Out in the backyard – Zach talks to Donny. Zach tells Donny how it all started when we were up in the HOH room picking candies to see who would go up against you and throw it. Donny asks who was up there? Everyone? Zach says yeah. And I told them that I wasn’t going to volunteer to go up with you and throw it. I just wasn’t going to do that to you for multiple reasons. Donny says well I appreciate it. Donny asks whos idea was it any way? Zach says you’re the number one target. Everyone is trying to get you out. Don’t give up though. Donny says I won’t. I wish there was a way to turn them against each other. Zach says hey think about it and let me know. If I can help you on my way out the door .. let me know. Donny says yeah but they’re going to expect that. Donny says this might be a double elimination and you and me might ride out together. Zach says yeah I hope not. Donny says if you come up with something let me know. If you even think theres a weakness .. let me know. Zach asks what do you mean. Donny says if you think there’s one person thats would switch let me know. Zach says the only person thats not really with them is Victoria but she wouldn’t do it. Donny says when you talk never mention my name. Zach says he won’t. Donny says its going to look sad on TV .. a bunch of young people picking on the old guy. And I haven’t lied to no one. But they aren’t playing for the tv they’re playing for themselves. My poor family watching that on tv .. that’s sad. Zach says you just need to win HOH. All you need to do is win 3 competitions in a row.. I know its a lot but if anyone can do it you can. You would go down as a legend Donny! Best big brother to ever play the game. Donny says not socially though. Donny says if its endurance I wouldn’t be able to do it. Zach says yeah but that veto you could. Zach heads to bed. Donny joins the house guests in the living room.
2:30pm – 2:40pm In the living room – Derrick, Cody and Christine are talking. Cody says if Donny wins HOH he’s not putting up Victoria and one of us will go home. Donny joins them and they talk about random things like sports. The conversation turns to talking about what day the finale lands on. Derrick says that Zach said Sept 16th was a Tuesday so it makes me think it would be on the Wednesday of Thrusday. Donny says the contract also said a date of September 26th just to be safe. (The finale is on September 24th.)

2:44pm – 3pm Out in the backyard – Derrick tells Cody that this week we’re fine. Zach’s buried himself. Next week if Donny or Caleb win we might be in trouble. Cody says he thinks they would be fine if Caleb wins HOH next week. Derrick says that Frankie told Zach out here that the battle between he and Zach is over. Essentially like I own you .. you’re going home. Cody says you’re high off your a$$ if you think I wouldn’t put up Donny and Frankie if I win HOH. Derrick says if you do that and Donny wins HOH who would you put up. Cody says I wouldn’t want to put Christine up there. Derricks says she will go with whoever will get her the furthest. If one of us was up there she wouldn’t want to vote to evict us knowing the other one will still be in the house. Derrick says you know what its going to come down to ..a f**king battle Frankie and Caleb versus You and I! Cody says I don’t care if Frankie and I were neck and neck in the veto he wasn’t going to use it on me (Frankie told Cody that his reasoning for using it on Caleb was that Cable was close to winning the veto.) Cody brings up how 4 weeks ago if he had put up Caleb like he wanted to .. things today would have gone drastically differently. Derrick says if you and I make to final 2 that’s when we make our reveal. Cody heads inside and runs into Christine. He picks her up and spins her while hugging her.
Derrick and Donny come in side and Donny says careful Cody Zing-Bot is watching! Derrick and Donny head back outside and talk about their team america mission being a fun one.

“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
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How is Frankie going to wreck him? Throw glitter at his face? Idiot.
Frankie will tell all his followers (i.e., his sister’s) that Zach is a prolific liar.
Cody has won fewer contests than Victoria and they call her the floater.
This has got to be the dumbest cast in BB history ever. Caleb, Cody, Victoria, and Christine, wouldn’t believe it was raining unless Frankie and Derrick told them it was. Each of them have heard these same things Zach is saying before yet they still call him a liar instead of believing him. I don’t see how they think Zach is a liar when even when he lies when they ask him he tells the truth and admits to lying. I hope Donny and whoever come back wipe the 5 of them out then leave Victoria down to final three to show them all how much of an idiot each of them really are.
And she’s done a lot more, because she’s been on the block, she’s played BoB. She hasn’t lost all those BoBs, which is also a lot more than Cody has ever done.
Frankie is an idiot, if he thinks getting rid of Zach is a good idea for him, just as keeping Cody is a really bad idea for him personally. Some of these people can be used to get out the spares, like Christine and Caleb, i’m sure Derrick and Frankie want them both out, and I’m guessing no one is going to volunatarily get rid of Victoria if she can be dragged to F3 and chosen as F2.
Actually Victoria is a floater and Cody is not. A floater has no allegiance to anyone, Cody is loyal to his alliance where as Victoria has none and is just there. I’m so annoyed Rachel used the term floater incorrectly and now everyone thinks it just means you can’t win comps.
Actually Victoria’s allegiance is to Derrick. I don’t know if any of them fit the “true” definition of the term floater but we can all agree that they both suck at the game and are riding Derrick’s coattails
here is the definition for Floater according to wiki
The typical Floater social strategy includes joining no alliances or joining many but having true loyalty to none. The Floaters goal is to stay out of the way as be seen as a non-threat while the Leaders and the Gamers take themselves out of the game. The typical competitive strategy choice for Floaters are selective or passive.
She is loyal to Derrick….has a F2 with him…he of course will win the 500K – but 50K is not too shabby either.
I think people confuses coaster and floater. Cody (and sometimes even Derrick) is more of a floater and Victoria, Donny, Jocosta, and sometimes Nic And Heydan were coasters. Cody and Derrick both float to whoever is in power and try to kiss asss (remember when Nic was an HOH and they tried to temporarily get in good with her). If Heydan returns to the game, Cody and Derrick will be Team Heydan and make a fake, temporary alliance too. The coasters are just surviving and just present (sometimes they win or sometimes they never win). Coasters are not part of an alliance, they are solo. Nic was a floater/coaster for the first half of her game and became a coaster or free agent towards the end. In my opinion, floaters are the worst. They are like parasites or welfare recipient that’s mooching off the power for their convenience. I hope that clears up the confusion. 🙂
I love Zach and do not want him to go!!! This is such BS
Cody is such a pansy. All this guy is talk so much crap but in reality dude would get owned by an 11 year old girl. Dude is a serious pussball. Its ok Zach you will come back in this house and you will win the HoH.
This is Cody! The guy that thinks he’s GOD’S gift to humanity runs his mouth after a few drinks, tries to get a little too friendly with someone’s girl, gets confronted and then hides behind the 4-5 friends he’s with. Cody has no sack ALONE. He’s a tough guy with an audience/back- up only.
Oh Allie!!!! That comment has me ROLLING!!! Too Funny!!
Zingbot: Fran-kie, you have 1.5 followers… in dog years! ZING!
Who’s a “prolific liar” there Frankie?!? You just lied to him over and over while calling him a thief and a liar! WTG asshat!
Let’s not forget Derrick, he’s a liar and manipulator also, Christine and Cody are just taken up space and Caleb is the toughest roughest cowboy – star celebrity want-to-be. uggh
I’m hoping and expecting Production is not going to let this stand – because we’re looking at real idiots. I mean really Please Production let/help Donny win the next HOH and if he doesn’t win the next HOH help him keep winning the veto. He’s deserving to put up with all this crazy mess. It takes a HERO to stay and live in this house with these idiots and that would be Donny. Derrick shut up
I’m so sick of Frankie and his I love you endings! Someone please slap the pink off his head onto to his face.
What’s with the weird “YOU’RE A LIAR! I LOVE YOU! LET’S CUDDLE!”
I don’t have a problem with HG lying. It’s part of BB and they all know it. But the way Frankie and Christine do it to their “friends” in the house is gratuitously mean spirited. Publicly hurting the other apparently just for fun’s sake.
As much as I like Zach, he should have thrown in his lot with Nicole/Hayden while there was time. Blinded by bromance?
Very true. What a F N Puss!!!!!!!!
Enough with Christine too already…who the f*ck does she think she is? So quick to have something to say about each and every one but never to anyones face!! She has no game other than playing the others game!!
Cody Kotex, Disgustine, and Fakie need to STFU!!
She is all about hating & nastiness. Can she say anything nice about anyone but her cuddle pets?
I thought Christine was a Christian lady all she talks about is hating people, does she think her mom, dad and pastor is loving this part of her where’s the Christianity. All she says is hate, hate, hate while holding onto Chicken Cody.
Perhaps if she keeps her mouth on Cody’s thing we won’t have to hear her blissful cackle. In all history of big brother, she might be the shittiest yet.
I would take the entire Nerd Herd over Frankie Grande right now. This guy is unreal. I can’t wait for him to leave the house and realize that he has no actual fans and the whole BB community hated him the entire season.
Katie….LOL…LOVE their name “The Nerd Herd”…..
Caz, You must have never heard of the Nerd Herd (They called themselves the Friendship Alliance, the rest of the house called them the Nerd Herd) from Season 6.
Up until this season its was the worst alliance ever in Big Brother. The Detonators have now given them a run for their money.
The Detonators are the most pettiest, vindictive, and cowardly alliance in BB history.
That’s it, Zach. Don’t go out in style. That would be too easy on all those idiots. Go out in Zach Attach style! Make them squirm. Make them drown in their slime. Make them miserable. Don’t give them a moment of peace. Make the next few days a hell for them and amp up the pressure. Out them all, especially Derprick and No Balls Cody. Turn it up – to the max. Don’t lay down and go out quietly.
Wreck the house Zach……. best post of the day. Donny needs to step up and start telling all the TA stuff or he’s next. It’s kind of obvious at this point.
What is that going to accomplish? He can’t say anything about who is in it, they likely wouldn’t believe it & would just run back to their master & rat.
I’m not sure but I think if he tells he loses the money.
After this week, if Zach is voted out, I really hope he gets back into the game and partners with Donny and Victoria.
Has BB changed the rules for this year because it seems like broadcasting who is going up as a replacement nominee has been against the rules in years passed. Breaking the rules for production favorites?
Victoria will never leave Derrick – the conclusion is obvious – HG voted back will exit – UNLESS he/she wins HOH – that is the only possibility of a game change.
Or Donny wins HOH.
Frankie and his “moral dilemma” over nominating Zach. Yeah, right…
we ALL were like WTF when he started throwing Zach under the bus so early in the game, it made NO SENSE to someone with a loyal ally
so for him to say that, wow. he has tried to remove Zach on at least 3 occasions. amazing
Zach’s game was over the second they heard someone scream “We love Zach” from outside. Frankie needs to believe he is the favorite of everyone. That is why is completely blind to the game of Derrick and hopefully that will be his downfall.
I just hope zach comes back on Thursday and win HOH and take them out.
Zack should at least make Frankie squirm by telling him about how Jury is going to vote. Zack has Hayden and Hayden has Nichole. Then when Donny comes in to the Jury house, Hayden has Donny and Donny has Jocasta. Zack will guarantee that with his influence, no one will vote for Frankie, he’s dead to them.
Unfortunately I think Frankie cares more about winning America’s Favorite Player than he does about winning the game. He just wants attention and fame and he thinks he is getting it. I hope he reads every single post on this site when he gets out.
If I knew how – I would send him the link…..
Has little sister Grand-meh has ever had these links posted to her twitter I wonder (I don’t follow twitter). Does his family have any idea how despised he is?
All us Zach fans are just going to have to wait until Thursday! ! Hopefully he will be walking right back in with vengeance. If he does not for some reason make it back in the house I hope Hayden does. The best final two would be Donny and Zach the two underdogs who made it!. Idk how they would pull it off but fingers crossed!!. And the fact that Frankie calls Zach a liar, and follows it with steal some more shit! Is just so fu*#ed up. He’s already getting voted out! Do you have to bash him, lie on him and then try to have your way with him.. Ummm MR. GRANDE you’re in for a rude awaking come finale night..
It started out as being a fame Ho but the real Fakie has come out. He’s shown he’s nothing more than a mean, spiteful little b!tch who truly believes he’s better than normal people.
Hopefully something happens in the next few days that totally changes this game. They said most twisted season……….lets start getting all these twists!!!!!!!
I’m hoping Zach or Donny end up with DPOV within the next few days in order to keep both of them in there in time for Hayden or Nicole to come back and give them the numbers.
TAMPAX CODY! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMFAO for DAYS!!!!
Best hashtag ever #TampaxCody
I wish I had 1.5 twitter followers to ask them to help me trend it! LOL
They have become the Goof Troop! Frankie runs inside and all of a sudden Cody and Derrick run out. I do have to say I love the picture of Cody and a puffed up chest….Looks all swollen and ready to BEEF…
Cody’s a lot like one of those little yappy dogs. Lots of bluster and noise, but also prone to wetting himself.
Excellent!! I haven’t heard a better description of NoBallsCody than THAT!!
At this point Zack should make the BB H a living hell. Frankie is believing his on lies and should be the next one out. Zack doesn’t know that his leaving is a hidden blessing because he’ll have the chance to come back. I’m sick of Frankie with his vile mouth, Christine with her ugly self, Derrick, Cody and almost sick of Caleb because he’s so damn dumb it’s funny.
Caleb is very loyal to them but he’s gonna feel so stupid when he finds out Zach is telling him the truth cause derrick and Cody have each other’s back over all the guys and then they each have a stupid as big nose bit#h in their pocket for backup. #BMC get out of dumb mode
the truth is he won’t feel that way
he will be happy to tag along to an ariana grande concert. its that bad with caleb.
the way Zach played Frankie was PERFECT to his face, which is PROOF that the DR is telling Frankie that Zach is not genuine.
He isn’t going to get anywhere near Fakie’s sister. Her people and mother will see to that.
That is how STUPID Caleb is!!! Cody and Derrick didn’t even deny it and nothing else was said!
You see though how Derrick does it? He’s like a Jedi…these are not the droids you are looking for…and Zach calms down and blames him for nothing. That’s how and why Derrick will probably win.
Caleb does know that Zach is telling him the truth. He also knows there is nothing for him to do. If he votes for Zach to stay he is gone next week.
The house knows that Caleb is loyal, and they are using that against him and anyone they want to get rid of,
Cody the floater trying to act all hard now. When he had the perfect chance to take Caleb out he pussied out. Loose Cannon VS Mangina…
I hate all the condescending attitudes from the other players towards Zach now that he’s on the block. It’s so ridiculous. I hate it. Derrick – the “belittlerer” # 1 – is the worst. Trying to get votes from everyone he has backstabbed. Whatever!
I truly wish that Zach NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER speaks to Frankie again after they are done with BB and whatever other thing that they must do on TV regarding it after the season is over. That’s the best and biggest punishment Frankie will ever get because if there was someone that truly liked Frankie – and God knows why – is Zach. The second best punishment is to see Zach back for All-Stars 2 and have to watch it and answers questions on his youtube channel about how amazing Zach is and how the audience loves him so much. The 3rd best punishment is to realize that CBS gave Zach, and only Zach, a whole promo during this season and ZERO to him. The 4th best punishment is for him to realize that had he kept Zach, he would have had a bigger possibility of winning this season and that now he doesn’t have Zach’s friendship any longer.
I hope Zach doesn’t come back at least for a few years. The house has really messed with his head. Thank goodness for Donny (once again). Zach has bonded with Donny and I think he learned a lot about himself. With a few more years under his belt and some friends like Donny rather than fratbrats, Zach might become a fine man.
I don’t want zach to return not because he’s not fun because he would be dumb enough to go back to americas most hated players
Hopefully cody or hayden return
Cody? CODY? Are you out of your mind completely? Give the 500k to Derrick, even to Caleb, but take Cody out of our sights for life!
didn’t call you an idiot. I call you a prolific liar.
and Christine with this wanting to punch Zach BS
I am sick of this BS CBS. you have multiple HG’s talking about causing Zach physical harm. you HANDED Frankie team America and a way to throw Zach under the bus for things he never did. “prolific liar”…really? WTF is he talking about
I honestly didn’t watch the last 2 episodes. I have no interest in watching this show anymore. its complete BS and at this point is getting cruel and on the side of bullying
pisses me off like no other when a woman sits there talking about hitting a man, where if it was Zach saying he wanted to punch Christine, OH MY GOSH, women’s rights groups on the way
drives me absolutely insane
he is so far and away my least fav HG ever, its not even funny. he is the biggest hypocrite, and had no reason to make it this ugly on Zach, he is ruining him if he comes back, and that pisses me off. you give him no chance to fight for his spot in the house, then constantly use stuff he didn’t do as the reason, stuff handed by production to you.
such total BS.
And after the dust settles,Derrick appears and fluffs Zach’s self-esteem. Always working the jury votes and thinking one step ahead of the other meat heads! Smooth operator, even though I am honestly not a fan. 🙁
Derrick is the only member from that alliance that deserves to win. Only guy that has any chance to get enough jury votes.
Fakie is the most sanctimonious prick ever. How much more are we going to be forced to take listen to him. Zack should not have allowed himself to be talked to in this manner.
I’m sorry I don’t feel bad for zach . he knew he could not trust Frankie and he can do math. He should have gone up instead of being a little puss about it. I agree with everyone Zack is comic relief but honestly in life I have to think he is a tool. He seems inmature and has a entitled attitude. Would you want him dating your daughter?? I wouldn’t!! I want Hayden back to work with Donny. If Zack comes back i see him crawling back in with the derrick crew and not Donny. Sure he might get Frankie out but he would still give Derrick the win in my opinion.
I could stomach seeing Derrick win if it meant I get to watch Frankie get evicted.
you just don’t get it. if you are a male, you are either under his age, or clueless
EVERYONE is a douche at his age. every single guy. every one of them. I was, every friend I had was, every guy I have ever met since I can remember was a total douche and an idiot until about 24-25.
you realize his brain is still developing?
You’re still an idiot.
That’s ridiculous. Most of the guys I knew at that age were not douches at all. Maybe the reason for your personal experience with douches is just that douches seek out other douches, whereas upstanding guys try to avoid them. As for brain development, many men have already achieved their full level of neurological maturation by age 21. A guy with Zach’s severe ADHD will take longer, but unfortunately there are concurrent maladaptive behaviors and character flaws which he’s developed as part of his functional difficulties. He’s always going to be a less than optimal relationship partner unless he gets a wake up call at some point that spurs him to get some therapy. Doubtful that will happen.
Frankie is 31 so he has no excuse….
I think Frankie planned all along that Zach would be the one to go if Frankie couldn’t get Donnie that is why he wanted him up with Donnie and wanting Zach to throw it. I think Zach knew in that meeting that he was a target too bad he didn’t just agree to go up with Donnie and then try like heck to win it.
way to back down like we all knew you would
can’t wait to see them edit Zach as a psycho, and Frankie as the angel playing a perfect game. Zach is just taking it too personally, Frankie is playing a game. right? that is the edit. its total BS, and I defended Russell Hantz and others when it comes to game, this goes WELL beyond that type of stuff. this isn’t Frankie calling Zach a B word twice. this is really bad bullying that I don’t want my kids seeing
Frankie thanks for ruining BB. I hope CBS has people monitoring comments because I have no interest letting my kids see anything with Frankie grande. Derrick plays the game, Frankie is taking it to levels that should earn his butt out the door
The results of this season are absolutely atrocious. If Donny goes home and/or Frankie makes it to the final five I’m done. Production pull something out of your ass and save Zach, someone who actually deserves to be saved. Fuck Derrick and Frankie and walking vagina this season is coming close to being worse than last years.
Last season was bad, but sorry this season is worthless and a total waste of time and energy. At least a few had brains last year; this cast is a bunch of brainless idiots and the bullying is I have to say worse than the racial comments last year. They are making actual threats of violence, and they just do not shut up especially pink cockatoo and Ratine, and the constant humping Frankie does of every single man on the show is just disgusting and Ratine doing whatever she is doing with Cody under the covers is beyond disgusting. Hope the divorce papers are already filed by her husband. Aryn was honestly so self entitled and so spoiled and so young she just was oblivious to what she was saying and hopefully she learned something. Frankie is a disgusting vile 31 year old man who lives in the most diverse city in America. He should know better!!
Oh, please tell me more about how you are done with this season!
Frankie calling anyone a prolific liar is hilarious. Almost as funny as Caleb always talking about himself in the third person.
He’s a narcissist!
allow me to clarify – Caleb is who I was referring to….
Does it really matter? I think each the term can be accurately applied to both of them.
My comment below was meant to go here – Caleb is a narcissist…. predicting not a good ending with this bunch – Donny needs to get out and manage the jury votes – That, I think, he could accomplish.
Apparently – I need help – I’m apparently techno challenged.
Welcome to my world…
He and Christine deserve each other. Everyone is so Scary to her. I mean seriously, has she taken a look in the mirror. There are plenty of them in the house, what does she do walk by them and not notice them. She whines about people being scary looking (men in the house) or good looking (women in the house) and Cody just flat our whines.
the good news is we all know the truth
not only is Frankie a total liar and a POS as a person(not just in game, he has proven he is not a good person) but he will learn very quickly that he made a massive mistake voting out a guy who would have voted with him. BIG mistake. oh and he goes to jury where he will tell EVERYONE there how bad Frankie is, so guess what Frankie, all that “blood” you didn’t want. you just basically opened up a dexter style bloodbath in the BB Jury House.
if Anyone else violated it, they would do it. Except for Frankie and Donny.
Bring Back Nicole so there’s someone with a set between there legs!
I like Nicole as much as the next person. But she is very nieve and would go with Der. hoping for Zach or Hayden.
Here is the exact rule about nominations that Frankkie clearly violated: 10. No one is allowed to talk about the nominations outside the Confession Room. Implied and indirect discussions about the nominations (wanting to nominate an unidentified person with a distinct description, etc.) is also forbidden. Big Brother reserves the right to declare a nomination round invalid. The results of the nominations (i.e. the names of those with the most points) will be announced to the housemates and viewers a couple of hours later. By voting, internet and SMS, the viewers will finally decide who can stay. The result of this vote will be made public in the live show on eviction nights and the housemate who was voted out will leave the house on that same evening. This housemate will get enough time to gather his/her things and to say goodbye. I also agree with aw Cody and his statement about Frankie now clearly bullying and believe it or not BB has a hard and fast rule about that which they also do not abide too. Frankie should be ejected from the game immediately.
Wow, I couldn’t find the rules. Ate they posted somewhere? Perhaps CBS is allowing this behavior from Stanky toward Zack for Ratings? Either way he is taking his whole attitude a bit too far since he’s HOH and got the POV. I hope this bites him in his ass and he gets the boot and leaves crying back to his family like the big baby he is!
Yea, BB is getting more bold, slowly exposing the rigging over the seasons… Even AG made a comment on twitter, about it being “Another Successful Rig”, after Frankie won POV… It’s nice they’re finally admitting what Live Feeders already knew. BB isn’t a GameShow, so why try and hide it? No law against rigging on reality television, yet.
Even if what is being said is true, it is never enforced. Therefore, these are not rules; they are guidelines.
So what does that mean for us? How can that affect a change?
Sharon- unfortunately you are quoting the nom rules for the BB UK/AUS show, as the viewing public does not vote in the US. Too bad we didn’t have a say in all this mess of a season. Brendon broke the nom rule in his season- when did BB stop enforcing it anyway?
Please find a way to save zach he is THE ONLY reason I watch the show..
But CBS is catering to a pop star’s brother. They will not punish Frankie but I wish he would be treated like the other houseguest. Fish as a have not, he only eats fish! Some punishment. Favoritism at its finest!
But CBS is catering to a pop star’s brother. They will not punish Frankie but I wish he would be treated like the other houseguest. Fish as a have not, he only eats fish!
Zach is planning some sh*t. He just spent 10 mins reading the BB rule book. Reading under the Legal section.
Do you think he will read that HG cannot tell the evicted HG that he/she is heading out the door? Even if that is there, sadly, the thought police will not enforce their own rules – welcome to BB
Maybe checking on sexual harassment. Had Frankie been a straight guy talking to a girl the way he has done Zack (to a lesser degree some of the other guys) all of America would be screaming to CBS. I think due to last year’s incidents everyone to afraid to tell Frankie to stop if for fear of being called a bigot.
Lol! Sexual harassment!? Sure sack has been hitting on Frankie every day “every day you turn me more gay” etc. Zack was just as bad or worse. You are grasping at straws here
It may be a single HOH this week in the house, but there could also be an HOH comp in the Jury to decide who comes back. Imagine House HOH Donny wins and Jury HOH Zack or Hayden wins. That would be epic.
It’s really terrible to see Frankie being the one to take his own best friend out of the game. I really was hoping that Hayden would come back and team up with Donny and Zach to start cleaning house. Unfortunately, only one can come back. I still think that if Zach comes back he will somehow fall for Frankie’s and Derrick’s mist again. Donny is the only one that sees what is going on but can’t talk to anyone about it. Donny needs a miracle to make it to the end. At this rate, Caleb and Victoria will make it to be the final two because these other idiots (except Donny) are using them to get further in the game. And can someone from the DR just tell Christine to shut it lol!
I wonder if Frankie is hurting Adriana’s career. You would think at some point her PR people are going to want to do something for her to save face concerning her brother.
Who cares one way or the other about Arachnid Grande’s career? I don’t.
CBS cares. They own her. That is why Freakie is on the show. That is why all the advertising on TVGN.
Not much of a career, I’m 100% positive it will go the route of Lindsay Lohan/Miley Cyrus/Britteny Spears soon enough.. People think Frankie lives in his sister’s shadow? She’ll be there with him in 6 years… No hate at all, just statistics.
The 3 people you just mentioned are still totally relevant. Britney is doing Vegas FFS….
I hate Frankie! He is so full of himself and is just proving he’s a major jerk with his comments to Zach. He’s such a weasel liar! Zach is crazy at times but no where near the bad guy Frankie and Caleb have made him out to be it makes me laugh! Although on another note Zach should have voted to keep Nicole! Also Frankie get a clue, you are out of here soon and so is Christine! Derrick is the only good player in this game, kudos to him for being nice to Zach he’s always thinking game moves ahead, he wants Zach’s jury vote!
I don’t like how they are talking to and about Zach. so you can say things to him about how terrible he is and the stuff he has done(Which he hasn’t), then you do the same thing to him with a rap, are MEAN and condescending to his face, and still other HG’s sit around wanting to PUNCH Zach.
have fun with your season CBS. I am done until next year’s terrible cast
Dawg & Simon thx for all your hard work and keeping all the BB fans update.
I have watch BB since season 1 and have never seen this kind of HG before. People that have the live feeds and come to this site are mostly die hard BB fans and could care less who Frankie’s sister is! So big deal she a up and coming singer who cares.
Last night when I saw Frankie saying that Zack took their stuff it pi$$ed me off, TA were to do this and then set up the patrol no where does it says they are to slander Zack as a thief. I guess the rule that applied to Brandon in his season does not apply to Frankie because of his family name. Frankie is the prolific liar, manipulative, delusional . He need no right to say what he did and to call Zack a thief that is so wrong and to have the other believe this is wrong and AG needs to step up and do something about Frankie’s behaviour! Also Christine theart !
I will come here and see what going on but CBS and put their live feeds @%%.
Can someone tell me why they call each other Rose? Anyone know? I didn’t catch the joke, if there was one.
Its something Frankie started .. its a reference to Rose from the TV show Golden Girls… Rose was the not so smart one .. so whenever someone says something dumb Frankie calls them Rose.
Finally one of the “bomb squad” is going…I hope next week,when the game is back to normal BB that things continue to go south for this alliance and they whittle down numbers. Tired of being bored senseless. I love Donny but he needs to win HOH to ensure a regime change. No one else will make a move.
I bet Ariana Grande’s people expected Frankie to be well received. that he would be loved and become America’s fav reality gay man. when really he is one of the least BB HG’s of all time, and not in a good way. you have people like boogie, well loved by some(WOO), hated by others, that you want to have the hate for the reaction. but Frankie is NOT getting the type of reaction that is going to be good for Ariana.
she needs to separate herself from him, now. although you can tell with the CD, CBS had planned to give Frankie an HOH to show off Ariana Grande’s career. they said he had planned to tell everyone, I believe it was in order to get her CD and have it on CBS.(owner of her career basically)
Sharon I hope you right I want to send home cody all he do is hug people wife and girlfriend in talk about Donny if he only knew how many fans he got let me count that’s right I can cout them on my hand he just got one fan in that’s Christina from a man to man if I was marry to a woman in she hug up on another man in the house like that I want be happy at all cody should respect that he on tv do not hug another men wife over and over again it disrespectful that’s why us fans want cody to go home in Frankie lost my respect too
I hope Donny wins hoh this week we really do in hope jocasts comes back to win now in Donny will go through the house
Why is it that production gets involved constantly – but when a rule is broken, and they can save a fan fave, it’s suddenly hands off?
I can’t stand this season. I stopped watching on the double eviction. Such lame ass shit.
I only keep up here, because I appreciate what Simon and Dawg do for us.
But if Zach leaves I’m done with bbus.
I’ll stick to Canada, thx
It’s ok – Zach will be returning on Thursday and then it will be Zach’s Revenge.
The odds are way above 50/50 for ZackATTACH coming back and/or blonde bohunk Hayden!!!
The odds are more like 25% for a return by Nicole and 5% for Jocasta having a sweet victory!!!
I wish they would allow America to vote a person back in instead of letting them play to get back in. .
Then AG wouldn’t have a job, come on, Man!
Frankie actually broke two rules. Telling someone they are going home and getting news from the outside world.
Hey houseguests, all of you hate Zach (and Donny). Well all of America hates you all! America loves Zach and Donny not you losers.
Would love to see Zach get coup de tat and put derrick and Frankie up.
Well the week isn’t done yet. Maybe Zach will be back and at least another player will come in Either way, I hope he doesn’t get all friendly with them again before he leaves and stirs things up. It’s not classy as it’s labeled sometimes. Sometimes you have to show some type of passion and stand up for yourself if somebody is trying to f*ck you over. There may not be anything to “blow up” in the house.But liars and manipulators whether in game or in life hate to be confronted and called out in in intelligent way. So at the very least it will make them uncomfortable if he doesn’t just roll over and die. He still seems to be missing some pieces like with Derrick so hopefully in the next few days some more of the pieces will be more on his radar. Because if he’s going out it’s at least better to know what you were dealing with as much as possible.
Too bad BB is not bringing back someone from the house the day before actual eviction. Now that might actually stir up the house. The way it is now bringing someone back after Zach is voted out is just wasting theirs and ours time for the whole week unless they win HOH.
I feel so awful and really pissed off.I don’t get it! Why are they going after Zack and instead of using this glorious moment to backdoor Derick?Frank could ave easily persuade Christine and with Zack, plus Donny could easily vote Derick out because he nominated him. Should Caleb and Victoria vote for Derick (assuming he is nominated), Derick will still be evicted with the most vote. Can’t they see that Derick is running the show and scheming them?And, aren’t they thinking that only 2 people are needed for the FINALS?They are playing second fiddle to Derick. Does Cristine or Frank or Caleb think they can get to the finals?What even piss me off the more is VIC. She isn’t playing any game. Just gallivanting all over the place, appreciating her beauty in the mirrors and crying like a 5th grader. It is so annoying how these guys are playing BB16.It is boring! This was the best time to backdoor the most master-minded player DERICK. Am not enjoying this BB16
Frankie will never put up Derrick as long as Donny is in the game so that Team America is intact and make more money.
Rules for Team America is, if one of them is evicted the twist is over, they have to stay in the game to keep making money.. I think they’re at 35-40k now, not including stipends.
But they have only completed 2 so far at 5K each….right?
Sad to think how they used Zach urging and pushing him to say those things at the Nom and Veto meetings trying to win one. The TA teams think they completed that one but I heard elsewhere that it was not a win as it was only one sided not an argument. Anyone know for sure, can’t find results on the CBS site.
Derrick and Cody remind me of the big and little dog on Looney Tunes were the little dog always follows the big dog. Spike and Chester!
It’s amusing to me that the people in the house that think they are America’s Favorite, or think they can give up their old life, move to LA and become a famous model, Youtube Personality, or be hand selected for the Amazing Race or Survivor are going to soon find out that they are the worst players in the history of Big Brother. They are all very narcissistic and spend their time talking about being loved and adored but really they are despised. I just hope the karma train comes back to bite them when they return to reality. And, Zach… poor Zach — he was ready to make big moves with Nicole and then turned back to the dark side, what is with these people not playing the game. Christine is an awful person, Frankie is a liar, Caleb is a joke, Cody is a douche and Derrick is a sly guy. I want Donny to win but he is not working the social game, too little too late Donny – he should have went against the house a few weeks back. The way I look at it is if they can make it to the end it should either be Donny or Derrick for the win… the only people with a silver of game in them. COME ON DONNY!!!
I would love to see Donny & Zach do Amazing Race together – they would be so much fun. The rest can take a hike.
Now, that would be terrific to see them both or with one them with Nicole preferably Zack, I think when Donny gets this over with, It just may be over. He done Good.
Better than me cause I would have spanked butts and the other half in time-out and the other group learning how to have integrity and show gratefulness to people.
It’s so lame that these ppl get paid for such a juvenile task! So does it mean they succeed when everyone acknowledge the “neighborhood watch” rolling my eyes? Or does each player must take shift? Derrick was willing to stay up 24 hrs just to get the 5 grand! Plus it’s at Zach’s expense to the max degree! Frankie is just an @ss hole in baiting Zach on how to keep him. Then a Running to Christine that he’s begging to keep him. What a Drama queen! Everyone knows they were close so why get all $hitty with an attitude now that he’s pushing him up? He could have handled it better instead of being a Di@k this whole time toward Zach and may have respected his game a bit better but now he’s just acting like he’s so mean. What a douche!
Wicked Witch of the West Side of a Garbage Dump Christine must be attracted to weak men. Tim time to man up and get yourself a respectable women.
Everyone should flag frankies youtube channel, so when he gets out he won’t have one.
Oh, Christine, if you only knew how many people literally want to punch YOU in the face.
Can I get an “AMEN” to that?!
Donnie doesn’t realize it but he has the power to blow up the house right now. If he sat everyone down, explained to them that he has never lied to anyone in the house, except for once. And he doesn’t like feeling like a liar so…….he explains all the TA missions to everyone and outs Derrick and Frankie…….WOW!!
The original rules said that it was up to them to keep it quiet or tell others. So no one will lose any money so far.
Put it together for Caleb, Christine, Cody & Zach…along with his suspicions about alliances & watch the fireworks!
The rules said he can’t out the other 2.
Is there any way zach can get saved this week ?
If you’re really D. Will you would know…
Frankie, you are an embarrassment and are hereby evicted. Leave your glitter and membership card as you exit the door.
done with this season. Zack and Donnie are the only people left to root for.it’s not the lying and the backstabbing either, that’s part of the game.it is the fact that zach has been demonized, when he is the only one to tell ithow it is. the rest are gut less, spineless, and hypocrites. I just can’t root for these people.
all we want for Donny to be safe next week hoh please for us fans
production Donny desvires to wins hoh for us fans this week with hyden or Nicole
come back to help him please us fans being saying it for a while now we want Donny hoh
it is sad them young guys want a old man like Donny out we hope production that Donny wins hoh
we do not want Donny to go home at all if he do so many many people will be mad in not watch
you should do everything in your power to help him aleast give him hoh with golden power of veto
we love Donny please production help him for your true big brother fans
Not every fan wants Donny to win.
THANK YOU!!!! I don’t want Donny to win. Not because I don’t like him but because hes not my favorite. I think its funny how most of the comments are about how much people dislike everyone but Donny because he is so lovely, he doesn’t talk smack about people ect ect. This seems to be the reason most people don’t like the other house guests……YET, most of the comments sound exactly like most of the house guests are playing and most of the things the HG’s have said. Funny hmmmm.
Sorry these HGs are not like able they will not have careers no one in their right mind would hire Frankie for any type of job unless it’s Bozo the Clown. Derrick will never have another undercover gig, back to street patrol for you. Cody will have a promising career teaching spineless men how to pee while sitting. Christine, you were useless before the game you can go back to being useless. Victoria will go one with her photography career. Donny lives a simple life and will be happy to have his job back. Caleb, I think CBS has a new show called Stalker. You will never be on Survivor. CBS will re-write their psychological test based on you. Zach is the only one I see benefitting from his time as a HG and I can see him with a gig like Jeff. Zach has a certain kind of charm about him and that’s why he’s one of the most favorite players this season.
If there has been a rules violation against Zach, it needs to be addressed. If I were zachs family, I’d be getting an attorney. Wouldn’t be the first time a game show was found guilty of fraud and paid out big bucks in the process.
It’s not considered a game show but an entertainment show. CBS can do whatever they want – it’s in their contract.
If it was possible last week for people to stand outside BB house and shout ” we love you Zach”, can they not do the same again but shout “we hate you Frankie”?
Frankie says something about Cody’s strategy with the girls, always slits their throats?? Chris or Vic present? C’mon if they were there, how clear is that statement. Zach should be using this comment now, no matter how much Chris hates him. Make her understand she’s probably 6-7 at best. Zack work the girls. Chris & Vic slit Codys throat now along with Donny. Zach stays and Chris can make some points with her husband by dumping nob@lls. NONE OF THIS IS LIKELY. LOL
The house called out Ratine on her groping NoBallsCody and she didn’t stop. ZingBot called her out and she didn’t stop. She won’t stop no matter what.
Preach it Zack!
Donny helps ease everyone’s nerves when they know they are going out. Love that guy. If the majority of this cast wasn’t so young this would be a different game. I’m only in my early 30’s and I can’t stand the way these young 20’s are acting. Drama and ego like high school / college kids. They have the most immature and boring conversation when not talking game.
The only thing I really want out of BB is to have people in the house that are entertaining.
On the whole, this cast has to be the worst collection of duds they have ever assembled as far as entertainment value goes.
The ONE person that has delivered just about all the entertainment is about to be railroaded out of the house.
If Zach does not make a comeback via a buyback, the ratings for this show will tank for the rest of the season.
Frankie made a stupid fatal error nominating Zach…….would love to see his reaction when he finds out he’s been played hard! Thanks, a-hole…ruined it for me liking your sister . Good luck in your media mogul empire, lol. ****ZING*** : Frankie, Africa called. Said thanks but no thanks.
I cant believe these people actually think that Frankie will win America’s favorite…..if only these people knew
Why is zach reading the rule book. What are the chances
Cody is such a pu$$y! Since when are the people on the block expected to shut their mouths and NOT throw people under the bus? What is wrong with these people? They get mad when zach plays the game and campaigns?! I hope he finds a way to ruin all of their games this week. I would not let Frankie and Derrick bully me into giving up. F*ck them! These people are the worst! (Besides Donny and zach)
Is Zack reading the Rule Book because production told him, “Frankie broke a rule. Figure it out and you cab be saved?”
BB is a game show with rules. If a contestant breaks the rules there should be consequences.
Frankie told Zach that he was nominating him, and, that Zach was going home. Last season the house guests regularly referred to the BB rule of not being able to tell another house guest that they are going home.
Christine should be punished for physical threats against Zach.
Hopefully CBS will protect their BB investment by making sure that breaking the rules has consequences, and , Zach is kept in the house.
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Skankie got Ferret-tine pregnant, while they were both humping Boy-toy Cody?
Hope everyone contacts CBS demanding that BB rules are followed and Zach is saved!
Thanks Sharon for looking up the rule.
If Cody thinks he tough, wait til he backs down to Tim… It’s going to be EPIC.
Have you checked Tim out?
Happened to see him at #timstinks on twitter.
Perfect match for Christinke.
She was telling Derrick last week how bad their credit was and could not get a loan…I wonder how long it will take her to get to the tattoo parlor with her BB money.
If Zach can’t save himself with the rulebook I can only hope for the eviction twist if he gets voted out. Going against the votes and keeping the nominee they voted out.
CBS would be wise to enforce the rule Frank broke. The BB show that Chenbot announced “Houseguest this week the HOH broke a rule. Due to this, Zach you are safe from elimination. Frankie take a seat beside Cody. House guests you will now begin voting to evict Cody or Frankie,” would be the show everyone remembered.
CBS enforcing the BB rules and saving Zach has the potential to bring “life” to BB. The same type of excitement BB generated in the early seasons with HG such as Mike Boogie and Dr. Will.
Frankie is an idiot. Did he not see how quickly Caleb turn on him b4. It can happen again!!! Zach was the only person that didn’t turn on him until Frankie did him dirty. Frankie is going against allies like who does that. This is like the QB taking away a lineman. Your odds of getting sacked are just higher.
“In the storage room – Zach reads the rule book to find his saving grace…”
Is this wishful thinking, Dawg?
They are using him and look he will be next .
I would like all these comments about Frankie printed and delivered to him when he’s evicted.
He just told Christine that Nicole was a Cu@t for her saying he was beastmode for winning the POV by himself! Get over yourself sissy boy! Hate him go sure now!!
Zach needs to point out to Frankie that with him gone, it will be 4 against 2. B/c Cody has Christine and Derrick has Victoria and all Frankie and Caleb will have are each other. But Zach can get Donny and then Frankie, Caleb, Zach and Donny would be a 4 against the other 3 with Cody gone. Only problem is Frankie and Caleb are too fuc*ing stupid to see it and they’ll be the next ones out the door, which will be fine by me b/c they deserve it. Just sucks b/c then this season is soooooooooo boooooorrrrriiiiinnnnggg! But it does get the heat off of Donny a little I guess. I hope Zach does blow up the house if he leaves though, call everyone out on there shit and how Derrick is controlling each of them. I also hope we finally get to know why this is supposedly the most twisted season ever.
i hope that the rule about not being allowed to tell a houseguest in advance that they r being nominated for eviction is enforced. the scenario i envision is zach will read out the rule during his speech and ask for an instant judgment. production will rule in his favour and frankie will then have a minute to nominate a new nominee. let’s hope he puts up derrick against cody then.
FREAKIN FIREWORKS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately Stonerr, it is just a vision. If it were to actually happen, Frankie would immediately throw Victoria on the block and then bye-bye Victoria, don’t let the door hit you in your extensions on the way out!
Debbie, the first two seasons viewers voted on the house guests so it is for the US Version of BB.
I remember that is how the voting did work in the 1st two seasons, but by telephone in those days. Sharon’s quote clearly states voting by SMS, texting and phone votes right up until the announcement is made based on the number of “points” each housemate had. This is how it is still done in the UK/AUS BB games. In Brendon’s season when he broke the rules re: Britney his Noms were voided and he had to make new ones. I watch BB UK/AUS every year ( CBB UK starts tonight in fact) and I really like that both do not allow any discussion of nominations (or there are penalties). This way eviction night is a surprise as you don’t know who is going! If the US followed this format then the members of an alliance would quickly figure out that the voting public really don’t like them as one by one they would get the boot. I think it’s time for a change to this game as this block voting crap has taken a lot of the strategy out of the game and turned it into a popularity contest.
Little history- my apologies to you as I obviously can’t read and I posted about Sharon’s comments without re-reading her post. She wasn’t talking about the UK/AUS game so ignore that part of my post! Thanks! I still prefer the voting style from the BB in the UK/AUS and yes I hope they make some changes for next year!
And I’m going to learn how to read- just sayin!
Had Christine not been a BB fan, she don’t know about the feeds and what all people see and talk about? She doesn’t think that BB isn’t going to notice that and use it in their highlights (and Zing bots)? I noticed she was all concerned for about 5 minutes, and then did a 3 times too long a full body hug with Cody. (3 times too long being 3 times longer than any normal ‘friend zone’ hug could possibly need to be). Also, at one point Cody denied that Christine had ever been on his lap, the way Nicole was when they were in HOH and talking about keeping her (nicole campaigning). Last nights BB shows Christine full lap sitting for quite some time so there’s that excuse out the window.
I actually cant believe people and the Zing stupid Bot are attacking peoples looks. WTF AMERICA!!!! Even the announcer called Nicole “Christines 4 eyed friend or partner” (which ever it was). Since when was it okay to call people ugly? Esp that Zing Bot calling Derrick the ugliest guy in the house? Wow. Sorry but I am not into that crap. Tampax Cody jeez man why not talk about their game play and try to not be so insulting and cruel when you are doing it. Don’t people always Whine about how their kids are watching this show but yet the Zing bot wasn’t funny but insulting. # Humanfilth? You’re totally rude. Maybe you should check the world you live in and really know what “Human Filth” is. You know, people who kill people and children or take away peoples rights and so on, you know HUMAN FILTH!!! Cody whether he’s a floater or not , ,why not ease up on all the name calling. I enjoy the comment section but holy shit man, its getting worse then school yard bullying.
Someone with the capabilities should post a compilation video of all the horrid things Frankie has said and done and post it online everywhere. So sick of his edit.
Your #TampaxCody was offensive towards females, implying that a female would back down in a argument with Zack, but lets get something straight, most females have more “balls” than Cody, Zack, Frankie and the other goons in the house, unfortunately BB won’t cast them.
Amanda from last year would have scared the pants of fog Cody and Frankie!
This just in from the Jokers BB site:
Frankie was called in the DR and advised that Chris’s tiger TA hid would not work because it was not a piece of clothing. Frankie came out and told Derrick that he had also hid another piece of her clothing and production was reviewing the tapes to see if they have footage. He was then called back into the DR and apparently advised that they didn’t and made him go back and find something else to hide.
GAWD help us! Kill this game already. Production giving them a chance to still get the FUCen $$! Rather seen them fail this one!
What I don’t understand is how Frankie could say to Zach when trying to rationalize the skittles pick “I wanted you to volunteer to go up with Donny because you’re the only one that hasn’t been up there but you wouldn’t do it so we had to draw candy out of a hat. If you had done that we wouldn’t be here right now.” ?
What? Zach has been up three times including the week before. Talking about talking out someones a**. I hope Frankie has a few a**’s in reserve, at the rate he is going he is sure to get laryngistis
And hemorrhoids from pushing all that sh#t out!
I really cant stand Frankie. Smug little jerk. Please let him get a good back dooring (haha) you know what I mean. 😛
Caleb you arse!!! Smarten up and get over the fact of who Frankies sister is and save Zach. Hopefully Zach walks out and then right back in. Even though I wanted Hayden back, I didn’t bank on Zach leaving now.
Put Frankie on Slop too.
Frank just called Nicole a cu@t!
Would be so good if on eviction night when they are all sitting there waiting for Julie to talk to them live she tells Frankie Boy that he broke the BB rules and he would have to nominate another HG as Zach was now off the block. If he put up anyone other than Derrick then the others should vote out Cody. Preferably it would be Derrick that would go. PRICELESS!!
Can’t help but hope!!!
Does christink come with a paper bag or will cotex have to bring his own?
Simon or Dawg: Do you have any way of knowing for certain that CBS reads the comments posted here and on similar Big Brother sites? If they do, do you think our opinions could make a difference in the outcome of the game? (In particular, favorable for Donny and Zach and almost totally anti- Frankie, Derrick, Christine and Cody)
No idea if they read the blogs.. I think they are aware of the fans but they will cater to the section of their fans with teh largest numbers.
I’m sure they read the official Big Brother Facebook page, I have liked and commented on that page before.. There doesn’t seem to be much discussion about Zach for some strange reason on BB Facebook. Yet Twitter is an entirely different story with #SaveZach and other tags about Zach trending. I think viewers are in for a surprise when production pulls a last minute move in keeping Zach by applying the renom rule but only if Zach brings it up.. I think he is being coached by the DR to study the rule book.. Hopefully Zach has caught on and that renom rule is still there, but it may be that is only applied if a house guest makes a point of it.. BB12 was the last time it was applied.
Derrick is a lying, manipulative, twisted, sociopath. Just watch the guy on feeds. He’s creepy as all fu&8. I really hate Frankella but Derrick is just a freak.
I especially especially hate when he landers his pig nose to the camera during TA missions. He talks to the fans like we are stupid and can’t see his manipulation. He is ruthless and is not a nice guy. He is as nasty behind the HGs backs as Frankella. So, I don’t want the smug fool to win because he’s exhibiting sociopathic attitudes and is nice as long as he gets his way. Did you all notice his agitated and mean he got when Frankella revealed that his sister was famous? He saw the money slipping out of his hands and that narcissistic veneer was pierced: you can catch the flashes of anger in Derricks face every so often.
So for a you that say that Derrick is just playing a great game, I think you are not seeing that Derrick isn’t playing: it’s who he is.
If Frankie wins ‘America’s Favorite’ I am moving to Canada.