Jess to Elena “Christmas does NOT like you.. understand that she is not your friend in this house.”

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2:12pm Backyard. Jason and Kevin.
Jason and Kevin are folding laundry. Kevin – how are the towels? Jason – dry as a bone! Kevin – Dry as a bone like you and one of the girls? Jason – yeah, a dry bone! Kevin – is it the girl (Alex) that gave you the sunglasses? Is that the one you’re really infatuated with? Jason – yeah! Kevin – because its just the way she talks.. Jason – the way she rubs her boobs on me. Kevin – the way she turns you on.

Josh talking to Christmas. Jason and Alex are also in the kitchen.
Josh – I was standing right there and looking to see how many people she (Elena) turned on. She turned on Jess and Cody, her closest allies when she saw that their numbers were against her she dropped them with her showmance. She threw Alex and Paul’s name, her closest friend in the house under the rug when she saw that she was going up as a pawn. Not only that she threw out Matt’s name that Matt’s never been on the block. She’s literally back stabbed and showed disloyalty to everyone one of her allies. She tried to lie and manipulate me to thinking I didn’t say what I said when Paul was up there. Those are clear signs of someone I don’t trust and won’t work with in this house. (Josh is a broken record telling people his reasons why he wants Elena out) Christmas – we need to evaluate long term repercussions and how the house is going to shift. Making sure that we’re safe. There are a lot of variables. Do you think Paul is fighting for Elena to keep her in the jury? Josh – I told him how she’s dogged him and he literally doesn’t see. Jason – ah he sees it, everyone sees it. They just don’t want to do it. They don’t want to preform that task. Christmas – that’s why we have meatball he does whatever he wants specifically chaos. Christmas – If we don’t ask for protection it will shift and we won’t have the numbers any more. With this deal you have to ask for protection. And for that we will take shots at another 2.

2:50pm – 3:05pm Elena and Jessica.
Elena and Jess talk about how someone in the house is going to win $500,000. Jess – if the finals were tomorrow and we had to vote on someone who is left in this game, I think Paul would win it. He’s playing a really smart game. Elena – same. Jess – as a gamer I would love to watch it.. as someone in the house I hate it. He is playing a really good game. He is winning competitions, he has a good social game, he eliminates people that target him. I think he’s got it. I would never vote for Raven. She literally does nothing in this house and it pisses me off and there are other people that see it. Jess – her or Matt are going to replace Matt. Elena – really!? And they’re leaning towards Matt. Elena – how do you know? Jess – people tell me sh*t. Jess – there are things that I want to tell you before I leave. You can’t react emotionally. Christmas does NOT like you. Understand that she is not your friend in this house. Elena – interesting. If I was to campaign this week, which I am not .. people have told me that she could be flipped to vote you out. I am not because I can not stand her. Be aware and keep you eye on it. Don’t react emotionally. Elena – okay, good to know. Secretly I really hope Cody does win HOH next week so that he can take out a couple people. Jess – honestly I think your closest ally in the house is Paul. People will either look to him for leadership or they will turn on him and try and take him out. If the power in the house shifts to Alex and Jason’s side .. they will make it further than you will. They’ve given me the order of who needs to go. was Matt and Raven first and you third.

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3pm – 4pm The house guests are hanging out in the backyard chatting. Jessica and Cody laying on the hammock. Cody – this towel smells like dog! Jessica – well there are dogs in this house.

4:15pm Elena and Mark.
Mark – hows Jess? Elena – she’s good. I’m going to miss her. It sucks that I don’t get to spend jury with her. Mark – maybe its an 11 person jury and Ramses is there waiting for us. Elena – who would be your target? Mark – Cody, obviously. Elena – after that? Mark – Josh. What about you? Elena – I don’t know. Mark – you have to tell me? Elena – Alex. Mark – it very easily could have just been me and you up on the block especially after Paul offered to go up. And then he (Josh) asked me not to use the veto.. trust me.

4:40pm Lounge room. Paul talking to the cameras.
Paul – I feel really drained. I feel like I am making a lot of game moves. I am in a lot of conversations. Not like last year but these people are scared to make big moves. I’ve had to push these move forward. Its tough, they put in characters that don’t like me. Other people I can tell are being fake around me.. I want to jump before they do. Some true colors are starting to come out. People are starting to crack. Raven came in super sweet .. now that girl is crazy. Kevin is playing the best game in the house. He is in the best position. I think I am in an okay position for being a vet. Eventually they’re going to be like f**k this guy, let get him out. Little do they know I am manipulating the sh*T out of the situation. I was shocked when I found out I was the only vet. I love you but that is f**king nuts. Starting now I need to grill into peoples heads that I will never win. They don’t know all the backwards work I have been doing. If I can find myself in the final two, I think I could win. Once I get Cody out, I could get Matt out and Elena out. I think I could then steam roll through the rest of these people. I am forced to play. If I just sit back they will take a shot at me. People are starting to get a little crazy. I am in a f**King murder outfit!?! Elena and Mark join him. Paul talks about last season.

5:25pm – 5:40pm Lounge room. Elena – do you not think he should use his veto. Paul – its hard for me to advise against it because you worked for it, you earned it but if you pull yourself off …someone else has to go up. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When then return.. Elena – I think you should use it. Paul – I don’t think the other option would be a wrong, stupid or bad move. Mark – this is the last week before jury. Paul – the confidence is so there that there is no chance that Jess does not go. Elena leaves.

5:50pm – 6pm Backyard – Kevin and Josh.
Josh tells Kevin about all his reasons why he is thinking about wanting Elena out over Jessica. Kevin – she hasn’t done nothing. She doesn’t participate in anything. She just sits around, eats and sleeps. Do what you want but she is going out in the next few weeks. Josh – its just a thought. Its just things that I see. Kevin – there are 8, 7 people here that don’t do sh*t but eat, sleep.. and grab a$$.

6:06pm – 6:36pm Backyard. Elena and Josh.
Elena – I really want to go far in this game… but how doesn’t right? Josh – yeah. Elena – as long as nothing goes crazy this week at least I’m secured in jury. Josh – yeah. Elena – we get to spend the summer together for sure. Josh – its crazy, I didn’t think I would be here. Elena – do you know who you would put up if Mark uses the veto? Josh – I have no idea. I want to talk to him. Elena – he’s going to use it. Josh – yeah I know and I respect that. Elena – I would have used it, it I had won it. Josh – obviously I know that. Elena – I need to think of a good veto speech. Josh – she (Jess) is handling it well. Elena – I hope nothing crazy is happening and she doesn’t go home this week. Its just a little bit scare knowing that I’m still on the block. I trust you and I trust that people will honor your decision. We can get Cody out next week. Josh – the thing that is taking a toll on my is the whole personal thing. I’m only 23. Its a game, you don’t have to make it personal.

6:40pm Lounge room. Paul, Christmas, Raven.
Paul talking about his clothing company as Christmas strokes his hair and Rave watches.

6:40pm HOH room.
Kevin is rapping. Josh – you’re a f**king pimp. You’re a cool cat!

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81 thoughts to “Jess to Elena “Christmas does NOT like you.. understand that she is not your friend in this house.””

    1. Wait first go up as the pawn so everyone can vote you out and leave the big targets in the game. Raven is crazy and you know it must be true cause Paul said it. Wait now I sound like someone in the game.

    2. LMAO! I can’t do a thumbs up or down on that one for fear of God striking me dead but boy did I laugh, oh Lord please forgive me!

    3. I don’t like Raven anymore than anyone else, but you, are the kind of person I truly hate. What a shit thing to say about someone. Karma…

  1. Christmas working to maybe flip the house to go after Elena, meanwhile Jess tells Elena how Christmas doesn’t like her, if that gets back to Christmas, Jess’s only chance of survival might be destroyed.

    1. yeah… jess working with elena isn’t a terrible idea if the plan is to flip the house on whoever replaces mark, but in order to do that you probably need xmas. paul, alex, and jason are blindly voting jess no matter what, but the rest of the house is semi-up for grabs. cody and mark are two guaranteed votes jess/elena can control. matt/raven are probably in the vote out jess camp, but one is very likely going on the block and would become the target. while i don’t think matt or raven would vote out each other, it may be possible to get josh to break a tie that sends half of maven home or maven may be dumb enough to think the house has flipped on paul and allow for a 4-3-1 vote that they think is going 0-3-5 and inadvertently sends their partner home. xmas and kevin meanwhile would be hard to flip, but i don’t think it’s impossible.

      1. I doubt it. Mark won’t vote out Elena. So jess has 100% votes from Paul, Jason, Alex, Mark, Raven, Matt and Kevin will go with Alex, Jason, and Paul. So even if one of them are on the block, jess still gets evicted.

        1. it comes down to the replacement nominee is my point. let’s say it’s raven as i think she’s the most likely. sure mark won’t vote out elena, but he’d vote raven. cody is down for not-jess which is either elena or raven. can you get two more raven votes? tough, but possible. then it’s either get josh or convince matt to vote differently than the other 3 votes and boom, raven goes home.

          1. He’s too obsessed with voting out Elena. If it were between Raven and either jess or Elena, josh wouldn’t vote out Raven if it was a tie. He wants Elana out first, Jess second. I think Raven is getting on his nerves but she’s not a target yet.

    2. Could Jessica be that smart????? If she instigates a fight between Elena & Christmas…takes the focus off of Jessica…..& Christmas gets mad enough at Elena to vote her out??? Remember Kevin’s talk with Cody…need to get 1-2 more people to change the vote. But isn’t Christmas thinking of going along with Josh & vote Elena out? I’m confused.

      Kevin FTW!

      1. Lol…pretty sure you’re giving Jessica too much credit. Of course she’s not that smart. The only thing Jessica will do is sit on the hammock with Cody and talk badly about the other females in the house. It’s really pathetic, and I just don’t get how you guys don’t see how insecure she is. So say goodbye to Jessica bc she is getting booted out of the BB house this Thursday. There’s only 8 votes. Alex, Jason, Paul, Raven, Kevin, and Mark will vote out Jess. That is six votes. Even if you get Kevin to vote out Elena with Christmas, Mark would never vote out Elena. And even if they try to flip and vote out Matt who is possibly going up on the block to replace Mark, Josh will not vote out Matt in a tie. His target is Elena!!! So there’s no hope for Jessica. Just accept it. She’s done!!! :))))

    1. I want Jess to stay this week, but Elena won’t be that idiotic to start an argument with Xmas while on the block.

  2. Finally holes are starting to appear in Paul’s game and people are making attention out of it. I think the worst thing Paul has done game wise is go after Jess and Cody the way he has. It has made him vulnerable because of how hard he has played. People are beginning to take notice and hopefully will start to take out some of his peeps if given the chance like Raven this week.
    Maybe people are waking up or they have learned from the first forty something days and ready to start playing on their own agenda. We. An only hope to help keep this season interesting.

    1. I hope they start going after paul before it’s too late if he ends up being the first one in jury he could easily come back into the game depending on the competition it is and who is there in the jury also with him.

    2. I think it was a bad move to take over Josh’s HOH room. He’s making it too obvious and bossing them all. You want to control the house without them realizing it like Dan in BB14 and Derrick in BB16, but if you are too overt with it and everybody knows you’re running the house, it usually backfires (Amanda & Paulie). For Christmas to say “It’s the Big Brother house, not Paul’s house” makes me think he’s playing too strong.

      They’re catching on to him. His cam talks show he has no respect for his minions, saying he can blow through them after Cody is out. Only question is do any of them have any guts to act on it?

    3. Did you miss the first six episodes this season where Cody frantically went after Paul? Smh…I guess Paul is just suppose to become his best friend after that.

  3. For those that think Jessica has good game play… instead of trying to make some kind of deal, she’s bashing houseguests to someone else who is on the block… who can’t help her at all.

    Yeah, she’s a power player all right.

    1. Jess doesn’t know about the plan to evict Elana. Based on how the whole house has treated her, Jess thinks it a sure thing that she’ll go home on Thursday. Other than Cody, Elana is the only person to talk to Jess. Since she hates Xmas for replacing Cody in the veto comp, Jess is not holding anything back now.

    2. I think Jess wants to shake Elana up so she starts something with Christmas and for people to focus on her. Jess knows Christmas is in Josh’s ear and she n Cody don’t like her. IMHO

  4. I truly dislike catty girl crap. Not a good game move for Jess, IMHO, to warn Elena that Christmas doesn’t like her.

    If someone comes to me to warn about someone else having a problem with me or whatever, I just go straight to that person to see what the problem is. In other words, I’m a straight shooter and deal directly with the person…unless, of course, they (or their opinions) are unimportant to me.

    I have a feeling Elena may handle that sort of traducement the same way.

    Now, on the other hand, I do actually agree that Christmas doesn’t like her, or anyone besides Kevin.

    1. I don’t see that as catty, giving a friend advice before you get kicked out. Jessica wants to help Elena, because she see’s her as the next target. She felt a little betrayed by Christmas, I’m sure, since she cozied up to her like she wanted to mend fences, and then sabotaged her chance at a Veto. I’m sure she would have called out a guy for being two-faced like that as well.

  5. Watched the Temptation competition and their reactions were hilarious. If the Undead really came to visit Elena, they wouldn’t just be shooed away?

    1. I am going Andrew he deserves it the most. Justin hasn’t done crap in the game and Simmon only starts trouble and I heard he is an illegal alien anyway and shouldn’t even be allowed to play. I called ICE but they said Cali is a sanctuary city protected by a bunch of Hollywood liberal loons and they are afraid of another riot. You know how those accepting tolerant liberals like to burn sh&t to the ground if they don’t get their way

  6. Is Jessica gonna just lay down and die!! Fight! Good grief! She could possibly make it this week. Instead she’s talking herself into an easy eviction.

  7. Does anyone know what the Curse is for Christmas using her Veto Temptation Ring ??? I know it comes with one after she uses it. Just curious if we know what it will be yet. Hopefully she gets locked up in Solitary for 48 hours !!!

    1. Xmas curse for accepting the temptation was turning Jody & Jason into frogs. Just like Jessica’s curse for accepting temptation was the temptation competition. Jessica’s curse actually effected the game.

    2. If Christmas uses her Ring, the person she uses on will have to walk behind Elena the rest of the season picking her wedges outta her big butt.

  8. did production really convince josh that elena, who cant win anything even if it was to save her own life, is more of a treat than Jessica, who has proven to be able to win and has the strongest male as her boyfriend. wow josh really is a weak minded man child. but hey I’m all for it if he can pull it off

    1. Elena saw through that talk about her being a threat. She knew it was all about punishing her and Mark for voting against him when he thought they were on his side. Then again, it definitely might be Production influence. Elena is a worthless player, while Cody & Jessica are Paul’s only opposition. If Jess goes home, the 10 on 2 game becomes 10 on 1.

      Players need to learn if you want Production help, you need to contribute to the storyline. In television, the boring characters get written out.

      1. Yes ,they look like they are serious.Can you imagine what their proposed wedding invitations would look like(I checked out their last names),The”OW”,”DENT”,or the “DENT”,”OW” nuptials. Headed straight for domestic violence issues with names like those!

  9. if you are in Jessica’s petty little mind: might as well give Elena the info since nobody is willing to do anything but remove brain and follow Paul. If she’s in the house where two weeks ago everyone lied to her and kept Josh, what faith would she have in any one of them keeping her, even if they said they were keeping her.
    She’s completely bought into victim mentality rather than considering survivor mentality (survivor as act not reality show, because i doubt she’d eat bugs anyway).
    if you are a conspiracy theorist: let’s not forget what she was saying to Cody days before she used the hex. She said “they” (as in the man behind the curtain) were trying to get her not to use the temptation. She said she thought they disliked her now, and she’d probably be out the door soon because they’d be playing comps she’d have no chance to win. This was just after Cody and Jessica’s argument when she was talking about using the temptation. Low and behold hoh is a chance comp. pov is a knock out rounds comp.
    If someone is so ensconced in victim mentality that they believe the terms of the game are rigged against them, and are saying it on feeds with the result actually bolstering that mentality, what are the chances that person would actually believe they were going to be saved?

    1. She said “they” meaning Paul and his minions.

      Let’s not get too tin foil hat here.

      1. actually, the conversation she and Cody were having was about being called into d/r, and she clearly said production hates her now because of her plan. This was followed by just watch, the next comps will make sure she can’t win.

  10. Dawg and/or Simon, what are chances that the house flips and votes out someone other than Jessica this week? 20%?

  11. Paul should be wearing a Hugh Hefner bath robe with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. That little twit is getting his back rubbed, fingers through his hair, and his ego stroked… it’s just ridiculous!

  12. Hahaha! Showmance Cojody bitterly complaining about the whole house teaming against them. What do you expect dude? Unlike you kissy two, they are playing for big money! Christmas, Kevin, Alex, and Jason imo playing a good game… they might eventually take out Paul.

    1. They may be all up in each others’ faces but they are playing. The whole house is NOT playing for money, Matt and Raven do nothing, Josh and Mark have both stated they don’t care about winning they just want to make it to jury (Matt has said this too), Alex says she wants to lose cause she wants to win her second time around and Christmas says she doesn’t mind if she loses this season because her main goal is to get cast again for a second season.

    2. They may be all up in each others’ faces but they are playing. The whole house is NOT playing for money, Matt and Raven do nothing, Josh and Mark have both stated they don’t care about winning they just want to make it to jury (Matt has said this too), Alex says she wants to lose cause she wants to win her second time around and Christmas says she doesn’t mind if she loses this season because her main goal is to get cast again for a second season.

  13. Hope when Raven goes up that the house turns and send her home. I can see the vote being 4 votes for R, 3 for J and 1 for E.

  14. Hey Simon and Dawg, are you two in cahoots with CBS? I see in the pics of the hgs above (funny how I just noticed it after a month lol) that Paul is getting a better edit here as well! Check out his pic, much brighter blue than all the others! (apologizes if it is just on my puter lmao

  15. The fundamental problem here is that there is no incentive beyond making jury for anyone who doesn’t believe they can actually win. Most of these houseguests have mentally already lost and just want the easy money of sitting in the jury house. If the prize money was increased for each place, as it is in Survivor, there would be a reason to fight for each week in the house. Another option would be for there to be money and prize winning opportunities each week in the house . This would have the added bonus of increasing awareness within the game of who was racking up the most money. The occasional small prizes generally offered are not enough. As it stands now there are only four levels of status: winner, runner-up, Jury, non jury. The result is a house full of people snoozing and munching away week after week.

  16. Showmance CoJody continually playing victim that the whole house is against them. What do you expect dude?
    They are playing for big money in a social, not kissy, game! Christmas is mothering Josh. She could make it to final four despite the injury. Kevin, Alex, and Jason are my other picks. When the showmance CoJody get ejected, Paul would be seen as a threat to be next disposed.

  17. Face it, Paul is just going to tell them all what to do once again and Jess will be walking out of the door Thursday . This season is awful, might as well hand the 5k to Paul already. Jess and Cody are the only ones who will actually get Paul out, but with them gone in the next couple of weeks idk who will man up and finally get this dude outta there. Done watching this season, already know how it is going to play out. Disappointed 🙁

  18. Face it, Paul is just going to do what he does every week and come Thursday Jessica will be walking out of that door. Sorry josh, but waist of HoH when you could’ve gotten the biggest meatball out (PAUL)!! Might as well hand Paul the 5K now because with Cody and Jess leaving soon there will be no one man enough to actually get him out. This season is awful. Disappointed 🙁

    1. I think Cody and Jess will fight with what they have to work with. The treatment they have received has probably kept them more isolated but…. it’s early and I think they are going to start dropping grenades. Let’s hope for a major flip! Something has got to change for crying out loud!

  19. Well the witch Christmas just convinced Josh to keep Elena over Jessica on the live feeds. It’s done. Just another move for Paul. So much for this getting interesting.

  20. Don’t blame Jess that she is throwing shade on Xmas. Xmas used her temptation to nix Cody, whose sole goal was to win the veto to save Jess. Xmas was under zero threat this week, if Cody won the veto and took Jess off, Jess wouldn’t be replaced.

    (“Truffle shuffle”. Nice one Jess. Had to google that!)

  21. Jessica: A RETROSPECTIVE
    She entered the house as the hot little number with a brain and the potential to go far in the game. In the blink of an eye she spots the Marine, Cody, and decides to make him her own. Her Marine reciprocates, and even wins the first HOH of the season, but shows himself to be so fiercely independent that even fair Jessica is unable to break through his thought barricade. He subsequently makes a bold move that lands the two of them in a tsunami of vitriol and antagonism. Jessica loses herself in her new-found “love” and commits to being his “ride or die.”. In an unprecedented BB occurrence, our Marine, Cody, ends up making a record 4 nominations during his HOH before finally getting someone, anyone, PLEASE, evicted.
    It soon becomes apparent that what first looked like CODY THE BOLD GAME-CHANGER was nothing more than Cody who really had NO GAME beyond getting rid of Paul. This hog in the china closet had no plan, no strategy, no social game, no ability to adapt to the flow.
    Jessica’s Marine is himself evicted shortly thereafter, but thanks to the machinations of veteran BB player, Paul, the remaining houseguests are led down a dark path in which the events of Week 1 are never really shaken off. It is as though they are in a time warp of Paul’s creating. With Cody gone, Jessica, left to her own devices, emerges as a strategic thinker who now remembers that she came to BB to win the money.
    Ahh, but the spirit of Cody never left the house, in part, thanks to Paul. In his zeal to keep the spirit of revenge going, he might just as well have begged the universe to bring Cody back. And so it was that Cody fought his way back into the house.
    But this time, Jessica, who had located her brain in Cody’s absence, lost her mind, yet again. She squandered her HOH by listening to Cody’s words of “wisdom?” Paul won another round.
    Fast forward to the present. Fair Jessica is on the block because she threw a comp in the hope Cody would be safe. Well, HE is, but SHE isn’t. ( And Kevin almost walked away with THAT win.)
    Jessica’s survival in the game now depends upon a fickle group of babies who have been napping up until now and are just beginning to play Big Brother. (Thank goodness for that, at least.)
    Jessica, who has had too many glimpses at how life with Cody would be, will kick herself when she reviews these events. And since Cody has no learning curve, it won’t even have been worth it to back him. At least the Brendon/Rachel, Jeff/Jordon couplings turned into marriages; so they ended up sharing in the winnings.
    If Jessica can’t get through this next eviction, she will leave behind an angry, impulsive showmancer who can’t think his way out of a paper bag. Cody said it best: “This is why I’m single.”

    1. Well summarized! What’s unusual in BB19 is two competitors discovering their soul mates right at the start of the game resulting in pitting them against the house. They appear strongly compatible for each other and if after the game result in marriage, may turn out to winners too.

  22. Paul has correctly assessed that Kevin is playing, arguably, the best game of anyone in the house. Kevin makes me laugh. He was hilarious comparing the paranormal activity of the Temptation Challenge to the neighborhood where he grew up. (LMAO!!)

  23. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if Josh really does stick with his plan to cross Paul and evict Elena, I will be forced to reconsider my notion that Paul is carrying Josh in his hip pocket.
    Having said that, though, Josh is very impressionable, so we’ll have to wait and see if “someone” convinces him to go after Jessica, instead.
    In the meantime, PROPS to Josh for:
    A.) Pretending to surrender to Paul’s will, while plotting behind Paul’s back, and
    B.) Not just automatically going after Jessica (it has become a trend to do so) and instead targeting someone that HE wants gone.

  24. RE: Josh’s beef with Elena.
    I’m not invested in Elena, one way or the other, except as a means to keep Jessica safe.
    But after Josh’s “performance” for Paul, wherein he flat out lied about his chat with Elena, with Elena standing right there in disbelief, it felt more like just another made-up fight for which Josh is famous. He does tend to get these unshakable notions that don’t necessarily make sense, but which, nonetheless, guide his behaviors. In this instance, it served a purpose: to reassure Paul that Jessica is the target. I expect Paul to be hyper-vigilant this week. He can sense that Josh might be going rogue on him. And if his favorite step-child is breaking the rules, Paul will not stand for it.
    Of concern: When Josh was trying to explain to Elena why he didn’t want to use Paul as a “pawn,” he said,” I don’t want to RISK Paul.”.
    Therefore, going rogue, or not, Josh still views Paul as an ally, to be protected. He’s not ready to turn the tables completely. But targeting Elena, against Paul’s wishes, shows a growth spurt.

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