Does Christine’s Big Brother hot guy list include Jeremy? “HELL NO face was ugly stupid tattoos”

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9:41pm Cody and Jocasta
Cody says he’s Catholic. Jocasta say her religion they speak directly but Catholics don’t Cody doesn’t get what she means.
Jocasta her beliefs is she can reach out to god anywhere she wants.
Cody – Catholics can’t? I pray everywhere
Jocasta – usually… usually you all don’t necessarily do it that waY
COdy that’s how I do it.
Cody – I’m catholic thats not Christian?
Jocasta – no.. you probably find yourself more non denominational
Amber says she goes to non denominational she grew up baptist
Cody – do you need to convert from Catholic to Christian
Jocasta doesn’t know
Donny joins them Jocasta asks him if a Catholic has to convert.
Donny says Catholics are christians, “Same bible they’re intertwined”
Caleb joins them and starts talking about himself and religion.
Caleb – “Catholics are christian to they are in the bucket of christians”
Caleb says when you marry you have to find someone “Equally yoked” with Christ. Caleb says a yoke was put on two oxen so when they plowed it was in line. Jocasta says an atheist and a christian are not equally yoked

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9:55pm Kitchen Christine, Zach, Frankie, Nicole
They are talking about hot guys from past season.
Frankie is surprised they don’t think Jeremy from last year isn’t on the list his body was spot on.
Christine (See image) “HELL NO *Gag* I didn’t think he was cute at all.. I didn’t like anything about him.. Not attractive at all”
She says his tattoos were stupid and his body was just normal, “His face was ugly”
(She says under her breath she didn’t think the tattoos were stupid or something to that effect)
Zach ‘ You just judge everyone don’t you .. you’re a judger”
Christine says she only judges mean people
Victoria and Derrick join them. They are joking around about who everyones targets are. While pointing at Nicole Hayden says he has no idea who he will put up, Probably someone random he doesn’t know.

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10:41pm HOH Frankie and Zach
Zach saying he’s never met someone that talked about their grandparents more than Frankie. Frankie says he was raised by a single mom his grandpa was like his father to him.
Caleb comes up.. talking about clothes. Zach says he’s super cheap with his clothes. Mentions that Costco has great golf attire. “How much do you think these were… $19.99 CHeap right” (Showing his shorts see image) Caleb says he buy expensive clothes except for when he lived in texas going to school. This was the school he rode a horse to it.

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11:00pm Rock Room Cody, Amber and Nicole
Nicole says she’s done 12 pranks on Hayden today he’s the easiest one to prank. She Filled his cup with pickle juice. Cody says he’s going to scare Nicole when he has the chance. Nicole groans says everyone is after her now.
Cody comments on how horrible the wake up music is.
Cody wants to listen to some top 40 radio right now. “Do you think any new summer music came out that is bawling”
11:10pm LIving room Brittany, Derrick, Cody, Christine
Derrick asks Brittany is her BMW is white. Brittany says it is but she already told him that. HE say no she didn’t “I totally have you pegged as a white BMW kinda girl”
Cody says he has a BMW but it’s an older one. (11:55pm Cam 1-2 Derrick/Zach says her type of car is a 65K to 75K)

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11:25pm HOH Zach, Christine, Derrick and Cody
Talking about getting Caleb out next week.
Zach thinks they would put up Donny, Caleb
Cody does not think hayden will put Caleb up.
Zach – “We control Victoria’s vote”

Zach points out after next week it’s the detonators Vs. Nicole, Hayden and Victoria “we’re controlling 8 out of 11 people”
Cody – “If we send Caleb home we control Amber”
Zach – We control 90% of the house”
(LOL good grief people someone has to go home every week)
Brittany joins them says she cannot sleep.

THey play a game of truth
They asks Zach would he take 1/2 a million dollars if he had to live with Victoria for a year. Zach says no.
Zach says he’s got a crush on Amber, “I don’t know dude I’m sweating her”
he mentions Christine cooks for him but Amber is better, Zaach says he’s joking.
Zach doesn’t think Amber will go for him, “I’m not her type you know what I mean”
Brittany says she was into Devin in the bedinging.
Christine and Zach agree say it was noticeable but now she’s trying to distance herself from that
Zach doesn’t understand why Amber doesn’t like Claebn “He’s beast mode cowboy”
Brittany – Ohh I think he says that too much”

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11:35pm Caleb preparing to go beast mode

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12:10AM HOH Zach, Christine, Brittany, Cody
Cody asks Zach if one of his kids was about to get hit by a car and another was trapped in a burning house what would he do. Zach would pull out his iPhone tell Siri to dial 911 to get the firedeoprament and he would run save the kid from the car.
They tease Brittany that she has a secret she has shared.
Brittany – “I drive with two feet.. thats how I was taught how to drive”

Zach says “sHe (Amber) Sees Caleb as a friend, Cody as a brother and me as someone she can actually be with “ (Remember #WILDCARD has a crush on Amebr now ot so he;s saying)
Cody says if Zach get a date with Amber he’ll get a date with Selena Gomez
Christine says Selena gomez has a giant forehead.
Zach thinks Selena gomez is the hottest girl he;s ever seen.
you think Selena gomez is the hottest girl you’ve ever seen.. that is the saddest thing i’ve heard.

Feeds keep cutting in and out.. Cody says something that was made or eaten today “Jacked” people up Jocasta and Caleb have been really sick .

Alliances (Some Of these are defunct)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick

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128 thoughts to “Does Christine’s Big Brother hot guy list include Jeremy? “HELL NO face was ugly stupid tattoos””

  1. Lol christine your tattoos are beyond stupid and your face is 10x uglier than Jeremy’s, can CBS please show this bitch for who she really is! I hate her the most.

    1. I like how Christine says ” I only judge mean people” but is talking shit about Selena Gomez’s forehead.

    2. I don’t get the live feeds but from what I read from you all…Christine is not the sweet girl the show depicts her as….

    3. Exactly what I was thinking! The first thing she better do with any money she gets from the show is get a nose job. It blows my mind she had the nerve to call someone ugly. smh

      1. I feel bad for her husband. She obviously doesn’t care that he is sitting at home watching her drool all over Cody.

    1. Christine wouldn’t crack my top 100 lmao I can’t wait for her to find out how much everyone hates her because all she does is talk shit about everyone. Talk about insecure. Please get her out!!!!

  2. Shouldn’t a minister know that Catholics are Christians?
    Kinda painful to watch that conversation…

    1. It’s unbelievable. How come Jocasta aka “the minister”, she who speaks in tongues, wouldn’t know THE BASICS of Christian religions???!! Once again CBS major fail on finding educated smart players. I love that Donny had to help. It’s really too much

      Oh I hope CBS does a broadcast edit of how miserable and bitchy Christine is. Just an ugly soul.

      1. In Jocasta’s defense, a number of Christian denominations require that one has a “natural calling” and indoctrination into the sect’s values in order to hold the title of minister. No additional education is needed, especially in learning about other movements within the religion. Unfortunately, she was never trained to counsel people outside of her denomination. This makes me judge her church harsher than her.

      2. I don’t watch the live feeds but wondered if that was a sample of Joccosta’s ‘speaking in tongues’ act seen after Amber won the bob comp? That babbling, gurgling, choking, sound.

    2. Was Cody being sarcastic when he asked Jocasta if he had to convert to be a
      Christian? If it wasn’t he needs to go back and get some remedial catechism lessons.

      1. Maybe you and the others need an education. Some branches of the “Christain faith” teach you can only enter heaven through Christ and them. An example was the Southern Baptists of the 80’s usually represented by Robertson and Fallwell on national talk shows like Larry King Live. The term “born again” was used for those who converted and so on. On many occasions either or both would argue the only true Christain faith was thiers. They would actually argue that Catholics as an example would not enter heaven and several Catholic leaders of the day did the same. For those who grew up in the environment it is not surprising they have difficulty defining Christianity.

        Your very unlikely to get someone’s true faith from the BB house. All you have to do is look at bible reading Dan as a obvious example. His actions on the show spoke to non Christain values. Jocasta will just be a memory when the house gets around to evicting her. She won’t be missed!

        1. Nice to see some intellect and smarts mixed in with the silliness and fun of BB. Those are interesting points Stan. I feel, maybe like some other posters, for Jocosta to run around wearing her ministry tiara and throwing God and Jesus around like a religious ATM machine, that she should have some basic education in theology. I’m thinking now she just cray-cray.

          Also people who don’t think Catholics are Christian are ignoring the history of Christianity. The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium. Many Evangelicals may be surprised to learn they accept the authority of several Catholic councils every time they pick up their Bible. The Bible didn’t fall out of the sky, spiral bound with an NIV sticker on it. It has a rich Catholic history!

          Theologians make it very clear that early Christian beliefs were Catholic. The relatively new usage of ‘born again’ might have put a different spin on the whole subject. Jocasta definitely caught in some sort of spin.

  3. BB being more important than his Grand Pa’s funeral says all we need to know about Frankie’s character.

    1. It says in the letter they’re going to wait to have a celebration of his life until franke leaves the house, his grandfather wanted him to stay in the house no matter what and I’m sure if he didn’t say that Frankie would leave in a second

    2. Are you kidding me? Who the hell are you to judge someone like that? You are aware that it was his grandpa’s wish for Frankie to stay, right?

      I swear people are so big and bad on these comments talking about other people like they do. Some people here act a million times worse than any of these contestants WHO ARE LIVING IN A FISHBOWL 24/7 AND PLAYING A GAME FOR $500K. Some of you people need to look in the mirror before you judge other people so viciously. Disgusting.

      1. 16 more “roots of all evil” this season. You’ll be surprised to know the HGs are there for the 500K. Hope you never bought a lottery ticket! 😛 You must be one of those 60 hour a week volunteers that works tirelessly for free?

  4. Jacosta is pretty clueless considering about religion she’s a minister. The other night brit asked her for something specific (I can’t recall) and she searched the bible and couldnt find anything and made excuses like oh this is not my bible etc and ended up reading a random verse and started asking brit do you believe in jesus yadda yadda yadda..

    p.s. christine is so needy for cody and shes the female caleb

  5. That’s right, by my donkey laugh, ye shall be judged. Be careful, least I find you unworthy. But, I only pass judgement on mean people, and pretty people, an people who aren’t in my alliance, and other women, oh and spiders. And people who do agree with me. But, I am really nice, to your face, it make my job as a judge easier if you would just turn around.

    1. “it make my job as a judge easier if you would just turn around.”
      LOL! I’m digging the wittiness of this season’s posts more and more!!! 😀

    2. Bless her heart!!! At least we know Christine was raised right…she talks behind their backs…it’s called manner. (Thank you, Kathy)

  6. Christine makes up so much stuff about Amber it’s hilarious

    I would love for Christine to be voted out before Amber, that would be amazing

  7. I’m sure Frankie is devastated by his grandfather’s death ….. But he sure bounced back into game mode fast

    Just saying

    1. What’s he supposed to do, lay in bed and bawl all day? Haven’t you ever known anyone who experienced a death and handled everything pretty well? His grandfather was 90 and this was his third time with cancer. I don’t think Frankie was unprepared that this day would come.

      I really don’t understand all of these digs people here are getting in about how Frankie is dealing with this. It’s far more judgmental on a personal level than any of the “cattiness” people are ripping the houseguests apart for. You don’t judge how another person handles death. Period.

      1. It’s ridiculous, my grandmother passed away after a stroke recently and I loved her every day of my life and I am a crier but I didn’t cry until the moment I saw her in the casket. It’s not fair to judge how people mourn.

  8. I think it’s admirable that Frankie has aspirations to build schools in Africa (like anyone in Hollywood hasn’t jumped on that bandwagon already), but why don’t people think about helping the country and people where they live – people who can’t afford basic life necessities because of poverty are all over America. Anyway, I don’t know why Frankie needed to tell us all that if not to gain support for ‘America’s Grandest Player’.
    About Victoria: who is now a “competition beast” – her two strategic moves are 1. Wear lots of bows and 2. Call people disgusting or pathetic. How has Muppetine gone under the radar this far? I can’t understand it. I can’t wait to see her nose on the block (and it can’t come fast enough).
    Brittany is gone tomorrow so she can go wine at home (maybe a bottle or 2).

  9. Jocasta is a minister and doesn’t know that Catholics are Christians?! Are you serious?! CODY HAS A CROSS TATTOO! That’s the main symbol of Christianity and she asked if he was Christian? That has to be a joke. How can these people claim to be so religious and know NOTHING about religion? It is a disgrace that they call themselves religious and then know nothing but popular Bible verses. Thankfully Donny knows what’s up; he continues to be my favorite and never stops proving himself.

    1. First of all, just because you wear a cross does NOT make you a Christian. Being a Christian is a spiritual commitment. Many of us today identify ourselves as Christians because we go to church or our parents are Chrisians or you just believe that Jesus Christ existed and the Bible is true. These things however, does not make a true Christian. Being a true Christian is hard. It means dedicating your life to God after accepting Jesus Christ into your life. It is very easy to be good when you first meet the Lord and dedicate your life. After you get down from the high of becoming a Christian, you will face many difficulties in life. God has many rules and God expects you to change your life for him. After all, God gave you life and is our Almighty redeemer. Therefore, when you become a Christian you can’t be the same old you. We may live for an average of 80-90 years and throughout all that time we need to be close to God. There will be times in your life where everything seems to be going wrong and nothing in life makes sense. Being a true Christian means that you have to decide to be God’s child through all the tough times, get through all the temptations and trust God is doing everything for the best. After all, being a true Christian is dedication of your life to Jesus Christ.

      1. Chris·tian (from Google)
        adjective: Christian
        of, relating to, or professing Christianity or its teachings.
        “the Christian Church”
        1. noun
        a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.

        I never claimed Cody was a “true Christian” or even a good Christian. He was baptized, so he is technically a Christian. Cody being a good Christian was not my point. My point was that it is a disgrace that Jocasta didn’t know that Catholicism is a form of Christianity.

  10. Christine is the WORST! Fingers-crossed she’s bombarded with loud boos when she’s finally evicted. Her constant personal attacks on Brittany and Amber, and her weird obsession with Cody are making the feeds almost unbearable. If I was Christine’s husband I think I’d start banging a hot neighbor…

  11. It touched my heart to gear Frankie talk about his grandpa. I wish i could hug him. Hang in there Frankie. He’s in a better place now, watching you play this hard game.

    1. Boo how. Everybody knows there is no Better Place than the Big Brother House. Maybe Grandpa is now up in the attic.

  12. Hmmmmm, don’t know about Frankie’s speech. I don’t care for him, so that’s probably colouring things, but that tribute sounds like very self-serving.

    1. Yeah, 95% of that entire speech was him talking about how wonderful his grandpa was and asking for support for his family. Sounds pretty self serving to me. *roll eyes*

      People can knock the guy’s gameplay all day long, but all this personal attacking is ridiculous. Oh, but I forgot this is the internet.

      1. No, 75% of his speech was about his plans to build schools in Africa. Now, THAT deserves an eye roll.

    2. Reading the letter twice on the feeds to make sure every last person knows was a bit much. At least we know Frankie’s grandfather really died. Remember Johnny Fairplay on Survivor faking his grandmothers death to gain an edge over the other players? That was beyond horrible. I hope his whole family shunned him for that.

    3. To be fair, Frankie’s entire speech to the camera is not quoted in its here. It was much longer and most of what he said was talking about how great his grandfather was and all his grandfather’s accomplishments. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this site but you can’t base your perception of the people off of what is quoted here. You may or may not get the full story (for the most part you do, not knocking the site) or you may miss the context of how something was said. I found Frankie’s entire speech to be heartfelt and genuine. He really wanted America to understand the situation and understand why he was staying.

  13. Christine makes me sick. I used to like her the first week. Now all she does is flirt with the guys, talk bad about Amber and try to get in Cody’s pants. For the love of God you ate married! Stop acting like a jealous slut. I hope her husband has divorce papers waiting for her when she gets home.
    And as for punching Amber I would to see her try. Amber would knock her out cold. And duh of course Amber would look better in Christine’s clothes. She’s a model and Christine is ugly. I don’t know why she thinks she is Miss Popular. The boys only want her around because she is a rat. I hope Amber wind HOH and puts her up. She will go home because she can’t win a competition .

    1. Donny said if he won HOH he would put up Derprick and Frankie. I think he would change Frankie to Ratine since Frankie’s grandfather just passed. And Donny really dislikes Ratine. Team Donny!!

    2. On the premiere, when they did the intro for Christine, she told the camera that she wished she could pack nothing because she loves being naked. I can’t speak for everyone, but I thought it was funny at the time. We should have known she was an insecure girl that will do anything to get attention right then.
      If Amber had done the same thing, there would be 50 posts on here about how they wish Amber would go naked. And 100 posts about how big of a slut she is. I think people didn’t really give it that much attention because Christine’s not very attractive.

  14. Christine is a Racist. She always says whom she doesn’t like and they just happen to be minorities. Jeremy is Cherokee Indian

        1. I find that these people who always bring up race or make EVERYTHING about race really are the true racists. I don’t think christine is a racist. She hates EVERYONE! I bet she can’t even stand to be around herself 🙂

    1. uuuuh seriously? I think you’re reaching a bit with the racist remark. She also talks shit about Brittany and Caleb who are ****drum roll please*** WHITE! She is an equal opportunist with her hate and rags on everyone.

    2. Jeremy was also a very aggressive male and what Christine would consider a “bully”. It has nothing to do with race. Nice try though.

    3. I’m fairly certain she chooses her diluted rants based on who she feels inferior too, not by their race…

  15. Jesus… I didn’t know the Grande family was THAT rich. Ariana’s money is just a drop in the bucket.

  16. Christine is the worst! Who is she to judge? Cody or any of the guys in the house would never give her the attention she is getting if she didn’t constantly rat out the girls. Fingers crossed that Donny wins HOH and throws her on the block with one of the boys in her alliance so she really gets to see what they think of her when they vote her out to save their boys alliance.

  17. Oh ye of too much faith: for those of who believe the fake bios of the majority of the houseguests who enter the Big Brother house. They can make up any kind of BS and accompanying video to support their ‘story’ – doesn’t mean it’s true. A lot of them hire videographer, have a set and the whole nine to fool even us.
    Beware ye of too much faith.
    Jocasta seems to use her religion when it’s convenient. She does not pray before meals for example.

  18. Prayers go out to Frankie and his family. Now back to the game, He is still a di##head and I hope he is kicked out very soon. I’m sure Frankie and CBS will milk this for all its worth. I can only imagine what type of BS Julie Chen says on Thursday night. She might even have some tears. I wanna know who’s gonna put Frankie up. Cause you know someone will say, “We can’t do that to Frankie, he’s been through some much, it wouldn’t be fair to him and his family.” He will use this to his advantage.

  19. Was the grandpa his mom’s dad or his dad’s dad? Sounded like he was his mom’s. If so, why is Frankie’s last name same as the grandpa? Need some clarification pls.

    1. The grandpa was his mother’s dad. I don’t know for sure, but a possibility is that Frankie’s mom was never married to his dad or just kept her maiden name.

      1. add in when woman divorce they often will return to maiden name. If Frankie was born after the marriage the laws vary on last name by state

    2. Mom most likely gave the kids her last name, her father’s surname. Like I have my father’s last name, and my kid has my last name.

      1. Ariana and Frankie are half siblings. Same Mom. Different Dad. Frankie and his Mom have the same last name of Grande and Ariana last name is Butera.

        1. Her name is hyphenated but she still has and uses mom’s last name, which mom got from grandpa frank grande.

  20. I would love to see Christine TRY to punch Amber in the face. And people think Caleb is the cuckoo?

    Umm…Donny and Amber, never mind the frickin recycling. Talk some game dammit! I wanna see those two put their heads together–like right now. If neither one of them (nor Caleb, who would put up whoever Amber tells him to) wins HoH, I think I’ll be sick tomorrow.

    1. Every time Donny has talked to Amber she tells the BS Squad what he said so Donny knows not to say anything to her. Donny can’t talk game to anyone except BowTie and then its limited. He has to win HOH. Go Donny!!

  21. What does Frankie’s 3 majors, college degree, his sisters career, and all his other self centered comments have to do with his grandfather passing? I get its hard and I want to feel for him, but when shit like that spews out of his mouth I have a hard time thinking he is being genuine, let alone feeling sorry for him. That speech was basically talking about how awesome he is and ONCE AGAIN kissing his sisters ass, and giving her a quick tv plug for her career.

    1. You obviously didn’t watch the entire speech and only read what was written here which is only tidbits of what he actually said.

      Frankie went on and on and on about his grandfather’s accomplishments and what he passed on to Frankie (his grandfather was like his dad, he had a single mother). He listed his accomplishments as well as his sister’s, mother’s, cousin’s, aunt’s and so on in regards to the legacy his grandfather left behind. He thought it was proof of his grandfather’s greatness that he accomplished so much in his life and raised two daughters who accomplished so much and passed that on to their kids as well.

      1. I did watch it actually. I couldn’t stomach reading it after I already watched it because the whole thing was so self absorbed. Yes he did speak of his grandfather (obviously) but 95% was him speaking about himself or plugging his sister.

  22. Jacosta is an idiot! Catholicism is the first Christian denomination started by Jesus Christ himself and yes we pray directly to God. Catholic has been around since 33 AD while other denominations didn’t form til the 16th century. Protestants use OUR bible minus all the books they’ve excluded. Get Real Jacosta!

    1. I didn’t know it was YOUR bible(catholics). Organized religion and Christianity are different in my opinion. Like I said that’s MY opinion.

    2. Man…Jocasta’s comments kind of freaked me out…
      A serious question here, but I wonder what her thoughts or reaction would be on the two Jewish HG (Victoria & Zach) & how their faith doesn’t view Jesus like other denominations do?
      I would hope this experience educates her of the different denominations out there…

    3. I’m sorry… What?! Catholicism was started by Jesus himself ?! Now who sounds as dumb as Jocosta lol!!!!

    4. Jacosta is not an idiot. She is just not informed. You may know the history of your religion, but how much do you know about the history of Jocasta’s religion?

      “OUR bible?” The bible belongs to many faiths. Jesus was born into the Jewish faith, which also uses the bible as the primary text. Christians (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox), Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, and many other religions believe in the bible, but have different interpretations of it. Catholics don’t have a lock on the bible.

      Most of us are not knowledgeable about faiths outside of our own. But, with an open mind we can learn and grow.

      1. Yes, the Catholic church was started by Jesus. His deciples went out to spread the word and convert people to this new belief. There were no methodists, baptists, nondenominational, etc… there were only those 12. It was one church.
        Catholic means Universal, they were spreading what they hoped to be the new Universal Church.
        A few hundred years later a group of Catholic Bishops came together and wrote the bible. So, Yes, it is our Bible. It was written by the Catholic Bishops.
        Several hundred years go by and groups start to split off, Methodists, Lutherans, Church of England, etc… those groups (Mostly Martin Luther) removed several books from the Bible. To this day there is a Catholic Bible and a Prodestant Bible. Our Bible still includes the books that Martin Luther decided to remove from the Bibles that most other Christian faiths use.

        1. Sorry, Jesus was a Jew, not a Catholic. Also, Jesus would smite you and your church for the way it’s abused children over the years.

      2. except those other Christian religions did not exist at the time the new testament
        started taking form.

      3. Umm yes she is an idiot. People may not be knowledgable about the specifics of a certain religion that is not their own but seriously not know that Catholics are Christians !? And she is the one who thinks she has a lock in the bible. What does she think Catholics read… How does someone not know that Catholics read the bible and Jewish the Torah. Not acceptable for a Christian minister to not know that. Disgusting. And Cody’s parents must be face palming themselves at how dumb their son sounded in that conversation. Idk what these people were taught in school. I learned about all the different religions in high school and could give a lot of details about each religion so don’t make it like all people are idiots like her. It kinda goes to show the average person is not that well educated unfortunately. Maybe it depends on the type of area they are from. But I hate how she acts like she is the religion expert yet clearly knows nothing about basic Christianity. She looks down on anyone who is not her sect of Christianity and it’s getting irritating.

  23. Guess Ill go swoop Brittany’s trampy ass up once she is eliminated tomorrow night. Lord knows she likes anything with a d!ck and gives her attention. Enjoy chasing Cody around skank….

  24. Amber is the best. She doesnt deserve to have mean shit talked about her. Christine is really making amber look like a real bitch in front of everyone. Someone has to tell amber sadley the only one who will will be cody but hes not going to tell amber anything until caleb leaves. Hopefully ppl choose B for TA. Dang we need some drama!

    1. I agree. Can’t stand Christine. She is jealous of pretty girls like Brit and Amber. She talks about how she hates cattiness yet she is the cattiest in the house. She is finally getting some male attention in life from someone besides her husband and she’s riding off that adrenaline trip from it. I’ve dealt with girls like Christine my whole life. They love putting others down to make their ugly selves feel better. Also funny how Christine loves to see ambers jealousy when she goes on “dates” with Cody. She has never been around an attractive man like that so she’s loving this.

  25. These Haters (Christine, Victoria ……) are justing proving that they hate themselves because Amber/Brittny are refelction of what they wish to be, they want to be like them, they see them as a threat and they can’t have the attention Amber/Britteny have!! poor confused people lack of personality and integrity!

  26. wow he is so going to use his grandfather death to get him further in the game and that makes me sick. I would never be able to stay in a house like that, with strangers, after losing a family member. I would be running to my family, if for nothing else comforting my grandmother and parent who just lost their parent. yes his grandfather said stay and we all handle things our own way, but I think he should be with his real family right now. And my gut tells me he is going to use this as emotional blackmail and be handed the game when he does not deserve it one bit.

    1. She also looks like a younger version of Heather on Real Housewives of New York, which makes her hard to watch (for me).

  27. It’s been a few seasons since we saw the Coup d’Etat right? Jeff got it in Season 11 – I’m predicting (hoping), it gets revealed this season.
    Anyone know the Crank Yankers puppets? If you do, Victoria is definitely Haddasah Guberman.

      1. The look on Donny’s face is one of stunned amazement at the collective stupidity, and sheep-like behavior that’s going on around him! He cannot get the outsiders to see the forest for the trees…this is the dumbest group of players, ever! They have an Alliance of Derrick,Cody, Frankie,Christine,Zach…also rans…Caleb,Amber,Hayden!Victoria,Nicole…then there’s the two on the block who need to speak up and be heard on Thursday!

  28. Yeah Donny’s pretty good – love when said the competition ‘goes to chalk’. I want him to get some power in that house so bad. I wish he didn’t have to the asinine TA challenges with those 2 others but…

  29. I wouldn’t be surprised if BB do like they did last season and give evicted house guests an opportunity to re enter the game

  30. Christine is beyond the most annoying player in this game! All she does is talks smack about everyone! Like seriously look at yourself! And everyone is beyond chicken sh&t to do something big! Another season like last year.

    1. Unfortunately, the current house guests got the memo that you need to be in an Alliance…check!!!…now, try and make it less than 10!!!! Geez…when they run out of Jocasta, Victorias and Donny’s…well…Caleb ain’t going without a fight! Might not be too boring!

  31. Cody – I’m catholic thats not Christian?
    Jocasta – no.. you probably find yourself more non denominational

    And that bitch entered the house as a minister. She OBVIOUSLY knows shit about Christianity. She’s just one of those sickos who sell Bible and preach to the ordinary people in subways. Sicko! All that convo with Cody reveals two things: that Cody is ball-less airhead^2, and that Jocasta (what about that name in the first place!?) is completely shallow — malfunctioning Bible blabbering box.

      1. Get off your high horse with the have mercy on your soul. Give me a break. Jacosta is stupid and so is Cody. You should not be a minister and should not be preaching the shit she is saying if you don’t know Catholics are Christians. Lol she thinks her form of Christianity is the only one that can talk anywhere to god?? No one else can? What a dumbie. And she obviously looks down on Catholics. And then you have a guy with a cross on his shoulder and doesn’t even know he’s Christian. His parents must be proud. Shows how dumb the average person is.

  32. My condolence to Frankie and his family. His grandfather lived a full life and is in heaven…he’s earned it. I just hope that Frankie will not use this to further himself into the game and win it all. As someone mentioned here in the comments section that Jonny Fairplay from Survivor used the death of his grandmother to try to make the other survivors feel sorry for him and not vote him off. Now I remembered Frankie said in the Diary Room that would “lie, lie, lie” because after all, this is Big Brother! I just do not want to him to turn on the waterworks and pull at the heartstrings to get him off the block: and shame the houseguests into it (but I have a feeling Derrick, Christine, Donny, and Zack will not let Frankie get away with that ploy). He said he wanted to help build schools in Africa…and that’s all good, but what about the people here in the USA? Homeless people, the elderly, abused children, starving families, people with final stages of disease? What about them? Believe me, if I was on there and win Big Brother, I’d give some of the money for the people here in the USA that would need it. As for Christine and her wretched comments lately, if she did try to punch Amber in the face, Amber would freaking kick her ass from the Big Brother house, all over Hollywood and Vine, to Santa Barbara and back! I hope Amber find out and confront that ugly bitch and make her cry!! She is the one of the most vile and disgusting woman (next to Amanda) that’s ever been on Big Brother! Getting mad when the other girls are all up on Cody…bitch, you’re a married woman…remember?! I hope her husband see it all and questions her when she get home! I’m still rooting for Donny to win the next HOH and start tearing apart the Detonators and you’ll see them scrambling with all the promises to Donny for him not putting them up (especially Derrick, Frankie, and Christine…and you know Zack will throw them under the bus to Donny)!

    1. Here…Africa…what’s the difference? More importantly, I’m not sure how many schools one would be able to open with half a million after about 60% taken for taxes.

  33. Cody is such a bastard for putting Donny on the block! No balls, no spine, soaking the mucous content of his nose 30 times/hour, and beyond that pretty face is just a very bad person. His parents did a really bad job with him! #hypocrite #growapairoftits #tampexmen


  34. I had no idea Christine was being so brutal about people. I didn’t know she was 23 either not like that’s an excuse but it makes a little more sense at the maturity level shes at , but being married and all, its surprising. In all fairness though, they do all talk about each other but the girls are a little more frequent about it, where the guys manage to get some game talk in between the banter and this is why they are ruling the house. Girls will never come together in this game. I have no idea why.

    Ohhhhhhh Jocasta, The Catholic church is the largest Christian denomination ect ect. Weird a Minister wouldn’t know that. I am glad Donny was there to educate them about it (I think someone had mentioned that already) .

    Is Kellie Pickler Catholic??? 😛

  35. Christine shouldn’t make no comments about ppl looks with that nose. She the most unattractive girl in the house. Zach’s diary room screaming is so annoying.

  36. Oh, please, Christine, get over yourself already. You’re going to have rude awakening when you get back into the “real world.”

  37. Christine the rat is so much a judger. She keeps on judging other people from jeremy (bb15) to brittany, amber and selena gomez forehead. Damn that rat, why dont she look in the mirror and judge herself. Shes definately jealous bec shes not beautiful from the inside and out

  38. Johnny Fairplay did not use the death of his grandmother. His grandmother didn’t die! He and his friend cooked up that story to garner sympathy for Johnny Fairplay.

    Also, it’s not “ppl”. It’s p-e-o-p-l-e.

    And especially is not “esp”. It’s e-s-p-e-c-I-a-l-l-y.

    1. Is it F-U or do we have to say f*ck you? Why not let PPL talk how they want to talk, use shorthand or text talk if they choose? Esp when it is a free country! IMHO 🙂

  39. Maybe Christine and her husband are free love swingers. She likes being naked, after all. Even if they don’t actively swing they probably flirt with others in front of each other and it’s just part of who they are.

  40. Ok really getting tired of Christine, they need to get her out NOW!! She sucks as a game player and is just a jealous, whiny person. Whoever gets her out should be voted America’s favorite houseguest lol

  41. ~ Christine rolls in says he wants to punch Amber in the face~

    And there is your reason Christine is pretty much hated all over social media: this unnecessary meanness that contributes zero to her gameplay. She’s no different than Victoria or Jocasta, it’s just dumbass luck that she’s in alliances and under the radar.

  42. Christine has got to be one of the ugliest women I have ever seen on this show(and possibly in all my life) big nose gargoyle eyes bean shaped face etc., I don’t know how she was picked, probably as a decoy to ward off the thought that Big Brother only picks beautiful women to be on the show 😉

  43. All Christine needs is a black brimmed had and razor fingers and a red and black stripe shirt and you would not be able to tell her apart from Freddy Kruger

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