CHELSIE WON HOH! “I won the last HOH of the season! I made it to the final 3 of big brother.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: ?
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots

9:24pm The live feeds return after being blocked for the live eviction episode.

Bathroom – Makensy, Chelsie and Rubina. Chelsie – I do think that the veto will be elsewhere. I think.

In the bedroom – Chelsie talks to the cameras.
Chelsie – I can’t keep looking at the camera because I am going to cry. I won the last HOH of the season! What the heck! What the heck. I made it to the final three of big brother. I am going to wear this. I never do but I am going to be proud of myself.

The girls comment on how Cam is going through it. (Having a hard time losing another comp.)

9:44pm Kitchen – Makensy and Rubina talk about how they got to see video messages from their families. Rubina – damn we really have the opportunity to see something bigger happen. Makensy – yeah, finally came back on track. Rubina – I just didn’t see Leah prioritizing that. Makensy – no. I am grateful for the people still with me here. Rubina – me too. Makensy – I am very grateful. Blessed! Rubina – yeah truly. Makensy – I am also glad that there’s only 4 people to cook for now. Its way less intimidating.

9:55pm Storage Room – Rubina talking to herself / the cameras.
Rubina – you have to win comps to win this. Either way girl, I’m proud of you… but I really wanted to win. Its okay, just like in real life. Losses can be wins. Girl in real life you always lose.. but you stay winning. I just really wanted to win. But its fine. I am going to eat my feelings. Cake! Its okay, winning isn’t everything. Don’t give up on yourself and don’t give up on your chances of winning. Other people have won without being a comp beast.. and you can too. I am so proud of you for not giving up. Good Job Rubina! Taking your losses with grace. Enjoy still for the other person is a win. B***h you made top four! Come on! You need to celebrate, you made top four! You’re in top four.

10:50pm Chelsie gets her HOH room.

11:10pm HOH room – Chelsie and Cam
Chelsie – what are your thoughts, should I put both of them up? Cam – I don’t, I think they wouldn’t even.. Yeah I don’t think anybody is like tripping over it. I am pretty sure they all know what’s up. That is why I am confused why they made it like a thing. Chelsie – I know. Yeah, confused. But either way, it doesn’t matter who goes on the block because it’s placeholder. I just Yeah, I don’t know who to put up as my initial two without it looking away going into the final three. Cam – I really do not care like if you want to do it. It really doesn’t matter. Chelsie – okay. Um, okay they’re both afraid of you and I being a pair. So I may consider putting you up. Cam – that is fine. Chelsie – it doesn’t matter, Saturday is the thing (veto). Just from the three to the two, you know that you’re my final two. You know that. Cam – yeah. Chelsie – we just have to be smart about them freaking out over the next couple days. But who would you want next to you? Cam – I don’t think it matters. Chelsie – I’m going to talk to both of them and if they both are like put me up, I’m just going to put both of them up over you. Cam – okay. Chelsie – so I am just going to see what they say. Chelsie – I got you. If you win veto, who do you want to send home? Cam – I think its smarter to send Makensy home. Chelsie – okay cool.

Chelsie and Rubina.
Chelsie – okay here is the deal, I am going to put Cam up on the block.. I just need one of y’all, you or Makensy. Because it doesn’t matter, its who wins the veto. Rubina – if you want to put me up.. I know it doesn’t matter.. I shouldn’t even.. It doesn’t even matter. Chelsie – it doesn’t matter. Rubina – are you wanting to try and like even put yourself in position to make a big move? Chelsie – its all determined by who wins veto. So it could be my move to make or whoever wins veto’s move to make. Cam is definitely going up. So as a placeholder who would feel more comfortable going into the veto being on the block. Rubina – I am not unwilling but at the end of the day. Chelsie – yeah so I might just ask her.

11:30pm HOH room – Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – I’m weighing my options too with with them too. How do you fight win the veto I’m weighing my options. Makensy – Yeah and that’s the thing too if you and Vida I’ll make the choice that you want cuz you deserve it to be able to make that choice so. Put me up. It makes it easier. Less we are tied to each other. Chelsie – OK. Chelsie comments on how nominations are tonight.

11:42pm The live feeds switch to the pound cams.. noms are likely happening now.

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un autre nom

D/R count may be a bit off.
D/R for jury may be wayyyyy off.

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

Welp season over just hand her the cheque and be done with it lol. She gonna put up Rubina and mj and lie to mj claiming she’s a pawn and take cam to the end cuz no way he has the jury votes


i think chelsie, cam, and makensy are genuine about wanting to be final 3 now that they booted kimo over rubina so doesn’t really matter who chelsie puts up. maybe chelsie can convince cam or rubina to stab makensy, but more likely makensy just punched her ticket to final too and rubina is in win or go home for veto. if rubina does win, i think she takes out cam, she already can’t finish better than 2nd, might as well guarantee a woman gets the win. meh.

Game fan

Cam actually said its smarter to keep rubina.
Maybe mj would come to this conclusion as well. Maybe chelsea would even use this to get cam jury vote . (Was mj, not me…)

The Beef

Unless Chelsie wins veto and “installs” Cam in the voting seat, I’m thinking Cam is leaving in 4th place, because Rubina will stick to the whole “female” thing. I also think Makensy is sick of carrying his ass, plus she knows Cam and Chelsie are taking each other in Final 3. She’d be a fool to leave him in with Chelsie already locked into F3.


katy martin

Yeah you’re absolutely right that’s what I was thinking ? if Chelsie really wants to win 750,000 now is the time to take out the greatest comp beast currently in the BB brother house Makensy Manbeck ?

Gan ainm

Well, a vulnerable Chelsie could have made for an interesting week. Bye Rubina.

Game fan

No, cause it would have been a done deal for who sits next to her .
Now, we can hope cam/mj would make a move.

Team Taylor

YES — Chelsie is in the Final 3!!

Now it’s down to who gets Final Veto.

If Rubina or Makensy wins, Cam is gone.

If Cam wins Veto, it could go either way.


makensy isn’t voting out cam, not sure cam votes out makensy either. makensy is probably the safest.

Game shows lover

This is what I am talking about!!! Let go Chelsie, final 3! Great player all round.

un autre nom

we both know that an HOH comp of Rubina Cam and Chelsie was going to have ONE OUTCOME AND ONE OUTCOME ONLY.

Tucker For AFP


Moaning murtle

It’s official, with this HOH win, either Chelsie or MJ will win this season. No surprise we have been sure if it ever since MJ put Leah otb. Chelsie ( as we saw in this week’s Thursday episode, Chelsie will, ” tell Rubina what she wants to hear” and she “can’t have Rubina in MJ’s ear.” As I have mentioned before, Chelsie is playing a dominant game. She( rightly so) stays in game mode. She knows anyone can beat Rubina. MJ will win veto without question and Chelsie, who knows she can beat Cam in front of the jury , will make sure that Rubina is sent packing.
The show was awful tonight, they went through the BB comic line the audience was five yld. Can’t wait for T’kor to realize she only got one vote and it wasn’t Chelsie’s but I have no doubt she will vote for Chelsie.. so will Rubina, Kimo, Quinn yeah Chelsie has the votes she needs to win. Welcome to the 750thousand dollars. Chelsie wins. She deserves it but I’m uninterested in her, MJ will probably do Reindeer Games,Rubina and Kimo will be some place singing and dancing,…sigh I have even lost hope that whoever host the jury this season will be less exciting then the fish..


yeah, it’s hard to think cam and rubina take each other to the final and it’s the only final two either can win.

Game fan

Ru said in DR chelsea needs to go but she would need to win 2 comps at finale night for this to happen after winning 0 hohs and vetos.

un autre nom

Never really believe in the jury talks when they say who they will vote for.
Instead I go by season long trend.

Why? They always have the Naysayers that vote how they are told to vote on finale night.
Da’vonne principle. No way no day does Da’vonne vote Franzel. We KNEW this. Finale night… Franzel’s winning vote and gets how many tv show credits as payment?
For BBcan? Jonathan Principle. Hated the winner. Besties with second place through an east coast connection. Votes for the winner he swore up and down he would never want to see representing their season…. and gets fave prize money.
THE SEASON LONG TREND TELLS ME WHO THEY WOULD VOTE FOR IF NOT FOR GRODISM. By season long trend? Chelsie wins if she goes to finals with Mak 7-0. Chelsie wins against Cam 5-2. Chelsie wins against Rubina 4-3.

My fear for jury host is they pick someone with social media cred that didn’t play the game well. Hate to say it, but predominantly, the winners of the last few seasons haven’t played the best strategic games…. so their opinion on how to moderate voters is worthless. Imagine Jag… telling jurors to vote for… comp wins? Taylor? remember her HOH? Vote for… most sympathetic? Xavier… most black? Jackhole? Most prodo fixed? Come on, bring a contestant going through withdrawal after going cold turkey while in sequester into the house… and give them the have not room as a detox center for a week? mmhmmm. Then change comp times so he doesn’t have a psychotic withdrawal fueled meltdown? I mean… really?


da’vonne’s voting record is always interesting to discuss. ultimately it kinda comes down to that emotional players are actually less likely to be bitter jurors, they burnt themselves playing and can actually vote strategically. strategic players on the other hand bottle up all that emotion and then let themselves get overwhelmed by bitterness when it comes to voting. da’vonne was not a strategic player (though she thought she was) and when it came to voting, basically she acknowledged if she wants to get invited back she can’t be a bitter juror and her voting record reflects that.

Game fan

She WAS bitter. Paul betrayal was bigger and she ultimetly went on his hoh. As for 22 .. cody didnt owe her nothing.

The Beef

They’ve announced they’re having Jag on next week for “game analysis”, so I assume he’s not going to host the jury house segment.

That means to me their next available “favorite” would be either Taylor Hale or possibly Tiffany Mitchell. Of those two give me Mitchell every time, as she at least understands strategy and used it when she played the game.


Congratulations Chelsie!!

un autre nom

What we have to note from the episode fictionalized edit:
THERE WAS NO POC FINAL 5 OR FINAL 4. Cam and Chelsie didn’t approach Kimo and Rubina with that idea week 10. T’kor and Chelsie didn’t discuss it multiple times. Cam and T’kor didn’t discuss it. Nope…. THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN
T’KOR didn’t break 6th Avenue because she viewed it on race lines and said when the alliance split at 6 the POC were equal in number to the white folk. She preferred a 4-1 or 5-1 ideal alliance with only 1 white folk.
Kimo didn’t break the Pentagon because he was a crushing simp to Tucker, and certainly didn’t break it because he resented being number 8 in an 8 person alliance… he did it out of altruistic friendship with Rubina.
Tucker didn’t say something to Chelsie that had him pretty much throw the week and be ejectevicted by arena loss.
Angela didn’t tell the house she was a plant paid a separate fee.
Angela didn’t breach the ejectable words list while arguing with Lisa, and those 40 hours of feed cuts in a week never happened.
Leah was never pushed by production to save Angela.
Quinn intentionally baited Angela as a racist in the episode edit using part of a d/r about a totally different topic.
UNTIL WEEK !1 THERE WAS NEVER TALK OF A WOMEN’S ALLIANCE after it failed week one. SO Mak never pushed for it for 2 weeks. Brook didn’t try to get it going when she got nominated.
CAM never jumped ship to 2 manlliances and kept it from CHELSIE. Neither did CEDRIC.
T’kor was NOT the MOST PREJUDICIALLY BIASED HOUSEGUEST WE’VE SEEN on BIG BROTHER. Even the cookout liked and trusted their fools… i mean buddies in the Brigade plan the cookout used.
Casuals DON’T KNOW THAT SINCE BLINDSIDEING CAM WEEK 7, CAM HAS BEEN THE DECIDING TARGET SETTER FOR HIS GROUP UNTIL THE ODDITY OF WEDNESDAY… which i am still 95 was GROD giving us fake drama. CAM doesn’t switch up when he sets his goal. he caved 2 times to Chelsie late last night…. that’s against his character.

un autre nom

Cam knows his days, sucks at separate room or individual time.
Mak knows days not as quick as Cam but does better under pressure.
Rubina’s days (from study with Kimo yesterday) sounded… bad.
Chelsie knows days, but has less agency to win and get more blood.

DOES IT MATTER? Did cowboy win the final 4 days comp way back in project dna season when he didn’t know the days at all and actively refused vocally to bother to study them? YUP HE DID. Did Jackhole complain and tirade to the d/r until they changed his time and announced him winner of the final 4 veto comp? YES YES HE DID.


Hey Another Name glad to see you around for another exciting night of Live feeds. 🙂

un autre nom

yeah, i’m doubtful I’ll last to my usual time.
Just waited for nom results that I knew before feeds went down. lol.
So Chelsie is making Rubina comfortable by putting Cam and Mak on the block.
Remember old school where there was final 2 loyalty and people only had THE ONE.
I think they need a new name for final 2…. like one of seven or three of nine.

Gan ainm

My favorite element of this game to watch, is to observe how players strategize and implement a plan that moves their agenda forward. This season has been disappointing in that regard. While Chelsie has played the best game by default, her style of play was more reactionary than strategic. Cam’s only accomplishment has been to play Chelsie. Makensy turned herself into Chelsie’s puppet. Rubina….what’s the point, she had no game.


Why everyone mad that Chelsie is playing the game? Ya’ll rather see people float and make it to the end and win? Chelsie didn’t force anyone not to play. Damn, some of ya’ll are full of bs. Ya’ll love Dan, Dr. Will, Cody, Dereck, Vanessa and Tyler but hate Chelsie, who by way is also playing a strategic game. Should she play victim like Taylor and just float to the end? Some will say she acted like a jealous girlfriend. Oh please, that girl do not want Cam. She was questioning his loyalty because Cam is playing a questionable (flirt tactics) game. Chelsie had to redo her game over and over. Her alliances getting blown up by alliance members. Her f2( Cedric) getting backdoored because of Tucker’s crappy game play. Tucker targeting Chelsie because she didn’t give him attention and wasn’t afraid of him. She couldn’t depend on Cam to win a comp and protect her. MacKenzie was okay, but talked too much. T’Kor had her back but only if it didn’t interfere with or compromise T’Kor’s relationship with Kimo or Rubina. So yes, Chelsie had to play the game and she’s playing it well. I rather Chelsie or MacKenzie win then a floater. That’s why Big Brother is going down the toilet. Years of floaters making it to the end and winning.

Gan ainm

I didn’t really have strong feelings either way for this seasons cast. I couldn’t get behind rooting for anyone. What I mostly had a hate on for was the blatant prodo manipulation, they lost all subtlety this year. Has Chelsie played the best game? Yes. Does she deserve the win? Yes. Did she play a good game? Yes. Comparatively across all seasons, has she played a great game? No. Is she a great strategist? No. Do I personally like her? No. Would I rather have the best player win even if I don’t like them? Yes. Would I love it if someone made a move to get out the best player? Yes. Will that happen? No. Do I hate predictable winners? Yes, when you can see it coming all season.


Simon and Dawg, Nominees for Eviction Are Up also


Thanks for the heads up!


You’re Welcome

Game fan

Finally a cast who doesent make a deal from the final 4 noms! And evebln take this oppurtinnity to make a fake immpression .