Christmas “I want to terrorize them before they go.”

Head of Household Winner – Tyler
Have nots – Bay, Janelle and Enzo
Nominations – Janelle & Kaysar
Power of Veto Players are -Janelle, Tyler, Kaysar, Cody, Bayleigh, Memphis
POV Host: Christmas
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony – Cody
Safety Suite – Enzo wins Christmas is his plus one.
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1:45pm The house guests are relaxing and suntanning in the backyard. On the backyard couch Tyler and Christmas are talking. Christmas – You get to see your girl every day. Tyler – yeah that is the only thing getting me by. Next week is going to be rough ..I’ll be a havenot. I’m one of the only ones that has to do it. Christmas – I feel like I did it right .. doing it first. Tyler – being a havenot with you is the best because you know what you’re doing. Christmas – I think they’re figuring it out. Do you think they have an idea of who is going to go? Tyler – no. Christmas – that’s good. Just think of when you do get out of here .. you’re going to be a lot richer and you’re going to.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Christmas – just think when you’re in the military you go on a minimum of 4 month deployment. Tyler – She says that now DaVonne is trying to flip and keep Janelle. Christmas – I hadn’t heard. Tyler – because apparently it would be too tough for Bay to vote out Janelle because Janelle and Bay are.. Christmas – tight. Tyler – in an alliance. Christmas – well I guess she will have one vote. Just my perspective Janelle has caused more issues and honestly she just complains. And I think that attack on NicoleF was pretty bad too. Tyler – yeah. Christmas – its funny because Dani doesn’t tell me a lot of game. Tyler – all she does is spit out paranoia. She just puts little seeds and walks away. But no one would put her up right now. You know what I mean. Christmas – well we kind of can’t with our alliance. Tyler – yeah I wouldn’t either but no one else would. She is playing a really great game. Christmas – I am curious what she would do when she actually has to play a comp. Tyler – she wouldn’t be winning anything right now. Neither would Day or Bay. Bay and Memphis threw that yesterday. I think I am going to be backdoored next week. Day was going around planting seeds. Me and Cody are the next Kaysar and Janelle. Christmas – I caught Day and Kevin on the hammock last night at 1:35am. And neither of them have talked to me so that tells me they’re just not including me. Tyler – I think David, Day, Bay, Janelle, Kevin are working together. That’s five and that could cause a tie next week. Christmas – well if there are any type of physical .. I got that. Tyler – you have to win. Christmas – Don’t underplay your comp because I want to terrorize them before they go. I might be holding on for dear life but if they think that .. and if they know that they’re all suffering .. they know I will just keep going. Tyler – you should try and make deals while you’re up there but then never fall. Get them to say out loud who they’re going to put up so that everyone hears. If they do it then they’re straight forward and if they don’t then they’re lying. And still beat them. Christmas – I think there should be some negotiating. Hopefully this week they don’t continue to keep me up all night.

2:15pm Bedroom. Kaysar and Janelle.
Kaysar – talking to Tyler.. I think there is a slim chance to none that we are both going to stay in the house. Janelle – I know. Kaysar – so I figured we should start talking about next steps.. putting something on the table and see if he is interested in working together. So if you stay he works with you and if I stay he works with me. Janelle – yeah here is what I think you should do.. do whatever you need to do to save yourself. Kaysar – I am not going to do that. Janelle – I am telling you to. Kaysar – why? Janelle – because that’s what you need to do. You can’t save us both. Kaysar – I am not going to campaign. I will just see where the votes fall. Janelle – how about .. I am going to go up and give them the pitch as to why I should stay and you do the same. That’s it, its the same pitch. Kaysar – okay. It is the same pitch. Janelle – I just don’t think you can save us both. Kaysar – what do you think it is going to be the impact on the people that are friends with us. Janelle – not good.. that’s why we should just tell Bay to stop hanging out with us. Kaysar – I am thinking we tell Bay what deal we tell Tyler. Janelle – no.. you’re doing too much. It doesn’t have to be we tell this person and that person. Kaysar – okay.

2:37pm By the pool. Nicole and Dani.
Nicole – so if you win HOH what are you going to do? Are you going to try and win? Dani says something we can’t hear. Nicole – yes you can throw it to me.

2:50pm – 3:10pm HOH room. Enzo and Christmas.
Enzo – I caught people be like why did Enzo use it on Chrsitmas? Christmas – I was questioned for using it on Ian. Enzo – like what the f**k! That’s my business! Like I wanted to use it on Christmas. You know what I mean like what the f**K man! Like if you wanna ..then you win something! You win something and do something! You know what I’m saying .. that’s it! Don’t f**king question my motives. I like Christmas, I like her company .. she cooks.. she’s a really good cook. She cooked for me. Christmas – and then we had a baby (baby star). Enzo – that’s it! Get the f**k out of here! You’re in my good graces. I like you. I think you and me could do a lot of damage in this house. I think Christmas and I could do some sh*t whether its in private or in the open. Christmas – I like that too. Enzo – if I win HOH you’re safe. Who do you think should go this week. Christmas – I think Janelle. Enzo – that’s what I think. She is all over the place. Christmas – Kaysar only has a connection to me and Janelle. I am just buying my time. I know Janelle is old school. She wants to divide the house. No one wants to play in a toxic environment .. and that’s what she thrives in. And she was invited to NicoleF’s wedding. She burned the bridge with NicoleF and Dani.

3:37pm – 4pm Backyard. Kaysar and Cody.
Kaysar – What happens after .. I if I do stay I am trying to figure out is there any possibility of something perhaps working. Cody – Yeah.. its tough you know depending on who stays and that other person is probably going to feel super alone. Kaysar – I don’t have any friends in this house. I don’t have any connections or alliances. Janelle is my only friend. She goes and I am solo. Cody – and that is such a tough spot to be in. For me a lot of the stuff that was stirred up I don’t take it any way.. its the game. I don’t care. Kaysar – is there any possibility that we can reset? Cody – 100%! Kaysar – and then rebuild the trust. You guys are playing a great game. Mad props. Cody – when we had conversations in the beginning I would have loved to link up. Kaysar – if you think not only in your social game but your strategic game that I could be an essential asset and that we could work together in some capacity, I would be down. Cody – yeah for sure. Christmas joins them and the conversation ends.

4:15pm Backyard couches. Kaysar and Memphis.
Kaysar – I am not going to campaign against Janelle. Memphis – well I don’t think he is going to use it, is he? Kaysar – not a chance in hell. Memphis – I do think .. well we’ll see but I think the house will unanimously vote out Janelle. Kaysar – you think so? Memphis – yes. That is my gut feeling. Kaysar – because? Memphis – because they look at her as more of a threat. Kaysar – well I find that deeply offensive. Memphis laughs – well you shouldn’t. Kaysar – well I am. Memphis – well be offended next week.

4:30pm Backyard. Dani, Enzo and Nicole.
Enzo – yo were in good shape us four. We’re in good f**king shape us four. Day asked me .. you used it on Christmas and not me. Dani – so f**king stupid. So!? Enzo – what the f**k?! I had to apologize. Nicole – she’s not in trouble this week so why does she care. Its just a very weird thing to get mad about. Enzo – I don’t know that’s fishy to me .. I was like yo I’m sorry. I apologize that I won and that I get to decide. I apologize that I won and that I didn’t suck.

HOH room. Christmas and Tyler.
Christmas – Bay and Day have been inseparable. Tyler – I just want to ask everyone .. what do you want to happen this week. I feel like they’ve been in a freakin alliance this whole time with Janelle. Christmas – its getting more obvious. I just don’t know what happened between Dani and Janelle… like why they split. Because Dani offered her safety in exchange to come into the alliance. I just know that whole group is using each other for numbers but they’re unstable. Tyler – they would have five and go down to four. They would have Bay, Day, David we can only assume, Kaysar, Janelle.. that’s it ..they don’t have Ian. Not at all. So they would go down to five.

4:50pm Living room. Dani and Janelle.
Janelle – so first of all I really want to apologize about last week.. it was super crazy. I feel like there were so many people spreading so much information .. I was so overwhelmed with what was coming my way and what I was feeling. What do you think? Dani – completely blunt.. I am just confused. You know I like you. I have no issues with you. I would never go after you. I have verbally confessed that to you multiple times. Janelle – but I also though that you wanted me to tell those girls that I hated you and I was to stay away from you. Do you not remember that?! Dani – no I do remember the conversation. I would never come after you. I am very confused what happened. I thought we were working together. Janelle – we were.. I think was we said got spun into hate. I just said that I was staying away from you. Maybe we should have reconnected more. I have a pretty good relationship with you outside this house and I trust you. Dani – I like you and you’re one of my top three big brother players of all time. I would never go after you and still would never. Janelle – I would never do that to you. I mean yeah I don’t like NicoleF. I don’t trust her. At this point I don’t think Cody is using the veto but I feel like you and I could still work together. I think I could help you out in a pivotal way. Dani – this game sucks. Is Kaysar campaigning. Janelle – I don’t know. I told him to save himself. I don’t know but I feel like you would rather work with me than Kaysar. I feel like we could really do a lot of damage later on in the game. Dani – there are so many lies going around this house ..its crazy. Janelle – I am so fed up and pissed off .. you guys would love it if I won HOH. There have been enough people dragging my name through the mud. From this point till the next two weeks I would be gunning for whoever was dragging my name through the mud.

5:33pm – 5:50pm Hammock. Dani and Cody.
Dani – so she (Janelle) basically told me that she denied saying anything at all. She said she is going to give you and Tyler the same pitch that she gave me. Which is that she is not coming after me, you or Tyler and that which .. hello you’re still grouping us together. And that you don’t like Nicole. And I already know you’re lying so this is a waste of time. And she was also acting like she was going to go after other people that she said are damaging her name. I think she was eluding to Christmas. She doesn’t have the votes at all… like at all.. at all.

6:25pm Backyard. Enzo and Janelle.
Enzo – what is up with Boogie? Janelle – Boogie and I have this love hate relationship … and a year ago .. two years ago Britney and I got invited to do the amazing race. So we’re talking to Dan and Boogie so we kind of knew who was getting calls for the amazing race. Boogie tells us that Dr.Will f**ked him over and backed out at the last minute.. Big Brother switches the feeds. Feeds return.. Janelle – its public record. I saw it all and then read the text messages. The text messages were bad. It was Boogie threatening him .. big brother switches the feeds again.

Christmas now has two star babies..

6:43pm Havenot room. Bay and Day.
Day – we need to talk. There is some smoke in the city! Bay – lets see if your smoke is the same as what I’ve been noticing. Day – I don’t think Janelle was lying about the four! Bay claps her hands. Bay – that is what I’ve been witnessing for three days. I even caught all four talking today. Day – she was wrong in the fact that is was Tyler.. Enzo is in some sh*t. There is a bunch of sh*t going all over the place and Enzo is all over it. Bay – we knew that .. but you know what he is doing he is making himself a huge target. Bay – he is everywhere. So much to the point where he can’t win HOH. He can’t because he is in everything. I caught him talking to Dani in the hammock the majority of the day. Then I come back out and its Nicole, Dani, Cody and Ian. I feel like Ian is being sent into rooms. I think he is trying to pull Christmas into some other sh*t. I think this is the Derrick/Cody duo. But this and Tyler is also a Derrick/Cody duo. I could be way off but sh*t is just not. He is smart enough to know. Bay – what are we going to do about it? David lives in Lala land. The only thing he is focused on is Derrick and getting to know people. Then I talk to Kevin and Kevin doesn’t want to win HOH at all. Once Janelle and Kaysar are gone no one is coming after them. Day – this is becoming a cluster f**k! One of us need to win the next HOH. I need some tea in my cut. I need people to start spilling.

6:50pm – 7:15pm Christmas is told to go get the third star baby.. Cody – what number do you think they will cap out at? Christmas – seven. Christmas goes to get her new star baby. She then takes them for a walk around the yard to show everyone.

8pm Bedroom. Bay and David.

Bay – all I am saying is that there are definitely alliances being made and lines being drawn and if you haven’t been asked to be in an alliance yet 9 times out of 10 you won’t .. those are done. David – so you feel like Kaysar would be a good person to hold onto? Bay – I don’t know if he is going to stay David. David – I don’t trust Janelle. Bay – this is the thing .. its more about game-wise which one would be better for you. Who are Kaysar’s targets, who are Janelle’s targets and which one are going to be better for you. And who is more likely to take out their targets. And who is going to keep a target off your back. David – If Kaysar is here I feel like he has a thing against Cody and Tyler but he is sloppy when he plays. Bay – yes his nerves get the best of him. Its hard to compete when people have connections outside the house. Bay – if you win HOH .. if you put Memphis up and he takes himself down .. what would you do? Who would you put up next to him? David – I would have to figure it out at the time.

8:10pm Big Brother blocks the feeds..

9:15pm Still blocked..

9:35pm Still nothing..

9:53pm The live feeds return.
Nicole & Cody are in the hammock talking. Nicole – why wouldn’t he want to right? What are you going to start to attack your own people? Cody – once a line in the sand gets drawn. That’s what we did on our season.. that’s what Derrick and I did. Christmas joins them.

9:57pm Havenot room. Janelle and Bay.
Bay – alright mama, what’s the plan? Janelle – for what? Bay – for you. Janelle – I don’t see Cody using the power of veto. Bay – you don’t think so? Janelle – hell no! Do you? Bay – no but I never know what peoples motives are. Janelle – there is no way! Why would they do that?! Bay – what about you targeting Memphis because he’s a bigger target to get out. Janelle – I don’t like to play like that. I wouldn’t want to be like save me and throw Memphis out. That is not how I am.. It makes me feel.. Yeah, I am not doing that. Bay – what is your campaign to stay over Kaysar? Janelle – in order for me to get the votes I have to reconnect with Dani .. you know what I am saying? Bay – if Dani and Nicole are so close and she thinks you’re coming after Nicole ..would that be will she do it? Janelle – if its better for her game, yeah! She would! If its better for her game she would. I would love to tell other women in the house that this is the third woman leaving .. like this is a no brainer. Bay – that’s how I feel.. so communicate it to Day. She is on the same page. The problem with Christmas, I don’t think she is threatened by anything else. And I know that her and Kaysar are close. Janelle – I would have to get you girls, Enzo and Dani. Which it is doable. Bay – how can I help? Janelle – if you could get David that would help me out. Bay – yeah that shouldn’t be a problem. The problem is that he has no clue what is happening. Bay – your job is to work on. Janelle I am here to play. Janelle and NicoleF probably have an agreement to work together.

11:05pm – 12am HOH room. Enzo, Tyler and Cody.
Enzo – quick before Christmas comes up here. She’ll be up here in two minutes. Bay – no she won’t be because they gave her triplets. Enzo – she has four now? Bay – Nine! Bay – we just all have to make sure page. Bay – Who’s going home? are we for sure its Janelle? Bay – the only thing is that is three girls.. there is more pressure for the next to be a guy. Cody – I see whoever doesn’t go this time, goes next week. Day – I don’t care which goes as neither one contributes or takes away from my game. Bay – and we can’t all forget about how last week we were all saying Memphis is big deal. Enzo – what would Ian do if he won HOH? Dani – I was thinking he would go after Kaysar. Tyler – we just have to trust each other. Dani – and help each other when people are after each other. Nicole – okay so you really want Kaysar out next? Cody – if Janelle goes and Kaysar is still here and there is a battle back ..its better if Kaysar goes next so if Janelle comes back ..then they’re not together.

12:30am Backyard pool.

12:37am – 1am HOH room. Kaysar and Tyler.
Kaysar – you know how much I like you right? I want to try and appeal to you in someway. I have no leverage. Backs against the corner. Honestly you’re playing a phenomenal game. You crushed it. This is the fruits of your labor. I’ve always wanted to work with you. There maybe circumstances where you might want to keep a bigger target in the house. It will never be personal and I will never play dirty. It might be better for your game to keep us together. And in return I would be willing to not go after you or anyone you’re working with. Tyler – you and I .. you were probably my best friend in this house. Kaysar – dude are you serious.. I am going to have so many regrets right now. Is there anyway you can change your mind on that and we can stay. I promise you we can fix this. Tyler – I don’t think you’re going to go home. Kaysar – I let things get out of hand. Tyler – asking Cody to take someone off the block so that I can put someone else up would cause a trickle affect. This was not only my safest move but my only move. I can’t keep you both in this house. That would just cause so much distrust in me. Kaysar – if I am here .. I know you’re just doing what the house decides. I will not put you up because I want to build some trust with you. Tyler – If you don’t put me up, then that will build trust with me .. but if you need to then do it and I’ll understand it. Its up to you because I am powerless next week.

7:08am They’re all sleeping

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148 thoughts to “Christmas “I want to terrorize them before they go.””

  1. I really hope there is a „first 5 evicted ppl get the chance to back in“ or something like that because I seriously don’t know who I’m rooting for except for janelle and kayser.. it’s Not like I dislike these ppl or so, there are a few good ppl in there but not like winworthy

        1. whoever that Eric guy is that has been handling her accounts said he’s been blocking negative comments on her accounts since before her eviction.

        2. some of the hate out there is pretty crazy.
          i mean…. wow.
          you don’t death threat reality show participant’s families.
          That’s just not cool.

            1. Have you seen the sh*t going down with the BB21 cast. Apparently a text convo between Holly, Michie, Jack, Nick and Kat was released and showed Nick and Jack making racist comments. You would think these idiots would’ve learned their lesson…but no.

        3. She blocked me on Instagram because I said her downfall was turning on Janelle and Kaysar and tattling everytime Janelle told her something

    1. Well. LMAO. Good luck to her because Bayleigh is not NicA ( no offense to her). If NicF tries to play games with Bayleigh she better be prepared for the outcome. Bay is remaining calm snd I actually like this version i see so far but she is nobodys fool Sooooooooooo just be prepared. Cause it will go DOWN Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. LOL

      1. It may already be too late even when Bay bites back.
        I’m liking this version of Bay a whole lot better than her 1st season. Glad her husband stayed home, just can’t with that over the top, arrogant guy.

  2. I don’t have the feeds, I only see what is transcribed here, and what they show on the broadcast. So, I am confused about what Christmas is talking about when she mentions Janelle causing issues and complaining all the time? That doesn’t sound like her, and doesn’t show up in anything I’m reading. What I see is someone who is refusing to go cry in a corner, who has pretty much accepted her fate, but is still trying to help people she is aligned with… playing the game up till the very end with dignity and tenacity and smarts.

    1. It’s all manufactured lies and fabrications about Janelle. Each person is responsible for embellishing lies to fit their narrative that Janelle is a nasty witch and they are just innocent victims. They all pile on. A huge factor is jealousy. Think Mirror.

      1. It seems they have all admired Janelle prior to the season. So here was their chance to work with her, but it doesn’t pan out b/c of the paranoia and distortion that the house always elicits. So if mamma doesn’t love them, they are going to rebel.

        Tyler indicated as much when he honesty told Jaysar that his feelings were hurt when he found out they been talking target about him. Tyler seems a very well adjusted dude, he doesn’t get bitter and he knows how to communicate. Too bad that trio had not been communicating better.

        As much as I love Jaysar, they made some key mistakes. They trusted Dani when they told her about their concerns regarding Tyler (I think it was Dani they told, but I’m sure you will all correct me if otherwise). They didn’t make sure to stay in close contact with Tyler and Nicole A to ease any insecurities. That’s how the wedge got driven in from the other side. They play too transparently. They need a bit of subterfuge.

      1. Like in BB19 when Kevin asked if she was going to sit by the pool and she screamed at him for 2 1/2 minutes? Yeah, what a peacemaker….

      2. $h/tmas gets on my last nerve. She’s so damn toxic. And I love how she’s so sure she’s
        “got them covered” for physical comps.

  3. Christmas truly is a hateful vile person. I’m remembering her behavior from her last season. It was beyond horrific. She spearheaded the gang/group bullying & terrorizing. It was gut wrenching to witness. Parallels the gang riot mentality.. She hides her dark side but it eventually shows itself. It shows how complicit CBS is when they bring her back again and cast her as a All Star. Just wait…her sick hateful side is surfacing. She doesn’t understand game strategy only disturbing vindictive tactics …this is who she is. Sickening

      1. Jesus! For those who don’t click the link, I’ll save you a little time.

        While 8 months pregnant she drove to a gym to confront her baby daddy’s “romantic partner”, Christmas (8 months pregnant mind you) rammed the other woman’s car causing at least $5,000 worth of damage and made a seen, including throwing a cup of coffee. Because she was pregnant, cops seized her car and asked her to turn herself in later.

        The fact hat she lives in Florida explains a lot actually. Also, proof that money and fame can’t teach you class.

        1. What does Florida have to do with how she acted? Her baby daddy lives in Florida, she lives in Carolina’s where she had the baby. Not sure why she went nuts because they weren’t even that serious when she got pregnant. She even kept the baby from the father after he was born. Crazy things happen in Florida, but majority of the people who live in Florida are from other states. I would be looking at the states the crazy’s are coming from. So, not sure how her living in Florida explains why she went nuts.

          1. You know there is a running joke in America about Florida right? There are whole websites and social media sites dedicated to Florida Man and Florida Woman. Florida is a very unique place, I’ll leave it at that.

      2. TBH i think All Stars would be a pretty empty house if they weren’t allowed to participate if they had any criminal record whatsoever.
        Not sayin…. just saying.

  4. Did anyone else Catch Tyler and Christmas’ conversation where she said he gets to see Angela every day? and also Memphis and Janelle talking about the Charity and Memphis says he’s goi g to send something to his friend the next day? Since when are they allowed to communicate with the outside world? Did I miss something?

      1. Ok then what was Memphis talking about when he told Janelle that he was going to let someone know today about putting together an event for the Kids Charity that they support. He specifically says…I’ll let him know today.

  5. I want Jaysar to stay in the house because I really enjoy their conversations. I am on this site every damn day LOL. Thank you, Simon & Dawg! Please accept my donation. Keep up the great work, as always!

  6. Every time Christmas talks.
    Every. damn. time.
    My brain flashes to the In Living Color tv sketch character Vera de milo.
    I can’t.

    1. Hahahaaaaaaaaaa yes!!!! Let’s hope she doesn’t decide to put 2 pigtails on top her head. Ahahaaaaa now I will have the visual in my head forever

  7. Shitmas and Bonzo,what happened to them?, Were they dropped on their heads when they were young? The thoughts running through their heads is ferris wheeled. Delusional

      1. As long as he’s tight with Franzel he’s fair game ; I won’t root for him until Wendy Whiner is gone

  8. Just a guess here.

    Episode only people are going to be realllllly confused about why Nicf is targeting Bayleigh all of a sudden. They’ll think it’s for a justifed through editing reason, not the petty anti woman reason we are all blatantly aware of.
    c’mon, you really think they’re going to put the couple tries couple guys thing out there? Sorry Hayden, Cory …. no mentions for you. She already gave you plenty of happy endings in your seasons.
    I don’t see them putting it out there unless the producers are tired of her crap.
    So they’re going to have to come up with some Bay’s close to Janelle so she doesn’t like me crap (oh, like the have not room convo last week). To cover for story.

    1. Are we forgetting Bay had sex with Swaggy after 2 days and got pregnant (supposedly) either in the house or the jury house? So she is literally no better than NicF

      1. are we forgetting that THAT is exactly why Bayleigh was pointing out to Nicf that this whole construct a showmance thing is bad for Day’s game?

        Bayleigh owns her stuff.
        Nicole gets production to wipe her stuff out of episodes by whining and crying.
        Big difference.

        1. In her bio when asked how she will play differently from last time, Franzel actually said she will own her moves this time, LOL.

      2. Wellllll…..if we are being technical here Bayleigh married Swaggy so it was only ONE try and ONE guy, unlike Nicole who had a FEW tries and a FEW guys (not a couple- Hayden, Cory, and Vic). To me Bayleigh is most definitely better than Nicole, she was one and done, meaning what she shared with Swaggy was for real not just some way to further herself in the game.

        1. Well if that’s the case, then what is her All Star hook? Number of comps won? How far she went in the game? HMMMMM. I wonder what Bay is most known for? Winning? Making it final two? Nope. She has Tyler apologizing to her. Go back and watch the season, he didn’t do anything wrong to her. Maybe she didn’t know at the time because she couldn’t see what was going on, but Tyler literally never spoke bad about her, and her name was never one that Tyler threw out there. I am not saying she isn’t right about NicF’s gameplay, simply pointing out that if she is going to bring up gameplay, someone should bring up her gameplay, or lack thereof!

      3. are you forgetting she’s happy married and doing quite well with Chris….grow up an stop bringing non-relevant stuff…i bet your not a virgin

        1. The usual, can’t refute facts – so try to take it to a personal level. When they turn on Bay, it’s not going to be because she was close to Jaysar, it will be because she is bad at the game of BB. And attacking someone’s gameplay, even if it’s NicF, when you don’t have any gameplay to stand on, is not the way to go far in the game.

  9. What I’m going to miss most about watching Janelle and Kaysar is their ability to laugh at themselves.

  10. What in the heck? Absolutely NO ONE gives a crap about Nicole’s wedding. No one! Christmas is a complete moron. Good lord, who cast this crap? They should be fired, Immediately.

    1. I do care for Nicole`s weeding….I wish CBS or any other channel would televise the whole thing. They should have a special for the weeding.

      1. No, no,no!!!!!!! While talking about Nicole‘a wedding is ok. There is no way in Hades that I want to see another Reality TV show wedding on TV

      2. Why would you want to watch that little twat? She’s trash. Along with her bff Shitmas. They are D players at best. And please don’t tell me Nicole won because I don’t give a crap. She’s gross.

        1. NicoleF and Victor comes from different backgrounds. Their families interactions must be amazing to watch.

          Nicole is so cute and pure, cant wait to see her in white

          I hope Dani will be a bridesmaid

              1. Best post to date!

                The start of the season had me feeling hopeful like Harvey, unfortunately now I’m just Dented.

      3. The proposal on the show was cringe worthy… least it was blocked for live feeds so Simon and Dawg didn’t have to suffer through it.

      4. “Weeding” Yep… we all want her weeding from this game tended to ASAP. To the yard waste bin/compost pile Nozzcole goes. Thanks BB God’s.

  11. Tyler injures one of Christmas’s “Babies”. They would have definitely flunked that high school assignment

  12. Episode Review
    Missed 36 minutes of episode.
    Not interested in checking.
    Just tell me if i’m right or wrong.

    1. Nicf Janelle have not thing. not a huge deal made but definitely some skew to the episode only perception so that Nicf isn’t portrayed as being the leading cause, four out of five pathologists agree, to getting the Janellousy virus.
    2. Da’vonne sketchy conversations from safety suite to set up the possibility of a Da’vonne nom that was never going to happen. episode only intrigue.
    3. Some add on montage. With Jaysar pretty much cooked, there’s going to be a couple of those. It’s their relationship not their game play together that has been the it factor for years.
    4. Safety Suite. guessing Memphis threw it so big it still hasn’t come back down to earth.
    5. Probably some wonky explanation for the hinky vote Enzo cast. Don’t actually care why.

    Okay. Joined episode at the one on one portion. Out of order. Janelle was way before Kaysar. There was never another nom option. stop.
    Nom speech. hmmm. If i were the survivor of the noms, I wouldn’t work with Tyler, simply because of the neg slant on the Kevin David thing. It wasn’t to get rid of Kevin or David perceptually. It was to keep Keesha and NicA. This Jaysar villain slant to every motivation is tiresome.

    So… should I rewind because I was wrong about 1-5?

    1. Dani freaking sucks this season. Honestly she’s coming off as the biggest bitch ever. I can’t wait until everything is turned on her. She’s so full of crap and for her to go run and tell about her conversation with Janelle was a punk ass move. Excuse my cursing, but she really is coming off as a freaking bitch

      1. If you think back, she did the same thing in Season 13. Made an alliance with Jeff/Jordan and then tried to get others to go after Jeff. I’ve never liked her and there isn’t much difference between her and Nicole F. In season 8 she hooked up with Nick and in 13 with Dominic.


      I’ll take deals with the devil for 200 alex.
      could it be…. Satan?

      Dani is not dragging Nicf all the way to the end. She knows if the final four is two guys, Nicf and her… Nicf flips.
      tbh, watch her try to drag Kevin as far as possible. Because ain’t nobody voting for Kevin to win Big Brother.
      Nicf is her obvious tie. Cody is her meat shield. BOTH expendable.

      Dani’s brain: i’m outplaying Enzo. Kevin’s mine. final three.

        1. if i wasn’t thinking of jumping ship on this season before, the thought of that final three has be rooting for the iceburg.


    Any time the couple of tries couple of guys comment is brought up… feeds go to Stars.
    When will this bullshit stop?

    Nicf has already used it in order to put a target on Bayleigh with every woman in the house.
    But now… it’s feed cut? Especially if it’s Bayleigh’s perspective?
    Oh great I’m having season 18 flashbacks like you WOULD NOT believe right now.

  14. Watching Tyler’s drs,was he always this annoying or did I have foutte glasses on during his season?

      1. Anyone voting against me, why? He’s regressed and added herd mentality to his repertoire, while playing his exact same game making the same final 2’s with everyone.

    1. He acts like he’s the one wanting to send Janelle home….when the only reason he’s doing it, is because this is what the house wants and everyone is 10000% supporting him.

      He would never have the balls to put Janelle up in normal circumstances

      1. But it gets him the “I got Janelle out” cred, and jury management, so people can’t say he didn’t do anything in his game.

  15. This season is mentally draining. The crazy ideas and conversations that the players come up makes absolutely no sense. Nobody inside of the house is capable of having their own original thought. Porn has better dialog and interactions with a crappy script. Does bb have a box in the dr full of truly shitty theories and the houseguest take turns picking one to see how much stupid crap they can stir up?

  16. I don’t understand the comments about Derrick all the time. And now David referring to Derrick. What does he have going on with Cody and the players outside the house? What am I missing? Someone please …

    1. Derrick was supposed to be on this season. Cody on feeds says 100 percent lock.
      Also, a couple old schoolers were supposed to be on this year, that dropped out. Derrick… decided not to appear.
      Derrick has been linked to past returning cast alliance building pre-season.
      An awful lot of pre-season alliance building is hinted and to an extent verified when taking feed conversations into account.
      Quite a few of those circles of pre-arrangement have one common denominator: Derrick as a centre.
      Derrick denies. Cody verified things Derrick denied though.

  17. People here occasionally toss out that there might be a “buy back” return player….I don’t think that’s going to be part of the script this season because of COVID-19.

  18. The only good thing about tonight’s episode is America getting to see what an arrogant little brat Tyler really is. It’s also nice to see J/K’s friendship being highlighted.

  19. feed block due to over the wall screamer.
    first this year.
    What they are doing: interviewing each person that was outside.
    finding out what they heard.
    telling them to ‘forget’ what they heard.
    trying to figure out how to work what they heard into the plotline knowing nobody is going to forget.

    1. The person claiming responsibility for yelling over the wall says she yelled
      F**K Nicole. Get her out!
      oh we’re going to have lots of whining in our future.

      1. Second person now claims responsibility. Saying they yelled
        Save Janelle.
        which fits with what Janelle whispered about to Bay later.

  20. So Janelle goes to Dani and has a reasonable adult conversation with her. They are friends outside the game, apparently agreed to work with each other and also apparently agreed to hide that fact by NOT talking much to each other, especially during the early parts of the game. Janelle, points this out to Dani and asks so what happened? Dani’s like “I don’t know!”. So Janelle still wants to work with her if she somehow manages to survive this week, with olive branches hanging out of every orifice of her body. She tells Dani she’s going to make this same pitch to others she is working with.

    Dani takes this pitch, goes to Cody and Tyler and twists it into Janelle is still lying! Oh, and she’s still grouping us together (as she tells her alliance members that Janelle is going to pitch to later)! Well, that’s because you ARE together you moron! As much as you might like for it to be a secret, at this point, everybody pretty much recognizes you, Cody, Tyler, NicF and Enzo are together. Don’t blame Janelle, or call her a damn liar, for recognizing that fact. It’s just dumb and poor game play on your part to think everybody in the game is completely blind as to what’s going on in the house.

    At the same time, Day and Bay have a light bulb moment (kind of like the “black girl magic” moment they had the first week), where they finally realize that maybe, just maybe Janelle and Kaysar weren’t lying to them about that big alliance all along! Oh, and THEY are not a part of it either, so basically they are screwed! But they still have David and Kevin to turn to don’t they? And either Janelle or Kaysar, if they can trust them????? What the Hell or these two thinking? Their game reads are so far out there, they finally have a good one (all be it too late), yet they still wonder if they can trust the people who were telling them the truth two weeks ago? And these people are All-Stars?

    1. Based on convos from the first days on feeds of J and Dani, and J and NicF, then seeing how D and N have played, I’ve seen it as those two were just setting Janelle up for failure from the beginning.

    2. They are still a little off because the way I understood the convo was they know the 4 are working together excluding tyler from the group. They believe that tyler isn’t in with them. So even when they have their eureka moment they’re still missing a huge piece that wounded baby bird is actually an integral part of that group.

      1. according to final four alliances Tyler is not in a final four with Dani Nicole and Cody.
        Core4: cody enzo dani nicf
        4prime: cody ian dani nicf
        freeze: cody tyler enzo dani

        Other than the 6 alliance that only Memphis and Christmas believe in, Tyler and Nicf aren’t in another alliance that is currently in my charting. Ian wants Tyler in 4Prime. but i don’t think it’s official.

        So technically yes, they are aligned. but technically no, they are not in a final 4.

  21. Christmas, the great competition beast, has won two comps in her big brother career. Two. I realize she broke her foot during her first season, and clearly she is in great physical shape, but two competition wins does not equal a competition beast, especially when she was basically carried to the end of her season, which is when she won those two comps.

    She’s won a lot more than some of the people in the house, like David, Kevin and Dav’Vonne, who I think have a grand total of ZERO comp wins among the three of them, but still, the way she runs her mouth, you would think she rang up 10 wins during her first season. Not at all true. Do it and THEN talk about it. Until then, SHUT-UP!

  22. Problem. Tyler secret partnership with David. He doesn’t nom him. Tyler goes Kevin. Every day.

    People that get big brother more than David: Jess and Cliff bb21. Sam and Fes bb20. Raven and cereal boy bb19. Jozea bb18. Jase bb17. Victoria bb16. They all get bb better than David.

    Rockstar? Really? Why so she could hand another veto to Tyler? So we could hear about how she deserves to be there due to financial need and everyone else is just too privileged like it’s the Julie Chen Moonves Reality Program Charity?

    1. I have a feeling that most of these HG,s were cast by default.Surely, they could not have been selected on game ability.(Kevin,David,Dav,Enzo,Bay,) Instead of playing backgammon,they should be trying out CLUEless!

    1. As they keep thinking it will happen, I’m kinda hoping Janelle just looks at them and laughs because she is so much better than them. She’s the hall of fame, they aren’t even high school.

  23. There needs to be a vote where the viewers give safety to a player each week. I hate Kevin, David, Davonne, Christmas, Nicole F and Memphis. Obv love Janelle, Kaysar and Nicole A.

  24. Janelle and Kaysar are only now realizing the TRUE extent of the backstabbing NicA committed against them last week.
    They’ve mentioned it… but they are just realizing she went to each person and told them the plans. She did. And embellished in that put her own words in the mouths of others way.
    It took until Sunday for them to realize just how bad she totally screwed them.

    1. I hate NicoleA (and really hate NicoleF). I saw NicoleA on twitter last night posted a video of when Kaysar was crying about how NicoleA felt and she put something like “I love them to the moon and back.” and she apologized to them as well tagging their twitter handles. But as far as I am concerned as a viewer of this season, she can take that apology and shove it. She cost them their games and our entertainment. Her, Day and Kevin, because they’re stupid, have no understanding of the game and are self absorbed. Also, I found her podcast twitter page and it only had around 700 followers (which lets be real, is a good amount for anyone, but not really great for that industry). Even worse though, NicoleF has over 182,000 followers on twitter, which just makes me think about how pathetic our society is that so many people would be interested in someone like that.

      Okay, sorry for the negative post everyone, I’ll move on now! haha.

  25. After watching tonight’s episode, I don’t get why anyone in the house would want to be part of Dav and her crazy thought process. Whinny whinny I should have been the plus one. She needs to get over herself because nobody owes her anything and she is starting to get bat shit crazy like on her other seasons. She will become unglued in the next couple of weeks.

    1. Bay really needs Janelle to stay; she’s got her back against the wall. Kevin is a dud rat, David is clueless and being used by Tyler, Day finally has a clue but still kissing too much ass on the other side….this is gonna be know as the rat season, nobody can keep a secret, constant backstabbing . Nicole A was a major disappointment, got to see an ugly side with her constant Jaysar trashing….. there needs to be a power shift soon or ppl gonna lose interest……Franzel continues to be a boil on the ass…. she reminds me of that annoying teacher’s pet who sits in the front row and snitches on everybody

  26. I keep hearing lousy ratings being mentioned. Yes, the ratings are down, but ALL TV ratings are down. Big Brother still wins the 18-49 demo which is what advertisers care about

    1. It’s also that the ratings have been down in the new school age. 20 put up the best numbers, but they were still lower than many old school seasons.

    2. Bullshit. TV watching is at an all time high with everyone staying in more than out. If this season was entertaining, (rather than feeling like being quarantined with them in a lobotomy ward), the ratings would be the highest ever with the fan base glued rather than flipping them off.

      This is a nauseating hot mess… not the guilty pleasure everyone stuck in their homes had hoped for.

    1. Not gonna happen. I keep thinking he’s one of the girls when I see him on the feeds walking with his hair bun. He looks so feminine sometimes.

    1. After this weeks eviction, I’m no longer watching. The only two people worth watching are both on the block and the rest of the cast is awful. Was desperate for some new reality TV, but can’t watch this garbage.

  27. I would never get it why Janelle is known as the queen of BB or a super beast. Since day 1 she has been laying low and not making strong moves to stay safe in the BB. She couldn’t even win any competition. Maybe she is getting old and rusty.
    There are the weakest players so far:


    and the strongest


    Meow meow

  28. If Janelle and Kayser are gone who do I root for? I liked Tyler in BB20 but am disappointed with him this season. I wasn’t crazy about Ian’s win over Dan (at all) but for a very brief moment thought I could root for him but then he teamed up with Ratcole. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but it might actually come down to Bayleigh. I didn’t like her on BB20 or The Challenge. After Jayser, I might just root for her.

    Janelle definitely has my vote for AFP. I’m afraid the people who only watch the show may not vote for her since looks like she will be leaving so early.

    On another note, I know it’s been said but I just can’t get past a grown assed 40+ man saying “yo” every other word. Sorry for Simon and Dawg. I’ll make a donation just for that!

  29. hmm. created a fictional scenario.
    Takes all of the preseason rumor, adds it to what we see or have had verified in the house. and mixes a little gut reaction and character assessment.
    So. Derrick preseason organized an alliance through his contacts.
    Come on. he pregamed a season he wasn’t even on, like he wouldn’t for all-stars.
    Some of the old schoolers heard about this and said peace out.
    There were a few peace out tweets out there.
    Some members of this pre-season alliance, not satisfied with just building an alliance, but wanting some cast cut called and complained.
    explains the calling production crying rumor.
    That failed.
    Derrick ended up taking the hit for it, and was no longer coming.
    Explains his upset with Nicf tweets. Explains mention of an NDA.
    Having failed to get production to cut some cast they didn’t want to be on this season, an elaborate gas light was staged, where calls were made to the undesired, offering alliance
    in order to make them comfortable, and not feel like a house target so that they could be the subject of ridicule and humiliation.
    Explains the Dani Janelle alliance we know was bull the moment Dani gave interviews.
    Meanwhile, having been contacted in the original set of Derrick alliances, some reached out to their friends being cast to come up with their own fall back groups.
    Explains the subsets Tyler created pregame.
    A few cast are unexpectedly cut due to breaching quarantine.
    New cast are brought on. One of them gets in contact with this big pregame alliance and is included because he has a social tie. Memphis Dani. Memphis through dan to derrick to Cody.
    Explains how Memphis and Cody have a final 2 after 12 words in house.
    The targets in this plot: anyone they didn’t pregame with, and the targets deemed undesirable by this pregame group.
    Keesha, nicA, Kevin, Jaysar David are the house target before an hour of feeds elapse.
    There you have my theory on the edit for the Lost Episode of Season 22: the Pregame Hypothetical Fairytale.

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