This week started out with huge potential as being a payback week for Loveita as she won HOH after the Third Wheel Alliance (Jared, Kelsey, Raul) almost had her evicted last week. After going back and forth a million times on her potential nominations Loveita decided last minute to make nominations that would rock the boat the least amount. She decided to break the cycle of going back and forth and chose to nominate Christine and Cassandra.
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Vanesssa “It will affect Austin’s game if Liz goes. He will become more ambivalent about staying”
11:50am Steve comes out with the HOH camera. Julia, Vanessa and Johnny Mac head out into the backyard to take photos. Austin and Liz refuse to get up for the photos and go back to sleep. Steve wants to take the camera into the pool because it has an “underwater mode”. Vanessa doesn’t want to risk it. Steve says using the computer today was very strange. (HOH blog/tweets) I wanted to see if there was an internet browser because it was on wifi. Johnny Mac climbs in the dryer for a photo. They head inside. Steve complains the HOH blog hour was really draining.

Vanessa “I’m choosing between 2 supreme powers of sh*t! A phony baloney & a wild card!”
11:45am – 12:05pm Vanessa asks Austin did I miss anything last night. Austin says nothing. They start talking about gambling. Vanessa asks him if he has any relationship with any of the casinos? Austin says no he never gambles enough. Vanessa says that there are 16 fundamental personality types and each one plays poker the same way. If you can quickly identify personality types, then you can predict how they will play. Vanessa tells Austin if he likes gambling and wants to learn she will tell him what he needs to know and what books to read and practices. She says it will blow his mind.

Austin – “Audrey is non stop game mode.. she’s f***g non stop game dude”
5:05pm Cabana – Clay, Austin and Jace
Wondering if Da, Audrey and james have an agreement.
Clay leaves.
Austin and Jace worried about James not keeping to their alliance. They laugh that Johnny Mac is a rockstar he’s going to chill all summer.
Austin what do we do now
Jace – Nothing
Audrey is still out there flipping out.. James doesn’t have the number dude.

James “Once Jace is gone any alliances that he’s trying to form will crumble”
9:49pm Jackie and Shelli in the lounge
Talking about the Power of veto. Shelli says the nominees will save themselves sounds like everyone else is throwing it. They bring up “The Plan” and how everyone is in on it. The plan is to use the POwer of Veto on Jackie or throw it to jackie. Jackie doesn’t want Steve to win the Veto because he’ll take himself off and Jace will go up against her. (Sounds like Jackie wants Steve gone) James rolls in

Kevin “Graig left his playbook & Bruno picked it up” Sarah “If Bobby leaves we’re f**ked. No you’re f**ked”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Brittnee says I had a weird s*x dream about Sindy. Willow says me too! She pushed herself up on me and I was like you’re into Sarah not me! Willow asks what was yours? Brittnee says We were all in the house and I just remember waking up and seeing Sindy having s*x with Kevin. Willow says I would take every other person in the world before Sindy with an S. Godfrey joins them. He asks Willow about her ring. Willow says its a university ring. Godfrey says I didn’t know they did that. I hope I get a ring when I go to university.

Willow tells Sarah the nominations “That’s smart of him! This is a sign we can trust him.”
11am Up in the HOH room – Willow and Zach are tossing the football back and forth. Willow doesn’t catch it very well and asks “why am I mentally challenged?” They continue tossing the ball. Willow says if this is a Double Eviction coming up part of me doesn’t want to win it because then I wouldn’t get a letter. Zach tells her that he thinks in the past the winner of the Double still gets the HOH letter.

Britt & Johnny talk about making out – “You don’t have to worry about getting poked”
3:50pm Living room – Bruno brings up Brittnee and Johnny making out last night. Johnny says hey I had a lot of fun! Bruno says do what you got to do. Brittnee says we’re friends! It was a friendly exchange of kisses. Don’t have to worry about you getting weird on me! Johnny says NOPE! Johnny says you don’t have to worry about getting poked. No awkward morning afters. Brittnee says I don’t have to text you, you don’t need to text me. They talk about Jordan trying to make out with Brittnee. Brittnee says he was close. Jordan says no if it was close it would have happened.

Jordan – “We’re the centre.. we control everything .. Kinda like the Brigade”
10:25pm Jordan and Zach in the bedroom
They laugh at Graig, Zach mentions how hilarious it is when Graig talks to Jordan because Jordan is 5 steps ahead of him.
Jordan – I know everything.. let him think he’s the master let him thin he’s running the show.
They start talking about Kevin locking down pilar and Zach locking down AShleigh this leaves Bobby with no one, no showmance. Ideal situation is Graig goes out first this leaves Bobby and Bruno with no one. Jordan thinks Bruno will come to them at that point.
Jordan will keep Willow close to him.
Zach – What about WIllow how long do we keep her
Jordan – As long as we need her then cut her

Cody “You’re a 10!” Nicole says thanks but you have your beer goggles on. Caleb “I’d give you a solid 8!”
8:50pm On the backyard couch – Cody tells Nicole that he would give her a 10 on the scale. Nicole says thanks but you have your beer goggles on. Caleb says I would give you a solid 8. Nicole laughs and says thanks. Caleb says I date 8’s. Cody says I never date smoke bombs. Nicole says I’m attracted to personality first. Caleb says let me ask you something if you saw a guy walk over there could you say how attractive his personality is? Nicole says I’m attracted to personality first. Caleb says lie to me again and tell me you’re attracted to personality first. Nicole says I liked Hayden for his personality. The first time I saw Hayden I knew I would like him.

Derrick tells Donny You’re a grown a$$ man! I’m not going to try and convince you.
9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Amber joins Donny in the bathroom and asks him how he slept. Donny says well, not very well. A bunch of young people out there, outside of the door were pretty god dang loud. Amber says I heard you had to go to the DR too? Donny says yes.
In the kitchen – TEAM AMERICA MEETING: Donny asks Derrick which way are you feeling? Derrick says I no you’re not feeling it. Donny says look at how fast Frankie threw Nicole under the bus this week.

Caleb says Give a banana a chance?! Open it peel it! Frankie says wow, so you’re a pickle!
11:40am Caleb joins Frankie and Brittany over by the pool. Frankie calls Caleb a vision of gorgeousness. Frankie says that his type has never been a big muscle guy but after this he thinks he’ll go to a bar and find one like him. Frankie heads inside. Caleb tells Brittany I really hope that date last night with Amber wasn’t the real one because it really wasn’t worth eating the pickle for. Caleb says that he is going to put a pickle inside a banana and close it up to make it look like its a regular banana. It’s to show her that you can’t judge a book by its cover. That the outside doesn’t always match the inside. Brittany says oh that’s cute!