Cliff “I have made my decision. I will give it (ring) to anyone who wants it for that vote.”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Jess
Have note are: No Have nots this week, Jack, Tommy and Jackson were given punishments as part of the veto.
Nominations are: Jack and Jackson
Power of Veto Players are – Jessica, Jack, Jackson, Kat, Nick, Tommy (Nicole – Host)
Power of Veto holder – Jessica
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jessica didn’t use the power of veto
Powers in the game *** LINK ***

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8pm Bathroom. Christie, Jack and Sis. Christie – any updates? Any conversations! Sis – I haven’t talked game at all. Christie – yeah me neither. Sis – how was it with Michie out there? Christie – he’s super chatty. Jack – my conversation with Jess went really well. Just the way I planned. Did you hear anything? Sis – what happened? Jack – it went just the way I wrote it up. Like literally, I didn’t have to bring up certain topics ..they just came up and I negated them. Christie – it was organic. Jack – it wasn’t like me pushing. Sis – what was her response? Jack – I think she is down to give me a fair shot. Christie – or like she didn’t shut it down. Jack – yeah. Christie leaves and Nick joins them. Jack – I’m calculated on this. I’m going to close it. Nick – then if you do then we have the numbers going forward. I don’t trust Jess. The only person I would ask not to put up is Nicole. Jack – when we get there. When we get there I will make an agreement with you that I will not put you up. Bro we’re coo. And I’ll make you a deal on top of it because I like her too. Nick -she was there when I was nothing. Jack- we have to be cool. I get you bro. Like I get you. Nick – why do you think I’ve been all over her? I am like s**king her t!tt!es and sh*t. Nick leaves. Jack to Sis – Nick literally talks to me as if I’m gone already. Sis – he does that to me too.

8:30pm – 8:43pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. The aliens sprayed Jackson again. Holly – its not fair I can’t go near you.

9pm Bedroom. Nick, Nicole and Cliff.
Nick – I feel bad for Jack. Like he shouldn’t have to go but he is so f**king good and that’s why he has to go. If he didn’t show how good he is mentally, he would have a chance but BRO he is f**king amazing at EVERYTHING! Cliff – I know. Nick – he remembers EVERYTHING! Cliff – I just keep remembering season 19 when they gave Paul a path.. Nick – I know. Cliff – I picture all the fans out there saying w:hat are you doing letting Jack march to the very end! Nick – yeah, well I tried to get him out and no one wanted to. And they were going to be really hard to get out and they just blew up themselves. Cliff – I know. Nick – and its all because Jackson saw something. Jackson is clearly going to be a target now. he did that to himself. They’re not good right now. Cliff – perfect. Nick – what worked was to stay low and not make ourselves targets. Cliff – We’ll just watch them be mad at him (Jackson) and him be mad at them. We’ll just watch the fireworks. Its poetic justice.

9:30pm Backyard. Jackson and Holly.
Holly – the two of you (Jack and him) will at some point sit down and a real conversation but here I don’t know if that’s going to happen .. you know. Jack – it is getting cold .. like very cold! Holly – what can I do? Jackson – nothing.

9:32pm HOH room. Nick, Jess, Tommy, Nicole.
Nick – I had the most disturbing $ex dream like two, three weeks ago. I was about to have interc*ur$e in my dream with like a female and when I turned away and turned back it was the females body and Jack’s face. Tommy – OOHHHHHH!!!!?? Jess – OHHHHH WHAT IS THAT ABOUT!?!! Nick – it was disturbing! I was shook for like a day! I was shook for awhile. Like I was really, really freaked out. I did not like it at all. Then I was confused and didn’t know what to do. Tommy – just Jack’s hairy face. Jess – so when that happened what did you do? Nick – I did a couple strokes I think .. that’s why I was so disturbed. Tommy – what if it was my head? Nick – I know .. then I would have went to town on it. Cliff joins them. Nick – do you have weird $ex dreams Cliff? Cliff – not so much in here, I think my testosterone is turned off since I came in here.

9:45pm Bedroom. Jack and Tommy.
Tommy – last night I went to bed and I was like this is going to happen and then today I was like wait is it!? Jack – Cliff is distancing himself and switching rooms. Tommy – I don’t know if it comes down to just Cliff. I wonder if there is a way that you can convince the house that you’re better for everyone’s game. I don’t know how but I think that’s what its got to come down to. A house thing versus a one person thing. Jack – I keep trying to talk to everyone but Kat didn’t even want to talk to me today. Tommy – if you can get the rest of the house to flip. Jack – I don’t think I can get to Nicole. Tommy – but why is she with Michie? Jack – its not that she’s with Michie, she’s with Jess and Kat. Tommy – how did your talk with Jess go? Jack – good, she said that she would give me a fair shake. Tommy – I don’t believe in playing dirty but does Nicole know that Jackson was literally trying to get her out about a week ago and we stopped it? Jack – yeah but once again that’s words. Tommy – I know but that’s the truth. I think its got to be concrete reasons why you’re better for their game.

9:45pm HOH room. Jess and Cliff.
Jess talks about how Jack told her and others that they wouldn’t be his target. – If you tell absolutely everyone and me that I’m not your target .. then who the hell is left? Cliff – the thing that works for my advantage .. because I made that agreement last time for a few weeks of safety they assume I am willing to do it again. Jess – but who’s giving you safety!? You put up Bella. Next week it was Holly .. and it was her decision to keep you safe and then it was me. Cliff – I know. I have made my decision. I will give it (his ring) to anyone who wants it for that vote and if I don’t vote the way that I’m saying .. hold onto it forever because there is no way. I can’t do that. Two weeks ago it made sense because I had to protect myself a little bit longer but at this point I know where that path leads. Its been promised to everyone. Jacks made it clear to his group that I am the target when they get a chance. If we don’t do it now, we don’t do it. This is our chance. He can talk to me till he is blue in the face. Jess – I give you permission to tell him the conversation with me and I am not budging.

10:16pm Backyard. Jackson and Cliff.
Jackson – I’ve been going back and forth in my head whether to keep my speech ..lets see… lets just say I have a pretty heavy secret of Jacks. And I am really on the fence of whether or not I should.. Cliff – you have your game to protect.. Jackson – I don’t know whether or not I should air it out but if he is leaving I don’t know what good it would do because it affects someone that is still in here. I’m on the fence about it. This speech could go one of two ways .. bite my tongue or I could air out some dirty laundry. It would rattle the cages of him but also someone that would be staying in the house and is not on the block right now. Cliff – does it help to use it now or use it a little bit later as a bomb? You obviously have a couple days to decide. I will tell you just play it cool because things are going your way. Jackson – I don’t get paranoid and I am realistic there is nothing I can do. Cliff – its in other peoples hands but its in the right hands to make it work. Just remember it afterwards because we may need the help. Jackson – I will remember y’all. You’re not a target. But my fear is that if I air it out some people might not believe it because it looks like its desperate or if the person remaining in this house wins HOH .. then I am 1000% going on the block. Cliff – then sit tight. Don’t do anything to rock the boat. I am pretty positive you have the votes right now.

10:45pm Jackson got a new lab coat and suit to wear.

10:56pm – 11:15pm Kitchen. Cliff – Live feeders, meet my friend professor Michie! Jackson – the glasses add 30 points to my IQ. Jackson then turns around claps his hands and says Holly, to my office! Cliff – a very special exam lined up for the particular alien.. Jackson – autopsy. Cliff – the PG live feeders are stay down here.

12:20pm All of the house guests are now sleeping..

8:57 am Still sleeping. Jackson was up around 5am for the punishment.

Pick Three for the Field Trip (Poll Closed)

87 thoughts to “Cliff “I have made my decision. I will give it (ring) to anyone who wants it for that vote.””

    1. Only 2 days and waiting until Jackdouche walks out the door and oily Nick can deep draw the heavenly pheromones of Sis’s werewolf……be thankful the feeds don’t have Smell-A-Vision.

  1. Whaaaat? Did nick say he’s been sucking on Nicole’s t…..ties? Or that he wanted to? Lol he’s into having sex with everyone and everything it seems!!

    1. Big shocker, Nick says something creepy and inappropriate again. That guy is a predator that just hasn’t been caught yet. (shudders)

  2. Nick had a sex dream about Jack and then proceeded to tell people about it while Jack is still in the house. Wishful thinking that it will get back to Jack maybe? Nick is just creepy no matter what orientation he pursues. Lol

    1. He’s told this several times and when Tommy said, what if it was my face , Nick said he “ would go to town then.” Yeah, his behavior is very disturbing, he seems obsessed lately, little Tommy Rocket better watch it, something tells me Nick is “ curious.” Won’t b surprised if Nick is involved in a threesome with Analjack in the jury house.

  3. Jack is drunk on his own koolaid – not nearly as cunning and perceptive as he thinks. Love is blind; self-love is blinder. (or more blind? he can’t see good.)

  4. Jack’s arrogance and inability to look at the situation from other people’s perspective will send him to jury. Case in point: offering Cliff 3 or 4 weeks safety sounds great on first delivery BUT …

    *Cliff has his Angels so none of Jess, Nicole or Kat will put him up
    *By voting out Jack – neither Holly or Michie will target him ahead of Christie, Tommy or Sis
    *Nick thinks that Cliff is tight with him/Nicole so he’s safe there as well.
    *Even Christie/Tommy & Sis will target Kat, Holly and Michie ahead of him

    So in reality offering Cliff 3 weeks safety wouldn’t move him to shift. More importantly, Cliff knows gaining a few weeks safety with one side of the house loses him all credibility with Kat, Holly, Jess & Nicole. His position is the strongest it has been since entering the house with the best path he’s had to go deep in the game.

    1. Right; he’s been saying all day he’s holding back on “offering” this amazing deal to Cliff that he won’t be able to pass up – Dude you’re on the plank; what power position do you hold? And Christie ranting how Nick has to EARN their grace (oxi-moron) before he gets a deal… your ship is sinking, Krazy Town.

    2. Cliff calls it “the cult of Jack”……Jackdouche told Tommy “to go apologize to Kat right now” and Tommy looked like a little soldier immediately following orders. It’s weird the guy isn’t remotely likable either…..not funny no charisma and a douche. lol

      1. Jack thinks he’s hilarious. Did you notice on the live vote while he was waiting for Julie and he was doing some stupid dance. When Julie came on he made some stupid joke and NO ONE in the audience laughed. You could hear a pin drop.

    3. Most of us, including myself, were so disappointed/annoyed/frustrated with Cliff for blowing the opportunity to take Jack out during his HOH but it sure looks like he will be sitting pretty for a while. The question is, does the position he find himself in now just circumstance or was it strategic gameplay? How will the jury see it? Admittedly, I never thought Jessica would be the one to take the cult leader out.

      I can’t believe I’m saying this but I wouldn’t mind see Jackson/Miche(??) win HOH. I want to see the scrambling of what’s left of Aquannabe Man’s cult.

      1. I’ll call it the strategy of luck…he rolled the dice on the chances 6S implodes before nick and sam were both gone…and he got a 7. So it happened literally before the next eviction

      2. I believe Cliff is one of the few who understands jury management. During his HOH he did put up two people who he knew were going to jury but he also saved them and did Christy a solid by not making her play her power in the process. He then formed a soft alliance of people who would take out the 6 but isn’t so opposed to the 6 as to make them feel like he is unlikable. He made the best of the terrible cast he was given to play against and has managed to put himself in a position of being in control while making these losers think that they are calling the shots. Mad respect for Cliff, I would love to see him in an all-stars season.

  5. as holly/michie are banging in havenot room tommie runs in in costume…

    “im travelling at the speed of…”


    1. Prank caller…Mrs Hogg is holding the real one at home, Cliff brought a Cracker Jack prize to give away when he makes his biggest stealth move.
      Dude is going to use his credibility to sucker someone in the end.

    2. He’s holding up his college ring from A&M. To a lot of Aggies, that ring may be even more important to swear by than a wedding ring.

      1. True! If an Aggie could only save 1 person from drowning, choosing between ANY family member or Aggie alumni, the Aggies would be sharing a beer afterwards.

  6. Everyone lies in this game, some are just better at it.

    The smart move is to wait until Jack is out, it betters his odds. Wait to see the HOH is…if he wins, it becomes more likely that the HGs will listen to what he has to say and weigh it….if Sis wants to get away from Christy, she could reveal that Jack had mentioned to her that Christy reminds him of his ex. Knowing Sis, she will get confused and make mistakes remembering everything and jump on board with Jackson’s story….especially to stay off the block!
    If someone else wins, he can then use it to make her a target.

    Everyone’s always in a rush to say something or make a move. More people run down the hill to get one prize, very few walk down and collect them all…

  7. How many wedding rings does Cliff have? He’s still got one on his left ring finger…and he’s holding up another one? I can’t see the one he’s holding up real well, but it doesn’t look like a wedding ring.
    Jack is finally getting it that he’s going out to jury even though he doesn’t really want to admit it to himself. He can’t see past himself. He seems to be confused why he is getting voted out. He thinks he’s been playing a great game. He did admit to betraying Jackson twice and it didn’t surprise me that Jackson refused his apology. Jackson made the mistake of assuming that because he was Jack’s ride or die, that he was Jack’s. Not so. Crusty was Jack’s ride or die, but I think Jack really does regret that he didn’t believe all of the stuff Jackson was telling him about Crusty. He cares now, but it’s too late. I am glad they all blew up.
    Cliff called it when he said to just wait and they will ruin their alliance all btw themselves! Can’t wait for Thursday!

    1. I said that wrong. Jackson thought that because he was Jack’s ride or die, that Jack was his…sorry.

      1. My husband and I are so use to mentally translating each other’s mistaken words, I totally understood what you meant and didn’t notice the error LOL

    2. Same reply as above: He’s holding up his college ring from A&M. To a lot of Aggies, that ring may be even more important to swear by than a wedding ring.

  8. Jack needs some of ‘Dan’s mist’ right now. Good points made by others at this site on why Cliff/Nick/Kat will not benefit by any safety deals from Jack. I think his best bet would be to figure out how to make Jackson go nuclear on the house. It shouldn’t be too hard with Jackson’s short fuse. I know Jack is a beast but Jackson deserves to go before him – IMHO

    1. It shouldn’t be that hard. Jess and nicole are not hard to manipulate. He need to use the relationship he had with Jackson and revile some secrets. Even if he need to make them.

      1. Accept for the fact that Jess and Nicole are the only ones in the house who more along but are never really manipulated by anyone.

    2. Jack doesn’t deserve to have his name in the same sentence with Dan’s. Man I miss the days with great players like Dan. I’m afraid those days are over and Big Brother is just a shell of its former self, but I will continue to watch will my fingers crossed for a great season.

    1. Yes, he does. My overuse of the moniker “Aquannabe Man” is starting to annoy me. I just can’t help myself. Every time I see him or his name is mentioned, I think back to his intro, comparing himself to Jason Momoa. It is deserving of more than an eye roll.

  9. after jack’s “no no nah nah…yall KNOW EACH OTHER” last thursday

    i wonder if jackson will use his “christie is jack’s ex” lie in his eviction speech…

  10. if michie stays he and christie go after each other

    with soon 10 left, and christies side not loyal to each other, when do nick/cliff start worrying about and going after holly, kat, nicole, jess?

    interesting even jack has told sis he, like her, is ok with christie going…almost everyone fed up with christies fake crying/bs/histrionics

    i wonder how tommie will handle people keep telling him nobody trusts or wants to move forward with christie

    next hoh, another of four shooters will likely go unless they win both hoh and veto due to the 3rd nom, even then christie still in danger

    if jack goes i could see nick, tommie, cliff working with sis

  11. Nicks dreams, his penchant with Tommy, makes one wonder if he’s a closet case? Maybe he likes them both. Whatever, he is weird.

  12. Best part yesterday was Kat reading Tommytunes the riot act on how poorly Jess was treated by the six and their lack of empathy for the others etc……you could see the realization on his face that winning America’s favorite player was gone and he was likely disliked by the viewers……Sam for AFP!…..who else is there lol.

  13. I hope Jackson doesn’t use the lie he has come up with about Christie being Jack’s ex. Who would believe that???? I mean, what ex-girlfriend would be OK with their ex hooking up with another girl right in front of them? AND everyone knows that Christie prefers women. I hope someone can talk him out of it.

    1. I think Cliff talked him out of it & it’s likely only to rear it’s head if he needs it later in the game. Coincidentally, Nick asked Christie if she’d had sex with a man in the last year just a few days ago and she said yes – but it was just physical. Plus, Jack has told several people Christie reminds him of his ex, so the better move by Jackson would be to say “they hooked up” not that she was his ex – that might be more believable.

      Still, if I were Holly I’d tell him NOT to do it (unless she wants him to increase his target).

  14. I was just going to say the same thing but couldn’t remember if I heard just a therapist or child therapist.. But either way, based on how he is acting how can anyone trust him to listen to their problems? It would probably be the patient coming into his office and offering HIM ADVICE…. LOL

    1. I believe you’re 100% correct on that!! If he had just weirded out on 1 thing he might have a chance but he’s gone completely d) all the above!!

  15. don’t get me wrong, i don’t like jackson either, but does that also make jack the lying coward for putting out there that holly/kat/jackson know each other outside the house?

  16. Why does Jack have such an inflated view of his powers of persuasion? His friends at home must be nitwits. He couldn’t convince people in Arizona to buy air conditioners.

    1. Well if we were to go by JackA$$’s intro video clip..he doesn’t appear to have any friends except his dog! LOL!

  17. Actually this lie is fantastic. He tells the lie and maybe Christie reveals that she’s either gay/bi and Tommy confirms it by telling everyone that she dated someone I know/related to for 7 years. All this lie does is get Jackson screwed and maybe reveal the Tommy/Christie relationship

  18. Jack is suffering from what is known as the”Big Tool Ego”. (Well, as per Sis and her personal observations).

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