Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household Winner – Tommy
Have note are: No Have nots this week, Jack, Tommy, and Jackson were given punishments as part of the veto.
Nominations are: Cliff, Kat & Christie
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Cliff, Kat, Tommy, Nick, Michie
Power of Veto holder – Tommy
Power of Veto Ceremony – Tommy used the Power Of Veto on Christie the season continues to rule
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7:30pm (Actually 8pm – the feeds are a half our behind) Bedroom. Holly and Jackson. Holly – I couldn’t tell when we were talking to Sis and she said that she was going to start playing her own game. I don’t know if she really feels like that or if she just wants us to think that. Jackson – we don’t think that they’re making a new five or. Like if we what to take shots at Christie .. we can but she doesn’t have to. And because I think they’re forming something else. Honestly, Nick and Nicole might have just replaced me and you. Jackson – I think they did. Holly – do you think they like for sure did? Jackson nods. Holly – if they like for sure did then we are f**ked. Jackson – if they did, then we have to win HOH. Holly – Duh! Jackson – Because if not then I’ll see you in jury.. I’m going out the door. Holly – I am going to straight up ask Tommy if they have. Kat joins them. Holly – you have to campaign for yourself. Kat – his (Cliff’s) campaign is going to be good. How am I supposed to compete with that? Jackson – don’t just throw in the towel. Kat – I’m not. Jackson – you’re not alone in this house. We care about you. Kat – I don’t feel comfortable throwing you under the bus. Jackson – no, throw me under the bus if that means you’re staying. I don’t care. Just don’t go home! Holly – I think you could get Sis’s vote. Make deals with people but deals that you can keep. Holly – I had to describe the summer solstice to her today. She had no idea what that was. Jackson – okay mean girls. Back to game play. Holly – its true. Jackson – I know, I’m just saying y’all don’t want to be known as mean b***hes. I am trying to look out for you. You just vented to me. Holly – she said that she is going to vote independently this vote.
8:25pm Boat room. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – I think we need to relay to people that we’re keeping more to ourselves because of game reason. Jackson – which is fine if people think that you and I are all that we have. Its great. We will go after alliances as 3 or 4 people and not two. At this point in the game if you’re in a showmance the best thing to do is to be able to profile and make it look like I’m in an alliance of plus 1 because why would they come after us if its just you and me. What numbers do we have? Unless there is an alliance of 7.. Holly – and we’re just idiots. And we could be idiots. I am wondering if Kat should try and work out a deal with me, her and Sis. And then eventually .. Sis says that she doesn’t trust Christie but she does still want to be apart of the cool kids club. I think she feels lost without Jack. Even though she wants to get Christie out. Even though she says she hates Christie. Even though all of these things and she doesn’t trust her. I am afraid she will go back so quickly and never betray her because she does still want to be apart of the cool kids club. And she is lost without Jack and doesn’t know where to go. I do worry that she isn’t going to take a stand against anything. Jackson – if I win HOH I am putting Christie on the block. I am taking that shot. Holly – I think Nick and Nicole with Christie as my backdoor target. I want to get out Nick sooner than later because he is smart ..before we start getting to these highly mental comps where he is just going to plow through everybody but I would tell Nicole that she is the pawn. And if Nick takes himself off Christie would go up. I want to tell her that Nick told me she would put me up but I feel that would get back to him. I mean Sis also told me that.
8:30pm Kat – I don’t think I’ve ever looked this ugly in my life. Christie – I’d still hit it!
9:20pm Nicole makes crepes.
10pm HOH room. Sis scares Tommy. They both fall down laughing at how scared he was.
Chicken scares TomTom #BB21 @bigbspoilers
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 13, 2019
Christie and Cliff. Cliff – I think it will be fantastic. Christie – and we’ll talk details and it feels good. Cliff – and you know I am good for it. I do swears. Christie – and so am I. Cliff – and we trust each other, that’s what this is all about. Christie – alright, we will chat later.
10:23pm HOH room. Nick, Sis and Tommy.
Nick – I really didn’t think I was going to make it and now I am in a spot where I could make it and it feels good. I can really see all three of us making it to the end. Sis – I really feel like we are going to get far. Nick – like honestly me, you, Cliff, Nicole, or Christie win.. Did Cliff talk to you? Tommy – yeah. Nick – did he shake on it? Tommy – no I didn’t want to didn’t want to shake on it yet. I wanted to wait till.. Nick – and I was like listen this is not an alliance.. I know that Tommy doesn’t like that word. I was saying that we’re all good until 6. And he said I will take that in a heartbeat. And Christie did want to ask him are you going to be gunning for this (HOH). We want him gunning for this .. and not like oh.. Tommy – everyone has to. They think the next HOH will be an elimination HOH. Nick – I would do Michie and Holly first. Sis – I don’t know if I could do both of them. Tommy leaves. Sis – if I am being honest, I feel like I don’t need to win anything until the six. Nick – for sure. Sis – but if it was down to me and someone that I thought would put up me or you then I would win it. Nick – I feel like I need to win.

10:50pm – 12:25am Big Brother gives them alcohol. They all head up to the HOH room to drink. They all chat about random things. They sit in a circle and play the never have I ever game. Nick – never have I ever had a threes*me. Tommy – I was blacked out and then woke up to getting he@d from two guys. Cliff – thanks for the alcohol POP (tv). Kat – never have I ever done butt stuff. Cliff puts down a finger. Christie notices that Cliff changes his fingers to two in the p!nk one in the st!n*. They all laugh. Cliff – I can’t wait to get home Sharon! I hope my kids aren’t watching. Jess says he husband is too big to fit.
Tommy "Okay Nick! (Bella's watching)" #BB21 @bigbspoilers
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 13, 2019
Nick demonstrates how he kisses on Tommy #BB21 @bigbspoilers
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 13, 2019
12:40am HOH room. Nick – Bella never let me go down on her. Nick goes into detail about how he goes down on a girl. Christie disagrees with all of his technique. Christie – you’ve already wasted too much time! Nick – its quick bro! Christie says that its not that she thinks he can’t do it well .. she can just do it better.
1:30am HOH room. Nick, Sis and Tommy.
Nick – I will trust you guys to three. If I get put up at 4 or 5 and you guys get me out I would respect it.. and I would still vote for you guys if you got to the end. Sis I would love to see us three. If we got six, I would love for us to get to three. Tommy – I feel like we are all just well rounded players. Sis – I honestly wouldn’t mind losing to you. Tommy – same. Nick – I wouldn’t either. If I got to the end I would be like just vote for who played the best game. If you don’t pick me .. I don’t want it to be season 19.. don’t pick me because you don’t like the person I am sitting next to. Vote for the integrity of the game. We’re all fans of the game. Vote on who played the best game. If you truly think I played the best game, vote for me. If not, then I don’t want your vote.
Wait. No. Still heeby jeebying. Guh. tmi around the board.
Thinking about pros and cons. Not the pros and cons for the nominees, but for the voters.
Everyone is becoming suspicious of Kat’s connection to Holly and to Jackson. There’s a flipside to not immediately targeting Holly or Jackson. That flipside is would she vote out whoever was on the block next to either of them? That’s an unknown. Unknowns are bad when you’re on the block. That’s not good for the voters.
Is keeping Kat in the game good for Nicole? Nicole is now aware that Holly doesn’t value her, and is willing to cut her. Is keeping a two or three vote block that has at least one member that doesn’t value Nicole good for Nicole’s game? In my opinion it isn’t. I’m open to explanation of why It is good for Nicole’s game given what Nicole knows (not what we know from feeds that she isn’t aware of). Nicole doesn’t necessarily lose a juror vote because she can say she was closer to Cliff as a Dad figure.
The con to keeping Cliff: his flippyfloppy nature, and his worry about women outnumbering men.
Is it good for Jess? Actually, Jess is not mentioned by anyone as a target except Nick… and I think he’s even flipping to the Holly train because of what she said to Sis and Christie about Nick. If Jess is on the losing side of the vote, she could get out of any flack, because for some reason nobody considers her a short range threat. Jess can vote either way, but being out of the majority gives them reason to pawn her. A pawn can only be pawned so many times before the pawn goes home. She could likely keep a jury vote from either, unless she’s sitting next to Holly or Jackson. They get Kat’s vote first. The con to keeping Cliff: he views her as the leader of the season 21 women’s movement.
Sis? In order to stay with the numbers while Holly and Jackson are isolating themselves, and not actually even trying to form any bonds… it’s better for Sis to vote out Kat right now. Simply for numbers and bigger targets ahead of her reasons. The con in keeping both: neither of them would vote for a pillow case to win the season.
If Jackson votes out Cliff for a second time, I doubt he can come back from that one if Cliff stays. evict me once shame on you, evict me twice shame on me is the thought process I’m going by. Jackson is in a bad position because he has been isolating. He isn’t being shunned, he is choosing to sink. He might lose the jury vote of which ever he votes out.
If Holly doesn’t vote to evict Cliff, that is the only situation where Kat could withhold her jury vote.
In my opinion, I think all of the ‘secret’ meetings with Jackson and Holly last week where people would see her walking out, and Holly campaigning hard for her has actually REALLY hurt Kat’s chance to stay. It’s not impossible for Kat to stay. Seriously, this group comes up with the most convoluted reasons to flip a vote (usually led by Tommy getting worked up over something, that then get’s the universal magic bladder infection going… and Nick is 100 per cent reactionary landshark… and the newly feather stuffed pillowcase… nuff said). There’s a few days left.
What really bothers me… they called for eggs florentine before i could come up with the punchline to a dancer a chicken and a therapist are lying in a bed.
Lol … that last sentence!
Is keeping Kat in the game good for Nicole? Nicole is now aware that Holly doesn’t value her, and is willing to cut her.
Does anyone REALLY value her?
Nicole was made aware that Holly had to be talked out of putting Nicole on the block as renom against Sam, and that Nicole would have become the target in that scenario. She received this info from Christie and verified it with others (Sis and Nick I believe).
I think Nick values Nicole, but that’s like a double negative.
Cliff and Nicole need to pull in Jess If they form a tight three some and lay low until there are 6 left. They can let the remnants of the 6S fight it out and then strike. They can make it to the final three.
I totally agree but Jess is sooooo all over the place that even if she says she will do something it’s not guaranteed that she will do it. She will back out last minute and sell out Nicole and Cliff for her bfffff Crusty the Clown cause she “trusts” her.
That’s a pathway to good feeds. I could get behind that
Kat voted to evict Nicole when it was between cliff and Nicole (when cliff won the battle back) so really she’s just returning kat the favor.
While Sis is in a sandwich of Tommy and Nick, Holly is in a hammock in the backyard with Jackson talking about easily getting Sis to be a threesome with them instead.
I just can’t comment, I’m too busy throwing up in my mouth. The conversation from Creepy and then the kiss, was too much. If that’s who Sis wants to align herself with then I hope she goes soon.
I hope Kat tells Sis I’m going to bang Jack all over the Jury house so you better keep me bitch.
and I have lost all respect for cliff – He better not shake on anything or make promises, because if he does he will basically leave Nicole out on a limb by herself.
Grossed me out too. Seriously TMI. I need to scrub that out of my mind.
Cliff hanger should been gone b4 Kat. At least she is entertaining
According to Sis, it is not a fever until it reaches 102. Cliff was saying that Kat was running a slight fever and that was her diagnosis
Well she’s wrong. It’s medically considered a fever when the temp is over 100.8. She’s so dumb.
Why did I think 99 was a fever?
This is the girl they had to explain daylight savings time to. She literally thought some hours were taken out of the day
She is not that far off. Anything above 100.4 is considered a low grade fever, but generally not something that is cause for concern or requires treatment until it reaches a moderate level of 102. Actually anything above normal is considered a fever, so you are not wrong on the 99, but some people have a normal temp of 99.
I think it is interesting that they all think Nick is a genius that will shine brightest in mental comps. I think Nicole and Cliff are the ones most likely to do well on mental comps. I may be blinded by the fact that Nicole reminds me of my daughter who designs robots.
if the next three to go are Kat, Jackson and Holly……..I may actually stop watching….after 13 straight seasons. If Cliff makes this deal with the devils, I am not sure I can stomach the rest of the season. I have watched people I wasn’t rooting for, win the whole game……but I am not sure I could stand if Tommy, Nick, Christie or Sis won it all!!
I have not watched I 2 weeks now and don’t miss a thing. I get my updates here. When Christie or Tommy are on the block is wen I ill start watching again.
As to evictions, I feel Kat would be a stronger player then Cliff with his injuries and unsettled alliances. Seems, to me at least, Cliff will throw anyone under the bus without thinking end results of just being used.
CBS, want to save this Season? Get Tommy or Christie on the block and throw away the script.
Having any of these shitshooter prima donnas on the block will give us entertainment. Chrsitie and Tommy both up with the Veto played would be MAGIC!
Heck Nick and Christie would be magic as well!
At this point, Christie on the block for longer than 1 day would be magic.
Dang I honestly never expected to say this…EVER…but I reallllly hope Michie/Holly win hoh this week. And then the one who doesn’t win this week…HAS to win next week. Need 2 of the 6 shooters taken out of the game (Nick, Christie, Tommy, or Sis…in that order)
Me too. I don’t even care for the updates this week. IMO this is the worse season I ever watched and probably won’t watch for the rest of week. I’ll see who wins HOH next week and may not watch next week either. Did I ever mention how much I hate NIck?
I used to keep the feeds on while I was doing housework or cooking or reading the news. This year I have to turn it off after one minute. These are the most annoying people I’ve ever seen. They are disgusting pigs who have no filter. Is it no wonder baby boomers like myself can’t stand millennials. I really hope that Nicole and Cliff make it to final 2. I truly love Nicole. She is just the sweetest thing. Then again I’m judging her by the rest in the house. I have great respect for Cliff getting this far with these kids. He has earned the respect of everyone in the house and that alone is an amazing feat. If he is final 2 he wins unanimously.
I agree, I refer to them as “Generation Asshole”.
Sadly, the Baby Boomers raised the Generation X-ers, who raised the Millenials. Did the grandparent Baby Boomers spoil them too much, or had the Generation X-ers just miss out on the good parenting gene??
You are correct. Unfortunately, each generation seems to lose something. Guess we have to chalk that up to so-called progress. Kind of scary to see what will happen to future generations. All as we can hope things turn around for the better. Done preaching for the day.
No society got rid of discipline. When I was in school every teacher had a paddle and used it.
The Xers were too caught up in the “rage against the machine” movement. Their Boomer parents were so uncool and they were out to prove they could be their kids friend and still be a good parent. And the result of that (IMO, failed experiment) was the “millenials”. Of course I am generalizing, and I can only speak of what I have witnessed, but that is they way I’ve perceived it.
I agree, I came pretty close to stopping watching when Tommy took Christie off, I have been watching since the first season and NEVER felt this disgusted yet bored all at the same time. I really hope the double comes up and Cliff or Nicole win the second half and put tommy/christie or nick up!
I can’t believe I am saying this…but I hope Jackson wins HOH…..
I’m leaning that way as well.. It’s f*ed up I know. He’s the only one that looks like they will take a shot at Christie/tommy/nick. The rest of them seem to be fighting over the 6-7th position of a super alliance ..
Same. I never thought I would root for this guy. What’s left of the 6 would be in full panic mode although the butt kissing might (probably) be unbearable to watch. Then again, given how this season has been going, what’s left of the 6 could all fall in love again! ?
They can kiss butt all they want…Michie won’t team up with them again. Holly…maybe…but he can convince her not to be blinded by the butt kissing.
This is what we’ve come to…rooting for Jackson! But if it means getting either Tommy/Christie or Nick out then I’m all for it!
For someone that talks about the rest of the house guests being children and that he doesn’t care about this stuff, cliff sure does act like a middle-schooler always trying to fit in with the cool kids. Dude. They don’t care about you. Every week they contemplate sending you out.
Somehow GROOD and KASSSSSSSSSTING found the most unlikable people to play in the season since BB19.
I use to enjoy learning about these people from different parts of the US. For me someone who is a foreigner to US pop culture it was awesome I got to learn what it was like from different angles. Most of the time it’s cringey and BOY OH BOY toxic twitter really taught me a thing or two about US PC Pop culture. But there was always something that kept me going. There was always a handful of people even if I didn’t like them I still didn’t mind their stories/jokes. That’s not the case this year, we’re left with 10 people most of which are blah.
In terms of how they are on the live feeds. **I fully understand these people’s ugly points are amplified on the feeds so take this as their feed personalities.
Nick is a creep and totally lacking in things I like to watch on the feeds
Christie is horribly annoying and self-centered. Just barf inducing
Tommy is fake as shit and it’s grossing me out to have to watch this
Sis is fake, entitled, devoid of personality. Funny how
uglyunattractive I think she is nowJackson is a head full of loose wiring. He’s only looking good because everyone else is so bad.
Holly is a disaster I’ll leave it at that.
Cliff is a slug but his stories of working oil and gas around the world are neat.
Nicole is meek but seems to be the one normal person
Jess .. ugh… one minute I think she’s playing 4D chess the next she’s gushing about how Christie and Tommy have her back while they are up in the HOH talking about where she sits in the boot order. Spoiler alert it’s 7th
Kat is the only person that is funny left in the house and she’s going on Thursday.
I don’t even know where to begin to fantasize about how this season will improve. For me it’s coming down to whoever is against the (Christie, Tommy, Nick, Sis) power block.
That’s my last feed rant for the day I promise..
Updates will be a bit behind today but only by a couple hours.
Simon, just wait till something even more gross and disgusting happens than previously has on the feeds. Sounds impossible but I have faith in these warthog faced buffoons (to steal a line from Westley) in diving even deeper into the Pit of Dispair! Once you finish wretching and the rinsing your mouth out with Kraken (then guzzling some) you will be forced into another rant…..,we all feel your pain…..
Simon, I couldn’t agree with you more and just don;t have the patience to articulate all of that. This is just a really bad cast. Season 19 was bad but IMO this one is worse,
And I thought Zakiyah’s storage room show was the most disgusting thing that would happen in the Big Brother house.
Yup it is.
This is the first season where I can’t even stomach BBAD. I am reading everything here. I just can’t watch.
I agree with everything but I do have a question. What does head full of loose wiring mean?
You do seem to have a soft spot for the old men and their stories. I could easily imagine Cliff and Kevin on a the Amazing Race.
A coffee-fueled morning grump rant.
lmao…I have those too…I usually delete b4 I hit post…but mine are full on rants sometimes hahaha
HAHA I did delete the first one ..
HAHAHAHAHHAHA I spit water all over the keyboard. Yea…it happened once, where I started a rant…hit post…then went into edit it…and realized I did not want to post AT ALL. Too bad…so I doctored it up to be as non-confrontational and nasty as possible lol
Simon, you are truly a doll for watching & posting. I’m sure everyone reading bbonline would give you & Dawg big ups for doing all this work for us. Sooooo, if anyone deserves the occasional rant, it’s YOU! Personally, I greatly appreciate your effort, your input, & your hilarious asides. Thanks!
You’re very welcome Sally B 🙂
I agree. I think this week is worse just because we finally had people having some silly fun in HOH last week.
Too many narcissists, egomaniacs, fake asses & overall boring people this season.
Jackson is a head full of loose wiring. He’s only looking good because everyone else is so bad.
Don’t forgot he’s a Steinfeld fan
OK, how soon before we are getting a recap that includes Nick under Tommy’s covers? On so many levels, Nick is all over the place.
I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I really don’t want to see Kat go. She has grown into the only HG (at this point) that I can stand. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone when I say that I want Cliff to go. I don’t necessary “hate” Cliff in this game (I’m sure he’s a really good guy outside of the house), I just don’t really respect his game play and think this should be his time to go. Now I know that he is hurt and maybe seen as a weaker player than Kat but he is well liked by just about everyone in the jury house and still in the game.
The way I see it is this game there are 2 stages. Stage 1 is the beginning of the game where just about everyone tries to get out the “floaters” and then there is stage 2 where the “floaters” are seen as an asset and are wanted to be kept to the end because they are seen as beatable in the final 2. I think we are now in stage 2 of the game where keeping Jess, Nicole and Cliff is maybe seen as a good game move because they are beatable in the final 2. The problem that I see with this thinking is that the floaters can sneak up on you and before you know it they are sitting next to you at the end and then go on to win the game because, as a floater, they may not of pissed off as many of the other house guests as you have and I think this makes Cliff dangerous to keep. Cliff has been underestimated before with the battle back and the HOH comp and now he has everyone believing his word is gold. To me, Cliff is more dangerous and should be taken out of the game now.
Kat, on the other hand, has won the POV once and if I remember correctly, the other HG’s weren’t trying that hard so she may of won by default. Also, she has rubbed the others the wrong way and is not as trustworthy as Cliff seems. I think that, as of right now, someone like Jess (who got out a big threat) or Tommy could beat her in the end. I think that Nicole and Jess need to look at their options closely and vote out Cliff.
There, that is my argument to keep Kat.
In terms of entertainment I would prefer if Kat stay, but in terms of game I can see why Kat is being tagged to leave.
Kat is the linchpin that could unite the Jess group with Jackson and Holly. If you are trying to limit Jackson and Holly’s options, you have to clip Kat. If you are tyring to limit Jess, Nicole, Cliff or Nick’s options, again you have to clip Kat. This season the name of the game appears to be numbers not single player capability; that said, there are concerns that her capability is greater than what she has been demonstrating. They are of the opinion that Kat has been throwing comps, and she is not willing to consistently or convincingly name a target to the group in power (because the group in power would be her target). She shouldn’t have dropped the ditzy act in front of Cliff or Nick for even a second last week. Both are good time friends, and disappear when times go bad.
Entertainment move: bad to evict Kat.
Game move: understandable to evict Kat.
I think the same argument could be made about Cliff.
But that isn’t the perception of the voters. They are more concerned about Kat’s connection than they are Cliff’s.
Agree with you, another name. Plus, she will not quit harping on the “my target is Jackson” lie that EVERYONE sees through. They all know she is close with Holly and Jackson, yet Kat doesn’t seem to possess the awareness that the others are not buying it.
Another mistake was that she went into Sis’s chicken coop and started impressively passing the eggs (like in the Field Trip comp), thus providing Christie with the ammo to say to the others “look how incredible she is at comps.”
I really like Kat, I find her entertaining, and I think she has done some very good things in the game…… but if I’m on the other side, cutting her is the right call.
No doubt think she is allied with Holly. But I do think most believe her “my target is Jackson” lie. I just think they know she’s aligned with Holly and that Michie and Holly will go with Kat. That’s what I think the main concern is with the rest of the house. There are 3 people that they can’t convince. If I were in the house…and not aligned with Michie and Holly…I too would be cutting Kat. However, as a viewer and lover of all things BB…Kat leaving is pure and utter sadness. 🙁
But then the other side of me says, that you know how Christie and Tommy are fake and have lied ridiculously…so wouldn’t it be better to ally with Michie, Holly, and Kat? Because you’re going to be cut quicker if you go with Christie and Tommy.
Looks like I’m not alone in how I rate them.
Wow, look at Jackson climbing the ranks. LOL
BTW Simon and everyone else, are you experiencing problems jumping to various time stamps on the feeds? After a few seconds, I keep getting the following message in red letters: “The video you have requested is unavailable or may have expired.”
I hope CBS fixes this by the time I get home from work.
Yep, that’s pretty bad.
By the way, I would rate Nick at a negative 75.
These people are asswipes. They were complaining because they got liquor last night. They weren’t even going to drink it until bb told them it would be taken away if they didn’t drink it. So they drank but played never have i ever which pop didn’t show. Thank you pop. You know with nick and christie it got too raunchy to even air late night on pop.
They’d probably have to show it pay per view.
Once Kat goes the only 1 left to cheer for is Nicole. The rest I don’t care about or actively dislike. This has happened before in some seasons: I often give up in the last month.
Nick is a trashy POS ! This week SUCKS !!
Correction….this whole SEASON sucks!! 😉
He really is and this week really does. I can’t believe he has shot up to my #1 for wanting out of the house.
I seriously think Sis is just going to sleep her way to the end…with whoever
This season really is high school reflux.
(Bud Light should not be considered an alcoholic beverage.)
Maybe I’m fooling myself, for the sake of not giving up on these morons, but surely Cliff and his girls don’t truly believe Tommy and Christie are the most trustworthy couple ! Please tell me they are just saying that to get through the week, right ?! How could they be so spot on one week, and know they have to get them out, to this week joining an alliance with them !!
Shockingly…I really think they do. I guess if you’re not seeing how they really are…Tommy and Christie may look ridiculously authentic. Nah…I think they’re just really dumb (the people who believe Tommy and Christie).
Yeah I hate to say it but I think your right, damn it !!
As unbearable as it is to even think about:
The easiest person to win against at final two has become Crusty.
Name people that would vote for her to win, besides Tommy.
Think of her answers to the ‘own your game’ portion of the jury questioning.
Think of the big egos and ‘moral’ superiortiy of most of the house that would make up jury.
It might be impossible to drag her their without wanting to kill her, but she’s pretty unlikely to get any votes.
Although, some would be able to make the, “Played the best game” argument pretty well for her.
she’d never be able to make it for herself. Too much of the jury would be completely against it, and would not be open to hearing it, even if she could make the argument.
No questions will be asked because the jury will not be able to ask without her talking over them
While gnawing on a turkey leg
But $50K is too big of a reward!
Jess, for some reason, still seems fairly enamoured with Christie and I could see a winner vote. But yeah, Christie will have a hard time winning. I think her best shot would be against someone the others don’t respect….. maybe like Sis?
Bella chiming in on twitter after Nick and Sis session this morning. She can no longer support Nick because NO ONE deserves to feel second in a relationship.
UMMMM… gee, did she get that in a Hallmark card from the boyfriend she was living with before she went on Big Brother.
this just made my whole day….hysterical!!
Can no longer support him????!!!! Are you kidding me??!!!! lol
What happened with Nick and Sis? Sorry don’t have feeds and don’t plan on getting them with this group…
They cuddled in the hoh bed until nick heard the camera zooming in. then he turned away. the same sound of camera zooming made tommy perk up and look behind him at sis and nick to see if something was going on.
Nice of POP to give them alcohol and then they immediately start playing Never Have I Ever and Tommy talks about his double hummer (Nick must have been in heaven) and POP is forced to switch to Jackson working out in the BY and Nicole making her bed and giving a lecture about responsibility and being a leader instead of a follower for the rest of the broadcast. I bet POP will think twice before they do that again. I can only imagine how hard it was for Cliff to participate in that stupid game.
I’m sorry as I know this will disappoint a lof of posters…but Nicole is not acting much like a leader. And I bet Cliff loved playin the game.
He has said he thinks they are all losers and he’s so glad how his kids turned out in contrast.
Nick just wow, I don’t think he could be any creepier. Parents keep this dude away from your kids!
I would love a season where they cast lots of Nicoles, lots of Jess’ and a whole bunch of Cliffs. None of the bully power play cool kid $hit.
It would never happen by the quota system of reality casting. America isn’t ready to see a bunch of Nicole or Jess types showmancing with Cliff types. For some gawd awful reason they think people want to see showmances.
It seems like CBS has pulled the Never Have I Ever footage. I tried 4 times on flashback and just as Tommy is ready to reveal waking up to 2 guys slopping his hog log the screen goes black and says the session has expired. I could understand POP TV not airing it but the Big Brother Live Feeds website?
Timestamp? I’ll start looking.
If they are still timestamping a half hour ahead like yesterday, I’d try around 11:45 pm timestamp last night and move forward from there.
Ok thanks.
Is that because Tommy kinda described that he was raped by two guys while drunk. Or perhaps CBS didn’t want it known that the oil man checks his wife’s levels.
Legally what Tommy described is sexual assault,not surprised they’re blocking it.
things they fished last night: overly gratuitous talk and gestures (examples from their lives) and demonstrations (llike when nick demostrated how he kisses on tommy).
Heaven forbid Tommy and his gang look bad, gotta protect CBS’s picks to win !!
Flashback works if I let it run while the screen is small, but goes black when I try to full screen it.
OK. I’ve been able to jump around successfully to other days and times. 8/12 is the only day that’s fcuked. Still hope they fix 8/12 though.
Wish Sam had won the POV and Nick would have left. Sam at least had a good reason to win the money, his son’s medical bills. Thanks Simon and Dawg for the updates, not sure how you guys do it listening to these people.
within the next 10 years, if this show is still on, you’re gonna see them all get drunk and have an orgy.
Oh. like the partially feed blocked truth or dare in the hot tub for bbcan3?
I saw the part where Nicole left the HOH room during the game and then did her OSA. I love that girl!
That should be PSA. She did not compromise her integrity just to be part of the group. That game was disgusting.
Can’t stand holly or Jackson