Cody “You’re who I am taking care of.” Tyler “If we didn’t establish it already.. I got you!”

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Ian, Kevin, Memphis, NicoleA
Nominations -Keesha and Kevin
Power of Veto Players are – Cody, Kevin, Keesha, Enzo, Kaysar, Ian
Power of Veto holder -Enzo
Power of Veto Ceremony – Enzo doesn’t use it. Nominations stay the same.
Safety Suite – Kaysar & Janelle
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7:10pm Kevin and Bay.
Kevin – I have a feeling they’re going to try and keep Keesha to keep the numbers on their side. I need to talk to Cody and Tyler too. These are the people that I am ride or die with .. NicoleA, NicoleF, you, DaVonne and Dani. Bay – and you’ve secured Dani’s vote? Kevin – yes. Like 100%! I am trying to pull David in there. Bay – did you talk to Enzo? Kevin – oh yeah, Enzo shook on it and he is a man of his word. And we have to remember that Keesha won 3 HOHs and one or two vetos. She is not some dumb bombshell. Bay – and that’s why they would campaign to keep her. Kevin – I know she can actually do stuff. And I heard that someone was trying to big up my one big move like I am some duplicitous person. That is f**ked up. Bay – who said that? Kevin – I can’t guarantee. Its one of the three. By the way keep my ride or die quite. Bay – I will.

7:45pm Bedroom. Keesha and Tyler.
Keesha – How are you feeling about everything? Tyler – not great. No one has talked to me about votes or anything. Keesha – they haven’t? Tyler – no, have you been rounding them up? Keesha – how do you feel about it? Tyler – I feel good. I feel like you and I have connected just like me and Kevin. At the same time neither of you have locked in anything. I don’t know what you’ve got locked in.

8:15pm HOH room. Christmas and Tyler.
Christmas – NicoleA has been trying to connect with me but I think that she is in with Bay and DaVonne and Janelle. Tyler – and maybe Kevin too. Playing with Bay .. the thing to look for when you’re really locked in she will drop what front and she will be more direct. I can’t develop that with her because I’ve already burned her. Tyler – the first time we all come together .. I just remember level 6 .. the 6 of us .. everyone spilled everything they had. If we’re not doing that .. then its not a real thing. Christmas – then we can’t spill this. Tyler – no not that kind of thing. Everything spill everything outside of the group. You and me .. no one will ever see that. Tyler – if anything I will get closer to Cody so that if anything comes up they will put me up next to him and never even see me and you coming. Christmas – and I’ll get close to Bay.

8:25pm HOH room. Cody and Tyler.
Tyler – did you talk to anyone about this alliance? Cody – I talked to her (Christmas). She was talking to me and I was like oh yeah I love Tyler. Memphis, Dani, Nicole.. I love Dani… I really like Nicole. Whatever is going to keep us protected. Tyler – right its not like we’re going to say no. Cody – I’m not going to say no.. its just making it hard. Tyler – dude I feel like you and I click really well. Cody – if we’re going to be a group we need to be a tight knit group. The bomb squad wasn’t like that but then we did other sh*t. Tyler – we need some kind of team building exercise. Cody – if you were to be in something who would it be with? Tyler – I like you. Enzo is a cool dude. Cody – Enzo is tight because he is loyal. I just know that the person I feel most comfortable playing with is you. You get it. You’re calm. You’re likable. You know how to roll through sh*t. You’re who I am taking care of. I love Enzo but he is all over the place. Tyler – if we didn’t establish it already .. I got you! Cody – how loyal is NicoleF going to be to Christmas if we don’t ever talk and its a random conversation here or there. Tyler – to me Dani and Christmas seem like polar opposites. Like mortal enemies that will just come together. Cody – Christmas said to me that she still needs to get to know Dani. To me it should form around people that are already clicking. And if you’re not clicking .. you’re not going to be loyal.

8:30pm – 9:20pm Big Brother gives the house guests alcohol. The house guests share it out and head out into the backyard.

9:32pm -9:38pm Backyard Couch. Enzo and Bay.
Enzo – its going to come Thursday and there are people that we don’t know what the f**k they’re going to do. Bay – that’s why we need to have our hands in everyones pot. Enzo – I think we’re good.. to where people all like us. There are only a couple people that I don’t have a connection with like Kaysar and Memphis. Its early, its early. Bay – and not on some scandalous sh*t but we don’t have time for wild cards. Enzo – What about Janelle though .. you got her? Bay – yes. On LOCK! And Day has Dani on LOCK! Like Dani is obsessed with her. Enzo – I think we should be good for at least a couple of weeks.. until lines start to form. Whoever wins HOH if its not one of us .. we just have to be like look you have to go after the wild cards .. there are always two winners in this house too. Keep that in the back pocket. Bay – yes. Hold on .. who are the two? Enzo – NicoleF and Ian. They’re not winning nothing this season .. F**K THAT! Bay – hell no! Enzo – F**K THAT! ITs too early to make that but .. I would be embarrassed. That never happened in big brother history… if that happened I would be embarrassed. Bay – its not happening.

9:50pm Backyard. Kaysar and David are having deep conversations about business and life..

10:15pm – 10:30pm Cody and Ian.
Ian – the vote will happen but the blow back won’t be on you depending on who goes. Cody – depending on how people feel. If they feel like there was something to worry about. I don’t know. What are you feeling. Gun to the head .. pick right now! Ian – whoa.. gun to my head!? The thing is I talk to Keesha a lot but I talk to Kevin a lot in the havenot room .. but like .. Dani and NicoleF join them.

10:45pm Backyard. Enzo talks about his intro videos. He said he was climbing trees, hoping over fences and on top of a house saying “Cats out of the bag the meow meow is back!” Cody laughs and says – I hate you!

11:08pm Backyard. Dani, Cody, Nicole.
Nicole tells Christmas to go grab Tyler sneakily. Dani – In my DR I kept talking about our group and I was like.. Cody – you’re going to get called out.. please stop talking. Big Brother cuts the feeds. The feeds return. Nicole – I love that. Dani – I love it. Cody – I love the “Core Four”. Dani – because we’re the core. Tyler joins them. Christmas comes back.

11:45pm HOH room. Cody and Enzo
Enzo – as long as we protect everyone I’m okay with it. Look I love Bay, I love Day and NicoleF. Nicole is at the bottom of the pole because she’s a winner. At one point she is going to go YO! Cody – here is the thing she is going to be wildly loyal. At some point that is a good thing because you haven’t won and I haven’t won. Enzo – exactly! Cody – at some point people are going to start talking about her.. and she will win HOH and not do sh*t to you. Enzo – yeah. So if Janelle wins HOH .. who is she putting up? Cody – probably NicoleF and me. Enzo – why you though? Cody – because I think they might be speculating that NicoleF and I have a final two. Enzo – I think its Keesha, Memphis, Janelle and Kaysar ..they already have something. Cody – well that doesn’t really matter because Keesha is going home this week. The thing that I am worried about is Kaysar with Janelle. Kaysar must have been shook because Dani told me that he said something like not good when he walked out .. like not good. Enzo – Kaysar .. we’re his targets! I a telling you that right now. Because he talks no game! Does he talk game to you? Cody – no. Enzo – He don’t talk game to me. Memphis don’t talk game with me. Does he talk game with you? Cody – no. Enzo – so they definitely have some sh*t going on YO! We are stuck in the middle with these girls but I like these girls. I am telling you the truth right now.. the girls on this season are way better than the guys on this season. I am telling you BRO! Cody – if that is how we have to get ourselves moving through this sh*t than that’s what we have to do. Tyler is going to be loyal to us too. So there is that. Enzo – Tyler loves me. David likes me too. I am telling you that Ian and Nicole definitely have something on the side. Dani, I love Dani and I want to keep her close but she is definitely got something on the side too. Cody – I want to get in Kaysars ear just in case he wins HOH. Enzo – Memphis isn’t going to win sh*t .. he is just going to ping pong around and do nothing. He didn’t even ask me if I was going to use the POV. Motherf**kers got to comfortable in here! I think we’re okay if Janelle wins HOH but I don’t know about Kaysar. Cody – the biggest thing this week if I had said lets put them up and backdoor them.. people would have been like Whoa! Enzo – if NicoleF won HOH who would she put up? Cody – I think she would be too scared to put up Janelle but maybe we can persuade her to put up Kaysar or put up someone else and backdoor them.

12:43am Storage room. Cody and Kaysar.
Cody – we just never get a chance to be alone. Kaysar – its not me, its you. Everyone is swarming around you. Cody – its alright its going to fade in 24 hours. Kaysar – I am getting a little frustrated because I don’t know where the house is at. Cody – I am super frustrated because we came to play .. it sucked that I had to nominate these two people and it sucked for my reasoning. Kevin is saying a little more of what you would like to hear. Kaysar – neither of them serve me in any capacity. I think you already did your piece and put them up. Cody – I am not going to force the issue. Everyone is playing it like I don’t want to be the one to say anything. I think more will happen tomorrow. Cody – and you don’t have a preference at all? Kaysar – I didn’t watch either of their seasons. I know that Keesha was a part of a final 4 alliance so she is a more of a capable person of the two. So then the calculus becomes get her out or figure out where her next move is. Cody – and see what her next target is. Kaysar – even if I am not her target she becomes a target. Neutral players in this game are Ian, NicoleA and Kevin. Do you get them out or do you get people who are more targets out? Cody – if it comes down to it tomorrow and no one knows what they’re doing I will just do it and get all the blood on my hands. Kaysar – you just have to make sure you know which way the votes are going.

1:50am The house guests are sitting on the backyard couches and chatting about random things.

2:15am – 3:40am Hammock. Kevin and NicoleA.
Kevin – we have to continue to socialize with other people. Nicole – I’m trying, you’re doing a great job. Kevin – Janelle is so smart! You have to be careful around her. I had a conversation with her and she was dissecting my words. Kevin – once I get off the slop I will be fine because I have slop brain right now. Is a pair of unicorns a blessing? Nicole – I will tell you what is .. a final two. Kevin – I do think that we are going to have to have some muscle. I am working Tyler and Cody.. well not working them but.. talking to them. Its so early. Nicole – its week one! Kevin heads inside. Nicole does soon after.

4am All the house guests are sleeping.. except for NicoleA who is getting ready for bed.

8:07 am Sleeping yo

35 thoughts to “Cody “You’re who I am taking care of.” Tyler “If we didn’t establish it already.. I got you!””

  1. Pretty close to time to crash.
    Final Thoughts of the day:
    What does BB Allstars feel like so far?
    It feels like they mashed together 18 and 19 and imposed the 21 no game talk rule on everyone.
    For years they’ve been saying pre-feeds are lit. Thoughts?
    They lied or we should have had DM BB All stars for a couple weeks. Apparently NicA’s cohost could have played the part of Grodner’s monkeys?
    How do you think it’s going with older h/g’s and so many parents playing this season?
    Well… it sort of feels like Dani left a toddler at home to au pair a bigger toddler on feeds.
    Cody doesn’t want his preference to be known except to allies. Is this wise?
    From a hands clean sense maybe. From a fan of exciting game, no. New School is WAY too used to “GO with the HOUSE” to not have the house saying anything. If ANY of the people from ANY of his multiple alliances feel disgruntled, they’ll have ammunition that he was using them as influence pushers instead of being straight up.
    House guest you are most disappointed with:
    Memphis. seems like he’s not actually there unless people are talking about some tantrum he’s thrown. One day of game talk and already noticed secret morning meetings with Cody for coffee aren’t cutting it. Him showing up in two weeks for another conversation? Fold on Memphis.
    Close second is the bad social reads of the entire secret alliance of Da’, NicA and Kevin. Humorous but damn so far off.
    House guests in the most danger in coming weeks?
    Old Schoolers. They are setting up an early season storyline IMO of one of Kaysar / Janelle having to fight the house in vengeance for the prejury loss of the other. so 7 allll over again with Kaysar getting the spotlight this time? Should wrap up by first juror.
    the Adorkables (is that their name) because they are considered disposable. Maybe that should be the name of their group. So, the DISPOSABLES.
    House guests in the strongest postions in coming weeks?
    Tyler because he has a web of I’ve got you deals with Everyone.
    Enzo, because he isn’t mentioned as dangerous by anyone. He’s very connected as long as Dani and Nicf don’t figure out the Ba Day connection.
    Dani because she’s playing the technical original definition float game better than the rest of them.
    Who are you rooting for?
    The Ants.
    As NicA and Kevin find a walkie talkie on the counter, Your thoughts?
    Hope it went through decon. Somebody ask Cody and Memphis if either of them are missing their Groder monkey line.

    1. Dani floater? She has been talking with everyone so far. She s with Codys alliance, while still make Janelle think she`s working with her. Which means, Neither sides of the house will target her.

      Tyler in the best position? Even Cody had said Tyler comes to him but never brings any info at all. And Cody and Dani mentioned that Tyler is playing the same game he played last season.

      1. re: Dani floater- That’s why he explained his comment by saying the “technical original definition float game”, which means a floater will “float” to the power from week to week, switching sides. Dani appears to be setting herself up to at least be able to do that by keeping herself close to probably her true alliance (Cody, Nicole F. and Tyler, along with others), as well as staying close to her “fake” alliance (Janelle, and therefore Kaysar). That IS the technical original definition of a float game, and not someone who is floating unattached to any alliance as some see it now.

      2. ORIGINAL definiton of floater. Not the Rachel use of floater to define coaster.
        Original floaters go from group to group to gather information that is used as commerce. Think Jun and ALison type, not Victoria type.
        I didn’t number the ones in best positions. those three have best positions in the house by extrapolation of coming week with anyone as the new hoh.

      3. And she won’t gun for HOH because she’s playing both sides and when the opposition is in power she will “float” to them. That’s called floating 😉

  2. re no 2nd hoh winners ever winning the game

    thats the case in usa bb

    i had a look at bbcan and jillian season 1 and dane season 7 both won the 2nd hoh and won the game, so it has been done in the north american format

    another stat i heard…no 1st week nominee that hasnt won veto has ever won the game in usa or canada

    1. the only nominee to win week 1 veto and go on to win is steve bb17

      the only 4 players(who were eligible to vote) to have been on the wrong side of the vote week 1 and gone on to win…

      usa – s2 will, s10 dan, s11 jordan
      canada – s5 kevin

  3. I’m so annoyed with Nicole A. She could be playing with the Greats, but instead keeps ratting out Janelle. I liked her last year but this year she can go on home anytime.

    1. i find it utterly bizarre that an all stars cast are so willing to toss away the potential of gaining 2 loyal allies, one of which is great at comps

      all these people fangirling over particularly janelle, then not only turning down the chance to work with her but actively trying to sewer her

      its almost like the other 13(not keesha) made a pact nobody is allowed to work with kaysar and janelle

      1. They are all CSD’s (Chicken Shit Deluxe) who are scared to death of POWER, and therefore unwilling to make a great decision for there game going forward. You just watch how much that changes based on who wins the HOH this week! If it’s Janelle or Kaysar, You’ll see how many, all of a sudden, think it would be great to work with such legends! Hahahaha

  4. Couldn’t sleep. will try again shortly.
    So Cody up and told Kaysar that keeping Kevin would be like making Kevin the Victoria and Victoria was beneficial to Derrick’s game? Oh. Gee. Just say alll the words Cody. To Kaysar. really? (Storage room convo)

    So Memphis says he wants to keep open communication with Kaysar until it shuts when he puts Kaysar on the block.
    uh. Dude with a History of Zero HOH wins is talking about nomming people, with one of his three vetoes thrown to him, the other 2 vs a 70 something and his chief ally… oh. yeah. comp. beast. (back yard semi circle area)

    So the disposable alliance mixed with the bad read book club alliance and side ally David are all around the Hammock. Pretty much gonna be Da’s army soon enough.
    Not too far away Christmas is saying she sees things going on in the house, so assumes others see them… but she isn’t registering the big group she’s walked in on twice before that she’s not a member of bonding on the other side of the yard? Oh.
    I think Christmas was attempting a lets compare notes give me some information hint. Memphis seemed to bypass. He’s not giving her game info or alliance perceptions really, just glossing over her concerns about Nicf and Ian, while saying he’ll go to see Ian tomorrow to see if Janelle is courting him to her team. They are pretty much sitting across the lawn from what is becoming a side alliance by end of week 2… and completely ignoring it. I’m dumfounded.
    Memphis tells her everything she’s seeing is all just in her head. Sometimes feeds need clown music. They discuss how going for the safety suite might expose their alliance. Uh. well it will expose who has the primo roles in the alliance for sure.
    Unless you are Cody, who plans to use it on Kevin to ensure that Victoria loyalty. And members of at least one of his alliances know this… and are… still keeping Kevin.
    Is there an opposite of Mensa?
    Back to sleep. Because sleep is preferable to NicA Kevin talks. So is a migraine.

    1. Cody has a serious blab for the sake of blabbing problem. He talks more than Raven did. And here I originally thought Bayleigh would win the 1st week blabberface prize. Bzzzz. I was wrong.

  5. I just watched a 5 minute segment about a grasshopper NicF found and took to the DR for rescue from Astro turf. It was more entertaining than most feeds I e seen so far.

  6. I honesty don’t care at this point as long as the people who won don’t win Ian and Nicole F she is annoying Nicole A disappointing this season and I was rooting for her I’m rooting for Bay Kaysar and Janelle Tyler Cody cause they seem like only ones who are playing if these people keep walking around asking each other what they are doing one more time just play the dam game everyone is so scared!

    1. You mean Bay, the one who didn’t know who the two previous winners in the house were?? Yeah, she seems like she’s really on top of things. I’d for sure want to be sitting next to her in the final two.

    1. I can’t wait to see more DR’s tonight. It’s always hard to tell without the DR’s in the first few weeks.

    2. the unusual suspects idea isn’t really too legit to anybody but Memphis. Everyone else counts that alliance as ‘okay if i get in trouble stringing this along gives me enough votes with my other alliance to keep me in the game.’
      Core 4 closest to real for Cody, Dani. without Nicf it would be for Enzo.
      Connect 4 closest to real for Enzo, Da, Ba.
      If Dani weren’t so against it, Enzo and Cody would attempt to combine the 2 four alliances.
      As far as Cody’s final 2 deals? who has he spoken up for most to Enzo? Because Enzo questioned the loyalty of all of Cody’s side deals without knowing. I think he pushed most for Nicf and Memphis.
      NicA and Kevin are more for the dork alliance than the Da alliance.
      Da’s biggest priority is Ba.
      Nicf. i get the feeling her pinkyswear with Ian is NOT her prime deal.
      To be honest, it’s week one. In previous week ones, there have been alliance pre feeds that we get hints about including alliance names, that are NOT alliances by the time feeds are on. Second HOH will be telling in terms of which alliance we see week one continues and which becomes a footnote.

    3. We’ll definitely be finding out this week if/when Janelle or Kaysar win HOH. I can’t wait to see them all scramble.

    4. It is way too early to try to figure out alliances already. Everyone is kinda like what Kaysar said but he meant it in a negative way. Everyone is floating right now because most all have been deep into seasons before and know you don’t get aggressive and you don’t show who the true alliances to the rest of the house, at least very early. They only 2 that are obviously working together since the moment that they set foot into the house are Janelle and Kaysar.

  7. Really Da’vonne? I don’t think I have EVER sat on my ass while brushing my teeth. Get yer face over that sink. Gross. I now have a new pet peeve. Heh.

  8. Catching up a bit.
    Kaysar is still missing the forest for the trees when it comes to Cody and Memphis.
    He wants to tell Kevin he’s safe like he and Janelle had some input (NicA already burst that notion via oversharing). They are having issue with Kevin, Nicf and Christmas in terms of who to target next today (it shifts a little every day). Each of their social games has a big hole in it that the other isn’t covering. But then, every time they move somebody is reporting that they are about to attempt a takeover. I hope both are there long enough to actually show what it looks like when they are feeling back against the wall. Popcorn. By this time in 6 the battle lines were already being drawn (a lot of it having to do with other houseguest’s bias about Kaysar’s ethnicity and religion in the sociopolitical climate of 2005). Heck, Kaysar and Janelle weren’t actually that buddy buddy until her secret partner was first boot, and his (Janelle’s flingmance) was second boot. They paired out of necessity in a season of pairs. This season feels like she’s phoning it in a little, and he’s overanalyzing with faulty parameter settings.

    David is getting worked by Dani. He says the guy that couldn’t remember his name is good in his books, because he could have nom’d him. No. He couldn’t. Just THINK of the optics of David, first boot under dubious circumstance, getting first boot again. Production would never. Even if Cody wanted (and who knows given he thought his name was Kevin).
    Dani’s allegiance is clarified when she runs the info back to Cody, not to Enzo or Nicf. See if that continues after his hoh.

    The rest of the have not room doesn’t seem to want to work with Memphis and vice versa. The six alliance Memphis put together seem to think he’s a joke, except Cody. And his target think he is his ally. Bring in the runner up in one of the shortest seasons just because he worked with Dan? Yeah. An understudy made it to the main stage. Okay, the more I think about Memphis, the less I like him so I’m going to stop thinking about him for a bit.

    Oh well Keesha, looks like you should take that 40k for three weeks away from home, and run. Don’t even TRY to campaign. Oh, covered.

        1. Well, she’s done everything she was expected to do:
          wore a blue teal hoodie
          said anyone want cake on feeds.
          laughed like she’s a hybrid dolphin.
          got stabbed in the back by Memphis.
          What else did she really need to do to collect the player’s fee?

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