Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: ?
7:09pm – 8:32pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the HOH competition. When the feeds return we learn that Chelsie is the new Head of Household.
Bedroom – Tkor and Leah.
Leah – I’m happy that you know 11m happy for Chelsie. I obviously always want to win but sometimes now it’s a relief when you don’t because it’s like that power is just too much now too. Yeah, but like not at the extent that you guys do and all I could see now it’s just like the fear on her face cuz they’re just like no right answer anymore in the beginning it’s like you don’t really know these people and like who cares no it’s like really scary and I’m like for a second and there I was like it’s a double eviction but I think that’s going to be next week. Rubina and Makensy join them.
Unicorn Bedroom
Leah – I’m telling you guys right now I would have probably even felt worse if it were Kimo that went home because like I would have also have found a way to blame myself either way. In any circumstance I feel that because I held a piece of power in it and like I know so I there’s no way that I would have felt good today
no matter who left today right so I think every week is gonna be like that now and I am actually happy because no matter what like I kind of I knew the direction it was headed and then I was like I just chose to remain true to like Yeah, just my word because he told me like he was like crying. The thing about Joseph is like he was honest to me even whenever it wasn’t easy like I respected that. Chelsie joins them. They ask Chelsie – How do you feel? Chelsie – Oh my gosh I know its honestly like a blessing and a curse. Yeah, bittersweet because it’s never fun. I was trying for all the questions, of course. By the time the tiebreaker, I was like, Okay, it’s Kimo, Cam and Makensy. I would rather one of them win because they haven’t got a letter. So I aimed for the lower end of it, thinking that somebody was going to be closer. Angela joins them. They talk about how they’ve all won something. They congratulate Chelsie on her win. Chelsie – I was praying while I was up there.

8:58pm – 9:18pm Bumper Pool Room – Chelsie and Cam.
Chelsie – WTF, and and Makensy both went over. Congratulations on making it to week 9. So you are completely fine. Cam – thank you. Who are you thinking? Chelsie – I think I want to put up Angela and Kimo. Who I think my target would be is Leah or Quinn. Cam – if we were deciding between those two, I would say Leah. I think she is more likely to target you. Chelsie – I think Angela is going to blow up this week for sure. Cam – Leah is a good person to nominate if all else fails. I think Kimo and Angela are easy to put up I think. I am thinking personally keeping Leah from going up doesn’t hurt my game but it hurts your game. Chelsie – if she wins next week, she would put me up. Cam – if you put up Leah, Leah is going to stay and then now you have a target. Chelsie – why would I continue to promise her safety if she isn’t doing the same for me. What if I put her up next to you? Cam – I would go home. Chelsie – Here’s my issue, between me or her, you would choose each other over me. Cam –
What are you confused? You don’t think I would choose to keep you over Leah? Chelsie – Yes, no and I also think she will put me up on the block before you. If she is on the block next to whoever you would vote to keep her. Cam – I am saying I am willing to vote Leah out. If it’s between Leah and you, I would obviously keep you. That kind of hurtful. I haven’t shown you anything other than honesty. Chelsie – so who would you feel comfortable being put on the block. Angela and Kimo? Cam – Yes. Chelsie – if you were in my position who would you put up? Cam – Angela and Kimo. I think your biggest threats are Leah, Angela and maybe Quinn. So do with that what you will. I am trusting you with that information. Chelsie – and I am not going to tell anybody anything.
9:20pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Leah.
Quinn and Leah talk about how Joseph f**ked his game last week by talking too much and saying how he could beat Chelsie and Makensy in the end.
9:30pm Bumper Pool Room – Chelsie and Kimo
Kimo – I really want to protect you as much as I can. I recognize that double might be coming up soon. Any chance to do that? I know. And I feel like I could win if I do. I’m always protecting you. I also feel like moving forward. I would like to work work with you. That’s something you’re open to. I mean, we’re already looking out for each other. We might as well protect each other. I agree. I’m struggling. This week came out. I don’t know what to do. I want to keep people here that I know will protect me in situations that I can’t. And I believe that you would do that in the same way that I have for you. I’m just at a loss of like. I don’t know who is going to say they would protect me for temporary and then get a chance to swipe me. So I’m just trying to process that I’m great. I’m grateful we only have two noms I’m also aware that a renom is probably going to be in a thing as well that I have to consider but know that I want to keep you safe as long as I can. I want to talk to everybody before it even say who I’m considering the only person right now that I’m considering is Angela that’s second person. I have no idea who to be completely honest with you. I want to see if the house is offering up any type of like angle but I’ve only talked to Cam but I do want to protect you. I think my actions and I have shown that and that’s why I know that’s like I know I know I believe you and
Tkor and Rubina know we’re protecting end of that so I want to talk to other people, seeing where they’re at. See who’s upset with me for keeping you. You deserve to be in jury. You deserve to make it this far. Kimo – Like, thank you. Chelsie – Seriously, after all, like, I’m proud of the decision that I made tonight with you and I’m sure Makensy feels the same way.
9:35pm – 9:45pm Angela and Chelsie
Chelsie – I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow. What do you think? Where your head at in this game? Angela – Well, we both told each other we want to put each other up. So I’m counting on that.
If I had one tonight, Quinn’s going up. He’s been double crossing everybody. He plays dirty and. I’ve made that no secret how I feel about him but I can live cordially with him. I’m just not going to ever trust him or rely on him or anything. So, like, for that reason, I would have put him up. I’m not saying you need to. Obviously, it’s your game. And outside of that, I wouldn’t know what to tell you to do, because everybody is special and unique and wonderful and great. I think in your position too, like, whoever you put up, be more directly Quinn, like the one person. You’re not my target and or neither of you really my target. I don’t know Chelsie. This is hard. I’m really proud of you and it’s so cool that women in this game have won two HOH’s And if you look at the board, we’re getting to that goal that we had talked about and that would be cool. Nothing was solidified, but so I would never hold you to that but that is kind of really cool. Chelsie – I want to talk to everyone and then check back in the morning before noms but I don’t have a clear target. Angela – I don’t want to go up as a pawn. I know she’s going to ask you how would that how would that make that I wouldn’t want that I have been up four times. That’s a lot. I know it’s a lot of other people have not been like I’m throwing anyone under the best but a lot of people have not had to be up there four times and so with that I would ask you to please not consider me to be a pawn. Chelsie – at this point every single person in his house is considered a pawn.
9:47pm Chelsie & Makensy
Makensy – I’m gunning for next week because I don’t want you touched. Chelsie – thank you. Makensy – But yeah, I definitely get worried about like, the relationship of Cam, Leah and Quinn. Because I feel like they’re the other three that on the other side, you know, of the other three and us in the middle that are like in the middle and it’s like you know.
Between us I mean do you know Angela? Chelsie – yeah. Makensy – I
just feel like that’s a safest smartest option to like at least get some blood off your hands and she’s not going to win that’s why. Chelsie – I don’t know who my second one is? Makensy – is it between all the other 7 or is there a certain level you want to protect? Chelsie – I mean I want to protect you and Cam. Makensy – Yeah. Chelsie – yeah and Tkor. I don’t want to go up.
10:03pm Chelsie and Rubina.
Chelsie tells Rubina that she is putting up Angela for sure even though Angela is begging her to not put her up. Chelsie – what I’m trying to figure out is if there’s people in this game who are still depending on who’s in power going to be sneaky and try to deflect and or throw my name out. That’s what I’m considering. Rubina – Yeah, I get you totally. Chelsie – And if it’s double eviction next week I can’t play in the first HOH, I gotta be smart about that. Angela is my number one, I am still trying to figure out my number two. I don’t want you or Tkor to go up on the block. Rubina – I am happy for you but it also sucks.
10:20pm Chelsie and Quinn
Chelsie tells Quinn that she is thinking of putting up Angela and Kimo. Chelsie – I don’t know how you feel about that. Quinn – I’m chilling. Chelsie – I want her to go up on the block and the house can decide what they want to do. Quinn – I would totally play in the veto and win and then I would commit to keeping it the same. I’m not putting you up on that block or I’m considering not putting open block but because I want to see you go further than a lot more of the people on this game and make it really far in this game I think you deserve to if I don’t win I think you deserve to win this thing I feel the same way you’re A BBfan you study this game care about people. I would consider the totality of not only somebody as a game player but as a human and we’ll be proud if you won this game. Quinn – Thank you. I really do appreciate how kind you’ve been to me in this game and I like that stands out to me. Chelsie – Thank you.
10:35pm Chelsie and Leah.
Leah – I’m proud. A feather cap win. Chelsie –
11:40pm Kitchen – The houses are making smores
12am Chelsie gets her HOH room. All the house guests head up to the HOH room.
Cheslie reads her HOH letter:
Chelsea bam. So full name.
Wow. She literally starts with wow. Wow. You are. You are so missed
already. Life has been so sweet, but not as sweet as it is when
you’re here. He he and I already can’t wait till you get back. I miss your random text messages in our cute dinner dates. It’s been so fun to root for you. Keep being you because you’re incredibly
unique, funny and slightly crazy. Shade your easy to love. I can’t help but to think about the many conversations we’ve had. Dreaming big dreams about our futures and reminiscing on our past. You have always been so special to me. My prayer for you is that God keeps you and that you stay on the narrow path. It’s easy to sway, but you, Chelsea Bayham, weren’t were built, weren’t built to do easy things. Keep doing your thing. Capital thing. Your thing. We are rooting for you and we’re hoping that you will not only win, but that you will shine God’s light. Love you, sissy
I love you. Kennedy
12:40am – 12:50am HOH room – Chelsie and Tkor
Chelsie – I was not nice in my goodbye message. Tkor – They played that for real. For real. Chelsie – I was like, I start spicy. Then I turn sweet in in most of my goodbyes. And they’re like, playful. But I hope they played the whole thing because I don’t want them just to give my first clip. Play the whole thing because I am never malicious in my goodbye, I want people to feel loved. Yeah, they better not do me dirty. Tkor – I do think though.. Chelsie – You think Kimo would understand? Tkor – I do think he would understand. I think just making sure to solidify you know. So then in your eyes, if you’re thinking about a quote, unquote alliance, are you thinking girls or are you thinking? Us three plus Kimo and Cam? Chelsie – which girls? All of them, including Angela? Tkor – not including Angela. Chelsie – if its girls and Kimo, which is 5 girls right? Me, Makensy, You, Leah, Rubina.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
Chelsie – Everybody had pretty much given me those same names. I asked him (Cam) though who is the biggest threat to my game and he says Leah. Because the week we were all on the block Leah told Cam, I am keeping you over Chelsie. I think that’s shifted for Leah. I said okay but if I put Leah on the block next to Angela.. Or Leah next to anybody, are you keeping Leah and he said yeah. And I am like well, if she is a bigger threat to me, then you’re telling me you’re keeping the biggest threat to me. So then I was like, so you’re telling me you’re not prioritizing my game because you want to keep Leah? And he was like, well yeah. So how am I supposed to trust, why do you want me to put my full trust in you, when I feel like you’ve been getting really close to Leah and close to Makensy, and if there is a hierarchy, I don’t think you would protect me? And he was like you need to talk to Tkor because he was like, my actions. He was hurt. He was like, my actions have proven that you are a person that I trust. He’s like, I have not done anything to show you that, you know, you can’t trust me. And I’m like, well, what if I put you and I got spicy? What if I put you and me up on the block? I’m like, because it fits me and Lee up on that block. You will protect Leah, and he got lived with me about it because he felt like his actions have proven that that’s not true. And I disagree with that. I don’t think he’d certainly try to target me or do anything. I think he’s trying to protect me. But I think when
push comes the shove, will he pick her over me. Tkor – and that’s a valid question. Chelsie – and he was saying hell no. I told him I was like, with your closeness. And even when we were in the collective and the Pentagon alliance together, you were running back to Leah, telling her everything. And then Leah feels comfortable to tell you that she would keep you. It shows me there’s some level of trust there, which is fine, but it makes me nervous when I’m telling you, hey, what if I put a bleed Angela and you’re adamant on saving Leah when you know she’s a detriment to my game and tea course? The two people he says he wants to protect me and you.
Tkor – MMmmmmMMMmmmmHHHMMMMmMMMMMMMmmmmmmm.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
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Chelsie with the HOH win – thank God!
Now let’s go for the kill and split up Leah and her Simp once and for all. No need to give them a chance to save each other with the Veto.
Chelsey has the win in the bag for the season! Even if it is a double next week, she can’t participate in one comp but she is SO well shielded by Cam, The T’kor trio, and MJ ,who, like Cam, has shown herself to be a comp winner that Chelsey can sleep well this HoH week! Quinn? Leah? Neither can take down the human fortress Chelsey has around her. She knows how to play them all! Sleep well, Chelsey. I don’t care for the personality you present but I gotta give it to you! Well played.
“I’m grateful we only have two knobs” Oh, I think there may be more than that.
HAHAH whoops! I think knobs is more fitting than noms…
Not targeting t’kimorina voting block making up a 1/3 of house instead Leah ? Quinn and Angela hate each other on a game level. Decision making this summer is becoming more and more based on representation. The friendzzzz rallying cry. If friendzzzz aren’t nominated next week they will have a strangle hold. Chelsie and Cam won’t evict Tkor specifically now. MJ needs to win HOH next week and target Tkor!
That would shake things up!
Don’t like Chelsea someone needs to tell her God doesn’t care who wins big brother but if she can get rid of Leah good. Then with any luck she goes this week and then someone wins next week and sends her home 2 great weeks ….first good thing to happen in awhile.
One on Ones:
Contratulations on making week 9. How did you and Mak BOTH go over in the tie breaker?
(tie breaker was something about number of balls? no clue).
noms she’s thinking Angela and Kimo. For who would target her or backdoor her she is thinking Quinn and Leah. Cam pushes Leah wanted Chelsie out when Cam and Chelsie were on the block. She didn’t trust Chelsie two weeks ago.
Cam says Ang and Kimo might not nom her, but they also wouldn’t use veto on her or vote to keep her if Chelsie were on the block. Quinn has called her a comp beast tonight.
Cam is pushing woman evictee this week. Chelsie is pusing not sticking her neck out for people that won’t keep her safe.
Chelsie is saying what if she put up Cam as pawn with Leah to make sure Leah went.
Cam not a fan, says he’s had Chelsie all game long. She’s using HOH to keep ‘her man’ leashed … or she really wants Cam out as an oops…. who knows. I think Chelsie with power is trying to exert showmance control over a man she is actively not showmancing to our knowledge. Chelsie is being jealous wife over Cam and Leah. She’s pulling in his final 2 with Tucker, pulling in he’d choose Leah over her. Pulling in the head rubs with Makensy.
AS FAR AS I KNOW THERE AIN’T NO RING ON THAT MAN’S FINGER but Chelsie is acting like there is…. HUGE. She’s exerting game control to have personal control.
SIDE CONVO 1: T’kor told Rubina about Visionaries. T’kor wants Chelsie to target Quinn. IF the girl thing is real she should target Quinn and she should keep Kimo safe…. so GIRL THING is the new ON THE BOTTOM (insert for me to get my way in place of either). T’kor plans to tell Chelsie about Visionaries to get Quinn on the block and evicted.
SIDE CONVO 2: Quinn SIMPS to Leah. they plot how to get their stories striaght. Quinn gives Leah some dirt… will Leah use it or attempt to pull in Cam too so she has her 2SIMP strategy still in the game?
If Chelsie keeps him safe she has 3 people watching her back. Yeah… Chelsie wants Kimo gone in part to get the loyalty of those 2 other people. 3 minute one on one is a REALLY bad sign. If T’kor doesn’t get a 72 hour one on one she’ll be saying she didn’t get enough time… and Kimo takes 3 minutes? The keep me to jury representation speech doesn’t work now that they are in jury.
Angela reminds Chelsie of some no nomination promise (she extorted promises from every one it seems)… and ANGELA NAMES QUINN as her target. Angela doesn’t want to be pawn. Angela wants to have a free ride in a fancy car. Chelsie says a woman on the block is a pawn because of the girl thing in the house. All the women want a woman to win. Angela wants to be kept to finale now. No really.
Mak was closest to the number in tie breaker, but was over. She swears her loyalty to Chelsie. Chelsie says Mak is not a nom or renom option. Tells Mak that Leah might have been trying to keep Cam over Chelsie she’s heard. Wants to find out if that’s true. Mak says news to her. I know Mak wanted to keep the women and tried to push for Brooklyn to be saved as well. She went to NOW girls thing Rubina and T’kor who wouldn’t go for it.
Don’t honestly remember Leah’s part in that…. hmmm.
THEY are in the middle between Cam, Leah and Quinn and T’kor, Rubina and Kimo. That makes everything more difficult.
Chelsie says the only safe people this week are Mak, Cam and T’kor. The strategy talk they get into is…. whodahell wants to listen to all that useless scenario talk that would be useful if Chelsie actually shared any plan details with Mak… but doesn’t. So it’s blindfold giraffe has taken a break from reversing in the wrong direction down a one way street…. to do donuts on that same street.
Why do they keep picking on Angela? Everybody messed up each other games. Punishing her because of Quinn’s big mouth.
Whoever sits next to Angela will end up evicted. She’s a perpetual pawn.
Leah saved Angela for her jury vote. It’s only fitting she gets evicted before Angela as punishment.
Quinn screwed up both his HOH reigns, and the last one cost me my pre-season pick Joseph. He can get evicted as punishment for being a terrible strategist.
What has Angela done other than cry and treat her housemates terribly? She has the big mouth. Just wait until they all see her comments in the DR and to cameras around the house PLEASE get her out! She has done nothing to deserve to win
I cancelled paramount and live feeds and haven’t watched anything since Tucker. I know we always say this… but this season sucks. I just come on here and glance at the grid and move on with my day. None of these people deserve to win. It sucks. Worse season ever of big brother. I don’t care I’m missing it.
hmm… ultimately chelsie should try to split up t’kor and kimo, but i don’t think she wants to make them initial noms. possibility of a backdoor but i think she’s in good with them for now and can’t really risk anything particularly complicated, so they’re frustratingly likely safe another week. maybe she goes quinn/leah or does she take a shot at makensy? still wanting some way angela goes home, but strategically i don’t think that should be a priority for chelsie.
she would prob do leah. possibly quinn. no way makensy
makensy’s a bold one to go for this early as she’s not targeting chelsie, but she is a legit comp threat that gets harder to get out the longer she stays in the house that chelsie will need to get rid of eventually.
One on Ones 2
thankful Chelsie saved Kimo. Thinks the house respects Chelsie.
Won’t name names… finds out Angela suggested people that haven’t been nominated… but not Leah. That only leaves T’kor. (Chelsie is cherry picking her words here).
Chelsie tells Rubina that Kimo might be a pawn because it would be a safe week for that. Rubina says if she won veto she’d leave noms the same. Rubina and T’kor offered safetly.
SIDENOTE: it feels like The GODOTS and ANGELA are ALL trying to say keep us to the finale. side eye.
the other nom is down to QUINN, LEAH and KIMO.
QUINN AND LEAH HAVE NOT HAD ONE ON ONES YET. T’kor wants to go last because she needs four days to finally say something. Shush. Go back to every game talk and realize T’kor won’t gametalk and gets mad she doesn’t get her way after not saying anything. Let’s hope with Chelsie she actually says SOMETHING.
SIDE CONVO 1: T’kor plans to bus Quinn like she never has before. Puhlease Quinn in T’korese is speed bump. She’s backing off the idea of the girl thing because she’d rather have the POC thing. Kimo wants to nail down and alliance tonight. Will they? cough cough… Godots actually doing SOMETHING before the last second? mmhmm.
explains the vote situation. Tries to come off she was logical and saw the tears and thought not going to be on the wrong side of the vote. She talks about looking at who would target her if it’s a double this week. Quinn equates her to Danielle Reyes. A little bit implied bias in that… she could be any strategic player but he equates her to the black woman strategic player. but hey… whatev.
Leah made no promises to Cam when Chelsie was a nom. She always waits until the last minute and she went along with Cam over Brooklyn because she was, at that point in the game, afraid of the stigma of going against the house.
Leah thinks it’s unfair for people to talk about her behind her back. She goes straight to people and says what she thinks. (control chestnut she put out to the house week 3 to try to cover her ass when she was being squirrelly in case anyone found out she was being squirrellly).
Chelsie isn’t buying Leah’s denials but then… is that a surprise? Chelsie says for the third time tonight she doesn’t want to protect people that won’t protect her. What this reminds me of (and not because it’s 2 black women but because it sounds like the same spiel) remember Bayleigh’s HOH where she demanded that each person in their one on one swear game long loyalty and protection of her even over themselves? It’s the diet version of that).
Right now Leah is wishing Chelsie had a penis. Hey you play lolita strategy… expect comments like that. She’s floundering in her answers right now…. and Tucker was putting all sorts of Chelsie hates you stuff in Leah’s head but she came to Chelsie and they talked it out.
Chelsie dangles top 5 to people she thinks might target her. Leah is saying nom pwople that would have nom’d you (not her). Says Quinn wouldn’t have and neither would Makensy. Is she implying Cam would? I don’t know.
CONGRATULATIONS… WE ARE ALL IN CHELSIE’S TOP FIVE TO WIN. I’m sure the dogs in the crib are elated.
i smell mini cookout!!!
Well had it not been for T’KKKor and Kimo, it could have been a full fledged 6 person Cookout, with T’KKKor, Kimo, Rubina, Cam, Chelsie and Cedric, but those two didn’t like their position in the Collective, so they flipped and we’re left with only 5.
Not sure if this group has what it takes to stick together, as none of the previous alliances have lasted. I doubt this one will either.
Chelsie is one of the worst players . Really Kimo and Angela what a waste of a HOH. I am not fan of either but they can’t do anything in this game. I’ll believe it when I see it if she has the guts to put Leah up if someone wins veto. So boring if they leave it the same zzzzzz. Haha Tucker was spot on when he said none of these people have guts. Also if I hear one more person say there going to protect Tcor wtf just give her the win now.
kimo is an incredibly smart play. he’s way too close to t’kor. but angela is a waste.
They’ve got to get her out sometime. They should have already done it, but since they haven’t, I see no reason not to do it now.
she is aiming to get out leah or quinn , but dont want them to win the veto
and going after her. also , thats not a waste cause when kimo is out, she can get closer to tkor and rubina. and angela… a loose cannon.
Angela is going on the block and it will be a watching fish swim week on Live Feeds she is already muttering and grumbling. Kimo is second strong target.
Chelsie as HOH is alllll about payback.
Tucker check
Joseph check
Make Leah sweat check
Make T’kor sweat check
Rubina safe bet renom if veto used(but Chelsie is dying for Leah out to jury. DYING)
Makensy safe
Cam safe
Quinn maybe safe if Leah can stop throwing him under the bus.
Either way from this point forward I will be soooooooo happy whoever is nominated & will be evicted from the BBHOUSE26!! This season is coming to a close! I am tired of Production interference scripted non scripted show that isn’t a real reality show.
it is a reality entertainment program in the format of a gameshow. Means the gameshow aspect is the vehicle, not the product.
When i wrapped my head around that a few years back, I became much happier to just point out all the tinfoil and kvetch about the absurdity.
At least, as far as I know, the d/r isn’t instructing anyone to refrain from nominating one houseguest week after week… that we know of.
At least they aren’t calling people down to the diary room before veto ceremony to tell all the houseguests to forget a group of people are an alliance… that we know of.
At least they aren’t prepping a room for someone going through withdrawal so that they can engineer them a win while feeding them 12 watermelons a day to help with the detox process. That we know of. seeing watermelon on big brother still triggers me.
At least there was no pre-gaming. Other than Grod and her flying monkeys.
At least we couldn’t guess the eviction order for the entire season as of premiere night.
All of these have happened….
So we’re really… quite…. lucky???? I know. I don’t buy it either… but really, just point and laugh. It’s not like anyone evicted is dying… they’re just going home (as far as we know).
If I had my say I would want you to write the show un autre nom the commentary is precise, witty. Presently Big Brother Production tries too hard and I prefer the illusion of a somewhat reality show. You give a perspective that truly makes sense I will work to see it as an entertainment program and not get so triggered. But these PEOPLE are messy…Bwhahaha
What am I watching? Did Leah open a can of Campbell’s soup and eat it cold out of the can?
You’ve never done that?
One on Ones 3
Angela said only people that haven’t been on the block, excluding Leah… so that leaves T’kor… so Chelsie is putting Angela on the block.
Chelsie is not nomming Quinn this week as repayment for keeping her safe last week mmhmmm.
Lots of T’kor mmmhmmms. Her entire plan of attack to get Chelsie to do what is best for T’kor is being dismantled.
Chelsie mentions pawning Kimo. mmhmmm.
While Quinn is her male target, Chelsie is not putting him up becasue she wants her TARGET Angela to leave. Quinn is ONLY safe this week because of keeping her safe LAST week.
T’kor wants to know who Chelsie wants to work with going forward.
BOY IS T’KOR going to be kvetching after this meeting if Chelsie puts her on the bottom and doesn’t reapect the girl thing (both meaning do what T’kor wants for T’kor’s game).
Leah is renom if the veto is used, and in event of a tie, Chelsie will be keeping Kimo, not Leah, so put in a good word with Kimo that he is safe this week.
Chelsie tells T’kor that she wants Angela out because once Angela is out, Chelsie, T’kor, Kimo and Rubina control the vote. T’kor hates to admit Chelsie is making sense.
Everyone knows the way to T’kor’s heart: be a POC and say you are doing what you are doing to safeguard POC for the future. BUT… T’kor is STILL going to be whining… just not as much as if it was a non POC HOH. Don’t come for me when every word is true and everyone knows it. She’ll still be mad she is on the bottom and the girl thing isn’t Chelsie’s priority…. but imagine if it was Mak or Leah making this argument to T’kor and watch her head do a full Linda Blair Exorcist spin when she leaves the room. Again… where is the lie?
CHECKS NOTES: 3 PAWNS HAVE GONE HOME. This group of wahoos still accepts the pawn argument? So… they cast paste eaters this season. Eyeroll.
Chelsie tells T’kor that after Angela, Leah is Chelsie’s biggest threat.
Renom options are Quinn or Leah. She threw in Quinn as a secondary renom option next to Kimo if Angela is removed from the block. In other words IF LEAH PULLS ANOTHER LEAH TO KEEP ANGELA QUINN GOES.
Chelsie tells T’kor essentially Quinn is a simp that wants to protect T’kor, Chelsie and Leah.
T’kor cus he likes her, Chelsie cus he respects her, and Leah because he has shit taste in women.
Is Chelsie being sincere? As sincere as someone trying to get three jury votes can be.
Now that they’ve hit jury…. i guess that just to jury deal has become more.
BEFORE THE ONE ON ONES…. T’kor wanted the POC Alliance over the SHELLIANCE Thing. She trusted Cam and thought Cam was a great asset to have. Hearing Cam has it out for Kimo…
NO MORE alliance with CAM. she hit the road right quick when he hit up the HOH room.
Noms will be Angela v Kimo. Let the house do what it wants from there.
T’kor tells Kimo he may be a pawn but just a pawn and the renom will be Leah or Quinn.
Chelsie is… ACTUALLY doing what MAKENSY suggested to Chelsie while Chelsie was in the shower last week. Giraffe told her the two of them are middle of the house now and they should play that up as much as possible for safety. ONLY CHELSIE has sorta cut Mak out to take middle seat for just herself. She does count Mak as a vote with the T’kor side not the Quinn side when going through votes. Does that last?
If the noms were Leah and Kimo… Mak probably keeps Leah. She thinks the bottom to the top deal is still active, but she is playing separate from Leah as well. Although Chelsie has said repeatedly that Mak is not a girl’s girl… Mak is FAR more likely to want a Shelliance than Chelsie. Always was.
Chelsie tells T’kor that she wants Angela out because once Angela is out, Chelsie, T’kor, Kimo and Rubina control the vote.
what? they can get the same control is leah or quinn leaves
I have a feeling that Rubina and Angela will be the Top 2. Congratulations to Rubina on the win!
Watch, uh
I’ma bite back, uh
When the thick darkness blocks my way, uh
It’s bad as I step forward
The vanished feedback starts a code black, huh
Deepening, a chaotic night
Nightmares are spreading thick again
Trying to hide something.
I got it, I got it
Riding the chaos, striking like
Bang, chitty bang bang, chitty bang bang
‘Cause I wanna see, I wanna see truly
Bang, chitty bang bang, chitty bang bang
Come closer to me, come closer.
I’ma get it
Done (oh-eyo-eyo)
Aiming at you, get it, gone (oh-eyo-eyo)
Now you better run
You and I, not knowing the end, you gonna, gonna
Break it down fearlessly, done (go way up, way up)
Full shot, pull it up, Armageddon.
Sorta humorous that LEAH was pissy that the vote didn’t go her way.
If you listened to her post Veto Ceremony diatribe about having to do what she believed in and having to make a personal decision about what was best for her game…
Leah criticizing Mak and Chelsie for keeping Kimo due to doing what they believed in and having to make personal decisions about what was best for their game is a joke.
I mean… do I agree with keeping Kimo? Between Kimo and Joseph either way a trio got weakened. The fact that sanctimonious T’kor got her way irks me because she’s so insufferable… but a trio got weakened. ALWAYS SPLIT THE TRIO.
Dear Chelsie: always SPLIT the TRIO. If you are in final 2 with ONE OF THEM… they have a 2 vote advantage OVER YOU. Yes I want my nope gone. But I’m also thinking strategically.
Was Joseph voting for Mak or Chelsie for the win? Likely not. Would he use a veto to save them… he planned on winning no comps but still wouldn’t. Would he nominate one or both? Probably. Chelsie as a threat and Mak as a non factor.
The funniest part of the whole thing… Leah took credit for swinging Chelsie’s vote to both Quinn and Joseph just before feeds cut for eviction. OOPS.
I don’t fault Leah her game. It’s not a horrible strategy. It’s quite a good strategy. Using veto because Grod wanted that veto used is what screwed her. Does Grod give a flying fuq about Leah in the game? Hell no. As long as her pay for play chaos agent operative Karengela remained so that Grod has extra control of the final outcome jury vote… and keeps all those buffoons that hate Karenism but support Angela watching the program to love or hate her…. Grod did not care.
Leah finally got her TV storyline.That comes with a price.
if she was smart she got a final 5 deal for doing it. Y’know… bumped up stipend.
Quinn however made prodo work harder by spending hours trying to convince her not to use it… making the 2 hour feed cut necessary before the veto ceremony.
Chelsea did not get the closest number. 1080 is one thousand and eighty not ten thousand and eighty