Christie “I want a deal until after the double that me, Tommy, and Sis are not going up.”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Tommy
Have note are: No Have nots this week, Jack, Tommy, and Jackson were given punishments as part of the veto.
Nominations are: Cliff, Kat & Christie
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Cliff, Kat, Tommy, Nick, Michie
Power of Veto holder – Tommy
Power of Veto Ceremony –
Powers in the game *** LINK ***

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8:13pm – 8:40pm Nick, Sis and Christie. Nick – we’re good with getting rid of Kat. Christie – how do you know? Nick – Nicole already told me she wants to keep Cliff. Christie – I want a deal (from Cliff) .. you (Nick) are already good .. I want a deal until after the double that me, Tommy, and Sis are not going up. Nick – why don’t we just stay till 6? Sis – I will do that if he f**king tells me. Christie – he doesn’t break his word. Sis – I know but I don’t want to offer it to him .. I want him to offer it to me. So that I know its coming from HIM! Christie – I agree. I want it coming from HIM. One thing I like about Cliff which I don’t trust about Kat is that he will not break his word. Sis – that’s true. So if we’re already getting out Kat, I’m on board. Christie – I love Kat but she is dangerous. Jess told me .. but it is concerning to me (Jess) that I am one of her best friends and I don’t know where she stands. Sis – I want on Thursday for Cliff to come up to me and make this deal with a handshake. Nick – he would. Sis – okay, then I would vote Kat out.. but if he doesn’t then I am going to reconsider. Nick – I’m down for whatever. Sis – If we do go down to 6 I want to make sure that you’re going to choose me over them (Nicole and Cliff). Nick – what do you think I am going to put you and Tommy up? Sis – I’m not saying that. Christie – or me. Sis – I am just making sure that you’re choosing me over Nicole and Cliff? Nick – YES! Christie – straight up I am just letting you know that if you and Cliff went to final 2, you would lose. No one is winning over Cliff. Nick – I know. Why do you think I am trying to bring Cliff to final 2? Sis – but you would win over Nicole. Christie – that’s because we would be so f**king pissed at him. F**K you man! Nick – I told Tommy .. I would rather go up against someone that I know I could lose to, than someone I know I would clean sweep. I’ll win the double and put up Michie and Holly. I swear to god I would take you guys to four. I’ll shake on it if you want?

8:36pm – 8:50pm Jess, Nicole and Cliff.
Cliff – its going to be really tough for me because no matter which way the vote goes .. Kat and I are going somewhere else. Our paths end and maybe it picks up .. it could pick up later Thursday night for all I know. But at least for that little time.. our destinies are two different places and there is nothing I can do about it. I like Kat as a person, I like hanging out with her. She is a joyful person. Jess – I think what it comes down to is that we don’t get to choose who we are on the block with.

9:10pm Hammock – Kat and Nicole.
Kat – so it is going to be me and Cliff on the block unless there is some twist that America brings.. which I highly doubt it because they usually only do one a week. Then its going to be Cliff and I .. which sucks. And I don’t want to campaign because I don’t want to do anything to throw him under the bus. I just want it to be clean. Nicole – I will tell you the same thing that I told him .. Don’t campaign against the other person just campaign for yourself. Kat – yeah. If it were Cliff to leave.. this isn’t my official campaign .. this is my preliminary I would fight and play for you, me and Jess to be final 3. I do think I am good enough to have on the team… So with the veto comps and the endurance comps I know I can hold my own in those. So if it comes down to one of you on the block I can totally play for the veto, win it and take you off. (Like you did this week?) I would play with the plan of us making it to the top. Nicole – I am playing for us to make it to final 4. Kat – I had a good talk with Sis today. Everyone one loves Cliff and I equally.

10:07pm – 10:30pm Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – If I win I am probably going to put up Christie & Nicole. Here is what I am going to say .. if its a double (eviction). If its not a double, I am not playing this card. I am going to tell Christie that she is a pawn. And that she is only up there because people would expect me to put her up there. And then I am going to tell Nicole that she is a pawn and that I am only putting her up there so people don’t think I am going after her. Ideally Christie goes home but there is no blood on my hands because I didn’t mean to.. Holly – with the six shooters… do I even call it six shooters? Jackson – no we out of bullets. I don’t even want to associate my self with.. Holly – me neither .. I just don’t know what else to do. If Cliff or Kat go .. either one .. they the strongest allies on that side. Cliff joins them and the conversation stopp.s

10:30pm- 10:40pm Big Brother gives the house guests all the inf

11pm – 11:15pm Backyard. Jackson and Holly.
Holly – is Cliff even going to make it to the final 3? Jackson – but if CLiff has Nicole’s vote, Nick’s vote and Jess’s vote .. what are we going to do .. vote against them? .. and then we’re definitely on no mans island? F**k! Because if Tommy wants Cliff gone, you know Sis and Chris are going to vote with them. Holly – I am hoping that Tommy decides he wants Cliff. Jackson – we have screwed Cliff over so many times. Holly – I know. Jackson – and I love Cliff. Holly – I know, I love Cliff. Jackson – I am really starting to question myself in this game. Holly – me too. I just wish that it weren’t those two on the block. I wish that Tommy could just magically open his eyes and leave Christie up there. I hate, hate, hate that its those two on the block. And I love Cliff also.. but the fact that he knows he has Nick and Nicole’s vote means he has something going on with them. So even if we make a deal with him .. it doesn’t mean we would take precedence over them. Holly – we don’t have to make a deal with Kat. She will have our backs in this game no matter what. Jackson – we need to convince other people to keep Kat. Holly – sis is leaning towards Kat. Tommy joins them. Holly – what I am thinking is that Jack offered him (Cliff) 4 weeks and he still turned it down. Jackson – he wanted Jack out. Holly – that speaks volumes ..for not wanting to work with us. That is a huge deal and decision. Tommy – Cliff is injured. Without Cliff the house is 6 versus 3, boys versus girls. That scares me a little bit. Holly – all though he is playing it up. Tommy – both have agreed that if they stay they will not target me for the next couple weeks. Jackson – if they won’t target you they will target who is closest to you. Tommy – that’s out of my control. Cliff and Nicole join them and the conversation ends.

2:10am – 2:40am HOH room. Tommy and Nick.
Tommy – I know that so much has happened in this game but this is something that just crossed my mind today .. I want you to know that I really do I know that you had to go through so much in this game that you didn’t know how you could trust. You can 100% trust me. I have your back. Nick – I know you do. Tommy – and I would love to sit at the final 2 with you. Nick – so would I! Tommy – I f**king love you. Nick – so do I! I feel the same way. I have no doubts about you. Tommy – even when you said the other day .. you had thoughts you were going up. Nick – I never thought I was going up but there …. I was like why is he taking so long? Tommy – you never have to worry about this stuff. Nick – no I know. Tommy – I promise you since day 1, I have only wanted you here. Nick – I know that and I was like Tommy would never do that. I’m not worried about it. Still there was like his .o1% chance why is he taking an hour and a half. Tommy – they were putting the couch. Who besides Cliff would have put me up? Nick – Cliff told me that you were his target going into this HOH. Tommy – he told me the whole house wanted me out. Nick – I think it was Nicole that told me this.. that you were more of a target than Christie. If I was to guess I would think it was Cliff, Jess and Kat. I was shocked. It doesn’t really matter. We’re both going to be targets.

3:15am All the house guests go to sleep..

72 thoughts to “Christie “I want a deal until after the double that me, Tommy, and Sis are not going up.””

    1. Can’t stand this jerk! He obviously has zero self awareness and surprising considering he is a……THERAPIST!! Slimy sleazeball and of course he has bad body odor on top of it…I want him gone more than anybody .

  1. “I would rather go up against someone that I know I could lose to, than someone I know I would clean sweep” – Nick

    What a respectable man!

    1. But if you did, LIE YOUR A** OFF! You can’t trust them so it’s a non binding agreement. Be cut throat and get them OUT. (Too much?)

  2. I’m afraid of the yo-yo effect all week……Cliff stays maybe Kat wins a battle back…..I don’t see CBS not having Kat come back if she does go.

    1. Her destiny is to go f*ck Jack in the jury house when it is just them two. Later on when Sis joins jury and finds about it Sis/Kay can have an epic Day/Paulie jury house fight about it.

      I want security called.

  3. Jess – “I think what it comes down to is that we don’t get to choose who we are on the block with.”

    Yet another gem from Jess. Try as she might to hide it from her fellow houseguests, she ultimately can’t help but radiate BB wisdom.

    1. After listening to Jess gas endlessly about how she doesn’t, like, really know what’s going on, her HOH looks less like heroic and more like the blind squirrel and the nut.

    2. This is the funniest thread of the day. And we all have to start with how nice we think Jess is…hahaha. But she really is.

  4. What I believe (you don’t have to, I’m not asking you to):
    Helen was pushed.
    Production actively discouraged HOH’s from targeting Nicole, the eventual winner in season 18.
    Jack was prepped by production about what awaited him in the press and given advanced warning about Julie’s questions.
    Individual timed comps are always rigged on big brother, especially vetoes.
    People are starting to buy the Jackson redemption storyline arc that the story editors and production staff are pushing that i started kvetching about being their plan way back in week three.
    With Christie knowing a former member of casting, Tommy being the former employee of bb9 alex, knowing ginamarie, his ex knowing the pink flamingo, and being an alternate for bbott that was cast in part by Christie’s friend… WAAAAAY too suspect.
    Costume punishments are meant to get certain people more time in the spot light, if they are pretty much irrelevant in the game at that moment. They are meant to make us connect more with the those people.
    Kat and Holly have known each other for years. The fact that Kat called Holly Miss Wyoming near the beginning tells me they’ve known each other for a while. Holly won Miss Wyoming in 2011. there’s been at least 8 more since, it’s not a permanent title.
    The feeds should open every season with a while we were prepping everyone for how to behave, here’s what you missed charts of alliances and such. Who knew Kat and Bella and Kemi made an alliance night one?
    Jackson and Holly know way too many people in common. Whether it’s Jackson’s roommate, or Jackson’s ex gf, or Ariana from bravo’s vanderpump, or the newly discussed Jason and his roommate from earlier today… come on.
    Rachel forever ruined the term floater because she was trying to make a life vest joke: it’s coasters that need the life vest. floaters jump from ship to ship by secretly maintaining relationships on both sides in the true definition, and it’s a difficult strategy to master and maintain.

    1. Woah… there’s SO much to unpack here.

      You went a little off the rails there for a second, but ultimately I agree with everything you wrote.

    2. Just an addition. Christie’s bio mentions she did the pageant thing too. I don’t think that Kat and Holly KNOW each other, I think they might have crossed paths and Kat might have HEARD of SAW Holly.

  5. Tommy…..”I’m so obsessed with you and I f@cking love you…..but most of all I want to bear your children!”

    1. Why was Nick so close to the bottom of the polls? Everyone watching knew he was ratfloating. Ohhh. It’s because for a week he was all i want Christie to be tossed in the water to see if she floats, and then burned at the stake. Riiiight.
      He was a member of the original 8 wasn’t he? It’s completely mystifying to me that Holly and Nick skated on the polls here. Cliff and Nicole were in danger of being the third person until the Eviction/HOH episode. Let’s ruminate on our priorities a little, as a collective group. Are we against the 8 or aren’t we? I’m one of those scorched earth philosophy types, if you have a chance to destroy the enemy in a game you don’t leave survivors. Did we learn nothing from Arya Stark’s visit to the Frey household? Eventually someone comes back if you don’t annihilate them.

      1. My guess is people really wanted Christie, Jackson, and Jack on that field trip. They probably absorbed the vast majority of votes so the rest of the folks were splitting 10-15% of the votes. It doesn’t take many votes at that point to swing the lower tiers.

  6. Wouldn’t it be fun if they didn’t do a double this year. That would mean definitely no jury come back, which would be amazing as then there would be no Jack coming back.

  7. I think that it is so unfair that Tommy and Christie have known each other for a long time and I wish it would come out some way soon. If by chance, God forbid, that either of them win this game, there will be a huge outcry from both houseguests and fans alike. I would think that Production would be making sure that one, if not both, of them gets to steppin’. Wouldn’t it be nice if they leaked it to one of the other houseguests while in the DR? Too bad there wasn’t a photo of Tommy, his sister, and Christie to put in his HOH room!

    1. We need a fly by message: “Tommy and Christie knew each other and we hate Sis.”

      1. That would be epic! Except Sis still wouldn’t understand…”is hate a verb, a noun, or what…no worries, I’m hot”

    2. I agree, and both always after Kat and Holly, that they know each other the whole time knowing that C and T for over 7 years. I keep hoping the house finds out. I was hoping Julie would have told Jack to see him realize he was lied to by C

  8. Nick, Christie & Sis are on such a major power trip with their petulant demands for Cliff.
    – “We want safety until after the double, wah”
    – “We want safety until the final 6, wah”
    – “I want HIM to come up to ME to make the deal, wah”
    How could they possibly be shocked that America hates them, especially with unlikable attitudes like that?
    Btw, Sis STILL doesn’t believe it’s true and she thinks America loves her, lol.

    1. I know – I called that Christie would do this even though she has no power but for all of them to be requesting it is shocking. Also by the way they were speaking to Nick while Tommy is in power that should be making him go WHOA wait a moment, yesterday I was going to win POV & take you off the block & today you’re yelling a me demanding I never put you up or vote you out & the 3 of us go to F4 with all of you wanting to take me out at F4?

      Typical Christie but Sis has also seemingly grown some balls suddenly.

      It does seem like Christie/Sis would be far too happy to flip this vote to take out Cliff b/c neither of them truly trust him & Christie now knows he’ll be more than happy to put up her & Tommy. I debated whewther Cliff would stick to his word – but it seemed he was offering way too much safety for far too long. Someone else noted they think he’ll go back on this promise & I’m hoping they are correct — they’ve convinced me for the time being, but he’s a very difficult guy to read.

  9. Beth after turning from her previous position so that she is more aligned with the camera: I hate hate hate that it’s those two on the block.
    Holly to the houseguests: You know Cliff is playing up his injuries right?
    Yeah. I know i switched names there. If she’s going to act one way in an attempt for feed viewer love hoping those statements make episode, and act another way to play the game, that’s what she gets. She’s been stopping conversations and repositioning herself for camera angles before starting again since her HOH. Watch for it.

    If the vote were held today (SUNDAY, the veto ceremony hasn’t even happened) and right now it would be by a vote of 4 to 3, Kat you have been evicted. Jess would toss a sympathy vote after snowing Sis that she didn’t say the house should follow the HOH’s wishes to her alliance last week. She did. Multiple times.

  10. Someone, maybe Jackson, should pitch that Tommy not use the veto and just keep the noms the same. He should be reminded that the fieldtrip was there for a reason and that the HG chosen by America’s Vote were there for a reason, that viewers were trying to send them the message that they didn’t like what they were doing. Tell him that it was obvious the only reason Sis was in the comp was because he himself was ineligible as HOH. (Should have been Jackson, Christie, and Tommy) He shouldn’t ignore the message America was sending them, that America hates what he’s doing. Tell him it is obvious that no matter what he says that he and Christie are a couple, joined at the hip, and even go so far as saying they speak exactly the same, maybe they know each other? Ask him why he would risk his game by saving Christie when she only has a 33% chance of eviction this week and by naming someone else he gets more blood on his hands. Ask him why Christie is so special to him, is he going to make himself a bigger target for her when he is ineligible for the DE everyone thinks is coming next? He should just leave nominations the same and have confidence she survives the vote. Tommy says he ‘wants to do what the house wants’, but what if the house wants Christie gone? He needs to know he will face consequences.

    1. There is no way Tommy doesn’t use the veto on Christie. He doesn’t want them to know exactly how close they are but he already knows people know they are tight.

      1. But production COULD. They could say sorry Tommy we said if she wins she can remove herself. The only way you can use the veto is on your noms. This was America’s nom and can’t be removed. Sorry. But we know they won’t just BS of a vote. Jackson wasn’t going up anyway. This fool Tommy still wants “the 6” to work

    2. Very true, Tommy not earning and voted for AFP. Which that groups thinks they are, Jackson has it right

    3. That actually could work. Tommy wants to be loved by America. He is an actor seeking fame and I’m sure he wants to be seen in a positive light. If more than one brought this to his attention and also managed to make him feel safe. Too bad no one is considering this route.

  11. Simon, Was Kat or Tommy able to select POV players this weekend and there was only 6 POV competitors with 3 on the block?

    1. I’m not sure who got to pick. Pretty sure Tommy was the one that picked the two chips. I could be wrong. All I know was that Nick was picked and Jackson’s chip came up.

      1. Just jumping in to help. Pretty sure Tommy picked the names but there weren’t house guests choice, rather there was the players names including the nominees so when he pulled Cliff’s name Cliff picked Michie which is why Nick was pissed off b/c the told Cliff he’d take him down if he selected him (which was funny – b/c he wasn’t going to). Then I think Tommy pulled out his own name or Christie’s b/c they picked. I might be wrong but I think it was Christie b/c someone asked why Sis wasn’t picked & it was b/c she said she was too tired.

    1. I wish he would use his brain and realize she will only take him final 2 thinking she can beat him. Or will burn him sometime and blame everyone but herself.

    2. Christy will turn her back on Tommy in a heart beat. She and Tommy are both slithering snakes. Both are hated by America.
      Because of CBS’s favoritism of Christie something would freeze over before I ever shopped at her shop.

      I wish Allison Grodner would give her favorite $500,000 to stay off of the show. Go back to the way it was in the beginning.
      One change: America gets to nominate a person each week. That person does not get to be saved by a veto.
      The viewers should get their one nomination. What is the point if CBS is going to save them?

    3. America voted for the third nominee – they didn’t win the POV – they should they on the block because they didn’t win

  12. I was really beginning to like Jackson and holly UNTIL I hear them repeatedly saying Nicole’s name. They are assuming she’s working w nick, sis, Christie and tommy and have said they will put her up if they win. Poor Nicole no matter what way she goes she’s gonna be targeted. No one is truly loyal to her.

  13. Creepy Nick continues to throw Nicole under the bus every chance he gets. He’s such an A-hole.
    And Nicole is none the wiser. We don’t need 2 stupid women in this game moving forward ( Sis and Nicole ) That’s why I want Kat to stay !!! She at least knows who is working with each other and if someone is throwing her under the bus.

  14. Crusty and Anal are dumb! Wanting deals when they haven’t done anything in the game to deserve a deal! Hopefully cliff makes a deal but breaks it and doesn’t target nick since that’s what I see happening.

  15. Right now I want Holly and Jackson for final 2. I can’t see any of the outsiders making it that far. This really is the worse season ever. I didn’t watch last night because it is so bad. I watched the Real Skanks of Somewhere – which is equally as bad.

  16. Heard Sundays Broadcast edition of BB was the lowest watched by viewership. Might say something of this season? I’ve also noticed that there is less discussion then ever on other sites, even Facebook on this season in the last few days. Maybe because Christie gets to stay??????????

  17. I love how the “kassting” director is tweeting out how great the show was last night..

    The quality of casting is so poor it would be akin to me posting two-line updates and calling it a good job.

    1. I believe the poor ratings is partially due to the minimal diversity of the cast. A ten year span is not enough for different ways of dealing with situations and of course they have never been racially diverse which needs to change.

  18. Kat goes, and with her goes a good deal of the entertainment. I like Nicole and would cheer for that side of the house, but between Christie and Tommy and Nick and Sis and Jackson, I could care less.

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