Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: >?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
8:34pm Kitchen – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – So we can talk to him about doing a 5. At first he didn’t mention Leah. The second time he did, which is surprising. He mentioned you before he mentioned Leah. Makensy – I think he had a lot of respect for my game. Chelsie – oh he does and he does and he doesn’t like how you were treated and either do I. Makensy – I mean at least the four, he is very very confident on it. Chelsie – I teeter between Joseph and Cam. Joseph would throw Quinn under the bus before Tucker any day! I was just outside with because he tried to act like he knew Tucker’s game. And I’m like you were willing to throw your game away from him. Makensy – When I was up there he said what do you think about Joseph. And I said I’m going to be honest with you, Joseph will not put a f**king veto medallion over your head. Why because he can’t win it and two we’ve literally spoken in this house and he is very honest with me he doesn’t like alliances, that they blow up and that this is a social game and he will do whatever it takes to stay for the week. Chelsie – and that’s what he said with Tucker, he was like I knew at the end of the day I would have gone with Tucker. He would have taken me because… and I would have won because I have the best social game here. He also thinks that airtime.. that he has more airtime than you and me! Makensy – if he thinks that he has more airtime than me… Chelsie – I was like Joseph, you have not won a competition! I have won two! Makensy – I have won three comps, I’ve been in a showmance and I just took out the competition of the f**king summer. Chelsie – he is crazy! But he was like Tucker was playing me.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
9:07pm Dinner time .. eating the dogs Leah cooked. Meanwhile the others are chatting in the bedroom.
Bathroom – Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – You know, I love you. Rubina – Yeah, you’re doing better, it seems. Tkor – I’m also doing okay. Rubina – I’m doing a better job of hiding it. I’m trying..but then I went in the DR and
They.. again so I’m like it’s really hard. It’s crazy. I’m trying really hard.
9:50pm Bedroom – Chelsie talking to the cameras..
Chelsie – This is Chelsie’s cheese may day 46, episode 55 featuring none other than y’all thought you can get her to her brother. Go ahead and take a look at that. Go ahead and take a look at that (She holds up a piece of cake with Brooklyn on it).
Chelsie – so a lot of stuff has happened this past week. He finally won something. I thought this was every day. He wants something. And you know what? It made me a little bit nervous at first. It made me a little bit nervous because his hands was a little bit shaky on the little thing. Yes, his ankles were buckling a little bit when he was doing a little slingshot thing. I know you saw that already, so that made me nervous. But he pulled through. He got his first “W”. And my prediction is that he will win this next HOH. That’s my prediction. So. And that’s me not even trying to be nice because he’s in here. I really think it’s gonna happen. So that’s the T. We got tucker out. That is huge tea.
10:10pm Bathroom – Chelsie and Makensy talking while Cam showers.
Makensy – I don’t want my name to be drawn tomorrow. I don’t. I don’t want another comp win. Chelsie – that’s smart. Makensy – and I don’t want to feel that pressure. She (Angela) was like, oh, I was going to
ask you to play. Like, will you please play for me if I pick you? If she does, I’m throwing that sh*t. I am done! I don’t need another one. I just feel like the more I win, the more I am a threat.
10:15pm – 10:35pm Backyard – Kimo and Tkor
Kimo – I don’t know if anybody want to use it on me. You know, I think everybody wants to keep it the same. Tkor – Yeah. Kimo – cause they don’t want the rest of them going on the block. So I might as well. Tkor – If I win it.. Kimo – then don’t feel the pressure to pull me off. You could pick whoever you want to be as long as one of us gets off and then hopefully the other has the votes to stay still on the block after the AI arena. Tkor – you only need 4 votes. Don’t worry, I’ll get you all the votes. Kimo – I want to try and win tomorrow just to also be able to win f**king something else.
Tkor – And so for me, even though I’m safe for you to put two of my people I trust the most in this house on the block together. After I didn’t even consider putting you (Quinn) up on the block the week before after you took someone out and didn’t even think to talk to us and consider us in that decision at all as members of the visionaries. You know what I mean? Kimo – he thinks that whoever flipped is trying to create an alliance which makes me think there already is an alliance and that’s the people who flipped quote unquote. Tkor – that’s for sure a possibility. I’m not worried about that though.
Tkor – we didn’t flip. That’s the thing and all these scenarios we have not been the one to flip if you really think about it. Kimo – that’s true. Tkor – he’s (Quinn) not HOH next week and he is not safe. Kimo – true. Joseph and Quinn join them.
11:20pm Bathroom – Leah, Kimo
Leah comments on how the bathroom light over the showers was flickering. As she’s talking about it it goes off and on.

11:50pm Bedroom – Chelsie and Makensy are continuing to talk about past events. Makensy comments on how she is “F**king pure under pressure” and how Tucker was stressed out that last day and how he was freaking out in the AI arena. Makensy – I hated her (Angela) speech. I hated that it was so unhumbled and very.. Chelsie – here’s that thing I think if it was.. there are so many reasons I was going to keep you, one of them was I knew if if we kept Angela she was going to go back to being his lapdog.
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We now have the season the anti-fun watchers deserve, enjoy.
ehn, i thought this way during season 1. the first two boots were the only interesting people and everyone else was so dull that it’s not surprising i think only one of them has ever been invited back. but they changed up the game dynamics since then to allow more production interference to prevent that from happening. i know people bemoan some production shenanigans, and to some extent i agree with pandora’s box and specifically the pairs twist being particularly egregious, but usually the mechanics are such that the players foute themselves into bad decisions rather than it being a full production railroad. so right now, we’re in a who can screw up the least scenario for the rest of the season, because let’s face it if t’kor’s and quinn’s hohs so far are giving any indication there’s gonna be a lot of screwing up, and honestly i think that can be fun to watch.
I did not find the narcissistic manbaby fun.
HG’s are a bunch of sad sacks
smells like mini cookout in the works
Why are they not letting Angela take her meds while she is in the BB House? For the sanity of humanity get this psychopath out of the game.
….and release he back into the wild? At least there she is contained.
True but she is truly painful to watch. She has real problems.
jUST to be clear… I made a picture out of one of my charts.
If you don’t see the problem….
Joseph has no idea just how irrelevant he is.
Joseph, the guy with the un-cool mustache ? You mean whatshisname…oh yeah, him. Irrelevant him. I thought he was part of the woodwork, but he’s an actual houseguest you say ?
In Canada we say “Joe Who”
Joseph has always struck me as some nerd who was watching bad 70s porn and then says to self: “Hey! I’d look SEXY with a moustache!” WRONG!!!! Now he thinks he’s getting major air time and that one of those women will give him the time of day? Can we move him to some OTHER dating show than this one?
But so does mackenzie, apperntly.
This is the point in the game when establishing your position in the house is so important. Unfortunately, none of these HGs seem very skilled. Tkor is a life raft for Kimo and Rubina who have nothing else going on and saving them will be Tkor’s downfall even though she has other options. Quinn is in a position as HOH where he could build something but he can’t help himself by over aligning in a season where alliances don’t last but Quinn can’t stop Quinning feeding the narrative that no one can trust him. Leah’s reliance on flirt strategy offers no path forward. No one respect Makensey’s game so even if someone scoops her up they will just as easily discard her. Angela is the crazy cat lady you cross the street to avoid. Joseph is a delusional floater no one trusts. Chelsie with her sidekick Cam would be down to go to war with the other side but she lost her crew and this house is too fluid to have defined sides. If Chelsie could pull in Makensey Quinn and Tkor with her and Cam she could control the house but Quinn and Tkor will never be loyal enough to go along. Whoever can navigate the changing dynamic week to week will be playing the best game. I for one like not having big alliances that dominate the season, it makes it more unexpected. I just wish these gamers were better gamers.
Great post! I said something along the same lines in a similar post, down below. There is no LOYALTY in that house, so none of the alliances will ever hold.
I also think your last line is very true. They are so paranoid and so anxious to back-stab at all costs, it impacts their abilities to actually play the game. Don’t they realize if they would build some bridges AND some trust, it would help them in the long run to get through the game?
I don’t think they do, and even if they did, their fellow players aren’t interested in that. They just want to skitter around, rat out whatever information they may have, and do some more back-stabbing.
Isn’t the house so much fun without Tucker…NOT…It’s just what I predicted it to be.B O R I N G….ZZZZZZZZZZZ tune in tomorrow when Leah does her nails and Cam works out while T,kor and the flying Hyaiian try to figure out why everyone isn’t playing their game…hmmmm. Then be sure not to miss Joseph recapping his amazing season move for move he is truly a mastermind in his own head..Trust me Angela isn’t the only person in here that needs meds and those who wanted Tucker gone could use a dose themselves…..
I am so sorry you have been denied your Tucker/Rubina porn, maybe he can start an Onlyfans.
I’d take boring any day before I’d live in a house with that loud mouth person who has to be center of attention & expects everyone to do what he wants them to do blindly & without question. I don’t miss him at all. Now if that fake accent went and took along that mustache, I’d be in hog heaven.
loud mouths you hate, so you hate BB10, BB6, BB7. Yeah, people like you help the show
Tucker is not going to win anyway. He’ll just going to keep winning but lose the $750,000. It’s good that he decided to quit and take the $20,000. Nobody is being loyalty to him. cause t’kor and kimo are not trusted people. And Angela has a big mouth and Joseph is eeky. Why would you be ally with them? That was a mistake right there. Other house guests will be jurors and he won’t be able to get their votes. He should have never volunteered as a pawn. So don’t be blaming T’kor.
Fell off my chair.
Self righteous whiny T’kor just told Kimo that they’ve never been the ones to flip if you think about it, they’ve never flipped in any scenario.
No really, this woman is saying they aren’t flip floppers. Ma’am. Puhlease.
I’ll wait for everyone’s eyes to stop rolling… get your nose plugs ready this is going to be a ton of bullshit.
So because she goes into every situation thinking she’s at the bottom if it isn’t all her favorite people only doing what she wants and putting her game ahead of their own… she isn’t flipping. She doesn’t see the similarity between Cedric and Tucker’s evictions AT ALL.
That’s REALLY important to me when it comes to a winner, so sorry, not boarding a T’kor for the win bus.
It’s Quinn’s fault. The Cedric vote. The Tucker vote. The Kimo and Rubina noms. ALL ON HIM…. they bear no accountability. I mean…. is this bish for real?
Now she’s back to why isn’t it the white girls on the block.
Remember how I said I was in a noping mood…. my finger is twitching. Never thought it would be twitiching about T’kor.
STFU T’kor. Own your damn game, Quit being so damned prejudicially biased and judgmental about everyone else….. She’s on realllllly thin ice. Say it again. REALLY THIN ICE. And… it’s sad because I don’t dislike her or her thoughts on strategy when she can separate her personal bias and dumptruck full of deniability manure from game… I just think she’s the most biased houseguest we’ve seen in a while.
WE”VE NEVER FLIPPED????? HONEY. Go wash you mouth out with soap… and maybe change into a diaper because right now you are being a sulky toddler with shitty drawers.
I’ve been feeling a nope vibe coming Tkors way for the past day.
I’m really trying not to do more than a couple nopes a season. I give my gut level nope, and then it’s gotta be too much prodo manip for one houseguest’s benefit, or something i morally can’t abide…. or it’s gotta be bad dumb game.
Angela got gut level.
Tucker got prodopet nope. It’s principle. don’t tip the scale so much for one houseguest so that the other houseguests KNOW prodo is doing it.
Chelsie was close in week three. But i couldn’t justify it… she was just annoying the hell out of me. Her camtalking was setting my teeth on edge.
Rubina has 24 hours left on the clock to prove she can game without it being about showmance. Pokes with stick… doooooo something….. I’m even calming down on her. I was more pissed when it was active showmance blithering taking over the feeds for hours.
the Godots have each had moments…. him for that damn bowl and spoon clacking slurping in every whisper game talk and general sadsacking…. her for lack of game ownership.
Makensy almost got it for lack of game until she turned lack of game into her strategy.
That’s why it’s just blindfold giraffe now. Because she made being clueless about the game into her game. That’s…new.
So yeah. I’m in a frustrated nope state. But I’m taking it seriously because this season isn’t so bad that i should be noping every other day, since there is no unnoping a nope.
When I read your comments, I imagine an animated version of the house with your nicknames as the characters. A blind giraffe running through the halls is my favorite while the Godots are huddled together under blankets on the floor by their beds endlessly whispering as Dirk Dastardly stands in the shadows in the corner of the room stroking his mustache only now as a platypus.
OMGosh Kimo is the worst about talking while eating with food in his mouth slurping his Ramen soup! 🙁
Two pictures of Leah at the grill, looks like she’s gained a few. Butt and gut look bigger. Food must be good.
maybe when she said she was a chubby chaser she meant signing up for BB was a summer of free food to pig out on. this is nothing new though. lots of HG’s gain a ton of weight while on the show. Jun in season bb4. Jackson on bb21. among many others.
Dat ass tho!
How crazy is it that everyone wants to work with Tkor? She should be everyone’s target after blowing up the Pentagon/Collective and 6Ave knowing Tucker would be voted out if still on the block. Anytime anyone has a plan in that house Tkor will destroy it.
anyone keeping a tracker of how many d/rs people have gotten, possibly weighted to filter for comp participation, hoh, and nominations to get a real sense of who’s getting a russell hantz edit and who’s getting purple kellyed? my feeling is the order is something like makensy, chelsie, quinn, angela, t’kor, kimo, joseph, leah, cam, rubina with tucker maybe trippling what makensy was getting before he was voted out.
In honor of Quinn’s HOH, here is a list of everyone who has blown up Quinn’s game.
Makensy and Cam were talking game… and I wondered to myself how hard did i fall out of my chair when T’kor said they aren’t flipfloppers…. did i hit my head… am i concussed?
Mak Chels and Cam seem to be a game talking trio today. They want to push Joseph renom if required. They also want Angela out now. Who knows what happens.
I did say there’s a world where that whiny trio stays intact.
Something funny: while Quinn is saying that anyone coming for T’kor is going down…. T’kor is plotting 5000 ways to murder Quinn in her mind. She’s at the I won’t be friends with him after the season point in her sulking. REMINDER: not only is she not a nominee…. she’s 100 safe right now. eyeroll.
Leah is slightly pushing the Joseph is no bueno line to Quinn. Chelsie got in her head a bit today I think? Who knows with Leah what makes Leah do Leah. Could JUST have easily been Joseph telling everyone he’s getting more screen time than they are (he isn’t he has the lowest d/r count as of Tucker’s eviction). LEAH CRAVES SCREENTIME… those underwear aren’t going to sell themselves. She’s one d/r above Joseph.
T”kor is now revising what she would have done last week had she known this week would be what it is right now. No really T’kor… enough. This is how T’kor faces even peripheral adversity….. now I want to see her on the block. not evicted, just give her an actual reason to whine.
Rubina is pushing that production is mad at the houseguests because Tucker is gone which fits with Makensy crying that America hates her last night. The edit gave her gotcha spotting as Arena winner… so what’s going on? Was prodo hoping the grill would blow up on them? It’s happened before. No nappng calls are back on the regular now that Mr. Naps when he wants without reprisal is gone.
Quinn just got called out directly by name for microphone obstruction. His respone: I get it, I sent him home. Tough shit.
I told you, the house was hyper aware that Tucker was getting the production grease.
The houseguests are talking like they’ve been held hostage for six weeks and now they’ve been freed. Told you: fear state was what Tucker was doing. Then there’s the stockholmers… identifying with their captor.
Jeepers. It’s Manson family big brother hosted by patty hearst.
Leah says one night she said good night guys to a bunch of the men in the kitchen and hugged Kimo and said Good night to him. She says a week later she was in trouble because someone complained that she had treated Kimo like he was not a guy feeds cut out of that room quick.
Quinn being Quinn is trying to make Leah the first lady of yet another version of the alliance….. but only five people. LEAH DOESN’T WANT ALLIANCE PLAY. Her gamestyle depends on playing people against each other. He suggested the 5 that voted out Tucker.
Leah is subltly trying to derail Quinn from making an alliance if you notice. Oh Cam and Chelsie are a showmance and have you noticed they spend a lot of time with Makensy. She’s only slick to Quinn. AND HE KNOWS she’s playing him but still simps because she makes his underwear feel funny.
I missed plan 3. the Kimo quinn plan. take Visonaries. add Rubina as Kimo’s extra, Chelsie as T’kor’s extra and Joseph as Quinn’s extra (couldn’t be Leah or Kimo’s head would explode).
SO we’re on plan 4 now…. and it’s been 26 hours since plan one.
NONE of the alliances EXIST yet officially.
DOING. TOO. MUCH. While simultaneously doing NOTHING.
What could go wrong?
JOSEPH Quinn Kimo Angela Rubina and random pick Leah.
“Tkor – we didn’t flip. That’s the thing and all these scenarios we have not been the one to flip if you really think about it. Kimo – that’s true.”
Really? You guys didn’t engineer and flip the vote just 2 weeks ago (week 4), go against your alliance (the Collective), in order to save Rubina, who was NOT in your alliance? Why are you laying there lying to each other’s faces, when you know you did that? You also considered doing the exact same thing just one week later against your brand NEW alliance, but because Chelsie won the AI comp, you didn’t have to. Well, good for you, you were able to remain true to your word, simply because Chelsie won, but that’s the only reason you didn’t flip TWO WEEKS IN A ROW against your alliance, yet you sit there lying to each other about how noble you are, and have never flipped!
This is why none of the alliances this season have held, nor will they. Nobody in that house is LOYAL to anybody else, with the possible exception of T’Kor – Kimo. Yes, Big Brother is an individual game with only one winner, but you usually have to work with somebody throughout the game, you are loyal to and will stand by, and that person will stand by you, through thick and thin, no matter what, in order to go deep into the game. I just don’t see that in this years group, other than T’Kor and Kimo, and frankly those two don’t seem to have the ability to win enough competitions to make it to the end (Kimo may be going home this week).
So where are the strong duo’s, who remain loyal to each other through everything in the game, allowing one of them to win in the end? Where’s the Dr. Will and Boogie? Jag and Matt? Derick and Cody? Hell, even Josh and Paul? Even Tyler, Kasey and Angela had a final 3 in BB20 (JD messed that up by winning HOH at final 4), but the concept is the same, they were loyal to each other and went deep!
We’re seeing none of that this season. Only back-stabbing, turn-coating, and new alliances created every week. Loyalty is the thing that’s missing that’s bringing all the chaos and “unexpected” to the house, and maybe that’s what the viewers want.
I think it’s the players though – they don’t have the ability or the desire to be loyal to anyone or anything long enough to build trust – either with their alliance mates or within themselves. The are so paranoid and so willing to CHOOSE to be dis-loyal, when they could choose the other path, you end up with nobody trusting anybody, and all you get is what we see happening now.
Quinn’s new alliances will last right up until a new HOH is crowned, and then we’ll see the construction of another new alliance, depending on who the HOH is, which may or may not include him. Bet on it.