Chelsie “Bye, Bye, Cameron!” Makensy “Bye, Bye! It was fun dragging you along to beat you.”

On finale night Chelsie and Makensy will compete in the final part of the 3 part HOH competition. Winner of that competition decides who to take to the end with them. The two girls speculated that Cam threw the HOH thinking that they will both take him to the end.

7:15pm Kitchen – Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – one more sleep.. Two more sleeps. Makensy – One more day, two more sleeps. Makensy – I am just so glad that I won. I know I keep saying that but seriously. Chelsie – it’s different. We’re going to finale. Makensy – So different! Chelsie – we’re going to finale with both of us winning. We get to see auntie Julie. Makensy – America is going to be like really?! Really. Like again!? I wonder if they’re going to choose. Chelsie – that dang jury. Makensy – no I meant us two. Chelsie – who we’re going to pick? Makensy – yeah. Its like really, I wonder what’s going to happen.

Chelsie – we had a whole unpredictable season just to have a predictable ending. Expect the unexpected. Makensy – Yeah. Chelsie – Expect the Unexpected! Makensy – Yeah. I don’t know what jury is going to do. Chelsie – who knows! Makensy – But whatever they do, we’ll be smart. Chelsie – Bye. Bye, Cameron! Makensy – Bye. Bye! It was fun dragging you along to beat you. Chelsie – the competition was so bad. Makensy – I am pissed I didn’t win the apocalypse. I am telling you God wanted me to win the trip. He was like girl, you’re going to win later, just get yourself a treat.

7:30pm Cards…
8:09pm Kitchen – Cam and Makensy playing backgammon.

8:40pm Maknesy has gone to sleep in the unicorn room.

9pm Bathroom – Cam and Chelsie
Chelsie – I was just reevaluating who’s in there and how I’ve treated them and I mean. Cam – yeah, I don’t think you have any bad blood with anybody. If anything, it’ll be.. I think you’re set up. I truly do think either way, you’re good. Chelsie – Thank you. Cam – I think Makensy will probably end up taking you if she wins if she wins so regardless you’ll be set up because that’s three solidified votes. You already know. Chelsie – I don’t know. Rubina’s speech kind of said otherwise. Cam doesn’t think so.

10:15pm Bathroom – Chelsie and Cam
Cam talks about the HOH comp he lost to Makensy. Cam – it is what it is. I stopped getting in my feelings about it after that video. I think it is what it is. If I was meant to win one I would have won one. Chelsie – you were so close. Cam – Yeah. I can’t believe I threw up today. Big Brother cuts the feeds.

10:25pm Cam heads to bed.

12am Everyone is sleeping..

9am Cam and Chelsie are awake. Chelsie’s doing her nails and Cam is playing cards.

9:30am – 11:25am Kitchen – Cam, Chelsie and Makensy sitting around the table eating, chatting and playing cards.

12:20pm Bedroom – Makensy and Cam are sleeping while Chelsie organizes/packs

1:10pm Bumper Pool Room – Chelsie is using q-tips to go through the days/events of the season

2:18pm Quite last full day..

3:21pm Makensy, Chelsie and Cam are packing and getting ready for tomorrow when they leave the house.

3:51pm The feeds switch to the pound cams..

4:38pm The feeds return to the house guest still chatting in the bedroom. They’re reminiscing about past events of the season.

5:29pm The house guests are playing hide and seek. Cam counts and takes two seconds to find Chelsie and Makensy.

5:45pm Cards..
7:20pm – 8pm Kitchen – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – the benefit for you is that you don’t have to do a lot of explaining. You’ve just shown. Its been very clear and the jury is not going to be like harsh and trying to get you to dig it out .. they know. You’re in a good position. You have nothing to worry about. Makensy – I think they both are. I mean since week one we both had a little bit ..working hard. Chelsie – you’re gonna be completely fine. Two women. Makensy that’s never been done before
and we’ve won more than half of the competitions since 45 since a
45 we’re going to win 17 together … 17, 17 isn’t that crazy. Makensy – I know. Chelsie – I know it’s never been done before.
so you’re gonna be fine. You’re a great speaker and your game also is a great speaker. I feel.. like you winning is me, is me winning and vice versa. Makensy – absolutely. Chelsie We deserve it. I do want to take a trip. Makensy – We should just do a trip together.
I had a dream last night by the way that whatever we do tomorrow we go into a tie breaker. Chelsie – Two women since the second half of this game running it! Makensy – he’s not even trying to.. Chelsie – he’s not even with me, you know? I think he would feel weird making it to the final two bumping one of us out. Makensy – I agree. Chelsie – and two believers that’s the craziest part. Makensy – I know that I was placed here by him. It wasn’t just by luck. I know that. And then I’ve heard from him in this house more than I ever have in my entire yeah And I told her, and I told you that. Chelsie – mm-hmm. Makensy – I was gonna come in here for another reason, other than just like this game. Chelsie – Mm-hmm. Makensy – And that whatever happens in this game is not by my doing, but it’s all God is how we’re here today and how everything aligned. Chelsie – Yes, we worked hard. Chelsie looks at the memory wall. Chelsie – Joseph was such a bad player. Makensy – so bad. Chelsie – I am glad he didn’t make it to jury.

10:15pm Bumper Pool Room – Chelsie
Chelsie is practicing her speech – I have the ability to talk the winning. first all glory and honor to God the first all glory in honor to God personally all going out of God. Secondly Jerry and Michael started from the bottom and now I am here early on another game I had alliance and so I was loyal to turn on me. I found myself on the block day 35 took myself off and that was the first and last time I saw the block of this whole season. Why I reposition myself in this game I told myself I don’t want to be a person that has to rely on winning to survive my way to the end though that is away I wanted to be able even if I didn’t win I would not least survive but I would arrive my way to the end. How did I do that? I did that in three ways I was TJI was also I was skillful. I was a teacher who I worked with. I was a teacher with every single conversation when I had them how I had them who I had them with is on a day that went by for wheat that went by that I didn’t reevaluate this house and every single relationship in this house number two I played Dan good social game even when I was on that block that one time y’all know it wasn’t the main target or the secondary target that is testament to my social game at any point in this game the house was put and I have all sides of the house fighting for me. I even was able to come in McKenzie today cam to the to the final three that assessment to my social game I had two people here at the end that I know would take me to the final two why I had the keen ability to gain trust with those that I worked with.
Yes, but statistically she’s played more competitions. I won 7 of 18. She’s won 10 of 24 statistically I’ve ever had the higher percentage winning. I didn’t want to get to the end as I only had 11 sided game I wanted a multi bath in the game where you can look at my game like a diamond no matter what perspective you look like you can say that was a beautiful game and that’s why I believe I deserve to win. I know that you guys both know please that you guys know how much this came and not only changed my life but being super kind of honored that would be the whole thing. It’s more than 90 seconds I need to go take a shower and then

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Facts Only

God I hope Chelsie doesn’t win. But it’s in the script so she likely will.

Team Angela

Are you joking? If you think this show is scripted, then why bother watching it and stressing out?

Facts Only

I stopped watching after Tucker evicted lol. BB22 was last season I watched in full. And I did watch most of 25. Most of 23, Almost none of 24 because it was complete garbage. I still come to check the spoilers to see if season worth watching. Does not look like it will be. Unless Chelsie loses. Also, no one is stressing out…


Team Makensy. Nobody ever wanted Chelsie to win, ever. Since her 2nd HoH I’ve been annoyed with her game play. Although she’s much like Quinn. And she filled that jury house controlling other HoH. Leah should have backdoored her. Ughh. Makensy played the physical half of the game and Chelsie played the mental part. Together a powerful force in BB.

Gan ainm

Nobody ever wanted Chelsie to win…. except for nearly every other houseguest who helped her, Julie Chen Moonves, Allison Grodner, and all the other producers and d/r monkeys behind the cameras.

Team Taylor

If Grod was as all-powerful as people claim she is, then we would have seen Tucker and Matt and Angela in Final 3.


Unless Grod & production wanted Chelsie & Mak in the final.

The Beef

Two white men who are the exact prototypes of who they DON’T want to win, due to how many of them have won throughout the history of the game, forcing them to change their recruiting standards, and a 51 year old white woman?

I don’t think you recognize why CBS changed those recruiting practices, nor the results they hoped and expected to see from doing so. Maybe if you look at the winners of the last 3 seasons it might give you a clue.

But you’re also the one that still believes Kimo’s speech saved him from getting evicted by changing Mak and Chelsie’s vote last minute, just because Grod put in some BS d/r’s saying it did, when we all know the decision was made 3 days earlier due to Joseph’s ego and the things he said to Angela, Mak and Chelsie. It was all seen on feeds and discussed here, but because Grod had a different story to tell, you believe that, even knowing it’s a lie? That alone should be enough for you to recognize there’s a big difference between what really happens in there, and the “story” Grod tells on the TV show.

Facts Only

100% true. Straight while Alpha males are the last person they want to win.

Gan ainm

Historically Grod loves her douche bag bros but season 21 reached critical mass for indefensible behavior leading to the paradigm shift that began with season 23 because of the backlash.

Brainiac's Daughter

For sure! Jackson Michie of season 21 made CBS look bad after the $hitshow that was Aaryn Gries, who made racist, anti-gay slurs in S15.
The Cookout seemed to be the reparation…and except for Couch, I was there for it. Payback for all those early seasons when any POC got evicted early. I have a hard time rooting for Chelsie because she was so manipulative — I have a hard time rooting for Mak because she was so easily led, influenced, and manipulated. Angela was great TV but so ANNOYING! Tucker was irritating, too. Gosh, they need to do better!


Which is why I’ll be glad when this season is finally over, BB seems to get worse with each passing season. It becomes more and more apparent production calls the shots & runs the show.


Watch something else …


I’ve watched BB since day one and I’m not stopping now. BB viewers can dislike a season and still want to keep watching (the same could be said of Survivor). My gripe are the houseguests initially chosen these last several seasons and production’s control over them.


If Chelsie or Makensy take Cam to the end, I think they guarantee themselves a win. This is perhaps the smart and strategic thing to do. However, if they keep their word and we have C vs M as the final two it will make for a more interesting jury questioning. Chelsie was better strategically, but Makensy was stronger competitively. That said, I believe C has the slight edge on M b/c she will be better at speaking to the jury and presenting her case a little better. However, if the jury becomes aware of certain things I think M could have the advantage of likability. I definitely don’t think Cam deserves the win b/c he hasn’t really done anything, but b/t the girls it’s a tough call. I would say that in this case either one is deserving and it will be interesting to see who gets the win.

Gan ainm

Makensy is more likable but that is all she has going for her. Her comp wins allow her to claim the credit of getting herself to the end but that won’t be determinative with this jury. At best she gets 2 votes but I wouldn’t be surprised with a clean sweep. Other than her wins Makensy played a truly terrible game. She does not deserve the win.
I say this hating to defend a Chelsie win.

Team Taylor

If it’s Makensy vs. Chelsie, this is how I see the votes:

MJ – Leah and Angela
Chelsie – Cam, T’kor, and Kimo

Rubina mainly wants a girl to win and I don’t know who she votes for in this scenario.

Quinn’s dilemma is either voting for the player who had the most control in the game (Chelsie) vs. the player who won the most comps this season (MJ).


But even to MJ won the most comps… Chelsie still won a lot of comps and could have evicted Mak in the double but was smart enough to keep her, which gave Chelsie protection when she couldn’t play HOH


Agree, well said.


What things are you referring to when you wrote , “if the jury becomes aware of certain things”

Gan ainm

If you watch this show for the competitions…stop, just stop, there’s no point.

Team Angela

This show is my favorite. Please don’t criticize it just because it’s not going the way you want. There are viewers who are enjoying it.

Greyson Stoehr

If you don’t want to read critiques, this isn’t the place to be, Team Angela.

Team Angela

“I can understand criticism, but it’s hard to see the efforts of the contestants and the production team being undermined just because your preferred contestant doesn’t survive or the show isn’t going the way you want.”

Gan ainm

I have watched every season and this is the first one where I couldn’t get behind anyone to root for. For a change this season didn’t have anyone I “hate”, I just dislike some more than others. I don’t care for Chelsie but based on game I think she should win.


We’re here to bitch and moan about a favorite show of ours… nothing wrong with that. We also express ‘good stuff’ too. This isn’t a sit com or drama, it’s on three nights a week for several months so obviously we the viewers have much to say, and grateful for this vehicle with which to say it.

Gan ainm

It’s a favorite of mine too, that’s why I’m critical, especially if the manipulated competitions.

un autre nom

At present, Chelsie has told both Mak and Cam they are going to final 2 with her.
Since she has to keep Mak invested, of course she has to say that to her.
What is the point of saying it to Cam unless she intends to do it?
Options: she throws part 3? bad idea. She expects the vote of someone she is shining on. bad idea.
Her plan is to say that she controlled Mak’s HOH’s to get votes. What was Mak’s one big talking point week after week? I don’t want to be made to look gullible. So, Chelsie’s finale speech only makes and keeps that vote if she is against Mak.
So…. what is the point of this season long subterfuge of shining on both potential jurors at final 3?
I don’t know.
This seems odd.
And we are left wondering what’s the point?

Uncle Sam

What do you think happens ? Who takes who?
Thank you for a great season of commentary!

un autre nom

Well as per my betatest to US season theory….
That’s the big which bias, race or gender, takes precedence component now isn’t it?
If Chelsie takes Cam does she keep Mak’s vote?
Is Rubina’s eviction speech get pushed as the reason?
If Chelsie takes Mak does she keep Cam’s vote?
She told 3 jurors she wanted a POC final 2
She told 4 of the jurors (including one of the people she said POC final 2) that she wanted a woman final 2.
Which group does she plan to say i was bullshitting you in the house for your vote?


She’s protecting herself in case Mak wins part 3… if she tells Cam she’s taking MaK, he could decide to play for himself and try to talk Mak into taking him and expose Chelsie and tell Mak Chelsie plans to take him cuz it’s the smartest move for her to win

Uncle Sam

You all really think it’s both girls to the end and Chelsie would take mj?

D Farmer

Get Chelsie out?

More Whine, please

Seems Chelsie’s default mode is to keep her evictee feeling calm and secure. It’s the reason a lot of her jury management was so crappy. She does what’s easiest for her in terms of immediate blow back and drama.

I don’t think it will make a difference one way or the other in terms of jury votes. Cam and MK are too devoted to Chelsie to not vote for her in the end. ?hey’ll blame the other player for their eviction.

In terms of temperament, MK is already on the god narrative of what will be will be, and Cam is just too chill a guy to be bitter.

I don’t think anyone took the girl’s alliance seriously, especially once Rubina was evicted.

The POC narrative is only important to Tkor, who is not about to vote for a privileged white MK under any circumstances.

I do think that Rubina could be the swing vote if MK is in F2 with Chelsie.

Although I doubt Kimo would vote for MK over Chelsie.

Team Angela

“I said throughout the season on this site that Chelsea should be a candidate for elimination. The reason is that Chelsea had fewer moments of crisis, which can make the show boring for viewers. But on the flip side, that means Chelsea played the game significantly better than the other contestants. From Chelsea’s perspective, she made a lot of choices that were beneficial for her. MJ, on the other hand, made frustrating and irritating choices. I feel like MJ will continue to make those kinds of choices until the end.


Everyone says it was stupid for M to get rid of Angela and Leah and that was the stupid decisions that will make her lose in final 2. But in my mind, if she could truly trust Chelsie, the best decision was to ride it to the end with them. They both proved their loyalty to each other. If M would have made a different decision earlier in the game, she couldn’t win every time. At some point, after not siding with Cam and Chelsie, the others left in the game would have gone against her later on and could have gotten her out. If M or Leah had gotten Chelsie out during Jankie, could she truly trust all others to not boot her at the double? Someone else would have won the double other than Chelsie and M would not be sitting where she is now. Seems to me all her terrible decisions ended up working out for her.

Omega BB

sounds like MJ logic & you have feeds so it’s worse

  • M is an extremely honor player. She deserves to win. J.
Gan ainm

This is not an honorable game.

More Whine, please

Who is Chelsie cutting at F2? She’s back to testing Cam about Leah. She does this when she’s trying to decide if keeping him will make her look like a fool, then she feels satisfied enough to rationalize and keep him around.


They better take Cam to the final 2. Why do they want a split vote?

Leah, Quinn, and Angela vote for Mak.

Cam, T’kor, Kimo and Rubina vote for Chelsie.

Jeff W

They made this seasons comps all around fair for anyone to win them…the other HG’s just didn’t care enough to overly exert themselves…

Omega BB

 fair” means more women winning

Tucker For AFP

Does MJ still think Chelsie will bring her to the finale? Lmao she’s in for a rude awakening


MJ prays, therefore she does indeed think Chelsie will bring her to the final. MJ assumes it’s that simple.

Sunny Day

I’m sorry, but Chelsie has been practicing her jury speech since day one. Mack hasn’t a clue what to say other than her competitions. She’s a competition beast, but it takes more than that to win. Chelsie used Mack’s wins better than Mack. Mack hasn’t a chance unless she can end up with Cam on the final two, and I don’t see that happening. And not interested in the one hour recap this year. Boring, surely.


I too hate the recap episodes. They’re just meant to take up time & fill space, they are horribly boring boring boring.

un autre nom

For those that commented on the hand holds in HOH 1.
I see your point.


I think this is actually just based on height… if u look Cam’s is slightly shorter than Mak’s as she’s a lil shorter than him… if the 3 builds are the same size the hand part can’t be the same for each houseguest

un autre nom

both Cam and Mak have to reach over their heads meaning the stress on shoulders and back when the contraption tilts. Chels is hands at head level meaning the stress in on forearm and core. BIG difference.
Cam and Mak are straight up because they have to reach upward.
Chels is bent at waist meaning the set up allows her to downward dog when she tilts, while the other two are plank but with hands straight up. Body stress on Cam and Mak is exponentially harder.

Paul Sucks

Chelsie’s hand position was closer to a push-up position when placed in a horizontal position. Round 1 was set up for her to win in my opinion.

Martin Tanley

It seemed to be a set up for Chelsie to win the part 1 round when looking at hand placement alone. All you have to do is look up JC in this comp. If you look at JC season 20 his hands are well above his head and arms stretched! Ironically Chelsie hands and height are nowhere near that of JC. This is JC who we are talking about with respect to him a little person regards to height and his hands were well above his hands with arms stretched out! Production screwed this up if they were trying to hide because it is obvious when looking at others even JC compared to Chelsie makes the show look bad.

The Beef

Damn, in what math world is 7/18 a higher percentage than 10/24? 7/18 = 38.89% while 10/24 = 41.67%, so I damn sure hope Chelsie doesn’t trot out that falsehood to support her winning, although most will probably just accept her mistake as “the gospel” (dyswidt) without even thinking about doing their own math in their heads.

Probably won’t matter, as she probably wins part 3 and takes Cam to the end and 1/X (X=however many comps Cam played in) is an extremely low number, and it doesn’t matter anyway, because she mops the floor with him.

She also mops the same floor with Makensy, as I only see Makensy getting one vote – Angela’s.