12:10am HOH room James, Vanessa, Shelli, Clay and Johnny are hanging out chatting. Clay says that Audrey’s been wearing his shirt all day. I’m going to have to sanitize it. She won’t even wash it when she gives it back. James says I’m that guy that gets kicked around from bed to bed. James says theres a delemma I want to talk about. Clay says James is kind of into Audrey. James says she has some curves. My mind is just a little weird right now. Vanessa says go for it games! James says its not like.. I feel like an a$$hole. I’ve never .. Vanessa says you’re confused. James says yeah I’m confused, that’s all. Shelli says you’re curiously confused.
Category: News

Big Brother News from the Internets “FREE feeds are delicious”
Hey Big Brother Fans, Here we go another year of BB Fun is starting up. This year promises to be chalked FULL of Big Brother goodies with two shows for us to enjoy.
Big Brother Canada starts FEB 27
OBB’s is pretty excited about this one being as we’re Canadian and have been waiting for this since forever. From what they’ve released so far the show looks legit it’s going to be a blast and on top of that.. FREE FEEDS… delicious. Lots of people worried that it won’t be viewable in the US not to worry OBB will have you covered.

ABC The Glass House Live Voting AND Live Stream Video STARTS June 11th!
ABC has just released new information on their new reality TV Show “The Glass House” that is set to premiere on June 18th, 2012.
ABC just announced that the LIVE STREAMING Video and LIVE VOTING with start on June 11th, which is one week before the premiere episode. The ABC network is advertising the new reality TV show as a never seen before reality show where you have the power and control to influence the contestants and what happens in the house.
As the viewing audience you will be able to take part in Daily Polls & Cast Voting, which puts you in control of “The Glass House”. You will be able to control who goes home, who stays, and who returns to the house. In addition, to controlling what they eat, where they sleep, and what they wear!

ABC Responds to Lawsuit – There’s Nothing Secret About Big Brother!
With “The Glass House” series premiere set to air on June 18th, 2012 there is still a black cloud looming over head with regard to the lawsuit filed by CBS. Despite the claims that ABC stole trade secrets from CBS, “The Glass House” is still going full steam ahead with its new reality series. Evidence that ABC is moving forward with their scheduled show is that they just released their first promotional commercial for The Glass House.
ABC responds to CBS’s claims that they have stolen their “Big Brother” trade secrets in the making of “The Glass House” saying that NOTHING about Big Brother is a secret. ABC has filed their response to the copyright infringement lawsuit filed by CBS – requesting the presiding judge to dismiss the “over-the-top” lawsuit as soon as possible.
In the court documents, ABC responds by saying the insinuation that “The Glass House” is stealing trade secrets is “outrageous” adding:
“there is nothing secret about editing a program with multiple feeds together or developing a narrative structure for it. That is reality TV.”

CBS and ABC go to the mattresses over Glass House and Big Brother Similarities
The Glass House Vs Big Brother saga continues. Last Friday we reported that CBS had sent a cease and desist letter to ABC regarding it’s summer Reality TV show “The Glass House”. We now learn that CBS is Suing ABC over that show citing copyright infringement and stealing of trade secrets. When we first found out about The Glass House we immediately thought Big Brother Clone so it’s not a stretch to see a lawsuit like this. Television shows are copied all the time why did CBS target this one. It’s not 100% the same there are a few small differences, it’s like comparing The Talk and the View or even The Bachelor Pad to Big Brother, they all share similarities and nobody is suing over them.
If Glass House (ABC) is copying Big Brother (CBS) and ‘The Talk’ (CBS) is copying ‘The View’ (ABC) why is CBS so butt sore over Glass House and ABC isn’t about The talk?
CBS calls out Michael O’Sullivan in particular. A former supervising producer of Big Brother who is currently working as a producer for Glass House saying he was resposable for BB’s concept, design and execution. Also Corie Henson and Kenny Rosen both lower level producers along with 16 other staff workers from the CBS show.
Here is the summary of action taken from the filed lawsuit.
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then CBS should take pride in the ABC’s latest reality television project “Life in a Glass House” (“Glass House”)

With Big Brother 14 set to première on July 12th, 2012, CBS is not happy about ABC trying to steal their ratings and viewers with their own reality TV show called “The Glass House”.
ABC’s recent unveiling of their reality TV Show “The Glass House” is causing quite the controversy as it is remarkably similar to CBS’s Big Brother reality TV Show. CBS’s lawyers have contacted ABC regarding the “classic case of copyright infringement” over their new reality show set to premiere on June 18th, 2012. CBS’s lawyers have announced that they will be pursing “all available remedies if this course of action continues”. CBS attorneys are demanding ABC stop all plans regarding their reality show “The Glass House”.
The CBS lawyers from the law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP contacted ABC via letter only three days following the news release of the new reality show.
In the news release ABC stated that their new show:

ABC Network Set to Release Similar Reality TV Show to Big Brother called “The Glass House”
ABC going to be releasing their spin off of the popular CBS Big Brother reality TV series this summer. The TV network has hired a former CBS Big Brother Producer to aid in producing the new reality series called “The Glass House” which is set to air its premiere episode on June 18th at 10 PM EST, and conclude with a finale on August 20th. The production is set to start near the end of May and will feature 14 individuals that will live and compete against each other for the grand prize of $250,000. The twist of the new reality series will be that the viewing public will have an integral role in the outcome of the show by voting online and through the networks social media (Twitter & Facebook). The viewing public will be able to follow the contestants and vote on who is sent home, in addition to deciding which contestants will return to “The Glass House”.

Big Brother News, Spoilers and Links from the Internets (2012-04-27)
Big Brother News stories from the month that have slipped through the OBB cracks. Casting is still cruising along just another couple weeks to go. No Call back spoilers have leaked, CBS puts strict rules down prohibiting people from talking about callbacks on social media, blogs etc etc. If you want to get disqualified then tweet you got a casting callback. Official start date has been released for this coming season, July 12th is just around the corner.
Robyn Kass tweeted when asked about the semi finalist.
“Nope, we have NOT finished our semi finalist rounds yet!! #BB14”
There is still a load of casting calls and you can still submit your Big Brother 14 application online.
Big Brother News and Links from the Internets (2012-01-15)
The News this week is mostly Celebrity Big Brother 2012 from over in the UK. Amazing Race Season 20 with Big Brother Winner Rachel Reilly and Skype Celebrity Brendon Vilegas premieres Sunday, Feb. 19 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Weekly BB News and Links from the Internets (2011-11-28)
Biggest News to come out is Rachel and Brendon (aka BRenchel) being on THE AMAZING RACE, I predict breakdowns, tears, Brendon getting overly aggressive and Rachel saying “nobody comes between me and my man”.
One of the long standing rumors in the Big Brother world was partially debunked last week. Jordan and Jeff are planning to move in together this new year. It was long thought that these 2 were just using their “relationship” to further Jeff’s career as a reality TV star.
Big Brother 14 has been confirmed and the BB14 Application form and rules have been released. Big Brother 14 Casting Calls should be known in March. I was hoping for a Big Brother 14 Allstars but after last years dogs breakfast of a season I’m guessing (more like hoping) for a reboot season.. Either way if your an interesting person and do not see being on Big Brother as a way to further a acting/modelling career then PLEASE APPLY.

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Weekly BB News and Links from the Internets (2011-09-25)
Really is light with the “news” this week.. Looks like the BB13 Players Sans Rachel are slowly getting back into their regular lives. Adam Poch (@HeavyMetalTeddy) Tweeted “Cannot believe in 9 hours I go back to my “real job.” 3 months off was awesome, but gotta get back to the grind!… “. We have confirmation that there is a Big Brother 14 This in 2012 and the application/rules are available to download other than that For all I know it’s JJBR again. The big Question on everyone’s mind is Dani and Dom banging (there getting pretty close in this pic) and will Brendon go back to skyping dudes? only time will tell.
Big Brother 13 Spoilers: News Recap from the Internets (2011-06-21)
We’re on the final stretch until Big Brother 13 , Other than Penis pics galore and Rachel being on Bride’s of Beverly Hills this coming Thursday there isn’t much coming out of BB alumni camp. However there is a deluge of BB13 news coming at us now and it only promises to get bigger and better every day from here on in. You know Onlinebigbrother will stick around the entire season pounding out spoilers, screen caps and basically all the juicy stuff from the feeds so why not support us, get your feeds through this link BB13 Live Feeds . FYI Rumor control with Ragan Fox and Daniele Donato starts at 3pm today so sign up to check the rumors.
Here’s a recap of everything that is going on