Clay “Audrey is a paranoid schizophrenic.” Shelli “I am legit mad! I am pissed!”

POV Holder: JohnnyMac Next POV July 13th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 6th
HOH Winner Team 1: Becky HOH Winner Team 2: Shelli
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jason Nominations 2: Day, JohnnyMac
Battle of the Block Winner Steve & Jason Next HOH/ Next BOB July 9th / ?
Original Nominations: Day, JohnnyMac
Current Nominations: DaVonne, Meg
Have Nots Steve, Jason, James and Meg

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10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Up in the HOH – Shelli tells Clay she had a dream her brother was in here and won HOH. You’ve got to get the ball in the hole Clay. If you don’t win there will be no talking. Shelli says people tell you that you look like Ryan Reynolds. Clay says no. Shelli says he’s so dreamy. Clay gets called to the diary room. Shelli heads down stairs. In the living room – Audrey and Vanessa are whispering. Audrey says Day pulled me aside last night too. She said she knew she was going home but wanted to be friends outside of the game. I thought that was weird. Audrey tells Vanessa that she talked to Liz and she said she promised Day her vote because she gave her the fast forward. Vanessa says maybe we shouldn’t talk game right now.

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10:20am In the bathroom – Meg tells Clay I need to talk to you and Shelli. They head out into the backyard to talk to Shelli. Meg says that everything has been started again. She came out last night and talked to Jeff and then talked to me. She asked if I knew were ever one stood in the house. She said that Liz, Austin and Vanessa are flipping the house. Clay says she came up to me and said please talk to Austin. Meg says I talked Becky last night and she said she is going to gun for her. Meg says the thing that bothered me was why did she pull Jeff aside when it had to do with me. Meg says Becky is not .. I have Becky’s vote. Meg wonders if Audrey has the power. If she does she might have the votes. Shelli asks why would Audrey vote to keep Day. Clay says she doesn’t. Shelli says Meg she is spreading rumors all over again. Meg says it is freaking me out. I went to bed last night thinking the whole house was conspiring against me. Shelli asks who is she telling this too? Meg says me, well she told Jeff first. Clay says she is a paranoid schizophrenic. Meg says When I sat down (With Audrey) the first thing she told me was “You need to step up your social game!” Shelli and Clay are shocked. Shelli says Audrey is something to do with the twist. Meg says that Jason is pissed hearing his named dropped. He is annoyed that he promised his vote to Day and now might be the vote that sends me home. Clay says that people are just telling Day what she wants to hear. Shelli brings up how Jeff was saying he wanted Liz to go next week because of the twin twist which is weird because he’s been gunning of Audrey. Meg says that makes me feel better because this is crazy talk but I wondered if Jeff was trying to work with Austin/Liz/Vanessa. So hearing that makes me think he isn’t. Meg says I think I will have to throw Audrey under the bus with Vanessa. Clay says we just have to make people aware that she (Audrey) is a threat in this house. Shelli brings up Audrey getting upset last night about Day. Clay says I saw Audrey whispering to Vanessa this morning .. she is definitely trying to flip her. Shelli says I am legit mad! I am pissed! Shelli says I will talk to Vanessa to find out what they were talking about.

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10:35am Backyard couches – Jason, James and Johnny are sitting on the couches talking. Jason tells Johnny about the Liz Twin Twist. Johnny says wow! Jason talks about the questions others had asked Liz and then after the switch had happened they asked her the same questions and she gave different answers. Jason says every time they call her to the diary room, I go and sit waiting for her to come out.

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10:40am Backyard – Meg talks to Austin and tells him that she obviously wants to stay. Meg says that Audrey told me that there are people trying to flip the house. Austin says that Audrey is starting sh*t again. Meg says your name was brought into it. I think Audrey has the power (to nullify 3 votes) The names that were brought into it were You, Liz and Vanessa. Austin says we need to get together with Jeff. Jeff and I have been trying to work together the last week. Austin says she gets stuck in the trees and can’t see the forest. Nothing has happened to me and she makes up all these lies about me. Austin says this has to be stopped. This is ridiculous. Don’t worry you have my vote. Liz won’t vote for Day either. Austin says she need to go next week. Unreal I am pissed!

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10:45am – 11:25am HOH room – Clay and Shelli decide to bring up Vanessa to tell her about the Liz Twin Twist. Vanessa joins Shelli in the HOH room. Vanessa tells her about how Audrey came to her and told her Liz said she was going to vote for Day because of the fast forward thing. Shelli says I trust you so much and if I come to regret telling you this… Vanessa says you won’t regret it. Shelli says when I see you talking to Audrey I am a little concerned. I’m wondering how genuine or ungenuine your relationship with her is. Vanessa says I was just listening because she was giving me information. Shelli says your mind is about to get blown. You have to remember who did she tell you she had the votes for Day. Vanessa tries to remember which 5 votes Audrey said Day has. Shelli tells Vanessa about the Liz Twin Twist. Vanessa says I thought the same thing! I thought she was drunk. Shelli says one is warmer, louder and more engaging. The other one has to play under the radar and less engaging. Clay says we just noticed this one has a birthmark on her back. We’re waiting for the other one to come back in. Vanessa asks is this one skinnier? Clay and Shelli say yes. They start telling Vanessa all the differences between the two twins. Clay tells Vanessa you cannot tell Austin this. Vanessa wonders if Austin is trying to get them in. The conversation turns to Audrey turning everyone against each other so she can sit in the middle and have us go against each other. Shelli says that she is starting to get suspicious of Jeff. Jeff was all on board with getting out Audrey and now he’s switched to wanting Liz out.

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11:25am – 11:55am Meg joins them in the HOH room. Meg says I’ve been talking to Austin and Johnny and I already feel better. Vanessa says I like Day a lot. But if you promise to keep me safe next week then I will vote for you to stay. Don’t tell Day because its better for you if she thinks I might vote for her and then she won’t campaign as hard. Meg tells Vanessa she will promise to keep her safe next week. Meg brings up how she thinks Audrey has the power to nullify 3 votes. Vanessa says I will vote for you to stay if you promise if you win HOH you won’t put me up or backdoor me. Meg says you have my word on it. Shelli says if Day stays there is an alliance between Audrey and Day. That is very dangerous. Vanessa says I think I can play up on Audrey’s paranoia of Day coming after her. And that people are voting for you to stay. And play up how much she can trust you. Vanessa says its risky because if she was dumb and doing this it would be easy but she is Steve smart. They end their conversation and leave the HOH room.

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12pm Backyard – Clay and Johnny Mac are talking. Clay fills Johnny in on how Audrey is starting rumors again. Johnny says she is very convincing. Clay says always ask more questions before you bring it forward to someones attention. Clay tells Johnny you proved a lot last week. Meg joins them and tells them she and Shelli talked to Vanessa about Audrey. Johnny asks how did Vanessa take it? Meg says she is pissed .. fool me once..

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48 thoughts to “Clay “Audrey is a paranoid schizophrenic.” Shelli “I am legit mad! I am pissed!””

    1. On the opening episodes Day and Vanessa sat out of the first HOH comps. They were given safety and safety for one other person. Vanessa saved Austin and Day saved Liz. It was called a fast forward because it was part of the Amazing Race Takeover.

      1. Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I didn’t realize they called it “fast forward”. Usually fast forward means they do all competitions in one night so it threw me off.

  1. It’s coming out to everyone today about the Liz twist day is gone here plan will not work dumb girl should have kept it to her self horrible game player glad she’s leaving put a fork in her let the next week start its over #byebyeday

    1. So what happens if the twin twist becomes public knowledge? Will the still switch but it won’t be done on the down low? I like Liz – I hope they don’t get rid of her next week.

      1. In order for them both to enter the house, they have to make it past the first 5 evictions. If Liz is evicted before the next 4 evctions, then Julia’s game is over as well.

        They could all call Liz out and I doubt Production or Liz will own up it it before the 5th eviction. They will just keep denying it. It doesn’t matter who knows about it anyway, it’s all about if she makes it past the first 5 evicitions.

  2. The amazing race twist .. during the first week Day sat out of the HOH comp. as a reward she was able to save herself and one other person from being nominated/going on the block. Day saved Liz.

  3. So are they right about Liz’s picture on the memory wall? Is it a combination of the two sisters?

  4. I hate Steve-the-ballles-creature and the Confederate couple (Smelli and Clayhole). ALL THE OTHERS are excellent — the best cast in years! I even like Jackie! 🙂

    Go Day! Go Johnny! Go Becky!

    1. I agree this is the best cast in years! I’m rooting for all but two. I can’t remember the last time I watched a season and liked almost everyone.

      It’s a weird feeling after so many years of loathing the cast.

        1. Kinda not rooting for Jackie and I find Jeff hard to listen to on the feeds. He is playing a interesting game so I’m giving him props for that.

    2. These are troubling times in the kingdom! I will be so freaking glad when Shelli and Clay’s reign is done. Clay telling JohnnyMac “always ask more questions before you bring it to someone’s attention” was the final straw for me. Who the bleep does he think he is….it isn’t even his HOH yet he pretends to be the damn Wizard of the BB house. Can’t wait to see these two on the block – on seperate sides…!!!

  5. So I’m confused.. Could Meg possibly be going this week? I feel like we need a conversation between Vanessa, Liz and Austin about it.. Surely James would vote to save Day if the others do?

  6. Guys..We have seen this many times. A rumor about a flip, a nominee who thinks they have the votes..and in the end the votes all fall sheepishly into a unanimous vote to evict..Barring a HUGE tactical mistake from one of the Houseguests that gives Davonne an opening, She is toast…I think the House is better with Her staying awhile..but She went overboard way too early ine game with that House Meeting. They never turn out well and She should’ve known better.

    1. This is true, but there are actually people on the fence on Wednesday. Last few seasons they were already all together by Monday afternoon. Plus, looking forward we have more than 2 targets. Audrey obviously a big one again. The twin twist, while it has been exposed, still adds another target that everyone can agree on, but they like real Liz. I also think several people will go their own way, like Austin targeting Steve. Although I’d say who knows what Jeff will do, I bet he’d target weaker players and hope the veto doesn’t get used because he’s all talk. And way too much of it.

    2. It’s all hype/dra to feed the episodes that air on CBS. Very rarely does the nominated target end up not going home. This Dual HOH/BOB has really handicapped a lot of individual game play. It encourages whole house alliances that prey on outsiders who can never get enough traction to ever flip things.

      I could almost tolerate the Dual HOH/BOB if it were more random and not every time.

    3. Yea I can see Y that house meeting sealed her faith n the house. She had meg scared to comment, LOL . poor meg was like what happen, I’m confuse. If she had used her inside voice and let Jason do all the talking then the meeting would be perceived diff.
      I’m still hoping she stays though.

      1. I don’t like either of them. Shelli put their names together and is trying really hard to be preceived as in a showmance. All the while ordering Clay aruond like an employee. HoH power is over as soon as the POV ceramony takes place, escpeially beciuase they do not have a vote. It would be funy of th house flipped becuase Da plays better than Meg and James needs to be upset. James is a creep and his talk of sex all the time is mind numbing disrespectful to all females. James and Jeff are tools.

    1. I can’t wait to see when one of them is in serious jeopardy of being evicted. It would be golden to see them sitting on the block next to one another actually.

  7. I’m pulling for Jeff and James all the way. Hope they win HOH and all these broads will be drooling over them.

  8. 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Up in the HOH – Shelli tells Clay she had a dream her brother was in here and won HOH. You’ve got to get the ball in the hole Clay!

    Poor old Sheli, she has an itch that needs to be scratched 🙂

    1. Saw the video this morning looks like her and the guy she was with were also licking a bunch of the donuts then said something like they hated america and Americans.. I’m not surprised

    2. Yes indeed. It was hard to see if they actually did lick them but I believe the part where he leans in and than she breaks out laughing he actually did lick one. Like Simon I am not surprised. Trashy! She also had some big doggy drama trying to bring her puppies into the UK I believe without proper paperwork. Her and her mommy as well as Frankie I believe had a big scene. “Don’t you know who we are?” What a crew 🙁

      1. She DID lick several of them. Possibly the most disgusting, immature thing I’ve witnessed in a long time. She has very serious issues. And she hates America? Then GTFO and take you’re annoying brother with you!

        1. I could not tell if she just got close or actually licked one. like him and her were each seeing who would get closer. then he leans in and she steps back laughing like “wow you actually did it!” but I would not be surprised if that skank actually did and I would throw away anything that nasty ho had her dirty tongue on. (please pass the bleach)

  9. Does anyone know who America’s players are. Cause James got a note when he was HoH and we haven’t herd since.

    1. I don’t we have ever had an “America’s Player” during week 2. I think it is too early. Austin seems obsessed with it.

  10. It is beyond ridiculous how once people are on Big Brother that they feel they have every right to be pissed when the occasion calls for it, haha.

  11. Sometimes these shows are so full of s#;t!. I’ve been watching for more than five years now. The races should be more diverse. Yes, I am African American. People in general comment on how “hood” we are or not as intelligent we are, but I’ve viewed all races in their environments and none of us are perfect. Everyone has flaws. I believe the Producers can find a better group of BB contestants…fans and true players like Jason. Not people who lay around or “skate” by. I hope there’s a twist where Day gets to come back, win the comp and gets to decide the fate of Shelli and Clay.

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