Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tucker
Nominees: Cam, Brooklyn and Quinn
POV Players: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph and Makensy (Chelsie hosting)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Angela, Kimo, Joseph
5:45pm Backyard Hammock – Kimo and Angela
Kimo – I mean today is the day that anybody and everyone would talk
to each other about what’s happening. Angela – I still don’t know where Tucker’s head is at I hope he’s going to do what he said he’s going to do because Rubina came out here and she asked him that Chelsea and Brooklyn want to talk with him. Brooklyn got called into the DR right now though but it’s going to happen. They’re going to have a conversation with him and I’m so worried. She’s so good at talking. I wish I was half as good as her talking because I could probably talk my way through this game but I’m not good at that. She is, you should have heard her speech to me on my HOH night.
Angela – So I’m probably just getting in my head about it. And the weird thing is, I thought, well, if he is kind of sort of working with her because she’s a strong player and Tucker’s obviously a strong player if he’s kind of like the grouping, how the divide is kind of happened. He’s keeping himself very open to either way. And then if he would report back to her like that, I would want her to go home. I don’t know. So I didn’t say anything. I want to believe that Tucker is incredibly honest with me, but you know? Kimo – yeah, I know. Angela – cuz I do trust him a lot. I hope he does too. But I do know that there are other people that are in his ear and that’s the thing that scares me because I don’t know you know, everybody’s playing their own game and I played to protect people and that’s the difference. Kimo tells Angela that Tucker talked to him about how he wanted to make sure Angela felt included. Angela – he said that? I really appreciate that!

6:23pm Backyard Hammock – Brooklyn and Chelsie
Chelsie – How are you feeling? Brooklyn – okay, I’m just thinking about making sure I know what to say tomorrow during my speech. 2 second speech. Chelsie – So Rubina wants to continue a conversation. When you had walked out, Makensy was still in there and she was just like because me and Rubina were getting ready to walk out. There is no way anyone could be that socially unaware. Brooklyn – its okay, she’s a vote for right now so its fine. Vote-wise I feel fine. Brooklyn practices her veto ceremony speech – It’ll be house guest I appreciate and admire you all. Tucker you’re not only one of the best competitors this game has ever seen but you are an incredible human and I appreciate the person you that you are in the integrity and honesty that you play with with that being said I do not feel like I can rightfully ask you to use the veto because that would only continue to provide hurt your game and having to put someone else here I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to fight for myself in the veto and I intend to do that in the arena and I hope that my wanting to be here shows that I am a strong willed player and I value this game. Thank you
Chelsie – If the boy (Quinn) goes home, it’s 7 (girls) – 4 (boys). Brooklyn – Yeah, I said that, 7 to 4 with one of the boys being Joseph. Chelsie – You! Hypothetically if we got.. if the house got Tucker out next week.. it is an easily won woman’s game. Brooklyn – it is a two woman on finale night, it is 3 women on finale night and one being HOH and getting to pick the other one. Talk about wanting to make your season matter and being a freaking icon! Chelsie – The only thing is whoever wins HOH next week, you know it’s twofold. This twist has to end. That’s it. Twist has to end because he’s (Tucker) going to win. Brooklyn – if it doesn’t, he’s going to win this game. He’s just too good. Its not a social but even in social you can’t help but like him. Its just annoying. Its just so freaking annoying how good he is at everything. I would do it. I would put my next out on the line. I would put up Joseph and Angela.. and take one off or put up Angela and Kimo just to secure and then I would put him up and rally the girls. Like are you playing for second place? Are you playing for jury? Or do you want us to have a fair shot and have it anyone’s game.
7pm Backyard Hammock – Angela, Quinn, Kimo, Leah, Rubina, Chelsie and Brooklyn are hanging out and chatting. Meanwhile, inside Makensy is making dinner.
7:25pm Bumper Pool Room – Joseph and Kimo
Joseph – I’m not her biggest fan. You know that. But I’m, you know, but I’ll be fair. You know what I’m saying? The thing, the only thing I had a problem with was not coming and fessing up to it when somebody is getting berated by somebody else over it, that I have no respect for every opportunity to and over something like that too. That’s like, you’re already on the fucking block like, how much worse can it make your situation. I don’t know, is what it is. It’s just funny that, like, that’s the type of person who’s morally self righteous at times.

7:38pm – 8:03pm Backyard Upper Level – Tucker and Quinn
Quinn – Yeah, I know that I fucked up. I attenuated with Brooklyn.
Tucker – She told me everything and that you guys are in the final two. Quinn – Yeah. Tucker – Yup. Quinn – That sucks. Tucker – I appreciate you admitting it. Quinn – I’m shocked that she sold out the final two and won’t lie because we have been talking about that like the whole season and everything. It’s like that’s hurts. That’s crazy. But it is a lot more. That’s her real final too. Yeah, we had had like an emotional talk previous to that and then it like the conversation was like all we have is each other and everything like that and this whole time was like it’s just us too. It’s just us too. It’s like really good talker and I straight upset I was the one who suggested it because she just kept saying it’s like it’s just us too and I was like I was like well one of us going home. I was like what fun of us going home like we should at least put a name on it and then and then the next day she was in your room and I was like damn I
Tucker – did you fuck with my clothes? Quinn – No I did not. Tucker – no, I did know you didn’t I was running with it and I just wanted to say I wanted to ask you one more time but I know you didn’t I know it was Brooklyn the first what I had to run with it to stick with the fucking with our beef for that but I’m going to I’m going to make amends for that tomorrow don’t worry but. I could tell right away you would you that maybe can might have done a little bit but again it didn’t seem like it booking was the only person who said nothing in the stayed away I when you first brought it up I thought that you were f**king with me I was like
You gotta keep your mouth shut about what I’m gonna do tomorrow but I’m going to reveal a lot of shit. It’ll come out tomorrow and it’s just gonna be based on how people react or not during the speech. I think this game can be played a lot cleaner and you don’t have to I mean you have to just lie and deceive people at certain points but some people are loving doing that and some people are acting like children and yeah and there’s there’s a whole laundry list I’m gonna check off. There are names are getting thrown out left and right and there’s people in here that… you can be a gentleman and a gentlewoman and playing this game and yeah have you deceived somebody you can do it not in a girl f**king bully way, you know?!
Tucker – So there’s a lot of that shit going on and yeah, but I do appreciate you mentioning it and saying stuff. But again, it doesn’t, that doesn’t make me trust you at all anymore. I f**king threw you a bone, man, and he didn’t. You didn’t take it. I was dead serious about that just like I was on the wall too, you know. And I know you had your personal sh*t, and I told you, I don’t think, I didn’t think
that you would cross out. Quinn – Yeah Tucker – And I totally understand that but, yeah, I was raised to my own self, be true. I wasn’t raised religious. I wasn’t raised anything like that. I was raised to thine own self be true. And, you know, I’ve been a bully. I’ve been bullied.
Quinn – damn I’m not gonna lie that Brooklyn thing kind of, that kind of hurts like I was crying beforehand in my bed like I was tucked in bed and then she was talking about like don’t lose hope you know
remember why you’re here and all that.
Tucker – Yeah, there’s there’s a bunch of snakes in here and I think there’s one big fucking snake that’s giving birth to all these other snakes and a lot of people get tied up in it but it’s the name of the game baby!

8:25pm Dinner time..
9:10pm Backyard – Tucker teaching Tkor how to play pool.
9:25pm – 9:38pm HOH room – Brooklyn and Tucker
Brooklyn – I’ve told a couple people that I wasn’t campaigning yet. I respect your full HOH reign and that’s not over till tomorrow with what you decide to do with the veto and I personally don’t feel like you should use it just because it doesn’t benefit your game. Tucker – Yeah. I think it will just make shit harder and cause more blood.
Brooklyn – what is your plan when it comes to me because I’m hoping that he is the target and if I don’t take myself off and I’m sitting next to him he goes home my thing with Cam is I don’t know where people lie if it’s me and him I’m hoping that I’m still here but for you and I told Rubina today I believe that my time to win is really, really close and if that is if I’m here and I win HOH. I will protect you and I will protect her. The only person I have in this game is Chelsie and I’m like there’s no at this point in the game there’s really no reason to hide who you like and who you want here and I don’t have any problems keeping certain people or releasing certain people. If you’re open to it. I know I’m open to working with you and keeping you safe on the weeks you can’t because you can only win HOH every other week for sure. I’m not ready to go home yet and I hope I don’t. Tucker – I think between you and Cam, you’re fine either way. Big Brother switches the feeds.
10:05pm Workout Room – Brooklyn and Chelsie
Brooklyn – I went to put my towel away and it was when you and Cam were first play fighting. She (Leah) walks in and lays on her bed like this (laying flat) and just laying there and I’m like Are you okay? She goes I’m practicing patience right now and I was like from? And she goes just patience. I was like can I help you in any way she’s like? And I think it was Cam. I think it’s just like she can’t
stand that he doesn’t like he’s not cute in that like we all are playful now.
10:20pm Bedroom – Chelsie points out all the empty drawers that people won’t use but they’ll put all their clothes all over the rocks in the room. Chelsie starts sweeping. Cam walks in and turns around a walks back out because he was just sweeping that room while Chelsie was in there not that long ago. Chelsie laughs.
10:32pm Backyard Upper Level – The house guests are hanging out and chatting about random things.
10:43pm HOH room Cam and Tucker
Tucker – I don’t think you’re… like still a pawn up there. You don’t have anything to worry about. Cam – I know. I mean, I just, I don’t know, bro. I don’t know how people are going to act. Tucker – You’re fine. The main thing is see how people celebrate when you win. who went to who cuz you’re going to be at that seat that you’re in. You can see. You can see a lot of people’s expressions. Their first expressions really quick. Boom. Cam – Nominations, everybody ran to Brooklyn and Quinn. Not one person.. I’m like… I hope nobody’s gunning for me. Tucker – they’re not. Cam – I’m gonna let you go to sleep buddy. Tucker – I appreciate that. Definitely going to be here regardless. Cam – I know that so sleep good.
11:10pm Twerking lessons are currently happening in the kitchen..
Makensy & Rubina teaching Angela how to twerk #bb26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/WOLHg2nluK
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 19, 2024
11:37pm – 12am HOH room – Kimo and Tucker
Tucker – Chelsie never talked to me and she said she wanted to. Brooklyn talked to me. She told me that Chelsea’s the only person she trusts and that they’re a thing. Just like you and Tkor are a thing. And just like me and Rubina are thing. And Quinn admitted that he slipped up and I was like, yeah, I know you slipped up, bro. Brooklyn came and told me right away the next morning. He’s like, I thought that he was doing again. She told me about your final two when he and when she didn’t. I was like him (Cam) I’m like I said to you before bro like you ever pawn you don’t have to worry.
Tucker – I’m going to blow your shit up and I’m going to remind you of all the stuff you did. I didn’t say that to him it ended right there but I’m like but I’m going to I’m going to blow everyone sh*t up bro the f**king The Collective.. I know you guys have one I don’t want to like ruin your shit but you it’s The Collective The Underdogs that was you Tkor and Quinn..
Help keep the madness going!
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Chelsie really loves and tickles herself so very much. She thinks she’s charming us with her cam talks, especially about crusty boys and cracks. It’s preteen chuckles. It’s third rate cartoon humor, didn’t make the Ren and Stimpy cut.
And rather ironic to be bringing up such imagery, from someone who seems so put off by nasty hygiene practices. One might actually wonder if it’s actually some sort of repressed fetish of hers. Putting those Cam socks into bed with her as we speak.
Did I miss who “America”(CBS/PARAMOUNTGLOBAL PRODUCERS) named the AI Instigator? Or was it forgotten about and they just named Tucker sucking Angela te@t the winner?
Voting is still open until 22nd
So, the instigator will be “working” after the next HOH? I wonder what happens if the top vote getter is sent home on Thursday. Oh, wait, it will be whoever Grod wants anyway.
Grod decides everything. She’s the one who decides who stays and goes (by twisting arms in the diary room). She’s Big Brother, the houseguests aren’t. The houseguests are window dressing for Grod. Shame on CBS for allowing the obvious.
And yet we watch.
Who was it that messed with Tucker’s clothes?
They all think it was Brooklyn because it was Tucker, Kimo and Tkors stuff that was messed with but Chelsie’s things were untouched.
Brooklin admitted to Chelsie that Brooklin did it.
Chelsie prodded Tucker to confront Quinn for doing it.
I need Bleach for my eyes after watching Angela twerk.
You just know she’s going to be Twerking at the employees now while she’s waiting for them to get the manager.
I saw it, too. Her shrieking glee at having mastered it was genuinely terrifying.
Mrs. America wanted nothing to do with the whole thing. She has the dignity of her crown and scepter to consider.
it wasn’t the moonwalk.
I think we know where she’s been hiding the crown.
I’m not touching the scepter thought though. Don’t even want to know.
The shortest wall in history (ten minutes shorter than 25 fifteen shorter than 24)
means FBJ would have been HOH.
means Renny would have been HOH… Hell the whole cast of 10 would have except Jerry, who would have come in 4th on this season’s wall.
Brigette the broken foot girl lasted longer than everyone in 26.
OMA-FRICKEN-ROSA would have beaten all of season 26.
The wall was once a 2 hour comp. Around 19 it became a 1 hour comp.
Now it’s a half hour comp….
BBcan season 1 wall comp… Season 26 would have died. Over 3 and a half hours and involved ice water slippery floor and fans.
Tucker’s plan appears to be to expose Collective and Pentagon, then use Veto to save Quinn to make him look like the stoolie.
In other words, he’s hoping to iso Quinn in the house.
Kimo should sigh a big sigh. He’s the one that yaps to his crush.
Tucker told Kimo tell nobody about Quinn coming off the block.
Tanks meeting and Kimo calls out the discrepency when Tucker says the game time decision lie about the veto to Kimo and the women. Ladies and Gentlemen, the worst ally award still goes to Kimo.
Tucker tells the Tanks. Joseph doesn’t know, isn’t there.
Tucker says Chelsie is renom. T’kor offers no pushback and Kimo offers no pushback.
Oh we’re going to get another Godot chat again later….. no capitals sarcastic yay.
T’kor was even ASKED if she’s okay with all of this, she said yes or mmhmmm or a combination.
Oh now we’re DEFINITELY getting a Godot chat about how she was called out and nobody else was and she feels like she can’t trust them…. waitforit.
Prodo woke Joseph and sent him to the meeting so Tanks is now 6th Avenue meeting.
I’m starting to think since 24… everyone is trying to pull the bully card constantly for their reason to target. WHO IS THE SEASON 26 HOUSEMATE THAT IS MOST LIKE A BULLY?
he’s HOH and it’s part of his game strategy.
Tucker shutting down Joseph regarding knocking out Cam if Brook saves herself in AI.
OOOh yeah… we’re getting another GODOT kvetch session 100%.
“I told him in my head that he should put up Giraffe girl. I am not voting out Chelsie. He doesn’t listen to me or value my opinions that i haven’t given him.”
Anyone recognize Tucker’s game?
Grod has dug out her favorite chesnut:
It’s season 16 if Cody had actually called out everyone he said he was going to call out mixed with BBCan6 Hamza’s fragile ego…. he nominated someone for closing a door too loudly and took it as a person insult.
The intent of the strategy: make everyone fear playing the game their way while a hypocrite with impulse control issues yells and screams creating a fear state so that he can act with impunity. Soon nobody will be allowed to talk in a room with a closed door (remember that from 16?)
What was done in the edit? He was hidden week one in case his personality rubbed casuals the wrong way. Then he’s edited as a deductive genius… when really is seems the house is under orders to tell him everything. He’s often not edited as getting the information, but just using his observational skills.
Then there’s the comps. Remember how Prodo told Jackhole how to win the eggroll comp? Look at AI 3. and ask yourself the question you haven’t asked. Then ask was he actually IN the HOH sleeping when we know there is a Prodo access door in the HOH, and remember season 21’s hour long d/r calls for just the comp winner the next day… and Cliff mentioning practice time more than once about those calls. Then there’s the individual time veto. The head to head veto that…. is SO easy to rig….
And now the condensed wall that I’ve been saying outside end people have been winning for the last 3 seasons partly because they don’t get hit with as much goop and water, and partly because the incline arm is less jolting to the person on the end beside the mechanism.
production generally wants endurance comps to run about 45 minutes to an hour, so any time it runs longer than that the following season they’ll increase the goop and other stuff likely to knock competitors off. when it runs shorter they’ll decrease it. they’re kinda guessing, but each season is not the same.
I think they really wimped out with the wall comp, but, I also think this one was particularly messy. That first shot really covered everyone, when in the past, as I recall, they were more just splattered. However, I noticed that the second blast, the red/pink one, pretty much missed Tucker’s face, not so any of the others.
It was the light blue one that really covered EVERYONE, and seemed to bother them the most, IMHO! That was a LOT of goo!
I saw somewhere where it said Tucker had socks stuffed into his pockets, and he was using them to wipe the goo off his hands. Pretty smart on his part to plan for that, although it does seem like that little “trick” would give him a huge advantage over the others. I wonder who advised him to do that? Cody? Maybe a “suggestion” from his friends in the D/R?
Tucker is already floating the idea of the 4 (Tuck, Rub, T’Kimo) making a side alliance with Skidmark and Giraffe girl.
Why was Tucker so mad at Quinn again?
He’s trying to keep Cam and Mak in the game…. because his ideal was always a jock brodown. Everyone keeps forgetting he formed 3 manlliances. This floatilla alliance isn’t his ideal.
Joseph telling Angela he wanted an underdog type winner not the jock compbeast running the game because it’s boring.
WHO does Angela love most? The jock compbeast running the game.
Tucker is mad there was an alliance made week one that he wasn’t part of because he told everyone he didn’t want to be in any alliances week one. I guess that means NOBODY was allowed to be in any alliances either. Remember? He got pissy that nobody talked game with him 4 days after telling everyone he was a lone wolf and didn’t want to alliance.
Tucker had said if they don’t get him out in the double he’s running the table.
Anyone in the room that didn’t internally say challenge accepted, come on double… is an ab-SO-lute moron.
Tucker doesn’t know the days.
ANY-one that has heard my pet peeve list in bb knows a houseguest that doesn’t know the days doesn’t deserve to win in my opinion. They have how much downtime? Not learning the days is dumb. Don’t worry, if Grod is really worried she’ll just rig up a days comp like she did for Cowboy years ago. He didn’t know the days either and won the days comp under the most dubious and unbelievable circumstance that everyone knew what had happened. Individual time comps be like that.
So the people in the HOH just learned Grodboys Kryptonite… and they plan to help him study. facepalm. Yeah…. thatthereissomeboooollshit.
Joseph has successfully ratfink gamed to take Quinn’s gameplan away from him piece by piece in his little Highlander bb superfan grudge match.
Jospeh’s BIG problem… in any sign of adversity he ghosts. The people that he’s taken from Quinn… require near constant stroking and ghosts can’t be there to do that. See week one when both Matt and Angela each confronted Joseph for trying to play ratfloater. He disappeared completely and lost all social capital for nearly a week. The pickups he got being T’kimo, Leah, Angela… they REALLY need too much too often to pull that ghost.
Would love to know who you are? Podcaster?
I don’t have any idea who un autre nom
is but I really enjoy reading what he/she has to say. Very insightful.
To be fair. Tucker so obviously has ADHD. Learning random rote material is a cognitive deficit for him. My kids wouldn’t be able to do it, either, and it’s literally brain drain pain that uses up limited bandwidth resources.
What is a Godot?
T’kimo. When they endlessly discuss in circles and do nothing it reminds me of the play waiting for godot. So i call them the Godots.
I have been enjoying your analysis for weeks. Similar to the previous poster, I agree, your writings are very insightful and thought provoking.
I love the way Tucker has totally taken control of the house over the last few weeks. He has flipped this game 180 degrees. If I were him I would get rid of Quinn or Cam before Brooklyn.
I love that Kimo and Tkor had the stones to make a big move.
I want Cam to win. He does absolutely nothing! I would vote for him if he were in the final 2. Doing nothing is hard to do!
Without his mustache Joseph would be invisible.
On the feeds now….Brooklyn, how can you lie soooooo perfectly centered in the middle of a swinging Hammock…….you really do have perfection dysmorphy
Feeds down 1 hour 15 minutes +
Feeds return to tension no open arguing.
Tucker used Veto on Quinn and renom is Chelsie. As planned.
Tucker is telling Mak the why.
Mak thinks Tucker, Rubina and Mak are screwed now.
She got the same information as everyone else in the veto meeting… but she”s door knobbing.
Tucker lies: Brooklyn wanted Mak as the renom. TOTAL LIE.
Mak…. is spilling everything Brook and Chels have been saying to her all week to Tucker.
Brooklyn and Chelsie are explaining themselves to Rubina.
Chelsie is mad at Joseph and Quinn.
Everyone in the collective got bussed and we missed it.
Chelsie and Brooklyn threw T’kor, Kimo and Joseph under the bus.
Brook twists it, the Pentagon wasn’t the core, T’Kimo and Quinn were the core, and Brook never outed her final 2 with Quinn to Tucker. She did.
QUINN, now a VOTE… is getting thrown under EVERY bus. See my Strategy for the Veto Meeting Prediction. This is the plan. ISO Quinn.
Quinn tells Chelsie that he exposed the Pentagon because it was really a three with two add ons of lesser value. That’s exactly what the Pentagon was. The pentagon was extra numbers for the CCC Core.
Chelsie is pulling the “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” routine. She has Quinn’s promise for his vote.
Brooklyn is spiralling and crying about being called out like she wasn’t planning a call out but got beaten to it.
Cam is just… well he’s probably wondering if his latest fart was a shart.
What’s Tucker’s reasoning for removing Quinn from the block?
Giraffe girl is comedy.
God speaks to her….. I imagine God nudging an angel up there and saying “watch this, this oughta be funny…”
Every time she gets game information… she processes it 180 degrees from reality.
Keep driving blindfolded backwards down that one way street the wrong way at 80mph Giraffe girl.
You’re doing fine. It’s fine (dog in room on fire meme).
If you don’t see the comedy in the fact that this doorknob seems to be playing season 27 because her reads are SO far from reality…. oh come ON.
ugh here we go. the gender game..