POV Holder: | JohnnyMac | Next POV | July 13th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | July 13th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Becky | HOH Winner Team 2: | Shelli |
Nominations 1 : | Steve, Jason | Nominations 2: | Day, JohnnyMac |
Battle of the Block Winner | Steve & Jason | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 9th / ? |
Original Nominations: | Day, JohnnyMac | ||
Current Nominations: | DaVonne, Meg | ||
Have Nots | Steve, Jason, James and Meg |
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9:10am – 9:30am HOH room – Julia is up in the HOH room and asks were you the one up here in the HOH room the other day. Julia says no it was Julia. Shelli asks is one of your faces a little wider? Julia say yeah Liz. They ask her if her memory wall photo and if it is both of their pictures together? Julia says no its Liz. Julia comments on how both her and Audrey are the ones smiling and holding secrets. Clay say Day is leaving today and hopefully Audrey next week. That will hopefully dissipate. How long until you both come in? Julia says 5 weeks. Julia says that James tried to corner in the bathroom and started asking 20 questions. I was like no way, deuces. Julia says I knew I had to tell someone when everyone was on to it. Vanessa comes up and tells them that she can hear them downstairs when they scream or laugh. Vanessa leaves again. Julia says I know I need to put on weight and she needs to lose weight. Clay says we need to deflect the target long enough. Julia says she thinks we’re going to switch today. Julia says did you guys notice during the live show when we did a live switch. Shelli points out their nail polish and wonders if they could both have the same design. That’s one thing they wanted to test out if you would come out with out any nail polish. Clay asks and do you have something on your foot. Julia looks at her foot and notices something. She says well I’ll just have to wear socks. Shelli says tells Liz that if Day asks the dogs name is Charlie something from the movie all dogs go to heaven. Shelli says they’ve been asking lots of questions and there is no way you can remember all the details. We will try and get you the information. Julia says I am going to try and stay away from the people that are really questioning it like Jason, Day. Clay says we will try and hang out with you so that we can intervene if they start questioning it. Big Brother tells them to change their batteries and Julia heads downstairs.

9:30am – 9:50am In the bathroom – Vanessa tells Austin about Liz having a twin switching in and out. Vanessa tells Austin they can’t trust Audrey or Jeff. Austin asks why can’t we trust Jeff. Vanessa says because he is gunning after you. Vanessa tells Austin that Liz and Julia have been switching in and out. Austin asks how did people figure it out. Austin asks if they’ve switched yet. Vanessa says yes, get in the game! You’ve been sleeping with two different girls. Vanessa says that Audrey needs to go. She literally tried to frame us. She is a snake in the grass you cannot trust her. The moment she goes on the block she is going to out us. Shelli and Clay trust us. Austin asks where does Becky stand? Vanessa says she’s very in the middle right now. Vanessa and Austin talk about coming up with a signal (hang loose hand gesture) to notify the other they need to talk.

9:50am – 10:10am Austin heads up to the HOH room – Austin says I don’t even care about all this I just want to know why Jeff is trying to betray me. Basically he is the male Audrey? Shelli tells Austin to act normal with him, just don’t give him any information. Shelli says I still trust Jeff, just not with information. I think he is just collecting information from everyone. Austin says Vanessa told me about all the bullsh*t with Audrey too. Shelli says thing with Audrey are sketchball again. Austin says so she needs to go next week. Clay calls Audrey crazy. Shelli says she’s not crazy she’s just good at this game. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When they come back – Austin asks how did I not notice. Shelli tells Austin he needs to start paying attention. Austin says I think she looks a lot different actually. Clay says we need to keep her here for the next 5 evictions. Austin says he thought she was just loosing weight but its going to be noticable today when they switch. Austin asks why didn’t she come to me and tell me. Shelli says we need to pay attention to who she is talking to and the conversation so that when they switch we can fill the other one in. Austin asks so who goes this week? Audrey? Shelli and Clay say yes. Shelli tells Austin that they think the fight between Day and Audrey was fake. Shelli says it was so good that I put up Meg instead of Liz because then she would be going home. Clay tells Austin they need to get Becky on their side. Austin says that’s the thing I was trying to get Jackie on our side too. Austin tells them that if someone like a Jason gets rid of Shelli it would be good because then Clay would be alone. Shelli says that Jeff wants to dance on both sides that’s why we stopped trusting him. Austin leaves.

10:15am – 10:25am HOH room Audrey comes up to the HOH room and asks if she can shower. Audrey says that Day tried to give me their her two cents last night. Audrey says that Jeff told me that I made up that Liz was going to vote for Day. Day told me that they think know who has the power and that she has 6 votes. Clay says that Day confronted Liz about you saying she was voting for her to stay. Audrey says part of me wants to go caller her out. Shelli asks why are you so concerned with this Day thing? Shelli says when Day corners people they are telling her they will vote for her. Audrey says that Liz straight up told me she was voting for Day and now she is lying about it. Audrey says I’m not saying another word.. I’m just telling you two because last time I told Meg and Jeff something it blew up in my face.
10:25am Big Brother blocks the live feeds. In the bathroom – Vanessa is talking Day. Vanessa asks if she can just tell the person that can nullify the votes to use one on her. Vanessa says I don’t want to be a part of this vote. Day says that “they” (SHe) already locked in the (3 nullified) votes yesterday. Day leaves. Jeff says the house is voting for Meg. Jeff says that we think Day has the vote thing and will axe out all of Meg’s friends. I probably won’t be able to vote. James and Clay probably won’t be able to vote either.
10:35am In the bedroom – Day tells Jason that Jeff, James and Clay are all working together. Vanessa says I’m scared. If I vote for you, they’re going to come after me. They’re backing me into a corner. Day tells Jason to watch his back. Day says which means they’ve flipped her (Vanessa) too.
10:50am The house guests are in the kitchen eating breakfast.
10:50am – 12:15pm The live feeds are blocked (likely for the HOH lock down) showing the Jeff Schroeder live feed highlights.
This next week will especially be interesting to watch as the twins Liz & Julia now have help trying to hide their secret from the others.
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as boring as i find them as people, i’m really liking clay and shelli’s game. build an alliance and target the other side of the house. for too many seasons it’s been target floaters. floaters are great so long as you can keep in power, and you keep in power by diminishing the numbers of the opposing alliance not by diminishing the number of floaters.
I’m really looking forward to tonights show and the new HOH’s. I think we are in for a lot of drama this seasonn.
I think we are too Pinocchio Obama. James got the ball rolling right off the bat, chasing off Jace. Day could have gone a lot further but her pride got in the way. As far as HOH goes tonight: anybody but Andrey, John, or Steve. Audrey would blow $hit up whereas John or Steve would put viewers to sleep.
that’s the whole float game. jmac and steve won’t actively try to win hoh as it would force them to choose a side, making them non-threats as much as the rest of the house doesn’t view them as non-threats.
audrey though is super entertaining as she’s a total floater but it’s by virtue of playing too hard rather than keeping too quiet, putting her in a situation where comps are pretty much must-wins.
These people are idiots. Why would you want a true pair in the house? They have an unbreakable bond? You will always be third.
If Clay, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, and Liz are able to control a 14 person house until week 5 then the twins deserve to be in the game. However, I don’t see that happening.
Do they not think the other houseguests are going to notice how they have flip-flopped on their twin stance after talking about it all week?
Is it week 5? or after the first 5 evictions both of the twins is coming into the house (got thise from reading tvgrapevine BB17 update), if it is 1st 5 that means a double eviction next week or the week after?
It’s the first 5 evictions. I was out of the country for the first week of the show so the first 14 days still feels like only one week for me.
Either way, it should take Jason, Audrey, and some others less than 24 hours to notice how Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa are all of a sudden backing Liz’s claim that she’s not a twin.
It is my understanding they have to survive 5 evictions. If they do, they are both in the house. They have survived one, they are about to survive a second. They will probably survive the 3rd (Audrey, esp since she seems to be making enemies of everyone in the house). After that, the people who are with them needs to hold serve for two more weeks (or they need to win HoH themselves).
If you are friends with the twins or pair, then that is good. You work your game to get rid of one of them at some point. The girls (liz/julia) thus far have not shown themselves to be super strong in competitions, although there has been few.
We shall see. I went to bed last night thinking pretty much Day is done… but who knows now.
Thank you! Plus: why do they deserve the option of playing the game and also have a “relationship”? It’s like offering your enemy the chance to play in a duo + something to relieve the stress. I’m so against showmances because they are just duh.
it’s smart to keep a solid 2 on your side because if they are it’s two votes you can count on without having to do the work of earning 2 separate votes. unless it’s like what happened with Amanda and McCrae, who made it waaay too far in the game together. you have to get rid of one before a certain point but I think it’s a pretty good idea in the beginning
That is what I’m talking about… it’s too risky, and Amanda & McCrea weren’t related. You always break up pairs…..and blood pairs.. cmon. This deal would have ONLY made sense for Day or someone who is on the block. You are adding an extra person to the game that you have to get out. They could turn making not only one but two now to the other side…. it doesn’t make any sense…. Especially when everybody knows. Now if they are smart they will see they are now protecting her and get a clue as to what they are trying to do. They didn’t need the twins. They let the twins get too far.. something they really may not have control over.. they are in trouble. Do me it’s an unnecessary risk. They will always be loyal to each other first and foremost.
I’m sorry to say this but Big Brother needs a new host and producer; the chenbot and Allison “I rig the show” Grodner needs to go. I was sick to my stomach when the try to pull out that disgusting Frankie from last year and making it seem like he was everyone’s fan fav. Then Chen proves how spinless she is without grilling him about how vile he was. Not to mention the guy goes on the talk to as a contestant who got 5th place and she parades him around like we all adored him. She’s completely inconsistent with her criticism and how her and AG completely rig this show.
Simply ridiculous… if Liz/Julia’s secret has already been revealed, even if by just a few in the house, she should be out already. In my opinion the twist is only good if NO ONE figures it out.
Also, I can’t believe Da is leaving… 🙁 – Another season where the people I root for don’t make it into the final.
LOL why are people so clueless
the rules clearly stated that:
as long as they survive 5 evictions in the game, they will both be allowed to enter the game
You took the words right out of my mouth. Some of the clueless comments make me wonder if we are all following the same game/people.
I’m not clueless… I just have common sense. It’s ridiculous to have twins switching when everyone KNOWS what’s going on and allow them to go to a retreat when they are outside the house where they can probably chill and sleep and rest. If they were caught, they should have to be in the house together and play together as one (elect one of them to play all the comps and always vote as one). I’d be even cruel if I was a producer: I’d have a BBTakeOver in which houseguests could decide if they want twins battling each other on a comp to decide who stayed in the house playing the game. Hahaha… HUNGER GAMES!
The rules were set before the game started. All the twins had to do was survive the first 5 evictions. It doesn’t matter if people know or not. Survival is the only thing that counts. Production can’t change the rules now, it’s too late.
Stop rutting for the wrong people then
Why is it wrong to root for Da? Care to elaborate?
Do you know what rutting means?
I’m so sick of the Austin support! Julia just confirmed that he’s a creep like James and Jeff, all he does is workout, complain and NOW he’s presented with the info that Jeff is targeting him so he’s great with keeping his biggest ally in the game? He’s the biggest idiot in the house, soon Vanessa will turn on him when her back is against the wall because he understands nothing about this game.
Love the Nessa/Austin side of this alliance but hate the Clay/Shelli side. I would love for one of the “insiders” (such a ridiculous concept) to win and put Nessa and Austin next to Shelli and Clay and watch the sides battle it out.
The great thing about them no longer trusting Audrey is that she knows they’re working together and can easlily expose their alliance. Knowing Messy Audrey that will happen as soon as she feels threatened aka in 5…4…3…2..*BOOM*
I agree put them 4 up whoever wins bob fine then if one of the other 2 wins the veto replace them with Liz / Julia just like dumb & dumber put up Meg against Da
That is quite a shitty proposal and the “insiders” would be morons to employ it. By putting up all four of them it guarantees two of them come off by winning BOB. It ensures all four of them come closer as a group and will then know for sure they are being targeted. That means the two remaining on the block and the others will go all out to gain veto. You pretty much have to pray the remaining two on the block don’t have the veto or have it used on them cause if they do who are you left with to put up? Most likely with the house dynamics you would be forced to put up Audrey as the replacement ensuring she goes home and NONE of the four get evicted. You have now just made 4 enemies who will gun after you the following week in which you can’t compete. Dumbest idea ever. If you want someone gone from the otherside the logical move is to place a pawn up and backdoor the target or place the target up with pawn and replace the pawn with the targets biggest ally.
Shelli/clay/Vanessa/ Austin also have more alliances and support then the “insiders.” if the the replacement is Liz then she goes home but the main 4 you suggest will remain. Only one chance of 1 of the 4 going home if you target them all at once and that is if the veto doesnt get used.
Safest from the 4 would also be Vanessa, if she is on the block she has clay/shelli/ liz/ austin/ steve on LOCK. she can also get steve to work on Becky and JohnnyMac. She is the safest in the game right now due to her connections. She would have to be sitting next to shelli to go home at this point anyone else and she would stay.
If the “insiders” lose one more member they pretty much lose control of the game and get picked off 1 by 1. In two weeks time Vanessa will become the most powerful player in the game and if she maintains her connections she could coast to final 3-4 easily thats when it becomes trickier.
Everyone stuck in the middle Steve, Becky, Jacki, Johnny Mac and James are all willing to vote out DaVonne instead of Meg and they are killing their own game doing it Why? Meg is too scared to go after Shelli, Clay, Austin, and DaVonne is not scared to go after anyone. Why can they not see this?
I agree. Jason, James, Jeff and Meg will all sell each other out to get to jury. Jackie, John, Steve and Becky will be used as votes or pawns by the Van/Shell/Clay/ Austin /twins alliance to take out whomever is not on their side. Its a shame Da’Vonne has to go so soon. Meg is staying b/c she’s easily controlled and manipulated . The only hiccup is Audrey. Hopefully she will continue to reek havoc on everyone’s game! Otherwise its going to be BB16 all over again.
I see exactly where you’re coming from…Noone can keep their damn mouth shut! Jason seems pretty intuitive, he could try and rally the troops. Maybe with the exception of Becky? Everyone else somehow is connected to someone else and would blow it up. Isn’t there always a group that frustrates the viewer because we know they have no chance and see to just accept it.
Why just 1 black person was picked to join bb17 ? After all America has gone thru withrace over last few years . You think they would have cast 3 or 4 blacks 3 asians and 3 mexicans . RACIST MOTHERF#UCKJERS AT CBS ,
I agree as much as I would like to believe everyone has a fair shot in this game thats not true they need to cast at least 3 or 4 ppl of the same non-white ethnic group for them to fairly get a shot at this game because being in a majority white house you are just going to be an outcast (same as if there were only 1 white person in a group of 15 blacks or asians) and thats just the way it is. Dae was always going to be a huge target being that she is the only black person.They all had their stereotypes about her and were just waiting for her to get into an argument with someone so they could say she was loud,mean and had a attitude .Thats why that Audrey thing got her in trouble people were just waiting for her to give them a reason to put those labels on her an get her evicted.We all know the black ppl go first because there is always 1 or 2 vs 14/15 whites ..
You are definitely FULL OF SHITT!! The vast majority of people in America are not racist. Race had absolutely nothing to do with Da being put up. Clay suggested it to Shelli, and she listened. You are the one making it about race.
America is 65% White, so if you want to “mimic” the racial breakdown of America, then there should be about 10 whites. African Americans make up 12%, so you get 2 African Americans. Hispanic/Latino is about 16%, so you get about 2.5 Hispanic/Latino….so 2 or 3. The last spot would be Asian…Would be 1 or 2.
Oh… come on… don’t even. It’s ridiculous of you to talk about age or body shape in contrast to race and ethnicity. Less, Dog… ok? Way less…
Well in all fairness people are ageist, sexist, they fat shame, heck they even thin shame ( “She needs to eat a cheeseburger..” etc.) along with racism..I’m not sure why some prejudices are okay but others are not? Why is it so much worse to discriminate based on race over say… gender, or age? I mean one cannot stop getting older or change their sex anymore than a person of color can change. As for why there are not as many people of color or older players on the show, one reason may be they don’t watch this type of program and therefore don’t apply in the first place ?? Just a thought.
No no… sorry… I’m not having it. People can’t change their color or ethnicity. You people love to bring up all the other prejudices when someone pulls up the racist card and point fingers. I bet you that on the line for the BB auditions there were LOTS of people of color. We have seen this show over and over and we know for a fact that black people are rarely represented in it. Against any argument, the facts. We can have someone put together some statistics and show numbers that prove that black people are rarely ever represented in BB. Wanting to compare being discriminated for being fat to being discriminated for being black is offensive to say the least. Let’s compare how many people get killed for being fat in comparison to all the black people being murdered frequently. If you haven’t seen the recent events taking place in this country, then I suggest you watch other stuff than just BB.
I’m really appalled at how many racists frequent this blog and get so upset when someone brings it up. The likes/dislikes proves my point. But then again, few weeks ago there was a dude destroying transgenders on here and most seemed to agree. No point in arguing…
Yeah, where are they?
Just wondering the ratio of applicants’ ethnicity and was it equal to the ethnic make-up of the house? Might explain it, might not. Maybe blacks (or other minorities) don’t apply because the trend normally is the black gets voted out very early. I’m not excusing it by any means as I do not tolerate racism in any form. There just could be other factors other than a perceived racist skew.
Ratings plays a key part too. CBS looks at it as a winning formula and each season the ratings support that. So they won’t go out of their way to ‘fix’ a problem that they don’t see as existing.
Each year the cast is pretty much a cookie cutter version of the previous seasons, with very few variations.
Not everyone that has appeared on BB has applied,they also recruit. So the # of black applicants or any minority is really a moot point. If they wanted more minorities and didn’t have enough decent applicants to select from the answer would be to RECRUIT.
I thought I read on here much earlier on another day that most of these people were “recruited” and were not applicants. So why can’t they do a better job of recruiting more diversity. And whose statistics prove that the US is 65% white? I, too, am tired of always seeing so many bikini babes and beefcake of any color. I struggle to understand, that of the thousands who try to get on this show, how with this and so many other previous groups of HGs the casting director keeps his/her job.
I have to say I wondered this myself, If the cast was all black, and there was one white person, they would get it, but ….
They know they let 4 brothers up in there, bound to be a riot if they lose the HOH. Not trying to have their house burnt down.
No more racist or sexist than we all are. Look who’s #1 on the poll. JohnnyMac, the white guy who never talks game.
Quit playing the victim. You are not a victim, living here in America, you ASSWIPE… What you are suggesting alone is racist.
I like how STOP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT Twisted my words.I never said America was racist i said that putting ONE or TWO people of a certain ethnic group in a a house filled with 14/15 people of another ethic group that happened to be the SAME would almost always but the person of the of the ethic group (with lesser people in the house) the odd one out. Yes what i said about Day was true it was the argument that with Audrey that got her evicted and in my opinion it was a well deserved curse out to Audrey but looks who is getting the flack.Day wasn’t that mean to her.Everyone just had pre notions about Day saying she had a attitude and was snappy,controlled people things i never really saw.Am I blind maybe but i didn’t see that,I just hate that they put One person of a certain ethnic group (which is black in the show) with a group of whites because they will always be the odd one out and the person that seems untrustworthy because PEOPLE of ALL ethic groups trust their Ethnic GROUP more than they trust others..EVERYONE
You’re kidding right?? Read your posts. What does it imply?? That people will be the target based on being in the minority race. So, “The vast majority of people are not racist” is appropriate. There is no twisting of words. The argument between Da and Audrey isn’t why she is up. It is the argument between Da and Clay.
Well all of you are white which makes you blind to anything racial.the argument here is over bye!
Im pretty sure anyone who starts with the race baiting on here is just looking for an argument. If you don’t like BB or the way they cast the show…. and you think it is a racist show… guess what… you don’t have to watch it. Change the channel.
Stop with your race baiting and stop with your bullshit!!! Anyone can be a victim of racism. Stop with the “Victim” Bullshit.
No doubt Davonne is gone..I dont see any groundbreaking revelations or flips coming, and the last laugh is played out
I just hope the new HOH is someone who wants Clay or Shelli gone..Their week as HOH was hard to take
Maybe it was because I was out of town for the first week so I did all my catching up this week, but this has seemed like the longest HOH ever.
Da should have planted a seed of confusion in their minds. She should have called one of her allies like Jason and be sure someone was eavesdropping. Then she should say: “oh, the last laugh is a 2 part twsit: the first one is about 3 votes being nullified and the second one is to veto 4 people from playing the HOH competition, that’s why it was the 7th ring that gave the power 3+4 vetos = 7 vetos.” Bluffing is the oldest and simplest ways to destroy game moves. It’s been around for soooo long. Anyone has done some bluffing in 6th grade and she could have easily pulled this thing off. I love her but I agree that she’s not doing a great social game and is playing BB just like any other BB contestant moron that has been in the house… aggressively campaigning and sh!t does NOTHING in your favor once the noose is already tight on your neck.
Sadly Da is a very emotional player and not the best strategist. She lost an opportunity by not keeping her thoughts on the twins to herself and using it to her advantage with Liz. I think sharing that info with Jason..and thereby sharing it with pretty much everyone.. lost her some leverage..well all the leverage really. She has nothing to bargain with. Going after Audrey?? They don’t care because they all are supposedly targeting Audrey.
Vanessa………. “wake up dude you have been sleeping with 2 different girls” too funny. Not that I ever cared much for Austin (his whole bro code crap with Jace was the tipping point) but now to hear he is creeping out one (or both) of the twins by “groping” her since it seems to be A) unwanted and B) he has a girlfriend at home moves him even further down the scale for me. Why would he even put himself in that position? I am sure his girlfriend wouldn’t like him sleeping and snuggling up to another woman (or in this case 2) let alone putting his hands on them. I know it must be hard to resist they are quite cute but fine if you are single and they are cool with it.
I agree completely, especially since Austin has no shot. Jeff already got them hoes locked down.
Thankfully the reign of Barbie & Ken is about over. I truly hope the other side of the house wins HOH this week. I’d like to see Audrey/ Shelli up on the block against Clay/Jeff this week so they can all start scum bagging each other. No need to backdoor any of them. Let the chips fall where they may. I find it hilarious that Shelli thinks she worked so hard this week. Sure you did Shelli, it can’t have been easy to spend the week whining because enough people didn’t grovel at your feet along with being a full time Mom to boy toy Clay.
As I said previously, I’d only have respect for Shelli and Clay if either of them outmaneuvers and/or wins other competitions. One win does not make you a champion. Life exists outside the HOH room and people should take note that Clay/Shelli are a voting duo,therefore they should be easy targets.
Shelli: “I still trust Jeff just am careful what info I give him” SMMFH. lol. I give Nessa huge props for snapping on her and telling her get your head out of your ass Shelli or I’m cutting u loose.
And the last thing we need is Clay hanging round Lizia more to try n protect her from the natives. Clay the total idiot will for sure fu*k the whole thing up.
EDIT..huge props for *NOT snapping on her.
Audrey has done more vile things than day yet day was the biggest target…. Let’s stop lieing to ourselves, its coz she is a minority in the house.
Audrey is a minority, too, my friend.
Skin color is white.
Audrey’s a science experiment.
Disagree. It was timing. Audrey was sneaky and everyone was catching on, but that was before Jace had even been eliminated. Day showed everyone that she’ll call them out and shoot them straight AFTER that, which eclipsed it and made people feel bad for Audrey (who milked it well). If there’s anything the people in this game don’t want, it’s someone who will call a house meeting or have an open argument about a lie they told everyone. What Day did was honorable, but there’s no room for that in there as far as the other house guests go. It could have been anybody, but it just so happens that the confrontational straight shooter was a black woman.
As for “minorities”, there’s a country Asian guy who was adopted, a gay guy, a lesbian, and a transgender (hope that’s politically correct). The term now encompasses much more than race. The show doesn’t have to represent America, or there would be quite a few baby boomers and seniors in there. It has to represent their demographic. It’s all about ratings!
Beautifully said.
You are correct. It IS you! She is on the block because she made it known she did not trust Shelli once Shelli developed her crush on her boy toy Clay. She knew she would be gunning for her. So why get out a floater like Audrey that everyone is against when you can take out a strong smart player who you know will be coming after you. I am sorry but this had nothing to do with race but it was going to happen. Whoever put Da on the block would be a racist. BB15 has everyone looking for a reason to play the race card. HOH needs to be instructed not to nominate the black or Asian player, (or Latino if it applied) or you must be a racist. do not nominate the gay or bi houseguest or you must be a homophobe. do not nominate the trans houseguest.
Will you feel the same when James goes on the block? He is the first redneck Asian so that might piss off a whole bunch of folks 🙂
I completely agree with you. Do you notice the only people they really want to get out is the minorities? Next is Audrey, then James then Jason if they can do it that way. They talk about them like they the worst things but they are ALWAYS talking game, talking about people and are boring. Everyone that I watch this show is now wanting to watch Canada’s one since people say its Diverse. I rather read about if Jason stays on this site then waste a second more watching that show.
I’m pulling for Vanessa, Austin, & the twins to go F4, but I hope they don’t take Shellie & Clay to F6
I would love to see Van & Austin on the block vs Shelli & Clay let them battle it out either way one of them might go home
I am so excited for tonights episode! Although I am sad DA’ is leaving, I’m over it. Its time to move on to week 3. Very impressed with Julia, she made a huge move for her and her sister. I can easily see them making their way into the game together. Something is telling me Audrey will be an HOH tonight along with maybe Steve or Johnny.
Steve will throw it. He doesn’t want to win HOH this early in the game.
Actually Steve is trying really hard to win this HOH. He did a camera rant early yesterday morning (6am) about how he needs to win this HOH. He wants to form real alliances and HOH will help him with this. Also he thinks the entire house wants Audrey out so he has an easy target without getting blood on his hands. He is pretty smart, it is a shame no one really likes him as a person except for Van.
Technically it was Van’s move, but you are right is was smart of her to tell Van the truth. On another note Austin made a great point- “she should have told me sooner so I could have helped feed her information”. Understandably it is a hard choice, but if she would have told Van and Austin they could have helped her not get caught and the suspicion wouldn’t be as high as it is now. Hindsight I know.
Production always does this, before eviction night! They give watchers a little hope that the person might have a chance to stay at the last minute. Think that production was in Audrey’s ear to vote for Da’ Vonne to stay for entertainment purposes.
I’m sure Julia feels relieved to have support from her alliance and doesn’t have to go through this alone.
Definitely racist…Audrey threw up a Hitler sign to Clay. Clay told Shelli about it. After Day leaves the game, I will not tune in as often. I hope Audrey stay in longer than Clay and Shelli. When I do watch I would like to see who wins the competitions. I have to give it to Audrey, she is entertaining, she’s sorta playing a game like Dan G. Shelli told Audrey that she majored in Psychology and Audrey told her that she can tell. She definitely wears the pants over Clay. It’s funny, initially Day, Shelli, and Audrey was suppose to align. Day did not stand a fair chance in this game though. Oh well, this is the world we live in:(
What?! Did you just call Audrey a racist, then hope that she stays in the house.
Don’t ever say the name Hitler to describe anyone, except if it’s about Ronnie from season 11 because he said that Hitler was a great speaker on the feeds and such, so that to a certain extent.
Wait, so Austin already slept with Liz/Julia? I’m not a feed-watcher, so I only watch the tv episodes, and it seemed like Austin liked Liz, but I had no clue that they were intimate. Can anyone give me more info on this?
They didn’t have sex… just literally sleeping in the same bed sometimes. Julia (or Liz?) said Austin was trying to grope her in the bed but she wasn’t into it all, especially since he has a gf outside the house.
Just sleep in the same bed together. I do not have the feeds but from what I have read on the updates they have slept in the same bed and he was putting his arm around one sounds like coping a feel and it was creeping her out and she told her sister as much.
Austin and Liz/Julia share a bed but I don’t believe they are intimate. If I read the post correctly, julia said something to Vanessa about him touching her in bed. When Vanessa reported to Shellie and Clay, she used the word groped.
Da, did it to herself. She isolated herself, thought she was safe, and sure didn’t try to make any relationships. Everyone knows a big personality doesn’t get far in the beginning …. hence, Jace. I personally didn’t like her game. She should have kept out of it …… instead of going on blast, nobody wants someone like that around. All her and Jason did were sit on the sidelines and make fun of people (like mean girls), and didn’t hide it. I am glad she will be gone. She added nothing to the game but talk.
This house already has one couple, sooooooooooooooooo I am going to let a pair of twins come into the house. Yeah, right, that is a smart move. For those of you that think, “well I can used those 2 votes” no, it won’t play out like that. These twins are very different emotionally, and I think Liz is going to be upset with her twin Julia for outing them. Liz is the BB player, and Julia never heard of “denial”.
Can’t understand why you think Liz will be mad. Julia knew they were on to her, better to confide in people you trust and that might help you than to get cornered by a pack.
Question…if clay doesn’t win tonight…how are they going to get shelli out of the HOH bed?
Clay ?????? He is more like PLAY- DOH……………..hehe
AUS/NES are setting themselves up in a great position.
worst-case: their alliance gets blow up. selli/clay/twins go first
best case: they get 3 weeks from now twins enter and now they have a solid 6 person alliance divided by 3 pairs, which i think the house would trust austiness over the showmance and twins.
Hope Audrey and Jason win HOH tonight
I saw an interview Kathy Griffith did and she admitted to reading “posts” online about BB17. she didn’t mention which sites, so I will ask, Kathy are you on here???
Ok – IMO, what would be ideal is if Jason, James, Becky and or Meg (any combo) win the HOHs this week, each puts up Shelli and Audrey or Clay and Liz and let the chips fall where they may. No pawns – actual threats. I want King Clay and Shelli out. Their arrogance during her HOH is just to damn much. I love the game but hate when HOH goes to someone’s head and in this case, it was both of theirs. HOH lasts for 7 days but these two think they are running the damn house and it is so irritating. Send one of them packing and humble the other.
Liz/Julia – ok, it could just be me but it is the stupidest thing ever to try to keep that girl safe for the first 5 evictions and then have her straight-up, ride-or-die, NEVER going to EVER sell you out partner come in the game. What is wrong with the way these peoople think. At the end of the day, this isn’t a team game – its an individual game and they act like they don’t realize that. Liz/Julia’s objective is to be sitting next to each other in the final two and will collectively try to take out anyone who threatens that – these dummies obviously haven’t thought that far ahead!
Stop that! The Liz thing is going to make for great TV! It’s like a secondary objective. There are those who will be opposed to Julia being able to enter, and those that want her in. The people that oppose will say “Why do they want her in? They must have a deal with her!” and either try to kiss up to Liz and win her over or try to evict her while the others try to protect her. It’s a blessing and a curse, but in a game where one more ally gives you an advantage, I’d want the twins in and on my team for the time being. If it bites me later, it bites me later, but I have a better chance of making it to jury this way.
I’m still wondering why every one is soo ‘afraid’? Who are they afraid of? Clay and Shelli? Her HOH is over! They just get in my nerves being too comfortable in their position. No one should ever feel that comfortable. Can’t wait for the tides to turn.
I am confused since Julia has admitted ahe is Liz’s Twin to Vanessa, Clay, Shelli and now Austin does that not mean that Julia should be removed from the House? She has been found out and admitted to it confirming she is a twin.
Part of me, as much as I like Vanessa, Liz and Austin and I am kind of rooting for them… I hope that come eviction night Julie Chin lets them vote as planned, then say “Da’Vonne on a Vote of 9-0 you should be evicted from the Big Brother House, but Liz and Julia… Julia has been found out, Julia you are evicted from the Big Brother House.” That would make me happy as a viewer.
I would love for that to happen but I don’t think it will.
I believe the explanation Julie Chen gave is if Liz makes it through the 5th eviction, twin Julia enters the game as a player along with her sister Liz.
Not going to happen! As the people in the know have already stated. She just has to make it through the first 5 weeks without getting EVICTED and her and her twin both get to be in the house. It does not matter if they know or how many know. If she is smart enough or sly enough to align herself with people that keep her safe or keep her secret more power to her. Don’t try to grasp at straws or rewrite the “rules” so it helps Da. If Da didn’t let on (it was written all over her face) that she lost trust with Shelli (and I believe told as much to big mouth Audrey who went back and blabbed to anyone who would listen) and just kept her cool this week she would still be part of Shelli’s girl alliance or at least not have been on her radar as someone who was coming after her. But after her blowup with Clay (momma Shelli is going to protect her toy) Da just needed to chill out and build her relationships and trusts but let Audrey get into her head and her game. Calling a house meeting and going postal because they asked her what she was doing in the room. Just be cool about it. Hell she could have even said ” I am counting things because you know their is always a counting comp.” which was the plain truth if it all anyway. “you guy want to study with me” ” no cool I catch you later”
Instead it was “hell no” “this aint your house” you can’t tell me where I can go” ” not on my watch” ” I am from Inglewood” and on and on she went.
Who died and left him king of the BB house to tell someone where they can and cannot go.
Day didn’t call the house meeting because Clay and Shelli asked her what she was doing when she was wandering through the house. She called it because Audrey told several people the same lie and Day decided she needed to completely expose the game to everyone. The problem with that is everyone is lying and running scams or planning to run them. In a game of secrets and lies, no one wants someone in the game like that.
Unless you are watching…then it’s a hoot.
Plus I didn’t see Day really reaching out to anyone during James’ HoH. She used the fast forward and then didn’t seem to follow-up with it. She could have leveraged that into something. It seemed to me that she got comfortable when she knew she wasn’t a target and didn’t bother trying to build anything with anyone.
Unless you are watching…then it’s a hoot.
Would love to see Vanessa /Shellie
Davonne aggressively argued with Clay. That’s why Shellie wanted her out. PERIOD. Shellie knew Da would come after them sooner than Audrey will. PERIOD. Why do you folks refuse to remember that? Davonne tipped her hand too soon and didn’t have enough allies to make it work. PERIOD. It was bad game play and she made herself a target of Shellie. Shellie won hoh and put up her target and it looks like her target will go. PERIOD. It’s how the game is played. PERIOD. Stop trying to make it something it isn’t. Had Davonne made more friends and not felt the need to confront others so early she might not be in this position. PERIOD!
Da brought this eviction on herself. So calling the the house or certain house guests racists is just ridiculous. Being loud and boisterous has only worked once. That was Dick Danato. Otherwise every winner has been cool and calculating. There have been numerous black contestants that have won Survivor and Amazing Race. Those winner’s game play were the polar opposite of Da’s. Now if you want to attack production/casting for not having enough black contestants or for typecasting, then you have an argument.
This time last week I wanted Audrey to leave, now I want Day to go and am actually hoping Audrey and Jason win HOH. Day sunk her own game by being so visible and calling people out over stupid things, and she didn’t campaign very effectively either. Shelli really bugs me and Clay is so boring to watch. I hope one of them leaves this week, and I think Jason and Audrey will have more reasons than most to put Shelli and Clay up. I think most of the HG will avoid winning HOH like the plague. Johnny, Vanessa and especially Jeff will not try to win, and Steve probably won’t try to win either. Worst case scenario is Clay winning. I will barf if we have to watch another week of Barbie and Ken in HOH.
I want Steve and Becky for hoh this week. And Steve to stay after BOB.
I am ssssoooo disappointed that the twin thing was leaked. When they had it the 1st time the twins never once were found out till they were able to be in it together it was absolutely priceless to see everyone’s reaction. Thus season its going to be yawn waiting the weeks to see if they will allow them to go in. Watch they will either kick Liz out week four so they will eliminate the duel, or the following week will start to eliminate them because they don’t want such tight alliances. I was all excited to see this play out and now BORING
I hope Liz/Julie wins HOH tonight!
Let me rephrase.. BB is not a racist show not are most of the hgs for all I can tell…. It’s not just casted in a way that favours a minority. 17 season 0 black winner, 1 asian, 1 gay. It’s no coincidence. To an extent minority status matters…. For a minority to win it (especially blacks), he or she has to be extremely smart and not have a dumb game play like mama day, Devin, Candice, etc
Love to see Austin /Clay on the block fight it out
I’m not a sexist but some of the things James says cracks me up. Is he just “country” or is he a perv?