Cory “She’s just being realistic.. odds are I’m going to lose it so why not guarantee everyone.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Jared
Nominees: Corey Cameron and America
POV Players: Corey, Jared, America, Bowie, Jag, Cameron
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony: Veto was used on Corey. America and Cameron nominated
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7:17pm Games Room – Bowie and Cory.
Bowie – did Cirie just blame it on Felicia? Cory – I didn’t even confront her about that, I just said hey what is our deal moving forward? She told me that.. she swore that next week if she won she would not put me and America up. Bowie – who is she going to put up then? Cory – I don’t know but I was like alright I won’t put you up. I know we talked about this earlier about that’s exactly what’s going to happen and that’s what happened. Bowie – and at least you’ve got that but maybe she just assumes that she isn’t going to win .. but she has to win. Cory – I don’t think she is going to throw it, she is just being realistic .. odds are I am going to lose it so why not guarantee everyone. Bowie – yeah that’s right. Cory – but you know how it is when you talk to her, you want to believe everything she says. She is really good and super nice and.. Bowie – and the last few days she is doing the opposite of what she said she would do to me so I’ve noted. Cory – yeah seriously. Bowie – now I am like cool we’re playing game .. fine! Cory – and for me if she wins HOH I will go up to her and be like I am so glad we made this deal.

HOH room – Blue and Matt.
Blue – I had a small talk with Cory and America and Jag. And I told them like I know for ya’ll the target is Jared. But for Felicia, Meme and Bowie I think their target is Cirie. So I told them like listen, I know ya’lls target is Jared If that’s your target, that’s your target. I still want to potentially work with ya’ll. Like you still want to work with me. I am not going to tell them anything but please understand if I win HOH I cannot put them on the block. They seemed to understand. They’re like we get it. I didn’t tell Cory that if I win HOH I .. Matt – its the thought.. I know, I know its hard. Its good that you said that though. You have to communicate about that. I’ve only met with them one on one. I met with Cirie in the storage room. I think she is solid with us. She really wants to win. I was like I want to win. She was like if you guys win I’ll still be chilling. I was like yeah, yeah for sure automatic jury. I just let her know that if I win my targets are going to be Cory and America. Blue – but what are you going to do if you actually win? Matt – I know, I know. I don’t f**King know and I want to win too because I want to guarantee safety too. Blue – but you’re in a tough position too. Matt – I think I am safe. I hate throwing comps though. Jared – The problem with a floater is once you get around this part you’re so expendable. Blue leaves. Jared – I feel as safe as possible going into next week. Everybody is nervous about Cory and America. Matt – I feel the same. Jared – she hasn’t spoken much about Jag. She feels solid with you. Matt – I feel like America would put me up. Jared – I don’t see America putting you up before me. Matt – who would Cory and America put up? Jared – I think Bowie and Meme. Matt – if I win, who do you want me to put up? Jared – do what you want to do. Matt – I just feel like it is a wase to throw Bowie out.

8:37pm Kitchen – HG staring at themselves on the memory wall. Cirie – this is the cast, name that show. (Looking at the HGs on the memory wall, name the show they would all be on.) They say: All In The Family, Shameless, Schitt’s Creek, Toxic City, etc.

9pm – 9:25pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Bowie.
Cirie – I am going to win Bowie Jane. I am going to win. I am going to win on Thursday. My heart is racing when I tell you it because I am going to win. I can’t wait. I cannot wait. I am going to cry because I am going to win on Thursday. Bowie – this is the fire you needed in your belly. Cirie – and then they’ll see. Bowie – then heads will roll. Cirie – not even.. I just know people are like don’t worry about her. She will never win. Bowie – people say that about me too. Cirie – me too, I’ve heard it too but I want to show them. I have always been that type of person that if you tell me that I can’t.. that you think that I can’t…then I am going to have to show you that I can. So I want to show them that I can. I want to show them so bad. I am going to show them so bad! Bowie – I wonder what it is going to be. Cirie – I don’t even care what its going to be. I don’t! I don’t care what its going to be. I want to just show them. Bowie – and you will. Cirie – I am telling you I got it in my gut, I am going to! Jared joins them. Cirie – I was just telling her I am going to win on Thursday. Jared – I know you got it. I think personally .. we are 100% solid with you (Bowie) and I feel the same about her (Cirie). I am comfortable with ya’ll winning. Obviously if you guys win I am not cocky enough to be comfortable but I won’t feel as if my life is in danger. Bowie – that was like when you won. Jared – yeah we’ve got that understanding. Cirie – I just told her the same thing. Jared – we mutually trust and don’t trust the same people. Jared – Obviously I am locked in with ya’ll and I f**k with ya’ll real heavy. Jared leaves. Cirie – I feel better. I will feel extra better when I win on Thursday. I just got to win on Thursday and then the train will start moving. Right now the train is in the station..

9:36pm HOH room – Jared and Cirie
Jared – I’ve got a feeling that we survive next week. Cirie – yeah I want to win it though. Jared – no for sure yeah, that ain’t the take away from that but I think we survive next week regardless. The whole Jag / Matt thing I don’t think is a problem till a few weeks down the line. Cirie – I am only worried about the Jag, Cory, Meme, America thing. That’s really it because if we lock in with Bowie Jane she ain’t going to vote against us or put us up. Jared – you really think Meme is locked in with them like that? Cirie – yeah. Jag has been trying to get Meme for a minute now. Jared – Meme has been wanting to get Jag out for a long time. Cirie – that’s true. Jared – Meme was up here trying to get me to get Jag again. Cirie – I feel like if I win, I want to talk to Cory and let him know .. like listen ya’ll if you do me this favour and sit on the block. Jared – they would tell Jag. Cirie – yeah they would. Cirie – I can’t do it then. I want to backdoor him. Jared – I am thinking if you could get me and Cory up there or me and America up there. Cirie – no .. na I am scared to get you up there. They might look at you like a beast. Jared – na, I don’t think they respect it. Cirie – I want Matt to volunteer for me like he did for you. That’s what I want.

9:45pm Bedroom – Felicia and Meme
Felicia – behaviour, the way they did last week is the way everyone is doing them this week. Meme – Mmmmhmmm. Felicia – and I know they have to feel that. Meme – They’re trying to pull Bowie Jane in. Felicia – they realize they’re in trouble. Meme – I was thinking .. even though that was sketch.. they are still the targets.

9:56pm – 10:20pm Havenot room – Cirie, Jag and Matt.
Cirie – how are you guys feeling? Matt – my only fear is if Cory or America win. Beat them! Cirie – I am going for it. I am really going for it. I am praying for it. I am going to win this Thursday. I want to win it so bad to show people that I am not just here chilling. And like I have something to contribute to this game. Matt – we know you already contribute. Cirie – not even like that. I want to win to keep our squad safe because if I win ya’ll know you’re safe. I feel like I am going to win it. I really feel it.

10:43pm Bathroom – Jag, America, Meme, Cory are just hanging out chatting about random things.

11:20pm HOH room – Blue and Jared.
Blue – I think he (Jag) is still trying to figure out his relationship with Camerica (Cory / America) but he said he trusts Cirie and he trusts you so I think for the time being he is doing what we told him to do and just staying close to America. So it sounds like you’re good with him. Jared – I don’t expect him to tell you the truth. So is Cameron a hard no? Blue – you’re so annoying. Jared – is it? Blue – yes, he is a hard no because ultimately that would be for your game and not mine.

11:40pm Bedroom – Cory and America – Trouble in paradise.
Cory – are you trying to sleep sleep? America – MMmHHHm. Cory – okay, if you change your mind, let me know.

1am – All the house guests are sleeping except for Matt who is getting ready for bed.

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103 thoughts to “Cory “She’s just being realistic.. odds are I’m going to lose it so why not guarantee everyone.””

      1. Dawg I think they are setting up a hoh for cirie to win because she knows she and jared are in trouble the producers probaly told them both and cory said they set up a wall comp that help jared win

        1. This is exactly what I was going to say. Cirie is just way too confident about winning, specifically “this week” and being here for next. I know they always talk that way but this time she is way too confident. I mean she’s even admitting to praying about it. Jared also sounds like he’s sure. I don’t know about the wall being set up for Jared. I think that was just people throwing it to him, but this time, the others don’t even need to show up, it will go Cirie’s way no matter how bad she plays.

        2. It will def be set up for Cirie. That’s why she keep saying it over and over so Production will have something she can win. If not her Blue will be HOH.

        3. I feel like the HOH will be questions and production can give her the answers in the DR! I immediately thought that when I was reading it.

        4. ” I think they are setting up a hoh for cirie to win because she knows she and jared are in trouble”
          I predicted a CIRIE win this Thursday in a prior thread. Very predictable.

        5. Getting tired of Cirie and Jared. Will like to see them gone. Don’t think it is fair that they put Cirie in the show with her son. It’s like setting up a win for them.

        6. I was getting the same vibe. Double eviction HOH comp is always a quiz, True or False. It would be very easy for production to go over the answers with a houseguest in the Diary Room. CBS knows that Cirie brings in a lot of TV viewers and may not want to risk her getting evicted pre-jury.

        7. Double eviction HOH comp – highest number wins – How many relatives do you have in the house right now. Cirie – 1! 1! 1! Everyone else – 0, wah wahhhhhh.

          1. Jared won because he has those “muffin” hands.
            NOT an even playing field. JUST LIKE THE SEASON having the MUMMA N SON TAG TEAM against the solos unrelated contestants.

  1. I know, I know, I get tinfoil…
    If Cirie were to win an HOH I’d be sus because it appears that Cirie has never won an individual comp in 18 years of reality television appearances. Even when survivor did the silly memory comps and popularity contest and simple 12 piece puzzle comps in her earlier seasons… none.
    So can you see how the more she says she’s going to win the double HOH, the more I think, “only if Grod already gave you an answer key, lovechunks.”

    1. I completely agree.She’s been prepped and ready to actually win a comp because her son has screwed their entire game. They need for Cerie to win and “balance” their games in order to not “blatantly“ ruin the entire season lolz

      1. it’s pretty amazing just how bad jared has been for her game. he absolutely screwed her relationship with jag and matt as well as made her look super sus to cory. all people she’d be perfectly manipulating if jared wasn’t so terrible.

      1. You’re always so positive & fair even when others are nit-picking and bashing certain houseguest , you dont jump on the bandwagon. I enjoy reading your comments.

        1. Thanks…if I’m going to comment, I’m going to say what I think whether others agree or not. I’m not always positive, but I do try to remember that it’s a game played by real people who often have less information than we do

          1. You are right. Cirie’s antenna is sharp enough to know if she doesn’t win, she or Jared are leaving. So, she is trying to pummel it into their heads that she is going to win to remind them it is possible, and if she wins they better be her friend, not foe. She is acting pretty desperate but it’s smart to shove that idea in their brains. Remember the wall – they were so confident that they had the numbers and Jared could not win. And we know how that worked out…

      2. It could also be she’s trying to save her legend reputation.

        She’d had that talk where she was explained about dropping from the endurance comps early bc why bother holding on for hours if it’s only going to be 1/3 the time needed to win. I think she said that to Cory.

        She’s reviewing her game and her house reputation as a lazy comp player. So now she’s overcompensating to show what a fighter she is.

          1. In Survivor, did she give up endurance immediately so as to not strain herself? I doubt it. It’s not a good look.

    2. She did won a challenge when you answer questions and knock out the other players. Thursday is gonna be questions as well.

        1. The only individual comp she ever won in Survivor was a reward comp – not an immunity comp. You want to split hairs and say that means she “won” a comp in Survivor (1 in 4 seasons?) go ahead, but it wasn’t for immunity and it didn’t protect her from getting voted out of the game.

          And winning 1 round in a competition is not winning the comp. It’s just advancing to the next round in that competition which is what I believe you are referring to in your first post. You also must keep in mind she wasn’t even selected to COMPETE in that comp until there were only 6 or 7 players left, since her alliance was protecting her by NOT selecting her to play, yet she LOST anyway.

    3. I totally agree the fact that she and jarat both said she was going to win is suspicious and if it’s a quiz, look to see if she has an ear piece in to get the answers broadcast to her, as has happened before.

      1. You don’t need an earpiece if it’s a True/False quiz and you’ve been given the questions and answers in the Diary room. Not saying that’s what’s going to happen, but it is a possibility.

  2. If what i’m hearing is any indication:
    Cirie’s getting lost in the sauce again.
    I think she wants Jag out to have Matt to herself.
    I think she’s considering Meme as a nom, just to get Meme off her high horse (she’s been talking to Jag and others and not telling Cirie the content of those convos).
    She doesn’t trust Fe anymore either.
    So Blue and Matt are her new chosen path?
    Jared, being an idiot suggests Cirie use Jared as a pawn….did I hear that right? Whaaa?
    Marcellas and Lawon are his real parents, right?
    Cirie wants Matt to volunteer with Cory or America to be pawn noms to get Jag out so that she doesn’t use volunteer Jared.

    Dear God, Izzy was the strategic brains of the Fields family? Is that what I’m hearing?

    1. Un autre nom if cirie wins hoh who are her targets for the double evition i read cory and america , anyone else

    2. You are so right un autre nom! They are really scrambling without Izzy which does reveal Izzy was the brains of that trio. Cirie was almost borderline hysterical telling everyone she is going to win HOH. I only tuned into the feeds a few times, and each time she was saying the same thing – I gotta win, I coudn’t win the physical comps, but I am going to win this week, I have to win…It was weird, to say the least. She was also trying to elicit sympathy from Matt and others by saying I need a letter, I have to win, blah blah whah whah. I thought the same thing; did someone tell her what the comp will be, or is it because she knows the sharks are circling and she senses that she and Jared are about to be attacked. So now that they have Cirie and Jared on the ropes, the sharks had better not throw the HOH comp and take the damn shot.

  3. I hope Jag & Matt are not that dumb to believe Blue is really working with them. Blue is Jared’s spy, she may not tell him every little detail, but Blue is not going to turn on Jared to work with America, Corey, Jag & Matt.

    I was reading what was said when Jared was talking with Cirie & Bowie, Jared has no respect for his Mother, he just throws the F-bomb out like it’s nothing. Who curses like that I front of their mom ?

    Bowie is really so thirsty to feel like she fits in, of course Cirie & Felicia laugh and talk with her now, they have been exposed, you can’t trust either one of them.

    Jag & Matt thinking about throwing the HOH comp, they are really stupid. They should vote America out, keep Cam, Cam will put Cirie & Jared up, Jag & Matt are so stupid to keep trying to remain in the middle.

    Once Cam is gone, Jared is targeting Jag & Matt, they are both so dumb, it really is sad to listen to Jag & Matt, trying to figure out should they throw the HOH, how stupid is this, it’s too late in the game.

    Why come on the show if you don’t have the balls to make big moves, if you are just going to play in the middle, floaters like Jag & Matt, that are really annoying as hell. If Cirie wins HOH, Jag will be up on the block, these people are so depressing, they have ruined BB25.

    Hopefully next year they will do better in picking the cast. BB25 Cast is a total waste of time !!

    1. I agree with most of your points, and I don’t like Jared at all. But I don’t think it’s fair to say he has no respect for his mom because he cuss’ a lot in front of her. People have different relationships and dynamics with their parents and I don’t think someone cussing too much is a representation of respect in that relationship at all. If anything I’d say they’re actually probably really close and feel comfortable enough to say stuff like that in front of each other.

      For me personally, I have friends on both ends. I have friends that cuss, smoke, drink, talk about sex & hook ups, etc. with their parents like they’re their best friends and then I have other friends who are in their 30’s or 40’s and still try to hide the fact that they occasionally have a beer from their parents. To me neither is better or worse, or shows more or less respect, it’s just their family dynamics.

      Anyways, just my two cents, you made great points everywhere else though.

  4. If Girls wins HOH that’s all the cherry on the top of the “Cheaters” cake. Yeah, the show formerly known as Big Brother will henceforth be called Cheaters. She played Traitors and won and now she will prove that, with a pre-written script, she can also be the best cheater.
    You know that she has been told to get the other houseguests to believe that she is so pumped that she can do it. I’m starting to hate this show. It’s starting to get personal now. This is what the show has become?

    1. & yet you continue to watch & comment. Just take yourself out of your misery & go find something you can stomach on FOX, NBC or Disney

      1. Seems like your the one who is miserable maybe you should find something else to do than make rude remarks to people who are just expressing their opinions.

      2. Okay, 20/20 (that’s a joke in itself), I’ll take the bait. The purpose of this forum is to discuss the show and our opinions about it. We do NOT lower ourselves to make comments about our fellow commenting community, as I did you at the beginning of this post. It doesn’t feel good to make things personal, does it?
        I however would like to personally say this to you… Please refrain from judging and making derogatory remarks ABOUT those who post comments. It is mean-spirited and beneath the rest of us. You are wasting your time as we support the site and each other. Otherwise, please opt out!

  5. Not feeling it. She will “injure” herself and have to leave with her spoon. She doesn’t want to be remembered for this sh*tshow. She’s looking around and knows.

    1. Well this should be our last full day of you, & having to endure your comments. Please don’t change your mind. You won’t be missed.

      1. You seem to have so many negative things to say to people who make comments. They are entitled to their own thoughts, no need to be cranky about their opinions not being the same as yours.

  6. Jared is getting pissed that Blue isn’t down for targeting Jag. So butthurt Jared talks about keeping Cam to take America from Blue in response. (he’s trying gaslight Sophie’s Choice). Blue tells him that’s the quickest way out the door: trying to force a flip on a house that wants Cam out. She won’t do it. She won’t get rid of a salvageable relationship for a fake relationship.
    Blue says if it’s Jared / Cirie on the block because of this shit, Cirie gotta go.
    Jared is more pissed because he wants mommy final 3.
    Blue says if she wins noms are Bowie / Cory. Jared says Meme wants Jag out BAD. Verifies it again, and tells her Cirie doesn’t trust Meme or big mouth FE.
    Jared now thinks Cory (and Meme? whuuu?) planned the Have Not Disaster or the HOH room r-word argument … that Jared orchestrated and tried to control in both instances.
    Blue seems to have talked him down from keeping Cam.
    Jared says Cory /America noms to bd Jag. The week after Cory / America noms, if veto is used take out Matt. No really. Dude is HOHITIS SPIRALLING. Matt is scary without Jag, but he only trusts Matt without Jag, and you can’t take Matt to the end. Mental spiral, dewd be diarrhea of the mouth once he heard mommy could touch the block ever.

    Blue talked to Jag in the kitchen after Jared was done targeting Jag. Tells him Jared is sus of Jag/Cory/America. Returns to HOH to see Jared was watching the kitchen on the HOH monitor. She still joins him in bed while he complains about Matt/Jag/Cory/America being friends.
    Anyone not full cringe on the Jared / Blue dynamic…you’re nuts.

    Meme tells Matt she’d like to hear Cam’s campaign, it’s stupid not to campaign to everyone. They discuss thinking they are in good positions for the next 2 weeks.

  7. Now production tells Cirie what the HOH is going to be so she can win?
    All these dumb dumb talking about throwing comps at this point in the game.
    What kind of game is Blue playing? Has a chance to take out your showmance rivalry and passing it. Does Blue think America is going to take Blue over Cory to the end visa versa. Same thing goes for Jared leaving another showmance in the game, taking out the guy who is on an Island all by himself.
    Worse set of players!!!

  8. Sounds like Cory, America, Jag and Cirie are the only ones who will be trying to win HOH. The others don’t need to win or don’t want to win.

  9. So Cirie tells everyone she doesn’t lie in this game, yet she’s been caught in MANY!

    She tells Jared she wants to back door Jag. Less than 20 minutes later, in the Have Not room talking to Matt & Jag… I’m going to win. You are safe with me!

  10. I think that Jackson Michie needs to be on next season! I know that he has already won but looking at the recent wave of house guests, wouldn’t it be entertaining to see him interact with all of these weak and passive players that we have been seeing? He would have 100% won the past couple of seasons. I was not even a fan of him until recently and learned to appreciate what a great player and entertaining character that he was!

  11. So if Cirie actually wins HOH after Cam is voted off and he is not given a chance to battle back I think I’ll be done for the rest of this season. Once I am left with no-one to root for then what’s the point. If CBS is gonna continue to rig the game to Jared and Cirie’s advantage then the show is no longer Big Brother but Big Mama’s Boy!

  12. Bottom line, I’ve stopped watching the show. No need to watch the boring remainder of the rigged duo removing all the houseguests one by one. I believe even the recruited players/actors were brought in to guarantee these horrible humans win ie. Matt and Icky Izzy. Cameron was the only hope for an interesting season. I will just get updates here for the rest of the rigged season.

  13. Felicia really just pulled the whole ‘when i was a kid I had to walk 50 miles barefoot over broken glass through 10 feet of snow uphill both ways while being chased by rabid squirrells to get to school’ routine…
    where’d she grow up? Little House on the Prairie?
    She’s 63. Did school buses not exist in the 60’s and 70’s?
    Maybe i’m ignorant of America and school buses…I’m Canadian.

    1. Lol, it’s an old person thing. I don’t think I could pull off doing a “When I was your age, I walked 2 miles from school back to my home”

      1. She’s not THAT old. she’s 63, meaning born in 1960. she’s younger than George Clooney, Madonna and Meryl Streep…and Denzel. She’s the same age as Robert Downey Junior ,Darryl Hannah, Tom Cruise and Rupaul.
        Context for political types: she’s younger than the average age of a Senator, and barely older than the average age of a congress member.
        Yes, I’m closer to Felicia’s age (63) than I am Cory’s (21).

    2. Felicia is a very untrustworthy person, I can’t wait until she finds out the Jared is Cirie;s Son. She’s going to lose her tooth LOL….

      1. My thoughts were along those lines too. My first inclination was to say Mississippi? Alabama?
        But when all that snow and hills were thrown in the “puzzle”, I quickly changed gears and thought maybe Lancaster Co. PA.
        REGARDLESS, it’s got all of the indicia of another embellishment by Felicia.
        Maybe if the HOH comp tomorrow involves doing a dance marathon while barefooted on hot coals she might win again.

  14. The other side of the house doesn’t realize they are the other side of the house. Beyond frustrating cast. If they had any sense, Jag wouldn’t have used the veto and teamed up with Cam, Matt, Bowie, Cory/America and meme — they could have steamrolled the other side for a few weeks. Still could if they’d vote out America. Work together to finish up Cams dismantling of the Cirie regime, then focus on each other later. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” – Sun Tzu

    1. I agree, it’s still not too late to turn this around. Vote out America, keep Cam. Jared & Cirie will be so upset and flustered, Cam would give 100% during the Double Eviction HOH competition.

      If Cam won, he’d put Jared & Cirie on the block. Hopefully Cam can continue winning, and wins the Veto, Cam leaves Jared & Cirie up on the block.

      Now Corey, Jag, Matt, Felicia, Bowie & Meme hopefully would have the guts to vote to evict Jared, Cirie will most likely lose it, she will confess to the house, Jared is her Son, please vote me out, let Jared stay.

      Everyone sticks to the plan, Evicts Jared, Cirie might self evict, she’s been ready to go home, Cirie would go home because she self evicted, that leaves her foul mouth, disrespectful, annoying Son in the Jury house, unless…..

      Jared throws a tantrum, be the total disrespectful A-Hole he truly is, Production would evict him, send him home with his Mother. The Jury House would be Empty.

      As the game continues, they announce they are short 1 person from having a 7 person Jury, so they are going to let all of the fans looking at the show be the 7th vote, we get to have a hand in voting the the winner of BB25.

      I know this is REALLY DREAMING, but after all that we have had to put up with watching this sorry cast of Floaters, Sheep being led, told what to do, how to vote, we deserve the chance to have a say so in the final vote for picking the winner for BB25.

      Come on BB25 Cast, grow a pair, Vote America out, Let Cam stay and flip this house !!!

  15. Of course Cirie feels nobody is talking game to her. Without Izzy’s 16 hour a day game conspiacy convos, anyone would feel like there’s too much silence.
    She’s finding it hard to be Varys lord of whispers without all of her spiders feeding her their entire games.

    Jared told them they all stick together, they all target Cory / America… it’ll be a big move against that side (so a duo is a side).
    Everyone pledges allegiance to the douchecanoe.
    He leaves.
    FE/JAG/MATT immediately conspire his downfall.

    Cory / Bowie bike bonding.
    She’s gunning for HOH she says.
    whole house vs the liars.

    America has touched base with Jad/Blue/ Meme in her reassurance more than campaign tour.
    Cam has glared a lot and talked about how he and Justin Timberlake are like the same and should hang out.
    Cam went to Jared and Matt to push for a tie vote, saying Bowie is flippable if you tell her she’s included. Thinks Jared is the house, so people will do as he says.
    Feeds cut

    1. That would be fine. If he doesn’t get first or second he’s getting America’s vote so he’ll win money either way.

  17. Jarad walked in on mama Felicia and Corey saying they were gonna put them on block in storage room lol they are now saying they can’t trust blue she is playing both sides and Corey jag and Matt said no longer to spill plans in front of her . I figured I get everyone caught up since nothing has been updated all day lol

    the secret flashback
    the Izzy flip
    America / Cory center
    Cirie sketch
    Jared overgames.
    Jared HOH
    Cam target, showmance sortapawns.
    Post noms
    Cam worried
    Cory understands
    America made lemonade
    Pre nom 1 on 1’s as post nom plans
    Cam target
    montage is Cam the target
    Cory schmooze lies.
    Cor/Am/Cam conspire.
    Cam needs to play veto.
    Blue / Jag
    talk about multiple alliancing Jared.
    Blue / Jared
    Blue questions Jared. multiple alliancing.
    She’s being told to calm down. defensive and condescending.
    Why keep secrets when I can blow up his game?
    Meme / Felicia
    Compare notes. lots of mm hmm.
    besties ain’t besties
    how to thread the needle.
    Blue Cutthroat for 24 hours.
    Jag / Matt
    trust Cory / America. Maybe middle-Matt
    Jag / Matt are ride or die
    Veto choices discussion Cory wants to run with Am / Matt / Jag right now.


    Jared chooses Bowie Cory hgchoice Jag America chooses Cam chip.
    noooooobody wanted him picked D/R
    Jared won’t cut the umbilical.
    She isn’t catching pattern.
    star football player joke
    bad at pattern standing still.
    falling on her ass comedy routine. sound effects
    JAG 443
    Trying hard. falls. vertical feet, falls, careful pours
    JARED 600
    falls immediately. action music.
    CAM 522
    trust no one. tries to catch pattern. headbut.
    Showmance debates who gets VETO
    Cam wants it unused.

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