Head Of Household Winner: Todrick
Nominations: Lamar and Todd
Power of Veto Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Todd
Veto Ceremony Results: ?
Evicted: ?
Double Eviction on Monday
Todrick nominated Todd & Lamar. If either of them win the veto he will put up Cynthia. Todd is the target this week but if he can’t get out Todd he wants to get out Lamar.
4:12pm – 8:02pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the power of veto competition. They’re all wearing little party hats. Todd won the veto! Obviously he will use it on himself and Todrick will more than likely put up Cynthia. That will leave Lamar and Cynthia on the block for the double eviction on Monday.

11:19pm HOH room. Todrick and Miesha playing cards.
Miesha – he thinks he would have a better chance sitting next to me than you. Possible, I am not saying that is what it is. Todrick – I know this is all just speculation and that this is two people’s brains that we would never understand their logic of anything. I just thought that would be a given, like that obviously you would be the person they would come for. I would just assume that would be the case. If Todd were to win he would put you and I up for sure. And if he won the veto .. then I guess that’s the thing.. which one of us would Cynthia vote out.. Miesha – I would assume me. Todrick – I definitely think that she thinks you’re the biggest threat in the house.. for sure but I don’t know if Todd is getting in her hear and being like we’ve got to vote Todrick out because he is actually the biggest threat. But whatever that isn’t even my goal.. Like I don’t even want to play this game if you’re not in it. I am trying to figure out how we both get safe. Miesha – exactly! Todrick – but if he wins both of those things… basically he can’t win two times in a row. That is the only way if one of us leaves. Miesha – so we’re sending Lamar home right? Todrick – Mmmmhhhmmmm.
1am – 1:50am The house guests looking at the memory wall. Chatting and playing cards in the kitchen.
10:15am Bathroom – Todd checking his blood pressure.
It was a quiet day on the feeds with most of the day being blocked showing the kitten cams. Tonight is a Double Eviction!
Good for Todd.
Todd saved himself. I’m not a big Todd fan but I do like people coming through when everything is on the line. Congrats to him.
Well Cynthia goes up and Lamar goes home
That does look like what will happen.
Todrick could backdoor Meisha. He should shoot his shot now.
Todd would likely vote her out when given the choice between her and Lamar. Even if Cynthia wouldn’t go along, Todrick could break the tie. What better chance is Todrick waiting for? Does he think the jury will vote for him against her? Is he playing for 2nd place?
Take the shot!
He told her yesterday that he could put her up as a replacement nom; he said it in a joking manner, but I believe that thought has crossed his mind and he may just do it
I’d be shocked if Todrick actually takes Meisha to the end. After all he’s done there’s no way he’s playing for 2nd place. He’s burned enough bridges in the jury (which w/his ego he probably doesn’t even realize) that he’s probably assuming if he brought Cynthia to the end no one would vote for her.
If that’s what he is thinking, he probably thinks just Meisha and possibly Todd are the only ones standing in his way. Lamar did as little in the game as Cynthia did. But in reality, either has a chance to win against Todrick in final 2 because he has been so vile.
That wannabe queen Todrick, should be reduced to a hand maiden!
But then, whose coattails would he ride?
Am sure he’d prefer boas over coattails.
It’s his only shot at winning the game!
Bitter Jury. He will take 2nd regardless who is in the F2 with him. He was nasty and vile for no reason
I don’t think he has any shot of winning, due to his non-existent jury management skills. But he thinks he does! I hope he puts her up.
Send Moesha home so y’all can make history with an all Black crew up in da crib.
Been done on big brother already
They where called the cookout just last season
Cynthia is dead weight….. doesn’t even know the game…. She shouldn’t be anywhere near F2….. at this point, Todd ftw
Is Lamar any better?
Cynthia showed herself to be a dumb mean girl ,so ya, Lamar is better
LOL. I meant is he any better at the game. I think he is a really nice, laid back person.
Imagine you’re Todrick for a moment (stop screaming… no…. come back… i wasn’t trying to give you cooties…come back).
You’ve watched about 30 to 50 episodes. Then finding out someone else has watched more, you said 20 seasons. You got game play advice from someone that played on season 21 (tommy) rather than one of the people you call iconic that you let stay in your house for a month to attach yourself to online community support and clout (the cookout tenants). You think the public is going to love how you played the game. You’re even asking your ride or die if she’d be upset if he suddenly called cookout part 2 and put her up for renom. So even in jest, you are considering throwing away the last thing you can stand in front of the jury and claim: that you had loyalty to at least one person.
So now that you’ve imagined you’re Todrick… you tell me: How do you plan to win?
I slit my throat and enjoy my throne in Hell.Winning!
The throne is mine. Todrick can eat dirt.
Just wanted to say… Thanks for the updates! I stopped watching episodes awhile back (can’t take it!) So this is the only way I can keep updated on what’s going on IMO….this season will kill any future chances of CBB.
You’re welcome! And yes, I’m curious if there will be another CBB…
OMG…someone give Lamar a tissue. Never have I heard a grown man snort with each breath. Moan and groan. You’re nasty.
Todrick….you aren’t 1/4 of the man you think you are. No one likes a bossy narcissist.
Meech….yeah you’re good at physicality and great at fooling these imbeciles.
‘Cynthia…really awful at BB. So it’s ok for you to play both sides now. Meh
Todd….your past is your downfall.
Worst CBB ever. Boring. Snorting, sniffing, card shuffles, lonely animals and bubbles. Aarghh! Bitch fest over.
‘These updates are awesome! Thanks to those who take the time to do it. Can’t wait for a new regular season.
I have never liked CBB and almost didn’t watch this one. Then at the beginning I thought this was going to be different. I actually enjoyed the first couple shows. Didn’t take long before I realized that I was correct all along. CBB stinks.
just ranted and raved in anger after listening to Todrick’s latest ‘not warned by production’ justifications for todrickexposed bulletpoints. His dancers happy to work for free crap realllllly pushed a few buttons. May have even went off the deep end and compared/contrasted the concepts of blacklisting vs. cancelculture somewhere in there. Yeah, I was pissed enough to go there. That’s how mad i was. It wasn’t pretty at all.
And Yeah, I noped the toxic sludgepile a while back. Sorry i failed to notify.
Don’t worry about having to drag yourself through my vitriol and historical references. I deleted it.
However, I remembered that i hadn’t publicly noped him yet.
There. He’s noped. Anyone but him can win, and I won’t give a damn.
I don’t have a charitable thought left in me for him. He’s the one.
You’re like a repository for all my rage.Thank you for carrying all that for me.
BTW not sure if you saw tonights show with the segment of Todrick talking about how much he loves his Mom after trashing her on the feeds.Yeah that’s a nope.
What? He trashed his Mom?
Right there with you AN – I noped him barely into the second week and that was after looking forward to him playing so he hit a low note with me immediately.
As for TPTB filling him on the social attacks, it’s OUT OF CONTROL. Ba
backtracking on his Mom now but it’s obvious they told him about the social love for Shanna b/c he’s completely flipped on that situation too. Guess he forgot he said a white girl with blond hair can’t win in 2022 or that she’s a thug with a blonde wig or that she’s only famous for marrying someone famous. Oh, how soon they forget.
The funny part was while doing his revisionist history about Shanna he almost spilled the beans to Cynthia that they were lying to her & Carson.
And poor Cynthia is saying she’ll talk to Shanna but won’t approach her or beg her to be friends. Ummmmmmmm I think she will approach her & will be begging for forgiveness once her team tells her what a self-righteous hypocrite she’s been & how she got punked by the one guy she’s said since Day 1 has her vote to win.
Meanwhile, Todrick was trying to get Todd to stay on the block “because he shouldn’t have to be the only one to verbally vote someone out of the house”. TM wanted to do that & then backstab Todd who doesn’t really trust them & when Todrick reports to Miesha he’s thinking about it she’s told him he wants a guaranteed handshake from her that she’ll vote out Lamar and now she doesn’t feel good about it. As she waxes poetic about their “clean game” gee I wonder what they consider dirty if THIS was clean.
Not that I would ever suggest doing anything but removing myself from the block but Todd should’ve made Todrick bring in Cynthia & Miesha to force them all to shake hands & say you’ll all look like shady Mo Fos if you don’t honor what you’re saying.
I wonder if Miesha is catching onto Todrick b/c he was still willing to shaft Todd even if they shook hands. She’s also PLAYING now b/c she told Todrick they can’t beat Cynthia but can beat Todd as she tries to set up her F2 (ummm I think Todd might realize he’ll beat Todrick so if he gets to F3 & wins I think he’d pick Todrick NOT Miesha.)
Not sure about your thoughts on Todd. This evening while i switched feeds because my face was getting sore from all the Todrick eyerolling…. Todd was telling Lamar that when he wins HOH, Todrick is out the door.
But it will be final four. Meaning the Veto Hokder decides who is out the door.
Yeah – I meant ONLY if those three were F3 (TM/Todd) which does seem possible as Todd could win HOH, it wouldn’t be POV b/c he’d keep both ladies over Todrick.
Someone remind me why he is supposed to be a celebrity. After last night, it’s obvious he can’t sing, can’t act, can’t write (his script), and is classless. Oh, ya, he raps and dresses like a woman. Yep, that makes him a celebrity to some —-not me!
And he thinks his speech would be better than Dan’s funeral. This guy is delusional. I really hope his tour is horrible and no one shows up after the way he acted on CBB.
Seeing the Nomination ceremony on tv Todrick gave me vibes of a certain Pose character, Elektra
Someone needs to take TurdRic down a notch… what an arrogant, self-absorbed individual he is! Rooting for anyone to win, besides TurdRic or Meisha..
“We’ve played such a clean game up until this point.”
Sideye. Other direction side eye. Head desk. Laughs hysterically. Eyeroll. Head desk. Eyeroll.
Yup, that’s right Toxic wastedump. Clean game.
Shakes head. Whistle with an eyeroll. Deadpan stare.
Todrick is trying his best to Marcellas Todd-trying to get him not to take himself down during veto ceremony. Todd told him that he is taking himself down. Todrick trying to talk Todd into voting Lamar out. Todd is smart, tells him no he will not vote Lamar out and Todd told Todrick that he (Todrick) will have to break the tie. Todrick doesn’t want the blood on his hands. Todrick made a remark about that will be the 4th person to walk out pissed at him
I demand a recount. lol. with Lamar that will be 5. Not 4. 5.
and who knows what skategirl thought. Could be 6.
Just wait until they realize Kattan doesn’t get a vote. The schmoozing and sucking up to the cams is going to go through the roof.
Ahhh. Now Todrick is worried about jury management! Too late. I think people would vote for anyone sitting next to Todrick at the end.
Final thought for the day:
If the walking nightmare toxic wastedump were to win second place, I wouldn’t mind at all if CBS decided that they didn’t need to give him his winnings because of all the experience and exposure being on celebrity big brother has given him.
Maybe he’ll get the point then.
Now who is Todd Rick?
I am actually rooting for Todd now. I’m not crazy about the way Miesha and Rodrick have been playing and I think Todd could use the money more than they can.
Do these people realize they’re on Live Feeds??!! Miesha tell Todrick how he can save on Income taxes. Tells Todrick to buy a place in Vegas and rent it out long term. Use the address to have his bank statements going there. She said she used to have her cars registered in Vegas. HELLO. IRS ARE YOU LISTENING. I smell an audit coming on. Pretty sure BB has fans that work for the IRS. Welp if she win BB, she most definitely going to need that money to pay the IRS back.
So the HG’s gets $5k bonus per eviction that they survive
So, it’s established from season one and season two that each ‘celebrity’ gets what amounts to a signing bonus for participating. in the first 2 seasons it was 100k.
it’s been revealed on feeds that the week Shanna left, their weekly rate increased.
It’s been revealed on feeds they also get another 5k for every eviction they survive.
CAN we PLEASE put to bed the entire notion of who needs the money most?????
Is MJ’s Chimpanzee Bubbles still alive? He would have been the ultimate Celebrity Big Brother contestant. Bubbles would definitely not have put up with little Todderick and Misha.
In essence, the Veto comp is sitting down and staying seated until the end of the ride.
They really DID try to come up with a Cynthia veto comp.
Todd Bridges blasts Todrick Hall for playing an ‘evil’ Celebrity Big Brother game