Chelsie – “Nobody has considered the conversation of Tucker because everyone is afraid.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam Angela
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony:Angela is the renom
Havenots: No havenots this week

10:13am Makensy and Leah
Makensy Brings up Chelsie telling her before the Collective blowup she was in 4 alliances.
MJ – she’s never going to tell.. She said I’ll never say the names.
MJ – I don’t think she meant to say that it slipped.
MJ – I really love her and I want to trust her but like it’s hard. Whatever I caught the lies.

11:07 am Kimo and Leah trying to figure out who is behind the Deep fake messages.
They suspect it’s Cam.

11:57 am Waffles for waffle Wednesday

12:15 pm Kimo, T’kor, Rubina
(We just have the new holder of loudest eater award. Kimo has taken the award from Enzo.. OH my it’s gross)
Kimo and T’kor are giving reasons for Mackensy should go.
Kimo – it makes moire send to evict Makensy because she is potentially more dangerous than Angela
Kimo – Quinn doesn’t like how she calls him out. Makes sense.
Rubina – Yeah
T’kor mentions if MJ gets to the end people might vote for her to win.
Rubina says she prefer Makensy Company personally but game wise it’s better to keep Angela “Something about Makensy is more dangerous”
Kimo – she clammers to where she needs it. She doesn’t talk game to me.
Rubina called to the Diary Room.

12:47 pm Kimo and Rubina
Kimo – worst case scenario is Tucker goes home. You have to be prepared. What does this house look afterwards?
They notice Angela on the TV screen.
Rubina – Goddammit

Kimo – HI!
Angela – Hi
Angela ASk some questions then leaves.
Kimo – Angela is close with Leah who is close with Joe who’s close with Quinn. Potentially she could also pull in MJ
Rubina – Yeah
Kimo – we have to look at all options. Angela is a lone wolf. She says she loves everyone there’s some parts of me think that isn’t genuine.
R – I agree
K – I feel like she’s trying to be honest with me and Tucker
Kimo says after Angela went on the block and outed all those alliances he’s not sure if he can trust her.
K – Joe could pull in Quinn, Angela, Cam…
R – that’s worst case scenario
K – it’s funny because both Quinn and Joe want Angela out.
R – I know
K – I want to believe Quinn.. I do trust Quinn to a point
feeds flip…

12:58 pm Tucker and Rubina (No idea what they are talking about)
Rubina – it’s not you it’s just… me
T – Then we gotta talk, I didn’t confront him like YO bro you were talking about us.
R – Sometimes I want to tell you things but I don’t want it to get back to the person
T – that’s fine just tell me that.
R – you didn’t say anything to Makensy did you
T – no, Did she say it first or did you just hear things from Joe?
They hug and kiss… agreeing that it’s stressful in the house.
Rubina – I want to talk to you and I want to hang out with you and It’s annoying we can’t just DO IT
T – Yeah
R – I miss you when you are not around. It’s been 45 days and I’m not sick of you yet.

1:05pm Joe and Kimo
Joe – Her game is ratting people out.. she’s the type of person that will say whatever she says at the moment whereas Angela is a open book.
Kimo – true
Joe says what Angela tried to do was Crazy. Joe thinks it’s something he told her before going into solitary that stuck in her head and made her think “I gotta make a move”
Joe – Angela needs to chill out and Makensy needs to step it up.
Kimo – right that’s a good point
Joe says for him and Kimo, T’kor personally it would be better for Angela to stay.
Kimo – I’m worried that Quinn wants Angela gone. Quinn has numbers
Joe – we can override whatever the f*** he wants.
Joe – Cam wants Angela gone too.
JOe goes on about how keeping Angela is best for their game. “If she did go after someone in our group unfortunately it would be Rubina and Tucker and I don’t even think she’ll do that”
Kimo agres
They bring up Angela going after Quinn.

1:37 pm Tucker and Leah (Tucker is packing)
Tucker – Cam formed a final 2 with me right before the veto
Leah – Yeah I know, I can tell.
T – It’s strategic.. but I was trying to do that with him two weeks ago.
L – Do you know who the AI thing is?
T – I have no idea I thought it was you or Angela..
L – It’s not me… ON everything
T – I know she swore on her grandkids but people swear on a lot of sh1t in here.
L – It’s either Quinn, Kimo or Cam.
T – I do trust you

L – I was scared because I saw him flip Jekyll and Hyde again right after Angela. What scared me was the second she left he had this whole plan what he was going to tell you and he knew you were going to blow up and he knew he was going to say.. because Makensy tells him everything. (THey were talking in the flower room and Angela entered and said something to Quinn)
L – he had a dominio for every single thing that happened and it did.
T – I’m going to go with his Flow until I win this HOH and I’ll put him up. I promise you if I win this HOH I’m putting him up.
L – It doesn’t benefit me for him to leave but I’m telling you this be careful
T – I know that is what I’ve been telling everyone
L – he’s got this entire strategy
T – He keep acting like he’s bad at mental comps. I’m like, bro you remember everything about Every single season you’ve ever watched in here, I know you’re just waiting for your time to win and strike.
T – I don’t want you to go you are going to be one of the top 5 people in this house.
Tucker – he’s just here to get his BIG BROTHER 5 minutes of fame. I’m here to break that f***Ing stupid curse I believe in sh1t like that I want people to know they can do anything if they put their minds to it regardless of stupid statements. That was my whole reason for being here. I was the first person to walk in this house
T – The first person that walks in has never won! that’s the curse of Big Brother. I’m from Boston we break curses.

They hug

2:30 pm Angela alone looking crazy. Waiting to get called into the DR for her next dose of Valium.

3:30 pm Kimo and T’kor (Whisper city)
He points at Tucker’s bed and asks if she thinks he’s lying.
Kimo – what if it’s a double tomorrow?
T – that’s what Chelsie feels
K – me too

T – Leah walked in on (Tucker/Rubina)
K – Now she knows.. did she tell you that?
T – Rubina told me that and then Leah came into the HOH room
T – the general sentiment is she’s happy for Rubina and sees her as a separate player.
K – I hope so.
T – it seems like her stance has changed. Rubina… at first it was Rubina riding the coattails now it’s I want to give her the chance to play her own game.
T – I trust your instinct and your gut
K – I don’t like how she flipped on Quinn. Maybe Quinn is lying to us.
T’kor points out that He likes Leah personally but is having trouble with her game wise and she likes Quinn personally but is having trouble with him game wise.
K – true
T – I want to trust him. For me Leah isn’t necessarily working with Quinn. She’s not in any alliances she’s a free agent.
K – that’s what she says.. I take everything people say with a grain of salt.
T’kor thinks Leah is being honest.

4:50 pm Quinn and Tucker chit chatting

5:26 pm Chelsie and Quinn
Q – they can pretend we’re besties and we’re cool but they were ok with us being expendable.. even though they were safe in theat power structure with us.
C – In the power structure of the house Currently where do you feel lying?
Q – they’ll take out Leah before they take me out.. they keep weaking us in numbers. I feel comfortable saying this outloud to you. We have to have each other otherwise we are f***ed
C – I have your back 100 percent. We are on the outs!
Q – everytime they ask me who I will put up and i’m like Chelsie and cam but that’s just … I’m telling you if I win this HOH It’ll be Tucker/Rubine or Kimo/T’kor and then Joe is cool with eveyrbody.
Feeds flip..
Quinn says he’s fully committed to Chelsie. Quinn says the new alliance Kimo and Tkor have formed is now like the collective “They feel too comfortable”
C – were you part of the secret meeting?
Q – no
C – Cam woke me up.. Kimo left and took Tucker for a meeting and it was them.
C – I saw them come back in Kimo and Tucker because they had a meeting.
Q – we’re interchangeable and it’s so f***ing annoying.
C – our games have been blown up and we’re supposed to be timid.
Q – I trust you.. I was counting up the votes in the shower on what it would take to take out Tucker. and then Angela pulled us into the thing. I snitched on her so she would go on the block. They were defending her the whole time.
C – they told me they want Angela to stay this week.
Chelsie brings up Tucker telling her she should throw the AI Comp
Chelsie – he said if you want to stay the best thing you can do is throw the comp. He told her to throw it but I think their plan is to get Makensy out last minute.
Chelsie – I counted the votes too.. Me, Leah, Cam, QUinn, The nominee that comes down.
Q – Would Makensy flip?
C – YES … She said Nobody is even considering the possibility of Tucker..
C – Makensy you’re good..
Quinn – I looked Makensy in the eyes and said I’m going to work for you to stay here. I think she trusts me now. I know she wanted to get me out earlier but I can’t afford to be petty
C – Numbers are dwindling.. She’s willing to flip.. Leah and me talked last night. Leah is pissed. Nobody has considered the conversation of Tucker because everyone is afraid.
Q – he is such a comp beast what if he wins HOH?
C – what if he wins AI and HOH?
C – But we have the numbers.
Chelsie thinks Joe is too afraid to take the shot at Tucker.
Q – him and Tucker are working together
C – Tucker is working with everybody
Q – Whenever Joe tells me he goes ‘well we don’t have to go after him until after… because he’s attracting attention’
Q – I’m like .. I know for sure Rubina won’t put him up, Kimo won’t put him up, T’kor probabaly won’t put him up (She just did)
C – Cam won’t
Q – JOe that’s like half the house.
Q – When joe says Tucker won’t win the game. I get that but there’s two seats at the end and he dragged Angela two extra weeks before she tried to stab him in the back. If we get the vote.
Q – I will do it.. If we flip they will go after me.
C – I don’t think so.. they need people now.
Q – Tomorrow I’m wearing Rubina’s Skirt. Can you imagine the Drama! Thighs out.. in her skirt.

5:45 pm Chelsie and Makensy
C – if you take yourself off the block who are you voting for
M – Tucker
C – YES YES, OK great all we have enough people I just needed to confirm with you.

6:00 pm Feeds go to pound for a party.
7:37pm Still blocked

15 thoughts to “Chelsie – “Nobody has considered the conversation of Tucker because everyone is afraid.””

  1. Am I praying Tucker loses this A.I. Comp tomorrow!!

    We have the votes to send him out: Chelsie, Cam, Quinn, Leah, and either Makensy or Angela.

    Let’s make it happen!

      1. Not yet. When I’m in the house, I’ll make sure to give a shoutout that I’m the Team Taylor who’s been leaving comments on this website.

    Why the instigator stuff turned into fluff:
    Because they had enough for the episode edit.
    That’s why it turned into stuff shown on the feeds.
    It wasn’t grand plan to make people study… that’s d/r suggestible by-product.
    it was grand plan to get Tucker more money by showing it on feeds when they had what they needed. A check on bbtwitter showed me they were successfully influenced.

    The cut of the episode for the second hour was…. if i never worked in pre-production or editing… I’d still be looking at that and saying they are putting a huge spotlight on 2 people that they’ve already been spotlighting less gratuitously. Long past career choices showing me some of the tricks has DEFINITELY molded my TINFOIL HAT. Not saying all my conspiracies are correct… because they aren’t. But I am saying that production has a purpose in EVERYTHING they do.

    Are they doing a grand hurrah for a season focal?
    It’s a possibility. Not a huge possibility because a focal usually get’s longer in the season.
    BUT… possible. 20 % at present.
    With Chelsie leaving Meme territory and taking some kind of action… is this the phoenix rising of the downlow winner edit? Also possible. She’s left it late and played underground a little long….. i mean… she has.
    CHANCES MAK LEAVES DOWN FROM 90 TO 85% at this point. Subject to change.

    I’m still annoyed by a few things in the edit.
    The focus of the episode left out KEY factors.
    The edit hasn’t shown that Tucker uses Pouting and Tantrums to essentially emotionally bully ( i hate the word but he does more than manipulate, he creates a fear state where everyone is afraid of his volatility). They are held hostage by the emotional volatility of a manbaby. Go ahead and disagree because he wins comps, or because he has a showmance or what EVER. I’ll die on this hill.

    Quinn is correct to say that he’ll be blamed for the flip if it suceeds or fails.


    Chelsie has learned that the talk she had with Rubina, T’kor and Kimo where they agreed to save Mak over Angela is crap… meaning Chelsie’s value is crap. They never solidified that alliance… T’kor just went to Chelsie and said is our deal still valid? I’d grimace emoji if I knew how.

    1. I don’t think so alot of people are tired of the Tucker show. Angela needs to go too. No one will really play the game and make moves until Tucker is gone.

    2. Does that mean he still doesn’t deserve to go home, after volunteering to go OTB THREE freaking times in the last four weeks, and once using the Veto on another player while he himself was still sitting on the block?

      I’m one of the fans who really enjoy watching competitors compete in the competitions, and while I do understand why they don’t want to win all the time, I appreciate when they give their best efforts to do so, because I think that’s how the game should be played. Tucker does seem to try to win, despite what he said about “throwing” this weeks Veto comp, so I appreciate that about him.

      What I don’t appreciate is idiotic game play, which constantly volunteering to be nominated, in my opinion, is. You can only do that so many times before it eventually catches up to you, and you end up getting evicted. It appears that may be happening to Tucker this week, and if it does, he has no one to blame for it but HIMSELF!

      I highly suspect though we’ll see a competition tonight specifically designed to fit Tucker’s physical attributes, and therefore he’ll probably win it, and once again miraculously save himself from the chopping block at the last minute. Grodner doesn’t want to lose those viewers anymore than you and they want to stop watching the “Tucker show”, so I suspect that’s exactly what will happen this evening. After all, Angela is no threat to beat him in any kind of physical comp, and Makensy may give him token competition, but I doubt if she can beat him in a comp designed for him to win.

  3. I think this is the year of the floater. IMO Tucker (the fool), TKor (the clueless), Makensy (would be floater but she has won comps) and Chelsie (day late dollar short) are the non-floater, but are destined to be on jury. Leah is the main floater- needs to be tethered or she’ll float away. Quinn + Kimo- give me a break- please take them out. Cam plays like he is there until his ride comes to pick him up. Joseph lives in the Mattrix. Goodbye Angela. I hate this season. I need a hobby.

    1. Has Makensy really won comps?

      She won the first nights AI upgrade comp, while competing against only three other house guests – Angela, Joseph and Rubina! Not exactly a murder’s row of competition there.

      Then she won the AI comp while OTB in week 4, competing against only two others – Cam and Rubina, in a highly controversial finish that was extremely close and so poorly edited, it was impossible for the viewers to really tell if she beat Rubina or not. But production wanted the drama of the vote flip created by the Cedric vs. Rubina OTB decision, so that’s what we got.

      I’m not sure I’d count either of those as “comp wins”, especially when you consider the competition, or lack thereof.

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