11:40am HOH room. Chris Kirkpatrick and Todd.
Todd is talking on and on about nothing. Chris – Okay Todd! Shut up and sit. Todd – okay. What’s up? Chris – lets talk. lets talk because I’ve got to nominate today. Todd – oh damn! MMmmm..yeah! Chris – so I know where your head is at. What would you think if I put up an obvious target for me and for you … and we know who that is. Todd – Okay. yeah. Chris – now who do I put up against her? Chris Kattan? Todd – someone that can win. Chris – so that’s no him. Todd – no, that’s not Chris. Don’t put him up .. Chris is not going to win. Chris – I mean I have a chance to compete in the veto too. Whoever she is against has a chance to compete in the veto too. And then three other players have a chance to compete in the veto. The ultimate would be if I could get Miesha.. because Miesha could crush a veto. Todd – yeah … so here is the thing.. who do you want to put up?