Chelsie “They didn’t do anything & made it to final 4. That’s a testament to THEIR game.” Makensy “That’s a testament to their game with US.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?

9:05pm HOH room – Chelsie and Makensy talk about how the veto ceremony will playout. Chelsie – I do think that it will be all in that moment. (Choose to use the veto and who to evict all at the same time.) Makensy – that’s where I thought jury might come in. There might be more jury time after the veto ceremony. I could be wrong. Chelsie – I think jury will be before veto ceremony.. but I don’t think it will be all in that one moment. Makensy – that’s a lot, I don’t think we have the time. Chelsie – your thoughts will be known before the ceremony. Everybody’s thoughts will be known. Makensy – the fact that Rubina was in there (Diary Room) for quite a bit today.. about what? who is she talking to? She ain’t talking to me! Chelsie – oh yeah she hasn’t had her conversation… Makensy – I know if Rubina was here and Cam was in jury, Cam would vote for Rubina. I know if Rubina was in jury, Rubina would probably not vote for Cam. I feel that way. Chelsie – yeah I don’t .. I don’t freaking know. I try and not think about jury because it does give me a little panic as well. Makensy – why because you put some of them there? Chelsie – not necessarily that but because .. well yes.. Makensy – because of the good standing of what they have versus what we have? Chelsie – because of their good standing. Makensy – but they have good standing because they didn’t do anything. That’s personal. We have good standing in game. Chelsie – they didn’t do anything and they made it to the final four. That is a testament to their game. Makensy – that’s a testament to their game with us. Chelsie – no it isn’t. Makensy – yes it is. Tell me who out of this jury got Cam there?! Chelsie – you can’t tell me that Leah, Quinn, Kimo, Angela.. what are their conversations? You can’t tell me .. they’re going to be five, four, three, two, one weeks of them only watching competitions. So they’re going to see competitions beasts but they’re also going to see Cam still hasn’t won!? Rubina still hasn’t won?! They’re going to see that Makensy. And then they’re going to see they haven’t won and they’re in! Makensy – and that’s a testament to OUR game. Because we bring players that can’t win and that helped US. Jury is going to respect our game more. Chelsie – that’s what I am saying makes me nervous, the jury could either say good job Makensy and Chelsie for bringing who can’t win or good on.. Makensy – good on people who got with people that could win. Chelsie – YES! That is why we can’t control that. It could literally go either way. Makensy – but also what we can do .. and this is like a testament to both our games.. loyalty which is what I came in here preaching. And its like I chose to take this over that because I am loyal and that’s a testament to the person I am and the person I’ve been in this house this entire time. I didn’t make decision that just benefited me, I made decisions that benefited the people I was working with. Chelsie – yup. Makensy – and he can’t say that because he didn’t f**King do that.

9:48pm HOH room – Final four chatting about sports games.. Makensy – I can’t wait to get f**ked up at a football game.

10:28pm Cards…

11:39pm – 12:24am HOH room – Cam “The Magi-cam” is doing magic tricks. Rubina – tips are appreciated. Makensy starts showing her magic card tricks. They then head down to the kitchen to snack.

5:00 am Chelsie and Makensy (All chit chat all night. The girls sound like they are starting to get thirsty)
Talking about how nobody left in the house other than the two of them deserve to win the game. They go on about how they will fight for each other to win if they end up in Jury.
Around 6am they start talking about relationships. Makensy talks about the similarities between Matt and her ex. Makesny goes on about Matt.

Makensy – it’s probably 7am Chelsie.. do we just stay up.
Chelsie – no sleep for a couple hours
“WE’re going to be woken up in 2 hours”

at 6:50 am the lights go out.

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Most Boring people to ever play Big Brother


Even Big Brother Canada was way better. lol


Big Brother Canada has been way better than BB USA for at least the last three seasons.


I only wish they could see our post the season….They all think they are so MARVELOUS!

Team Angela

Since MJ seems to have been brainwashed by Chelsea, it feels boring. From another perspective, it could mean that Chelsea truly dominated this season.


she did do her BB diligence


This last HOH should not be a full week long. There are 4 people in the house. 2 of the 4 are safe. Everyone’s game has already been played. The corpses won’t come alive until Thursday night when the game comes alive.

Greyson Stoehr

It was poor planning on Production’s part.


yeah, i believe pretty strongly that the after the 5th place finisher is evicted on a thursday, the final hoh is played that night, pov either friday or saturday (probably friday), 4th place finisher evicted sunday, hoh part 1 either starts that night or monday, hoh part 2 monday/tuesday, hoh part 3 finale wednesday/thursday.

there’s very little of interest once it’s down to 4.


You know what is going to happen…. Rubina or Can is going to win this Season.


If I were MacKenzie or Chealsea, I would take cam to final 2. He hasn’t done anything. I would be guaranteed the win.


Give us some blood and backstabbing!


Put us out of our misery!


My hunch Chelsie wins final HOH and takes Cam. MJ, being the good solider votes for Chelsie to win even though MJ did all the work.Chelsie used her to get to the end only to throw her under the BB see ya sucker bus..


makensy didn’t do all the work, but she did do a lot of it. she was usually hoh when an actual target was taken out when chelsie would position herself that pawns got voted out on her hoh’s.

The Beef

These two (Chelsie and Mak) are really getting in to their heads now and over-analyzing everything. If they would just stop and think about it, they would realize everybody on the jury they are worried about, because they “got them out”, Cam also voted every single one of them out (starting with Quinn, then T’Kor, Leah, Angela and Kimo). Rubina also voted out Quinn and Leah, but she was OTB for all 3 of the other evictions, and thus couldn’t evict nor save anybody. Whoops, not much we can do about that, but she’s leaving anyway to join them soon, so no worries.

Besides, if they’re as devoted to each other as they keep assuring the other they are, what difference does it make? You’re taking each other to F2, and Cam can’t win a comp, so no problem, right? What’s the point of even talking about it, since you’re both in the same situation, so forget about it and let’s get to work on our answers and our “victory” speech!

Unless maybe one or both of them aren’t really going to take the other to Final 2 – maybe that’s what’s really bothering both of them. How to explain THAT not only to the other person, but to the other jurors as well. Hmmmmmmm – how does a “loyal” player explain backstabbing their partner at the end?

Maybe to win $750,000? You’ve just got to sell that to 4 out of 7 players. I’d take that shot knowing I had no chance of winning if I didn’t.


i don’t think chelsie plans on taking makensy. while i think makensy knows booting chelsie is the right move but can’t muster the courage to actually do it and is hoping to talk herself into it.

Moaning murtle

Thanks! What a great post! You may be interested to know that Hamsterwatch’s view point is that Chelsie has played a dominant game and is indeed the projected winner but… Hamster also said something you wisely figured out awhile ago: a Chelsie vs. Mak F2 is not as much of a slam dunk as we might believe for Chelsie.
The thing that Chelsie has the MJ doesn’t is Chelsie put in the work to establish social connections with every jury member. That works in her favor. Also, as seems to be a popular belief, Chelsie will have a smooth answer for each jury questions and MJ won’t because Chelsie has those persuasive speaking skills MJ doesn’t. The jury has some knowledge that MJ ” got got “by Chelsie and that’s game play they will reward. Chelsie will end up telling Ms ” I came to play a loyal game” MJ that she did so being cut at the end is an honor. MJ would buy anything Chelsie sells her. Can’t you just hear MJ saying when it’s over “I’m aware.”
I still believe if Cam wins the final round he will take Chelsie and be happy with second place. As chill as he is, Cam has stardom on his mind and anything that gets him closer to it is just fine by him. For example, F2, often , not always, gets a guest spot on the daytime soap Bold and Beautiful. Cam is thinking about those kind of opportunities. Bye Rubina!

un autre nom

home. feed check… other than another Chelsie stroking her ego Parascam verball masturbation routine yet again… we got nada. Rubina has asked to have a one on one with Mak at SOME point today.
Who the hell cares.
If Chelsie won… own your game and no issue. Bullshit by following the episode edit instead of real game… I take issue. See Jag’s final speech in regard to fitting the episode dr edit not actual game play to see what i mean. HATED that speech FOR THAT REASON.

If Mak won.. I’d say m’kay… when did comps start mattering to THIS group. Not an issue if she was male because for some reason men that rely on comps are respected more than women that rely on comps… I don’t get it but a comp reliant woman is viewed as lacking in social game, a comp reliant man is considered a powerhouse… even if both are box of rocks stupid. I don’t make the rules…. don’t @ me. Her answers to questions will be…. so gut wrenchingly horrible.

If Cam won…. Not one juror mentioned his name. At. All. So we’d need Grod to stop fantasizing about being the mikbone of ALL the dogs in the crib. Cam places value on comp wins… but now that he has sucked at comps he’ll play likeable invisible socially as if it were his strategy all along… unless he somehow wins final HOH then THOSE comps will be the only comps that matter just like his veto comp was the only veto comp that mattered for a week and a half. I know Cam’s strong and weak points… I don’t see a Cam speech having the energy required to gain traction and momentum with THIS jury. I know what he DID in the game… and what he DIDN’T DO. Question: Does HE?

If Rubina won….ew. I’m not here for a woman winning that didn’t play the game for the majority of the season. She. Didn’t.