Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Jared
Nominees: Corey Cameron and America
POV Players: Corey, Jared, America, Bowie, Jag, Cameron
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony: Veto was used on Corey. America and Cameron nominated
Havenots: ?
Lock your ranks in before midnight
8:25pm Bathroom – Meme, Felicia, Jag, Matt, Cameron and Bowie.
Cameron – November 9th (finale). Felicia – we have 7 weeks. Tomorrow is the beginning of the 8th week… we have 7 weeks till November 9th. Jag – put it like this, there is going to be a double eviction no matter what. If there is a battle back, there is going to be two double evictions. Bowie – is that right? Jag – that’s how the math works. Cameron – that’s what me and Cory came up with a few weeks ago if we were going to map it out. If this has to happen, then this has to happen twice. Bowie – oh wow! Can we just get to jury.

8:30pm – 8:50pm Bedroom – Cory and America
Cory – the way I see it we’re doing a pretty good job.. all things considered. This week we were both nominated. Last week you are the reason I made any move. We got the worst outcome and we’re both going to survive. 90% HOH outcomes we’re both going to survive. America – again she was telling me how she can’t put up Cirie or Jared. Cory – I understand that, I don’t understand Cirie. America – because of their final 3. Cory – but then it becomes you’re protecting your spot, not you’re protecting your boyfriend. Like that is her trying to play the middle not trying to protect her boyfriend. America – that’s because she knows she would piss off Jared. Cory – Like for me, I don’t want to nominate Felicia because I feel like I am good with Felicia and Meme. I am still going to f**king nominate Felicia if I have to. That’s how this works. America – we’ll get to that if she wins. Cory – I want to nominate Blue and Jared. And I want Blue to be okay with it… and she might go for it honestly. I don’t want a battle back. My entire… all I have been thinking about is one more week. And I know I am saying this to you who is on the block.. I get that. At least at this point, I never have to sh*t talk you anymore. The entire first 5 weeks I had to talk to Jared and Izzy about like America, I get it you can’t trust her with information. I get that, like eventually she has to go. I understand. But now I am walking in there and Jared is like so obviously you would never put up America. And I am like yeah. Because the way he views it is that I would pick you over him. America – Blue told me that he (Jared) is feeling iffy about Matt and iffy about Jag. Cory – that’s really good for us… so good for us. Cory – if Cirie wins and we think it is going to be us, I am throwing anyone under the bus. If we have to, anyone. That was the whole point of us telling Felicia and Meme stuff.. hopefully it gets to Cirie and Jared. I don’t want it to look like it was us but I want them to know that they’re the two people that are in the most trouble. Jared and Cirie join them. Jared – you good. Cory – all I am thinking about the the transmissions. (Messages they getting that will be for tomorrows HOH comp) All I want is for the transmission to mean nothing. Cirie – I hope so. Cirie leaves. Cory – he (Cam) pranced out of there as if he had some power. He doesn’t have sh*t. Jared – he is still f**king campaigning .. hard! Cory – I talked to him in the bathroom and I said I get you campaigning against America and I. No hard .. like I get it. And he says I haven’t been campaigning. I am dead in the water. Trust me, I haven’t said a thing. I was like get the f**k out of my house!
9:20pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie, Bowie and America discuss the possibility of a double / battle back. They think its too early to have a double eviction.
9:24pm HOH room – Blue and Jared.
Jared – I mind sitting next to one of ya’ll and I don’t mind losing to one of ya’ll but I don’t want to lose to none of these motherf**kers. That is really what it was. But clearly feelings is going to change for you..
10:14pm Bathroom – Bowie, Cirie and Felicia are now sleeping.
11:19pm – 12am Bathroom – America, Jag and Cory.
Jag – so any updates these days or what? Cory – what does Bowie say? Any news to report? Jag – any news to report? Any news? Cory – I feel like its hard without knowing what is going to happen tomorrow. The way I see it, the one thing we can control right now is trying to figure out how a Cirie HOH works… because every other scenario we’re f**king golden. So that is all I am caring about right now. Jag – and the one other fact that we don’t know about is if it is a battle back and if someone comes back. At that point we just got to beat whoever it is too. America – I talked to Blue today and she was just really grilling how she can’t put up Cirie and Jared for her game. Jag – it is what it is. Cory – the Jared / Cirie part pisses me off. Jag – it is what it is. At this point I would rather a Blue HOH than a Cirie HOH. America – well I understand we’re safe but a week after that we’re not. Cory – I think if push comes to shove, we push. If we push her and she says no she is not then going to nominate us. We don’t push for Jared but we say yo we want to work with you but this is so bad for all of us and like this is bad for your game if you do this. America – she is like but for my personal game I can’t, Jared would be pissed at me. Cory – but for my personal game it would suck to nominate Bowie but I still would. Jag – yeah that is pretty frustrating that whole part. If we want to get far we need to play as a team. Cory – and if we tell her that we can wait. Matt joins them.
12:37pm All the house guests are sleeping..
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I know the shenanigans of last week play into this, but I really like how calm and collected Cam has been this week. He has handled knowing he is being BD with class. If the rolls were reversed you’d see the house in chaos just like it was last week. It’s also amazing how much peace there is with Izzy gone. I knew she brought a dark cloud, but my goodness you can really sense a difference in the house with her mentally and emotionally unstable butt evicted.
Queen b do you think the flip to keep cameron is going to work or he still getting evited
Evicted. No one is talking about keeping him. And, they all mention America in next week’s plan.
Not jasons holly keeping who how do you know this
Not jasons holly mean voting out who cory or america if they are on the block together
america has the votes to stay against cory i believe. if its now , at least.
cory can get maybe jag matt and bowie.. meaning he nedds that to happen in a final 8 where he have all of them still in the game, in order to stay against her, or the veto to be usud on them.
had he didnt turn on izzy and jared , it was always america going before so.
I like his argument to stay, but no, he is definitely being evicted tonight.
Queen b 2 are getting evited cameron 1st and it depends if cirie wins hoh if she does its most likely america getting voted out over cory
i think cory –
blue, jared , felicia, meme would vote him out . not sure that jag would keep him but even if he and bowie does, 4 votes would be the majority.
america would go if cory wins veto and matt is the pawn. (but most likely jag would be and also go home)
America and Corey should only end up on the block if Cirie wins. Not sure what Blue will do. Everyone else is thinking Jared and Cirie on block.
It was A BLESSING seeing the He-man walk out the door !!!!
No kidding! I couldn’t hardly stand the look of “He-man” any longer! I can find beauty in everyone, but when someone is so ugly on the inside it’s makes it hard to find it on the outside.
Izzy was probably counting on being viewed as a popular character, but instead there are tons of us who are thankful she’s gone !! On the way out the door she showed first hand what a classless P.O.S. she is (hugging all but waving Cam off) — it’s a fu*kin’ game, what an assh*le. As if she’s so special and he isn’t.
JustMyOpinion I agree with you! She doesn’t know how to separate game from her feelings and personal life outside the house. She truly hates anyone that isn’t like her or like minded. Especially, a hillbilly (in her eyes) like Cam lol. Even saying the preppy girl Reilly can’t win another Big Brother just screams high school bitterness she carries. She needs professional help.
Exactly !
EVERY reality entertainment program formatted to emulate a gameshow is to a large degree production more than game. By classification they are not held to gameshow rules and regulations because they are classified as Reality Entertainment Programming.
Count the number of writers, storyline development producers and plot producers in the credits. In every r.e.p. show there’s a huge degree of production rigging. Never wondered how a camera crew just happened to be folllowing whichever “lucky” survivor contestant happened to find a hidden immunity idol? Ever wonder how a multiple season winneer of the challenge doesn’t get picked to fight in elimination rounds for 2/3 of the season?
there is some rigging, but not to the extent people online who claim shows are rigged claim there is. most competitions and the order they happen are set in advance. on a show like survivor if they miss something as important as a contestant finding an idol they’ll refilm a staged version of the event. camera crews and production cluing in a contestant is more often accidental than on purpose though savvy contestants often can glean information about other contestants from the questions they’re asked in confessionals.
They are getting the desired outcome intended. Can already see looking at the chart above how this is going to go. No suprise who lil Jared is “targeting”. He has issues.
Do you mean The Challenge? I don’t see the production messing with much of anything on that reality show. Maybe the choosing of the cast. Have you noticed how all of the reality show casts are intermingling? On the Challenge we have the O.G. Challenge group, the Survivor group, and the Big Brother group. It was no surprise to me that someone from one of the other shows would end up on BB. I had no problem with that, but a mother son duo? Not fair to other houseguests. And…
Who knows? Felicia may be Cities mother or mother-in-law for all we know. I don’t think she is; she is just another victim caught in the house against a mommy/son tag team.
“Who knows? Felicia may be Cities mother or mother-in-law for all we know”
WHO KNOWS!!!! JARED could be Meme’ half BRO too!!! WHO KNOWS!!! It may very well be a Family Affair for all we know. JARED may have already made his MUMMA a granny by now for all we know. It’s a Family Affair.
Please tell me why did Bowie Jane come on this show, everyone who has played this game, they wanted to win the money.
Bowie Jane just said tonight, while everyone was trying to figure out the clues, Bowie Jane said, oh wow, can we just get to Jury. Really Bowie, you are here for being in Jury, don’t you want to win the $$$$ ? Bowie does not deserve to be in the house, Cam wants to stay and play BB, Bowie just wants to go to Jury.
Please let Cam stay, Please let someone win HOH that will put Cirie & Jared up. It’s time for them to feel the pressure, time for Cirie & Jared to see how it feels to be evicted. I’m so sick of looking at Jared, I want him gone, I want him out of the house.
When BB25 is over, please let Jared go home and read the comments on this site, he needs to know we were not pulling for him. Jared hopefully is taping this season, hopefully he will see that he needs to learn how to speak with people, not always feel he’s the smartest person in the room.
Please let Jared be evicted during the Double Eviction. We need someone with a backbone, someone who can put Cirie & Jared up, it’s time for one of them to be evicted.
BOWIE seems (or comes across) like a nice person, but she also comes across like she has NO CLUE on WHY she is there. WHO KNOWS, right??
My hope regarding Bowie? Step one, listen to everything, say nothing. Step two, play coaster until jury throwing comps and kissing HOH’s asses. Step three Bond with one person. Step four Once at jury stage stop throwing.
I mean she’s a lawyer and Commerce Grad with multiple crossfit videos.. she can’t JUST be a paste eater. Can she?
“Step four Once at jury stage stop throwing”
I also got the same impression about this particular Step about her. Coast along deep into game (by following a going-along-to-get-along type of strategy) and don’t show any of your physical cards UNTIL deep into the game.
they were saying that a battle back is coming.. so she said lets get to jury already
like.. the game needs to move on.
I’m okay with the “battle back” provided that CAM wins, or even HISAM.
BUT WHAT IF the “He-man” wins the comp? What a travesty THAT would be.
And a REILLY or KIRSTIN win would virtually add nothing to “game” other than another pair of T&A to watch on screen for another week or two.
I loved Corey’s DR on the episode. He’s after Jared. I want Corey or America to win HOH.
I’m not sure which two to put up out of Jared, Cirie, or Blue. Well, I take that back! I’d put up mother/son. If Blue wins veto. Cirie goes home.
I want Cory to shave.
IMAGINE JAG !!! lol….gross…
I think Bowie walked into something she was not prepared for & that she thought the game would be much easier and people nice like her. She seems so sweet that I think she thought this would just be a big happy family, not a den of vipers. I think she’s ready to leave & go to jury where, I understand everyone is way different than they are in the house.
I would think CBS provides each player with a copy of the entire season. I use to not like Jared, then I couldn’t stand him, now I hate him. His intellect is non-existent; life will humble his false ego, he’ll never be the smartest person in the room (even if it’s a room of 10 year olds).
Side note: this Cirie/Jared mother son twist was lame — who cares, definitely not a “wow” factor — to repeat: who cares !!!
Anyone else see what Corey did when he and started riding the bike?
What did you see?
I want to know what the secret is that Cory told Cirie but wouldn’t share with Jared. Jared was telling Blue about it while they were laying in bed but he told her he couldn’t tell her now. He promised to share it with her later. He said it’s why he can’t trust Cory.
Anybody know?
it was the secret power viewer’s vote secret.
Cory told Matt told Cirie asked Cory about being the 4th participant.
Cirie told Jared. Jared is pissed both Matt and Cory played, and that they told mommy not him.
Jared is a big baby, he’s jealous of people trusting his mother, not him. Fool how do you think we all feel at home watching the show, you have an unfair advantage of having your mother tell you information that helps you in this game.
If CBS would have done this the right way, and let everyone know that Cirie is your mother, people would know not to tell you or your mother, who’s targeting you and your mom. But of course, you don’t have any issues with that do you !
I want Jared out, I don’t like how he walks all over Blue, I don’t like how he thinks he’s really mastered BB. Jared is where he is in this game because his Mother is helping him, this idiot told Blue, Cirie is his Mother, Blue who is so thirsty for any kind of attention, who’s trying to get a ton of Insta Gram followers, Blue is crazy for not blowing up Jared’s game. Wait until his mom finds out Jared told Blue.
Blue telling everyone that she cannot put Jared up, Jag, Matt, America & Corey are crazy if they think they can trust Blue. Blue is showing them, she will protect Jared, Blue is afraid of upsetting Jared, she is not the tough person that she has tried to make us think she is.
I could not believe when Blue was questioning Jared about being in an alliance that she was not aware of, and she was not in, she was talking in a normal voice, Jared told her to check her tone !! Blue was in the D/R Crying, doesn’t Blue know when Jared is caught in a lie, he gets defensive, later on she was asking him if they are OK, Really Blue !! Why do you need Jared ? Why are you with this fool !
Jared is using Blue as a number, he sends her to gather information on what the other people in the house are thinking, if this season had good BB players, Jared, and Cirie would have been put up a long time ago. Blue would be put up, just because of her closeness / association with Jared, Blue is making herself look like a weak person, who is letting an idiot like Jared, make a fool of her.
Besides, did I read on this site that Jared is in a long term relationship with someone outside of the house, who’s taking care of his dog ? All I can say, whoever the woman is, I do not know Jared, I just see how he behaves on BB, from what I’ve seen, in Jared Language, Bro, the Mo—-r F—ker has issues Brah.
I am hoping I don’t have to keep seeing Jared, or listening to him much longer, PLEASE let him be evicted during the Double Eviction tonight.
Question for the ladies on this site:
Does it annoy you how Jared keeps calling ladies on the show Bro, or Brah ? Why does he call Women Bro, Brah.
Question for everyone else:
What did Jared say his job was outside of the house ? I cannot remember, I also doubt very seriously Jared has a job that requires any type of intellectual thinking. Jared cannot hold a conversation without saying Bro, Brah, these are filler words, Cirie raised a real winner.
I think it’s disrespectful how Jared uses profanity if front of his mother, he drops the f-bomb, Jared needs to work on respecting his elders. Cirie also needs to call him out on when he uses profanity. Me personally, I have never disrespected my elders, or that kind of language in front of my mother.
“I think it’s disrespectful how Jared uses profanity if front of his mother, he drops the f-bomb, Jared needs to work on respecting his elders”
ALL points made well taken.
JARED is a product of his environment. If we are going to be intellectually fair with him, we could say that all of the “attributes” you mentioned above makes him a victim.
But let’s not be intellectually honest for a moment. JARED appears to be everything one would expect when one lacks the essential moral fibers that make up a decent person. These traits are not hereditary, but are obtained through the teaching of good parenting skills, family values, strong work ethics, a sense of community involvement and duty, etc., etc.
It would take much of my valuable time to sketch him out, but the constant vulgarity is REPUGNANT (the same observations apply to everyone in that “house”).
His use of the word “bro” without taking into account the sex of the person he’s addressing was already commented by me elsewhere in some other thread.
But the most stark lack of proper child-rearing by his mutha is when CIRIE and JARED were in the bathroom together, and CIRIE is in there in front of him strapping on her underwear for him to see. Total lack of mutual respect for each other.
So what else can we expect from him and his “muffin” hands to do on BB?
They’ve said several times on the TV show that Jared is an exterminator – he’s a bug man.
I doubt very seriously if his “girlfriend” at home will still be his girlfriend when he gets back to her, at least not if she has even a tiny bit of pride in her body.
I am not bothered that he calls women bro or brah, I am bothered that he tends to use that word in every single sentence. What I have noticed this season is that many of these houseguests seem to have forgotten they are being filmed and are acting like they are in their own home.
Jared … any chance you talk as if you’ve attended school ???????
TARGETS are not cut and dried for DE anymore:
targeting Cirie: Felicia
targeting Jag: 1/2 Cirie, Meme (?) Backdoor
targeting Jared: Jag, Matt, America, Bowie (?) 1/2 Cory
Targeting floaters or Cory: Blue
Targeting Blue: 1/2 Cory
Targeting Cory/America: 1/2 Cirie
As of earlier tonight this seemed to be what everyone had said over the past 24 hours.
Except Blue is an enigma. She changes depending on what room she is in including the DR. That’s why I keep on saying “Will the real Blue please stand up”
i think felicia would eventually target jag/shomance
This morning talking to herself she said “hmm umm mmm Cirie been playing my ass since day one.”
Felicia is not going to drop this so easily.
I think Corey isn’t really targeting Blue. He just doesn’t want Blue to take Jared off the block. He’s not thinking Cirie has a chance at winning veto. I’m guessing because veto comps are usually physical.
true and he always have the votes even without meme and felicia
as long as bowie or matt doesnt gett disracted
Why are they so nervous about a battle back. Wouldn’t they have to reveal the cutie/Jared connection to the whole house first? A reveal would be interesting and weirdly dangerous…?
Unless Julie is going to tell everyone about Cirie & Jared, I don’t see them having a Battle Back. Julie has told everyone who was evicted the Cirie & Jared, are Mother & Son.
Right before Jared and Blue in the HOH, Blue was talking to the camera.
I really don’t trust her. And with her knowing everyone is targeting JARED/CIRIE and she says she wants to be the one to get Jared out, but she’s not willing to do it now… she would be first to go out of the 5…Corey, America, Jag, Matt, & Blue. I understand Corey’s frustration with her.
she is right tho. she is anyway between two final2 there. why does she need to throw her game ?
also imagine her in a f5 with felicia meme bowie and cirie. she can win every comp prob
How the Hell are those 5 going to get to final 5 when none of them can win a competition? In order to advance SOMEBODY has to win and put players OTB, and none of those five has shown the ability or the inclination to do it, at least to this point in the game.
tv promo this morning:
Does that mean someone evicted will come back
No exit interviews are being scheduled for this week.
There is no veto episode in the coming week.
Grod is Grodding.
Well I was wanting an excuse to drink kraken this weekend
with this mornings freeze on petcam, is it possible they just created a 50 minute delay on feeds? If so, it’s feasible that they are doing some sort of exile, or outdoor punishment and want to avoid 24’s 6 wall yeller incidets.
I am sure that interview will be next week because of the double. As far as why no Veto episode next week, if there’s no veto competition Saturday just more time for you to “relax” and enjoy the chaos inside the House
You said no veto “episode”, but you didn’t say no veto competition, right? Somebody posted on the previous update (or at least I think they did) there wasn’t going to be a veto competition in the upcoming week, which I thought was sus.
Is there something going on next Wednesday night that caused them to pre-empt the show for just that evening?
All I know is no episode.
What Grod has decided to do screw things is anyone’s guess.
We can only hope!
All these tin foil theories.
Bottom line: If production was involved to the degree which some lay out, there is no way that info would not have been leaked out by HGs over the last 20 plus yrs.
I understand that in such case, they’d have stipulations in their contracts. But, think about how large a network each HG may have, family, friends, etc.
People are naturally programmed to talk to those they are close to, who talk to others, who talk to others.
It would a situation of various telephone threads which are impossible to trace for actually suing a HG.
So in terms of overt interference where HGs are fully in on it, no way. That goes against human nature.
This isn’t the mafia or gestapo, sheesh.
even though reality shows fall into somewhat of a gray area regarding their classification as game shows. there’s an overarching fair representation of competition guideline that still applies. while there have been rumors of contestants being paid not to sue, if things were rigged to the extent some people claim, there would be massive and very public lawsuits.
Tell me, exactly how do those house guests know if an individual timed competition went down exactly like production said it did, when they don’t get to witness the other competitors compete, and certainly aren’t privy to the times each one actually takes to complete the comp? They show us exactly what they want us to see, in bits and pieces, and there’s no way for the viewing public, nor the players to know who wins those things, which allows them to award the win to whomever they choose, to advance their chosen story line.
This week that was to “save” Cory and America and to get rid of Cam.
If that’s NOT the case, why not let the house guests who aren’t playing in the comp, sit in the stands and witness ALL the players compete individually, and after a player competes, he or she can also sit and watch the others compete after them? I’ll tell you why. Because they might be able to tell that production awarded the win to a SLOWER player, rather than the player who actually won!
When you’re out there competing, there’s not much difference between 4:45 and 5:22, and it’s absolutely impossible to keep an accurate count in your head while your trying to complete the task at hand, despite Jag saying when he saw 6:00 he knew he had that time beat.
As a long time college basketball official, I can tell you it’s hard to keep an accurate count for 5 second out of bounds throw ins and 10 second back court counts, which is why a lot of officials use the shot clock as back up to help them out. Most count SLOW, so you think less time has expired than actually has, and I think that’s what happened with Jag, but that’s not the point.
The point is if nobody ever sees an uncut end to end running of the comp, nobody knows who got what time, nor who actually won, so they can declare whatever winner they want to declare, and that’s a fact. If they didn’t want to have the ability to do that, why not let the others (non-players) witness the events? No witness no crime.
again, since the 21 game show scandal, there’s a fair representation of competition standard that networks are still beholden to, so while contestants may not know, the network cannot lie to the audience.
Actually, there are some YT’s made my former HG that talk about production involvement. things like, “in the DR they are thrown question after question that lead their thinking” also “the one-liners and puns are told to us and then we say them” Editing is an amazing tool
yeah, there’s some confessional manipulation. some contestants spot it and use it as a way to gain information, some are sheep and do whatever production is trying to get them to do. but as far as the competitions go, though some certainly favor particular types of contestants, they generally have an order determined before the season starts filming and aren’t rigged for a particular contestant to win for even though the shows technically aren’t gameshows there is a fair representation of competition standard on television that still applies and networks don’t want to run afoul of. by the same standard, production can’t actively change someone’s vote or tell a contestant to vote for a specific player everything needs to be phrased as a hypothetical.
I do believe there is subtle influence in order to create drama for the televised portions, but not the overt type that pointedly manipulates the outcome. That would include lines fed to them in DR. I think DR questions as you outlined, is as far as it goes in terms of verbal communication.
That’s why we heard about that stuff from HGs. Because people will talk, but there isn’t anything particularly sinister going on.
These people aren’t paid actors and they actually do want to win. You would see in their body language and snide comments if, say, Cerie was fed answers in advance of a comp.
It’s certainly possible that Jared was intentionally given the golden position for the wall comp, and the ledge seemed to have more depth than usual which could benefit more solidly built men who would typically slide down. Maybe. But could be that ledge was planned out far in advance by whatever team or builder is in charge of that.
As far as we’ve seen, Cameron has only campaigned to the boys.
There’s a few reasons I’m starting to think he has lost his shot.
That’s a big one.
Felicia bitter she was nom’d by Cam is another.
Bowie has kept her word when saying where her vote goes. She promised America, that’s another.
Blue made a final 2 with America. that’s another.
Two of these are votes needed to flip. It may be too late?
While feeds appear to be….brokeded….frozen kitty no sound:
bbcan 9. Jed, Tara evicted in a double. The 2 had to compete head to head for re-entry.
That’s possible. ADD A WEEK OF EXILE.
I’ve never been one to support a win for a re-entry or battle back recipient. Even if it’s my fave. Once you walk out to speak to Chenbot your game is dead to me. Period.
Don’t say earned the spot to me. once evicted and out the door, your game was bad enough to visit Chenbot, so no.
Eviction Episode is 6pm tonight.
That explains the early feedcut for tech rehearsal, possible comp practice.
However, I will be sis if there is a vote flip now, because unlike last week, we will see none of the lead up if it happens. That’s problematic.
Factors that could lead to a flip
If Jag or Matt rat out Cory/America’s concern about Blue
Cory’s overplay to Cirie / Jared. If that’s pushed to Meme/Felicia/Bowie.
But, if we don’t see this organically on feeds due to the cuts…I’ll be sus.
I know that everyone here hates Izzy, but imo the feeds have become kinda boring since her eviction
She/he was too cocky & emotional imo…. Good riddance
Thursday feeds 1
Fe vacuumed the living/game room.
Cirie / Bowie
Survivor was easier to tell who was on your side.
Cory / Jag plot how to work a split house (Dyrefest) to split Jared away from Blue / Cirie.
feed cut 2 hours
Jared / Matt
Jared knows he has Bl/Cirie/Matt that will protect him.
Cory didn’t list Matt as safe to Jared, why?
Jag might be becoming a problem if he’s so close to Cory/America.
Cory / Jag
relay that Blue plans to nom Boiwie / Cory.
She’s choosing a side
Cory says no choice for him, his noms would have to be Jared / Blue so Bl doesn’t save Jared.
Cory / Matt
same convo as Jag
(Jag and Matt have known this for 2 days).
Jag / Fe
Jared’s getting nervous. We just have to stick together, trust each other.
patchy feeds lots of 5 min or less interruptions
discuss Cory revealing 7DS to America, not Izzy (it was both).
small discrepency in story… is she using that as nom basis if she wins HOH?
Scare tactic conversation.
once Cam leaves, Cory / Jared are house targets campaign pitch / warning.
talking about Izzyviction vote. Jared / Cirie are fos, Cory / America’s version is true. Cirie evidetally tried to get Bowie to vote FE out last minute saying everyone had flipped? it was unnecessarily mean to try to make Bowie wrong side of vote again. Bowie says Cirie is never getting the chance to trick her again.
Cory all day has wondered why Blue would tell America she’s nomming Cory. Wonders if there’s a thread he’s missing. Wonders if she’s still his shield, or if he’s become hers is my assumption. This doesn’t signal vote flip, this signals post vote HOH shift, if anything.
feed block.@ 25 minutes. Going to guess blocked until episode?
Big Episode tonight…what is everyone’s predictions!?
Mine are…
-Cam Evicted
-Cory Wins HOH
-Nominates Blue & Jared
-Cirie wins Veto & uses it on Jared
-Cory puts Felicia up (?)
-Blue gets voted out
My hope is Cirie or Jared go, my gut tells me that something fishy will happen to prevent it. Cory & others insinuating they wont just straight up put Cirie & Jared on the block makes me feel like both will be saved from eviction some how during the double. I hope I’m wrong though.
If they do not put Cirie & Jared up together, it’s a wasted HOH in the Double Eviction.
Why give Cirie & Jared the advantage of being able to save each other, both Jared & Cirie side by side on the Block, that’s the only way to go.
If you put both up, then once will still be on the block, and if the people voting are not afraid, they can vote out either Jared or Cirie, whoever is still on the block.
If you had any real BB Super Fans in this season, instead of sheep that just follow, Floaters who want to play in the middle this late in the game, a true BB Super Fan would have put it together during the 1st week.
I really do not see how these people can’t look at Cirie & Jared, and not see how much they look alike ?? Cameron thought Felicia was Denzel Washington’s Sister LOL.. but Cameron can’t see how Cirie & Jared really look alike.
Dan Gosling, Janelle, Rachel, Derek, they would have looked at Cirie and Jared, and they would have said, heyyyyyy, wait a minute, we have family members playing in BB25.
They are trying to play us for fools !! Jared & Cirie would have been gone by now.
If Blue had a brain, she’d blow up Jared’s game tonight, tell the whole house Jared is Cirie’s Son. Cirie would look at Jared, she would be so baffled he told Blue their secret.
This would throw Cirie off when she’s playing for HOH in the Double Eviction, Jared will be steaming sitting on the side line cursing, throwing out Bro this, Brah That, F#$K That.
So what if he’s upset. Weaken Cirie, make her scramble during the Double Eviction HOH.
I really do not understand the game play of “Jag, Matt, Corey”. Why wouldn’t you put both up on the block ?
So what you expose yourself, Jared, Cirie, Felicia and I think Meme, have said after Cam is gone, Jag who thinks he’s safe in the Middle, he’s the next target.
So if Jag wants to feel safe next week, he better give 100% in the Double Eviction HOH competition, Put Cirie & Jared up.
Win the Veto, make sure Jared is evicted, that will take care of the physical threat on the other side of the house. Cirie, Felicia, Meme, Blue, they are not physical threats.
I wish for once this show would stop with the bullshit twists.
At least `1/2 of these houseguests I give 0-1 ranking.