Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week
6:15pm HOH room – Cedric and Joseph
Joseph – I was talking to Leah early. I told her… you and Chelsie should talk. She was cool with that. She wanted Brooklyn. I don’t know if she said Cam but I figure that’s a given. Cedric – yeah probably Cam. And probably MJ too. Joseph – Dude, I don’t think so BRO. I asked her specifically and she (shrugged her shoulders).
Rubina was worried that you’re going to put her up And then she was like, what’d you say? She’s like, we’ll wait till next week again to start the thing. So he’s putting it off. So maybe she’s just telling me that because she don’t trust me or whatever. But I’m all be up here for a long time. I appreciate that always. No, no, of course. You know, I’m going to tell you everything, bro. You know what I’m saying? I’ll tell you if anyone’s saying your name. Yeah. You know what I’m saying? You the same property. You know what I’m saying? You already know, like, I want to ride it with you and Chelsea. Cam joins them. Cedric -I was saying one thing that is kind of like the narrative right now is the girls are trying to start like the all girl thing. Cam – Yeah. So it’s like are they doing it? Cedric – I don’t know. I have no idea how much weight it holds. Joseph – maybe we could try not to try and bro-out as much. You know what I’m saying?! Cam and Cedric agree. Joseph – I don’t think they see me as a bro.
Cedric – I am not even really worried about the girls because if they do decide to do something.. how many comps are they really going to win? Like its going to take one week for them to show their cards. Joseph – especially when MJ is gone, like who’s a threat? Brooklyn could win something but if we keep her close. Cam – they want Brooklyn in The Collective now. Like they’ve already told her that she is in it. Cedric – who? Joseph – wait!? What?! OH come on y’all!! And its not like I have a problem with her or nothing but and I get it because we all haven’t met so it makes it hard but its kind of like an executive decision. Cam – we should all have.. Joseph – And that’s why I was saying I was like, because now the part that f**ks me up is like, had you not told me that if Brooklyn would have came to me about how would it lied. You know what I am saying? I am glad you told me. Oh my god who did that?! She is someone I would rather have working with me than against me. Cedric and Cam agree. Cedric – that gives us numbers to eight. Joseph – yeah I don’t have a problem with her at all but that just rubs me the wrong way. Cam – you shouldn’t really be talking about it. Cedric and Joseph – No! Cedric – Not to anybody. Joseph – I would like to know who did that.. and not to paint a target on them but like just next time, like you got to tell us before just going off make your own president thing.
6:50pm Dinner time…
7:15pm Backyard – Chelsie and Makensy.
Makensy – I am just worried about who’s going to win the veto. Chelsie – its going to be one of those two. Makensy – absolutely. Chelsie – do you think there’s a backdoor? Makensy – I don’t think they want me to go home but I think they want me to use my power to have it around the week. I don’t think it’d be like a direct like thing. And I think they don’t want me playing and veto because my power. They don’t want me to win. So they’re taking opportunity away. You know what I’m saying? They wouldn’t put me up right now because I could win a chance to have to use it. Chelsie – Not to use your power, right? Makensy – I don’t want. Well, I haven’t been able to talk to Cedric. I didn’t know he was putting Tucker up.
7:45pm Unicorn Bedroom – Tkor and Brooklyn
Tkor – but I don’t know how you feel like I feel like we’re at the point where we need to live something. Brooklyn – They actually have the number Yeah, because especially with Kenny throwing the girls under the bus. That was my concern with Tucker volunteering his Tucker’s gonna win or Kenny’s gonna win. He was going up. Yeah, if.
I trust Cedric that I don’t think he’ll pick either one of us up. Big Brother switches the feeds. Brooklyn – I don’t think is a fish to fry this week if we ended up being on the block if it was a Makensy. Lets see if I play in the veto tomorrow. If noms stay
8pm Backyard Hammock – Kenny and Angela
Angela – its hard in here. Kenny – super hard. I love you passion and your energy and your fight to stay in the game. Angela – don’t think I am not crying too. Kenny – oh I know you are. Kenny – its just you me and Brooklyn that have families.
Kenny – Tucker’s a lone wolf. Tucker’s not running this house. Yeah, Tucker’s somebody that you could align with Tucker’s all by himself. Angela – Then why do they keep putting him up assuring the vote goes the way they want it. Why did they do that? Kenny – He wants to compete. He wants to try and win as many comps as he can. I want him to win the veto. I want him to keep me up there and if he doesn’t I want Cedric to win the veto and keep noms the same. And give you another week to work to magic which I think if you stay calm and cool anything can happen. Angela – every time I walk into a room Kenny people leave every time. Kenny – They do it to me. I don’t read into because that’s really not necessarily true and I have felt that way before and then I kind of looked at the situation and I’m like that’s just nature like happening. It’s just, it’s not intentional. Angela – I mean there has to be a decent size alliance by now? Kenny – I think there’s a few different things going on and I’m a not part of really any of them. Angela – Im not either which can make it which can make it even harder
Kenny – I think MJ is next after me and you. I can see that Tucker’s getting kind of pissed about certain things. Im kind of getting tuned in on that but I think he knows how to go away to workout. She was leaving stuff all over the house. She was like putting food everywhere. She was putting tea bags in people’s glasses
Kenny – I’m pretty close with Cedric. I think he respects me. he was a young kid he’s kind of not wise in the world so to speak and I think they’ll keep him around because they think they
can use his youth-ness he just showed that he can crush physical comps. Angela – I didn’t expect that I didn’t expect it I thought Quinn or Tucker to be honest.
Cam and Leah
Cam – she is going home. How do you feel? Leah – I feel good. Cam – I told you’re fine. You said you were going to talk to Tucker and surprisingly Tucker had no record of that conversation. Leah – I never said I was going to talk to Tucker. Cam – I made sure this time your name wasn’t in the mix. You could win HOH next week. Cam – or you could. Cam – and you should be really scared then. Leah – oh for sure. You would put me out? Cam – Yeah, I’ll be a tyrant king of the house. Leah – I’ll put you up to. Cam – No, I don’t do that.
Leah – I had a dream about you last night. Cam You shut up. Leah – I did. Cam – Stop. Stop trying to change the subject. Leah – I swear I
did. What was the dream boat? Leah – it was a different place from here. There’s people watching that I wouldn’t want them to hear
You know, it’s too much about the people’s opinions. Cam – Got it. Leah – It was like one of the things like in the moment. Like I was like, oh, this is really smooth. But I forgot it because the whole day went by.
Cam talks about how Kenny thinks there is a girls alliance. Cam – I don’t think y’all have a girls alliance truthfully because I mean it’s never been done but also I don’t think if y’all did. A girls alliance would have protected Lisa so I would assume so unless I wanted to get her out.
8:30pm Upper Level Backyard – Angela and Joseph
Angela – In my real life.. Like, I’m pretty confident, happy, go lucky lady and I want to show that to them and to my friends, that this wasn’t all for not, and that it wasn’t a shit show for lack of a better word. You know, I am in real life like I’m a smart person and I should have known better than that. But right now I can’t be trying to get up in everybody’s business. Everybody’s trying to make friends alliances. I don’t want to be Lisa. Definitely don’t want to be a Lisa. She’s great but not my cup of tea. I don’t think she was with anybody that had a lot to do with why she was out and also her having the power and or supposedly having it who knows she did okay. Yeah and her being just a threat in general. Joseph – I just hope you don’t think any of it as a personal age thing. I want you to know that. Angela – I know what this is Big Brother. My stance right now is. I wasted too much time.
8:45pm – 8:55pm Backyard – Angela and Kimo
Angela – For to be for the last couple days. I really have been trying to just pretend like I’m on vacation with friends you know and so I’ve been trying to do that for sure but I can’t figure this house out. I can’t. I can’t figure out who would even nobody talks game with me. Nobody wants to and rightfully so. I don’t know. There’s got to be people that are kind of running the show. I can’t figure out who that is. Kimo – I think its anyone’s game. Like the AI com you know? You can never tell if someone’s going to be good with.. like I am terrible with puzzles.
Angela – I’m just trying to figure out right now my objective is to find out because I do feel like somebody is saying they have to be (running the show) because eleven to one, they have to be because of 8 to whatever and then they have to because of Matt’s vote. Like there is somebody or a couple people doing it. I just can’t figure out who I have suspicions but I don’t know for sure.
Kimo – I think you’re going to be okay this week and maybe even the next week. Angela – but I have to win something to prove that I belong here. Kimo – I am sure you’ll be fine. Angela – do you want to play like if I was to pick? Kimo – I would love to play but I don’t know if I would win. I want to play for the experience.
9:45pm Backyard Kimo and Tkor.
Kimo – are we the only ones out here? Tkor – yeah. Kimo – okay, Joseph said 12:30. Tkor – 1230 for what? Kimo – for a collective meeting. Tkor – a collective meeting tomorrow? Kimo – tonight. Tkor – I guess. Kimo – I guess its important. Do you think Makensy’s power expires after this week? Tkor – next week. Kimo – its only four weeks? Tkor – yeah. Kimo – Angela said she really loves the world of us. You know when someone is trying to ask a question without saying anything? Tkor – yeah. Kimo – she was like I just don’t know who’s making decisions.. She is like the Matt thing. Tkor – she thinks its us? Kimo – and she was alluding to .. I was like oh I’m just on the grapevine sorry! And she was like, it has to be. I was like, honestly, this house right now, like, everyone is everywhere. Tkor – yeah. Kimo – I think she was trying to pitch herself down so she was like you know like I’m not I don’t win in sure love to play. Tkor – Angela girl, you a pawn this season you didn’t have to be but
you put yourself in that situation like if you could just come from
Matt then we could have worked with you but you came for literally
everyone in the house. Kimo – yeah I know. I do think it would be better to just get Kenny this week if he doesn’t win. He’s going to pick me tomorrow because I want to play. But Angela asked me too. She’s like do you want to play and I was like I would love to but just to play and have fun. I don’t want to play to make a decision.
10:15pm Unicon Bedroom – Brooklyn and Rubina are already in bed.
10:50pm – 11:30pm Backyard – Cam, Tkor, Rubina, Makensy and Chelsie are playing cornhole. After they sit around chatting and hanging out.
11:45pm – 12:05am Backyard – Quinn and Brooklyn.
Brooklyn tells Quinn that she danced for the Tampa Bay Lightening. Quinn – That’s crazy. Oh my gosh. Brooklyn – And then danced in Dallas too for four years. Quinn – That’s so cool Oh shit. That’s
Fort Knox. Fort Knox. Brooklyn – No, I trust you. But I mean. And honestly, if that gets out, I mean, whatever. But it’s kind of a hard one to hide. Quinn – Yeah. that’s insane. Brooklyn – That’s like, whenever people talk about. Quinn – we were joking about how Angela and Leah are mother / daughter. I wonder… like the streets are talking that Makensy has a power do you think we could get Leah to tell us what it is? Brooklyn – I know what the power is. Quinn – you do? Brooklyn – yeah. No, it’s she has the power to change, to pull herself off the block if she’s left on the block after the veto competition. So before the veto ceremony, she would have to pull herself off and America puts up a nominee. Quinn – That’s great. Brooklyn – Yeah, and it expires next week. So it’s week 4 so she can either save herself or on week 4 she can save someone else. Quinn – Yeah, that’s great. That’s cool. Tkor joins them. They talk about how Kenny. “He gives cop vibes.”

12:25am – 12:56am HOH room – Tkor, Cam, Quinn, Joseph
They had planning to have The Collective alliance meeting. Cam – Where’s Chelsea at? And where’s Kimo? Quinn – Kimo back to bed. Cam – someone going to wake him up? Quinn – We’ll fill them in. Cedric joins them. Tkor goes to wake up Chelsie. They agree to fill Kimo is tomorrow.
Cedric – we’re just going to see how the veto goes. Joseph – I think the point of this is just to make sure we’re all rocking with each other. I think that’s like at the end of the day all it is. We’ll see what happens with the beta tomorrow. But I think this right here is just to solidify that we’re not going to put Charlotte on block. We’re not going to do anything cute. Everybody outside of it can get it, but everybody and everybody in this room is also limits as far as all that stuff goes. you know. we’ll do it by committee. Obviously we can’t meet all the time. So we all just kind of have to trust that we got each other’s backs and everything. I don’t think that anybody else is really playing the game like that. I don’t think that there’s any other lines. I think there’s people who are trying to start stuff but they’re a little too late. So I feel like if we all get to jump on them then and I feel like it’s an eclectic mix. You’re freaking endurance beast. You’re an athlete. You’re really smart. You’re a beast like same here. I think I’m pretty smart. So I think like with all our different like attributes And if we just trust each other, we can write it till jury. And I think the good thing too about this is that we all have different relationships with each other. You know what I’m saying? There’s no real like hierarchy as far as like who is on top or whatever because we’re all cool with each other and like different ways And so like, that’s really why I wanted to like set this up and do all this just to make sure that we have an understanding that we’re not going to put each other on the block including chemo obviously and I mean as far as the veto goes. I mean as far as the veto goes if you want to pick someone in this in the group that’s fun and we obviously won’t use it if you want to do it to somebody outside of it too I personally don’t care but I don’t want to talk too much if anyone else has anything I think they like all the decisions that we make we make as a group for the benefit of the group.
Cedric – So every big decision when it comes to like who we who wants to go on a block nominees replacements we all like say it and then we all vote on it together and majority wins so but when if you have a side that like majority doesn’t win you have to have to like take that one to the chin and you know move on.
Joseph – Yeah so that’s pretty much all this is really it’s just solidifying that this is the collective this is the group that we’re rocking with and anybody outside of it can yeah see the door. Cam – if anyone’s name comes up, then report back to the group.
Joseph – I think Tuck is going to take a lot of attention away from us so he might have be a good person to hang around for a little bit but I don’t know how y’all feel about that but I just feel like he’s so good at stuff that it’s going to distract people from like what’s actually going on but.
Cam – though even if that’s I mean regardless though if we get Angela and Kenny out and we get one more person out of the other people who have the numbers to always will have the numbers to control. We literally have our work cut out for us so lets just let it play out.
Tkor – anyone here close to Kenny? Cedric – he and I are pretty pretty smooth. If he wins HOH next week, I could sway him. Quinn – he keeps saying he’s going to blow stuff up. Cedric – Yeah, but I can damage control like a little bit, you know, without being too like. Joseph – And as long as if he does put you up as long as it’s maybe with like the other girls, maybe you can convince him like, it’s her and the girls that we can keep her, you know what I’m saying?
"The Collective" finally have a meeting (minus Kimo) #BB26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/ZzMWuiBqgz
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 3, 2024
1:14 am Cedric getting ready for bed Does a short “CED” talk
Cedric – Y’all are great. Amazing. I love you all. Hopefully this week. This week goes great. We’ll see what we do about we have when we get there. Cross that bridge.
C- If you’re watching right now shout out to you Couldn’t be the same without you. So thank you to all the fans and make it possible for me to be here. Y’all are great and. yeah, I don’t think that’s it. What do y’all think I should do about Leah? I
know you can’t really tell me but just to talk about it.
C – You think… we put her up? In hopes to save my boy Cam from immediate despair of a showmance and his heartbreaking when he realized that Leah’s playing him or do You think that we leave it alone and don’t put Leah up and keep noms the same or or or?
no, that’s what the only options because pros and cons, right?
C – Tucker’s a strong player. If I put him up. Well, hang on. Let me restart. I’m tired. Pros and Cons of putting Leah up.
C – Pro Leah. is a good player socially and emotionally. And she plays on people’s emotions. And that’s her game and her play style, which I understand. But at the same time, if you let a player like that get too deep, it’s hard for them to recover. It’s hard for them. Like, it’s hard for you to recover them and they have a grip on the house because they’re emotional connections. They built not necessarily because of their playing status.
C – So. there’s that. Another pro to putting Leah up is it strengthens my relationship with Tucker. Who’s arguably the strongest competition player in the house. Now you know, don’t sleep on me. Don’t forget about me. All right, I’m out here doing the comps
C – Having him as an ally would be would be impeccable because that’s a strong player that isn’t coming for me and I think putting Leah up will provide the reassurance for him and I kind of told him that I would so if he wins pulls himself down and I don’t pull the up, he’s definitely gunning for me next week. So I think I had to put it up in that sense, Cons are putting Leah up this
week has the potential to be a blood free HOH Like literally Scott free.
C – And if I don’t rock the boat There’s not a high chance that I fall in the water so you know what do I do? What Y’all think
talk about it amongst yourselves and you know figure out what you think the best game plan would be I will definitely at the conclusion of the season go back and look and see if you think I made the right choice in the upcoming weeks being.
Cedric heads to bed.
2:07 am Joe and Tucker
Joe – I told them we need to keep you around because you will be a target basically.
Joe is telling them that Tucker needs to win the HOH to “attack people in that 8”.
Joe – it’s me, Tkor, Cam, Chelsie, Cedric, Brooklyn, Kimo and Quinn. (Collective)
(Hard to hear)
Tucker says Brooklyn is running things with the girls so He would “attack” her.
Joe – that’s what I would want anyways. She was the last one in the alliance. Someone pulled her in without telling us.
Joe thinks it was Chelsie that pulled her in.
They agree Brooklyn is the brains.
Tucker says if he wins after week 4 he might put Quinn up, “I like Quinn a lot”
Joe says his biggest concerns are Shelsie and Brooklyn.
Joe says keeping Cam and Leah around is good for Tucker, “everyone knows they’re like a you know… it takes the target off you a little bit”
Tucker says Cedric is thinking about putting Leah up.
Joe – He’s debating between her and Rubina.
Joe says nobody cares about Makensy. Tucker says he was trying to get her out he was hoping CHelsie would.
Joe – they’re all running scared.
Tucker – someone has to start this f***ing game.
Joe says his 8 person alliance they’ve had since day two or three. He thinks it’s legit but doesn’t know.
6:43 am Rubina is up alone in the backyard the rest of the house is sleeping.
7:30 am – 10:00 am Houseguests waking up doing the morning routine. No Veto players picked.
10:40 am Angela and Cedric
A – I just have a problem with empathy.
C – You don’t have to be the best. You just have to not be. You have to find a way to pitch it to where someone else is a bigger hindrance in the house than you are You are. know what I mean?
A – I do. If you had a name, two people for me to campaign to the most without making it obvious. Who would I best do that with?
And I won’t make it obvious, obviously. And this is just your opinion
C – I have to think. Strictly for your game… I would probably do Rubina and… Trying to think of who will give you the most bang for your buck.
A – Thank you.
C – You’re welcome
A – because you can’t see all sides And I would do this for you too.
C – I appreciate that. And I know you would, which is why I’m trying. And you know, I wouldn’t put you up if I didn’t have a choice.
A – I know I know
A – Brooklyn?
C – Brooklyn. Brooklyn would be good and maybe Kimo or Tkor would be good. I think that would be solid.
C – Yeah, Nut I would advice not to spend so much of your time with each individual of them. Of course, because then, like if they are entertaining you but not really rocking with you. You’re kinda wasting time at each
A – for sure. you’re so much wiser than anyone gives you credit for in this House.
C – Thank you. Thank you. Thank you I appreciate it. I tried to be ,
A – I think you just keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing so good.
C – Thank you. I appreciate it.
A – Thank you. Because I kind of feel like you. You kind of see me and like, not like I’m not your mom. But like, if this was your mom in the game. That’s what I’m up against right now. Like people are not seeing like, what if this was your mom playing and your mom sleep deprived? Your mom’s in a bad mood. Your mom’s been through the shit or whatever. How’s she acting at home? I’ve never even act that way that bad.
(I thank the lord GROD that Angela isn’t my mom)
A – I’ve gotten pretty bad, but never as bad as I got
C – And it’s hard to especially like, once you go through it and you realize, like, how much sleep you don’t get and how much. And I
think that’s like a key factor that people will start to realize as they become HOH, just like, dang like, I only slept three hours last night. I only slept like this amount of time. And it kind of keeps compiling on each other.
A – I mean, look at our our Tucker was so tired. Thank God he’s probably getting some sleep right now.
11:48 am Feeds cut to pound for Veto picks.
Help keep the madness going! All these updates wouldn’t be possible without your support. Thank you in advance!
So I got the hang of watching BBHOUSE26 Live Feeds!! Every time Angela cries, put tv on mute because feeds will get switched to swimming fish. Good system. (Full snark intended)
I swear she can’t have one conversation with anyone without crying. Just one big cry baby!
Cam , win a comp first ?
why no have nots?
Likely to protect Angela because she wouldn’t do well being a have not *eye roll*
I have a feeling there’s a strenuous physical comp coming up that will require alot of strength and they want to level the playing field as to who can win?
I hope that’s more of the reason. We haven’t had a single good physical comp since the first veto. I heard whispering last week when they were wondering about who would be have nots next. They all said Angela would do so bad due to her snoring and sleeping on those beds, now suddenly it’s no have nots on week 3?? Whyyy the special treatment! Let her be hungry, sleep deprived and isolated like the rest of them and see what happens.
Angela Houdini will escape eviction AGAIN…….this is so boring to watch…dumb, dumb, beyond dumb
Boot order will be Angela, Kenney, MJ and Leah….can we just get a quadruple eviction night and skip the boredom.
Yep- gotta get all the white people out first. Player agenda or cbs?
I wouldn’t be that cocky like Cedric thinks about the girls not winning comps. Women have won 4 of the 7 comps so far:
1st Upgrade Comp – Makensy
1st HOH – Angela
1st Veto – Lisa
2nd HOH – Chelsie
What’s up with the illuminati hand signs?
Joseph is gaming villain style. I thought he’d be a sleeper waiting for mid-game to step up. He’s already active. He could really mess with the alliance and no one will know what is going on.
While I can’t stand Angela, I do think she is the only drama/excitement/action in the house. So far, Tucker is next active. The rest are flat and boring. Soooo kumbaya. I don’t watch for the cooking, make up, hair and chit chat. I like the action and drama and weirdos.