Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny Tucker
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself, Tucker nominated.
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa
9:30pm HOH room – Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy – Tucker and I have talked game. Tucker promised me that he
wouldn’t put me up if he wins, so I’m still there. I don’t think Cedric would put me up. I don’t think he’d win. I don’t think Cam would put me up. Chelsie – Yeah. Makensy – I don’t think obviously any of these girls would put me up. Chelsie – No. Makensy – So I
guess. And I don’t think Tkor would put me up. Maybe. I don’t
know. Unless you said she’s really close to me. Chelsie – if you won next week who would you put up as a pawn? Makensy – Obviously Angela and then I’d probably put up one person that I’m not game talk close to and it sucks but I would probably put up Joseph. Chelsie – I think Cam wouldn’t touch us because he is he is team Leah. Makensy – valid. Chelsie – Or he’ll never touch Leah. Makensy – I might put one brain and one brawn just depending on how it is. I don’t want to put up Kenny. It would have to be Kimo or Joseph. I just don’t talk game with them. Chelsie – they would have to be aware. Its just a number thing at that point. Tkor joins them. Makensy – I might talk to Quinn about it. This is just if I win. I would just be like I haven’t talked too much game with you, I love you. I don’t want to do this but like.. Chelsie – the thing that you have that is obvious that you’re going after Angela. Makensy – dude like she won’t leave me alone. Chelsie – everyone knows you’re coming for her (Angela’s) head. If you win next week, it is probably your easiest week to win. Its very clear to everyone what she did to Matt. Makensy – yeah. Do I backdoor her? Tkor – you could. Chelsie – but I don’t think there is a need to. Makensy – I probably wouldn’t. Tkor – its more blood on your hands. Chelsie – you would backdoor someone if you were afraid they would win veto. You are probably the last head of household that would have minimal blood on your hands. Matt you really f**ked me dude! Chelsie – At least Angela did. Makensy – valid. Chelsie – Matt lost the AI comp. Makensy – valid.
Chelsie – if hear anything where you might be in danger trouble by any person and I wouldn’t say, hey, watch out for them they’re going after you. I’d probably use the language of you should probably go
build relationship with X, Y and Z. Makensy – No, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Chelsie – So if I hear that, then then I will let you know. So you don’t feel like what the heck? But you’re gonna be fine but this far, there’s been no conversation of you. All the conversation has been Angela and Lisa.
Makensy to Tkor – How would you go about next week? You don’t have to say who, but like, how would you go about it if I won? Tkor – I’m not at the point where I know who I would put on the block. Makensy – Are there certain people you would be scared of winning? Tkor – I feel like I’d be scared of Kenny winning because I haven’t talked with him.
9:58pm Bedroom – Kenny and Kimo
Kenny – I am a little worried that the girls are all getting together and to be honest like usually the girls can stick together in this game but I think they can if they can get rid of Lisa them I think those that group can stick together I think they can especially with Brooklyn because Brooklyn’s the glue that’s going to hold them all together. So let’s see what happens I don’t know. They might start picking us all off one at a time. You and Quinn are the only two that really know the game. I’m like I’m shocked at how many people don’t know it. Kimo – I want you to win.
10:15pm – 10:56pm The backyard crew are playing skits.

11:05pm Backyard – Brooklyn choreographs a dance routine for the house guests.
11:39pm Bedroom – Tkor is sitting in silence. Meanwhile the other house guests are in the bumper pool room chatting and hanging out.

12:10am – 12:20am Backyard – Tucker and Angela
Angela – I’m right awake and seeing things for what they are and I know that you know 100 percent who has the other power. My boys next door are very tight and they know there’s no way they don’t. And the reason why Quinn did what he did to me is because he thinks I had this big mouth and I am not trusted. I want to finish before you speak. Please. Please. And he thinks I’m not trusted because I have a big mouth and I can explode easily. Here’s the thing. Even after he did what he did to me.
Tucker – I don’t know what he did to you. Angela – He completely. I got to say that word because I never say it.. Defamation of my character to Tkor. And I was a snake in the grass. He’s hurt me. Tucker – I don’t really bad details of that at all. I stayed out of it. I was in the kitchen. Angela – Well, I know you know about it because even you said you know who has it? Tucker – Well, I know that from from calling people out and reading their body language.
Angela – I already knew you knew because when I was up there and you were having that conversation with me when I was really hurting and you kind of came to my rescue. You kind of said you thought Joseph had it and you asked me did I know or did I have any idea you were looking at my face to see if I would give away Quinn but I didn’t. I want to stay here. I don’t want to expose this. I really don’t. I know it benefits you. I want to stay. I won’t say a word. You have my word on it. I know somebody who has it but I have not told anybody not one person promise on my grandbabies except for in the DR.
Tucker – I haven’t told one person I’ve only sussed it out from calling people out and it’s not Quinn. That’s not who I think has it. Angela – OK I want to stay. I don’t want to expose it. I want to stay. I’ve had four people that care about me say I’m going home. I’m the plan and it’s OK Stop! Don’t lie to me, please. It’s okay.
Tucker – then that’s not what I’ve been hearing. I’m telling you from bottom of my heart. Angela, Lisa is the main person. I would love to hope so and pray for that, but if they’re saying that to you, then that worries me because I volunteered because everyone knows I cannot stand at Lisa and I think she’s the snake in the grass. She’s not a chef. She has no cuts on her hands. She put way too much garlic salt in when garlic salt is garlic salt. She doesn’t cut things evenly. She’s a yoga instructor. She was giving people pointers during yoga workouts. This is all from my perspective that you have your perspective and that’s you’re entitled to that of course, but I don’t know. I’ve asked Quinn hardcore and he said no he said he busted his ass in that thing. I think that there’s two girls that have it and one of them is on the f**king block and we’re trying to kick her out and it’s not immunity that she has the other person. I’m pretty sure she has f**king immunity, but we think this has a double or triple vote. So we’re trying to get her out. I think Quinn has it. I’ve asked Quinn directly and he didn’t give me any tells that he has it and I know Cam is asking on his own and they all got the same thing. So I’m being I’m telling you as honestly as I can this miracle will happen if it’s everything just stays chill. Today was a great day the day before was a good day and and it’s gonna be moving forward. I told you I thought it was Lisa.
Angela – I told you that, I told the whole house.
Tucker – that’s not what I remember.
Angela – I totally did. I just did it yesterday and figured it out with her. Tucker – No one likes the extra dramatics. Angela – My exit would be dramatic. Tucker – That means that it’s not out of you. Angela – it’s out of me but if I go home this is gonna be so sad. Tucker – This is a game where you get duped and you got to go out like a gentleman or a gentlewoman. That’s why I offered to go up on the block. I’ve been a floater this whole time and I’ve just been observing what I’ve been observing and these are my observations as to why I think who has it so I think it’s going to be fine. Other house guests keep coming out into the backyard. Angela – Hi everybody.
12:25am Backyard – Joseph, Quinn, Lisa, Kimo, Tkor & Rubina
Quinn talks about how Angela was talking to Tucker about him right in front of him.
Joseph – Leave with some grace. Quinn – Yeah, yeah, dude. And then she’s like I’m not doing that. I’m not doing that stuff and I’m like you, you’ve literally done it multiple times. You’ve made a habit of it. Joseph – I wouldn’t let it get onto your skin, bro. Quinn – It just pisses me off and then like I’m not going to call out and get in an argument with someone who’s as old as my mom. I’m not gonna do that and go toe to toe with a 50 year old. It’s like she knows that and so then she’s like talking shit about me to Tucker right next to me knowing that like I’m not gonna do that. Joseph – she’s a bully dude. Quinn – Yeah, I’m just blown away man. Lisa – she did the same thing she talked about me while I’m cooking in the kitchen to the group as if I wasn’t there, but she knows I’m there. Quinn, we all got your back. No one believes it and you’re fantastic. Quinn – she’s talking sh!t about me right next me saying that like you know the personal attacks and I’m like f**k off.
12:40am Backyard Hammock – Kimo, Quinn, Tkor, Rubina
Kimo – Kenny might be someone (they can pull in) if he’s a lone wolf currently and he clearly can win competitions and he’s a wild card. Rubina – but is he interested in that or is he gonna just flip on it? Kimo – I talked to Kenny earlier and Kenny said he’s down. He said I don’t have any alliances. I think it was because he knows his game might be finite if he doesn’t secure himself with people but he said if there was like a big alliance that invited me then that might change my mind on things but he I think he is more like defeated because he’s not attached.
1:20am Bathroom – Quinn and Lisa
Lisa – Oh, goodness. Quinn, I love you. I think you’re amazing. Everyone’s gonna think you’re amazing. And the truth will, your truth matters. Quinn – Thank you. Lisa – Honestly, stand up for yourself in whatever way feels right to stand up for yourself. That’s what I will say. Quinn – I’m not gonna get in an argument with a lady who’s old. Lisa – You’re doing great, and I appreciate you.
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Odd weirdo isn’t he?
How many people did he tell “joseph, Kimo and Quinn are a thing” a few days ago?
Now he’s saying ‘the women are a thing led by Brooklin’ to Kimo and saying he likes Kimo and Quinn…. whu? They’re the only ones that know the game. Kimo over here playing will someone invite me to the coolkids lunch table. Quinn so overallianced he can’t make any nominations….
I’m remembering that Kenney is one of the bros power through cus only comp wins matter guys from last week.
He’s still tossing out the I want to quit, get rid of me.
The door has not moved. So…
play dead strategy?
Yesterday his targeting was the most alpha of the males. He named Tucker and Cam.
Meahwhile he is supposed to have something with Lisa and something with MJ and Leah.
is girlliance fear if Lisa leaves….
Is he trying to fear the guys into getting rid of Angela? OOOH the big bad girls alliance…. that never works because some woman will get in her rule of three moment and decide that girl gotta go, or decide to play meatshield strategy. eyeroll. Leah, Rubina, Chels, formerly MJ… looking riiiiiiight at you.
Odd dude. says nothing for days on end aaaand… who knows.
When it comes to the play dead strategy I’m not convinced…. but the door hasn’t moved. Sam told us in bb20: out the door take a right and then take two lefts then walk straight down the hall and out the door and you’re FREE. 13 days could have walked out at any time.
Lisa is annoying, Angela is the worst, but I’d vote out Tucker in a heartbeat.
Shhhh. Grod is watching. She lost her grodboy, she’s doing everything to keep her cop story….. and you go tempting fate by saying you’d take away her season wildcard paul type houseguest?
If she finds out……
I’ve often wondered, once their seasons are over does Grod let her pets roam free or are they kenneled in her backyard?
There will be no Tucker slander in this house
Rucker is not gonna win or Kenny
I agree about Lisa, Angela I liked at first but sges 51 acts like sges 22, I’m not fan of Quinn or Tikor! I remember Taylor was made fun of and sge won big brother and fav houseguest
I’m confused are they planning on voting out Angela or Lisa? Either one I’m good with them getting out. I think I would vote out Angela first even though Lisa would be better for game reasons. Do they even remember this is a game lol. Leah seems to think she’s on a dating show.
the casting pools for big brother, survivor, love island, and amazing race often intermingle, so it’s possible leah first went out for love island.
BBHOUSE26 Live Feeders are feeding NOTHING live! My eyes and ears are starving!!! Let me watch the show!!! Paying extra to watch fish swimming!! Truly upsetting!!!
BBHOUSEGUEST26 Joseph Live Feed time is worse like watching and hearing wet paint dry I rather watch the fish swimming…..
It drives me nuts when all 4 cameras are on the same subject!
Talk to Angela then big brother the live feeds are down because at any minute Angela could have a outburst say the wrong things and big brother could have a lawsuit on their hands so if they don’t podcast it and nobody hears it did it happen, yes it happened but nobody heard it. Big brother is protecting her and by the looks of it they are going after others before her so getting the live feeds back doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.
Angela outed Quinn’s possession of upgrade to Tucker.
Of course she did.
Is Everyone under orders to include Tucker? i didn’t say that. oops.
Tucker says It’s not Quinn. He knows because of his training.
Going to therapy doesn’t make you a profiler.
She included that he defamed her character.
Adendum: Regarding Angela to Kimo about Quinn after many feedcuts.
she wasn’t mad he misunderstood what she saidm that’s not what she said. She was “mad he told.” Her words.
Make of that what you will. In my brain there is a distinction to be made there.
So… what does Tucker do with this?
Since he knows everything and doesn’t believe anyone when they tell him the truth based on his snap judgements.
Angela’s campaign: if i don’t get evicted I’ll keep Quinn’s secret…. to the person she just revealed Quinn’s secret to. While Quinn is standing five feet away listening.
Angela is using the upgrade power to blackmail the holder. and making sure Quinn knows it.
That conversation is a demonstration of how idiots speak to each other.
Everyone deframes her character
It’s the victimnoise of EVERY Karen ever called out…. so OF COURSE they do.
So I’m confused because Cedric no longer believes MJ has the power in a conversation with Cam. Chelsie TOLD both of them.
Has a new production note gone out?
I was already weirded out by production (powers) being used as strategy.
Remember the rules regarding powers? last time they were discussed in 19 the holder could not lie about what the power does. However, the previous rule was you can’t lie and say you have a power if you don’t… i think that was 17 that we learned that.
The whole powers thing is getting stupid tbh.
I think it’s terrible how Matt Lisa and Quinn have viciously attacked Angela! Oh, sorry, for a moment I was trapped in Angela’s mind.
I’d love a scenario where Lisa wins AI Arena and Angela gtfos
But if it would be even more fun if America voted her out with Makensey’s power. Then she’d know all of America hated her, and couldn’t puff herself up thinking the others saw her as a threat.
Maybe it’s Quinn’s power. Whichever power has America voting the renom, that’s how I want Angela to go out.
Mckensy has the veto power with the America vote to renom.
Whoever eventually gets put up by America will be hurting badly. It’s cruel and rude.
@Simon @Dawg Could you please make public all of the videos I want made public?
Sure joseph, I’ll give it a look tonight.
Did you forget lol? @Simon
Hey Joe, Sorry I didn’t forget just a bunch of stuff came up on the site that Needed immediate attention.
I’m DYING for new videos of bbcan1 PLZ @Simon
Last night:
Did anyone notice there was an Angela dedicated cam for quite a while before she revealed the power? Almost like prodo knew Angela was going to do something?
There’s a break where she reportedly goes upstairs.
tinfoil me: d/r?
Back toddles Karen, and reveals to Tucker. Why Tucker when it is Quinn with the power?
That was odd. It. Was.
Considering how many and how much cutting we have seen regarding Angela…
(singsong) something smells shenanigan.
They must need that scene for the episode.We’ll see.
Kenney has mentioned targeting the superfans, then the alphabros, then the women…. so who knows.
Angela says she’d nom Brook, Chels, Tucker to target Quinn or flush his power.
MJ has good takes and bad takes. when they’re good their very good. When their bad they’re dismal. More dismal than very good of late. That’s what happens when you only talk to most of the house for the first time in week 2.
Leah. Her strategy is to get as many of the men wanting to keep her around as possible. In a usual season where comps are more male compbeast oriented… it’s a risky but not impossible strategy. HOW-EVAH…. she’s ticking off the women wanting to also use men as meatshields and being too forward and in your face with the men.
Chels has failed to ratify a house structure this week. A second HOH should be trying to nail down a house structure in order to move the game forward in a coherent and strategic fashion. I guess she thinks Pentagon is good enough? Who knows.
Cam. oh… what to do with Cam? he’s trying to plan what to do in week 6. In week 2. No talk of variables. That’s…. yeep.
And what ABOUT Cedric. WHY was he living up Chelsie’s ASS prenoms? He did 2.350 one on ones with the HOH…. and has been ghost since veto with her.
Everyone is telling Tucker their secrets and plans. Remember that season 19 moment when someone came out of d/r. turned to their closest ally and said ‘they told me I should tell Paul….” STILL getting THAT feel. Anyway… he’s in a good spot pied pipering.
Most I’ve got in terms of thoughts for now.
Why everyone hates Lisa’s food.
She’s the only vegan in the house they’re saying, and nobody wants to eat all vegan… with glitter.
Vegan, I wouldn’t be thrilled about but whatever….. glitter, however, is where I draw the line, that alone would make me hate her too.
She’s an event planner who opened up a party hosting business with her family’s trust fund. She has hired chefs.
What’s weird:
Tucker’s Profession.
Actor Model. Cook at a Chain Restaurant. Marketing and Sales Executive. Cia Profileer.
So… is he that Debbie from Survivor now?
What’s Next?
Unemployed Nuclear Physicist? Dolphin Wrangler?
I want to rate the housequests
What a tedious group! It is usually light and fun at the beginning of the season, but this group is so boring. I keep forgetting to tune in or even read all of the threads on this site. So I don’t know everything- are the girls Makensy, Chelsie, Rubina and Brooklyn in an alliance as they spoke about in an early episode? Kimo or Quinn should play floater spy- friend of everyone and enemy of none until later. Angela should have immediately made a secret alliance with the jocks (they could win comps and kept her safe), but hang with the girls (gathering intel). Kenny should have played the dad to all and stayed under the radar. Lisa is pretty unlikeable so get rid of her. Not sure about Leah, Rubina and Cam. Tucker, Tkor, Joseph and Cedric seem OK if not a bit clueless. I am surprised that there was no trick to keep Matt (is that the name of the guy voted on week 1?) as eye candy and phys competitor. There may be a second chance thing in a few weeks. I may not even know because I may be an ex-viewer by then…
Matt is home and posting on IG. No battleback.
Since mid week one I’ve honestly wondered if Lisa is mildly neurodivergent… or just loopy.
Honestly don’t know. It would explain SO much. Think of the way Brittini attempted game talk, and look at how Lisa game talks.
she could just be loopy and have no self awareness.
I don’t know.
Either way, while I don’t think she even remotely has strategy or ability or charisma to win… I’m a little tired of the treatment. It’s still really ringing out as season 19 to me.
IS keeping Angela an endorsement of Angela’s behavior? Angela will think so. And frankly, since the house is mostly giving the exact same behavior behind Lisa’s back… so do they. The pity regarding Angela’s behavior toward Lisa from people doing the exact same behind her back. Spare me.
Does big brother think we all like the new version of big brother? These upgrades right out of the gates, the bulling and maybe a plant, no live feeds. It’s not the same anymore. 3 people being put up another game having to be player to get down to 2. I don’t know not really enjoying it so much this season. I think these people are going to carry Angela to the end because they are scared of her maybe not we will see.
The first week of the season was fire, now it’s boring as hell, not really checking feeds as much. Maybe things will change of course but so far there are no players I love. Typically there are one of two I get behind and really follow but nothing yet.
Hopefully things pick up.
Tucker seems to be trying to form ANOTHER manlliance or ADD to Last week’s manlliance.
He is now aiming at adding Kenney and Joseph.
His targets, he tells Kenney are MJ Leah and whoever survives between Angela and Lisa (Angela is his choice but he doesn’t tell Kenney that).
Kenney warned Tucker before he warned Kimo about the threat of a Girlliance if Lisa leaves the women are running the game.
Andersons alliance was Tucker, Kimo, Quinn and Cam.
The visionaries (T’kor, Quinn, Kimo) are looking to expand with Tucker, Rubina and Joseph on the side. T’for wanted to TARGET tucker late last week, but Kimo is team Tucker because of the Andersons.
The Core want to keep Tucker as a side deal. Not sure if the other side deal Pentagon (Brook and Quinn) know.
I haven’t seen T’kor actually speak to Kenney yet. She’s been saying she will but doesn’t want to for 3 days.
I haven’t seen Kenney strategy talk to MJ or Leah since he told them word in the house would be they were renom and Kimo, Quinn and Joseph are a team. That was Sunday I think.
Cedric and Cam think they can pull in Kenney, because he’s playing Lone Wolf.
Anybody remember “Rubina Purple Cow” drink. It was grape flavored milk in a bottle. It was a treat when I was little. The Uncle Orrie show sponsored it
i think it was Ribena. black currant drink and/or carbonated soda.
aaaand another Kenney wants to quit.
the entire angela reveals the second power up was surrounded by evict me quips from Kenney.
then he has a join the manlliance talk with Tucker.
Now another quit session.
What are we making of this?
Again, playing weak to the women to make them not target him because he is playing dead and thinks there’s a girlliance? Or was the Tucker talk more ‘is this contractually obligated that everyone has to play along with the Grod wildcard player?’ stuff.
would threatening to quit in order to play dead be considered using production as a strategy?
Just asking.
Every season it’s same ppl, one that causes issues and drag others in
Like misiey likes company!
Usually I like guys on big brother this time there’s only 1 and I like 1 women
We’ll see !
Yep, past few seasons it’s the same: a couple old coots, a crazy woman (think Bowie Jane), a couple bimbos, a few tokens, an eccentric hippie/nerd, a few jocks, mix in an asian/middle eastern/Indian or two, and if a couple could be alphabet people too that always helps with selection. Production dropped the ball with the matchmaking attempt this year it seems.