.

        Especially since one of the trio will leave this week & b/c now that Memphis showed he can win a variety of styles of comps the target on him grew. I’m in agreement with Golden Gate Granny he might’ve been better served to sit back a few more weeks but after the trio stayed this past week he was determined someone in the Committee had to win HOH.

      3. 2 HOH wins – 1 POV win and a safety suite win he gladly threw because he didn’t want or need it. So far Memphis is playing great and is well positioned within his alliance to do well with great relationships with Enzo, Christmas, Tyler and Cody. This win may raise his profile a bit, but any win does that. He just has to maintain the lines of communication with his core group, and he’ll be just fine.

      4. the creator of a dominate alliance and the first 2 time hoh this seaon, so please tell how his game has sucked to this point

  7. being a puzzle i think ian would have had a great shot at winning this hoh…i still say dani and nicole should have jumped ship and voted out tyler…if they had and ian won hoh they would be 6 strong and completely taking over the house right now

    1. yeah, i think from a numbers perspective, dani and nicole were better off with ian. they can form a 6 person alliance with day/kevin/david which is obviously two trios instead of remaining on the outside looking in on the committee which is increasingly becoming a quartet of memphis/xmas/tyler/cody with dani/nicole a pair to themselves at the bottom. enzo’s practically in a better spot than them considering his deals with cody and tyler. they turned down being on the right side of a 6-4 split for being on the right side of a 7-3 split at a point in the game that you want to build relationships on both sides of the house which only flipping really does.

      1. its not survivor. it was risky to f** 4 people in their alliance . had they jumped ship and memphis would of still won that
        over ian .. they were the easy picks for noms.

    2. I was thinking the same thing. That may have been the only opportunity for them to get out Tyler. Ian would have been pissed. He would have beaten that comp.

  8. I’ve said it before; David is such a weak player that he’s going to Forrest Gump it to at least the final 4, if not the final 2 or 3 however they do the finally this year.

    1. there’s a really strong argument for dragging him to the end as no way anyone votes for him except maybe day. i think only tyler recognizes this though.

      1. If anyone drags David to the end, he wins over anybody. DR is filling their head with crap about dragging him to the end and then will fill jury with a you have to give David a pity vote and he will win. It’s a disgrace.

  9. Dani is one of the weaker players for the following reasons:

    • she couldn’t get Davon to not use the veto. Begin able to persuade people to do what you want them to do is the hallmark of a good BB player
    • She didn’t compete for HOH this week (using her power). This is weak and does not deserve to be rewarded.
    • She lies too often
    1. dani made a ton of mistakes last week. i think first and foremost was not nominating davonne when david took himself off the block, likewise failing to convince davonne not to use veto also shows weakness (but this one’s on the whole alliance not just dani), i think she should have flipped on tyler but that moves risky (and better for nicole than dani, though nicole could have and should have forced dani’s hand), and she’s crazy to have not used her power.

      1. is she? she would of lost the comp. then everyone would of known she had
        this power which she kept a secret and she would of waste it.

    2. she didnt tried too much with day. she knew that kevin would go
      and then davon would feel stupid and possibly blame it all on danni
      she would of not won that hoh if she would compete.. she would of just show
      the entire house how she didnt told them about her power…
      she is better of using it on memphis makinh his target bigger + to trust her

  10. The one thing that David has going for him is that he “generally” stands up for himself and has even a sliver of his own opinions. It seems as if no one in this house can function as a single person. Nicole didn’t want to put up Ian, and Dani did it anyways. Why didn’t Nicole make Dani take the heat for her own choices? If Ian was really her friend she would have stood by him and let Dani take the heat for her own choice. But no.
    Please, someone…anyone…develop a brain of your own and quit just following along with the group.
    Day and David are the only ones that seem to even 1% do something against the grain. Nobody else would have used that veto on Kevin with the HOH demanding them not to besides Day.

    1. Nicole had no problem with Ian leaving. She only cares (her words) that she looks like a monster. No, making fun of his disability is monstrous. Crying for 2 days to fix your image is annoying and unworthy of Allstars.

    2. Ian was the only person NicF could take to Final 2 and stand a shot (the other winner). No one is going to give NicF the second win. If she goes to Final 2, the other seat wins.
      She should be Dani’s true Final 2 now, may be the only one she can beat.

      1. Depends on who she’s up against. If she’s up against a white male, DayVonne will definitely vote for her. Dani may also vote for her, depending on who her opposition is.

    1. That was good game. In case Nicole wants to do paul and play it clueless on her good bye message (which she didn’t),

    2. Thought it was good. In a way letting Ian be aware that Nicole wasn’t his best friend in the house and just using him and hoping her sweetness (ugh) toward him would make him vote for her in a final. Yup, Tyler exposed her, its now up to Ian to consider this info.
      Still don’t understand how she won before.

  11. Cody and Nicf are back to the old lie that they haven’t spoken in six years. In front of Da’vonne, who knows for a fact they have. Talking about Cody not being invited to the wedding, when people in the house already know he was. Seriously??
    Jokes now about pregaming in the house.

    So what’s happening? There’s a small level of game happening here, and a bigger level of ‘you guys have to combat the box you’ve opened by talking about the rigging so much.’ It will end up in the episode in some form so that episodies that happen to look on social media and see any mention of the rig can say ‘yeah but in episodes, they said they didn’t. This is just like when Nicf lost all those sponsors but she was crying and fighting to help Ian.’

    Nicf out of d/r is crying again. About the move to screw over Da’vonne, David and Kevin. Now she’s saying her mom said not to screw Da’vonne and she only meant to do it to David and Kevin. Oh wtf kind of bullshit am I listening to. Now Dani is joining in. Oh ffs. This is image fix. They’re afraid Da’vonne is a fan fave and their plot intended to screw all three and make them targets will make them disliked. Knowing heads ups being given about other issues, I’m guessing the latest press has been discussed with the house in a production house meeting while feeds were down. These two are definitely trying for an image cleanse hoping it makes edit.

    So get ready for it people. Looks like I’ll have to change my premonition from Kevin and say this will be Da’vonne’s eviction week, because Dani (who plotted to have Da taken out to start this whole mess) is saying she’s done everything to protect Da… and Nicf is saying she’ll go to d/r to try to explain it better tomorrow.
    We’re going to have to listen to more episodes of Nicf crying in d/r not matching what she does in the game, aren’t we? Eyef***etyf***ingroll.

    Is there a possible fix available if the act were actually sincere? Dani goes to Memphis, asks him if there is any big target he wants to take a swing at because now might be the time, her power would give him the opportunity to play in the next hoh in case anyone is ticked off that he took a big swing now instead of waiting until 8 or 6.
    Would Memphis fall for that? Making a big move? 50/50. but if the act were sincere it would be the move to make, saying that Dani was given this power to help Memphis get out a big gun, and play for another hoh. What makes this most improbable? Who would an egomaniac like Memphis think is a big move? Would an egomaniac like Memphis believe he could make any move he wanted with impunity (he thinks he’s the house).
    Okay, it’s late, the tinfoil hat is more like a plastic wrap bathing cap tonight.
    Not every scenario thought chain exercise is a winner.

  12. Going to be a boring week! I feel a bunch of DAYVONNE n DAVID SLANDER COMING ON STRONG…, They do their normal group/ gang mentality and go from room to room talking trash about those two! ENZO YO DAY HAS TO GO IM TIRED OF HER SHIT…. lol

  13. Cody is trying hard to play puppet master! He tells Dani he wants DAYVONNE to go over Keving this week l. then goes into the next room and tells Enzo Dani wants Day to go this week! He now plans to plant seeds in Nicole / Christmas about Day going! He wants to control every HOH without being the HOH ( Derrick Jr)

  14. Another boring week. I can’t blame the big group for dominating but it makes for boring Big Brother for me. I remember being excited to watch what was going to happen. I remember there being some mystery of how people were going to vote. Again, I don’t blame them for dominating but I am just missing the seasons where I was really engaged.

  15. Since nobody can seem to win HOH comps except the big alliance in the house. We are doomed for a boring few weeks until they have to start turning on each other.

    1. If it’s only them 6 left, do we even care? lol. Even if it gets exciting, there’s no one left to even root for. What a seriously disappointing season. I don’t like when production intervenes but honestly, at this point they should’ve. They should’ve thrown in a twist to save Janelle and Kaysar and to shake up the house. This has honestly been the worst season I’ve ever watched

  16. Ugh… this season is THE WORST. Sooooo boring. BB needs to shake it up with some kind of separation twist. And can someone please get Nicole out of there! I cannot stand that girl!

    1. Dani’s power is to allow the hoh to play in the next week’s hoh comp (thereby giving the hoh the opportunity to attempt to be hoh two weeks running).

  17. Cody, Memphis, Nicole and shiiitmas better win the big prize cause their reputation on the outside world has been destroyed to pieces. I would ask sccccole was it really worth it? cause now your reputation of a good girl is all gone and there’s nothing you can do it bring it back.

    FYI Janelle sold her necklace she wore during BB22 and she donated the cause to charity. Kudos for her she might not be a BB winner but she won a big space on my heart and she truly showed she is the BB queen. https://www.tmz.com/2020/09/18/big-brother-star-janelle-pierzina-sells-necklace-donates-charity/

    1. She may have left early but Janelle has my vote for AFP. This so-called Season of All Stars has been such a huge let down at a time when we all needed a f…..ing fantastic season. Instead of watching feeds, I stay up late watching BB6, where “Jannellousy” was born.

  18. Cody and Christmas right now seem to be in the best positions in the house. David, Da, and Kevin on the outs. Enzo is close with members of the committee but is right outside it. Dani and Tyler have created some drama, while Nicole is a past winner and Memphis just seems to rub people the wrong way. Cody and Xmas with no blood at all.

  19. Wow taking out David, Day, or Kevin…. what a big move. Once they get out one of them. Memphis and Christmas will be targets… it is already being set up. Dani missed her shot. She should have replaced Kevin with Memphis… Ian was a wasted week.

    They are all worried about the Committee and blowing up the Committee… look at who is left that is not in the Committee. Enzo and they other three… all of he non-Committee people know about the mega alliance. Enzo is in the sweetest spot out of the four because he is in with the three biggest committee men. Cody pushing to keep David says that he setting up a foundation to get out Christmas (BTW Christmas did an utter fail getting Bailey out because the only two talking about getting Christmas out was Dani and Nicole.).

    this Season is getting as predictable as Season 16… and next to Season 15 that was probably one of my least favorite Seasons. Season 16 was boring.

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