Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo & Angela
POV Players: Makensy, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Chelsie and Leah
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
1pm Kitchen – Cam, Chelsie and Makensy
Cam and Chelsie are pushing hard to get Makensy to use the veto on Rubina and to put Leah up as the replacement nominee.
Makensy – Did Rubina tell you that they stayed up all night last night about Leah talking about trying to get you out. Cheslie – I saw Leah talking to Kimo and Rubina till like 3 or 4am. She is trying to grab them on her side because she knows that Angela is going. She(Rubina) hasn’t talked to me yet but she said that she wanted to. Makensy – I was talking to her and said that if one of them did take themselves off this week I would have put Leah up. F**k that sh*t! Chelsie – last night I peaked my head out there when they were talking and Leah looked so startled. She knows that Angela is going and she is trying to do them three and us three. Cam – someone’s got to put her up. Chelsie – Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Makensy, she has her best interest in mind. She does not have yours. Why would you go to Rubina and tell Rubina that. Like you just voted her closest ally out or put her on the block. Makensy – idiot! Cheslie – you’re considering jury management but jury is more than her. Jury is going to consider the types of moves that we all make. Makensy – I just fee like here’s my thought process now that I’ve already put Angela up. Chelsie – you need four votes. Angela cannot control that. Makensy – no its not that, now that I’ve put Angela up, those two would take Angela over Rubina. Chelsie – no Leah is their number one target. Makensy – that’s why I am keeping Leah here. I don’t think they’ll target Angela. Cam – I absolutely think they will. Chelsie – they for sure will. Angela and Leah are the biggest reason why Tkor is not here. And they both verbalized to me that Leah’s their priority and then Angela is right after that. And Leah’s going around saying Kimo and Tkor and Angela are the biggest threats .. and Rubina’s aware of that. Makensy – I am aware of what she’s doing and that she doesn’t have my best interest. Chelsie – she does not have your back what so ever. AND if we get Angela out, she (Leah) is even further more going to be in their (Rubina/Kimo) ear. Makensy – yeah. Chelsie – whereas if Angela is still here, who is Angela going to gravitate towards more? Us three, not them two. Makensy – I don’t think so.
Cam – I think take the shot when you have the opportunity if you have the time to take the shot because you never know. Makensy – I really feel that everybody will take that shot next week. Chelsie – BUT what if Leah wins?! She is putting at some point all three of us on the block together. Cam – and she told Rubina that she would. Chelsie – you have to take it while there’s an opportunity cuz in this game anything freaking happens and there may not be the another opportunity. I think you would gain respect of the house and jury making that move. If she’s never been on the block. She just make a big move with Tkor. Never been on the block in 10 weeks and then all of a sudden you get her out .. if we look at it objectively Leah is one of the bigger threats in the game. Cam – the biggest threat. And with AI arena, we had three people going up and she’s never touched the block. Chelsie – and you’re breaking your back to protect her and I am telling you the moment she gets the opportunity the three of us will sit next to each other at some point. And especially because of her frustration of how close me and you are specifically. She doesn’t like the tactics that you’ve stolen her social tactics to get close to people in this house… her words. Makensy – what the heck have I done other than be me. Chelsie – that’s what I’m saying! Makensy – I just really don’t want Angela here. Angela is not going to touch Kimo. And I don’t think Angela is going to touch Rubina. Cam – I think Angela would. Chelsie – if Leah is out, Angela is going to shift her whole strategy. She is going to run towards you. Makensy – she (Angela) is just going to get by again though. Cam – but then its going to be the same people gunning after Leah, gunning after her. And she is going to do whatever you do now. Makensy – I don’t think she will because she is feeling some sort of way since I put her up. Chelsie – she has NOBODY in this game. Cam – literally no one! Chelsie – that’s in the event that you get Leah out, she would have zero people in this game. She is going to be indebted to you. Cam – and Leah is the only one causing the problems. Not Angela, Leah is the one causing problems for everyone in the house. Literally everyone! And you have to think only one person is going to win, the rest are going to be in jury. If you get that person out, those are the jury votes. Chelsie – that’s your jury votes. When you make a move that everybody in the house wants, that’s your jury votes. Makensy – I just didn’t want to use the veto this week. Chelsie – she has proven during Quinns HOH the type of player she is. You have to read it for what it is. Now that Quinn is gone she’s now Quinn’s my closest ally. He was the closet thing to me. But you went against his wishes because he only asked for one thing and Angela would have been out that week. Not only does she go against his wishes, she uses it on the person that he wanted to go home. The jury is going to vote for someone who takes risks. People who win this game are people that have to make really difficult decisions. Makensy – I just don’t want her fucking here. I wanted a normal week. You know?! Chelsie – But then next week, one of us are going to win. She’s going to be put up and we’re going to have to deal with the whiny Angela, not you. Makensy – No, I will. Chelsie – That’ll be the last week we have here. Makensy – that’s valid. Cam – And that’ll be another unanimous one. As they’re talking Leah comes through the backyard sliding door and the conversation ends.

1:40pm – 2:10pm The conversation turns to talking about relationships
3pm The house guests are hanging out in the kitchen chatting about random things..
3:24pm – 4pm HOH room – Rubina and Makensy
Makensy – I’m trying to figure out if she’s saying anything about me. Rubina – No, I think it’s more what.. her concern I feel is about you and Chelsea’s closeness more than hers and yours. Makensy – Yeah. Rubina – I would say that she’s becoming aware of like after last week. Can I ask who you think you see as a final three? Makensy – You, me and Chelsie. Rubina – I also feel that way. I will be honest with you I don’t have a good chance at winning… lets just be real. But if I can be a part of making that historical moment happen I don’t care who wins. For me that is just bigger and better than any other.. Makensy – yeah. I am worried about Leah. I don’t know where she stands. I don’t know what she is saying. I am debating taking Kimo off and putting her (Leah) up. I do want Kimo here. Rubina – Kimo is better for your game. Makensy – she has not spoke to me all week. Rubina – WHOA! Makensy – it puts me in an uncomfortable situation, I could lose her vote as a juror. I’m like, in all honesty, would that make you all feel better though? Because I’m still going to be here. Rubina – I think. yeah, it would be a big move. Makensy – Yeah. Rubina – yeah I think getting Leah out.. yeah. If Angela won, I don’t think she would put up me or you. Makensy – unless she is pissed at me for using her as a pawn. Anyone that sits next to her always goes home. I was like its not happening but now its like its just happening again. I’m just saying it’s just hard to just again I’m building her fucking game for her and I’m tired of it. Rubina – Yeah I know.
Makensy – I’m guaranteeing last night she talked to you and came out about trying to probably go against Chelsea came and I or was it just more Chelsea? Rubina – not specifically but more just trying to it’s like she hasn’t gone to the point of like throwing names she’s buttering she’s just more like I’m so glad you guys are here like no
my do you know didn’t you just put us on the block that’s where I
was I was like wait now we’re your people because we’re here but
we almost went but now it’s more like buttering up part first and then probably I see the steps. Makensy – I think it’s so funny nobody thinks that we’re as close as we are. Rubina – yeah. no one, I love it. Did you talk to Chelsie about this? Makensy – A little. She is aware that Leah is placing discernment. Does Kimo want Angela out? Rubina – no. Makensy – do you think Kimo would put me up next to Angela? Rubina – no absolutely.. he does not have that. Makensy – especially since I am thinking of taking him off so I hope he knows that I really do want him here. I am leaning more towards doing it, than not. I am trusting that if I get Leah out this week that next week y’all will aid me in getting Angela out. Rubina – of course. They start talking about what it will be like outside the house. Leah joins them.
4:20pm HOH room – Leah, Rubina and Makensy
They talk about Tucker and Matt. Makensy – Matt could be married by now. Rubina – no way, its only been two months. Makensy – he’s ready for that. He’s ready to settle down. We talked about it but I’m not ready for that, I’m only 22.
4:30pm Backyard – Angela and Cam.
Angela – I am sick to be up there again. But, you know, it is, it is the game. And I understand that, and it’s easy to put me up I adore Makensy. I hold no ill will for her to do that. I know she had very limits, you know, limited people to choose from. And you’ve been up quite a bit too. There’s no point. And, you know we’re being the head just come off of being put up. It would have been unfair to do that to her. So I’m okay with it, but I just wanted to know, maybe, like, if it comes down to it, where and there’s a real, a real a real chance that she doesn’t use the fetal just because of the reasons that she gave me for putting me up, is that, you know, she doesn’t, on her HH, just didn’t want to ruffle too many feathers right now, which I completely understand and everything. But if she doesn’t use it on her, just didn’t want to ruffle too many feathers
right now, which I completely understand and everything. But if she
doesn’t use the the veto, which there’s the chance she very almost a like a 99% chance she does not. How are you feeling as far as who’s remaining on the block? And, like, just me, Adam, me and chemo, like on, obviously, whenever we talk about what would just be between us, I’ve never shared with other people that people say to me, I don’t know if you know that about me in this game, unless they’ve left and so, like, out of main Kimo, like, how do you feel as far as do you want me to be here? Or would you feel like Kimo’s better for your game. Cam – You don’t have to make any promises with me or anything like that. And I wouldn’t ask Kimo to make a promise to me or anything. Angela – I just feel like the only person I feel like that I can confidently maybe say would let me stay here would be Leah, maybe, she’s closer with Makensy than with me, and she’s close with Chelsea too. So I don’t know. I honestly hate petition against Kimo because I think he’s and his story is wonderful, and he’s great and
I love what he’s here for. So I don’t want to do that. So I’ll just go for myself and what I can do. Angela promises to not put Cam up if she wins. And that’s what I can do. I can do that for you. And then between us, that sounds perfect. Cam – But yeah, I would love to touch base again on touch base or Wednesday night or something. Angela – That sounds good to me. Thank you so much for the talk. I appreciate you and appreciate it. Cam – Of course. Always. Angela – Thank you, Cam. Cam leaves.
Angela talks to herself.
Angela – Chelsea will do whatever she wants.
Cam will do whatever Chelsea wants.
Such a floater but a good guy.
Upper Level – Leah is laying in the sun while Chelsie, Rubina and Kimo are whispering below about her.
Chelsie – I don’t know how you’re moving in this game, but the fact that Leah is so comfortable talking to you about me is crazy. Rubina – That is crazy. Chelsie – so that’s what he wants. Rubina – but she might still think that she has him in her back pocket. Chelsie – she does, that’s what’s so crazy to me. Rubina – Leah was trying to butter us up last night. Kimo – I know! Rubina – B*TCH you didn’t just put us up on the block. Chelsie – SHHHHhhhhhhh.. she’s up there.
5pm Bumper Pool Room – Angela and Makensy are talking. Leah comes up all freaked out. She says that she was taking a nap on the upper level in the backyard and heard people talking so she went over to the edge and heard them say SHHHhhh. Makensy – what did you hear? Leah – nothing really.
5:30pm Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – Angela just talked to Cam saying that she would never put Cam up. Makensy – she said that there are bigger threats in this house. Like Chelsie’s won all these things. Chelsie – I won 2 HOH’s and an arena. Makensy – that’s Angela saying that. Chelsie – Angela’s won the same amount. Makensy – she’s like I am going home over Kimo because I’m the bigger threat, I’ve won things. Chelsie – Angela is saying that I am a threat to a person that has double the amount of comps that I have. Leah is feeding her that stuff. Angela is never talked like that. Makensy – Angela was just like I don’t see you as a comp threat. I’m proud of you. Chelsie – Leah doesn’t have the ability to sway people in jury. You have to take the shot when you have it. I think because I play such a personal game, I get
worried about how much this will affect us not even for the game game but like after it’s not, you know?! Chelsie – people get over it.
5:41pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the movie night..
6pm The feeds return to Chelsie, Leah and Angela in the living room chatting. Chelsie – I can still hear them screaming up there (Kimo Rubina and Makensy are watching the movie in the HOH).
6:51pm Angela, Chelsie and Rubina are reminiscing about past events of the season.
7:05pm Living Room – Chelsie, Angela and Leah.
Chelsie to Angela – I believe you were perceived in this game up into this point is a great Angela, like dope Angela. I think I told you that last week like don’t you get in your own head in your own way when nobody views you like that nobody views you like at least I don’t view you like that so don’t get don’t get in your head 3 the people who have discernment see the real Angela and those are the people that you know people who miss read you forget them like you’re. Like you’re an adult person and you’ve handled this game the best that you can and have gotten better progressively along the way. Angela talks about how Tucker used the veto on her and then held it over her head later. Angela – it just made it feel a little less.
7:57pm The live feeds return from being block. Makensy, Rubina and Kimo are back from watching the movie. Makensy and Rubina comment on how they all would love it. Makensy – they were tearing up, I was balling! Cam – I would say it was a 9! They only thing that would make it better would be more memorable songs.
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Whatever Chelsie wants , Chelsie gets . Wow does she know how to play them all or what!? Cam is smart enough to keep his mouth shut and ride with Chelsie cause Cam knows Chelsie will take him to the F2 and he won’t have to do a thing just keep her happy. Chelsie didn’t like Leah flirting with Cam or even appear like she was.. well if Chelsie’s gets her way( she is good at planting discord) Leah will be out that door. What astounds me was Chelsie telling MJ if she put Leah on the block she would have the respect of T’kor. Say what now!? MJ is now having doubts. If Chelsie pulls this off with Cam continuing as her yes man and Kimo and Rubina falling in line with their orders from T’kor to stick with Chelsie, then Chelsie really really deserves the win.
Another red flag for Curly Sue to not trust Chelsie but she’s too dumb.
Umm What? Rubina isn’t on the block. It’s Angela and Kimo!
During a group talk about making eye contact when talking and Cam said he can barely make eye contact no matter what he’s talking about, he starts crying. They laughed a bit and then he truly started crying. It truly didn’t seem like acting.
He said he knows it’s because he has mommy issues. Has he ever shared his backstory?
Cam’s mom died when he was young.
What Chelsie is doing is trying to get rid of Leah, so MJ is left in the double. Having Cam take MJ out or Angela (Angela said yesterday she wants to work with Chelsie.). then get MJ out in the double. You say what if MJ wins veto . Well she might but no matter, Chelsie rules MJ’s mind so Chelsie will tell her what to do should MJ win veto during the double. Look at what Chelsie and Cam get echo chamber are doing to MJ now. It was effective . Whose left? Only the folks who would walk into traffic to be Chelsie’s F2..And that folks is how you play the game with the cast you are with. Oh how I wish there were a Janelle or Danielle R in there so Chelsie had a real challenge.
We’ve reached the point in the season where Paras and Kaela are trying to convince Erica to nominate and target Plur.
Wasn’t believable then… isn’t beleivable now.
If Mak goes through with Chelsie’s plan, you will be right that Mak will likely be juror #4.
I’ve been fighting the feeling that this entire season has felt like a best of compilation of bbcan (including the hyper visible prodomanipulation).
I’ve decided to just embrace it. That means going with my gut about everything I see instead of editing my thoughts for the usual US Grodding.
If something feels shenanigan… It’s likely a Shenanigan. So….
The current plot is RIGHT out of bbcan 6 which has been the CHELSIE edit all season.
THAT part I’ve been noting since week 2. The veto uses are straight out of 6 and 7 as well (the d/r calls to discourage HOH’s from pawning Paras mixed with the this is not the alliance you are looking for d/r calls from 7). Tucker target on Quinn’s HOH was right out of bbcan11. Front door a comp beast stupidity while pawning an ally.
95% chance she uses veto and takes out her shield…. which is a staple of bbcan.
70% chance she’s juror number 4.
55% chance….. Chelsie and Angela final 2.
The passivity of so many of these HGs this season makes prodo shenanigans easy. Chelsie is the only one pushing her agenda forward, Leah and Angela at least try and fail, the others don’t even bother to try. Without Chelsie they have no built in season long storyline. So the one person who should be in the most danger, is the most protected.
Ainsley/Grod does have a new twist next week.
I just can’t with these. How is it possible that Chelsea convinces everyone to do what she wants? She is literally giving mj all the reasons why Chelsea needs to be nominated and evicted. These people are crazy!! Come on mj!!! Either put Chelsea up or leave noms the same!! I would much rather mj win than Chelsea and her 12 year old jealous teenage self! It’s awful.
She didn’t convince everyone to keep TKOR, MJ is just dumb & you have to credit stupidity sometimes.
Chelsie is about five years older than MJ so I keep thinking maybe MJ, who is 22, is just too young for this game. No. Is MJ completely blind to Chelsie’s mist? Yes. Chelsie’s thoughts: Leah you flirted with my almost boyfriend. You gotta go. I will get rid of MJ soon enough. How? I will have one of my minions do if for me after I make them think it was their idea.
When is the last time you have seen behaviour like Chelsie’s? Answer: third grade. When has it ever been effective ? Ans. : BB season 26 . Cam, with his “I can’t be ruffled” disposition is fine for the outside world and will serve him well there, while in the house not ever losing his cool, calm manner is great but he is not using it to his advantage but rather to get second place. Then again, it’s Cam who would be content with the good size amount of money and the fleeting fame that comes with second place. He wants to be on TV remember. As for Leah,if this works, she’s done. Oh well, she has her lingerie business she is trying to get off the ground. Maybe she should hire Chelsie or T’kor.
Leah flirting with Cam was like 20 evictions ago. Wouldn’t she be coming for Mak? I mean because she is currently “flirting” with Cam.
Come on. Lol
Remember Leah is actually coming for Chelsie. Why wouldn’t she target Leah?
Chelsie had a disagreement with Cam during the Jankie World disaster of a week about Leah and MJ. She accused Cam of choosing Leah over her if he had the chance. Days ago, Chelsie bought the same comment up again. Only today did Cam tell Chelsie did he think it’s good for their ummm ” partnership” to be seen as not so friendly. Cam assured Chelsie today that she is his number one in the game. He proved it by being her yes man as Chelsie easily manipulated MJ to use the veto and get Leah out. Chelsie can get MJ out anytime because she has MJ on lock. Leah represents not only a threat to Chelsie but also someone who is vying for her ” boyfriend’s” attention.
I’m getting so annoyed watching MJ. consider caving to Chelsea’s wishes that, I almost hope she does get Leah out and then Chelsea wins in the double and Boots Mackenzie. that would serve her Right.
In the past, I pointed out that MJ hasn’t been playing the social game properly, and then MJ fans went crazy, saying she is playing the game. Is that really someone who is playing the game? She’s just a servant listening to Chelsie. The moment she eliminates Leah, MJ will be doomed.
In her pre-interviews, Makensy admitted she’s not a superfan and recently go into “Big Brother”. She doesn’t know the history of some of the biggest and best players in the show’s history. It’s easier to influence her compared to Joseph or Quinn.
makensy has done a pretty good job of talking game with everyone. she’s just bad at solidifying alliances and has mostly put herself in a spot where she’s a little overly reliant on comp wins to further her game, which somewhat worked to her advantage this season as the ai arena made it dangerous to nominate comp threats and reconfigured some of the pre-jury strategy as a result (which i think partially really screwed up quinn’s strategy). now that that twist is over, she’s in some trouble though.
Of course Mak caves to the pressure by Chelsie to play Chelsie’s game. Mak was screwed no matter what this week. If I were her my reaction would be: “ok Chelsie, you want to hijack my HOH, you are my replacement nom, take a seat”. Would she ever think that? If that thought ever peaked into her brain, she would immediately smother strangle stab shoot drown and set it on fire.
Chelsie bugs me so much. Leah should have sent her home last week. Now Leah is cooked.
To be fair, keeping The Trio would have been too risky. We’re at a point where numbers mean more than social game, and having a 50/50 shot of HOH at Final 7 isn’t something to take a chance with.
Also, if Leah wanted Chelsie out, then she should have focused more on her throwing skills so she could have activated her Jankie Veto.
OMG!! I don’t care if Angela or Kimo are saved with the Veto.
As long as Leah is the renom, she’s finished! And then I want Chelsie to win the season. And if she doesn’t, I’m happy for whoever wins because it sure as hell won’t be Angela.
angela can quite possibly beat kimo or rubina in a final 2. i think she’d get quinn, leah, and makensy’s votes pretty easily and then it’s just a matter of winning over chelsie or cam which depending on the circumstances of their eviction(s) they may be bitter at kimo/rubina and willing to give angela the win.
Chelsie is playing MJ like a fiddle..Future contestants should watch and learn. If this happens (and it’s looking like the seed Chelsie planted to get MJ to renom Leah is growing) they sent in Rubina( remember Rubina’s role is to stick with Chelsie) to do her job and Rubina did it . MJ told Rubina “I want to get rid of Leah” of course Rubina immediately told Kimo that MJ was taking him down. Chelsie is no dummy and she knows how to play these**** for the long term. Yup, the win is in Chelsie’s pocket! Come on folks do really expect Rubina, or Kimo or even MJ to backstab or betray Chelsie? Even if Angela is saved again or there is another twist, this is not a strategically playing group, more of emotional playing group. Heck, Rubina said she would be happy just to be a part of history ( two women at the F2 – and NO not woman of color because she was referring to Chelsie and MJ,) she doesn’t even realize they wouldn’t be making history, two women at the end has happened before. MJ : the universe has given you TWO chances to get rid of Angela and what did you do? Leah you had a chance to get rid of Chelsie and did you? Angela you said you wanted to work with Chelsie- looks like you will get your wish and Chelsie will be left in the house with no one wanting to get rid of her. She’s the champion!
Makensky needs Leah. Especially if Angela goes home. I would not be surprised to see Chelsie go after Makensky next. Leah needs an Allie and Makensky makes sense.
Leah is Mak’s shield. Mak trusts Chelsie and believes Cam is loyal. Problem: Chelsie is the opportunist of the season. Cam has already said if Leah goes, snipe Makensy next. Chelsie did not disagree.
In order to watch this week, you have to disregard the first half of the season edit. That’s disconcerting. In order to make the current Chelsie is Paras edit make sense… it’s necessary to forget about the relationship between Leah and Mak pushed for weeks, in order to grasp on to the Chelsie and Mak relationship only introduced last week and only introduced as a weak for now relationship.
Ainsley gone, welcome Jankie. Leah is Queen of Jankieworld. The trio is in danger.
Angela won Veto. Kimo was saved by Angela. Leah considered Chelsie. Leah changed her mind. T’kor nominated. Chelsie wanted T’kor to stay (did they ever show that final 2?).
Cam and Chelsie argue. T’kor has to go to get Chelsie. Mak drove that didn’t she? hmm.
T’kor out. Candy stacking for power.
Zingbot tonight.
POST EVICTION / HOH in progress
Chelsie has 16. Cam and Mak told Chelsie T’kor was leaving. It wasn’t just before. drops to 10.
Mak wants to target a duo in her d/r. Mak has 6.
Current Standings.
10 chelsie, 6 Mak, 5 Rubina, 6 Angela, 6 Cam, 11 drops to 9 Kimo.
ANGELA AT 11 now wants to take a shot at the Cam and Chelsie side. Wants to protect Leah. ANGELA AT 29 DROPS TO 0.
Kimo and Rubina are sitting ducks… well Kimo is because Rubina has built better bonds with more people. Wants to avenge T’kor. This guy Cappies for anyone, doesn’t he?
45 MINUTES REMAINING… Angela 18 drops to 3. KIMO AT 20 DROPS TO 0. Angela drops 9 to 4. RUBINA AT 23 DROPS TO 0. CHELSIE DROPS 22 TO O.
ANOTHER WEEK IN JANKIEWORLD……. JANKIE DIES he’s getting murdered…. THIS IS SORTA TWISTED… THEY SHOWED CARTOON MURDER. my brain flips to who framed roger rabbit for a second.
Jankie’s source code was eliminated. SHE WANTS TO BREAK HUMAN SPIRIT. Everyone go Inside.
Chelsie gets the RIP Jankie spot for humanity… most she’s shown all season. IN LOVING MEMORY OF JANKIE 2024-2024.
Mak isn’t touching the trio. Duos are the target but which one? Mak put in work to build with Rubina.
Rubina is worried, wants her to go after someone else.
Angela is not so worried but maybe worried.
CHELSIE GETS STRATEGIC CLIP I’m going to translate
Angela has won multiple comps and is a threat. read nobody likes the whackjob.
Leah deflects that everyone else is a threat. REALITY: LEAH IS BOTTOM OF PYRAMID CHELSIE, and Chelsie has been green eyed about Leah since week 2. Leah could steal her people away like Mak and Cam… she almost DID last week while Chelsie was being a bitchy brat for 2 days.
Kimo and Rubina are worried. Without T’kor they need a new leader. T’kor ordered them to follow Chelsie so who are we kidding.
Leah says Chelsie is playing both sides, hard to read and stealing Makensy away.
Angela and Leah Conspire. Leah should have renomed Chelsie.
They worry Mak has been getting closer to Chelsie for the last 2 weeks…. more like month and a half while Leah was ditching Mak for the boys. Angela tells Leah to stay on top of Mak, buddy up constantly. LEAH DID SO….. UNTIL NOMS then DROPPED THE BALL.
FUNFACT: Mak didn’t like Leah anymore on day 4, wanted Chelsie to be her number one…. But Chelsie wanted Mak evicted to get Matt as her soldier that day. THIS HAS BEEN A SEASON LONG GIRLS RULE OF 3 EXERCISE. CHELSIE IS THE KAREN ALPHA, LEAH IS THE BECKY BETA WANTS TO BE ALPHA. MAK IS THE TOADIE THEY FIGHT OVER.
b)LOVE LIMERICK : ONCE WAS A MAN CALLED TUCKER, WHO RUBINA WANTED TO PUCKER, ONCE THEY KISSED, HOUSE GOT PISSED, AND SO THEY EVICTED THAT FUQER. So Rubina doesn’t rate her OWN Zing. But then 3 weeks of her ‘game’ was showmance talking ad nauseum. you got your showmance evicted zing. no… his yap got him turfed by throwing a comp instead of just turfed for breaking the bad words clause.
c) Kimo mattress salesman on the show he puts viewers to sleep.
d) Leah chubby chaser. so her man would be overweight and a certified dumbie chaser.
e) beast of big brother, giant feet massive jaws, 12 feet tall. Makensy. feet are dirty.
f) guided meditation. no thoughts. no impact on surroundings. never say anything of substance. THE CAM.
g) Chelsie. faith, no prayer with Cam. awkward zing. Me; dogs in crib get restraining order.
h) song just like Angela an annoying oldie. melting down. can’t stop crying. obsessed with men half her age. she’ll prove she’ll win the game. never gonna happen.
Angela is less impressed in montage. Is another blowup coming? NOMS KNOW THEY ARE NOMS RIGHT NOW… AND DID DURING THE ZINGS
KIMO: Big move. Angela target. Kimo doesn’t want to be pawn but agrees.
ANGELA; pawn to get Kimo. Everyone saves her… she’s a huge threat to us all.
Angela doesn’t want to pawn, wants Mak to take the big shot at Chelsie.
CHELSIE: take out Angela. Plant seeds against Leah… her target that is good for Mak in the game. Mak doesn’t want to pull that trigger and lose the jury vote.
Cam and Chelsie conspire about going after Leah. THE 2 will push again to go after LEAH. Brooklyn, Joseph, Quinn deals are brought up. Mak and Cam never approached for a final 2.
MAK BEING PUSHED IN D/R TO TARGET LEAH THE D/R REVEALS in a post VETO d/r put into the SUNDAY episode (sat night outfit and hair).
KImo. Angela. The whole house knew as of Friday night / Saturday morning.
Mak is sticking to her plan. Thinks Leah will not come for her next week.
Kimo worries that Angela is the threat.
Angela not worried. She is going to win veto.
Chelsie wants to cut Mak’s options and make Mak nom and target Leah to prove her loyalty before they shank Mak’s ass.