Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Felicia
Nominees: Cameron and Jag
POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: America, Matt, Red
Lock your ranks in before midnight
The Situation – Hisam backdoor is back on as planned.
7:05pm Comic Bedroom – Red, America and Matt.
America – I can’t wait for PB&J and also TBH (to be honest) we’re not on the block so like it would be a 100 times worse. Matt – yeah that would be a sh*tty week. Red – And a little bit of game talk, I don’t think any of us are in danger of being on the block really any time soon. America – mmmmm.. not this week. Not tomorrow. Red – well I’ve heard my name a couple times for next week just because of who’s up and competition but I am not too worried about it. America – wait what do you mean? Red – it was just an inclination from Jag. I think he just don’t know where I stand. I mean how could anyone?! I’ve spent two weeks.. and everyone assumes my best friend is up but that doesn’t have anything to do with my game. It is just putting me in a position where no one wants to talk to me so it is what it is. America – I mean I talk to Jag and I don’t think he would. I mean I don’t know what he said to you but I just don’t think you would be his target. Red – no I wasn’t mentioned as a target, I was mentioned as he don’t know what I would do with the HOH. He is just worried not knowing where I stand. Which isn’t alarming .. its just people saying your name. America – yeah exactly, you don’t want that. Matt – and next week will be interesting because this week is an easy one. America – it just depends who is in power. It just feel like there is very much that divide. Red – that side is getting smaller and smaller. America – it will be interesting what the next HOH will be .. there have been talks it could be endurance or mental. Red – the question is do you want it this early? America – I would want to win. I just don’t want to seem expendable because I’m in the middle… or like an easy target. Red – I don’t think you are. I mean we each have our eyes and ears in different places so that is good and that can benefit us later on but I think right now we’re playing fine. America – I mean we’ve made it three weeks and we’ve made it to week four. Red – and every week it changes. I don’t even know 100% what nominees I would put up if I won. America – I don’t know either. I am hearing Cam would go up again. Red – what sucks for me is that everyone views him as my Bromance. We’re just good buddies.

7:50pm – 8:10pm Games room – Jared and Cory
Jared – the good thing about right now.. nobody is thinking about us right now and the next four nominees. I mean obviously if they don’t win. The next four.. Cam, Red, Blue and Jag I mean not in any specific order. Depending on who it is. Cory – like if you win are you going with Cam or Red? Jared – Cam & Jag. No no no you said am I going Cam and Jag? Cory – because I don’t think you would go Cam and Blue. Jared – no no no, I would go Red and.. Cory – isn’t he in the group of 8 now? Jared – he is at the bottom of that.. and remember that is why I was telling you .. the reason why people are scared to nominate Red is because people think he is connected to Bowie. Cory – why the f**k are people scared of Bowie? Jared – we don’t but she’s in it.. you know what I mean. Cory – that whole thing is f**king bullsh*t. Its good for Felicia I think. Jared – I think it is Felicia clinging onto life. I just like to hear more than anything that my 3 is included. So once that happened I didn’t care who else was in it. The only thing that worries me about Cameron is him attacking our side. Cory – I think he is pretty f**king open with me.. and when I say that I think it is Red and then it is f**king me. So what he says he is going to do he says .. you have to go with the majority until at least we’re at jury .. then his plan is to go him, Red, you, me, America .. and then whoever is left. Which is f**king great because if anyone else wins who else is going to go up Cam and Red. Jared – yeah. Jared – in my perfect world it goes Red, Jag… Cory – I want Jag before Red. The reason is because I think Jag is bullsh*tting me. He keeps talking about the 8. No Reilly, No Cam.. yo we just got to win this next comp.. which I know he is doing a lot more than that but he is not letting me in on that sh*t. And the second thing is…And I don’t want this to be a weird jealously thing.. the second he (Jag) is out America is back to me being her most important ally. Jared – yeah I know. Cory – and also she is going to look a lot less f**king sketchy because I am not scared of her blowing up my game.. but it is not a great f**king association right now. Jared – you and America? Cory – well she is f**king all over the place. Jared – yeah. Cory – and I feel like without Jag, that’s tops.
8:28pm – 8:40pm HOH room – Felicia, Cirie and Bowie
Felicia – we were all on board with the Professors but Hisam you’ve literally made a pact with every single person in the house. You talk to much man. Cirie – make sure you mention that you got stuck with the leftovers. Bowie – has he actually said that to someone? Cirie – yeah. Felicia – you have referred to me as a god damn leftover to other people… and I am supposed to be in your pack.. So why would I lead you to the end. You’re trying to get us to help you get out all your competition so that you can just steamroll through the rest because you think that we’re no competition for you. So I figured this is an opportunity that comes once in a life time .. I said because I’ve watched every season and they let a strong player stay way too long and they can’t get their a$$ out. So I said sh*t I’m HOH and you can’t play, this the week I got to take your a$$ out. So I don’t mean no harm man… but its the game. Bowie – yeah, and you were out played. Felicia – you can’t out play the player. Bowie – this is going to be the best moment ever. Felicia – you can’t out play the player. So sorry and if you battle back and you come back I know you coming with vengeance and that is okay too. Bowie – he would still have to win back the house with a battle back too …so that’s impossible. I am going to dress up for it. Are you going to dress up for it? Cirie – are we all dressing up? Felicia – we should. Bowie – Meme is going to start doing her hair soon. Cirie – let me know and I will put some sh*t on.
Feeds return from being blocked. HOH room – Felicia, Izzy, Bowie and Cirie
Felicia – after a speech like that .. this sh*t is going to blow the roof off. Cirie – he is going to shoot some shots anyway. Bowie – don’t tell anyone your speech because we want jaws to drop. Cirie – maybe we’re all wrong, maybe he will just be like okay. Izzy – are you kidding me!? Is she serious!? Is this the second time you’ve lied to me now? They talk about how Hisam has been really low key. Cirie – he said he was going to after Reilly left.
8:57pm Hisam comes up to the HOH and asks who’s ready for Hollywood Squares.. They all head down to the living room.
9:09pm In the living room – Hisam is the host of Hollywood Squares. Izzy and America are the contestants who choose “Celebrities” (the other house guests) to tell them something about themselves and Izzy / America have to guess whether it is a truth or a lie. If Izzy / America guess it correctly they get an X or an O. They’re trying to get three x’s or 3 o’s in a row.
9:30pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Izzy.
Cirie – So she told me .. I think she don’t like Red. And she said that she tried to tell Red to talk to you and he’s tried. And she was like we can’t have that with an alliance. Izzy – I’ll talk to him. Cirie – I was surprised she told me. Izzy – I know. I know. I’m going to be okay. Like I am going to fix it. Cirie – just try. Izzy – I’m a fix it. Cirie – its probably not you, its probably him. And I need to tell you later what Jared said Red told him. Izzy – tell me now. Cirie – I don’t want Red to come in. … Basically admitted that he was faking, that he didn’t try as hard. And that he thinks his team is getting worried. Izzy – like us. Cirie – like us. So I heard it from her and I heard it from Jared. Izzy – Okay I’ll talk to him. I f**King hate them. Ahhghh.. Hmmm.
Cirie – you know what Jared says I dare you to request to play this game again tomorrow.. They all laugh.
9:46pm – 10:24pm BB Camera time.. Jared is walking around with the camera taking videos/photos.
10:45pm – 11pm HOH room – Felicia, Cirie and Izzy.
Cirie – Bowie is telling me that we need to fix her (Izzy) and Red .. Because Red feels like she don’t like him and she (Bowie) feels like you don’t like Red. Izzy – when I left I went into the kitchen and it was only Red and Cam there. And I said we never get any time alone let hang out. And they didn’t say anything. I am not sure what to do!? Felicia – you can’t make people connect. Izzy – I am just going to be straight up with him tomorrow. Like YO we got to get together because we’re working together. We’ve got to fix this. I won’t say that but I will just say look.. I am solid with our crew, I know ya’ll are too. Cirie – say that we’re in the same alliance and I feel like we don’t get to talk all that often, lets have a conversation. Clrie turns to Felicia – do you think you should say to Meme .. what the f**k is going on and what side are you on? Felicia – I can do that. Cirie – because we need to ensure that Meme don’t go to that side. Meme hasn’t really brought any information… because she is mad cool with America. Bowie is saying America should be out by next Friday. Izzy – when I talked to Meme the other day I said what is going on with America and she said I don’t talk to her but that is clearly a lie. Felicia – oh I don’t have a problem doing this. Bowie and Hisam join them.
11:05pm Comic Bedroom – Izzy and Red.
Izzy – I know how close you are with Hisam so I know this is hard and for me it doesn’t feel like cannibalizing ourselves it feels like making us stronger because he is such a liability. And he is a threat to all of us. I don’t want you to feel out of the loop. I didn’t even know until it was happening and then I was asking questions just like you were. Red – and Felicia kind of cleared it up too. I kind of had an idea of what was going on and I completely get it. Me and Hisam are close but not so close that I would let it affect the group that I ran with. I didn’t even know that Hisam was apart of that group. Izzy – and maybe you and I can do this every other day or whenever. And I want to protect Cameron. And I know I get frustrated with Cameron.. but I think he is great.. but I get frustrated with my family.
11:57pm Bedroom – Jag and Blue.
Jag – The middle people are all working together we have to just assume that and know that moving forward. They know they’re the middle people and they’re not dumb. Blue – they don’t have the numbers. Jag – its so tough because now everyone in our seven, pretty much the other 6 have their our alliance and then our 7 have our alliance. Our goal obviously is that if one of them win, then we can convince them to put up somebody that is apart of their 6 up next to … but if they’re clearly in an alliance they’re not going to do that. Blue – next week half of our alliance is going to want us to put up.. I mean granted we could do whatever we want…but half of our alliance is going to want us to put up Cameron but if we do that it is going to show America/Cory/Cameron that we’re not really as tight as we are…you know!? So we’re definitely going to need to put up Bowie/Jag/Red.
12:20am The bye bye b***hes hug it out and chant “bye bye b***hes” “bye bye b***hes” “bye bye b***hes”
12:30pm – 12:46pm Cirie, Bowie, Issy and Meme.
Cirie – when she (Felicia) says this veto meeting is adjourned I am going to run. Cirie – we usually hug everybody. Are we going to hug him? I’ll let you (Izzy) lead the hug. I’m a gonna go in the HOH room. Izzy – he is going to tell us how dumb we are. Cirie – at most we will hear what everyone over there was telling him. Izzy – but that is also perfect because then he is blowing up their game. Bowie – do you think he is going to go to Cameron to get votes. Cirie – he is going to know that the Professors were behind this. My only thing is don’t make up any sh*t because then we’re going to have a problem. I’m going to listen and then I’m going to call people out. I’m going to be like you’re lying.. that’s not true. Hisam joins them and the conversation ends. They start talking about sunburns and other random things.
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Felicia backdooring Hisam and calling him out in her veto speech would be sweet. I really hope he doesn’t take it well.
total and complete idiots.
The more they name names for targets,
the less they say Manson gotta go.
He’s nope.
i am not amused.
grrrr-eat, Grod’s trying to brand him as ‘the space cowboy.’ wonderful. shove him in an airlock.
Now the fliptards are saying he stays 4 more weeks?
Hero status to whoever puts him on the block as the target and gets a bull’s eye.
I don’t care what prodo has lined up for his story arc.
Gotta go.
(they gave him d/r theme music… they are editing him as a poor victim…it’s obvious they are going to keep him around despite being creepy as fuq on feeds).
Makes no sense why production would want creepy cam to stay over Reilly.
Izzy / Red
two bullshitters bullshitting each other and each thinking the other fell for their leis.
and they probably did.
Izzy will believe Blue spilled the bd Hisam plan even though everyone knows it was Cam.
Red will believe Cam will be a full professor, Bowie wasn’t in on the bd, even though he knows from Cam that everyone knew.
I get the feeling Cirie has been telling Grod cut that out with my baby and that hussy.
Doesn’t want his 7yr girl embarrassed. HE already said he’s been getting side action… so she’s already been embarrassed. Enabler mommy blaming the women.
Jag is back to cowardly lion strategy. It’s like he makes a deal, walks away, does nothing to nurture the relationship, and wonders why the relationship sours.
Jag and Blue spend so much time trying to hide while being targets that they don’t actively listen or absorb what others say as viable information. They were told Cory ditched them, they know Jared ditched them. They know America floats. They know the mommies were not keeping Reilly. They know Cory is with Jared is with the moms.
They’ve been told all of this. Repeatedly.
What isn’t mathing? Why are these 2 always so confused by things they’ve known for a week or more???
they feel good about the savages.
They think Cory’s middlemen alliance is real because the moms think it’s real?
Cam/Red feel good about the professors… and plan to take their shot in about 3 weeks to destroy the professors.
Red doesn’t want to take a shot at Cirie. Manson sure does. told you he didn’t like it when his opinion isn’t considered gospel. that’s why he ditched the first familystyle. He’s got a Hisam level ego and craves being the cult leader. Am I mad he’s got Cirie’s number? no. Is he still nope? there is no un-nope. Cross my tolerance line you get nope forever. His edit personality is so 180 his feed personality that he got noped. Same thing that pushed Hisam over the line.
I’m disappointed.
Well, I am and I’m not.
Of course I’m talking about Cirie’s coven of three.
The personal attacks on houseguests looks, habits, mannerisms, voices, intelligence added to the slut shaming of…is it 5 women so far?
These three women are between the ages of 32 and 63
Sure, I make sarcastic comments about game and give nicknames so I probably should take my own advice. Fair counter point for someone to make. I’ll agree i’m glass house there. Does that whataboutism that i’m hypocritical in some ways mean that my comment on the behavior of three grown women is invalid? I hope not.
I know people that are like that all the time, they’re exhausting, it takes a lot of energy to be mean.
The little geek Cory with his crush on America hoping Jag goes home so he has her all to himself. Little does he know that America probably looks at him as her little brother and nothing more….