Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week
Deep Fake HoH power: This allows Quinn to strip the HoH of their power and control the nominations using a deepfake avatar created by Ainsley, resembling the HoH but under Quinn’s secret control. This power can be used once in the next four weeks, keeping Quinn and the actual HoH safe.
5:07pm The live feeds return after the nominations.
In the kitchen – Leah to Quinn – You could have actually got 3 in a row. You could have won last week. This week and next week. Do you know what I mean? Because you don’t have to have to have a break between HOHs. Quinn – Oh, true. Yeah. I shouldn’t have thrown all this. I could have won, but you know, that was good. Leah – Yeah. Did a good job.

5:15pm Backyard Hammock – Cedric and Chelsie
Chelsie – So you are. You are safe. Cedric – Thank you very much. Chelsie – If one of y’all take yourselves off the block where there’s Tucker, Makensy or you. will be in his corner. Cedric – Yeah, that’s the thing that worries me though. I mean, it doesn’t really warn me. Chelsie – Yeah, we need Rubina or Tucker to go home. If Tucker takes himself off the block, he’s not going to have anybody when Rubina leaves. Cedric – So you think Quinn should tell Tucker, like, if you take yourself off? Chelsie – No, no. Just let it ride cuz I don’t think he’s suspecting that he (Quinn) would put her (Rubina) up. Cedric – That’s smart. That’s smart. These are a really good job too, of making it not look like it was anything crazy for sure. I told you, though when I take yourself down and f**k yeah. Rubina, easy money. I just hope that Makensy can beat him (Tucker). And I just hope that Makensy can beat him in the AI Arena. Cedric – it’s just crazy. He is still talking shit. Chelsie – Like, don’t worry about it. I got you. Don’t worry about it, bro.Cedric – I’m not worried. I love that shit. I love it. Chelsie – Yeah, I love it. Motivated. Cedric – I love it. Motivator, I love that sh*t.
5:30pm Backyard – Makensy and Rubina
Makensy – I’m just going to play this game. Yeah, that I win and then hope of that I don’t win. People have my back. If they don’t have my back. Then I go home. Rubina – Two chances is pretty good. Makensy – yeah.
Kitchen – Quinn, Tucker and Kimo
Quinn – Yeah, I feel like, you know, I did a big call out on you on it tonight and then now putting on the block. I just wanted to make sure, like, on a human level that you’re doing okay. Tucker – You just keep the fire going underneath me, baby. It’s not going out. Kimo – I love it. You know what I mean? It’s just somebody ’cause like you both can be very competitive. Tucker – I love. I was like, did you get to write that shit or what? Because it was great. Quinn – Yeah. Tucker – I’m just annoyed that the way that we’re being, she (Rubina) just trying to tell me to, like, shut up. And it’s like, oh, that’s just part of an act that he and I have going on. Fun. Yeah. Because I talk a lot of trash in sports too. It doesn’t like, man, she keeps coming. Like, yo, you stop. You gotta stop. Tucker. And I’m like, you said that every time. Like, let me let me play this. We’re playing a game. I’m being a character in this game. You’re not see how I’m dressing up in like, no one’s no one’s. I’m not hurting anybody’s feelings. Like where I’m not like that. They know I’ve already beat him in there. I wish Rubina wasn’t so pissed. Quinn – If you wanted to just articulate like.. Tucker – no like it doesn’t bother me. Cedric – some people aren’t built like us though like some people just can’t you know. I’m not dogging her, someone people just don’t like that sh*t.
5:56pm Kitchen – Tucker and Brooklyn
Tucker – I hope Rubina is not mad, but she seemed obsessed and didn’t
give me a hug after. I’m playing this character, but I know her and I already had a whole talk before and gave each other high fives and we’re like, yo, I’ll see you up there like it’s just for the show and
I’m doing this. Brooklyn – Yeah. Tucker – It’s just show business. I’ve already cooled Cedric and I had a whole talk before and she was right next to him gave me a funny look like but yeah, I’m just like like lets playing out this thing. I’m playing off of it. We’re obviously tight and fine and it is. Yeah, well, she we had a whole talk before and and also there’s two chances. So if anyone does beat me like I’ve been saying and I’m going to be their biggest fan outside of here which is very unlikely. Crushed you guys before I’m f**king crushing again.
Backyard Hammock – Tkor and Rubina.
Rubina – He is like a baby sometimes for real, for real and I’m
like that but he’s give me a hug out. Don’t tell if I won’t. Oh, don’t worry. I’ll talk to him a little bit later. I’ll give her some extra love and he’ll understand and then I’ll lay down the law a little bit like I get that you wanna.. we know we ain’t bitch. We know you’re strong. You don’t need to beat a dead fucking horse.
Makensy is right next to you scared for her life like you don’t need to rub it in.
Rubina – Wow I know he and Quinn are not cool. Tkor – They had a
discussion afterwards to make sure Quinn and Tucker. Rubina – that’s not fucking true. Tkor – Yeah it is Quinn just did the mental health
check to make sure he didn’t cross over any boundary with Tucker I
was there. I heard so after Quinn was just like you know I know we
get a little goofy with the games but I just want to check on you
when the personal level make sure you know you do it.
6:20pm Kitchen – Rubina and Tucker
Rubina comes in and hugs Tucker. Tucker – I already talked with Makensy before we knew we were going. Rubina – I know that it’s all part of the game. Tucker – Everyone who could get upset about it
knows and it’s fine. You got to play into this game like they’re playing into us hardcore. Rubina – Yeah. You probably nuts.
Tucker – I was sad I didn’t get a hug yet. Rubina – no I just didn’t think you wanted one so yeah. Tucker – When would I not.
6:25pm Tucker made nachos for all the house guests and brought them out to the backyard to eat.
6:55pm Backyard couches – Makensy, Joseph, Quinn and Chelsie
Makensy – I don’t like it, but I don’t think Quinn had any intention of me being the target. Obviously not. And I think everybody’s been very kind to me and reassuring me that. And I think I’ll be okay. I’m gonna try my hardest so he (Tucker) doesn’t win. Joseph – There we go. Easy Money. Makensy – All I can do and hope and pray that if he does I do feel confident. Joseph – because our season’s beast Angela will be playing too. She’s won two HOH and those are arguably some of the hardest ones to win.
7:15pm Backyard – Joseph, Makensy, Quinn and Chelsie
Joseph – anytime I talk to her, I just, I keep it so little. Im just like, hey, cuz, you know, I know she still has love for me, so it’s hard for me to truly dislike somebody who has. She has been kind of great. My parents always told me to respect your elders and everything. And also, I think to myself, if my mom was in this game, she would probably be terrible too. Makensy – Wendy would pop off. Joseph – it’s just the truth. Like, you know, I was fired. It’s not for everybody. And so I would hate to think about my mom being here and being lonely and, you know, thinking about her kids watching her and stuff like that. So I try to show her love or whatever, but no, she doesn’t really try to game talk with me.
The freaking whole sleep deprivation thing. As soon as she won HOH, I literally told her I was like, you should have five minutes with everybody. 5 minutes. That’s it. My mine. Mine with her was 5 minutes because I told her that. And she’s spending two hours with Lisa, who’s going to go on the block, and then she’s complaining about sleep deprivation. I’m like, what’s the conversation with her? You’re going to know. It was definitely going like it was circles and circles. And then and then you want to, like, be like, what was me and everything like that? It’s just like, I literally told you what to do. You didn’t listen and now you’re complaining. And also you spent the week in the comfiest bed. Makensy – and you can turn the lights off.
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Not sure of source. Somewhere on bbtwitter most likley,
On Tuesday the next twist will be revealed in the special episode. That part is verfied.
Rumor has it a rewind week is coming.
A rewind week would be awsome…….let’s do it again
No!!! Isn’t that how the second worst winner ever, Jag, got back into the house?
Lol no he got saved from Matt’s non eviction power
Rewind week only happened in BB16 and it got the annoying Frankie out of the house
If any of these people were smart they would tell Tucker if you win and take yourself off then you have earned my respect and I want to work with you..they could take Tucker, Angela themselves and Makensy that’s 3 people 2 of which have proven to be winners and I think I would roll with that before I would go with the others who have 1 win among them outside of the power that Quinn received..just me but I like to gamble and I’m pretty good at it.
Tucker is a proven winner for sure, but production likely handed him the veto win last week vs. Kenney, based on the way they edited the comp and showed it on TV.
Angela’s first HOH win was nothing more than a crap-shoot luck comp win (although the first round had a skill part to it – it was team related, and her team lost and the winning team chose not to eliminate hers). They then re-shuffled the board, randomly placing high and low numbers everywhere, and then assigning all even numbers a value of Zero, which makes it a random luck comp.
We haven’t seen her second win yet, but it sounds like it was legit, as it was the select who goes next to compete against another house guest, and everyone apparently kept selecting Angela to go, and she still won.
When Tucker says he’s annoyed with Rubina’s advice because he’s playing a character, and later says he hopes he’s automatically cross-cast on the Challenge….
Do we finally all just throw up our hands and say performative dick trying to kickstart his acting career…. so fraud and bullshit are appropriate feelings regarding Tucker being a grodboy?
Just wondering. Just me?
ZZach Rance’s brother.
He’s seen so many people do this before, while it’s irritating to us, it’s almost understandable.
I don’t recall Kaycee, Tyler, Angela or Fessy “playing characters” like that when they were on BB 20, and they all went on to the Challenge with some success. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
When Rubina talks on feeds about her relationship with Tucker…
sweetie, you haven’t had a d/r since week one.
nobody cares.
Can’t say I’m surprised about the noms — including Cedric being a volunteer nom. But I hope we get a Tucker eviction next week.
As far as the special episode goes, I hope the twist in the game involves 5 minutes of game talk with one of the former winners (Cody, Taylor, and Jag).
Personally, I’d like to see a twist where if you reveal an upgrade to anyone, you lose it and receive a special punishment from Big Brother. Punishments include becoming an automatic 3rd nominee, midnight eviction comp, 24 hour isolation, evicted by letter from home, attending Rockstar’s daughter’s birthday, etc.
It doesn’t need to be her actual birthday, just her birthday week!
The Punishment: You have to celebrate Jasmine’s birthday month by eating a muffin every hour on the hour while listening to her d/r’s for 24 hours straight.
Just make sure you don’t steal her muffins!!
We need your eagle eye un autre nom( gan, Ttboz..) on these: does Brooklyn’s unbelief that man landed on the moon ( before some get their knickers in knots.. I’m British.. Brooklyn like Chelsie is playing an excellent early game and has positioned herself nicely) suggests how she is part of Aaryn’s world than folks realize? Was Quinn’s roast really as funny as the HG say it was? If Tucker goes this coming week ( he probably will) who is most likely to bring the entertainment ( fun) pranks like Cam don’t do it for me, Chelsie ‘s cam talks about Cam’s dirty clothes don’t. Joseph? Rubina’s potential hasn’t shown up yet maybe never will. ummm Quinn maybe. I Quinn predict will win the game and bring Leah along with him as his dream Americory partner. Would love your thoughts…
Brooklin knows Aaryn real world. She was given some advice or hints about the game by Aaryn. I’m less concerned with Brooklyn being a moonlanding denier than i am with Cam thinking they landed on A moon (not THE moon) because exactly which planet’s moon does Cam think they landed on?
The Edit in the first three weeks leads me to say Chelsie. Reasons: D/R is part of this. She is the only hg introduced episode 1 that ALSO received a d/r in episode 2 which was the introduction of the 2nd entry group. Her HOH edit was sanitized. We saw Tucker’s one sided hate on for Lisa, but we didn’t see Chelsie’s… in fact they hid that Lisa was her target until the episode after she left. We’ve got houseguests saying they were told NOT to camtalk… she has a nearly daily designated cam talk. She’s getting the Paras edit, and the houseguests were given season 6 of bbcan in sequester along with a few seasons of bb.
Is Chelsie my favorite? I don’t have one, but I don’t like her very much as a person based on her constant negging of others. I’d very much like to see her get a taste of her own medicine in the game. Not life, in the game.
MY SUCCESS RATE FOR USBB WINNERS IS NOT GREAT (40% from season 16 to present), but was good not perfect for multiple seasons of can (72% for the series).
Thanks! I appreciate it and the wider perspective your humor filled but wise insight. I agree about Cam and Chelsie. Thanks for the always needed reminder that we can like the HGs or the characters they are portraying( for fame, or whatever reason etc..) we don’t always have to like their game moves.