Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Cliff, Nicole, and Jess get punishments
America’s Prankster – Nick
Nominations are: Christie & Nick
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Holly, Nick, Jackson, Jessica, Cliff
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony – *** Jackson did not use the veto ***
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12:05pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
Jackson tells Holly about how Nick told Christie his entire plan / pitch. Jackson – she said that he wanted to know if he had her vote. Holly – wow! WOW! Jackson – I think we should get Cliff and Nicole up here and tell them and use it to instill some more trust. Holly agrees. Jackson – and keep them in the loop 100%.. so it could potentially drive a wedge between Nicole and Nick. Holly – maybe. Jackson – that’s not really the main thing but I thought it could gain some trust. Holly – maybe it would but it also might get back to Nick. Jackson – and if Nicole did that, then Nicole is screwing us over and then Nick is on the way out the door. I don’t think she would. Holly – I just don’t know what good it would necessarily do .. because them knowing that he is America’s prankster is whatever, it doesn’t really matter. The only real benefit is them knowing he is saying the people that are coming after us and trying to throw other people under the bus. He still won’t say names. Jackson – he won’t but if its not Cliff and Nicole. Its Tommy and Jess. Holly – I was like okay Nick you keep bringing up that people are targeting us and I know that people have in the past .. but people are saying that they’re not coming after us now so I would like to know who. If you know something .. to get the target to shift from yourself I kind of have to have a direction. He said I can’t name names but there were 6 people that were ready to make a deal. He is still just going with the 6. The only name that he said was Jess but he was implying everyone else. Jackson – I trust Cliff and Nicole. Holly – I do too and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Jackson – I think Cliff realizes that we are his best chances especially in competitions where him and Nicole are lacking. Christie and Tommy aren’t doing that great. Holly – Nick said that he will throw the next 3 HOH’s and do whatever we want. Say we do get to final 4 with him.. our odds go exponentially down with him in the mix. Would any of us win sitting up next to Nick? Jackson – the only things I would have are the game moves during HOH and 3 vetos and 5 wins as of right now. And I can sell that HOH a lot more than just getting Sis out. Holly – you’ll have Kat’s vote, he will have Sis’s vote. Jackson – I would have Cliff. Holly – maybe. Honestly Nick might have Cliff’s vote. Cliff is such a big brother fan and I think he respects Nick’s mind games.. which sucks. Jackson – I agree. Holly – I don’t want to go up against Nick. Yeah Cliff is a very strong competitor too but I feel better going against Cliff. And I feel better handing 500K over to Cliff. Jackson – exactly. Holly – I would also love to work with Cliff and Nicole. And I hate to say this but any three of us if we stand next to Nicole… I do think that the jury would vote for whoever is not Nicole if she makes it to final 2. Just because of game moves. And I would be thrilled if you, me or Cliff won. I think if Nick makes it farther he could sweep this. Jackson – we need to get Nicole and Cliff up here to include them in on this. Holly – I worry about Nicole and Nick’s relationship. Jackson – then it exposes where her loyalties lie and I don’t think she would do that knowing Nick is going out the door. We need Jess gone. She is a wild card and if she wins HOH we don’t know who is going up. Holly – it would be you and either me or Tommy going up. Yup we definitely need her gone sooner than later. The conversation turns to talking about how Tommy doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom. Holly – I don’t like him touching my food.
12:30pm HOH room. Jackson, Cliff and Holly.
Jackson tells Cliff about how Nick told him he is the prankster. Cliff – okay. Jackson – then he pitched to me last night and then ended up pitching to Holly this morning …he wants me to use the veto on Christie. Cliff – to pull her off?Jackson – to pull her off so he can be up against someone other than Christie. He said if I am up there against Christie, I am not going to have the votes. I might be able to get two .. referencing you and Nicole. He said he is not going to be able to get me because I’ll go with Holly, he won’t be able to get Tommy, and won’t get Jess. He said he feels like he is f**ked and doesn’t have a chance. I am like dude .. America just handed you a huge power .. you could pick who you were sitting against and you got to play in the veto. How is that not fair!? Cliff – if he has some grand plan why wouldn’t he have told you that before the veto? Jackson – exactly. Holly – it seems a little fishy. Cliff – he waited till his back was against the wall. Jackson – I was like why didn’t you tell me .. but at the end of the day I was not going to let Nick win (Veto). Cliff – who does he want you to put up .. or who is he going to put up? Holly – he was like there are people in the house targeting y’all. But doesn’t want to say names. Cliff – there aren’t a lot of people in here. Holly – he said there were 6 people that made a deal to target y’all. I assume he was eluding to you or Nicole going up. Cliff – I have already told y’all I am ready to cut him loose. Holly – nothing has changed. I just wanted to keep you updated.
1:06pm HOH room. Jackson, Holly and Tommy.
Tommy – I am trying my best to navigate this week but I wound up telling him that I gave my word that I would vote for Christie to stay. I didn’t mention you guys. I know he knows and I know he is trying to do something and I am sorry. I am just doing my best. Holly – Tommy you’re between a rock and a hard place. Tommy – he was just saying if I get this person, this person and if I get you. I was like I’m not saying anything. He was like but I’m going to campaign to you and its going to make so much sense. F**K F**K F**K! Jackson – he came up and told me too. Tommy – he’s America’s Prankster. Jackson – he told you too?! He told Christie too. Tommy – he did? Holly – you’re the fourth person. He told Christie! Like what the f**k Bro! Tommy – I think he told Nicole too. So everyone knows.. Jackson – except for Jess. Jess doesn’t know anything. Jackson – he is literally saying he will put up anyone. You, Nicole, Cliff and Jess. Holly – people aren’t going to vote Jess out over him. It could only be you or Cliff. Tommy – I would hope that he wouldn’t put me up because of our relationship. Jackson – he said he will put up ANYONE! He is desperate. Tommy – I am worried. Jackson – I am not using it (Veto). Holly – I have a very clear target. Nick is a huge threat and I want to even out the playing field. You gave your word to someone. Tommy – and I have no intention of breaking that.
1:30pm HOH room. Nicole, Jackson and Holly.
Jackson and Holly tell Nicole everything they told Cliff about Nick being the prankster and his pitch / plan. Holly tells Nicole that he wants Jackson to use the veto to take Christie off and Nick would then nominate anyone they wanted. Jackson – there are only 3 or 4 people that could be put up.. Its you, Cliff, Tommy or Jess. Holly – and he mentioned the 6 and so I assume he didn’t mean Jess. So he wants someone he could get the votes against. This is all desperate life saving pitches. Jackson – we wanted to let you know. He said that if he is in the house he could win the HOH and not put us up or throw it to me. He said if he isn’t in the house everyone is coming after us. He doesn’t know about us. Jackson – I don’t know if you want to go to final 4 .. (with Cliff, Holly and him). Nicole – I want to go as far as I can. Jackson – is that something you want to do? Nicole – absolutely. Jackson – Cliff was receptive to it. Nicole – Jess and I were talking. You guys are such strong people. I know I struggle on a weekly basis with all the nominees. It doesn’t matter if its a friend, an ally, an enemy. Jess was like you can’t be like that.. you have to get over it. Holly -easier said than done. Nicole – I don’t know how to change myself. Jackson – you don’t need to change for anyone. Nicole – I can’t help sitting and talking to the target. Jackson – you’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. Holly – one of your best friends is on the block. Nicole – I am digging myself more in a hole the more I talk to the target. Or the more I talk to people that are sketchy but I don’t know how to not do that. Dammit. Nicole starts crying. Jackson – I trust you. Holly – don’t fault yourself for having a big heart. There is no rule book. You’re allowed to play with a heard. Nicole – It doesn’t mean I won’t cast my vote the smart way. Jackson – you do whatever you want on a social level and on a game level. I love you and trust you. Just because you talk to Nick doesn’t mean I don’t trust you. Holly – same. Nicole – I hate that I am always emotional. I know that at the end of the week when I walk into the DR I make a game decision. Jackson – I know that, Holly knows that and Cliff knows that. Nicole – I am going to win next week. This room is mine!
2:05pm – 2:38pm HOH room. Holly, Jackson and Christie.
They tell Christie that Nick has told Nicole and Tommy his pitch / plan as well. Holly – he’s told like the whole f**king house. Christie – wait so Cliff knows too? Jackson – I’m guessing (yes because you told him). Holly – in a shocking turn of events Jess doesn’t know. Christie – that’s very Christie-esque of him when he gets a power to tell the whole house. She laughs. Jackson – four days before eviction. Christie tells them about how Nick told her his plan to get Jackson to use the veto on her so that he could put someone else up. Anything that comes out of Nicks mouth I think is a setup…like I just don’t trust him. I told him don’t speak for me or tell anyone that you have my vote. I would obviously love to come off the block. Who the f**k wouldn’t want to be safe!? I am just worried how it would look from the rest of the houses perspective. Jackson – one .. it would look sketch for me to use it on your and two why would I take Christie off if Nick is the target and the best chance he is going home is if he is against Christie. And why would I go against Holly.. or is there something going on with me and Nick or you and Nick. Or all four of us. Christie – that is my main concern. Jackson – its an optimistic plan but far from a good plan. Christie – I think that Tommy wants to be with us but not as long as Nick is here. Jackson – it is not happening. Christie – and I was like you staying Nick doesn’t make you a bigger target.. people will still be way more pissed off at Michie and Holly. Jackson – the juice ain’t worth the squeeze on this one. He’s got to go. Holly – he is going to rally hard against you but I am not even worried about it. You’re gucci. And you already have 3 votes locked in.
2:45pm Holly – does it worry you that Nicole didn’t want to shake our hand when she was emotional? Jackson – no. Holly – Nicole is bambi. She is a little baby dear. One that is easily frightened. It will be really hard for her to send out Nick but I will feel much more confident on her being 100% on our side when he is gone. Jackson agrees.
3:50pm Kitchen. Christie and Cliff.
Christie – did you hear his news? He’s (Nick) the prankster. Cliff – ahh.. well I would have guessed that. Christie – and he is trying to pull some sh*t to get the veto used on me but no one is falling for it. Cliff – then he would probably put me up or whoever? Christie – that’s what I’m hearing. So I just wanted you to know that you’re fine because no one is buying it. Cliff – well thank you. Christie – its a good idea but there are canons in it. He thinks by doing that he will throw comps but I’m sorry that doesn’t make people mad at him .. it makes people mad at them (Jackson and Holly). Its not going to happen anyway. Cliff – at some point you have to get rid of the threats. He is physical, mental, and social. Christie – and he is telling everyone! I don’t even have a campaign.. I am just saying that he is pitching this and throwing everyone under the bus. And he’s pitching it to me like he is going to be my hero. Like is he delusional!? Its a good window to get him out.
3:55pm Backyard. Christie tells Nick that she had to bring food into the DR. (Because of her Zing about always eating / always smacking away on something) Nick – that’s the funniest f**king thing I’ve ever heard! She had to eat in the DR!!
4:10pm Kitchen. Nicole and Nick.
Nick – I pretty much told them everything. It went over well with him (jackson). They know that I wouldn’t put you guys up next week if I stayed and won (HOH). I wouldn’t put you and Tommy up. I have the power to put up a replacement nom.. if Christie… I mean obviously I wouldn’t put up you or Tommy. Nicole – I hope not. Nick – No, I wouldn’t do it. They know if it was one of you two I would just rather go home at that point. I wouldn’t put you up. Nicole – but you would rather stay though. Nick – yeah I know but I would rather try and win a thing .. I would loyal. I am not going to flip just because my back is up against the wall. That is not the game I play. That’s why America has a respect for me. I knew Sis was going last week and I still voted to keep her. That shows loyalty. I don’t know how much more I could show. I said I could have done sh*t anonymously and you wouldn’t have f**king known. Even if I am a knight without any armor, its still protection for them next week. Nicole – that’s very true. Nick – if they get me out this week…one of them is going to go in the next two weeks. Unless they keep winning HOH which is extremely hard to do.
4:15pm All the house guests come inside due to a indoor lock down.
5:09pm – 5:40pm Backyard. Hammock.
Tommy – we don’t know how bad it is. Christie tells Jackson that she (Holly) just went in to talk to them (DR). They want to talk to her. Its not you though. And it might not be as bad as it feels. I am pretty sure that all of us did not react to it .. most of it at least. Its hard. I literally cry every day in there about what people are seeing. Jackson brings up how Zingbot called him a pompous douchebag. Like I care about her so much and what kills me more is that I am having an affect on her life in a negative way. Whether its because of me or not. Its the fact that it involves me and if it wasn’t for me those things might not have been said. That’s what f**king kills me. Christie – and to be honest your feelings are totally valid because you care about her so much .. it sucks and you have every right to feel that way and she has ever right to feel that way. And we will all band together like an army when we get out of here. Jackson – all I wanted to do is make her happy and treat her the way she deserves to be treated. And what breaks my heart is that I could be bringing unhappiness into her life. Christie – what breaks my heart about that is yes you might be a little aggressive some times but America isn’t seeing the way you care and respect her. Tommy – but that’s not true. Maybe they are also seeing that. Jackson – as much as it would kill me I would rather remove myself from her so that I wouldn’t bring unhappiness or any negative influence… than stay in it and make her unhappy. Christie – no.. but you’re bringing so much happiness. Jess – you would be bringing her different types of tears. Christie – this is all fixable. You running would hurt way more. Jackson – oh I’m not going to quit on her.
6:05pm Boat room. Cliff is talking to the cameras about sausages and things he wants to do with Sharon. Meanwhile in the backyard – Nick, Jess, Holly, Jackson, Christie and Tommy are chatting about drinking and getting in trouble when they were younger.
Nick talks about drinking and driving. Nick – the only time I got in a car. I was leaving that same bar and I was f**ked up, f**Ked up, f**Ked up .. it was a bad experience. I was f**ked and my boys follow me and then there was this cop. He kept going straight so that the cop would follow him because he was fine. (So you drove drunk when your friend was fine to drive?! WTF?!) I was so f**ked up and so I pulled over and called my mom so that she would come pick me up.
6:30pm – 7:05pm They continue to share random stories. Nick gets into the kayak to clean the pool.

7:05pm – 7:56pm Jackson, Holly, Nick, Nicole, Christie, Tommy and Jess are making dinner.
8:07pm Cliff makes a watermelon pie to hit Jackson with when they get told to pie the others.
8:45pm – 9:10pm The house guests eat dinner. They do their grateful circle again. Nicole – I have an addendum.. screw you Zingbot.. to my 15 friends! All the house guests cheer. They all talk about group chatting together using their iphone or groupmeet
9:33pm – 10pm Backyard. Jackson and Jess.
Jess – its (prankster) not you, its not me, its not Christie, its not Nick… NOOOOooo.. Really!? Jackson – will you shake my hand that you’re not going to say anything? Jess – you know me. They shake on it. Jackson – Nick is the prankster. Jess – really?! That’s surprising as f**k. Why didn’t he put me up? Jackson – because it would have been too obvious. He even said that. Jess – yeah it would have. Jackson – but I am not fixing to use the veto and risk you going on the block. Jess – thanks! Jackson – because I care about you too much and I love you too much. I don’t want you to go anywhere. Straight up! Jess – I do respect both of y’alls games. I do like understand that both of you have something and I don’t.. I am in the same place. Jackson – you are .. read my mind. Read my mind. Christie joins them and the conversation ends. Jess changes the subject to their Zings.
10:21pm Big Brother tells the house guests to check the storage room. POP tv gave them everything to make nachos. Jess – I feel like POP doesn’t even know us (Jess and the others wanted alcohol.)
10:24pm PIE TIME! Jackson gets Cliff to get him a pie shell to make his own to get Nicole. Nick, Holly and Tommy hide in the HOH room and lock the door. Nicole – line em up!! Cliff – Come on attention wh*re come get one! Christie – I’m not a coward, I’ll do one.
Nick gets Tommy with a Mayo Pie .. Jackson gets Nick #BB21 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/BoDJv9xKRr
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 26, 2019
10:43pm The house is disgusting… mayo and whip cream pie everywhere..
11:20pm Nick, Holly and Tommy call everyone to the living room to do their dance performance. Cliff and Nicole make an announcement to do future pieings over a garbage can. Everyone is tired of cleaning up after.
11:25pm Nick, Holly and Tommy do their dance… at the end Christie is especially blown away.
11:55pm – 12:25am Backyard Hammock. Tommy, Jackson, Christie, Cliff and Jess. They’re reminiscing about past events of the season and talking about other random things.
12:47am Cliff, Jess and Nicole are told to make one pie and decide who will pie the HOH. The make the pie and Nicole pies Holly.
1:35am – 1:40am Hammock. Tommy and Nicole.
Tommy – If you’re not meant to win any comps, then you won’t and you’ll come to terms with that. You’re in a good spot. And also maybe you’re not meant to win now to keep the target off your back and you’ll win when its right. It really could be that. You’re in a good spot and you deserve to be. You’re in a good spot because you haven’t won.. that’s a big part of it. Just because you haven’t won doesn’t devalue you. Nicole – I hope not. Tommy – you’re the type of player that I like to play with. Level headed, smart and just level headed and smart. Holly is very similar too. That’s why we connected. Nothing against Christie but I don’t communicate with people like that well.. like the emotional. Nicole – I don’t know who you’re working with or who you’re aligned with. Tommy – just me. I felt so protected in the beginning and now I feel exposed. This is part of my journey.
3am All the house guests are sleeping..
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*fart noises*
FYI Christie you’re not making America proud!
Either is Creepy Nick who now thinks America loves him ( puke)
Nick says Tommy can crack a nut with his butt cheeks…….literally.
Due to Jackson winning the veto 1995’s eviction is postponed to Sep 5.
I’m getting very annoyed with Nicole/Michie newfound relationship. Nicole knows better than to get close to that lowlife redneck.
I’ve only been on this site for two years, but you, Houka, have NEVER been right. Lmao
The scary part is that I don’t think Nicole knows better, she just has bad taste – like many of us. She will probably be grossed out if she watches some of Nicks feeds after the show. For some reason, I doubt she will do that either.
I wish we could see their initial reactions when they see how America views them and how they view the other houseguests.
Does anyone know why Nicole is even talking to a guy who has less class than the average redneck?
Because she’s not a moron and knows she needs to keep stoking the fragile egos of folks in the house or you get tossed.
No, I wouldn’t give her that much credit. Nick is just giving her attention but not in a sexual way. More than what she got from the other houseguests – until now. Remember, she was mostly ignored for the first month. I think that is why so many people can relate to her. Your right Hmm…, she isn’t a moron, just gullible.
Does anyone know why you keep making predictions and then changing the date every week like you know what you’re talking about?
sooner or later he may be right…all but 2 people will eventually get evicted…
Nicole is treating them with kid gloves as she realized she must have a connection with all of them ..the only way someone with integrity allowed to play this season n last with the vultures
They all yelled an accused her for days n she learned what not to do…
First of all you’re being very insulting to men who are “rednecks”, most of whom are your average southern guy who works hard and provides for his family. There is no need to be so discriminatory. Jackson wouldn’t even be classified as a red neck, he is simply a dick. Secondly, what do you what Nicole to do? Simply ignore Jackson and never speak to him. Makes no sense.
Damn this game………..
Game, I damn thee!!!
Holly calling Nicole a delicate baby deer doesn’t have the same impact as Bayleigh calling Tyler a sweet baby bird. It just doesn’t.
I think this whole week is a prank on America and it will take the place of a bounce back. This will set up the double elimination next week.
It would be great if this weeks prank was a re-do and erased, forcing no one out and a new hoh crowned???!!!! I can only hope! It’s getting real annoying holly/Michie dominating every comp but then they keep wanting to keep Christi safe??? it’s double the disappointment
It would but it’s apparent that BB could care less about what we think. Too bad, it is a missed opportunity to breathe new life into the show we once loved. They could start with improvements on casting criteria.
That’s what I think too. Nick will be evicted…but then not really evicted as it was all a prank. Then a double eviction in the next couple weeks.
That’s way too clever for CBS.
Nooooo, please just make it all end….soon! Worst cast ever, especially coming off of last years amazing cast. Such a let down ?
Not a chance. Julie already said someone will be eliminated this week.
Julie pulls pranks, too!
Is that a euphemism?
I think the best thing is that on Thursday, the announce the season is over and AFP gets the 500k. This season sucks.
Heck, maybe this entire SEASON has been a prank on America. Well played, Grodner; well played.
I’ve always figured that we the viewers are the experiment and the HGs are the variables, albeit controlled variables.
Please tell me why people are saving Christie? She’s irritating as all get out!
cuz they think she’s a target, not realizing it’s too late in the game to still need that.
everyone wants christie gone, and everyone knows that. but everyone fears what she’ll be like in jury so no one wants to take the shot.
You’re right about that. Do Jackson and Holly really think that anyone would be a bigger target than them? They are a powerhouse pair, dominating in comps, becoming more than just a showmance or your average duo. Nick is a bit of a buffoon. Christie can talk circles around him. People know she is full of sh.t but still allow her to manipulate them. Given the opportunity, she will spin on a dime. If they want to believe anything she says, they should remember that Christie said she didn’t want to go to the end with couples. (I wouldn’t either, especially this couple!)
If Christie manages to make it to final 2, she deserves the win. Her creative spin on events managed to sway this crew in the house. It could easily work out of the house. If Christie is sitting next to Jackson or Holly, she can point out that in spite of all their wins and with a huge target on her back, she managed to strategically manipulate her way to final on THEIR watch. They were her target from early on and they kept her!
Sorry to go on. I’m still irritated she didn’t go last week. Sis is more of a threat to Jackson and Holly in the jury house. She is so angry at them. She is going to give Jack an earful. That’s 2 votes!
We have 2 Sherrys’. I like this one because she spells her name right. You know there is only 1 correct spelling for that name – IMO,
Because shes the best and already proved it. Not even Nick or America can touch her game. Sooo sorry if you don’t like her winning, but want some advice? Get used to it !
Its production making sure Christie stays safe. That easy… nothing more
Yep, I’m pretty sure Christie’s lifelines have been handed out courtesy of production.
She’s Paul as a female!
Roach…..nuff said
They are simply dumb.
I think Jackson would make a great witch for Halloween…that face
Seeing that picture of Holly in her bathing suit (and ones before that) her a** does like eating everything she puts near it. So Nick goes and Christie rules the house for another week. God these people are so dim.
I wish Holly would leave something, JUST ANYTHING to the imagination…sick of seeing her ass or the impression that its her ass everyday…geeez…where something cute sometimes…smh
She’s so delighted Sis is gone and thinks she’s hot now……I got news neither are a prize.
I wish Nicole would show more. You can tell by by some of the clothes that she wears that she has a nice set of knockers.
She’s actually the prettiest because she’s not fake, gross, nor hiding behind loads of make up.
Such bs comments. It’s okay to shame their game play. It is NOT okay to come on here and body shame cast members!
I’m not body shaming. I like Nicole’s body!
Thank you trixey!!! PEople on this site love to rant about the houseguests saying crude comments and there on here talking shit ALL. THE. TIME.
Holly is so ugly
Robby, I’ve said that from week one and just don’t get what people think is so pretty. Her face has been chiseled down so much its almost automotronic, and those glasses she puts on…eww
She isn’t very pretty, mostly due to the bad makeup and botched plastic surgery, but there is no need to call someone ugly. She isn’t ugly, she just is not much of a beauty.
Thank you wolfwoman !
What’s even more sickening is people having sex knowing there are cameras everywhere. Then they talk about it. Do they have a secret fantasy of starring in a porn flick. What the h€ll. Their families must be proud. If I were in there, I don’t think I could comfortably sleep in any bed that had been occupied by a showmance, including the HOH room. I hope BB, at the least, puts washable mattress covers on the beds. I would also probably have to spray the shower down with bleach prior to each use. I’m really not a prude. I could care less about adults having consensual sex. In the BB house …. it’s just nasty and very gross. It’s also inconsiderate.
Sis was the worst. She had no filter and was quite happy to describe the details of her excursions.
Her ass is kinda flat and not very shapely.
Luna, maybe her glasses make her looks very ugly?
As Holly gripes about the buzzard being a carrion bird picking over the leftovers of others, and how it is misconstrued character assassination by production… I wonder what has been misconstrued. That’s self eviction worthy??
Was her friend mancing with with Jackson day 3-9? Did she make comments disparaging her friend to Jackson while he was mancing her? Did she scoop up Jackson the day before he dumped Kat? All answers are yes.
where is the misconstrual? What part wasn’t her own choice? Where is the production assassination of her character?
Remember when she told Kat that Kat should lie and say that Kat and Jackson never fooled around? After it was shown in episodes week one? What’s this woman’s deal? Does she really think that it doesn’t matter what is seen and said as long as it’s denied? Her entire image consciousness thing, including stopping conversations so that she can change positions for a better camera angle, makes me question if anything she says or does has any authenticity whatsoever.
This is almost as good as her diatribe two weeks ago with Kat that she isn’t a meangirl while the two of them were meangirling about other girls in the house being meangirls. Sometimes I think she’s more fake than the twelve pounds of spackle she trowels on.
She probably doesn’t think the Kat/Jackson thing was broadcast because it was before the live feeds. Remember she didn’t even understand that everything in the house was broadcast 24/7 and said that they didn’t explain that to her. I call bullshit. It just further confirms that they are getting people who have never watched the show.
well, according to rachel… Kat and Beth were original pushes to be cast on Love Island rather than Big Brother.
Anyone remember season 6 when James told Maggie that the HOH room was the only place where nothing as being filmed and the Nerd Herd/Friendship spoke freely about some pretty terrible and racial things that they’ve done, all while trying to portray clean cut images in their DRs, then not understanding why they were so hated.
Well damn,who expected production to tell the truth?They lie and sanitize everything else.
it’s not like the zing was “OOOh BE- Eth…. Maybe the rash was karma’s way of telling you not to sloppy second your friend’s three night stand…. you old floozy. ZIIIIIIIING.” (I know. not my best work. hastily crafted as example of how bad it could have been directly, rather than subtextually relating a buzzard to double dipping with a man).
zingbot to Holly…” HoOOoOoolly…Just how many more pairs of undies do you have left, since your ass seems to be eating everything you put on it! ZING
If anyone has a complaint it’s Nicole. That zing was just cruel.
I think Nicole’s would have been more cruel if it wasn’t something she’d been saying about herself consistently.
Jessica has mentioned being boring: gets irrelevant zing.
Nicole mentions not being very social: gets anti social zing.
Holly mentions being the oldest woman cast: age zing.
Cliff mentions being the old guy: old zing.
All of these things were talking points of each of the above on week two. which leads me to say did they just stop trying after week two?
Karma will work well for her; once she is out, she will find out how much support she has from the fan base. It would have a very positive effect oon her life and open up opportunitities for her.
I really hope she’s America’s favorite
Own it, Holly. Just own it!
Simon the Sadist must have loved tonight’s montage of Christies chomping.Worst thing I’ve ever seen on BB.
They were just setting up her zingbot zing since only live feeders (and OBB fans) know about it. Some of Simon and Dawgs gifs of her eating (while talking btw) are nauseating…
it was mentioned in Jack’s eviction speech. But not consistently shown.
In hindsight if Jackson and Holly had gotten out Christie last week and Nick this week they would have been in a good position by eliminating their 2 biggest targets.
If sis was here, nick would had the votes to stay this week.
Then Jess would be gone…
No,he’d stay over who?
Shortly after a d/r session, Nick is talking to Nicole about how this may be a fake eviction, and Julie will give him the chance to stay if he can name 15 of the birds in 30 seconds. he then names all 19.
Wishful thinking, or has he been given a suggestion?
If that happens I will be done.
Please no more # CreepyNick , #CrustyCrab or # Little Timmy……I want these 3 gone ASAP…..I can deal with the ole buzzard & douchebag for a little while longer…….I can’t take those other 3 anymore
Interesting theory. But everybody who voted on the premise Nick would go up and that he’d want Christie beside him will be pissed. One of them has to go. Production would rather keep Christie than Nick.
I think production would rather have their double eviction.
the advertising revenue is far greater for a double eviction than a regular thursday episode.
However, At first I thought production has done everything in their power to save Christie so she goes at the right time. With the prankster involvement they had to have a surefire target and fans would vote for who so ever would nominate that target to get them evicted so that fans felt an exhilarated sense of involvement. If Christie were gone, who would fans focus on having a hand in evicting? By fan reaction in field trip votes we can be assured it would be Jackson or Tommy or Holly. Does production want to get rid of their only showmance before final 6? NO WAY. Does production want to get rid of the highly susceptible to d/r suggestion Tommy? NO WAY. And lets remember, until the last day of voting: Cliff was in third place by every fan vote indication. Does production want CLiff gone? NO WAY. The best way for production to give fans a sense of victory without compromising their story arc is to sacrifice Sis, and keep Christie around to bite it at the right time.
If the house fails to give the fans their satisfaction: fake eviction. leading to an instant one hour eviction, with hoh and veto involved. They can’t spoil by having Julie inform the audience, because then the prank week plan is locked in, even if they give the fans what they want and kick Christie to the curb.
Then Jess wins HOH and puts up Cliff and Nicole…
For whatever reason production people seem to love the showmance and do shield them quite a bit. Just ask Nicole from season 18.
i’d ask her, but i think she’s getting treatment for the carpal tunnel she got from interacting with corey.
That season was nucking futs for interference from the get go. Even worse than this season, and that’s saying something.
Wait a minute? So Ms. Manifestation and love for the game wants to STAY on the block with an offer to get off just to PROVE Nick is a scammer n threat? Isn’t the point to get off the block in BB??
Ok I know they want Nick out but wow! As much as I want her gone something smells off..
Production and Christy are taking about how America hates her, so they conspired as bitches to fake out her eviction this week and do the reset, thinking they are funny and intelligent…just everyone is far ahead of their plan and it won’t be a surprise, just another lame addition to this season.
Its so funny how crusty has manipulated her way back into good standing with jackson and holly… I dont want her to win but she’s the only one playing the game hard right now… as much as I hate to say it if she gets into power, and takes a shot at Jackson or holly she deserves to win the game. If she makes it to the final two, no one can say their arch enemy had them dead too rights, and they convinced them to let them stay…. but Christie did. The only great game move this season. Everyone else just lounges around and goes along with what the hoh wants to do like a bunch of pussys
Don’t think she has. I think they are just using her until her usefulness is over.
They’re not buying it
I fell asleep and dreamt that this season final 8 was David, Ovi, CLiff, Nicole, Sam, Kat, Kemi, Tommy….oh how I wish that were the reality on the tv.
They need to do a season with all of the first evictees. If nothing else then to at least give them a chance to play. Remember Cameron (total Shame… he was too geeky to even have a chance); Glen (older man and first competition was endurance); and all the others who wanted to play but were voted out before they even had a chance. Hell, give Keith another shot.
Aw. now i’m thinking of Jodi. wasn’t even voted out. Was just school yard pick bounced.
Team America in 16 would have been a different animal if Frankie hadn’t gotten Joey’s spot by default.
Heck. bring back Megan. Given that she walked with ptsd due to being part of a season that was big on mob mentality bullying ( a word i am usually reticent to use but fits for season 19) once feeds were on imagine what it was like pre-feeds. Who is to say she wouldn’t have lasted in a more normal season?
I would like to see David back and Cody from 19….Cody shoulda guessed that Paul would have the power, but still shouldn’t have had to renom anyone after Megan walked…..when Chima left, the show counted that as the weekly eviction and moved on to the next HOH. Cody should have had the same, Megan was a target and on the block, and she left.
Perhaps Cody should have guessed Paul had the power but who would have thought that the power would be total safety for three evictions? Besides production, I mean. Plus they knew as the only name Big Brother fans were familiar with he had the only real shot at the first prize. It was at that point I think Cody knew the fix was in so he shut clammed up and did just enough to not break his contract.
Maybe my opinion is not the norm: the less said about Cody, the better. Let’s not remind ourselves of what a despicable asshat he was before his first eviction. The only reason he got afp was because Paul was more of a douche, and Cody was against him out of a sense of sour grapes. The difference between Megan and Chima: feeds were already on. Explaining a first eviction as someone left? Not good. We read little snips during that season that the behavior that would later be turned on Cody and Jess was actually going on week one, instigated by Cody and Jess and their little mob, that Paul was part of.
I totally agree about Cody! He was just as much of an ass as Paul was in the beginning with his own little mob following along but I feel like people always forget that because the douchiness of Paul overshadowed Cody’s own. That was the only year I didn’t vote for afp 🙂
I couldn’t agree more about Cody. As a veteran I was embarrassed by his actions and attitude. As a marine you’re taught to make partners with others. He came in with the attitude that he was just going to roll over everyone. He made an enemy of Paul right away and didn’t account that Paul had made allies. Huge amateur mistake. He should have come in and surveyed the terrain before making a move.
Jodi…that was brutal!
What about Chicken George?
I always thought they should do this. Especially for the ones that left like the second day.
Maybe there will be another BB OTT and your dreams can manifest into existence!
I’d watch it!
What were tommy, Christy and Jackson referring to after the indoor lock down?
I believe Holly wanting to self evict because of her Zing
She wanted to yell at production because she’s created an alternate timeline theory that Jackson and Kat never happened and she didn’t have sex with a guy on camera the day he ditched her friend. She’s worried about how her family and her daddy’s state politician friends are going to view her as a slattern painted strumpet jezebel.
Thank you
This is getting annoying. Can production stop recruiting and get actual fans of the show? This whole do what the HOH wants is lame. They are hoh for 1 week. Who cares what they want? Also bring the rule back where you can’t discuss votes. Let everyone use their own brain. Makes it more interesting and fun on Thursday not knowing what will happen because no one knows not even the house. Ugh…
Stop the vote talking! HELL at this point bring back the diary room confession snippets shown to the house, so people can really see what’s said n vote accordingly. (Remember how that changed the game on BB3?)
They don’t know what’s going on in the house because production hasn’t told them what to do yet.
When Christie was like “oh no Jackson I am staying up so YOU won’t go up (trying to be all noble), he was like “Ummm….I have the power of veto, i can’t go up??” Keep in mind Nick already told her that but she didnt grasp it the first 2 times it was said. VERY obvious she doesn’t know how BB works and is not a true BB fan.
Sickens me that someone that doesn’t even know the game has gotten so far.
Nicole has been beaten down because she KNOWS how BB is supposed to work and she Knows this ain’t your typical BB season. Shes been severely let down by the BB gods thus far
What are you talking about Christie is the biggest super fan that has ever played the game.
Really thumbs down! You can’t tell sarcasm when you see it?
BBCan stopped allowing the HOH to play in the veto. It opens things up and allows for more diversity.
I actually disliked the entire only 5 play veto crap. It was more limiting strategically.
My only problem with that is…if you’re given a power to put up 2 people for eviction…you shouldn’t be allowed to vote for them, but you should be given an opportunity to defend your choices or do a backdoor. That’s why I like that the hoh gets to play.
I also agree. Now it’s so obvious that production just does whatever they want. At least make it less obvious lol
The Nicole / Tommy conversations where he is distancing himself from Christie is shades of last week, when he was preparing to send her to jury to ensure the vote count in his head remains intact. Interesting.
Is he buying that Nick has a shot? Is he buying that Jackson will remove Christie? He can’t be that naive. Is he thinking that Jess, Cliff, and Jackson will flip their votes? Jackson has been working pretty hard to bury Nick by telling each voter that Nick asked him to use the veto so that the other of their choice would be evicted. How would they then buy that Nick should stay after saying you pick which of them goes up and we vote them out instead?
When Tommy starts distancing himself from Christie it smells fishy. Has he been to d/r recently?
Maybe it’s just me. But My gut tells me Tommy wants Christie gone long before final 4.
The backyard over the fence screamer put fear into Christie and Tommy. They “know each other”! They seem to have made a pact since then to not be seen around each other as much as possible. Tommy is still semi tight with her and knows the viewers expect him to stay loyal to her. But in the back of his mind, yes, she’s an influential jury vote for him. If she goes soon in a way he doesn’t get blood on his hands or look disloyal to the viewers (AFP), he won’t mind. If she stays over Nick and they end up going to F2, he won’t complain either. Right now he’s probably trying to not illuminate to Nicole that “they know each other!”
They’re trying to low profile themselves. Tommy is still very loyal to her . He was the one telling nick to try to get Christy off the block – if he succeeded great
If not- it works against him now, that he was trying to get other people on the block.
In my defense… the conversation was happening while i was 3/4 asleep at 430-5 am here. lol.
Christie isn’t lying when she swears on your sisters life, because she doesn’t have a sister. No wonder she can say this in every sentence when she is lying. Still don’t understand why no one has questioned why she always saids ” on my sisters life”. I just want her gone, but unless there is a prank we are stuck with her another week at least.
I wondered about that but was never that invested to check on it.
I wanted to know after last nights DR and her saying she hopes she is making her family proud, so I wanted to know if there was a sister. No Sister, but she has a brother.
If her family is proud then that is a family I want nothing to do with. It’s pretty obvious that no one taught her how to eat properly so I guess that’s an indicator of the kind of family it is.
She probably has a sister. They probably have a volatile relationship. The sister probably told her swear on me, I’m not superstitious. Either that or she grew up in the system, and female former foster kids and orphans are dropping like flies all over the world. She’d have more of a body count than the plague by now.
Google Christie and you’ll find that she HAS NO SISTER. Using her “sister” is just one of the lies that she uses as gameplay. It’s gotten her this far, now it’s time for her to hit the jury house.
She has a brother. Quick google search shows a picture of her brother and her with her mom.
I think in a fit of hunger, she may have eaten her by mistake!
I didn’t even bother watching last night. I’ll continue to stop through here occasionally to see what’s going on but I’m way past caring about how this season plays out.
Maybe production is trying to make Holly look bad. First the Zingbot calls her an old buzzard and then they let her perform an original song and dance.
Holly all mad about her zing…wanting to self evict…lmao, you get what you are from zingbot. Also in this clip her a** makes me think of that song…
Do your balls hang low
can you tie them in a bow
can you swing them to and fro
do your balls hang low (yes I can’t stand the woman)
Funny funny
I have said it before and I’ll say it again, when Holly has her glasses on she looks like she could be a sister to Audrey Middleton from Season 17…
How great would that be if she told Jackon on the last day of the show she was a transvestite. I think I might just laugh so hard I’ll have a heart attack.
Does anyone else think that Jackson is setting up Jess to take her to F2?
No. He’s trying to coddle her into thinking he shouldn’t be a target moving forward, because, of everyone in the house, Jess is the only person he doesn’t have some sort of deal with right now. Even though in her mind they sort of do (the never been picked for the alliance club… that she’s currently the sole member of).
He was talking about getting her out this week or the next one.
He won’t take Holly, she has too many wins. He needs to find someone that will send her home for him.
Well, this week clearly proves the ignorance of this cast. Not a single one of them have the brains to see who Americans see need to be gone. We send her on a field trip. She doesn’t get evicted when on the block. So, we send Nick who we all hate, because he is the one guaranteed to nominate her as prankster. But do they get it? Has a single one of them even theorized it? Dumb, dumber, dumbest. That’s all who’s left.
Chances are Holly and Jackson subtly inform Nicole that Christie believed Nicole was the prankster and Nick was just taking the heat. Nicole will go into victim posture, play it up to Holly and Jackson and Cliff hoping to swing the vote.
They are not playing this game for america.
If i was a player.. knowing nick is not only so loved in the house, but by America possibly (they don’t know the true reasons behind his win) I would see nick even more as threat . I will think he is a favorite cuz he is playing a great game and we need to get him out !
FYI – a MAYO Pie is no fucking joke, I would seriously break a mf arm over some shit like that —Just Saying….lmao
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson did not use the power of veto
all right, now we just need a taco tuesday that flips the house again.
I’m living in a perfect world – Christie getting evicted by a unanimous vote
Who got voted out !
Remember the good old days, where you couldn’t use production as a strategy?
This season bashes that rule over the head and buries it in the back yard.
btw: Third place this season gets 10k over stipend. fourth gets 7.5 k over stipend. fifth get 5k over stipend. Nothing to do with the prod as strat point… just an fyi.
They did that staggered reward last season as well. It worked better then too…of course last season was just better overall.
Half the time when Jackson goes into one of his idioms i expect him to say “mama used to say life is like a box of chocolates.” but then add, “but then i found her chocolate stash, ate em all, and then mama used to say you ruined my life.”
I half expect that his childhood easter egg hunt was actually a bunch of watermelons sitting on the porch on a drop cloth.