Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
The PLAN: Cedric is thinking of putting up Angela, Leah & Kenny
8:20pm – 10:25pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the Head of Household competition. Cedric won the Head of Household competition. All of the house guests are in the kitchen hanging out and chatting.
Makensy – I have been waiting for this week to see how you go about this. Cedric- I don’t even know honestly what I am going to do. Makensy – you got it baby. You’re going to do whatever you need to do. Cedric – I’m not trying to be up all late. I’m going to be upstairs doing one on one. If you want to fly through. If you don’t, you know, whatever you want. But do what you want to do.
10:30pm Bumper Pool Room – Cedric and Makensy.
Makensy – what are you thinking? Cedric – I have no idea. I don’t know what Im feeling? I’m not doing.. I mean, I think, you know, Angela’s obvious, just cause, like, just on principle. The other two. I have no idea. I’m gonna talk to Kenny and see how he feels if he wants to see his family. If he wants to go up or whatever if he wants to play. Makesy – Absolutely. Cedric – The last one. I have no clue. Who would you think? What would your advice be? Makensy – So obviously everybody knows that I want to be the one to get Angela out but whatever. Cedric – Yeah, whatever. Makensy – That’s obviously the main target this week. Like everybody’s consensus this week. Talk to Kenny because that’s what I was thinking based upon everything he said. If he doesn’t want to be here he can throw it. We can vote him out. And then we have an easy week. Those are the two that I would put up. The other one would be someone who either you don’t trust at all or a pawn if they offer it. I mean that’s really it. Cedric – I mean if you were me who would you put up? Makensy – I don’t think Lisa had the power. Because the girls and I were talking for me and Chelsie and we were thinking that Tkor has it or Quinn. I am just going to be honest, I have it. Cedric – What is it? Makensy – it can’t change anything. It can only take me off. Tucker knows. So Tucker won this week. He promised me immunity because the thing is on the 4th week. I have it till the 4th week and on the 4th week if I haven’t used it and I’m not on the block, I can use it on somebody else to save them from the block. I’m telling you because if you put me up I’m gonna come down. I’m going to take myself off. You’re gonna have to put somebody else up right and then.
10:50pm Kenny and Cedric.
Cedric – So how you feeling? How you feeling? Kenny – Honestly, I’ll just give it to you straight. I want to go home. Cedric – You want to go home? Kenny – I don’t think I’m any benefit to anybody. My head is not right. Kenny – It’s been a comfort having you. I appreciate you. We’ll say that for sure. Cedric – I love you too. Kenny – So proud of you. Cedric – I appreciate you. Kenny – Clearly, I don’t have any alliance. Well, I kind of knew that the vote got flipped. Tucker and Kimo for sure. But I’ve got morals and standards and I couldn’t.. She (Angela) was a bully. Cedric – Yeah, one 100%. I get it.. I know. Kenny – That’s the easy out this week. Cedric – Yeah. 100% I know it’s easy out. Will you tell me what you do for real? I’ll tell you if you tell me. Kenny – what do you think I do? Cedric – I think you’re a detective maybe.. Kenny – I work narcotics with DEA like 22 years. I work for a local PD outside Everett. That’s it. My wife does the same thing. Cedric – I guess it’s my turn I do model now but I just got out the Marine Corps. I was an intelligence analyst in the Marine Corps. I was really an Air Force guy from the Texas.
11:30pm Bathroom – Tkor and Kimo
Kimo – I think he actually knows a lot about the game. Tkor – he does. I feel like I’m safe. I have a feeling the only person I’m potentially worried about is Quinn. BB blocks the feeds. Kimo – I think what he was saying was maybe we should do something that’s not what people expect. Like just put these people back on. But that’s the easiest way because who else? Right? Tucker volunteer him self again? Tkor – do you think Kenny will volunteer to be a havenot. Kimo – I don’t think so. Angela might just volunteer because she knows she’s on people’s sh*t list. Tkor – but what about her snoring?
Brooklyn – I am trying to pitch Joseph and Angela. If he puts Angela and then if I’m like Joe because he won’t win anything. And then you don’t have to do a replacement because they’re was not going to win anything. We’re not the targets this week. Rubina – but someone else has to go up there. Brooklyn – I should have been really good at that (HOH comp) Rubina. Rubina – it really is harder than it looks. Brooklyn – I don’t feel good this week but I don’t feel like the target. Rubina – yeah.
12am Workout Room – Tucker and Cedric
Tucker – I know you already talked to Mckenzie. Did she tell you anything or no? Cedric – she’s got the power. Tucker – You should put her up and expose that shit because she’s been using that as safety. She told Chelsea. What did she tell you? Cedric – in week 4 she said it expires and on week 4 if she can use on herself, she can use it on someone else. Tucker – She’s lying. Cedric – What? Tucker – That’s what she told Chelsea and she told me in and you. Talk to Chelsie, She told two different fucking things to us and Chelsie. She can use it on herself or someone else. But America picks the replacement so his full blood on your hands and that’s why when I heard that from Chelsea, I was like why wouldn’t you have done that right? Cedric – Yeah, I was fine with rocking with it, but then at that point, yeah, there’s no blood on nobody.
12:23am Cedric comes out of the diary room. “House meeting, everyone go to the living room!”
Cedric – Alright house, welcome to the living room. All I am going to say is that you should have had good balance and if you didn’t you know there might be a box waiting for you. No, I’m just playing, Big Brother decided to give us a break from the havenots this week. All the house guests cheer. Angela – that was good news as HOH to give to the house. Cedric – sorry, I fumbled it a little bit. The pressure got to me.
12:30am Workout room – Rubina and Cedric
Cedric – I think Angela and Kenny for sure and then the third one is kind of just like up in the air. I’m trying to figure out who has these powers. That’s like my main goal for HOH. I need two of them. I thought Lisa had it and she sent it. Rubina – the word is going around about who has it. Did you hear at all? Cedric – I heard briefly, like MJ might have. Rubina – Yeah, that’s what I heard. That’s not even necessarily the goal to put it, to put people with the powers up this week. Rubina – are you trying to not get blood on your hands? Cedric – 100 percent. I am not saying that you’re going to go up but if you did it would definitely not be anything personal. I am not saying you’re going up. I don’t foresee you going up. Rubina – I appreciate you saying that.
12:40am Bumper Pool Room – Angela and Cedric.
Angela – I’m so excited for you. I can’t wait to see your family pictures and everything picked in your basket. That’s awesome. I can’t wait to see it. I just hope that it happens soon. I’m getting
tired. I’m really happy for you. Cedric – Thank you very much. Thank you very much! Angela – do you know what direction you’re going to go into or you just don’t know yet? Cedric – I am still kind of weighing you know, I haven’t had many one-on-ones think I’m unlike #4 out of 14. So I’m still kind of weighing the options if I do put you up, you wouldn’t be the target this week. Just like I told you last week. I think for sure Pops got to go up. Angela – I just want you to know I don’t want to go home. I really don’t but I also understand that it’s easier to put me up because of everything and so I want your job to be easier so go ahead and do it. Cedric and Angela hug. Angela – when it comes down to it I really want to be here I really do. I think I .. I know I could be someone that could be trusted to work with you and to further your game. Cedric – thank you, I appreciate it.
12:53am – 1am Cedric comes out of the diary room – “Who wants to see my HOH room!!”

Cedric reads his HOH letter – “Booty. I swear. That’s why my mom called me. She called me since I was like small.
But so, Booty OMG son, you’re really doing it. You’re built for this. You were born to be amazing. Remember that Kennedy loved your mascot costume? She said you look so silly. You would. You would not believe how many people are rooting for you. Nana is watching a live feed every 2nd possible and keeps me updated on all of it. All day long, rolling on the floor, laughing. I can’t wait to watch more. I love you, son. Keep being awesome with all our love. Mom. Aiden. Josh Boo. Dad. XOXO”
Never did I think the two downgraded HGs would end up as HOHs. Well done Cedric!
I understand putting Kenney and Angela back OTB, but I would like to see Leah go up as the 3rd nominee. If she loses Veto and Makensy wants to use her upgrade to save her, let her. She’ll be perceived as the one who caused chaos in the house and will be the next target after Angela’s gone.
Otherwise, Rubina needs to go up. Even though she’s got a good thing going with T’kor and good relationships with other HGs, she’s not around most of the conversations. But I don’t want her evicted yet.
Wow, you pretty much want every person of non poc to go out in order early way to give yourself up. It takes a special person to tag represent a player who had the worst HOH ever of her placement. While cheer on Brooklyn who is close friends with Aaryn Gries and not see the contradiction.
Sorry, but I’m about as white as you can get & I agree with her/his ideas. I’d especially like to see just how close Makensy and Leah really are. I think that when push comes to shove their mean girl will really come out and one of the “pretties” will have to go.
Real bizarre take considering Chelsie jealousy bugaboo about other girls being in showmances. Chelsie is a jealous hypocrite of a girl that wants a man herself in particular cam but he wants leah. Chelsie was venting in HOH alone about Leah cupcaking with Cam less than 24 hours after wanting Matt voted out for trying to be in a showmance. Chelsie admitted to the cameras that she thought Cam was cute. I mean come on She’s admitted to the cameras that she thought Cam was cute. This girl is so damn jealous, everyday she’s talking about Leah & Cams showmance when the most the two ever did was dance in the backyard a few times, and they hug each other, Chelsie is losing her mind. Chelsie could be a good player but her obsession for Cam/ Leah and thirsting for a man is ruining her game much like being fixated on MAKENSY. Chelsie was up in the HOH with Angela for an hour pitching Makensy should go over flipping Matt week one.
Because Rubina isn’t a POC? #FACEPALM
Way to miss the point son #U.Notgettingit
angela, kenney, and leah are pretty safe noms. strategically leah’s probably the best boot, but i think every viewer wants angela gone so hopefully she goes.
why is the Hell-o do we always get a person who “wants to go home”? Are these people to sign up and are selected idiots?
So brainiac Tucker, who incorrectly deduced that Lisa had the other power in the house by using his CIA observation abilities, now tells Cedrick that MJ was “lying” about how her powers work, because he absolutely knows this as well.
She did tell him that HE would have to make the re-nomination himself, which isn’t true, and that would cause him to get more blood on his hands. I’m sure that’s why she told him that, in an attempt to get him to not nominate her.
But what Tucker is stupidly not considering is America could nominate ANYBODY – including him – and put them in that seat! What if America decided they wanted to nominate Chelsea in Makensy’s place, or one of their other close allies? I wonder how Cedrick and Tucker would feel about “flushing out” that power then?
This is what happens when you bring morons onto the show who haven’t watched it, who have no idea about the strategy involved in it, and don’t seem to have the brain power to play it, but still get the call because they “fit” some category Grodner and the other producers are looking for, in their cast members.
Tucker needs to talk less and listen more.
Is it just me or is there another cookout warming up……
At this point the core appears to be another cookout forming. How you can’t call out the core without receiving backlash even in this case when it’s true they are scheming is wild. It makes it abundantly clear that you get cancelled for calling out the obvious. It shouldn’t be a badge of honor to skate by to the end when you get other players get labeled for playing the game.